HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-11-02, Page 6- - ;1 �1. - - - I . I 4, 1 1 - I . _;­ ; � I � I . - 0 1 It I I - I I­­­ - - -_ I -_ . 11100111111pi" _, - - - , - � � - - . 1. I 1. . . . . ­ - — -�! I - I I ­ ­�=E !4� --- �_ I — , - a �:��!!!!! --- _. - " . '7 . spooft 1b,_ - � �­,T­ - - 7 , I 1-r— � - . - - - ""(1), V, , I I , fiRk-1- ��r!��_os! � J . S11.,1111 4�� I � ­.- _0 � , .- --- . -_ . , . _ _­­_­__­_ _ -_,1-11_____-__1-______ - I _a__.� I __ . _!!11`_iMT!!!M__ � 1-1 TIJ110DAY, NOV. Sw4 IM . A t I paw on I � � TM STAR �.:::___.�­___ _Zz-_� != ==�__ - . %� I 11411 0 oigoo - - � - -11 I- - - I � . 11, . 9 . _!!���!"Irr!"�=!"""="_""' T. ­!!, .-,T_--- _ !­!!! o!"- - - - -- -- -_ � - __ _. — ­ _­ __ - , I - — . - - 9 1 - ­ I ___ _-9- � - - ___ I- W9_"!!!!_=,.!!!�!!_!!!!8�T_ T�!�T�!� ------- _ -_ ;1011 mail I — � 4 . - - - I — 91 -9, __ 0 9 ____ , , ___ - __ - tbe owrwh ftnv , cember, v6hc-n tho 05,94mized farffif's I 91.1 1 Q',ffiV-;1FJ E%3 dPfCao, UF -0 tO ha�We a 9 . -, Uc � i . issegAakwil UMS pet sniasi;ro 9.1 6- iiao lin4*11 ** . � . � S" ,,,I �My "':'a-1 V,,z t��ca- n thv bbipr4n;w B40, 106ne out of Par- , . � i I ADM .;A allis�,xv. 6�-,-_,C.;%��o ,i%k 11'ar"wnt Eowf, be i3 11OPWI 010 Muni - I L;n ,-_�a-,k,-J, 1�'It,C�.tr,;3 ;',' -. - _ut v0hat i's . r V1% HAIR N"MAU :. . e ,f d to bw GOODF "Cwktep, i.tay cx:';i� ail.tArw c�palities cgqrr I 1� I 6 kinow" as lfje� "Blae Wattr H' it " " "I 0 . -a siP I I . 1 ­ * %?) to,teEeNt 1W !�W project, for ii road between WX=1 argest� alld most perfectly, formed net oil I I 11 wi.3 ccz7a a ravor by *4visiao Goderich, C-hiefly *1011K lAk,# , .1 I . , I . 11�1�frsa,4 iiv,n wj rQil�tsle, In fe- arAA # I .1 The I - ll 4, 11-3=0% DOW Ito 04 Iluron, lie deliviierkil an. Stu appeal I . � a he olsh� 9 1 319 � ".0 a""X­_ ,61=1= to 11MA, in thia coninection at Sarnia, t I . . the market. Are 31OW Tedtl'Oed in .Price' I I � It ,, in which he brou 1 11 I ,,� er !: hfbt out tk* I � 19. 1� verums Italts _; �1 � 1,�� Lorsl 1*4 *01plising inforalation tb.;t Lamburs � . . I . . I 11 � � /+ear�y C�,,3,A�% WtvIfay lalversOU"s 13 - 04 1 1� - , OtRU FZP ttMh AM4 011SVI4Q, Mt VI County hasS by no "Wismit reCeiv iti . . . 111� 'Paper, LN fi'A'111'4113 COPIT431 IS CeRt*- J�ihllft 4) rovinci*l wguway develop, � - . . . . . . .. Single Mesbi,10cs, .3 for 25c ,, , �� o A � I I I I Wree r4u!:4qi w rtnts; 0'.0 W,01194 N ruent ut r thIA Drury GOM01111013t, I I �, Ceasq. c7tv wccig fi�t cr�nts. Guaraiat"d (� ot .� ,or 25c . imt, C"Itta, 1'�ftt I ", 'I, rMitic'ns 10 119 U� Vu �, . ,otinting all proVinCiSl hlwbw4y evon . Double Ne,sh, 1 5C. . 2 f I VV"610�ij pez MM eXtra, ." � . I / � designsted., there is but 4 ,Ali", #ad ,, I I � I . I I ase? "a SW vlal.vlove u0setaw the Itouther-n two-thirds of the county , , . . I I ds C"Wes ter tilt eur#as laguo of � 1 ,9 is without's single milef , 11 . � 1, SW SAW4 te M 0e 1AWO Or 11116 1101`11111"r --- - - . . Cap I I aia later 1100'faeSdAY W'C;rj Cr Wh week' ill I I . Real Humn Hair Nets , Shap* % I I / LM and. plaer siffillAr wwtrtuwowl^ Mr. crerst iiia the Lintlisist � � I � 11; I I I . I , � 11 0 lwr Xwo rcr 11ra inserma aw 4 . 1 9 lion, T. A. Creror, though recently . , Guaranteed P&fect , mQueoll in, I . I am" Wr Hue ,for "M subr k . Socialist; meosureil 111V a fiours"ll Kate, again oftereil a seat in the King Cali- I I I � " I � I � "I I '10"Ve lines W, Aa IrXh. - I ­ 11 I _"Uwy Pe to MR I W,i,� i ""o, , ,1 car" or ,tlx l2aes sa,3 un'lep, Inet, According to re t. Y retire � . I I 0 1 ,. " W.91per year. C0 from the Progressive leadership to �,_; �r 11 % I � ; I . Ile 14 1 , I I , .. L Advarlisemepts or S=211'30% vscaQf- flv� full attention to his important I 1,11, . . . . . . I 1". � . ­ I , �1. . 1*40tonv Wwc&d, AwticIcs Loot Rouses . Ills . .. q_, . I 11.1 . .11 % � 11 I" . � 1��.i 1 1911, 1 _11 , 1% for dole Op to licns� parmsfor vale ,a? 10 11311leaN interests in connection with .. . , , . 9. 1 4, . V - 11 I . ... - - . I . . � � . � � , �,. � 4 9 144% AMC104 tVP :4% CM. Uqt ('XM41DW the GJ . . . ,,�k I , H. C. DUNLOP., Phm- ,0- .: , . rain Growers. 0M Or two 10ii 11 � * - . ; � I 1111ref) cals, of the Western . I - . I . o . " � . , , , , : .1 I . - - . , i I I . � � . I � 10161111s lines, �3 C011114 4141M gnsfillon, i Farmer*' Or' I i - M.'L - _­ - --- I I I 4001`661116 V43r $1. lArter aliveftletwen" ganizattion ll�avo suggested, indeed, b,v . . THE REXALL STORE I Is!, lonvOrtion. % (Uews � . . King and Q4eeft ovi thtir, way to the- yacht at Cowts resiatta I . � . Its"Oess Nutlet .1pe), exch, .10, jenolutio", that he ought to resign It . I Square, Goderich . Va6w, w cwt.% per muntit. , Ine: $0 1"er. anywa while other sections vpbold . . . M-1"____4__1._^� 1 Phone No. I Bedford Block . I ,. � Vessels %.Ikvinlr comrses for dipplay Over- him 11 grater I I I . I . ier countied line, P, Tore is not fund of histor - -_ - . . . 01. � 11"W_; cent$ r, tmlitlesos Ouch. In conjunction with lated some of the PsTly � y of 1ho 50 Per cent, -Charles Deriniton, 9 - . I - i I � churakes *04 b�aevolfnt orgis"IX4001,48.1 *1 Al D"CAL. TOPICS I thurch, which dates, back about,Veronlea Ryan, Bart Moro, Lillian I'll, � 1 .91. ... I I � , , ­_—n�!ft=!!TM!!1" . I te"CA ,per- Mateo Inc K; Grain, Growers' work, they on, . � 9. "Werillifff"ts , 11FRO4 a � ,. - _. i� - I I afeelfle lastrur'. rossell, seriously an hill domestic and � eighty years, Mr. Andertsou hot, lCerinedy, Walter Lamian. .. . I Farm TrespassersF Scored. 1. 