HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-10-26, Page 3% �Ll T 11 TM ARM S ,� t.i_f � .- .. =UV oq, MT I%tct, Im. ;7 T WANI'm A TM ARM S NAC NQ CM i (. t i ____1 .. •rgt oWtO a11.k%V_,"L y■ �/ Relle By ... 9taiaai4*64 %t„at. N9, i NQrtftem, ;j,t sal -A.9 7 ,d .%:: sq. 4 NiJrttivst'ii>� u ♦ tar,LAUJ. 4 Mi t'a ": iaaaat4040 4iaaa Nowlpai, atsat[uwt ■arlas>f � Syrup, SQ. a C. 14� notiatuat, - a aiaradi caatrta. NU, !. ktliorv, "c. N# - Na, x 4reilow. a de, �^. That nasty, dry, hacking, lung•wrck 4riat•4ey. ' Malting, 6907o 6 isg scUgh iii very Wooring on the sp, a Mc t;. Na. t. 69C to 0o. tem. The eowtant eoughiud duturbst ' HIM the rest, keeps.the fungal trail bz n�chittl SQ. 91. 0c to 6:c. tubes in an irritate3 cenditiou, and. tkaa 116011t;en+a 40011veraMf, BrAU. Per ton. $29: , longer it is ally„ed to stick the iihortr, per ton. $.1% • ulddlinara $28.26. more serious the menaco becomes, for OOo4 =altid hour. 61.90. it the cough becomes sealed on that ' oatarte tw iteatt.-�, livaa3, CousntraptiaAn iasay eu4ue. , #o �4- 9 white, U44 to 94'C No. 2. $10 We know af: no remand}• that Will re • Ontario No. $ White oats -41010 4f1�. Ontario corn, Aatninatl. lieva stubborn eanghs_-coughs than Ontario ttour 90 per cent. patent, Ilk ” won't .let god -•-tile lyre 'Food's lwor *'T ' �4 � Qu;;1 Q4946 °nTQContreal itraba+alaa l u a Pir.3 Syrup., . Afro. `Wei. 0. Maxwpli at. R. No. , i0 , b tk seaboard, $4.40 to 44.46. 'too iatClCs,lftuttoba4eaGOrp �s 4lvlat 2t d ut44 ntlf0rdj X. a., writes;—�•,t �"ayj�Ab+�' used Wood's Norway Pine Syrup during PatoIn 44-90. 0,„x,,,110. 2. Per tcn, track, Toronto. $16. MIXed, 41.0.60 to 414t clover. ;b ill ,,the 'Flu' opidemie I must say J can- to. $1.4; straw, $v, car lots. . . , not praise it too highly. It brought CATTLE I MARKW�. ahuost instant relief after being awakn ...y �.;_ ° for nights with a naasty,UV74 dry, hacking cougli and sorra throat, and- I WOit9N'e'O- CJic, $TO TORONTO, Oat.:'$,---i.tve stock to- was so ;oars© I could bardly streak." , coipxs for to -day -4 marltet ware 480 vars-t-Cattle, 9,014; galves, 0519; hogs, 2,22a.F sheep, 468. There is oniv ono 'tior;cay Pine Sip .. . BtTVII AL0 LIVIi•1 SIVQCK. ;tial that is "Dr. 'WCaaI's." Be sure'. and get the gonuine. Pricy 300 and 600 �f DUPI''ALO, N.Y.. Oct. 2aI:--,t;attle roo Calpts. 326• steady. , Calves. i60;..69a lower, $5 to -i bottle.. Put up only by The T. Mil• burn Co,, Limited, rToronto, Ont. - te... rrr.o�r�� -i16. llaai;s, 2.900; 250 to 350 lower; heavy', 49.75 to $10; mixed and Yorkers. 410; llatht Yorkers. $10 to $10.25; pigs„ ;10.26; rough I , TM 3TA'S Ne guivioa tti'ttl snnCii a lilt' ire `i!hf r Ylt, uredeatia uY Mp �.1n+f. %h .alt Yv ;:ee %,iiSl to I11�lYiC' h�'i llJtinO w►1Ftn 7lG''i' 4Oln', � , Iltaaiit,} `;taaaat6ilip �'4'il�lil MN, A tjwnitt autaln7n W.,a'i�'inj, 'ii(Il sv2,- ennnaAe.I at 1*tfk a nun �'ue:;alav� t,kt�l�ex R vah, ' ah a gnu ue tat xr Hind :Itt'•� 6i t.'. R, til, 4 f the 84I.N- iciit roast, in ,1 1:4,11ey towhst ilt rn the prewncejr Social 0144 Forpoil ix C.at ctwa fth chotot xvittiq Cis;�Urailacli ;, ei I :-ta Hese, daughter 31M Min. of Trustoeai a d its 1%*y4trx Asodation Potosi is 1Wtathalaii a11d U.. '> t IWS14'm tN4r 1. ut: Hayfield at G.C • roti i.lnallx'a 1wa1, ra ftathwvlt Satz ,tit: T. R. 1'ralilt $�•ctnllutrikttai Jos. Lteiix t1 Rom, Mr. she late William Rathwelt ar,d Mr., �.aeaiilly Escaping Witk Shakiai, Up --Petah Num Gra ivate Nit RatlnKell, t?f khe #va4tnein line, were iA►in iutti Hospital--- Zi�urriar staid Reaiti tl 1 Itiut Rei Gota41t , nit+r t�tl, The R.