HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-11-02, Page 7_M-.41WITURnAv
* Completely E ui t"Sn" 11
I Incidentally we wOuld like to mention that every
del artrilent in our store is fully stocked and thorough.
11 - ly 6'141)ed with the best and neweFit Inercliandiso.
:clay we have the pleasure of serving you with dI11
stairs Iferchandise of the tight kiticl %n(I price%. NV61
I can Certainly do it to your complete satisfaction. NVO
I griaralitse lluality, Our prices -Speak- for.thelaaelves. ,
, * The Square. Goderich Phone 90
. -
I iI I . I
'VICTORIA SCHOQL Mr 6ke, on "Ferseveranc 41
,,rev �P 01
. COMMENCEMENT I verence, t1w 0111111A. vincit," perse,
. . conquers everything, - I
" . _ and . aid
. stress on the habit of sticking to a
. I RM"Wa 890"ex Win* - Park Meakorial thing. , &I -
I Medal, Other Prizes and Certlecat. .
; Presented and An .lAtere ting Miss ftli[149_4
ea � s Ithe audleoce with -a vocal 8010.
Elden then favored,
.. Px4raut Q
. iven. I % - * , � Miss, Sharman, Principal
Very SUCCeSS — , , Central
school) was 01104 for 90 address and
fully were the common- spoke very, nicel:�L, of , "honor And
I cement exerQiaea in Connection. with Courtesy."' .� .
Victor'& SCIAQ Cft'rl�d Out On $'rldW A contest in oratory WAS take '
".1 ,evening lapt. - There was A" Is ,
, tendance, including rKe Rt- Part 14 by four contestants, Jack Al'-
. .1riends,.as well a Ing parents and lin, Delight Hutch,, Helen Johnston
, a the:1?upils Of theland Winlllfred';Shephtlrd. The vlar-
school And the grAd"fink-dia � f . Ions_ contestants- I . 4 _411 J
�- % - lust summer, - - - - ? f ' . ,howed consider -
I able, ability in Puttlq$ their material
I k4l Rev, R. D. Moyer ably occupied !lie I to .+16 MW �, :
. .
st6adwc in wri" %141 vuuwr Wise
I mi" xa� W160901.
.1 IA4i# tNara tolm gulls 1-;4W of kis,
soles and was much
e I
1r,.1ltby,%X,=R po"PIC 'irald by
V a . W" X�lw urouga
with uuw"t precision 41-4 1was vory
prettily done.
11odheSon gave 4 nine violin
Rty. Mr. Iredley gave an addre&R,
I and the..4 Caine the pregentaliQU Of
I the Robert Pmrk memorial silver yw�
� dal by Inspector Tom, Mr. Tom
commented OR thiv work of the donor,
""iet" LuuxixtOlks in, this literary
world, in his new novel Just publish
,cd, the scenes of which are laid in
Goderich. The Vinner of the Medal,
Ivm Ross 110ey.
A chorus, "Scout ,guy", by the en. '
s Z
trance class kind the 8 osing of the
National Anthem closed the vcry in.
teresting, evening's program.
4* ...... "�
. DR. MaevicAR (IN CHINA,
Returned Missionary from Ching
Preaches At Leebura, JVnign ,ArA
Knox: Church, Goderich.
On $111144Y last ll,v,_Rii�,
ars returned missionary S
* ;Who preached at Lee•
teriAn church on ftitilav
I itection with the *Aml-
ices of that church, at
111 Goderich township,* in
I.- And at KAOX church on
ans. Dr. Maevicar also
f6wl'.81APPe"n. Monday
Author of The Twenty -First Barr
(See review On ,page 4)
- I ---- --- ___11_1^.1'11
enlists Wag' " J0110". MIS Ade-
!,tide Nairn, Mrs. F. Saunders, Mrs.
Runkopt. mf�._Pllax- K. Saunders And
evening a fowl
meat were held
supper was .sulv
of wild go(
r good' things, p
' sorts .of vie, an,
Fel Nat
for *3.9Q►
: L � - L . - I'L �'
The scratch felt -hat. is
oche of the leaders for
falls and these are new
blocks and medion and
dark greys, 'beavers, and
dark brown and pearl.
Sizes 63J 0 7 xi_
. . ,74 P
. .