'r, I 9 . . ' � 1 401111111 %III 1W M%604 on ajorbid, so prjvsit4i� *OIrs god it would not bo (Continued from page 1) been tryinx to gother up facts con. PART IL CLASS July 0 is school inates and others Mrs. Beso. Wilson, editor of ,the I . 1 ,Aakistd weardlar . , here, eg e east on a bus . It - � ... I � . cerning the early lan4marks In the Ilonors—Eileen O'Brien. Lucille .inpss trIpJQ 9 � 1 9 T-SrA.' _IftcteO, moial if he were- to relinquish ­­ I' """' ­­ ­ I I I � Redwood Minn., 04tette, very pro- , i "dert, cc , Jh,., surprisi -the oppor 0 - � 4% tunity . . - 0`4 I " I Above 60 per e - I . " I =11"tro4verlIS1114 Knit Pb'"(Oit, c - the leade _hIp, _.Naiaca of A. R. Xc4 history of the tongregalloii and,he Graf, Violet posiliell, and1ook c I . I . , I , f4ther Wing been a Christian promW?s . � joyhood yerly censures town Pe,qVIQ who drive % . �, . � � M"t#r anti lion. A. 0. Hudson, as � to continue his luvestiga, cent,-Domild Lynn, John Lanuan, to see a u the home of b s I districts and rald the , prescher in'$apoa. Mr. Harano will tions Aknd fi) set In ordor his findings. I Oun manhood.. He is a son bf through countrY ,"W%, 1� OW10040, Itespecilso Newspopsiris well is R. A. Hoey. (Sprinsfield) *nd - Below 60 per �eot.,­Albert Webb and I . *&&�* , Asysgov"o wilio sakes a river regularly, rotullm, 120�lt ear to, his native coun" He pointed out how very muelf to be I O'd the ate , Morton, carriage a h me and wild fruit , I I 11MM 0 051 0111co"Whoth Capt. J. T. Show have slitody been - for the win deplored 15 Lee I no Jean Chisholaxi, .. 'a of add Other l5roducta. 'TverYthiAg that er odilres a � , oyn Be ow .. I � .... 9999 .1 . of h 0, thfi 90114"0668, With- try sind will re ordained . ­ -the careless way fa*bich ._ me here Some Mrs. .. ,. I I � - 4nottier's or who"M mentioned In On . mond on grows on a farmer's farm belongs to . .. . I I *-.w W 19, . WoUlOur ,,I, is responow r. a - disp* of enNusiosm istrX in the 10pall Conference, - congregati Are accustomed to Ir ceat,-��Ray Dean, Aloy , Moit -"arti 'fdoe's 'w',jtfi 'her s . � . , on$ . . on sr. who res I - .1014" out AnA greatt . Page, Claire Baechler, Mqdgline Oer. . ,. � . . thel. alinv'-witIr-thipga of historical 1114 m4tuZ I � . � � . � n I , - Both. XeMoiter. and Sunday DeXt be Will $Peak- at' 9 16 1 I he �IX 6ty on Puget Sound. - that farmer," is the way the Gagett,o - -- ­ - --- - !. * L". � . , 6 oiperi his PsIe Ing - e0oked. at. 10.80'. . 'The Oldest . . . . friends were pleased to -see biln, and puts it. "To take, even wild fruit , I I ­ .. � , I � . I perso , . r discontinued IX at Zion lit 2..80, and at Ben7 torest ift their -churches. ; . I 1111PA"A imy sit srretrs� ,wr tilt, publisher Hudson are Liberolx,� of gourae' but I . I I -is a I 1�­_ ., . I 0 6 In miliek at 71 ' - the Tuctiers' vburch was � wife, who without his permission bf as *miloh 4, . . ; 1�. Me nul, 10, venis it until pay 0Z .- member of AMONG _rW CHMCHgS . to meet,his ,estithable 11 whole in " me wise Mr. Crerar. Mr. lit - While Ila town miBilemeingr as .4 I : . 0 . sad imen collect Ing amutal I .. called up a speech, to which he I . native of Colorado. . - to take his corn . . $._ r recognized as a sort of "liaison ofa- No*, 4, opening . I I . .. Irk"her l" rl gpr 01, not ,iocery 8toro. _ow for - visf I .. resgooded AbIr , de- 9 , . 1 9 At- refuslor, to met" between Liberals and ftogres, oil Vistatisloy .. . d Mr. Moyer, of Go t*j were %ts at Hotel Bedford .9otatoes or chickens," * . 4 � � . "a colirts C"V4 4001 I ' .1ha services In Knox Church nekt I . I . 9 4 ,� . — . I , . . I & h6ws AS 11 rie ,"also ,a dressed the gathering an also of Mr. and Mrs, James F. � . . "Mrs or For calli� tom 140 siven and h" hoen *etive to counsel. - I left . I I . , J-P, 11 I . L = t 11 Ve ^*to. pleased to , welcome Mr- A- and. his' remarks vore enthusiastloal� x�luorplt_W and evening will be Thomson. They .Tuesday . on * Iniprovlof the, Stalks I . . . . 1: I ; oilite, or rellnov nX end hint ng o he.Grolin Qra*ers, while Up-Mcm X- ftrdy. -'Amour� the - gr ,114bbiath " . t- . I . I I 1, I i&ld..'I$�IVPIJU$.�--I$t*L,efidtl)1061 got kit. . , ocero, - of Iy­rei*Jved. Waides. inusical ,mam- a ehar�e of the minister. Subjects -thpir bv way of Ch, I - - ' - . I . � - MaJer took a keen interest In. the I f of Sermon ' I return journey, through An - old-woodein­ islai� wks m4dEt - ' - . . I I . = at AM -.9 � � st sea-, Goilerich. 'The. ,old Stuj,r4y stand� bers by home talent and some selec- so - I -1 a. in., third in the coXQ, St. Paul, Winnipeg and . . . I .� I t t.. �, . . . !ain board develo ments 14 went side 6f the uare has beeni-tions by" the Xbenezer orchestra, 441 series of studies do ihe Gospel of to thei Pacifie. Coast via,C. P. R. . -bantilei by attaching a 4401 arata � . . 11,141 9 . . r I I ... . � and midlitalueT.Illeb cordial Vo. Me, ma _ I . � . boArii. Three shallow grooves were,, I '. l ., TaVRSDjkY, NOV. 2ndo 022. - 10,001, at- thoroughly overhaule an Mr. Stur-.1 of which were of a high order, the Luke --"Christ's Vocation Accepted." . . . . 9 � I , 11�� :;I; 1: 11 I :; � 9. I'stlos" With the. farmor ipembers th 01 I .1 9 . beaten -into the zlil . . ,- � tas, briefly ravi., dy is o0ohing up on Saturday wi 4 four numbers from 7 p. M, national Thanksgiving ,ser- e c, and it was "'.. I rogram, included strange ,how -happy A little appr - I .­. I . at one time hero it *0 complete new .stock of groceries, Ir. Reginald Hudson, of London, 'vice. !Sabbath 'School and Bible, 11 "III make man. nailed to, the wooden framp 11 06 1 , 1 9 � Oed,that lip might cross. thwfloor. ,. ciatio 'iv - a,dbg and a, wo I I I li'% - - We wish him *uqq I This q au� Classes at 0 O'clock. , . . .1 I % .. . 