� J. t-: Eaten, PON',: Y tar of Varna Metaodise ellurch crated, C Was > arnaer 1YisiSkaaa I'a>tor ..:curd to Ct;Q*.D�i u > uzi".:.a �F .m:aTs. RaM. Dilworth, Xthelt called Rev, Geo. A. Mitchell, R. A., who *Igo, i After at leite aril sometimes pain= grassed away at the home of his d*u- earlist-Way p ion illness, covering ar period tit 9, hhte> in Iiaegnnbe, Alta., on Sunday, St. Joseph's church, Ftra,ford; v.as IYOM', Rotert Dilworth, a well known a)et 45th, in his 8211d gear, was a tine mere of a lovely autumn %T. d3ing and resldeeted resident tlf Ether for pastor of Win ham Methodist church on Tuesday morning, when Miss Mar many gears, passed awuy. least Friday, About forty years ,ago. ' garet Way, younngst daughter of the Wt- lith, at 7.84 a: in. ry Ile was born I late John Wa ? 114 B a at Yarmouth. Ireland x5 sears Eadies Preaibytstriatr +church; 'Turn ,, «J runswvi i~ street, , eco, , 4 berry', Reopening +'aas united in marriage to Mr. Fran, .and emigrated to Canada;w1n is boy. The congregation of E`adles+ Pres-. cis Carlin, of Seatforth. The wedtiinas or yeira Ile livers Nvitl ,'his late byteri:zn church, Turnberry, lana ceremony was performed by Rev. Ilarather, Henry, of Ilowick township, been rebuilding' their church during' Faitther i�uigley, cousin of the groom, . befor4l conning to Ethel lsnealityl ora�r the past summer and now that the and the bride was. given away by her ° 540 yean� raigo. Iia ivarried Miss Vio- work, is completed' the reopening brother-inrlaw, Mr. 1 P. McDonnell,' let $harJ*, who was the first baby services will W helm on Sunday, et. of Rochester, nil. Y. ! girl born 1n Grey* township, aand they 29th." w Rev. Mr, West, a_ former -p s-: Death of Mr. Jew. Phillips, Aahfielo located on the Sharpe homeattead. tar for fifteen years, Will take eharlte.. 11ir. Joseph Philli s, of aha 0th con. D"cAsed always lived at 14.thel after p that egeepting five,years. silent .in the Wingham Hospital Ladles' Auxiliary Ashfiel.4, died on Thursday .Of last' West and did a large business aas land The .JoAdies' Auxiliary to the Wing weep in the hospital at lir Ingham dealer. haw General Hospital had receipts,. whero he had been taken to be open T the past year, of $628,97 (includ- ated on for a rupture which had "iv- ON Resident of Ashfield Passes ne , Ing cash on hand Oct. 14th, iJi'1 of on, him trouble . for some time. Mr. O of the very rind residt,nts of . 82 311811 ; Thin Auxiliar held three Phillips was Gi dears o sage anal Iry north Ashfield passed away on Sun• y ed on the farm with his father; by day of last weep in the �aersgn of teas, to raseuch and dance and made whom he will be greatly inissed, - The Airs. Tht mans Webster, M the age of ' an autograph quilt.,.' funeral was on Saturday to Greenhill 81 ,•ears. She had been ailing for �tiingham Junior Farmers, to. "Hold cemetery. .. seNe'rRi nwnths with infirmities of flowitirCompetition • I Old'*nge, With her l;ste husband she The Winlybttm ..Junior Farmers Death of Morris Township Resident. had resided on the 14th coneeasion of Improvement Association has; decid. .Saturday, Oct. 14th, Miss Nancy A<slnfield'since the early ei htles they a da , g , h y ed to holt a. 