. I
'chair, and with his 0 e+. vY 1Yad good nlAfter.AIA4 rT--- pr kut� worn TOL which'he has _ .""'o ,, pkv. ,&III:XV was it .
. . genial Manner in.the main spoke well ,Aid clearly, given himself; large reliXesciAtation from' Knox .. .1
"kept everyone interested. It was 4 Pr. MaeVicar Is a � 0. ,.
. __
but one: you y ed in native of q5uebee�Provjnco, was a- church,, 06derich, and from the coulk. . , --Z:.- .
I I � I I . �
long= program, lasting three hours, the .totAl abse mong try round,, an e entertain.
but was keen throughout, ' Dee Of hesitation or re. the first Missionaries to enter I I I
't .I ,__. Th 11 'petition In speaking, And her matter North Ronan representing the Pres_ meat began every Available inch I
I•. e Opening number was A chorus was well put, I 1, 0- . .
t0gehePv and the judge b,vterian church An Canada ,over thir- room 16 the ehurc4'wai;,um#d, A large M
,(Or two, chorus selections) by the Ell. , 0 ROBINS, :
.. �En-..of the, contest :Mr.' W41ter Naftel, ty years ago. Th�n.jQr twenty year$ ftumber Standing, through .
trance Cli�s, which were given with Whb$e,*ntert4j � . L.
nmelit, ]Rev. -
,spirit later in the program announecd- Miss he W48 laboring An 'Canada Mr. me. I .•
. . . . . and for Dermid,-p4stor of Knottchurch, Oe. . ...
. I I of Delfg4f Mutch.as the winner. The the Past seven years ,has been at - I .
1'Tlie chairman,s a L It Oe 0=0===10
" . - address' was, brief subject of ;ill the addr has cled the Chair, L * 0�' - L .
, and pleasing:. . . .. . esses y�fs Work. again III. China. . I .
"How to A tor Accidents," Naturally the 9teat change that he Raymond Concert Co. ,
. . RedmondL
miss Elsie Winters - gave. a recital We give , furnished. the $25 and Costs for Conducting
, V41110ftiss Match's ad. "came Over 0.dna, in its attitude to. program. Mesoo. F. Gaining Souse
I .
, 400 in good'otyle. , I Is HOW and * Harold Blackstone aug-
Then followed an address ' . dress -, .144iou . i words Christian missions between the mented the orchestra And 4 number
. � by Rev� 2dr. chairman, an� time When 410 first entered N selections, were given by the, or- On Friday night. Constable PolloN
. Mr. Hardy and, the present4tio ' d gentle-
. Miss Wiggins prizes. The' - n Of , An,nl and' students, --1 wish .to Dan Almost literally. oil his knees, chests while late arrivals were being had a ti of something doing At All
. . rs a to You for a few minutes this when the whole attitude�was hostile, I ChA00 tip oft
And droppod.rouni
. and the present wide open do 11'. L
. of the prizes were f0llow1s- Gon-1, eN c ning on L'a ver imilortant subject, . served their supperi and Also give that way. - He found the housbjit III
, eral proficiency (third class "senior), "How to avoid motor accidents." , something that QT# Was several pro am ,numbers. Me. and decided his tip was 0. K wen,
him Lon his t Was'most amazing to Gee, the An urn Varry, lid *
. lencY- (third 'Class middle), I �1110ior Ace! r _ La or, was back and got Constable Whit sides Z
.. I Lucile MacDonald; general , rolle- dents tire becoming al- first return to China after C
* brilest Most daily occurrences, In order to his absence of 4 Scoze of years.' a host in himself and convulsions of go -down, with him toje r -tile
Allen; general ProAcie - Cy (third class, Avoid accidents of - this ,kind every Dr* Maevicar's sermon on Sunday ghter were the. rule- -villile he was entered the ho Aid - a fill?
, L) , EVel�-- na iltQn; L Wilting, 14,� Me and fou
. ,7,junlor 'Al VI I Precaution should lie t4ken, One rea. Anorning at Leeburit .Was 4AAL t Pe OrMing.
. AAM4 ganders; Agatile' 'L he open- .Some selections sung fledged geese raffle in progress
*,. as and deport for this Ing of the do with a straight face showed he has, a
. Mont, Edna Morgan. * . is the large nuMber of r of faith. He describ, very good vol . They secured the -names of some SIX.