1 9 eas, . . I . I . . I � . . . ' ­ 'idiencti with his at . . . .91 . . AWA NEWS � - qqq� 1 161, � A ... OTT — , __ 9 entleman captivated the slight incline so tbt ,water . i . 9. , . . . - - ' - It OC $1 . . . 040SAnd.00110a. North St. Methodist church; dralned back, Into'the, oink. . . 1. . : - . - I . . 9 - . . � - 9 I � . . 1. � 1417- "Of eourse, I admit your po4 is. ex- . I I , i .1 . � . . .. 9 . , . . 1. Erle Paltaxi wrletnir in the Chris- The social e Band, , . . . I " , I AND V 'Colkoe clsib's 1161towoot 0,1 1 4, travagant But you must make al - 1 r . . . 9 IEWS 4% $ofeltuar" "Ilck'n ' ' .vorkin ! 'hold by the Water and -Light Contislission voY Moyer,, pastor.. Sunday servioO . : . � . ' Th# regular meeting of the Water , -lowances-he's youn ,You never bear about the lost - * I I , . . . xovo 5. 10 a. iu�, Mission 4. , . . . I . I . , . 11, �, . � tian Guardian, compares natur0lizao- Menetietiptlig, Come, Club in, th6 Us- Union Fellowship service Ili theaudi- ,. so Atis al,l r*btl ' - words, of famous women. It isn't se ' I ... _. I . . . old milfther Posses . sonic Was held at Th q0tAl'ie'nioreal � . � tion. regWaitions in Canada. and New oisenibly -room -an ValloWeIgn and -,,Light Commissiolt , ` , I I � I , * . . : i ursday, Oct, � I .. . , . torium. '11 a. m. and 7 p. in, public lowan,es I � �make the quicker he remarkable for' women to have thd . . , f�*�, . . . 'O as a Very enjoyable event. ' ' The 26th. - � . - I . , . 13. platt worship. Morni�k Ice in charge spends oemA, , - . last word.. , : . � TTAWAp October 2 -o"The sud'. York States to'the advantage of, tho . . t, , . . I a Thursday., laste Wroom I Appropriately An applicition,from Mr. J.,S... _ servi T . -_ . . --- � . . den death, In Montreal o latter, Our sets besides a long was decorated Of the Men's Club. Eveiiing service T . . I � i� , , : I I . . test, makes "good. character" at test and prettily for the o -on. Round for electric rangv. service was refer: by'. Rev, Roy 08 . .., 1, .1� . . . � . ,of 1) .A. Wortutio, IL 10.0 member for , coasi , _ . � . I . � . of ,gualitloation, but� Mr. .-Fialma the orchestra, stand was decorated red to, the'engineer to obtain reg.l. will * be I 9 " � �. I I ,,conducted 9 .. . I I . . . I . . . Jocques Cdrtior, creastes a third v4- . borne, . A., of Londesboro. Quart. I - - 1. I .1. ., . . 11 ­ � � .11, � I . ; - I 1. I . .. I :.. . I ! . eoacy ill the llolasi6 of Coulations. Juts 014t, auy'�Spplicant who 41satio. With 000" atid..bl4ok oats, witches, tion application and report upon . . 1, I .1 , 9 erly i�eeting, N4�,, 12th4 9 I I . I . I - 1 9 . . * �, . !.' - ,,,, . I . 1. Destill of lion-. J. A. $tewar�t opened goes the Secretary of State of Can- pkirit, otc., ornamented the walls, of installation, , , .'' I I � I . . . . 1 9 I I t � , 1: I . . .� � _ . I - ada" that he ban these qualifications PU The forepaft of the evening � Baptist -, chu]4) Nov. '.5th: 24th 9 . . , 9 � Lenirk, and X'M. Johnson, Prog"s Or _ A -complaint, froin Mrs.. (Dr.) John- S, � FOOTWEAR, VAL looffEw IS . . ; ­�­ 9 1 --months" ervi�ea willbeconducted b 1, . I I i 9. .. . .. .. I -.-- - �: aive m6mber for Moose Jews, has-been along with the residence condition, was taken -up with Five Kimdre4 and etbu $bout ,paying tweWe I . y t e pas, . I . � I I . . .., 13 � . . � . I may obtain full- naturalization and CholeeL prizes 'Were awarded to the, floor spa�e charge for lightisig, .ser. tor, ReV'L"O. X. Dewey,� 11 a. -,v sub- I . I , . . � ". . . &qusilifled for violation of the Bice- i P .. . .. . . VT A . I I L . I : � 1, L.. . assist in determining our 14wn. TU6 clever and luck * Mrs. H, C., Dunlop, vice at residence at corner, of Light� ject, ;Z,pun unioti;'� 7. p. m,, 4 . 9 .. . f . . I � FOR FA 'LL 9.. . � 1 9 . _y� � . . .­', . SL �Ach gralat). In it'rilisfilent bail That too . 9 1 1 L 9 .. . . I . . I . . . . . );&I in pondlag faetA Ale'L he Qcliares, that there are won the ArA ladles' prize and Miss house and Wellesley atreet�, which is Faithful.01 3 p in Bi. I . .. L hu h4ugh aip 19 " . . . . :L . �' - tT10A$ Act) t nly, -wag ' I., � . - � � 11 .-*#*%., L : . I sullered a casualty, to be replaced, hundreds of voters In, Canada, who Scott, of wingfiam, Second. M-ro, H. used as a Summer 4wellixig o bli, School Monday Nov. Rho A., Y, ` 9 The early fall season multiplies'the footwear - ', . I .. I I - . .1 . . . :� . . no doubt the, s( among the gen motion of Mr.� Tay. P. U� 8 , , , Ay%, ,K , �esday at i . . , L Ond'session posess'aftli exercise 411 the PAVI- Edwards wai first 9 tlq� present9d., .On I . I at, 8 , p�. ila.� Wed .. With .this fact couple the 1 -9 . 9 1 . - '. , . .. . L I _, before . Is. ayers and Mr. Solnerville� st�. lor,lt Was passed that hereafter elep- P. III., - service.. Thursday, �� . . peqds of iv.erybod�. - . 9 ' li�_ . , : L . . . L � I Was 74'years of- age sad had t speak . o toad.' A ,r t) iblti b- - I , - I , il - , , �b* ealled. David Arthini, Wortutio leres of the franchise, .and are still - prayer . . . . I . L' - v' . f read or write ft ie cards refreshments trio lighting floor spoce rates for Nov. 9th, the: church is having a . I appeal for gpod-�ili o6tsi .sbPei,.and'r I . I I I . . L 11 I . * , eleotici`t4l for olther In English-, or Preach. lie" I - ad And buttei, pumpkin'pie, sianimor cottages OF. dwellings used birthday tea and entertainment. Tea I -1 1: . � I , will ill unable D,f L � . I . . I . . ­ the House since, tis . " aly, be on.theL tables at 6.3Q P. M. -,GOOdPrQ bers, and Von e .1 - , , .; . I I . I . Mont"llaL in 19Q0, L Ile. had beell a say$: I . . .1 . during the surrimoi,'*iouths- o 7 . . .Will �nd that th. � best values, at I � . . I ., � I . ougbau , and :goffeo were served . I � , I . I . . - I 1. .. . , . . . 