'plowing competition, M Callum, daughter of the late Crit-., having canis £rami Ireland In the year . open to .membtlra on payment. of a hart .and Ma McCallum, formerly 183. '.lion husband died ten yearn. GO -cent' fee and to non-members on Wel} knorn Morris tovaish4p 'resp- � ttgo, -She i. survived by two sons paw T ■ It. ` '� fi. a A ... r� ` , v R i a F A I R E q We Purchased far the fall trade comprebes siv* f Mack$ from tho most representative aid askik warkots at figured made possible by close bliiying. The 4116410tage emacs *0 you in the matter of Tower prices. You are f ilmifiar with the reputation of our stare. You only crest assured that it will he waiataiired. �' „ 0110-1.� r. Ladies' New Fall ,fiats �y}y� M - . -;rI ',oil will fauna almost everythiga In oar collecttnli that the slew .sects ll 110, proelaillied. as f ls,hi noble. 0 Hats cal Pk titre 1111d Ly4nit8 Velvet, et, vtIvety lie and Felt, trilut11ed wrii't ve-alllur lu ntlalts and metal #lo w°eus The favoved ctil+xrs are lslaek f wood, brown, tcd , ittilt. , gray, 11 - MeOl vercQ c s Ovemoats that the sulart in appearaucef nix tl pyrode uality. Lovatt blather, res � + f � Hp lC;rti}' txiid �yt)ww'il shades; plaid ha4, half -knelt or belt all rOttud. We j', call recoultuelid these eats for men dud Voting Mtn, Prices $17 SO tO $27 SO. Mem .. alis and Caps `Ott Citi ',dw al's distinvaish a ,viun,;r "fr m tl.i to a :' also rails: GragL, style, xlnlit are the hall liar R fQ Y rG S .f -our fall alu'i wriizter caps anal stats for e p n, , Otto j lJll:Ii and boas 4 -_ t5 to ;8, eta s, 5 to ,4al, a meat or a *x Nee, the plowln to I i +a. i rX% ,Mrrt+Y. 4V �u„ 11VIAM VL Niki : hour a4ugilters. ., phn, at1 -the 1" •: . ., - t <4�: �.1ii' R 00:11 t , .yi10 P and 1&tnbY. 1 2UUk_1 . p .+c,u, a .- . - . �-,.,..r,_, :,�:_� A . pp - __.� :._. ausllta $kia�ix; . #>ey nishod-•be%1a•- t A � Slgtp ,�M(ns Kit to-Aic( WARM cor-�faMil _._hontestead• J n es . Nil, pttsnka T,Oc lower• . tan n Nov Ct h + _:' �- _ ..? ,1..- t �?- int. a r.._ -:... _ - _, - i ; 4i, to ner of Turnberry and William streets, eon„ Ashfield; 'alta. G, Gibson anti: ' "y "` "" " ""` rK .r - �••�R. A. ?at. HEIST, OsteOpatbia •Physt$San. #16.26; Yearlings. �6 to $11.6u; tivetherp A Zurich' Wedding Brussels in her. b0tlt a r, , Deceas- A .A . Graduate Des Alpines' stilt Colnege of 'Jct to $11.60; awes, $2 to $7160; mixed y tl. ills s. I'etel Coal., of Ashfield, riles, OsteopatbY, Licentiate Iowa and iifichfafan aheepl 37,60 to s.. 441 very hapii�y� event took place at 'ed wt's 'barn in Grey township and W. Webster, of Gpehrttne, Ont.,.. andAi­ I 'I high noon Qn Wednesda , Oct. 18th, lived in town for the .past few years. Mrs. Jas: Miller, of Lucknowx .T r M.. state hoards, Special attention to diseases CttiQAGO LIVYaI i4Tpt)IC, at the home of. Mr, and Mrs, Andrew h OR�I o[ women and children..lielConsultation free. C81CAt1aJ, Oct. el,.ago rat 2,5x0' She "was only til a short, time and her funeral to Greenhill cemetery was Ogice r4rner Nelson and St. Andrew Sts. compared with a week ago native beam Thiel; Of Zurich, when their youngest demists came as quite ,n aur rise. ' on Wednesda to p Y of : rnoan, Qet..18th. The �4iNi .Sao e � 1'14" , successor to nt: fielleitaaim. Ia searortYi steers 26e to 60c higher; spots up more: '�augl+ter,, Margaret, was .unitea. In Loral Branch o} Trustees' . G e k W��• T _:_ ay -11. ­beet 'COW'S mostly roe to 4oc UP: beet marriage to Mr. Dorson Sanders, .on- Hluevale Resident Dies , p and Rate. • . 0__000.. __ . _ �..-0000_ ... . --1 0*-- • ., -- I heifers unevenly, 500 to $1 higher; Nan- lye child Pf Mr. and 1VYrs, George San- " A "lndst highly estoelned resident, payers Association Formed in "'n' ' SPECiAL!