The Exeter Advocate, 1898-6-24, Page 5THE 1%x1 tex ►• b of atj Is. published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER, —By the- --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One. Dollar per annum if paid in Advance a11.5O if not so paid. 8dv e> t5 ;sag _mate.a ors S yob 2lca, too No paper discontinued until all arrearages aro oaid. Advertisements e nis without iddiretirs will be published till forbid ilhaogedaeoordingly. Liberal diseountreade for traesoiont advertisements inserted for long periods, Every description of JOB. PRINTING{ turned out in the finest style, 10 and at moderate rates, Chegues,moneyord- era, &o, for advertising, sub soriptiona,eto,to bemadepavable to Chas. . Sanders, EDITOR. AND PRQP e Rro >f 1191Olt al Cards. a Ce. j R. KINSMAN, N, L Aw S, & Dan A, R. �r �, KIl` KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.1?, S., honor graduate of Toronto L`nieersity. Egg T is ISTD Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects, O e i f#.e n Faason :x Meek, 1 ok, west side main Street,Eseter. DALTON ANDERSON,(D,D.S.,L•D,S„) honors (radnatoofthe Toronto l;ni- rsitv audRoyal College of Dental Surgeons Ontario, T of On eeth extracted without sin. Al modes De t' rto All of u 1st date.� 'c upfide y aver Elliot c`L- E11Fot's law a#iiao-••appasFte Central Rotel-Exeter. Medical Tars, J A. ROLI.INS & T A, A3iOS, 1, Residencies, same as formerly OFFICES, Speakman, building, Main St. Dr, Rollins' office: same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' ofllee, same building -south door, May 1st. 1893 J. A Hollins, M. D. T. A. Amos, 111.D afoLAUGRI4IN, llf)~1ti3Eli. OF the Gallego of Phvsieiausand ansaeons Ontario. Physieien, Surgeon and A000uoh- oar. Meet Dashwood, Oat. ii. COLLINS, B4.RRISTElt,SOLICIT- • •OI,, Convoyaueer, Notary Public. Qflioe-.Over O'NTeIl's Deal:, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. T II,DICII'SON,BA1RRISTER,SOLICITOD, ,JJ• ofSupreme Court, Notary Pnbltc,Con- vevaneer, Commissioner, &o.Money to loan QAloo--Fauson's )ilaok,E eeter auLLIOT 8; t}LAAMAN. BARRISTERS, Etc.. Conveyancers. and Money to Loan at Gt and :Pi pt r cont. B. V. Wolter. F. W. Groonit o:,. uotiouee.rs BROWN, \Vinc ieleea. Lieonseul Anet J L. ioneor for the Counties of Perth and' IUddlosox, also for the to'wnsbt ofla:borne Sales promptly :attended to and terms rea- aonbalo,Saleearraugod at Post offce.WFiu- camases, Xnt uranee. E ELLIOT,_ Insurance agent. Main St. Exeter WANTED, TXELP. Reliable man in every locality, local or travelling;, to Introduce a new discovery and keep our show eardetneited up on trees, tomes and bridges throughout town and country.. Steady employment, eormission or salary, Sil5 per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. Por par- ticulars write "The World Medical Electric Co.,” London., Ont, Canada. $.2 98 THE Ni3131O .0 .THAI BISON Businees and !ihorthaud College Cor. Young and College Sts., Toronto is an absolutely first-class Business Seh.00l Individual instruction by experienced teach- ers holding Irghost qualifications. Good re- sults. Prospectus mailed free. Enter now. It, D. Ninuno .TaS, Mattison i'clnaipa S Universityuand S of P g nor ort. A•feren Wood's Flt osP %odiae f ` The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended b eaalll di able me cine discovered. Six �-�. e`.° druggists in Oanad Only Packages guaranteed to erre all f. ms o -f Se -anal Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. one will please, six lent cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The. Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. aaeTWood's Phospholine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browing, druggist. . FARMERS! 1 You will find at Bissett's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements . Deering Binders, Blowers, Roller and Bali Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machines.. . , Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. = Gurney stoves and furnaces U G 1 s The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated iMIcLeu ghlin buggies fi5 13 Lo99. caw.,. ,r.150M...,,IrS._.,.=....-:,CIIICIIIII=IV....r. ADE EA_M AJAX TABLETS POITIVI]LY CURE ..