HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-11-02, Page 9T. NOV. 2il JW -i. = -, 4""'""rffs� 1, 1TV"W I I I ,, _ . 7 $ , 7,-TW"K -4tvr. a-,,, rT"'�T -- --4 --% 7 7 � ___ _ —�** -1 -- - 0 -"—�-- . , 4 ,� � ­ ..­0.,,,-7W�­"­r4­�--i- — . . . . . � . . � . I . . -- � -11011111� -- - ---- - — No" 1111111 ---- Im CAMOKS 0*9 ___ ­ -- — F- �f - - -.w —­ -, - , I A" 0 -r- I I . ���� I k — - FIVII � o'. � V - - L wc�� AUM 4 4# - - ­ - ;Pfival I I ­ - - - ,­­ -- - dFOGON11111101 I I— I ­ ilimil:lllllillllllllIIN -- i ;4T.Z====- - . -- -1 P !" !III! - .;� 1.11-e— PAGS NINK I 1� " — I I V ..$ h, � ,�t�.. ! 11 11 -­ - - -- - 1 4 1 . ---- - I . -- t i - - - a I I . I - ,; -1- ­ � - I , .141, 14 � I - t ow I . - I 0 1 1 1 . ". �., 11 I 1� I , ,� 'Ir I 11 , �. ,r: d m 11 I . .. . , � '. 1, . . I I "o ., I I �. , , r _ � - . I ;. " !, I . I , I .. , � , I . , . IN 71=02'a *&I ; "' , �� � - I 0� I I "A. , - , ­ � tromet co'"41"t4116 ,, � , , � , , , ,'.,t IV .6 HOW the I I - .. I.' ­�,, �. � , � , ,1� 1'�'., I , dwA I 30n " ute" . � � , : ��, ,I.V- v* I Wilk, 1ACW A614da I Vhat you Wy 1* IMAM 11tewh. 11140 " , �, , .�. , . ,�zz . " � — �'. �,4� � � , . � � ow . W XXV. V� ]k rl%1SW4T&K 0 0* No matt" ii *Xwe, emy tits Sup tv""," ,� I 1, " I ��' '. ��, � . - ,�.­ I "Wa .1 ituaw of tiffiffilitso, "Oft ft U4 14"Or AWAVI 04 "t 00" Wat to toft to IN"; I I � 11 L .. ckwon11101111111111111%, VWl I jkAW4 4*4141111114 411t C%$11104W) I I I 4 k1oulivil VAwd tho .."aype rsk= - ows bOOW- &up so got *W"b. , Le, 160' 4*d, I 1,11� . 11 - -- litoll. W**... * 4.1b," 4*0 " *Nofft it; Ittow I . I - . ; fAlwilb'Wripikow - awos" by * � ft"MI""g z zz��� *""vow Teu tbfs , . , I I - 1i UKAt SkQ104 -Tost Axe"IMAO)" 11 -1 - I - 1. *CV 6; tkojo 1U,chl"a; wtu,3 ftr YOU- I I 11 j. LESS(Ift FOR NOVEMBER 5 � *AW , Imt itlthtr � . . 'Already WIMS muslowess- . �. V4,"*""r you W I I I , irtskrup viouartro4glit Qt I 01t1jA*r 1my"CIA14 1L * L I I I � I 0.!'Olatibuted bV 0 & 190rouUA) 'Issus THE . . M . t I . Agricoltulf . i 000�* 41 . 40i ,7 41eteWA - Tileve jiw,0j,,* Alothite%lyk 4111trellce LF -N I . � I . ,Wo,. TXX,r-j.vU* 4,31 -VA; r#,J'., . �j , -V � . � 4teuk at luffig,tevifft C. , ,,;-"x 'Vk­KT­IitftlKjf t0ou, 'j"te in. � . I I . . . RE I � betweQu the Vy I 01, --%"d bar* our *wUn"l-It-411- �111SMpn I I I -* u'part-WVW AtillMoo, . . \ . r . lo;tua and the 0— im., .l . I 1 WW4 ItF,prmrN.('9 10400i Wat js a tyllrW" , loans r"e"11Y tagur,urotilod 1414thla U,Tf,ltlAL­Ua%t­ 'I;!;;. 11,� ow tva*"- 404 I . , . . -2 � A. OUWAO with & 0000Y Vb1to V* . royinte, Those who h*v* 061 0, blitV4 1-14i. I ! , � � _; V &14V TQV1C­1lQW a fkll� U�` i Ay Mae *ad whit tam4w litied WItu f0wo tota ot � . Ttlelelit will b""" "i", I'lall, ; I � I � � , I I thet vVeeedlus a W a* Urousut jL45, JC1116. A Wait to . I � . i� 1, .0 Are 11110 ,Vf�--T­118 Iliwalillig th't , br. NO 2 -"IA 1b"A,&Ut. � . , - served that 101194'evIll -- . 4t1.N1f,)il, 4%341 � pjorl groy OUR0011 . - . . � $ . : 'Cricultural ljovelov. ,Varglyflo. I 16 -00. IcAm" I . I I I direct by thet A * I IN . Trll,*IAEDIA,TF*A'.%I�E'k',.Nli-)ItT(l�'IC � I I - ,% Lein. i , C: ment Board, TA 'queelvio Park, 'To -4cst1w Powfl, to Forsh I I - ,*4stitly Mum. Plitaou0s r -O itiAt'no . , . � T I Ili L ra$% to thtfilk no IT WVW I I I . ­­­'W.F1!1,1V- I M= � rimto. short- ,;% m,,.Qrl,F. -km) ADVIS . Vnif4mPra I . cant yor� 40, . iiwmm, � 1i j, . L 1160 Of ear repOlritl hifflik house Irt Jititt"Lurg, WWI% wall burgled with tbe� loss of sevelk liveis .1 4� a BoArd" -jcrikl:�, baltiistv.v to Ilux"a N ; W CALOA101V � --­-��—­01� term loans at* made by th � g,,0w,lt0hTiDN VANC0VVFwfl . 11 ---.----, the prote'stant lit. but are made solely through locol . $int.6 the tople Sete forth UISUR us., I t . . 11 I I i I . . 'e- I& 'r I . I . D e . I 'Aall uligsiou**r A organized for . tb, "kireat elk�tiwiau, it will be bettt I I . I 1 . I �. I evs). . All 101�1 , * , hos- . . . . � n , a assoolatious I tb� table institutio 'etally, to love : I I � A - -- tiqs and churl part purpofie. . I . I I .Ses, vspt COW0111W I L I L I i I . I ttyt *atan'S r'lapire. A 900,11 TeUSOU Short Tulle creillts vettrIbOd. , at11r111-,111!r 111��Xt ,chosen Uy tile - . ; I 11 ` .. ow o., A* pitals,orp'114119,ges, ete,k must , i. � DrA Ow . I t111110 1. "*W" 7 I ABOUT, T1311 I I ­ -Ah- . I . I ')for this ststomeat� These brguiza- tee alld nOtt', the Several 0 titanding —IVW011#-- 0, . C1 e 1, I . � I . The reasou for this dinevtace in I U IS . � . 111. - . .1 'i , I ox - rates, operiltton litit in the differ- z car,eg 4)f III$ boating. Vex sillftevilkslao UA V I . I . . . I , . , , , . I cal Members Hands Out somleirlous the alory at orthoil , raet4Q.d at ilifly tue fine ease I 11 I . � I . ,,, I I , e Lo I tantisat, and the shame of Russellism. �fle . I .. -- I I 1, 40 �- , '4 in the lwature,,at tile AecllrMt' , it %vill. be better to rA Ing of tile I . . - 1, . I I I �'! "I e � In the 11 I . . I 'r' L' I., * I . I .