L L I Automobiles that are. in operation. - ed the Style of door in use in China_ de As a. sinsTr apart tY who Constituted the party but COW.
. Mi. Hardy spoke oft all round I In order t' the front doors barred of .from his ability 1, on., HC4 tented themselves with' Mr,
L - 0 avoid these accidents Y AS 4. Coluedi .
. .
. . ;development suggeste! bK the words one should abide by the traffic laws three heavy bars, One -at thetell With also P trombone -in the oreh - it court the following
"General -Proficiency, 0 played tr AT41ters. up I
- tree, topt one tri. Mr. Geddes rendereaso morning. A fine of .$25 and costs
I . physical, in all cases but where one sees - that in the -middle and one At the bottom, I I me vocal
mental and social development of the ,I an accideAt is evident, by koe, The doors the Selections which were highly appre-, was im ose;L' Tho,
. ; .
presentingthe, I Vol; elated and he and
. Well-rounded Pergonality and when his right side of the road, he is at In. the Centre and interior d . Mr. McGee gave a that Alex time they will take proceed,
I prizes .- , ping to mueIv9 work on a P, ? , . constables sag
OOrs are duet at the close. Ings 'against every one ,found Ili ,a
. for neRtness and perfect liberty to go anywhere. to a- 0111110? opened, but the street doors Miss M�Xlroy is a
. ,deportment spoke -of the WalityL.'and void such 114PPeAungs,,as. th,ere.Is , V.-.- L 'L e --described-und 10V similar- clrcum;Qcos, - -,
grace ,of , . __ ,no are barred int the W,ay very e gr0oiced-eftective., reelter-'altuA L -110118CAfilder
_tb6L'mannerly -child.- - � - - L. - L A", M � I''.. _ - . 'L . �
I , "i h of*way,ill the 1�"e of an ace!- . ac Icar. likened these bari's to a e P -number of pieces quite Ole . L'
. _ . I D .,L .
Mr. H; 'J,ong, ex -Principal of the 5109411tt. .. . . I . the bars which had to be pulle erly. I - . .1 I 11 . I
� Victoria school, had the duty o Rew Dr. Ma . V'� L' JOB PRWIXq�AT THE STAlt
'a before gospel could have free a y ,.o�e briefly , o4-, I - . - , -,
eating the prize offered by the f Xr2s- One should 1704 sound the 4 awa OVIcar sp � �� — . .
I Won- when. passing. any ,person or vehicle, pesisk- Thoje was the bar C. China ,and 'ffustrated %0 kW of in- I .
en's Institute tothestudent making I of Ian;. Strumental and vocal Music th . L I . ...
. the highest mark I compositibit at 'l or when Coining to an Intersection guage, the bar Of Past religious ;con- enjoy before -t 0. Chin- I I
and should not be driving Ili a city n0CtIO11S and the bar of suspicion , �' he
. tho'High School E. trance, from Vic t T .41`0 ta*htrnius-ic�
tori, - town or village above the s�eed Jim' .The Chinese language was the suspicion. as
as we unders an it. It' is Any-thi . - WILSON'S -
oria school. This as a book, "Tal ' ' d1flicult language in the but Anelodious but the Chin; CIA 7, TRY I
I . .11 POR.
of Shakespeare," L world to tiana when they Are taught Se ri.0- . I .
I Ve lt,�Whlch io'gonerally from seven to learn and it nook a long time for the der sqm� 'of the .
al at $2�, The fifteen miles- an 'hour -and, in the .
highest. and secon highestine ' I An can ren... � .
: 01008- country from twenty.' missionaries to I .. e finest Music verycx� ,.
I Ition. were Ross Hoey and: Mario . five to. thirty earn it. And when ressively. .. JrL
-WilAout but by eversion I At nijioli, an holir. L I . t�ey did, it was bard to express in It 9 .It . The Chinese .houses a e Hil fi'Grade.-Choclate*
I very much the Missionary III only one ,story high � I .
. 4, Re .the, prize Another important fact is to have - , had to tell. . and. 9 0
. L went to the afe * Bridle.' the - brakes in ave The simple Gospel streets are so L a 1 9
Working order - I Xnessa,ge, �2od almost,:,Oucb t narrow that on "' - I I U -:1
- Mr. Long als pio�en L perfect , we Made ca, 4y
his own so that they will- . saves :from sin,1 tiihc,hou8e On 0 can OL a
. .