& Zoos Drroases-Sailing Mesa. I ory,Impotency, Sleeplessness, oto. caused by Abuse or other Excesses and Indic• retions ay gand xcie:Iv ansatrap L` al LostVitality in old, or young. and ' lit a mon for study; business or marriage. Prevent insanity andConsumption it timerr m time. - Their use allows immediate Improve- ment and elcecte n CURE where all ,other fail In- sist upon having the genuine Ajax Tablets, They have cured thousands and Trill euro you.rWe give a. os- itive written guarantee to effect a auto eleg Fere rin each casoor refund the money. Price Irl ,per Package; or. six pleges (full treatment) for 02,50. By mail. en Plain wrapper, I u�+porn�, receipt of price. (aroular free.. AJAX Ra•i.YIED17. 4/'1.., r^ngarburw et„ Ca, 'ebicaRo, nP.,..,1 Sold in Exeter by C. Lutz, Drugg2st !'!,:rgE". "°"!E?:; IDISAGREERBLE TIIINGS SKID Wheat per bushel 90 to 95 Flour per cwt 2,15 Barley 40 to 41 29 too Peas 52 to 53 Butter 12 to 13 Potatoesperbag Sa toea Fiat'er ton Dried Apples per ib z,00to.s o0 Horrors of Dyspepsia SourStomach, tm ac h1 He a rt S Palpita- tion, Nervous, Sleepless Now Able to Do AU the .Hotcsework -What Cured Her. The excellent qualities of hood's .Sarsaparilla as a stomach tonic and appetizer enable int to relieve said cure dyspepsia even, when cure seems hope- less, Read Mrs. Willett's letters: "" G. L Hood & Co,, Lowell, Mass, <" Gentlemen,:—I have been sick for about six, years with dys- Sa itl al Letter ]Pel] with wl 1 l its horrible nightmares, such as sour Nab stomach, flati1 e Gy a Palp is talonof the heart, insQn- nia, etc., and all that time !have tried alai lrt s ever lnQvn remedy and the best doctors in the state, but nothing' dill ESQ any good, lie was wiry Weak and Nervous. About live mouths ago 1 commenced taking .Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after using five bottles I am able to 4o all my housework and feel better than I have ill several years, Also, illy'' husband had pneumonia last win- ter and his blood got very bad; be had rheumatism and could scarcely walk. Ile commenced to take Ilood'a Sarsaparilla and in a short time he was better in every way, his rilet.tna- tism basft le him and is in better health than for a long tulle," Mas. W,.' J W1LLr*Tac, Mt, Iiially, N. Cr. Still Praising Hood's, "" 0. L Flood & Co., Lowell, ti(ass.. "" Dear Sirs: ---I ant still praisilig Hood's Sarsaparilla for the Letter great benefit both myself and husband derived frons. No. 2 its use and Ido not hesitate to f;ay it is the best medicine dicine we have ever used in our family," MRs. W. T. WILLETT, Mt, Bally, N. D. 6,7Oe a1 saps arA l a Trutei Blood I'uriller. Sold by all druggists. Sl; six for $5. rnra all Liver Ilis and, Hood's Piths Stoklleadaelie, rye, Cook's Cotton Root Compouad. Is successfully used monthly by over X10,000 Ladies, Safe, effectual. Ladies ask _ your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com. Med. Taken other, as all Mixtures. pills and imitations aro dangerous. Price. No. 1,01 Per box; No.21,10 degrees stronger,e3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two $•cent stamps, The Cools Company Windsor, Ont. S:36. -Nos. 1 and 2 sold ana recommended by all responsible Druggists la Canada. No.1 and No 2 sold in Exeter la. J.W Browning, Druggist A heavy thunder and wind s orm has done untold damage to the crops iu Tilbury West and Rochester Tow ebb Essex County. Several buildings w• re struck by lightning. Alf. Parkin, of Lindsay, was speeding on arse K ,r� wheal at theagricultural race a ilcntui 1 rtc course Tuesday night when he met with a veru serious aceid e t. A smell boy on a bicycle run is front of him. Parkin was thrt.wn vimentin ori his head and picked up unconscious. He may be hurt internally. The boy es - cap; d with slight injuries. BEES OF Sly A Book for Yousij and Cid. OUR; RECORi3,� J E51 t 1x76 ` 25 p;,0.007 DISEAtED W1ECdr CURED viE.c CirRE pERVOyS BLOB® p JVATlr.. Di* *EASES. 250, 00CURED � 5.112 t 121 5l3 Hagonieton n to e ignorant gnorant of the terrible crime you were committing. Didyouonly consular the fascinating allurements of this evil habit? When too mb to avoid the ter- rible results, were your eyes opened to your peril? Did yen later on in man- oodcontract any PRIVATE orBL00D disease? Weroyoueurod? Doyounow and then sec some alarming symptoms? Dare you marry in your present con- dition? You know, "LIKL FATHER, LIlIll SON:" If married are you con- stantly living in dread? is marriage a failure with yoilon account of anyweak- noss caused py early abuse or later ex. tosses? Have you been drugged with mercury? This booklet will point out to you the