<i>;i' nets and carfare strong; Dackere tnoauY Jars,. Mitchell. The cerenton was of 13luevala, in the P©salon of John S. �1 inghain R. F. J. A. FORSTER. 260. ups .heavy readers chant steady Y D- - weekly bulk prices native beef. steers; Performed by Rev. R. Remhe, Spence, passed away. , Sunday, 48th A 3aea1 branch pf the Ontario . , ,.r �; ' nun. c, Dr.. J. M. field, I'. . i,; nit. diplomas and nnedAtla minda li Dr, 1, - EYE, EAR, NOSE, "THROAT, • $8.40 to ;11,60, western i rasaara. ;ti;60 - r fret., aged ss years and three months, Trustees , and 'Ratepayers, t Associa- , y . to $7,60; hoer cows and heiress, ;s,bo Winter L` umb ' tion was farmed an tYln chum on I+ultt�n, secretary of the County R. L, Stewart rind ?r. I,. M. C. D. Late House Surgeon' New York O hthal• to $7,60. He was in )poor health for some b ' , ifi t. etre and Aural Hospital, assirtant at linoro- Hogs. 6,000: rl4' The,1n.arriagr3 was .solemnized in ears. Itis wife redeceased hint 38' Tuesday night of last week Trustees ttnd :Fatepayars Asspela» nedy. '1hq ro rain inclil ed o } � � i, ma et rarely active;. ,' p .and the p g d s ltR. Aeld s Eye Hospital and Tlolden S,luare arenerauy. steady; hulk 210 to 26U -ib .Toronto on Monday, October xd, by years a o and ori ,Olin sister, Mrs. 'fa110wihR oflicels• were elected: pep- tion, and others. by �'rs. R.. S, Williams (;iamero'z - " " Throat�v ospttat, )Condon, >r:ng. butchers, 39.60 to $9.60; top, $9.6U .b •Rev. J. W. f3hristie," of Mary MOr g , • i sident IV. et Cedric,, ttnd Ai ' Waterloo .t. 5.,, stratrom'. Tele. ulk . Handel"son, has been living with hint. J.. Henderson, view piosi- D 4th of lines. f:eorge 'LOM1aw r. HanmO"r-and a read- • :phone 207, de0l to 200 -lb. averages. $r.s0 to ;9.44;:' nelvia . (Nelvfa) daughter of Mr. and is .survived o e daughter, r dent Robert Coultas et Ing by Mr. W. lfan'4Y e . T I 'LAt edfnrd 11otel, Goderich, tr m tV l rabic.' Plans arvuud $9,26;eatlmated- HQ s Yiye by n a $liar, M 0. , , se�cr any*#teas Mrs. Gtprgo Laidlaw passed' awvay he noir° o ed holdover smoo, heavy, s,s5 Mrs. 4V. N. Crumb, of St. Jerome, Robert H: 11icKfnnan Bluevale.. The u r, Abiipl" Casens; et?ullcillors--VY, t h 11 ` ses a�werp Nall .presented:.wltln itotl nets eadai^, Oa't.'i8th,.at 8,00. t+. ni.; to Tbural- medium, ;9,3U to 9. UI S to 19,60, Que., • formers of Port Dalhousie '• J. . a p1 home fll, hlgnnpndville on Sun ,,.,.,.,, „Wlt 1, q 11 • .. 14 ny, Ort. 19t1i, at:i I* m. • . medf$9.46n 1 " $ 6 , light. $9,20 to Y , late M1. Spenc© lived in, Wingharn for Ma$ asters, Mrs. W. J. Currie,, Miss day ; October 16th, after saves . ` ght ights, $9.15 to $9.35, Ont., to°Richard Garfield. son of Mrs. a few years rior to moving to RlueO Bernice Reynolds and ,lir. Isaac: w Q91' illness '0114 d e'• MUSICAL. ..gip_ cam Sheep 4,000; mostly' direct to -day; Jane Winter; of St. Catharines, and le p Wrights At the meeting e t ,aged eighty six ,yoars. .. . pared wtti+ a week ago rat nattvia .he late Wi ni vale. .. m g R v,.H. 1V, Her inatden-name wvas itipry 1Vi41 w- Q� �' , t t ilia Winter of Seaforth>: , , A. T. �� S lambs, largely los higher; rat sheep, Death of Mars, HemminlFway, tiYinga Snell, B. A;, presided .and addresses ittg and she came to 't's4lladnc:frum 13S pared t JACKSON, A. T. C. lit., is laic to $1 up,. clo9tng :top" rat ..,,.natives; .Ont: . . - hem were. given by Mlss - kiillnls, of Tor Scotland at the' age 'c six are C A .S T w�. Tor., b years, : KT►. ,.. prePnred to tskP Pupils on the Piano. $14.75; -westerns, $14.80; bugle natty Clinton `Hosier Club Or anlzed _ .: Onto, On the use of the a , .