9 , . . . IAW4 . I cawdid%to an -far back as I 4, these i4col-' - an -the, re - ainder of the eve in hat W'-f6r a minimum 4..Qf alk1j;ram. -, L . I . . . : I I the lowest prices areto be found at A�acVicar's . . : I . L . o . . I 'There are men in' n . g was C 9 L in perlo I . . .. . . . � . , I I .."'. Was and in bla only, 1pag� aiddress allies' -who haijo.-been 16atlaralixtxl devo, to ancing. The con . lithe each s�asbn. On motion it At Zion church, Taylors', Corners,:3 . I . . I . V I . iliiilttee MOI L i . .. . .. . . . I � L. . 4 1 . . 1, : 11 . . .,,Shoe $tore. . . , � . L - etit sessloh�iin attack , during the past year and who did In' ch4 0 of the event 'consisted of vi" passed also that Mrs. Johnstonos. p. in. Sunday, ReV.-'C. N. De*ey_w.1l1 :, I . . r . . - � � . . .4"ar'i _ ,d rvi I., ­_� I I ', . I . .L . - L ng the rLee $an 0,40. 11 Holmes, chairman; Mr, complaint be acknowledged, sod that doi uct ze oea. ' � . I LL . I . � . .. - "on the dgyjight *aving pian��fio not, at the tithe, have eYL-10, - , I '. �' , � � . - ' � L. ; � : � . � , , - sl_nfioa�'d that, e bad been some 40 Quate imowleftp of English or D. D. M901116y aria Mr. W . I A I -0. ' - L I . . . . . . , JU . .. F. Saun, She be not fied of #Ow ruli g or f . . . I . . I I . � . I L . - ­ - . t4 French.' As, -W utattcr of fict, derm, , L � I : . I . turo'charge,g., - ,. I At the , Victortia -SL Me,thadist , . , , . LIFE -BUOY, RUBMERS , - . . . . . �, �.' �', � years iri public Wet' He was 'noted I . . . . . . arch next Sunday'morning the Se# I . . I I .. . . � . . I . . .1 . ... I ., '. . : ?, 4' I . J" * long distince areaker, -when when awearing to the oiath of al -s 11 . 'A'16tter dated Oct. 17th irom the Ph . I I ,Are'naade,of the highest grade materials, l5ressure oured ' L.� I I . . I occasion re I k' Ce, 'they Were. ismsbfe, L to, A -Hk , Y O' ' ' I . I . I Quarterly CQnimunioli Service � , r Sad the workmanship., will itana iniifieotioa. by.tbe . vvry� I I . L I �:'� � �L �! quirod, - an spgko Some . I I L pp isnily;. Reunion D*Infon Finance Ministers' Dejv,it- Oond . , . I I . . I . - will be - observed. Also: there will 'be I I . � . . . . . . - I . I I �11 . I . . five hou1% In obstiodive vein, during - Opt the oath an required *It A very enjoyable event -ivas the mOnt, 4i!k0Ow10cT9iXW I- Th I . . � I . I . , I L J protest against a receptiow of members Into the . - beqk, , - I . , -rubbei footwear m6h wehave in this country. I I ., . 11 1. � - I . ... � the form-** B %charigu'family held reMipt Stamp, UX gis it affects Tnuni- , . ,. '. I . I . I . I 1. I � I . I I the .ndval dobatv� go poissemed a a fakee of ut the reonli before ' L Wear beti pai L 91y . I . . I . . , � � . I . . I 1 I hen hiembers cipal husluess,bansactiox a �OMK read church. Sundaybeing the, day before . bei 6han-any others.' Let your next r be Lire. .Is . . I . . :" 0 :. .. .. 'Vein #f ,%it, that 'was wopular with $eprotary of State won �satisfiedl in Toronto last week w. i . . I 1. I .. I . . . . . , , i of the family from,, Cuba, Toronto, and and placed on file. � . I Thaliks$LiVing Day the services will � , I . . L �111 , , , I �: . I -be in keeping with the inaturp of the � . ,y .brind Rubbiers., IL . I . � I . . 11% Quebec niembers, and , e invariably and the papers'pomted. In. one buo . . I . ; , , I , . . . . I �. . �: ; . . 11 Allpoke la French, L �011ing b4oth, on tfie� occasion,of Goderl�h. m4t togetWor for the first I Xr* B. J. Lqe,was ,bresent'and stat- .,day. At the evening service at 7 the I . L. . . ... - L .. . .t., I'll . .., . L. . .. L, I. ;, � � .11 I— . . , I ,� , 1. I % , , _ though conversant . _ ily LIS , . I L . . I . k . . : � , A - , .1 - with era the last federal elections over $0, time since the fam 6d that'he wo,'11fils1*4 with the.welb L � . . I 1 . . I ­ I . ,. fsh� Ili the 1921 gexi I . . thL eptir4ted, The pastor Will -speak -on' the, rsubjeot, I. I I . .. —' 90AIRING — .11� . I ,, - :. , '. . I , . in, Lle Polled %nor . andLthat gaini�'hee jW46�eedih . . . I . .1 �-�� ,�:.`.� � .. , . . I . . . , ­sspOn,'$6tt4hI6htL witli, tli I , . IL I : . L ga would .f4 � . L � . � . . . __ . I Z % e than 18,00 per coat. of the voters ombors of er family 'atttridirift e Pitching 'Your Tent Towards .go.' L I . . . 1. I _ . I . 1.11, 11 , �­�._ 4eis, . ?t `� ' . � . r. .It won 8�- Anderson (Anne), df , 'L 'dom.'o I I I . . ' bi�'. la L . :0 , , an&L '.."' . . - - . . I . . .­ . . . . , L , votes in Jacques Cartier twice � As the help of the Inteoreto bo,,eettioa � Sunday Sdhool at ,3 p. m. I . I . I . , *Ir to the to. Cuba; � .,and Mrs. George Otkhan. Onmilsidon- for bitlfin6 on the well I . I . ' , . . 1, .. �:iAl -4 milk"y 48 earest opponent. . I k"i Of. C the niiirilipg class meeting at 10 e0n, . . I . . I , . . . I - . , L .­ I I , . . .1 r& Walter contract, one clamp knit'reaming well, . L GEO. MacVICAR I . .. . . � I I �_, I I I . . - . L 1-0� - . '.1 ' mille voters at that booth. to sAy labs-,' Mr. and Mi I tlAat.Mr ... Everyone cordially *elcorA4 to All, .. .1 . . . . I I . . � � I . I', 'Vetersims' 40hariiea! � that 'tot more. L than three Per Bue s 0 in 'on t a Passed L I . . 