�, . I . * � I I I 1. I Mak,OS I which sends out no foreign mission' and the nature of, the, loan. of lit-allng, naawly" tile It" � . : . I 0 . . . —milverton Rector . tU4 Aer-ur, I to, . � 1. i ; 11,161wnwent I - Aries. The work Of Hussellislu *'- matter of lozxg,�term loans - I I . . L I � . . . I L il 1 - A.vainst Russelli3m. way.$ done in C 'a colltr0s. Their Ity jo 'A Lariat U%Qrtg*.Q;e an I%U4. gAd rtavalytW , I � � . ! . , . I , * , mp�kttic Jcombwo. 4131�tl . hristia % $owing at the borrowlert, I. j H 040motilat (A . . . i . . --A.'. folattif sallft%,* i. I 111110 . �T'!�-.-V��.,­­­­ ------- ­­ � 11 I � . I . 1. , . ork is that of Satfia!ii agent, - , - . 1. . : ; I " , '3147). — . "; � .. W i the personality ev!�� � I ! ��- . I . 4 I I I . I I tares wheyO 004's ministers iluv . while important, is secondifirs. In , . I . ! .. ,. � . Ile eilpOli 141eilculng Isk the Ij t1te VQWQ over the toloilhalle � , �,� . I : Bo S. A, MON - KUSSEUSK.COMBATTEO I sown thQi good seed of iho Gospel of W11 � -,Vg$ in IAN BOOKS . fit it Lien't the pe�kt ' i � � - the short-term losollivAliQ soeurlty Is, . � . . a note or''Iteli Oil Obs`ttelff�' 444 tile, gynngogue ne . torruitted by a SOME � NEW WAP. . . Rrmvs Importal .1, 1; I 11, 'I ECTOR I Jesus Christ- A ' his ,4L . . I I . L. . 1i 11 E of - ay MILVERTON R L I a ujigletim Spirit. JeSUS . ---� 4ian speitking but b19 130vi'ttary-' L I . ITS FRIENDS SEES rr,,' L - I . ' . � .11 L Th attitelf; upQ14 the Orthodox had a] . . �4�� � . .. . I I L . . - 1� . : I � . - . I I , � : L� � . . � .� _ e . isters becaUse they personality at tile borrovor, Aud Inan wbo e demoo and compelled him train -ongo 4) . I V I I r,blistian -min . re�utatjail in the cowlikullity, Is Ono rebuked th . I (Clontilluold ", ­ 36U'lwi NNTiNQ , WTHR STAR' . �, I . � ; . --- ­ ' J"-- ... 1, _­ ­ , , . . ­ �L -� ... . I 1! .1 I es I t To the Editor of The St4r, . I �r bovs" hardshil?s and dall - Then' 10 Cowao�out, 'the a - Tills beA111119 ' P ­ . L !! — L . i f,;.�, .. I .1 k4itor of Th t Article I 011004 you of the,b tan. I . . I M---!-�-L:�--- ar. . Ig determining factors _Of ! t­!-�;!! -11 I ; . I pear slv�-Spelng your tPical of Rug- ly gracious, but, "teadera. — 117--- - .., . . . � � the Great War, a usually a SM411 one. L I ;.� I �.. , . - , 1,,What,about the I. H. S. A."' in Your I gers, in NO Russellite willingfy. too, the loan I , OW8 I .. Illain Who Anda `10� L I L."...- I I -i . � 'Al I 1. �. oil iresult not, ovthe V�,11610.brood L ed "Nefgh'60rhood" 'of houxQ� , if; the old V I � � most fair ,and v4lual.>10 pa- I , YOU the jQj_ $elliSlit. I - As, -the Maximum, the . - LL, I ! !� I , , joAbt be A, good VOWfOul to fact tree as lust, J* , list issue, I ata Sending ,laidships _wxad datil ,With. 42,0010 gUjIjbIQL nCwc6mer* shared these - I average 104ii. *111 no A I qf,'�dfabollcal lwas�loiik such , 'Catiolls" for the I . t: �L �. I . i 13 ,, tile-questioll i%t I - a gaunt big-oE . . I-- I .. 1. . I lowing Which, I noted in 4 Veen ing , **,!tit them. ly the presellevia pre4chN 000, it wolljd�"We'ro I eavy, h1ch Ville I . . � . . , I . tIk Uy sy IV the "Snoozits- Are , �4 . � the 1. B. S. A,?" in L ... c Rd men into the tr,�nobeg­lb6y. went deal under 111,1,,I, Impossible for 4, anger and jealoul IN Iva itt 4 cave Z tat . I I .. .. Caaadiartlaf.Thi.�.Mijvrertotx .Sun, , � . � . I L I +1 I . -11 . I 0, , L f A'areat . tho Precious jk�,c'stock I . . . � !" ;.: ­ L" W, E. ags4rd, ist church es 4ut y in tile. tore, be phyatov I Poluk family, wIlQ I I ty , repro t4tivre, bOt hat'VA-dtor 4ilt.-Ifibl` I"'I"' , EISS01- jilivxe. too. it, Your' Wye- Is watriij ofte to grant tula supervisO Healwit a Woliton a tilly have , . . . I � �J: � _ . , rn ag in . mud in tile trencher. the preachevs, 4 rent sections of P"I$: ,J�su* 11 " DW, and * 14 � '-L, � I... -1 %.�� I., � " i , ,� . �, t big 4*A way. t In elaphatic ,Combat agal L I , .Ali, In all the diff F. F builded stwelter-Otid thO Wid' . , ­ I I L I ��, -, I , , ,� I k 4v questio it lism *1 . lay there with thein.toil--while tilt, loa Wilt$. $0 3840), . � the $catch junwily-afid the, wedding! I I . I 11 11 T --. �� � the province tor.sitiall umo ovor v. . . . .L L I I Z %t t, the I ji ts a molet I (Milverton, Sun) hd athome. It . A'bf grAntiwlg� Short-term petees. mother-in-law was pr6strate I I I,, wpiting � of - the finest IP . .. � Zeisiuee,hah,,�h;rq Mr.' r,ev, R. C. Capper� rel OT Christ Aussollite"A'y 11"Is ld suffered over� ather Ayste, AceLa All -of at I S es %is egriadiatt booU 0 0 ­ � �', �� - : ' . If.' . I . - Tiley �wt P0 ',I . I � I I 0 - p - yoAxr UOYS Starved at . loans on VeVoaiial or �Ohektol aeourity � With UL .great fever. f typty-un ac - .1 I . . : I L' . . I I I I Kku W& �4­ �, .b,,rcbj Milverton on �sunaa 07 - mas, the ,preachers 41d, it ivith theta I r a 010le rro- L esought ae4us .for her.. in high Or3or among tbO..bgst litcr"!' Is . . . I ) . gntVest, in vale. ap lost, durivi big discourset Do 1: -died oVetsells-May of bY'A 4eVAVixVOMc6 r'O is inoy, householit b . I''.. . I , �, 1, il - - , I . - .. . . . � . . �jj­ , -ace. Suiall, lop.], . 