=vP .k, -.. s. Por terms a»»ly to EItR. JACKSON, above laMbs on y g Mr. Jos. $emmi way Winnhttm Pin. nalllaph in when her patents setklt<i qii the sixth ..y�,,,� --� w--��-__�-.0-.-. ;�,__ 'Croce, $14 to $14,40; 'culla n& y► a ,, sCltOalk 11y �Yir, R.Cl;Rw4rt}1, trait$ CaneeSian of `I'trClrpraltlitll. 'ill J. «+�iQ�i Dunlop's Drug Stora, Kingston street, on mostly $9,$0 to $10:50; bulk fat;;range The employees of the Clinton was shocked on Saturda mo nin^^ ! uno4:�Q ,�.,,,," Saturdays, f2:3o to '40$0 p, m... 1amb,c around $1.4.40; i10avY rat. ewes Knitting Company have organized aF Qr director, of rho Ontari6 Trustptl9' and: 14th, 'BGG, she' "becttma the bride of i lot , L . 4 Y P g OctOct< 14th, to find his wife dead 1n bed.' Ratepayers' Asaociationr Miss Jean her' oto sba t at *" Rs. J. O~ CAT 'MEgON. upward ta��7.a5 �5. 0; Kana .rat ewe. Hosiery Club, with the linear of ar- Mrs., .Hemet` wa was in oait 1 _ hu nt ici laved 1n Tuck- (� . i at l estern reedinit. y p CA on the work of the ancho4i ersmith until the death of i51r:' Laid O {� Q �! a' `. Teacher Plano, Theory. Puptis pprepay lambs, ;14.60; bulk around ranging for social evenings during health for some. tfine but had beenC 11� 1. 11 oil for examinations. Por terms apply res- ;14,26. the coming season: The Prganf2a- . laws when shp reingi+ed to E nlplia- idence. Gibbons St., opposite rVlCtoi'la Pup- 0 - arannd ,aS usual before retiring on-"�!.--Ir•_,.,""'-"'""-,`. -, --,�"""�'. �' ».f . sic .school ar -'phone Paid. 811Sed His m tion meeting and first social ` were Frida n ht. Her maiden ,name was , Ville. Ste Was a fattll#ul membei ,of a By - ;" . C0 uanlon. y ? the .Presb terion .•church. A family " •' held in the- recreation rooms 0f the .heasli. Hii1, and' she was in, her 61st n r`t>aOf gENYON. PQikx ARTHUR; Oct. 23.- 0riori .Company. Mr, Harper+. president pf lune c}tt Bron survive', tlttea dau h- p�� } A i «V Vi year, Tho -funeral, which was prl- ��BCI�D b Livingstone, aged. 17, was t' ortaIly_ and treasurer of the company; gavel fere, 'iVirs. John Sutith, Hutlett, Mrs: : , r "L� Mus. 1t]cGii] university„ wounded b vate, .was 'held to Wingham eemeterY . ,. . Teachers Diploma Plane and 'theory ' . y . McIntyre, township on j very: • a� ', ropriate address and in- Robert Dai Tuckersmith; Mrs,' Hell a$aivinix ! pppp on Monday afternoon, Oct 14th. Mr. g,, Q. rr ,� Tesober'b. Diploma &ragtag Saturday morning, and died at 'two traduced Mr, Lurvey, the new super F, J, ill c r e r 'n t Grant; Cabri, Sass,., and silo; sons, • : Pnp11d prepared . for examinations: For Yi , h0i 1. Nile 1 $ ., Andrews Clawaat terms. apply studio, Montreal St.,:odRosite o'clock in the afternoon at the hos- intendent. of the firm. Pr ter' 1 Robert 4hd James, Sacramento, Cal,• : ashy Ian church, Wingilam, is a QufbMc : r >aubllc Library. pital: With two oompanione, Keith Cli'ton Odd£ello it brother ,of the deceased. -, David and Samuel, tlpar,.Sask,,:atnt� Ot Q Pasco and William .3'ouna3, he was is ws, Up Club . Ustc STUDIO. a ROOtns i William and. Gaorli , of Gienwoad- ChswOOa+"�'ht►n QtPai11 011 , , . . . pr cticing shooting at various objects • . _ Bell -Wheeler villa, Alta. That funoral was. held on O .