11 . . . ., . I . ,�aoan and,,two sons, Mr. and Mr , ' n Ott I ws 1. . � ­ . ' ' . ' I . 1. L, .4 f, . ... . services.. - ­ . 1. . ]Nofth-L Side of: SqUare L .. I � .. I .. . , . , . V. 3, Lee b.e paidthe Sam. of ;207.30 , ,the thanksgiving sup. . . . . . . Godprich N � cent, of them were Independent Armstrong (May). ailia six children, ' 11 . . . L - , Furthek Instances keep coining to 1reter's assistance. Mina Emily Bu4ailan, all .09 Torone- as balance'lia JUII.Ldn well contriict,' I . 1. . 11 I I I . . , . I . . . . I ��, ; I � , I . of the, intorp ' por an4 program on Monday evening, . , I I . L I ... . . � - . I lit of alleged, discrixiiinition suifor-. 4tUnless Canada's Naturallga. ' to, and Mr. arid. Mrs.. Jdalies Buchan. 8. 0 ielamp and';180 tot reaming, . I -_ - I . � I I T� - . .1 . I . ex_$eiVIoe' mon, L III Conneetion � a .� � .. I I . � . . Or 1. 1. �.. � I L , .1 . �: by tl6n, Act in appiled in spirit .al4-d.',--.Rn,.-...of..,-..-Goderich . ..... 1111ra-_ -Alifte.oll ... lading all other expenses, World's Teniperance . ----* . . . ­­­_­�. ,__.___­­­, _­-_.-­, 1?PoJritm0atSs­_mOSt of- letter, 011 le4s - h- - ---Ili ­ ­­ -'t- to ­ PUOAY_�WAS. _! ...... __ - I ___" - � . I. I 104cral- , as.,it aj�pli4i-to7 ih-i-ige, - makeS-ber home in Toronto for part _e(jSt�j__ . I . . .___ "I I - ... -_ . With , i5Ud*VOit-*itli,-ii-iinf6iCsorvice Of the *_— I ' * ' !'L.� L . . . . � . I L ( c arges, e amoun . . . � . I . . .�W' I I . 1010% simmer I Osyn to this, that inen. ' - paid., o LLL r. Lee's assurance, that a Sunday schools in Knox I I . . __ I .1 . . .. - , . . I ;Patb knowledge of ,English or of each year ond Mr. George Bach , ,11 Various I 11 I . . - I L :-.-;; I . �, , ". found qualified �y the Civil Service roach, the outstanding question onan ,I& at Present visiting there,- it acco in connection with the mat- ,church-l'ast Sunday afternoon. The I . . I I I . . I . ,& ! .. .. , 1: L . ­­'�­­ ---,- 'IL, i - � ...... . ___._'_4r,0mWI$3Jo _-f0r­"­ce,rtSih ­ I . I . 'L . . '. I . I � , � 0 - � , L . ositiong , since be Wt was ,ter,h4vo - I . :;,i"!. .A - ­ being twa4 years , w, ea PAId. - I : . ke n ---'t a. -at n ur- - ­ . various superintendents Occupied . . - _ ' ' . . . . .e ..". I ..,-T' \ 'hove for some r( leg, Is ra * a n On to' seaby on 'the platform, An address ,, ., . 1L. . I . I "c'' Bti L 1. _.- .-OF :-. . .. ( � 'It . msob unexplained by . back ta, Ontario.- Mr. and N)rs.' _ Sister of Goderith Lady, C�lebrate Lb�r - L . ANOTHERWELEK. . .1 . I . . I .1 . I the Government boo, r 0 1 on, the'evils.of the use of.tobaceo 11 . . I . . . . .- . I . . . previinted'froin, our ederal : 41 lec� -chaiian, of town, were In Toronto for 45th Wedding Amaivejj�aiiky I L I � I � I . I .1 .. '. I ­ � . � , , � . , � gesuraing, these po�sftloos. In � the tion c I Ila . , t t e eon.' s*Vetal days'and the time was'tspent With Her Husband . . 1 Mr. Cooper, of Clinton, was given.. . S,GIVIKG L* . . : , I :,.,., ,, _. . 11 . � - � I I I I 1� � pos%officp plaSsificotion, an Instance herings at the Th- L I Rev. , I . ,� ,, .1 . � , , . 7strue le islatio of the tate in various isocial gat e Brussels Post last week'said; Mr. 1 -Hedley conducted, a series . I . I m now cited at Oil Serlaga, where the of a homes in Toronto of Mrs. Anderson, of questions and answers on temper. L . I I- -W- . I or ,It . I RECIALLTHANK VALUES � . I �. �f L I . I I r has -Lbt�on Vacant for , gL _ Monday,'Ootoher .23r'd,. Mr. and Mrs, ance. Mrs. Howell: spoke ex In' I L I . 4 I L I . . I . L I . : I � I 'Yet Parliament at it's sessj6h last Mrs. Armstron and W. Walter Bu p ining I . I . . 11 t a Uses to . .1lar all. in I . .. . . . . . '. 11 L ,, . .L .1 11 I L I �. I . . year. A00 ioatiors were made in Sprifi� r4osaoVed L the only nofeguards challan,and itt-ta ng ov�r t e t 7 of their wedding receiving e AN[) I I I . . I . W h pas George Colvin- �elebrated the 45th av4 %. . . � G ., .I � . ugual way by T. k1l. Word; 4, dis. rgfichise ,sod .present. 4 . I I roar oron Is Plat. colle ions Sit : . . 9_ , � , I . .L ; w:.�, . I . I . I .. . 'Oft I I surrounding the gift of.the I . I 1. .. Itl1ile", - lations of telat4ves and, L . . . I . I . .� . . . . I �- I . �.� - I'll . ii%iiii,41 .11 L . I I L Is erance day a ices I HOP ' ' ' I * . 1. . . I , . vetpraut married sAd with one 'to, forelgia-bor cr`14g re ein L edevote to h de y the 'S P1 NG ECONOMY . . �'� I allid by JaAl" Hill 'a middle. a women, f e-n%!u . achi&4 ,the privilege auta"ho no,* Goderich Ste4 Store. Has - ltecor�d­ - Old The 'ceremony of 40 �1 . , " . TeSidelat (if the Village. Mr, matically aree Sale" .Years al;o wag terfort:60 at Blue-� coat of ad itions to � hall. The . I . . I . . whou married to a man possessing, I Rifig Anniversary . . � .1 . . . � I a, understood to have principal The two weeks of the third � anal. valeos. Where the ilde, Miss Ele4l)Or choir\loft was wellfilled th a ebil - . I � I , - I . I I citizenship I No personal aplilica. * Steel Wi 4, � AT L . . .1 . I . loesklill as veil as that of a., le of the L. R� Jane Anderson livell Rev My. .. renos,.'ehoir for the SeMee' L MISS I I I . . I . . ,heris .P.44r Rast�;,%mbtoui. tigh to.'a judge;iiks hitherto . I COA * , .,Coop . . . . . I . . .. I . . I I I ttment hangs fire "JU$t COMIN L L -vote.'' Mean, StOrd in' Godorich proved record Or tying tile Wiwi, 'A "now storm Marg�'uerite Mulholland gave a' reci I I .... .. . " I APP0111 night And the beautiful tation and Miss Rume a s6lo. . I . . � I .. ,,, I At _ . . I . 