't I . . I 11 -, , ��, �, I I iia� . . I � I .,our. �oys . feVer and it tilt L too of''today.. I I I 11 � I o-mbat the --W .108, . . �iA 11 vinew �0 . -",^ jr4so$ robuked the .1 A O�... n . '� I . , 11 ! . . , al ec died there W! � Is. In extol , . . .V9 tu them. - .1 gl,m Toronto. . t � call 74M ,�711111111111111111111 " AT. I .'' ", 'M I .,%, ?!- ."A.1u, ,�',�',Hov .., , �4�', ... �. ,�, .11 . ` L � , . ,�.�', � � , Labtl , . I ... I... �, , ". , �,�� W � � , �d�ol;� I Messave.ok, - V'r- chose .. vpp p "�, . r L � Houder 411 1* . 'L I , r I , a told your boys'their however. be granted V416" xe'x-- e alil r0fir U- . � �Wl , , � v. rif�,,tj�t Russell. 110 0100. No preacliev ittees familiar Ile Imme, . . ky�,� . . � " ' L t. . , .the ola� of the 'Vicarious LA_ -OMIA 1. , ltur"MOX � . L 11 , iAnv 'Reaven- , . . . � �Wkolleavea !r;:Yi st.-Paul's Epilotle to death was. part . ,safety b3r� local e r Ministered unto Oita, -NO earthly phs, - Tills p . . � i ? � . . �h His word, -1 - �. . . . Item . � I . I I 't. ,� , :` ;: 4: . j.;jOr.-,, the 5th chapter and the loth tonament of Christ but they did tell will, all the tircuntstanceo r ever been known to Call a marri. d Woman 11013 a busi" I . . . . . �L . i provisiou, Of r 01 be, - you ' boys tha - death .for Ubert`V� go I I I)IVIne lieftling is 1111- I I , bY , � � 1 4, � vex � 0. . m confidear,la i '. LL F. . i., .11 . L resurrection . tat. ye.'Al Z gur r t . t So, 0101cUlt- . olete. .We �Ijoaljj AeSs e 0 f,till do ber dut,v . 3 I . ; . 4.Thf L - . . through the Lord, tl, e that untloc, Righteousness, 'was a finer lf�d coin) .; er-Oxil ron? "Thlo. I . �t . rr,;28.20) Ara ,&c�Oi4jlx0jy a plati at' organtz- 1A that WAY' tie beating win(j her husband to . . : L � " , ! I nonQ Othrorwiserillinded" but b ttd , thing tb4a,the. life of the whito4l,;Fer� atton of local �favm, josix associalbilo modiste an r . I . I -1 .L I I , . not won 41*1 is L 0 . . L � . . I I I ,. , I nWg,'(Ac`tg 3�' troubleth YOU ghall bear his )VA44 ed P S'kUjkj.,r 'At .;-who r disilagulsit, bet F reedbia'! , - 11 . -L I I . , � I 1, , , , .iffiagellIte. , r . ��' , \ , "' L home - And, thio Is L r I e Vo. Ild ) H 11 es that . I . ,� 4 . �. j � , � � �.. 5e L froat the nient. -whosoever be be�ll r ld back from yout boys has been devised, appear, faith heallu$-, Faith boally'K 8 tit �i�kybo ', from -c nuide for In � , Men. . . . . . . � I , 11 It , I . � I , . A would have he 4 upon, the I . � . . . . � t � , re'VIV41 so difficult as might At first tion at the Min the woA4 was L I I . � ain 'live per- ,, Rjf�gseWsnj ig not new..r'bUt . reinforcements, $UPPROst and. L ,& membership ot thirty is required#. sultat tile aer owirby the ()egree.01 or S, have A for Cocoa . L 1. . ­- ' . � - . ­ , I' , 4 I . 1. r careoTst I.. , s 1i ,be a _ ." , �Oi ne created! of Nold heresleg.. For the dulles slid the forts.that Meant lifei and victory L r,ber. Willat taUll One I body and I$ ineasur bs V19 .. . . - .1. I . � . . I it & in- r . L . r and each, Mel] .Wajj:i�6i . , . . . . . . 1,1 ,: ,.� r , .11, od. it t6''be in I ;,. I . ILOO, lend Make I 116 (ii,vine bett0og lathe Ao' ,Which- to Strive while for a '�N'amawi . -� , " L 'but Must A% '-'.. t em. C, value $ , - then -hn'j- . �i:� ., . )� gi - .. .0 tile � ftiltb, 'Wb r . 'jetlia& Of Rug$-'lligm We loviO and r 'share f. $too) -lila-'Tiage . xi:nd . - . , _ven to the at . . or $ 1 0. power ,of 004 ullitil tl)c' there is 01117 . , : 1, il . I , " L 011'ristions have nothing - a [;�ent of i o- per ce-at.. . t -�, the ' I . 'tence, Rosalio. de- L . , . . . . 1I i I - - rist? W , t prsy,i.. and Hel Prac sat res Emplie Ill fAlling" but U ar, Pay! . ­ joa I Of I and .18 alWaYS'L COW 14 . . " . . - ... I I . � . � p - in tho way falsialy, iiek'Topres-onts"ClapitA - 'ji"eased 16 . mrmines td have a earoor, And, lint- . . . .. I " � % C -S iues� jty� 0. Mus the ,� Rusiellito, I -imi-is. plete, ambitiorfloss ex - I . I . ,imple, -provell, � r, I tilem from the dafk- ling in the roislaiQxi field This at � r tie, t L 'C'ake �. . .L., � . r I so: romoliAble ness jLtia error of Russellism Into the held in resery . .1% little lilt0v .. 11 .L . . � I . � . r �� lt , �, , I , �,�, " , kallv, f0, lea( litatca it is f at' - e, vhere� L t, eVor flAd Imm6diatt because it IS meosillred ften beCAU" of thPir superior 44�, 1 . . . I !, , , '.. . th�tr ;j truth whero the Protestant misdiOu4ne'SAll Ishood. Of VLAY larttlOv Psynten I by the - powier 00d. UIA ing r I never CaTitvmplate3 1, . L . . . � 1. I.. 1, I" I, light. For,the wic'Red teachlevs-who 'their hundreds are broaking down the CApjt4r aftount'r Of - *0 uealq. vahtageso She - . I I . L .L .. . . 