results of them crimes andoint 14 out howour NEW .ETIIOD TREAT- MENT will positively cure you. It shows how thcnsans1 have been sowed by our NEW TREATMENT. It pproves how we eau G'UARAN'TEE TO CURE ANY CU11,ABLE CASEORNO PAY. We treat and cure --EMISSIONS, tri •STBTCTURE IMPOTEN.GY SE- IMPOTENCY, CRET.DRAINS UNNATURAL DIS - 1 CHARGES, KI:D' rl'' and BLADDER diseases. CURES UARA TEED "The Wages of Sin" sent free ber enclosing 2c stamp. CONSULTATION F li. 1, til . If unable to call write for t,1g1(ESTION LLANK tsor' IIOME TREATMENT. INEDYl Co . Michigan Ave,.andy Shelby St, Michigan � DF.TROIT, Eh ICH. t �•y`S t x;.., • Fifteen Millions for War Trans- portation in Six Weeks. Railroad Companies stave "teen Bleeding the Government if ,iteports Ave Truo- A. Congressman. Shows How the hates Charged; Rave Been Exorbitant -A Soot ot`, Political Heelers Waiting to eIia e Ice - for I MaiQAac rs Third Can 5 en. New York, June 0i.• --The World's Washington correspondent says: A few weeks ago the President was hopeful 01"• an early peace. Now be is not so col,Tl- dent, At the outbreak of the war the Havana fortifications were incomplete. Their power of resistance has been immensely increased, It is .claimed there aro nearly 100,000 troops within tall. There aro less than 50,000 actually in Havana. 131st along the northern coast, from Bahia. Honda to Sagua la Grande, there are many more soldiers. The garrisons of Cienfuegos, B ran� ,C u a Clara and lesser o1pts swell a aggregateregate tonearly ea 1 y 100,001. This includes oluuteers, The strent of tho Spanish troops la Porto RIO is placed at :0,000 lien. The railroads have been working to continue the Florida camps. Last weak the Presi dent of the Flint system of ra il• ways appliedpressure to ha'e the camp kept up at Tempe. Military and sanitary reaauna leave seggosted that; it be ebel- ishcd. This step would cut off the profits of certain Florida railways. President Duvall of the Florida & Peninsula Reil - way wishes a great camp at Fernandina, where his system estenos. lie is a. 'per- sonal acquaintance of Secretary Alger, who has the credit of having brought' about the delay in general invasion. Ile the tIenerel Deficiency bill before the Douse, is an item of $15,000,000 fur riil- way transportation -this in six, weeks. .A Congressman who purposes to ox - plait this prodigious charge said: "You can transport 100,000 men from. Seattle, most distant point, to Washington for $5,000,000, This will be at the full passenger rate of $S0. The army is sup- posed to he moved at a much lower rate. 'KW Pullman ear accommodation at regu- lar rates would be $1,000,000. Allow an additional million for food, and the sum at $7,0041,00G is the total. Most of the troops bath been moved a short 1istanc o comparatively, 'rho tr,aneportation of eonunissary and quartern; sters' stores ertatnly ought not to have coat over $1.- ,OOti, The question arises, What has Immo of all tiro huge sunt of {•15,00U,- ffdUA s I cell !dor:h:the t tt it Is dnt 1 • of Congress to go to the bottom of tern mat- ter. Congress should know the items. There should be a hill of particulars of stns Paid 'litrerent roads and what for. I believe Dint ono or the ecuntlals that will sootier or later condo to light will 119 the undoubtedly Irregular, extortionate Ise incompetently isuwageti railroad expenditure." The contract for supplying the roved- ing army with fresh anent has not been flhtl. Texas parties offered 00,00(1 head of cattle, on the hoot, at New Orleans or Galveston, at 4% to 4i , cents u pound. Chicago packers offered to deliver refrig- erated !neat on board ship for 9 cants per pound. Armour guarantees to apply preparation that will preserve the meat forty-olght hours in the :tropics. In Cuba cattle aro killed at daybreak and tbo meat is sold at anorniug market, It will not keep longer. A thirti call for troops will relieve, as well as embarrass, the Government. The pressure for places is tremendous. An official of the War says Do artnh nt there 1 o wero enough would-be officers to equip an army of 1,000,000 men. Thorn are as yot many political rewards to bo made. A cull for 100,000 additional troops means nearly three thousand officers of the lino, One argument against n third call is that a drift may be necessary. The enlistments for theon d o call are not a a rapid. When the subject of a call for 1 j troops was first raised tiro