4 . . I . ­ a14 earne on that I L A - � I tr - ' time, the United. States. has willed breakers, logely-exo,eeding the best to the depth of 10 inches and. re. . . - . .. 90YAL LIDIES'-ftEADV. 0-VEAR VORE .. . . � . A , twas 'he "rat "'am to onlist on' out, onito part, the privilege of eiti, 'hopes. of the nianageiniiik- And Sat- f0l I I . .. . I I . � L - � 1. I . . thg tillage; Atr�ed in the First Bat- h, L I A . . L .. .. .. . . . I . zonship by &avriageo and �reqliljres urdAy last was the best day of the ald lied until the next Spring. Bride '0 I I . . . . . I I It ',.,,IT Won, and is' still receiving treat* and groom drove from the depot In 'a L PlEoPLE wE r.Now � 10 WhIC L 00 , H;. L . � . 114 personal :naturalization. by womea, *s sale. As an Instanee, of t1le.quantity . - . I . . . . . I 1111,11L But Mr. 1111lis Is an active here weve 600 pairs or.sleigh.' Mr, Colvin was born in, . I I h ats.sulty 0,00885 UK, sweater, 111- .. . . , � I I ­.. �p4rtcd to have %vell no men. *It Mr. P4ft)a Is well of goods $Old It . Elliott sp,ati . I . . . I I I � . I � loiberal, and'ig rt I .1 10ormed, the Act regaired tighten- a certain lind of hosiery on hand Cdunty Donegalo Ireland, -and came Mr.' and Mrs. 0. M A Pga L' . I_ 91-couinionded by tho riding asso *ith bisparents to Canada *hen nine , . - And M11heity Values.-Lobm La .. . . ., n r : . ." _# ­ — r Ward hapliling to t,-dyi Con -ingr - tip. rather. .than. rdaXilig! � when the store commenced selling on the week -end in London. , lery . . , , . . - -hd . - -- ... : __v- ---. . . ­.­­ --.,,. li� I , to _ , - MISS; I rismay .Thbxffp9d4 . . . ­­­� . ­ - 1�1 - -_ I . , . . ,J Saturday afid by -evening only: fifteeft. ,nionths ,qld,- He line lived --tw-Bri3ts, I - -, -, . . - ­ � 'I - - ,ig" - - , Sels for 52 years and bought - §' i;eflaifi� .. . - . N . -_ . 1. . � ive, Ila politics,,So his *ar rec , L the park ed from a visit hi Toronto... . I � L L �, I , �L, I ; Maly a6tuouat, ' _ . ., .. The Arthur - Circle gazaar pairs rontained undisposed of, In lot Brugsels'&utktoutaining 6 acres . a feW Of th - ,� � L . 1. L , . L J a Big Succtss . . . � t conn�vtioa. with the annivernary Sale in ,, . . .1 . 1p--. . � . . . . I I - -Kennedy and , The Messrs.,Jeffeisoni of"WeStfield"' L' Hem arei sel"'t . , I I — r , III the -many Steel st6res ,in Canada 80. The. late Dan. Were visitors in town last Sunda I . . L . I :. . � .� I .... ­ . .. � . . The Arthur Circle of: Xn�x chilich Mi$$ EINabeth.Anderaon, later Mrs.. L - .y..- . , � . . L . 'kA � - L� . .. .1� i . .111 . .1 ,Caln#onsation Board - and tho ;Dnited States -4n round, . .. . A. .. I .. L . q . . I � nurprlqed ther Xe011et*, * now of Godericb,' were Mr.A:J.X&eT(a;ywasI thavictnitv 1 . gLtS L , . � 41, . Aselves on Saturday, ev. . _ . I., . I I I I John U. Sbaw, of Wood hilio, .about fifty vf them I 11 -re. . .1 "' I .. , ; co, I * , I �. I Aock. -V ning last, when, tbo, came, to count numbers there are &oomsman and , bridesmaid.. , -Six of Mad Lake (near Lake 1$itacoe) � . I '. . . 4 -,� I _ 1, addresoing Windsor, .'Ohamber of 01 * -priz,es were Offered for the -Ihrg6t qhildrtin ,,qurvive .viz - Afro. . � . . . . q . . . I . � 'k L . . 61111wer o-, tbe i)ttaw day, . attaeked up the wocceds �Of tfleir bazaar, and percentage . of increase durifig the' - A. 0. bently hunting. . I Clasgy'lleal � 4 . 4 , . I I I . found t1w, ca!sh t6talled $362. About English, hirs., 0, -M, - Miteliell and Messrs. I. DonvIlsob, F. Saunders'o .. vy weight Barberry. Coats, biown­i, blu6s, greys . . .. ., I �. I the Drum Govervaliont,for appolntia�- two woeUa of the l4ale over the bust- . and ottler shades Stecial Drices . L I . nesa. done during I the whole - of - the �L. Y'Olana L ' . O�8.50, $26. 0 and$2,7.50* I � to flip , Woturacilla Compensation $0.00 vvna the b,mt the Cirele had on Mrs. Y. ,Grant, Ilk the West, Mrs. W� Xoptizatatect an(': shoppara Bra going - Is , . . .. I 1* A labor lfrino, any vintilpir..,oceasion, before, so the nionth: of September. The Goderich ,e and George, Stratford; and on V, deer liunting expeattiou. . . . � L . in '13eaVer, ana L � . � I 1. 8(%rd a man vith avowc alembvira had calilse to be gratificil at Miss X�hima, wlib is now living in the . I . ' Plain tailbroil Veloifr Coals, veiT smart, t . � � viplvxi He had bom told that yreln- st.ore had- a larger percentag-e of in- . Mrs. Bedford; sr., has gone to Cali- -town a L . I o , . the reiwlt of their offort,& The leet, 'West. Lucy Wed at the age b bades, suitahlb for all occasions, half lined shot silk, $21.50. . . J _.� ?,er 91-urY Adulitted flip alvLoinmont crease tlian any Of the stores in the Of $ix- fornia to spend the .winter with her . M � . . . . L L . - . .,I, � . Was 1111silitable, but bail liven u1ndo ute rowal of ,the chilwh Waq vory pret. 11nited Stat6, and in Canada wag teen years and, Mrs. A. Chapman lat' soh-in-lMy and daughter, Mr. and . L,Ixt' good value in bro'ken lines of coatq in � Silvertone with � I , 11 , I . . ugh .!"Palifieal C%tr:in- lily decorated in liallowelefic effect in ,,�ecilcd only by Toronto and Brant- er. -TIliere are also sixteen grand. Mts. Will Green. L . � 'Z0d beaVV BUADITYs and fancy Coatings, Polo . acrv�mry thirc, , Goder,e,fi Sto L I . .1 I . i which Mach- ct)tq, witeriel, bats v.ud e thus L toolt , children. .Air. ,Colvin has two sisteri;, I Mr. BQn. Robliiison,' of Detroito is fur collo,ro, 8mall 91 I I . eimll '.Smeh, an Or'lloisitnJont. L .11r' . a yverp. Prominent. ford; � Th� re L , Cloth -and many other mmtorials,2661tsigiving �.Ioailng price, $12.50. 