11 I'll I L. I . . I I ,� ­, I " : 1, VY partake And lead them into error our - condomu4­ I d -oA spread abroad and Many sick of . marriage. She is successful in bet, l�L 2/4 towbottef , LL I . ." I:, . . � , :� ';�, I . L " lxg­�dt-- strongholds, of Heath6ndonli where the being require' ,,,,,, menibOxShip to , fame . 4todly'L Vomea,laVQ, j . . . . , . " � valy t L the noce . L... . I ­ . .ad. - fs. test to olgried lit, the towashifir 00, 41 e.asting love jhat LIS overpowering, She nlar- .L I cup sarar . . . � . . . . .. 'I, 4� . -,. i� e- . , ,,� , ' seage ' " .; "ile1hat'livet!) tion can be be o �;trp idols are bein the moles and After diVoVa ,s were brought ulltO Ou," work-, then, UUQXPQ I . � I Al rfeva ,dio"� , In anell Slid uAd V _ yolk 3, . . �� �, Are- r ness S, Peter"i Words 'n the s6l the bats and the Kingdom of 'Jes IS ,at are each Asked to rrr Ce heated them 411, even a 'St!ll To . . . � �� � the ones chap ,I of big Second Epistle,. d­t�, ChriSt'Le i and: I.o.rbidding tl!o­�lk t10 Vice,' convinced that she CA on r�* IL , 0909 I . . I I . L . I 1. . r 7 1 r� . ! I I ee CA It tile Governme , I r ­ L I ;ected in, thleir stead. �ectojs, and -subscribe AdepOnd, . lik I � I . 11 ' eir r R r clainis to, 1>o oppose 0 . ,�V;hpr- - I -Vi ­ appoint two -div out Oman$ � 11 tain her personal I V, cup all - . .L I � I I I I . 'I, ., r, � r _ epgiO for th whhor- - . I'I-Vi �04� (Z;. " in I I � � � ellism of .the q; in the cities ,w ere the Chri careeri What . I .� 111t�. , Will . I ' of HIM, , .12 an Lille - . % teospoon e I J� L � '1.0)� _aMe � -belt t st, _,follow n inti4mon. . I � grave- aece tioll-by It _ nA fin for one ia,to to I . a I m, , tbo , dortilmaittatIOU )cial Wafkar,is tearing down ,he AMOUnt of Stock jefilliff "silS a I i I r tapsSit e Of - iall St theL I mem�grs; thl W w hApperc to I - RusMjitts bav� twist i�-nd erecting L model d . subscribed b3.t 10ca. L. I I 1! a an� 81jeh it heme" if; .going t(. . &'a W(, When these L I � L . . -116" I - of Goa, 1. L � tb6 chIldVen? r Yawj'get :the 'an f3l, r, tifiblespewonli V*k'AA!%.,,%1 I ; . . . I Ill . q , %t ..... d t'lwe'Bible. more than Slam. It is failing wh r ver be added to i;hig reservO.,potlitefl, the L L,eproSy Waff A mogj toothSam . L I r Cocoa I � � . , �C .1 L -71 ­ ­ �. 1. X ed d dil . . e book and the tra ad ; I ,� .,. 1. 11 rotriCal S tL that bAS. ever ep- j'n; 'botiSe' I I I 'L I - in reading the � .. a= e , . eC. '. . . I r,hii�qtian hatids L -a re building n directors baVe been a$ - -, terrible disol VeCAU$0 of its tout ki Aw. . 13 - cups floor .. I I . .L " ' r r ' � . . I r jeutj vice . ,4 1*�� I - 1$sara-givo the pa ed. .,. , , ..;, -, - � I Ing the Rescue' *Hoitler, �,he Orpb- ar'SOCIation elaotia a preSil TheSo neoS alle affileted. thore"WIthL Wag an of the Why things turn 0 i - L ., � ;mtd,be l -L operet. . J.aspitlal,. It if, falling president and one director. I e -,vixg, lfft�urable bY at the tenaings of the bo 9'-safo- 211$ te,48ftoons h3ulust , . . 1Z . , ..; 1, - . lirethe waildis present ftenjZa: ro GoVeVIll at L oujoagi, .Tile 41SOAS tit: ; A. S. jkj. ilutchin,:on: r, .. , L I . -1 Ofr to +, -.r 'es -the visible Part 6f o �, sak. e-6 r ti .S .011stitut, . anage and the . eraver ithe. Gospel is omeers, I with ,the t% r was Togarde& The author. R , 1101fdor - I . . r � . . . . . p 0� mall,"therefore the ftel to autilcir of ,,it'Winter 1 , . 5id he - follOW; r .e And � veganizUti(m.0 wh;i�ever.end wh ,Ile dark the two, tow.nobIV 411� . colpos", mm('1101- - 'givs , I ,L t ;, � - - J, f WW lie S Is emPh ' .being faithfully preached And 1 directors and board at sevcA,, Afa hopeless ouil OOAQ� In response us land .and St4wait, Toronto. . . Whlwl a 2, t . . ,� , L .0. ESE14T ORGANIZATIONS ;Sin anif Error) such As X.ectors, constitute a ­ .., . L b6 -British glinly thing$ O� looks After. the , . t-4 lepoea . earnest 'efluest 'lei . -:;�,; ­.,-­� % cup wallUlts . I " 'I .1 X L � . - I .1 i ,,!.,- . " r Of ­�� Ills tmplm, T The, pr6� Rug-sellism, arel slinIting away into the wltleb, thereafter,. - 0 eproO to � . � (thopped) I L , . ., " . �� -tauched bit* and bade the I � W *0 UAT L . 11 I , ,� .. I jWst, loved hilra I , ation. 'A AeO, I I - 1,4; AS .UN - ava", 114 I I '.�, r" Ile At be part of it. �art r Of .it, dalkneed to which they belong. blislueS6 of the il Inteu, ,unit lie aled . 