; prize, a ;5. f fain pen, Which was when Operate Promptly ? ..for instance. The. sides with 8 opposite . 64 Ice Cream I .
1: en required, Chinese conception Of MAIL was 6 Outstretched liands. , � I. . ......� � L .
offered to. t f'Btudexit -taking, highest The person driving should be alert an offence ,a rather Everything in China is back first , 1. . I .
standing � , geography, and the wjn�,, for anyth L in L g that may , 1. Politeness gain.st their notions, of Upside do;i4. - The oft6g'
' . Or 'tY bairy gricka always
- I
L I . , hwid. �ha CA
- Yr ' . , - lbo'blent and should fact in Moral' � house . I ..
Wer wad 11, eeth. arise at An than "moral Wrong ' 'In roof 'of iwt, the' men, put •� . 1, .
It . I . . it All times have wrong it was the being their- Coats ,u I- . . ,. . on han'& �
- " . , ... . __ his Cai- .under Perfect -control. "' 1. ...", caught that.-constittited sin'with them, Aid0theath "'th 'volts L ..
I - 'I I .,- .When in .4 city or town. where the rfruits W46 &
&A.,,&, trgffle L is somewhat congested at -tin - And it nuts 'slid end with the - Meat are now prepare to
ed word had to be borrowW. " ui
' And fot'the word 'Isav"11 an lftl�6rt_ 'rand their feasts- 04
and I W4, it
I Them ' : ' 'Intersection the Person drivi took ears to endu!, the word "God" M40Y amusing anil pistru,6tiV6 thin S*L serve, Hot Drinks,such as
. . L Mode . 1: . , and t 4 word "savesIwith the wealth of the chine�e,' .. 98 1I ;i�should, indicate the way he intends to go by Of L 'I �, Were told ,' . . Toniato Hu lion Chocolat
the motion Of the hand. . meaning these words have Th� �singing of the X4tjonai An, I I I . # e,-,
WEEK OE NOVEMBER 6 to I, I -.; . L I . . E for Ile, them Close the evening's "
L . I
—.:. .. . . I thank you ut the language bar was d .
I . , I . . 7PPL 0 the.
- Rev, a being re- mens. . entertain -
, . . The.,P.resent#�; of .cert' ' I . . :1 ..
. L "
. .1.
. Mo ---. .. 1-1_1. L..-- . . - -'fI .lJhI_X4-00JIIivray . had , . . ;._�., ....... .. ., _.��n, . I
. nday-and Tuesday-' th is- to donp-Wondert, U. ", . . ..4 -
, I e* successful , ones Iron, Vici , in is study of the Ian- TI , , * HiLve _*bif irJ*d'oi&
school in Pissink the ebtralift ,C Ae fly in the Ointment of a . L "tit e
Lewis Stone. 4ad WMIN the into Chinese. . .Ct Picnic is . the
ma Per7 w4h It* Cr, Iam Dismotia ' orla guage and in the translation of books the one in . rook. it's abrictous.
. 'witlx an All 8-st. caitein past summer Was made by Mr, Hume: . cosse .dressing, e yon. I I , me. . .
, . I
. 44C . � .1. The following Were the recipients. I .Then there was the bar of old - I 1. I . .
. .
L I Of the I certificates; Reggie . igiOus beliefs. The various re'- *---L'-
. Lswallowed. I
:The Chi.1d Thoti, . . (,stand -) -M Bridle ligions in China had old re. 10 a.-. ..
.1 � l!P , Meldrum Cutt other: like the -each = � . .0 Alt ====10=9 , ,
. 1 ,,Gavest Mei' (first-class . honors), Thou. snake, and. the Chin, .0 - 1. I . ..... 1* Or,
. (second-claAsr . honors); Marguerite Cad swallowed tit L _ ku . , - .. . I � . . . . . . . . . .. -,--- I
Mack Sennett Comedy. ' the Whole thing, B rbio * . .. , L . - ,.
I Chapman. No rguerite thiu-bar�too war. being removed. .,8BE ..