1 1 1 Show r"Riall-4 out, tvzaq 4�,:�,ahlpt the pulaillml decoratioa, third .standine, in the cotallietition a- I ATM. Gviffixth Of Winnipeg. and Air,,,. vipitilig. ht the.parerital home of Capt. . . .. . � I baiRiv'prin0k4v,.',of tho Act.w1dell re- Thtv tnble for the sale of useful ueo- mong all the Steel storea ill Canada 1 Totimmell, of Vancouver, B. V. Nv�q- Wia. and Mrs. Robinson,. cor. Wel. . L � � 1� .4 ' d buaine!ls. . lit 610 Irolvill'a siater I,% Mrs. ljcn�edy, I � . . , lm -t �ieen c6rlou I y g ed. . L L . I L X I., . I 1�vlbk:3t Sudic"llal)"'ty' vountry atore thero %van a vnrikt of- W - I Goderleb, and fier brotbor. is Reilp?vt "ingtoll st. and Slt..G60rj�e.,a crezeent. . , � �' ilf 1� and the, States -o very goo(L show h I - 'Crul"tlmt�]" ' - _ I , OpeS6 - k I ind . I co L 4 Th,or( -1 d':'r!'-1t1sfat!t'(4n ­ . I . fr � I - Alldervou. flywisel.q. The bride .and 1, Ale, Marsholl Stonehoute, Mist F7 I � 11 , . . in lrc�, f.rt's.�sit ,,, m, tholvortil o? wanu ,,op&q �for qah. The po,it es lea IMA A .1 I CIL L I I I . I 1'*C!aL!,',-o-4 f th(, ,a bwiy thao Ili, hardin,(T out Parcels, , Death of' ltkw. 0. It. Cobblcdi Canbon Crepe, Crepo do. China, Silk% 'VelvOtg. samvle I , L�' 'ViJ11 tl�' _t1t (0� . I grooln. of 45 .�onr,,4 ngo, culoy con,. lie ry 6 Mr. Frank Campbell of I , " I . , L �0 T;ffl:j!.�a o 1. L�gnny I I eatfiefd,­ were gueats of Mr. 'and I ,. . . the tawift, tablo nvw� ,�old out eavtyl ,,paratively grood licalth and are well dresses, no. two aliko: and pullot be duplicated. Special reductions , , , 0arli k,,­nfi, )I AOL alpal radieal chnn w -41q. tc% Godtnfeli frientiq will read Po.�Jt kopea r!�. - Ield road, I . . . Ges 11110t, I 11*40-A'(1 at t . ! a iiq pent of t1ke ,, known residents. .0 tonchoust, Blyf . . . 11 b(l, jn,t arJ),.Iur11 ind tbe tab'e of d, .il�q Ito I � � TILIO �Jfthrotlglj,thig Week. 11 i , 'V,it(;4J witil ,,%orrow the x1rinouncot i a N4 h -end. I . � , 3 . I . ., 'M , tv ,q . . . I , � C,(,� f.,.V,��! L' brald 1,4q4h'. U, - w .. " . -if ari( " �, woll *oliblMich, pal.4 .%vill be w. lik,aety ra yoarg heneL, OvQr - . � . ,ne0i"'. s , lvf 40�,�l Aln", .� V (leatir of 1.1tv. ("r. It. C I they � 1. J Serge atid Trimline Dresses in right,mart girlish st � 1 . , 1-�,,FO'�� - I . 1,=-oneq4,47. Tk'(Iii tliow,% w,,v-i the tea , tC)f fsaul',� Nethodigt church, I to COIQbvab�i' the gol6n ,anuivov;ary. wifis Is. C. NetVfll' W110 e0iaP!Qte(1 hC 'L . L. L 1 Y163, 1 . ". * " lloar,!,;�,�,f � '. JOf L �S I 'I .0, r ­T:eeial $8.50 f(i 21.50. ' . . . � I N. - . I I I ­­ - . . I r I(G)t1l V,4'k'D�� 1,,Iv,�t and vtcla,1;, bread . , t. Alta.. who dicd 0�,t. 0.5th .'. St. Petees 9choolo Goderich ,eout� 't the Ontario Collegeof Art, a'.) ., . I . �_ ­ nt"41 btlotQ�r, 4,)%('� atad tea or 'e0frec-illillburstii , �, So q I . I t1k J. F %-Cs",;tTon!o Q,rX,e1l1 41t1t � fi�'Dll 'I -reveiv0d carlivi 'ar , , I X. , �_ �:,','LX' �A�t . -a Vttail ,* - -, I injuric'. , in tlae'j' �]�")pott of Reptorabvr and October � Ar"' 'C�I'vl'�O"211�411t av"y ['ae ("` : 1 Natty Homespun J)resses in four difforefit styles ,,In,l eojor.,�. I twd Tki, v-.o:nu made, k leul4oln in art nt , the Tvaclk� s .,�. * . I m, i oavcb- - . 1k -t -,,:11c -V '�'r (, o I . . . L .. � dly when t1w nutemobile W w 1 dr'V" 0 0%ni�4136011P', naMOS in OVIVI� ,,of Ai m. � ti n hold in Toronto. ' I L I \ , &7- c f,b P., - Avr,�i_,Ir,vt�-o . Imat W4 n"my ptwaimZ1 tbo tcn ,; il)� en' -11 11rWS $4.65, $6.501, 6.75. _�,� 't St'llic . 'd J,kn.L Q(A 0 'ftC,et r tracl�o I N.. 1, - , .. , .i I it. . I I . #411 1 � _ ­r,z�-_,�,nllca 1_1��, r',�;)m. (;Z.A;�ilwne 211u,41'. wa!� play. � ** M ' , E . . I . 7,11 L , .% %V113 ai)!'�v v ­d �Vc?q 1, . 'c :) . � I Noble, who has bow . . � "I . - " � Ill t:�"';r V$Jt­?A"�"JZ , tJJC'LJj0 r , I 'i �. ., 't .1 . t�!)Kfl ln"It 'to. ('J! 4JUlirr' itit Vnl,,,-,ary anA was eam­kl cighty , I . I (i a I . , , 13 I � rvim; of'U"I. . � � . ­� 11 I 11. 4a,t on ffiv, f,m&r of a �,trioqt (Iftr I 11 u �3 V �Pl t (O ill a I I I ,t:* ronotruction v'*'!x.1, oil', I .. i L I . 'I . ('i�bi)jj� jt'� .. Htlnom-_L�)rno J)'Or"Jor, Dolina� hnrtar oxtenAton. iq at I I . . I i I - __ ­_­ *Q ,% V "il"I"at, Ilita Plzmte. Dean Brennan, his ItoIlle, lVest qtreet. I I I � - - - __ Z_!!!�!T, a� h W!�� _­.. _ _._.._ ­_ _. __., -,-.-- _­_________ J, ,.,. . dielt tv= ii�srn in K the Townto . SkIpIts - �- . ' ­ .. . I . . ay to . It I,, pp;ibl! 1� L 11 I I I ' I "I . (Mlivi" -WIIAUT. about twenty-fivi -j mae"e'# -* 4,z� ma,x nat re"Inue hi. --3 %vorL- n or 1. V . . ... I . I I , i OZVOIJO. Abovo lr*,ppr cant 6 I Stzirts of all description, plain tuilored in Tricotinn and &r4o I 14 . .. . tl�ikn from on, Ott., CM yeara ,,,,, 'Ric 1, onfo untit sr�Tk' , 8Jglrt9;l1t)-. pleatea, plftid and plain, $3.50 to $7.50. -nn. Geo�ga rair, ms ':, L # '. \ I ,, v 's, Sport I � 51 I N - , � k % � 'L. . w�o. Vo grakluatcd, from VI , 'ki I � . � . / I I L ,� e10TF4 , I Pzry J.,1*1 1 O"'40ill. , * . . . . 11 V* I I * boura, in ISS5. i I Me, � Mr. 110trert TA, rig, father of � .. t � . . . .. � �, . , 4% 6 F I D . �i I r, i.. I 0 1 ,uvcv,-ity, then at vo, I I I . I � 'A t , a ,.,, 21rrf - rostomt, 0 wal a S111111 C-011111 , JUX. ViCLASS , I I � Thoii. Lev,L,. 0,40 tovni, had the raisfor., i . 1. �­ I - - I ftv411,&M1, J,,It(­., Tic, ht,ld t,jstpuravvn� Above col per #,,(%t­TeTe_"q1 %V61A)" tnno to fou froill a buililipg ho wal, I 11-1 -1 . I V, 't -41. Wup,-,oll, (&:C."Ie(-_ c1hai."IMartina liu,',,�ey, ljp�qqje Tolytn. Vin. werhin!