1111 I . I � . . . rL arjo."ble chai�w �dnt Ch . . ist be X .. lit vain the �, rile' retary-treasilrerr -to aPpo depArt avid immediately he Was be � &1114 allu practical t I tietispoo L I . I . . I 5 , L , hes rat - The toil%) 19 t3l . . I � L' � I . .. . _ LL 11 I . --- .,- 11 i ., L, � � it e -.U. . I .... r I " .,; tile 110%loUring . . . . . I I I '�, '' L . represe ju�Xe;K ugry sti .. I , I " . - . . ,, .1 � - I 2AL 4 , �" ­ - .1 .V , I I *11 t s jil. � big '-Aorks, IV 35" . . - -in vain. the drifting sands is the Only paid.Lofficer permitted. and ;,jr�;';�d� Leprosy Is a t me of. SUL I ,hinis rZ%,,f.-'-,:' ,01 AUY 1. lf;L totalloon "it I o . .� .� I , jn�i an#j iwillig, r' . i . . � use I . 04 , has L Pa - And cleanse 'L . .1 . . . . . 13oned. V,t 20 the Mother -of luirlots, When. the association Is thus form - to boal - , I . . � � � .W�,, - , , LLL I I ­ _ 2, Rom . . r . . . � � r.., .1 � ... Ili . I . * . fn'v,L.. mt - � I . Subfirixe. no , ternal Rock r . Wt To, wor I I I aille Nvjoru� uuL � . r I L � A Z--,� �r r , .. I year with � ; - . . . r 1 % * . it the t . sus . . . W� , ''The Zter3rial City St4nds, 'it continues tl*Om Tl 0 ��, I I I tile x1ow. I . L. . . . ':' . , I I � I , - � , L . .1 . , ;9f election of offi �aitfd restore. , . . I Tons or 111,*y 111 .. Neth0A""'C*ream buttilv, ., - i$K,P 7 . -- - I I -, . �.. , ­ ­ y iled a I .!. . I - , the u.--- L r , cers, `� it � 114y - gVedually- . I I r ' , � aii , . tuns L 0 r I I , .IOUS .10, 10AU aralytic V) *. , . . I ". 1 � . 0 it pattalim of Such Miller'i I- 1 Jesus "Cal* r at P e uumber Jjj . .. ,add sugAl I I , -s Wilt ,erad' $L call' th" I . ffttih,` for the , S,ekjug truth calinc, 1. Worm PoWilet and appiioixt . IV. . . . -u&tlj 1)y 1)w Add - ' ! . - ' - ­­�­ � - ��', �'�, .­ vainit L it L, Up, L ). 'L r njultiply tile It. I I . ­'. , . 'irs af, took-, andli like tho'r 'Worm evil jlwat. bears Me a ra a .�e " I . . I . 1. . I beaten Q99WY0lkq -, - , ­­ r , , ,....'r I . , � ­­­ . . I - Stuff! and they I L tit - In �, . . 1 ,, I., Wt I elate 40' be Made from tf t ,tl e, t I Wbrea4dkj4j`i6ajld tfiell bF��fAt'I'ttl:'40t 114ty' . .0101y. , " I , . . . , 0 nt lle_' aiwt� of I how ffdr�n and ig �believed to iuftr, who will Arrange . , J-..' watelted by itije Ph4ilsees and % I and beqt . viltor . . . r� . � , I , .. "MiySelf nine, yesvS 'aga') cattle - , . ­­- a, I I . Fily o'n chi ecretary-treeis . r. -jut. cuole -At � � . I ; 11 " " �ugsollitel ill `�r it, "I do 'not thing � ttle, Rev. gentle-;, cause niany fatalities. Thev 'are an S sidered by,the di,. "'Iestis, flame spread lllhlk,,....wlt.l.,-gl:v.Q,Ajlc*-U=ul: , . uix . id siti dry In- ,.r " . I . I I � K I- I " 0 b. , X)Pctovs (v. 1). t0i ­ L . Iting. ' grr e dL i 0 " tS, k�owau'13 , . . ., . 0 injjv�`S, remarks W& '01 Ally, ,credit to I t . eve them call -belt, -jewouss Divide by 40u, tifl 'I L I b3r'otbeTA'­' P11 I acee table medicine to chilaken ,And L --and-thlg only -I led . r - )lit, balting, , . I . . I - ; tectors. .. bly. i,e � Abroad. 1: �Wjj t be the t%aiju er, lit ,towk.�. gi, to . , too; bilary"'lijin.ala a Minister. The question is , fully: relied Up In . . 1, ,r Coo I L '� �. are ;can V _on .to clear the _ praotice,41t will proba' . of 'tliese men . .. uuvibv ion and, r I I . .1 L r 14 - , �11 . I I . I I . I an the part oro'uobt "(VV. 'IS' L 114� N,,,tri(s Ill ,density dtie to t1lo powder; cinnalt . : I I I . I I . I I I � , � o 'k Lj I AoN,cr .. ,. I �L � ; ' , , �o often Sake y - 11 ,IF GO& is' ­ ­ . r . 2, L c - and' WOW ter . A "When is another 1, ,fOP4 cllgitnelar-tharoughlY'Of the$* de* ro�n-dr degiVabl. to have meetings at ,� TI e _,t,jjVjjj,ytIc Df Mtt g1*1111111" Or ree thiles. Add _ Alld vepro.'settl � ,qior- OWW, �, . strildtive parasites mid restore, the I'll- uMderatton I _11aritclL salt * - - . . I I r � �.. .�,;.& __� "qtcj­,j& S. & 1411' a I aittful'Surfee _ stated Period$ for the cd fto'llway e lesson in. ClArlstlim '"I'tal Ur tely with milUf 1. . ,� lo , !� 1, .M� 't , SOW, r ' . 1`1 I I I _ I _ea.to health a tornO ­ � I , � -1 r L 'Ito, dea,iv6d. m n "at flatadd at , 'loans . . r L . r , jh.�t ,rwhi�h ,A id 11)), Tills Is 9 1131 from' WhIch It is made. tilt! I( I .1. - t4S'4 Rev.. mp L -p not heal the man# b ell 41 red, tho 1',Izfj us.d . . lia An(T fold in. . . . r 'r . 'r L :' F that ,will be .,also -'rf I Vein. pt the - In this WAY, loft' A 0 * P ervice. Thj?y coutd , :� �"., time it Alaa V .0 add vital I , I., � . - I - . t ,* eth a - (G 4, filiness. . -They are at ext'0119ilt . The massed without Any Intitilrvettle 0 . � I 1v M1.1 other . I r.�r �, f)L ljoaten � . .. . . I I L I 1, � far I aal. 110 the 0 0 sllo# Ile Ul � Wit I'Va . 1 I . bet- 6.7 , Actgj � 11 -.32), *1 I hope . edy'for these evils. - . either to the borrower or I I I lbut could bring 111111 It, Tiley it d depth of t Ow� `&1`1 -' - . -LL � . I L, . . -�­. 1. i:, : �----.­� -, I . I .. I ia r)litck ciosell tIltill, 4[OVQIV, '--")- stlif, ' Add chop -ped alwaL .. . : . . I - 3el, then *, 00 --much space*-, . Or$. I I I . I ,could behl and restore. . srassm I to the saake. �. floured rn, . 