Prosidont thought that 50,000 would bo sufficient: Tho third call, if it bo fixed at 100,000 men, will make an aggregate of 300,000 volunteers. SHAFTER DELAYED. And Admiral Sainpson Is Wondering What Is the ,!tatter -General Garcia Is Coming, On. On !hoard the Associated Press despatch 'oot Dauntless, off Santiago do Cuba, uuniay, Juno 19, 6 p.m., via Kinnston, Jamaica, June 20. -The United States troops under General Shatter have not yet arrived. The delay is inexplicable. .According to the latest information of Admiral Sampson the transports sailed last Wednesday, and they should have reached bore this morning. Valuable time and favorable weather aro lost by the delay. Though it is blistering hot, there has been no rain since the marines land- ed. The Cuban officers say that in this mountainous section of the southern for- est the heavy rain has practically ceased until the and of July. The Cubans aro extremely active, and a cordon has been drawn around Santiago de Cuba. Garcia Is Coming Out. General Garcia, with 4,000 troops, com- ing by forced mambos from Canes, is now nearing Santiago. His troops are within 40 miles of the city. He left 3,000 men'at Holguin to prevent the Spaniards there from effecting a juncture with Gen- eral Toral at Santiago. Tho Spanish troops at Guantanamo,. under General Masse, aro also ant off from General Toral, and are badly pinched for food. They wildly appealed for provisions and reinforcements, but the only reply they got Was that both were impossible. General Masse said his mon were even then at half rations, and that the supply was only suiflcient to last 'during the present month. General Garcia and his personal staff were picked up at General Babi's camp, 18 miles west of Santiago, and brought to the flagship this afternoon by the gun- boat g boat Vixen.' There the grizzled and wounded patriot had a long consultation with Adruiral Sampson regarding the operations for the investment of Santiago and the co-operation of: the .American anct Cuban troops. Goneral Garcia is very enthusiastic Ile says the Spaniards are Starving and cannot hold out 'long, and that the w1Lr. in the island will enol in a few months. At Guantanamo, Two Longi nnants of troops will be landed at Guantanamo 13a" which Pill..70 bald as a base until Santiago falls, Tbere has been no sign of Spanish troops in the neighborhood of Camp Malaita, for sev easel days. It is estimated that over, 300 WO been allied• or wounded since the. landing, Fifty-eight bodies were found yesterday. Tee Spaniardss seem satisfied that they cannot dislodge the Americans d havewithdrawn. an... v Tim upperi bayS to b i Pa occupied Immo- . ed imm p ' diatelq, Lieutt. Delehanty, with an ex- pedition, is nightly at, work removing minee from the river connecting the up- per and tower bays. When this is Blear the Ships will move up the ohannot And, talo the town of Caimauera, whose forts were demolishes by the Texa$ last Fri- day. Kingatou Cable out. The auxiliary' cruiser St. Louis cut the Kingston cable last night within a mile of Ei Morro, Last night the dynamite cruiser Yeses vrus discharged three more shells. A ter- rifio uproar followed the second explosion,. and ie is thangbt a magazine was bhown 74510. AGUINALDO PRESIDENT. PbilIppi„e Insnr;;,ents Declare Tiieir Ilk, dependence - Provisional Govern. neat Othoialiy Proclaimed, Chicago, June 21,^-A special cable yesterday to the Record front John T. .cCutche on staff corres ondont with Jewey's fleet, reads as follows: Bong -Dong, June n rO.TGenerab Flli- pine officially proclaimed A provisional Governineut in old Cari:taJune122. '!"here weregreat cetemonies and a declaration of independence was read, renouncing SP�ish authority.General A ui 1 d0 Was eleeted President and Daniel nd o Tice -President, • The insurgent C,overn= tiient will not oppose .all .Arilerlcau pr9- tootouate or occupation. Tho rebels have captures the Spanish. Governor grid the garrison of 3011 mon at Duluean. Tlie Governor and garrison at Panlpanga are surrounded and. the Gov. error an,i garrison of 450 Hien :bavo been captured at Batangas. June 0 the family of (iovernor•General s' ngnsti fled to the interior for safety , The Spaniards in Menii.a aro reported as baying shot thirty earbineros for at- tempting to desert to the repels. Agnin- aide sant an ultimatum to the Governor that if more were executed he would re• tallato on Spauisli