�-- • • %:1 .. •, Go erteb s anon Clinton Odd£eltows leave been re- , d beietY Orchestra ititisl0 stud'•, a; the road. Picking u . a ca Wednesda Oct. 18th at hi h noon '� . . Tuesda :' afternoon interment heir• �. ri . n, ainta 'Sind redec0ratin their . an- y� Y , a mitis alit; Goutottl;~lxtl>lg Llie.lnatal• • . eamance• between F, H. Wood's: and J. H,' lie' threw it jig %the air. His .compan- P � g . a quiet Wea�c�Ing ceremoiiy_..wps per+ - '! . made in Maltlandbank edmetery, lation of + . Laudevs Stores." • ti-rooms-a+'hieh they purpose using as - ? , %'.letltCiO, ItaTll,p tittrl!iCSf MR. C' V. HENRY (vi0ltntst)., tuition vee inns shpt sit the can, 'Livingstone S formed at the 1llethodist. parsotlaale, w 1YRn lain 1Vurai,ed Grads ti this Year shout club rooms for . the convenience of a g a iii► y d make the 1pNcgS. F r- . on violin for begmner6 and those advan. dropped, When the other by s exaiin- Brussels, by+ Rea:.G F. •Clarke, wizen i;aryl a llcatlou t O Ir - Ced. . .. fined. him � their members,.. The members have 14 Graduating. .:exercises lit connection pp . "o z Couiinia t � ; For lnrormatiorea 1 a it was found he had..sutter - . William .Harris e11, . a xyeh known _ _ � 000 0 $loll. - r. PP y t studio. ed.... been ttoing� the •work -mostly them- with Winghulnr4hospitat wtere bold -at ' . y . - saollns repaired, bridges trued, sound- ' a carious wound in - -the, head. Yoans townsman, and .Miss %aura t1 t DO, IT l`i()tiV I , r posts set and Violin bows' rebatred, etc,. Immediate aid wa � selves, and marked the completion of Ma he Wingham town hall Friday evenli - s summoned, but y, daughter, of Lawrence Wheel- in wh n Q i ' .! Goderich Society Orehcstra, 6 pieces the .work on ,.flue"$day with a little , •ai.. , .: g, e a plass. of four nurses xe `'' :: the lad died moon afterward or; of that locality, were the contract- ce veil thole diplomas. Those gra- All information cheerful' ivell (Proressional) social gathering. for members only, In - P br }, Ing partied The good looking brido daated. wort± Miss. Gertrude Poli ck p s }, D. IL' WESTOP L. L. C. M. .: Crosamg. Crash 'at Blyth wore a becoming travelling suit o£ , o , '.ta, l0 and G0 wvatt Hyt'Irp 1.14.,4# " g a f Ri soy; . Miss Verna McDonald, of un �st4n Lau h d Explosion Causes (;bllapse, � pp T !, 1p have been so Lleentfate LOsdoA CoHega of Music. Eng- A .collision occurred at the level nigger brown broadcloth, -gold lace ha M a FORT WILLIAI2, Ont., Qet.:2a.=. - at Frac �"• a Ing m, iss Minnie Porter, of enact tl to RoiGy cent€# each: I Organist and CI Director of CrOSging near the Gland Trniik sta- h with French flowers, a b`ntch • Wirighttin, and Miss Laura Robinson N " IYorib St. Methodist church. Believed to have 14een caused by a& tion - at Blyth on Saturday) Jos. choker, and a ,cars . bouquet 'o£ x u „ TEACHER OF MUSIC' dust ., explosion, a small elevator I.eddy from bear Auburn was corn- 'Sweetheart . roses. .Miss Elizabeth :� ' F' of. Belgrave. An address waa given Bt Y nyl)UP LAWS Papila .prepared for eicamtnattons .fin con owned. b t , , t...:._. - bY:-.J...A: McLealn..:atfter --which iev,' - , - Y _ he Bo`_ I - ;aitarCalnpany.,.• -Ing from th -east-atnd-did •rpt- the- Downing was --bridesmaid and Augur- 1., pp p ��ppn .. :. -0000 neetton_ with Toronto ,;l)ntysrsttY Toronto Collapsed:aturda a s . , Di. Perrle offered prayer. • John tQ - . Qi . - Lection atorY eta. Every pupil. entered Y. An adjatning. 3 4Cr in: train frotu the rosins < The tui..hViieelea...gronmsman._-.. _ -- ._._. _ .g :__ . _ - 00.00 .- . - ; _�f--_ ��TE"AQ �i -:. " I . ., n. D building P r Joynt, Ai. I'. F, I31.,iLi "'. .