11 - I . � , %1- I 1, , , takii)g� UP,t � . I . . L 4, 3.2) . .1, . I'Ll Aul. reo,peotfully,yoursi . I I I A Uttle bay. reo�hcg.jar the moon; direct g Already Varmed, I . I I is to beat blow. NO otort , low atows do not pack . � I walnut;. TU . � ' L ' I L . I � , . , . . I I bik boy for the':Tn ' I 1, I Itb irk . esi 11 . into a , uro , . . I . I .1 I �. I I i I . . 6onshine. - : � . Association . r to juOr'- gvelfikd and 00 that '46' , " � . . . . In , dollelty AS do the OPP ulows, 01j I I , - I Q 'people L, ' ' L ; , A.TRUTH,LOVFIA� 'i, I . I b 1 ta�wjcjj Is"jequive& to bring 4 $ - "tt ill velectilig It I L an Alld baho in *4 , L I � I I . , , . AlthoUgh this Plan has "ell o' T. t. Latent. Must be ust ed Ar) vain- I . - -,t — "-,;� . , ., . . I I 11 - --- . . . . - tore the farmers of th4 rrovitite- for. I 46su be regarAed as too 01111 0 L Above or. -biulow, 41tv 1�1100 X 1 � I . . � I - I , . I .. , O.O.' I . V I 4 :"act r I ve I � L L . .. . I �L . .1 , ? - . - 01 � I Lly 's few $ . aonth, tell 418,10 $'s Lould ' 2M ,ng. Tile IMY In the L I . I L I I . I . .. . I clatiolls ,Th, ,Wlants.slas 111orgivert (v - .bottotw ,leg, Cover Vith ICOCO3 . L . 11", , .1 I- L 1� 11 11 i I I '. . � .. . oil I I . ;a its I estimat] . I I . . '� t �... , � L� ­ I ­ --- tila. .. I . - 4. and are doing of - the palsy feing . 11 , ". ... ,,,, I., '. "ve.been. for'Me P .Tog. 1'.e keld, baek , at a WOW 20 feet,deeo will 1W 1140cQu and docarate, top I L �, " . � , I era beve been 0 ,%tit IS 4 ill a -walnuts. , � �� . While two oth ca fae_� space obiyON011 w with � I I 11 " L I I . ; � I . I In - 't I I I. , n. ,&Il (11�egse And de � I , business, 'I, Inio halt the . of Cal ­ 1� 41 I . et passed on * he mow ,. . � I � t, , 'formed, but IfIlre not Y jange from, L the result Of rft� 3eSUff SAW Ote Inow only 10 'feet deep, If .. 1, .. , . ­ .L 1. � � I . I . ... ... . . L'. . . loang� L Loane granted not only Nirba, brought tS attly- 1.0 feet deep' the factol' I 'i � colvii9sA p1hrleatill covalt . . . I : , , 1; .. �1' . Is" ; L $125 to $1.jS00, ut Individual cases, � faith of those .. shoulE, be 609, it .Z0 feet deell, 360 . picucil Ito 00% Mid thtlo . I I . I I j fnannef-of purposes 11ini, but of t1le man blinself I averagv I ftV"t* L %is d6lidous 114,vill" . . . 'f ,� ,. ,P- for, all I ("Vv, 21, will be nearer correct. A fair, I Irat0wis . . ­ 1� - -.. . -1 � --j- I. ... I . and ar th,fitrm work. T urpose of Mtr(tcles I fo�- all c litittiono is 400 . L. 1, � . . . I ; "I. 1;��,, � -W In. connection Wil hey 4, The P 0 . � . , .. I .." � I . .. . .. I ,. .1. I � - I are repayable at tile Old at the year on) The, PbarIJ;eV d Christ .of I I I L - . . I L . . . ' ,L �. , 11,i ;; , Ile maleg TOUS Of MAY 1111- A 14tflCkl L. I I ­ . I L. I � � I .. . . ­ I . . . I , with interest at o% per collL, but, Of i -' ti. He declared t - . . , L . I I ­- -: ��. ..,. I ..- �. . -- ----- ---- - - blasphemy,whe .. theal To'AA,d the 1111131110 Ot tons Of Ilay � - � ­­- 3;11m ­ . 11 � . � - I . . �L-11 , .11 �­.. I d'for AAQ ' es , , , L I m,� � 1, ., nay be ronewe thar $Ills forgiv, on. j Us Showed I ­ L . I . L . I � �:­,­ . course, I a stack, itipasorev the avc.13hrOw I , W. I I I . ,, .� I . , :�, .-;.�:� I ra tool that talch that back of tile beineficellt deed to the" In . . I I . �. ­ L -­ ,ar if the directo -a"- multiffly Uy COUPO . . . r, I , I 1. . ye � justified. I Mall was tll!k�-.,Aelnomitratlort-,Ot--Ot Alfitallce.ot tile Slack . I . �.­�el-'L'.,� -- renewal If 4, as. � --------,. - the Itingth and breadth Ilk XPet, thf,", . 5611d thit- -d '1.V--1-UA­�-,4:,;�, - ­ 1, , � submito to th -Tjjo.-ijjftia,j)urpose� 131 tile wbvk- by three ... 1 -1-,V.�44";.:X. ..� : . , '11, . 1 �­­­ L.'' Each applic4rit ,tile * il.111111- � -,.,- ­ r %� � to. i��;-- - jociatiolt-t�-detiXtIC4''-4tftteiue.ut of. his I L divide '. . , reauAlwil, I e -"-, I ** I 11 L .. -1 �. dotty :-v MIT -M � . . . 4 ad liabilities, Aled-4180 Signs Ing ��,',Mlraeles Is the authentication b,nt, Wilk- --CW-Q­.f,jtV-,%-,�W%W,Vt w �af­ MAV . . - I 11 I � . "­ I 1, i 11 . a promissory t . V*1' "� . A,,' �� . I . I Assets al tore, The application 1, of a� 4jVjA,_,jajM&jjj,Af ,014­mwVff� feet. ,If - MCI - 11fly 114,8 b�,eqt statilla g I $tam 6 or & ) N., . I - I ,� 1. , . working of the two Ulan fad the slaej� not over. a I ; . � L-.. . .., then endorsed ---by thO 'Vwv"M'�Tlt I f6kning tuent. . The ths 4 Rve I , . 11 , , , . � 4 1 h - 1� - . .. I I . I . 1% . .. .. ��'. -,-�` 't I-. i,-. ilssoclation and I I to demonArate Ills Ru- 12 feet 11 9 , divide by 500, the VO . I I . .-I '.. land secretUry of the , I e vroa e Tecipe . i . . 4N 11 t in. to -the Ildaril. for aPproyal to a,tone, for sin land to KrQltt sulling-numbor Is the a40W r In toils, I . I I . 'L . -",.,-- - I Xon I iaf�o�r Y . I � 0-74 I -,�rlo . , - , 4k . . . and . t it While tile divine power -L. SWYODS011o .