� on ill Stratford on vrlday�� . � , _. I %i:��, � I - �ftvlp - I ' Yeljo,�7, a, ' L 11 10 V I For S I n� G�,Al �Ii $ J,V 10 I . I -4 - I,A� �It%A'r:, ln'�il 'I'Tip, '11p;IqlOnt 1K1rJ)r,I('Lff�., ­Ijaot afil .qiaffk,,I7��d.,(4 Jr,JC'_tUr4J . Plillover fta�-bua iti'likoh and whito, -nivyan . . I ­­­­ -.11 �. . 1. - . .. �... . . I . - b_ Dn - a.,A �*61d PatU "' ­ "n, ("( , '"' ,"._,, ganq 111,7(1��.i, Te- do! ,, _ of Q0 d lI , - .. - - . y L 'L,111 in � %larvhV Lnun, � . I en 1, . , t n �L Qac,We CR,V. 94-OnIM"iWill. . an, llnmy rl'aj��,Jj;v and blael: aud iod. Sliceial $3.25. . . . � I 0 I. - Ilk, in in hd:lr'i�al' dohir; Weelyl I 0 ,� 1i plact, to cturto to Lothtirktg*c, I ""'ll. V,Iowl ,90 per eent.- �!Zad olirio i) lint v��-,p J,n,.,, _,-� i - . 1, I � � 11 - , nf��Tz!cl !'OV,Jar ?or I I I 11 I L L � - .. ly. - - I ,'. I � I 7/ .& 110*4 I then tj Rdruicqiton and from- Pdnion-,�Jcffvt a few vw okn,, 1 - i , 1 I 11 an I I I . I itt. d Wearine toll to ltl',t. Paul"I 1�,burxeb, 11ifiEurat. � 1 .14N.N. ,fi-d m,L's-'s I HaSiepy I . 4c 1 ____ - � U " Ali�.l ukaeo %Wotto% vounf-an,� I 1, . 0 , . . w4p Mr. k'ObN?Akt, P�vnuyt;iVC4 bt7 a %Vi.� lfcnjov'_� . Vx( All. L"701YO , fla%4),11tor Af A L I . �1 ". . I na. i =,Ac, Xv. and Mrs.' Tho-ning -0 � I , I , ow Ond tbr(", 44MT-On. V.. 'r. cj'�. 1� 1)" I .,Dtton., Irau All wcol . lkithev lla:, , Tamvy OL�Lcsl In heavi ! I I mteivcl ek) x1p cont.-WiWo; WC - Abu Road. who lan_!i been" . Y rai%tare�,, M ) L 141 1111, 6 . 11. � I & , ,01(k&t,,. Paufe-th nvcnmo, Tor-on"10, in, O*N(�,j% N%�.v T�ya,4n. �3t in, En"'?7ar"l, landod all QZ30b,-,- I - r pair. I . . - -, , 1-1iUr , $1AS Im � If", I I I I , via a n�,I,bcw. 1. N - . I I . ( , k I L :1 ') . 11,�I. . , . _` Witivis I 11', JUN". '1n ­,Z (1121,08 ree C. P. R. Ott,. Montelai]r I= t weel" I ! .1 I ,, I � I 1. "L I �. f'u�ror�i, erovn�,ln ,;.%T.,d1V0r53* . t, 4 . - co lcvs� cc"IL 4rcsn, &I.Irvy, "AfA earlao on, to Gt,�!(�Aeh Satur-, .1 11 ,4� 1 . , , . oil �)- t . .- , "I � QU I , . Al­u,,� , ­ , 1�11,0m", 0"t'At'? 21�tl. lli��, Wciften� Millinery . I 11, . . A,�Cal�,.,i�4�'�.� --10,01 nrn,'Rvcy-�:nrn�ll W1i_i!TC4,1V" 11,11,12,to I�Iwa zco I . . . , - , ; , 4 , Goromvtt(",�J',�' 1_� - - . . - " ,I�-�.lnl,)�,,�rti�,p���'�,;Icl�n.t'., , T.,) -'3'' ­L�l � D1 . � � I � r.".., , I L N,!1 at Al" 0 , , N ,,,:%4�, "n'\', ,,, , flokn 1'c�x,. I, _w #� in ttw ON Viva thop � -)z -� , � . . MC::0'm.'. ft,n �--"'­(1n�'4L1)(--' , '111- !;, , i ttnv�� ard o"C.ImIf montho, vis%tjup ��` lkcry -�.-amu' zaut,j (� ��,c�-I'jzi �?,�? h�,% L& q _ I 1 r 32113PI; fi,p ,C.f.. I I 'Black's Han&'railorinq I's AlwaY.1 Reliable t�­,2 � �� ��'4` z .,f,tt-.It�'t',�-lv-c-ctit.--,-A(- , 1c,dIZOV�e7�j4"b'4,J . , ,,,� , . . �11A,Qrj', �T &­'4,�l �Tt� -c"l, #.v-4 � , �L,Cllaflte.'l at N0,*,1.1ir,�,Jtam tral tourin�;�! Vnient tbi�j welb includ"n"', u7mlly L7 -, " , * L"^-'C-,,N��,J�,, . L 1; ,:L f , I Innuna. E.116w"ro ,-,,,-,,, CCUAL�­Ifa�izll; , - I _ � ; 1 -rp­­% - � r'n­!3r,d. =1 %144&-.� in LT"Ao ,q( -C- � " I.i '11 , I 1--nt 11w, L--1-7", f 'r-� TIZZ, I 11haton., 11 I L��r�r,[-%% . , , nr� I'T 71do io I la�,I,Cul-_Tly jptca6hlg� otlij�,-,,acnt, c6LO , - "I L ,,*A k t ' lrl'4,� �, ,I d , � '�"'L ' I , � 4' "'' �, 1'.1, ny I ale , t- �J vaeca . . , .. "�,, �3 3 Men's Smayt Wear , "'),"', '� J­V�­'J 'al' t �! a %'C,allh ctf V,o�k, cvl in vaot c. 121 1 , I . . ,,, ­ 4 v-,\ c!w_-�', �,.nchll L( I - canvinecil. L. I � . . f I I A,' - ', -:i��Ti Lt,�;n o%j the eorwt�q �­ ' , I ; � L : , d I � u 'a r I g r t a ' I' 0 - I ' ot �" 1 1 '4 e I ' c ' ' � 1, , * , . , �__ I , " - , - 0 1 . . I . . . I . �, , .4 , � W I I I . sV - , , ov , sv"�,�i�� 1, B115"N " , �' o I 11 _r I I , 11 11 tzo;- . 1 $0 I 13" iwtolrl 10 y I I I a I ,1' I I 1, , '_1 I I I I, I - � 1. I h * lia Ill I - 11 I , 1� I �110 f4 I I � re ' 4 see t I , nd tl 'Pollini I the la� por C' tb . o hi Would , , " ) male , I "I I I � \ ,� 't t1r.R.", ,,, -I . 8 W 1%1� 1C1.A,,- - 4 * \ C ,,�.!Jl it �.111 (, i4 _'z�; G, ­i?( , � ., I L . V, n4l" I V ­)J T'�', -.1 � I I ­ 1-1 . . . ; I . ,.� �C, ��ftlu­�,-,,- - . Wh"teh-,111. &4h.LCO k�,T ret . � Pla! P vka,t "-.,) ,V,,�_._,� flut). M�%n-,-��- Llcan')t- lvl�wk� yf,�Z "n , a - 'Wv"4 '! . Ift A 04V 1r, . � I've .1 _. , 9 Wnl) �,(-"12�(�I�. All,a�o C41 pey �,­,' -14d9v , ,� 'U" t%o daUen of L n 111,�,�-;­.o 1-'(,�'Ut:,� to ��L:� Lt" �)�tan T,!)" tak,-.,� I . , 1� C upply fencher at Vi�.�,mm ,qC"­,-;31. � ON .14 �. , OCHAS, BLACK I ,-a Ucr!-��J�y, JV-.)y--�1+'q j"I;,11 � - Royal Ladies' Ready 1001wear LCOL I iz.,,:� �',t,,.,�*'�lt-,:':��:�,�,.",r,a�,t,�)T�, th:�' �'=-,�vv", P�)' I , V ,"T L , 0�/ tklviv�%-1 Ch,E-.hAan, ­��W Mr,,. ��4 MW1. & P11 -Morten. C4, 11 �,�'�', �1, fj,' J�,J'� T".t C*,1f, J.,q T,� -t 3�,:�""t' � " Via �!, M:11 4, C - 1 VW Meds store WOA While "�, , �_:, ftr"Y �,,��: wjii-�T�fl�[,.y. Aw_,�_",!�', I . �, ,� - , - ,m par ljffliy� %'(�1)73,, 1��,ntt[�,- Wwh�. wo�c, tyto'wn Z..��,,Vc,ral,� ptww-. 219� . ­,,,il,r�'y-A top, t" w" I i Glodeeich �­ . I �rl!"',v -1-,,,Ui--. X'IwA k ",;�, -.,,�;niq, 1� vert�.,',�,-,­ K�, ,, 1�1,�v C'') 1�'v.C,CEP- (Ifiv,1 ti_', rn,lt T,Czl�, ­14,�%'J, ar'l mr.0 � . I 041114-- - ill to M_ . .. I - 11 - - JJ , ql.,O�i . , _. ' ' � ' I -11.11- - - __. - ­.. _­ I 1 4 - W -A V V - I �. P 0 A 4i p - - k��, - zv� 5�v� ,!�:.-�t�!l Vall"'..", 'j� - � L, .� I "I m 11 9 A ! ,npl` . ", L %Jn �'7,'� L'�'� , ., L" � , :!J�.j­"I ,�J'o _� � � , I - - - - - - Re:�, f�nn I';- �Iy ar ,�(' '.) f6 , �4il'0,�� Lr,sn t — - . I ., " L /� � -.f ;t '. , '--. , 1 4 1, � i