.4411ard Knocks.and Love I Tap#' Felkor," Willie rine Dunlop, Benson Then there I . irta . .�
. L
I . L 0 . . _ . •' 'L Freeth, James. Gibson, IOh.L Th. C.,Was the bar of suspic- .. . I.. . AUBBERS—RUBBER.S 4
. . . 'Mabel Garrick, Florence ',Grindrod) nese used to believe . . � . . , R�b . .
. ROSS Hoe that the missionaries Lwent t to I 11 I � I . I I
duesipy And Tbursd . QIL t-elass honors), Ran, China to jet - children's ey.-au I . .� I�ers.for E*eryone I . I : . 1. i
.r .
ay Vr_ Xarrio, , Maiiqu'gurney, Elsie Pickle them to es and ��. For .) i
�M-organ, Jea McKenzie M I make ;medicine out of . . fell 40 ROY�—T our Ecoijamy last, Pressure ofired, I
stns Thowas'gi•eat play; I , - , Mar . , Medicin , 1. . ry ,
I Redditt, (seco them, but, -more than anything else, .
nsfe�rred to the screen , (second-class honors-); Jessie the ,medical w red sole, rolle4 adge, h ' .
. , Stowe,, -Elwood Thompson Marion work wit], all its benen a . eavydiAekbiling*. This wadd.t6we4r.
. .
. I I Wilson. ., . I . conce had much to disarm s�.: tirle I . I .
1tv goniaj'e.', . L, I Gaide RabPers. .
. ' Miss Verna Biownlee SPiCion, and now the converts were for the -girls and Eddies.', Women's
I gave. a nice being received I . 1. r0bem oa . . .
Brier 13USh!'*'histrumental selection., - OL I L .. .
. , I . . � I , n S - in thousands, . .Wfillelhmd durable, , I . . . . . I I
Christie Comedy Rev- R. C, MeDermid presented the Dx:- 11#11 ay evening in Knox church . .
. � - our Ift0ificible'Rubber Boot. - -
it seven as a People of Paradoxical character, . � . .. 1 . Ik is the hest ,
I I prize offered by the pr Ma car. PPdke of the Chinese .11 hon't forget
. , I I
. I 1.
. . . "Cold Feet . , v?luMe9 I of Dickens, valued at'$5, for. They, for instance, 'seemed t . . .. 1. .
L I . �'. 1 highest standing in arithmetic at the indolent poop, 0 be an , . L ...
I . a an& gatorda- .' L entrance., Ross HoeY -took 100 per 0 and yet they wer I . . . . . L - . ____ - _ I . L 1.
.4 the_ Moat � e. I � - _ HERN',$'BOOT S 6 . .;. I .
I �_ - � cent and, of coutse_woft +he prize. industrious People in - she . . . HOP I 11 ..
- worl(r., .Eve�ry available sp e, , , ..YhOne , Store.43 W, . .. . .
OT GIBSON -, Mr., MeDermid also Made Ali address. ,a e ly s . I Phone, 140*111se 413
; ultivated, and-the--Chineso se ,,a 0 L ' ' I L . .
I oil ..*=a , . . I .
. �Iie breeziest breeze of them all in I Mt'. AfeDermid also Presented a prize, the greatest return per a�re f from the ' y
I I 0, I $01 . L Fa bpbk -on 'electricityv for highest land of any aviculturiatsf. r c I 0=0 ===0=0 I ,- L
. I "Trimpried standing in grammar'at'th6 entrance, . Even the ._!2 - .-, I 9=0 rJ
Century C6med� , !L 1,11eldrum Cutt ,was 'highest, but,. mountain sides -�Yere terraced and us.' I I I .
. . reversion, the prize by ed for weeft were . . . . ; 1111=14 I .
,,,Little . . to Tom .Car�, very C
Miss Mac Mischief". � rick. This Pnze,was 91yen by Miss Chinese watched 8,0 .-the
. ;';$ and
r r6duCtlo
,h,ef"r e went '
I "I . '
. 94 LeTouzel. , �. . Closer
was. . I I L
e F�x Cart�6.n Comedy Reel'$,a clean, _production
y "tc remarkably I
, . . . I Mr. A. Saunders, the dean ' . . . . I .. 1. UNUSUAL DIS .