­�o , LL I I I ­ i I -to cover I tort Lot . U k1to 4 0. L ,,,, , yo for issuing. Of eheque t'll"It O's \ �t .gabeaholoa tour itt loaned to,an &ago, is shoWit, the wls* - - L, i r . iffairaeut Xt. Coupertowit, Ne* I � I the total AMOU bud �Vutbotity are thn I I fill"ge I A L" r 0 i i� . I �... . -1 . � --p.. - ­­ - -----t 1, --�-� ciation. while, theret0io, the sub-' , data and love,01,00d are Shown in - UiW4.f"ag Lautbo ' . ------.. . I I . le 'L I .*.--""---k . . 0 r motbero w"4 I I , L I ... . 11 . . . . . ched train the Alkali- , bs that have lost thel :-- I I i � I ject Is atwVrOjL .Wif �,�� - iij la, it I 1� 1 N 41'� I'_ I I I . 5 the loan -oil the land 'It cagc$j the Superflatural Work Laval !! _;=��,�� ­­­­ . L point of helpful ;604 ,of tbo_ Individual. A or havev milkltlss mothers can ve alle- ---- I., .. . .. . . I . .1 � I . I .. . 1. 4 , . � 11 . I . . ii: P 450 - L . ,-. . -1 � . 1. . in carrying aUt his fArmW9, opera- I 'Is 90*r � tile 1 A is never Spectacular. . It cessfully reared by uslAK-90at Or A Womew 's, Pride . I I J, 11 ­ . Zeq= gp: z: .1 . tiolis, it will be seen that due regard -1 ,r,,,, talrag P At milk lit a rubber-niPPIP4 nurll 4 11 " � r . I � . 11 � . . . . in, paid to tho question of security, I's not aicrely a demonstration, Of 'COW bottle, The nowly-born lamb rf- I . I � . � I I . . � L - � I I I . . . -00-0- L I able 41scretlon Is OXOr- power, but the working of power for 11116 f milk at ' The S-eful pride -whidt L I 1� , . . ,, .. � .41 andif TOASOU lualitity 0 , i -4 , . . ,It . � � . I . r on V,by $Lily Of beliefIcent,ends, tile good of 8611110 one quires a Small ( or thr 6 � L 11 c1hed there its no rest % very frequent late ,rvals. Two - of . 4 ... I . � .. t1to motley I 0 - I te;�spoousfur every 'hour for tile firot % makes woulatt careful I .t I � 1, ... I . I I 130 loaned should go astro, I y in new., . J -easo as tile her appearallee a114 eoat- L. L r , ' . - Inel . .. I ! . I L I%Voll 1110ribUttd- 6, Itelativo villut of phystpal Ills a It a gradu . * fl, . . . lljalab'v�graws older.. Many UiOkO the .. I . I I Tho number of A090412tions now flifid Moral 41114 Spiritual tfithl4l" -born lamb I. plexiou fillds a hel� in the . I . 1�1 . . . . egarded as is vetY (V. 23), vilysical tits 'live legs serious I mistake ofIggLying a newly . I., I . I 'IV .., I . I . ,doing business [a r 1. ,,,, h� 'tit I . . 01 L 11 . , , I -QtOT:r otart. With Ae Aaw � lit I tit icriij, a it will, taj�v At two or purity ati(I delitate el1ligill- , . xre� I . r3atisto I tb$a the $Ills *bjell cause thent e - A . . I 4A it WAa not extietted that i I *u - -6 phould follow , eds day4 This treatIM I frattrallce of . �. 11 ­4ft- 1. . 11 I I D�yn C up in dealing Wall C 9 I ­ I � .1 I I � such associations. would xPritli - al e of (%list allid first deal 4'ery frogucittly fate" n"Y'll 'A- . , . . � ., I I I 01 . man And sweet and' - .- - -- I tat evil . feeding bottle Olt 1 . N a, night Ali ,over the proylll nor . � % fresh COW And., . . 1AL .i �- I wag it regarded vs desirable that I with the.0101se. using the milk front I ­­ - I �. I I L . ; "�. a I � PURE ' . "I I . such should--accUr. Tile, isolsociattonit I , . — W-----­-­t!71�', -,... � -.1 I ter -ding bvery F100-6r1*0 IlUtil tic BUOYS 0 "� , ­ I - , . -.1 . A1111' ., ; - - * ­ . .., 1, self.l�oviif. , . I . lamb. Ils four.weeks Old will OUCTAIlY ' . I . , . ro Soleeted jaclUflel SOM4. . If ed as 10119 40 the lar4l . S . I. . I .0 , attice site vell smtttvrtd� . I - - '.. �� Now la- exit I , , , . I , -111 ­­ I- - . I . . I .. tie, provlzlce� The Board of , � self4ove Is A leup W101011t Ally hot, g1vt good regalts. Milk nisty be con " . I �, io , D -1 I L over V Of j 0m; YOU . 111111911t , pour all thO great.. thilled OSO, C. 1) , . . � ;1. ". I ­� 0 � Directo t C 4 lonbe � .. . will take It. stioUld bottlp-rc 1, f I �)Il' I 260 . � y, best tatmers. Iti. tho country. I d condition tau �83 , � the 'Vet , lak#g Into it -in ilevor fill It UV- be I � � I -- I develol) BeOuts, this 1A . , I I I . . � �, . .- � I . Their ll ater an 0 IV, Holtnes. . obecked Usually by heat4lir, tile 11111k / 'A"'A I . n , I ..­.­ , � . , . . �. . their . � to boill"Ir'.'roliat and then cooling - --I-Aaby � ,.- I . -11� 09 � I public-sVirited efforts to Assist I , if,oll . � . , y -,) I . . � their lleighbors In the, illatter of :40 A 'thought fai, Todfity, I � .­ the associations orstinixed I - I hall. fliat sudgest a6ifter quickly. A tvaspoonful Of castor �,.,, , Ajl# �?L - �v t I � ' stneo*sIves I lev ., . "� -1 ... A good Iftudilig in their �,ejfpeott,fe I who aft t a, I tjMt,rj0 - M04VIttAl. I I ; ,.- . - � .�ter Ile gilen wilb tile milk is also = e . . C011111011111111tteflF I maws soriant? To hN own W tive. renis,4y.