prisoners. Tho Ii:altin►ore sailed to -day to meet the Charleston and troopships. The French!. warship Pascal arrived Jone 15. The German warship Kaiser is expected daily, Tbu United. States transport .able brought the news, Troops to Aid Shatter.. Washington, dune 21. --It has been determiuett to send £letternl Garritson's brigade at Camp Alger to reinforce Gen. Shifter at Santiago, This brigade con- sists of the '+oh Ohio, Oth hilus!:: and Oth ., ]raasaohu ofta . These troops will go on the Harvard and. Yale, new at Hampton Roads, losing ammunition. One of the ships will sail on Wednesday, the other on Saturday. It is said that 4,000 addi- tional volunteers, probably from Gen. Daflleld's brigade at Camp Algerwill he sent to Santiago, making a totai rata foreornent of ti,000 men, It Is understood that these volunteers aro intended to ecrupy Santiago Province and t0 naatn- tain possession there after the regulars unaor General Shatter proceed to Porto Rico, Spann Buying Aunnunition.. London, Juno 21.-A speulal despatch from Paris says an Austrian agent has returned from Madrid, wherebe deliv- orod to the Spanisli authorities, via the Pyrenees, 3,000,000 empty cartridges and 120 tons of explosives, derived from French, Austrian and Belgian sources. Red Cross moat Saila. Key West, Pla., Juno 21. --The Red Cross Society's steamer Stato of Texas, with Miss Clara Barton on board, sailed yesterday, San Juan ltefortlfled, St. Thomas, Danish Wost Indies, Juno 21.-I can state positively that since Sampson bombarded San Juan the ford.Bongoes hoe have ohan el materially. On the hill back of tho railroad station ion. thorn have been mounted throe six-inch guns. They aro unmasked and easily sighted, but they command the bay. Morro Castle has undergone many changes since the bombardment. .9.11 guns aro now trained down to point at any angle. General Monet fulled. Hong -Kong, June 21. -Accordingt o advicesfromManila, dated Juno 17, it was reported there then that General Monet, coming southward with 8,000 mixed troops from Salaam, 80 miles north of Manila, found the railway lino blocked, and was taken by ambush by the insurgents. Fierce fighting ensued, and was carried on for three days, during which General Monet was killed. The native troops joined the insurgents and the Spaniards who were left, about 500, surrendered. Augnsti Within Manila's wails. London, June 21. -The Daily Mail's correspondent at Blaclrid says: "Captain -General Augusti telegraphs that ho has gone into the walled city, and will be unable to communicate fur- ther with the Government." Will Not Give'Up.Hobson. Washington, Juno 21. -- Commodore Watson has notified the Navy Department that General Blanco refuses to give up Lieut. Hobson and his men. Madrid, June 21. -Premier Sagasta, when questioned on the subject yester- day, said nothing had heen decided, "in spite of the American reports," regard. ing the exchange of Naval,Constructor Hobson and his companions, who were captured by the Spaniards after they sank the collier Merrimac in the narrow chan- nel loading into the harbor of Santiago do Cuba. General Augusti's Plight. Madrid, June 21. -Tho belief is ex- pressed in Government circles that (lap- tain•General August will Task the foreign warships to land detachments to occupy Manila, on the ground that he is no longer able to resist the insurgents. 5,000 Prisoners at manila. Hong -Kong, Juno 21. -Officers of a steamer which has just arrived here from Manila say that, the insurgents HOW hold: 4,000 Spaniards and 1,000 native prison- ers, with their arms. For a 'Gorllb • o Crime.. • 1 Hamilton, June 21. -Stephen Clarkson of Ancestor was coxnmittod for trial by tho Dundas Police Magistrate yesterday morning,' on a charge et !meet. ili�u sn ss'+�".. j THE PALACE Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diger• - Con and permits food to ferment anti putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headac he, Insemina, nervousness, and, le not relieved, bilious fever 1 P.1' blood poisoning; Mood's Fills stin si1te the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con. stipation, ot2. 