. trustee board' I of the The Chinese _ PLAY
e atinno mollax�, and Saturaay at 8 p,m. presented ($3) h4d'little 6gard for , .
.? highest standing in history. at the fOl truth and were unreliable I I
. Wvdnc�d%y �at 1.15 p.m, he� en- W4,y8; but yet . At man L . ''of . I I
y . I I
. 'Tr PO,5ItlOnS of trust
. . trance hild the winner was Meldrum Could he depended on, . .' And t
0,00ting-Thotrias ;neighs In "Dachelor Cutt. He, also
. . I Daadytr presented a prize Of eord.s jr, heir re, . .
. I .. - I ... . $3 front Truqee Walla:cc, for 1 banks, etc.,- Where d6falen.
I - higil`L�rst ti011 Was unknown, ed Very
I I . — — collipar I . . I 11
. I I favorably with o . . L
. I.. . 0 0 0 . *=ox=====G =--- on====*= not in (,,,,,, our OM •And it ,..,as .,..fop Th
. L s0lild big swindles in ranada that .1 - Sra
Y, )d Th4,Ch1lj,,,sC fn ever
were' Pulled off. 95 in . .
0 1 .
'Veryday tailt . ...
- qimpL . .1 1
F'Slary, to terIL
did. ,lot colisidq!r it Ilece I
�OMINION STORES, L. t the 'truth, and told fol,�j Opess Hatso 8811* M I
I p ' I rc,4(lily as the truth - , . . . I atpon's an'd.Ch.1100's -
. THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES.Or- CANAPA , U 'Ve were told .oTthe njilit at poices to quit every.pupsep..
. . ure. of the People fold ,,,t.,, ary not- .. . I .
Out- cu-tonler�) 4,nve riflu.: by dealing with. urs. Come and be (W honor in whi , the scale .. . . . I
� - cwtvineed. . , WoPe held b� them O(TuPation.,; 611005t YOUP Rdt, MI` Thankulgiving wbile our gook 1S gorliplato '
.... � . hell) it W-09 the pence .
. . .. � ful pursuits - I I . .
%'�11'ch come fir,qt. And . . . . .
. Frea,h SO- IDA TE -S, 2 lbs. foi- 25c. - PW all throufrh the
41 . it, u, . , Chinege character, '
_Z: �_,ftat,, . 413 a combination of oppos�jte.q and ILLINERY
. , 24 . I - c"Id 0`111V b(' tl)l(l in Para6ve.9 � - U 4 I VE 11 sw.*t-) A L . M
Pastry FLOUR lb. 83c Rolled Oats, 6 !tr- 250 It %va,'4 ill the . industrial ,Ieve'j " - ent - I Coro East arid'SqUape � --ich- .
, . ('f t"C' e0ulltIT fill, indu.-Arial 'orin' Godet
ey of t1w Pea,;Ie a" efficiell- I . I I
ORNMEAL, 6 lbs 25c 'Bulk 00681s 2 1h — low Wo:Tes ?ol lid tile r,ur1)risin0- v L .. . � , ... . I . . .L . . r - -
0 io 0 , V"hit'll COT lworke;l f ,
that `des
tll(' T"al 4,yClJ()J,', . -,�/ / 0 . ', -
� -
Bela fwril." . . ,(/ , ?� _ "! � /"I"', �; � 1 I . � . T,
in heese 1h. 25c' """' BACON, 1b. 0 ' Fhe grvat ililportall(,e� of to, I �.�
. .
Ct C slieled "'L.Iling /X��,�(� / , L
11adi 39 "o,"'..." " '-;;. !' 'L"fk_. 4
11, _-1--__ tile 1)(10ple the � ' � 0 P"",
� ,/, ,� 1. 1.