#mond. plt�wtQ��aWI�V� , for muatcal exatils has passed, Maray with S was partially wrecked fiiy train struck the horse, breaking 'its e. th honors. for terms apply at residence, several thousand bushels o D of Mrs. !Thos. C,ind,:'i�'ormer ,r l7) M, G. Gilles and J. W.iihb, M: TOWN. OF 131)§irRlCll..:. break f wheat leg; and smashed rile buggy. Mr. Huron Resident c, P;;:I louvered ap ro riato adds 3scs. ' West at: (ttra[ door wast or skating rink , ,, ..° :.. P North 1.Sidon of SquaP6 . POP$ 1ttJIF Ing through the rao$.. Leddy escaped with a shaking u p Oodnrtcb. p Mrs. Thomas Lind, a fairmer res'- - The Nit;htingalo ledge was .given by The elevator, .which Was built hi The horse :was shot by 'Agent MC ltev. G. E. Cragg and presentatiotr of ' LEGAL CARDS 1812 had a .total , capacity of about Ta gart. dent of Huron .County, passed ,away =0F. . 0=0 , g at l,, Stevan, Sask., on Sept. 6th, in his .--�..»�.. 6';000 bushels: f _ ,.., ..- .- - I°or�ner Resident of Clinton Dies in r �~°' - ----«-"«. 11ARLES GARROwV, Barrister: solicitor, . 87th year, following a stroke tVh, t, , . •, "� • ' " r C loo Vstiinate Of aha: loss is avail- w, Guelph . . "came as she was sitting -talkin r .to1. . Etc, Corner NOrt:, ajfrept and Square, able, b'ut If ood weather prevails -:ndarirh, I. Out. ar g The death 4CclYrred at Guelph oh :her son ;Mr, Jtimes H. Lind, after it will be small, as most of the $:air. C]Ins, SEAGEn the. h12th ins'. of Mrs. Nelles, widow they had bias" farewell to, t► party a£ , can be salved. There were no 'Casa of the late John, A. Nelles, in.her friends who had called to's�ppend .a Barrister -Solicitor. Notary public aloes. eighty-seventh year: Mr. and Mrs. pleasant hour with thein. The de- and r Court Uo ,1 iNOles were for years residents of coaled was a native of perthahire, . .. . ot, I , Omcb . court 14ogse, Oodertch, .. H G. W_ Hs `Coiires" Last:. ' ' Clinton, Mr: Nelles carrying on a Scotland, eor;tint; in 'her. e'hildlnood IK,, -.i .. GLAS60W, Oct, 23.—The present book and stationery business and at with her parents to Huron County, . is a E political turtnoii ' in: Great Britain the Same time for several years oc- where rtho met and married her hus- : - &..� & eupying the position of town clerk. band. ' Going" West, � the famil tet- S, (� "3 was reflected in the -proceedings at l` w D'Axx1s rz xs: zt 1 C. the rectorial election . at Glasgow Disposing of his business here he fled in Alberta, whore the deceased R. C, ffAXS R. C. illy'', Ju:, n.A: University Saturday., when T.ord Bti k- "� "" "' .-.... �.: 0000 .. . akitton Street Goderich 1i a �en'he ad ria , Unionist, fst w le , Nis a Cted with , h . 6-- . _ _ = —�_ ,—�- l,lti Vate9, . DVer -Sir John Simon, � a: y y ys�a s`�,6sd � w ',CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY Liberal, who received 590 votes. In �.te ,, ' ' ,' the course of the polling several fres '` � . If tiEOAGP. E : tiREE1V$uADE, . SAYAeld, COD- fights occurred among the stud®its, I:. " / ; i , vev�nCinar arid Notary. Pubila e _., 1 1 . - iu- lwhieh Sour, soot, rotten eggs and s 5 ' notmroOT, KILLORAN & HOi.11tft$, decayed fish were° free]'1.. used. JL barrlsteM. solicitors, -Notaries 1'ww y Y t � .,.: 1_. .' y _ �', ,Y' 'r � _ A ufn'ca-on Rae Square, 2nd door front • Enver -Pasha- Still Alive..lie, Etc -1. �/ ,. 'Hamilton street„ Godericn. CON3TA`NTINOPLL 0 Private rands to loci, at Iowest rated. , et. 23.