25 cents, Sold by all druggists. The Pillsk 1 T a. to.elh'etlHO d''. Wilyis Homes Sarsaparilla, o 1 Canada's Biggest Bicyc1e t Factory 1 The big demand for Brantford Red Bird bi- cycles throughout the present seisoii clearly de- monstrates that with at least one firm the bottom t, has not fallen out of the bicycle business. Preparations are al- • ready under way for the season of 1899. The pre- sent factory will be daub- led in size, making it by all odds the biggest bi- cycle factory mthe Dominion. : With the increased fa- 11 ditties it will be possible to turi.i out wheels much III more rapidly andgive ,,, it O customers, the Red Bird ill they desire, in the exact lit way and at the enact hour they desire it. In the meantime every avail- able inch of the present factory is in use and there is a mechanic at work wherever there is suffic- ient space for a man to work in. The.,. GOOLD BICYCLE CO 41 ...Limited, ' BRANTFORD, ONT. 41 Perkins & Martin, Agents, Exeter, WARM ?DURALL CHEAP tOTHIN6 L At Kingston it vicious Newfoundland dog a attacked the youngest son f i a b a t 0a0 Lieut. S Drury andthe Driy tore flesh from his 'face and jaw. Fire destroyed the McDougal block at Fort William. The occupants bad to jump for their lives. Two children have since died. Edward Lynes, caretaker of the Ber- lin post office, bas been arrested charg ed with stealiug a registered letter con- taining money. John Young, seventeen years old, was riding a horse at Galt when the animal fell, injuring the rider so badly that ho may die. John Trodd, the insane Englishman who shot a German Count in London mistook the latter for Colonel John Hay the American Minister. The body of young Patterson, of Hamilton, who was drowned on August 31st last, euroute to the Eloudike has been found near Edmonton. John Herman Wenzel, late of Tavi- stock, Out, shot himself through the heart at Detroit Thursday. He 'was out of work and despondent. John Thurlow, aged 60 years, of Bar- rie, fell off Bayfleld street dock Satur- day while fishing, and was drowned. He was subject to epileptic (its. ' The McKellar building and several stores and cottages were destroyed by fire at Belmont Thursday. Some of the occupants had very narrow escapes. At Woodstock a writ was issued by tha estate of the late Archibald McDon- ald claiming $10,000 damages against the Grand Trunk. Mr. McDonald was billed at the Woodstock station, n Aman named Hugh Camero ,.resid= ing in Camden Township, was kicked in the face by a horse Friday evening and sustained probably fatal injury. His face was badly mutilated and the skull fractured. Mr. Alex. Carley, blacksmith, met with a painful accident at Lindsay, Tuesday shortly before noon. He was about to shoe to horse, and while stoop- ing to pick up a tool box the animal lciehed, viciously, striking him an the left cheek bone and crushed it. The woundis exceediugly painful, but he is resting well. ' Two bright boys, Roy, the 'eleven - year old son. of Thos. Jackson, and Geo. Watson, stepson of F. Shoultz, aged Tilbury nine; 01 fllbur;q North, while return ing from school Tuesday went into a pond on the farm of A. Winters to bathe and, being unable to swim, were both drowned. L 0 T H I N Q A titan must consider his purchase l these e se h times; e , must buy where he can do the best, Look at someoftle these figures: ?ants made to .order, all wool heavy tweeds 82.00 Suits a9,8O Overcoats 8.09 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, 812,00 Our 820 blacks beat all others at $23, COM and see for yourselt. JAMES H. GRIEVE Bicycles! Bicycles 11 #Uig 22 Bicycles s I Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek :drat a good wheel, We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and ar;ans, call and :lei• epect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin. CENTRAL DRUs I STORE. THE Try SVINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We llauufaeture— YWINERI S LINAM ENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Con- dition Powders, still holds first place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehis on horses and Condition Powder for same, SOLE AGENTS ikon DIX LUNG SYRUP. C- L U TZ, DRUGGIST. OVER LOADED. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo on our floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our large floor Space. WE ARE NOT hurryingyouto purchase,, but many prefer to get as .near as i Bret choice of newp possible the it s e assortments. Otto stock of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the LOWEST PRICES andthe advantage of all the stetl - ef styles and of the moat pt'rfeet taste that we can Comma ed. Furniture Dealers & Undertavis,