. Pi ) .q ,�, �',�, / . � �' "P ,P.,,'� , ,_ . I '. �
Christian pLiji,lon v7prll i� " I � � tklll
(Ind 1)1,. BfaeW �v , V.." I I � Pt- ;
I try j,. L Pe . . .,�/ y . ;,� It / - I 0110 , .
wi 11 11 I go, ear Uhl . , _� . ., V� . I i�
SPECIAL BLE, ND TEA r 1b. 49c interest ()f , I ; / " '4 * P. I f,d�` '-""W .0 . I I I
�Chri ffiv, roal I /1,1��rl
. I - . . — f�ri i ,I " - I .1 _.::�,,.) 1� .�
_____ 11 isf - / ".2 IL" - � .� .;
U, 3 ' I . 41 '901111C of the convi'l. , , �), �) %, , I I _11 11 .1 'I, ,
25C 4 lb �VL If, t1l"if"WbOu Christian . " 1 , 4 , I
81tiFel,"Votso RIC ( ,y, " �Iyl .\,.:\ . , .-
0( LA 4/ y/JJ �
'I I ,
Ill]. 11 ldw�, X11 J1_ N'. 11 j ,
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I d CM, nAvl R,. 44. �. L.1 I \� I loop -�414;
- �j(�3;,?r. , 1, ,� I .
. Cottage Rolls, . 1b. 3 1 , "god, 14 �,,
, 00 Picnic HAMS 24C. 1h I wiff Preach I 11 / " . ,
— .►I 0 � Laot :�,Unday_potvl � L- _*"' �� �., -4, I ,_1 �
A Vvvver tolotaday a Dir ., _ . 1_
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'... — 0 . F'�'In`r? "IrA irnr,�,;J, , th- I - - ji;� i
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DOMINION, STORES, LiMited I 111� 'n t"'c" Qv�"`ILDP, EOV. R. (4. Ne. I � '. 1, � " . . . I . ,
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W,6%t St.0 GOI)p . �;)Z>,!, �1� liviox elaar�'11# Gode. . *" , , - ,
.1ZLICH - .., 11 11 — " ,
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1414D. C,,,�.Zipyk,,,A, Ow tmgv, �v(, 0 1 - " .
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Serge, � In Navy,30rgo.: Pidott, and Canton Crepe . - ... 1.11 . I I
. I I I I . .. ). �
, . I �
Showing new onit jA&VWW styles. in $Nix*, Pi* r- t .,Wal . i . I
L 044 fine Canton *Pe, in am 4W for women. andMhoosil . I ' I
. showing Om ploitio!simple ow-pifto DnW and' '4
. ets, beaud.
fatly triminod with grid aad,*6.aments. ' &ree, pierot Twill, - , L 11 1. - I 1.
. . . I � I 1.
� *is16.60,$1$,$21. Cant9nCr,epeat$25�$28,$3S., . . . � , . . .
. . I 'if
� . ..., .. . . 1,�� I . � ,
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. Burberry and - Wiwi
I .
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. .
I ,
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.. . .,I i
I � , virkl*
. .rI . . I'' I J.
r � I
I . . 1.
. I ...� I . In Great Style Showing
I . .
. 1. . . I L
T'her JjWhury Models are in thf M
r . � , in" styl-es With con"
ral heather and L r
� -10,vaft shades. �, �
vartible Coll*rli, in "ve . 11 -
.. r L . � The - I ; I 1, i.
Velour.coats have: - HarIlA in Aofth an shawl t
. ; �c
, ?0* be �o J
I . L". r
, I
. ,:,,t * ' I .-
, ,
,50 I .
Myles, The 5 of f6e lister stitcW in neat 4., , � .
: -, , iWer^tel r ph't", . .
Oterat, . . I 1, �.-, L ,
I. S'". and *1 L y I Surbuty No"', Uuo, I . I �
.. $20.00,.$25.00., Volow blodelso $29,76 $33.(*� $3S.00. r r. #.1i e
. . . .. -L 'L � - .1 L. L I I I
I . . ,r I . I I I
L - . .. 1. . . ... r ..., I . � 11,
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L r , X . . , 0L at fl r. - �. ... .tolle her ose .I. 'r
I . I r. . . 1. I
. I . I .. . I L . L .q
... r Ir I I I .- I .11, 'L
I r L . r '
. All Wool Re, 1 I.. I ,�r
Athel—riew Lovate shades and. aft" d Wool .r '.; �L . ., � ". ' . . ,
*10il"Oryl, i a. W L t.Vai L L I . . ark r . - . . , ,
In a I I. etY, ready for. your ohoosl*. . I* •sixes '
. I .
. .
* .
81/2 to -10. MI niodekately pricedo "C,r $1.25, $1.50, $ . 2.(*. L r . . . ..; � ��. --
$'2.". r - " ' I , .�. L I .