—Fin- ,� w. PROutlydoT, Ir. c.. ver Pasha; former Turkish War Min- r J. L, KILLORAN, DUDLEY HOLMES, Jur., later, is in excellent health at .San- '" ,' _ markian.d, but he has, given up his � I / AUCTIONEERING, struggle against rile .Soviets, the �, ►1!•HOMAS OUNDHY. , �isaociuted I?: ass teas inlor-med by his y �' J. • — emissary, Mufid Bey, Jurat arrived Lire Stock and General Alie tt'lpeer„ ' Brom Tiflis. He quickly .denied the hi n � "r• Hamilton street, Goderich. various reports that Enver. Pasha lead. 8sied made everywhere .and all ettorts died. made t0 live" You satisfaction. A" : r Fartnera sale notes discounted.' " /' , x a. v.. ' w" Dr. Iiyman Abbott Dead, Deaitl. - m O -.: INSURANCE NEW YbRK, Oct, 23. ---Di. ,Lyman ; ' AVXILT,OP MUTUAL FORE INSURANCE Abbott,' editor-in-chief of the. Out- ". 1fJ h0. -+- look, with ,which lie had been asso- 1*1 I Rhein sad Isolated fo++n Property Insured. elated nearly forty Years tiler roan - / value or oroperty Insured up to January, , clergyman, FA, I AID. $3.040"1075:00: lawyer, author and successor to ' 16 ; OPFiCERS-44ulea f:onoll�, President, Hear Ward Beecher a13 pastor of f ! 1/ i, eloderich ; Jas. Evans, Vtce-President, y f ` Beechwood ; T. E. Ha -75, Seo.-Troas., Sen• Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, died on ,. torth. Sunday. He would have been 87 • ' , DIRECTORS -T). P. htcoregor, SeatoC n; next December, When the 'cud came ( J. o. Orleve, WlnthrOP'; WM. wrin, v eo �{ Stones ; ocorge htcCarm , ; Tuckersintth ; his four spas and two daughters tobn Ferris, Narlock; ioiin •Dennewise, were at the bedside. ' a a droadhafran • Malcolm hicE'wan. Druceffeld �, A6ENT8,T W. Yeo, e,oderieh ; „sandy '': Laura, ,Clinton ; wtm. Chesney, searorth ; Storm, Sinks Frio iked C"ruisers. h I, N. Hinchley, 9earorth. RIGA, Oct, 23 ' The ItUgSlan ar- t d. Policy Hold?raa Can pay their assessments r :: f , x it, R. It. Cutts store, Goderich, A. 7. M»r- mored crUltrers I.aasiya and Gromo- i ° rich'ra C1ithint Store. ftinurn, or J. Ii, bol and several other vo-is-. 1 have e�. : !;f: '' "" , N . eetd's, IiAYHe]d. . t. - . , _ . - been lost in tr storm lit, the ,galtic ;' v�$ lilt h ETC-,.., Sea. �', ; ` wigs; , �M. irA1L1E. Ontario Town Planning and Houala�' � � �< I I, a. N4rAny PUBLIC Ing Conference adopted reso ution, a fit, Oeneral C.olrveyaneing done favoring provincial housing s'. I x � Good companies Repr"entrd l Gude^ i f ,` " phone _No. M. Godertetl, Ont, establishing minimum standards, 1 .� ' 4 ' . "fi a I 4 .. Broph,ou BF00 a 00rmRICH 'N Leading . Mineral Directors . and fithbalUrrf Or&rs mraftilly sttended to *6 hilt- hoots—night or 40. .--- b�� It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat. t % • - . At the first symptoms of yore' %, " throat, which peerages ulceration and ", if Yes Sive, 1 �`�,ly� ��� $ �'�� inflammation, take a 'spoonful of Dr, c�. r Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. Add a little �c iia.. Jl�.1ZC� SI1ipjH sugar to it to make it palatable. it , ��� lb „ d�itl allay aha± irritation and ppneva+nt : . �1�'i t�l" chewed the ulceration and Dwelling that are. `+ ' r�15 C7tWLy, . to Ipaltlful. Thi)so rall(Y were taetitldi Inalde them elves mmune to�att ek. Abir`l RTISP IN "An I Childre Vvy tJ�FOR, FLETCHEIrS 41111f" . � , ," .I. •' . I 4 1: 14 a • 4 �. , k, i b Are t1i f(aawy eaott>tihfThey were iii as pariiakl at Sax Diego - 1. / X . . � I . I . . :. . 11 , . � . I 1 . I �i r ;, i (. .. ..... I , I i I '.. t; ... ' 4 ,,,r , .%:: _._­____ . . / X