-L, StcN018011- . Atififtwitt $001$ I Give& jt� * iffiew � - . I tilture.,pt this plan is AOW in lotifirldoth or fgjj0tII.�%tamfll)s 14:4. 1 1 I l I I -MMM --;-�--!-!�!-!�!!!��_.�--,-,.,-�-� 111*N01,11 !!�!i��-� ��!!ff ­ ­ - �, � I I . - . , T1116 . --.-4-1#-.*— I �: � . " 7Z.�--- r"I � � the h*nds of the f4rWerh themselyes, Irs . . - 177F7 8 ; #to ftall, ­� top 1" - " 0116rd ?8#40 #AYV tMtMftt, fft' I '� It 'Will twitted on the stittuto Zoolt Tf1tv Lord Knowifith. I x1teinottly6. systm'Of Merit In j �� the Uril kvfo%�,e tM8 al�4 - A allet We S ,� 4 . , . 44va It, If" � I "It 4 . ,th our tri orflogr tertfill, teller for all disottlers of Women. it is tpolip-1 . I . . 11 ... . ,Ut ana of VA106 s$ #A 11tornotiv# ttmWiltreth that We Aft 4UXt--JV14 j Lily ,Ii L isto it# gairorliv 118"e. Tht dtod waste Mttl�r � SjV^,Y#AV* I �� 00 SO' - -Whtro other stentleg ivftt (6119d Ill' I I lotomy and is a , 11 ' - I V. I 4 tift# , ­- 1 "A I 0 . ... - P is txpelled. SIVijW Immedlath Infatal orid priTslem X ,0"*r *oy *4'"*t_ �­ ­ I—— ­­­ I adtiluott, or ultsatlofoetor� . In tile corl , rcNef" the blood Vessels Afteu ­ --- ---- .11, ... I I— -- - - . j - I . . . � -01- i I I I all about it, or Writift � jaorv�s tjr�e taiaed and strell8th- , .1 . AN AINGLaw 'nit,&DISP, t tion telth, 'u ,,(;, p f4ifts tw 4W 411"111111k , I r.f. S. 11jItN ., P. A., G. T. ,­ �,' 11 enclil: and the elreulatf011 IS rtll- **A k 4w4ts I r I o -I 4 0, �N­ . I ta I , Ont. � . I . � dcfed to .110rm'Ill- At, this I tMA!- . . I I � Wilt *dsoan, , Of Tot." ­IL, Toronto' 1, Wetly fitiort. ^ Soap-:­,f.Br ,'Sol law- I Two. buril Mitt* M"h C i wmt Is based 0 ' " "I � ve - 4 aiftd one hindred. orA, xeventY .C.Allarth,-It it�otke,of t a4wa;'m on tho 1$2.2s Qu . �& 4 * '40,10 onto it, lit jituaW Alo- par -of Dr- .' # . . We V1141101ples, ,1k � I ftl -A. '&a , reeommendxtions e WtOrn- I aetbai ll , Otem" �t " I . 1101"01111111111111" - W- anu ,oll-Dansing qualities gmvilneq-tuivne*Ptorolit.00tthA#rw4it the figbiric thilt , ,ectric oil that it Cal, � � . 11 � rr forav� at ttvale A-1 I , �� ­­ � � r 19 better 1111111111 it hAV'b"Ift for Ally *ith ts niuch success as it eAtt ipannot holp but to Sao& ift am r6owlts, Welud. I 00-, -0. y0a . 11 --- ­. - ­ I. I I � it e*t,C'h## tre bckin,k iD- I I 1. some Alme. Gres tfftward)�-. 'Stiffev"s Ito)!' exttirlrl� -A&YC4 404 Painful ultb4trll' I , I . ,oil when use I Ing d, 1. and household use* , nutde�blfftck bass; rubiting three and .will find ,that tht � alsoo. le"Corhilea. falling of the MW, ­wsitfl but. ,, � trout three ,cording to dir-1-T--tions will give 'o I � 0 . . . )gjb, cte. price 1?.M ptr b9l, four votinas, Igpockled IA41 I 'Wi ,� lt� - U. .f.. Man front 18 � � I I pion"di, and istmon trout up to twe tell(% a � -, ­- - . �.tblph 51 saffieltrit for q>^ I Wt * , '10r Atent h9vP ill relief in the Oil I - �4-- . M, , �*vll � -All , f0w , - ftys. worth Tmi, . tnK0hjLV_1I­t!1 sh*ve or Sligo ty.five pour&. This Pork 19 IdO U �10,�001 " tat Tris&imt, v 'u, I for to I simalf-, .. . . I . & ,tifirlitoer sM irfitrs* 0VI"r, Allid hAVO t0nt fft moniffill 0 1 1"Anth"s trett llro�,,, . 11 , I selod mt ll�r 144tesc I �. ,%L t%, InIl Of " A' f _ —�44641A% mak" it I I., v. , I � GW I I I � Ifth r4ik& -*I- .'� , , 4 " U, � - ,. .. � J! el=10�; in , 1- - 'y ! 11.�, , I ­ -,­ ,. S. �11 � � , '. , � . , I . � �, � ­ . I � ­ -Q r. 44. 01, I � . .� 7,7,7 7 - '" I I '. I 1 �, � . . . . . .4 j . . . . . 0 Atoil r , I �_ . L ­ ,�, .'' " , . -� 1'. t, I I .1 . . � � I . I L L 11 2i Or" 1b � I.' , . , I ,food 1*11� .. " � I idohtow I�1(1 . , I boulia 11 I �, - . t I .", t . I b9fe I ,� � boubeffil i, I Still Wt'LL 1111111111 �. . I cu I .1i I XLr 111111 I fav%f gom hl SM"All 11FIN 4 F W,flt jil *0V ,WSW IL12" & I A. miftri ,Wh6 trifielles - S , , tud 1 0 : 11� Ak,", �� . I � 1-1V . oovalar ispot for 00 ftmmtt Ir . X, is 010 - '1�0 beloft S Am *lit I 11 . - ­­­­ . thit X thowille their 6XVIltif I r � I � .At I Qww"y A fine work. WiSilist, *hi aw not like to Iro tell 'follor M11 �,, -A 0 ;1 VOILSOV ,, 1, � AM, � � 1 Wafla" * - � . r, so ­­ it, ,Ask olly rAftodion Natloft G* rA " W906 A I I I I A �� - r � � . le -1101 / *41AWN , I 0 "IN W 14 ON OWWWOM, W i 0 � 00,001- .......'. 0-l---- - ­------ Tionk Agat for ill*OtftW J� of cwnc�- , oftwWAI*­11-0, . /)-� I P � -, 0 r Ir I I . 11; * I 11, , I 1 4 � I " I 1. I ,�'�' � . I I I - 10, 4 I z I I.— � �) It -,%* I . - I - � - � - , � - . z I . P I v%z=. -4 4 � - a.~- -� .- . - � I rr ��, I I -1 , k J, . 1. �$ 1 1 - ft.�� %*1 A I . IN" '. � � - � . 11 � kow , I * ... , , I .1 I- '. 4, . ­"�� . 1. I . I . - . -- ,� . I . Ililililliiiill��l�11111111 , � . I i \, � 40, f - ­ i t"-. . � �, I I � . . �% . - I - - , I I � - "I , tillt'llillimillilL� . . . . . I:i_ j%.a&-.P . I � I .1 t �� - -t I t A - . � .�! A. I 0, - - � t " , -A& -,!%;O. -- - - , il — " ' LLLLL :! 11. - I I --- -1 whossi — A -- --- .