�. 14' -
. . ,
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0 � . G ' '* , 'r L L ' 1pll *
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1. , IL - I t 1 r .16VU0. .
. . . r I .:' . , .. . . . I I
. I .
1. .1. .L i I .. � I IFX�1_ _'� .1
.. . ,.lust arrived froln,.the rasikersp 11121ait shades in fine Cape , L L
L . I I
o11 V. .e. .Lj.. ilLr C ., a.r uI .n'.fl.�e.tsii* with- do�-nle� * wiist.-Chim..o. i.setr t* e
. `Glove
CI6ve•.._....._ . .....*iI .
grey and. brown in Wr'st and gauntlet styles�reiidy for ThaAs. .�. 1
tivin9; Kid and Cape Gloves, 42'.25 2.95 L" k .Chamosettt G16ves,sii , 0#
.00 andsl.gs, . .
. I `T .
.. V
., *�, I
. . . . . r. 01 t 'r � 177711, rrr
k"V . r
��r ,.:. ew 31C -L�e�n, 1. -1 . .. �
r .r
r N* ' --..ir* s I . I ,.,
. I - I''
- New creations in Fancy Stripe Homesou"s with the ratine . , �'..'L' � - ' . ej�'_ .
stripe, checks ailid lovely Each length is indi*t- M� �, 41 .
. " .
. .
I dual in design =d color� Plain Shades. r' S per yard, I . . I . � Al
. . I � I Siic"AIIY priced At -$3.9 � r r �r . -, I ,.
. . . . . I . L . � . ':
I . L . .
I, ---
. .
r 9,-
• . J
1... ".
i11 . .. -
I Toes Sleepers 4II1
. .. ..
.60 �ar4a.Roller and Hand In oizes 3 to 8 years. Made
Towelling r' . from whit . Le I �
Towelling;, full 16 inches . .=toa flannel, L�
*,�ide, with red border, ,PiI015 With aoft fleece =coals. Priced ,
.. I . � at $ .
19c. � _.r . IA5, $1.25#`$1.3S,. . . . .
I . r . .
. . . L � �
16 incheo *Wide, AA-Iutely LM I r I ;
. r1annel'-fto r .
, _8 . t.
Ptsra linen Hand -Towelling, I I Co �-_ . I L , I
ith f ir'. I I I "
VA fine red atripe horde' 300 Val,& of : 020 EnF11911 r
Priced at 29c. . , , finiall Flannefene" in ,,-4*4 - , ,
. . . I , . 9# . J
I -; -blue, PHIS. Cind otrlpe, , x -,,,If " �' - r
. Che rwc,� I _. I -.P .
Red c1c Tc' ,rowein,,,, 23C a yard. � . . . LL �
in all, pure linen. - FW1 23 . . , I I L � . � I . ,4_e'l
* I , . .
m6es 'witle, at - a SPP , " .
dal ' V
i . WE'apperetbas L
price, 33c. -,It . J.! L '_
- 'fit mid. dark patterns,. In , ..
84.per cent. pure linen TC,4 r �,F,&�p , 'V�QjC,Jjak. Clothe I
. _djej , .
Tourcla, ready to us��. In , JUA th�, ttai�[; i0r.. children's , . . _
.rod check ,and red bordcv - t,,10,,)r. ,yard, 31C. .
. L
Gkoo Cloth. Priced enc' D%, C�o L
..'38c. . � . , .
I rd Velvets. . .11 . ,
)naive Linin '11and. Tow,+, Fc,s dr,= G' and ouito and . .
rcady to Ube. In slim 16,,36 :nQny other moo, inn navy, I .
i . I
inchels. 11fica .. each 30C. , Uo&f red, aween. 39c a 3rd!. I I . 1
I .
' L
I �___ig__� . r. �
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. -1 1
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`1�11_oe VL"_: 69&ndid CcallinfP, b6UF* to cAl, at n V:Ty I I , .
vnmr-tl WaV,'r mieo, They co .;-,00 this t-Jecti.c'n-J s,Lic-5,Aj r,:> .
dmmd 4) goo gfialit for quich elenran . -ce. If yc,n n--uO C_i-_�,h rG7
alro,atcolraeearly. Very 01pecial Cale VT1*(-0 rp',2�7d, 1.13 .
1. L 0
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