HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-10-19, Page 77 • «m : , ' �r. ' .. , . , ---.. _.. _ 7. I If = _ ___.. - --- ._. _ .__ _ - ___ . _ __:-:- I THU, tsl)AY, OCT, .t th, 3W12, _ Tom, �.i,CO WAR �i�R1:ii �illCli► ,...........opoomwoomo-ft. _ , ....� �._ ...�... �,...._: Canadians. riithm4b Or, stay, being � '�`� ���� �'�� +►member ntia to r�'a) ��f tla t «tgzatiians � „ ih'ia n�h 4 iatiaelliaii, a utikl trot , .ti: that were rtl,zu-r .f !'of t :{�'�' hoist a, ` tinguesbed feont the f;'uriitiut, A 1l It's ofteu har+1 to find the trouble great Holm; ox t)h, ni aaa4 1 %ed, theta %! i . ` assisting at the i*ceptwlt were Cam- . sk;l inose h, ",kid the • all inrw aw. `fhvy , ditto .ladies, NAWi,iaf in Paris, licca � • -It may licit teeth <-- it =ay be . called stile tslvicet ire o) tl'ac ! o t toe, S"11,0KM an izicidenc, liiarbsput Wt tae ani intcrefiC. targtal..titi—rbttt eih i�.n fairest it 1st fiC4, '" 4. 14 raQ ici� ter3 "� ii t'11i3&"' aiitl was one cut thor,e that reminds us oil just a chafed irritated riL,iu on `°M wg,esillo. i bow small tbv world really is. `rhe wkir. h l�a c aywher x, troth ort i 1 ;1aTA an"l ' 1 !!!!!!m . lady pourifw tea at the head of the Scarp lots %ieefl ruled. Pmts e?, during the avh.,le toter, in . bible was overhead, in Conversation The rettfc-dy for this is so simple slAT01ca of h&01'nr in v dla�li cur with ars Ontario teacher* to say that city, wi`hout vxi e�ptitun., e°itc" xopti' was " a : - she, toe), bad eormo frotra Ontario, M 11OU;a Of au$eritig—night lifter aluuvs a path -and that, the part, 11 I 11 that (loderieh had been her home, night of distutbauve—havebtefi Oaitaada hal played it1 tl7u war. : On meetings the speaker we learned stvohidt by soothers, who have llCxnt siincrro app�reeiaoon was vs,ry . she was Madame flusas, who is Ka.. iusisted t)U—,�terbv°,r .fewer ,�rxa,�. feelingly expressed of the help givelt i ,R — . known • locally, as formerly a Mtss as a nation (the terns "°eeilonaal°' was I IL A&M . I -•,. �,F.7 ^,/ Urahattn. 1 �F course it casts m little more, aioticeabl • avoided) and Of tlin son- �.T ' ` " t ,, Considerable time was left in Paris � s► Letg little resole, 3.tcat�gver� duct off t ie nutlterctu3 units anck ittdia " : _ - for individual sight-seeing and such tha u what is e)fteu bought and vidualo, whorls they had grown to. 'Ari i :,, *'a+ places as sho folloty}ng claimed many uyeti�but four euer✓atipttsf of know and respect moat hiigll➢ , \Fu °, - " visitors. g could not but be impressed w I the ' ' Y21h° x, t "" f !� VArc de Triomphe (Napoelon's Glituadian Uothers etre there tel fueling that our welcome was won for ,rr "' - JU► triumphal arch), front the top of vo"ueu for its purity, for the its by those who had gone from t an- which a splendid view may bo obtain- wothin healing'etlecton Marlys ada'u shores durst those. `ears of ...• ed over 1'att$• Frons here one is . delicate slain, for the lovely Pare :bitter strugglo ffor libertyy. {i greatly am ressed' with the beauty of Tlio visit to the hattlelields ovor, _ • the +city. `�heplan of this Rower fresh fragrance it ,,uileaves when A the iIDCHUff as the arch forms rise centre, fi fro yltis batI1... _ r wastcrossedin anhhoipirtto left Ypres I a $ ' part i'emrnded one of our own town, } Bab fresh situs gleam is tal.eti< for Calais, rum whom the Channel +« " . . a ,I, I � Plover, anti It. � ,.�",• � � 7 whic}i not ea ht but twelve streets here the train wets r�aitin:, for the" fir °moo imiliate. g ' , Mn't you think, htna ion, it's north return to .l'ondon, Twenty -liver of The Eiffel Tower, a marvellous Dying the IN -4 calve, a little less it the party went to Oberatunieratin in I. . ? . . :, steel construction from the summit of you buy a box; (3 calves) which your Buvz,rta to attend the Passiuu P'la , � a a;, • „ . which the Are do Triomphe just men- Beale casks forllaby'a Chea Soap. Adv, given only once in every ton years. I . tioned looks actually small. Eleva. 1.• Although continental travelling; was satisfteth+� sweetand sons', accommodating to atho first pjtit : the5 fearful ravages of found very difficult, an account of ' , .. ._,. four years of luck of sufficient accommodation and "9& appetite ;�png� > p�, form,. a height of 186 -ft; where one constant battering of guns. In Ar- the :added tourist travol to the Pas - finds a theatre, a large restaurant ras_ half' the day was spent in seeing $ion Play, a very pleasant visit 'was I Mantes l�nauth is Cts .. and several stalls for sale of post- what is' left of such building as their spurted. Five others left the party I 4aa ° cards, souvenirs, etc. Their eleva- town .hall, cathedral, churches, mu- for 1, to Brussels. C)f those tivh0 . �' �,,�` . ,. ' 'y persons seum .and business'sections, The oth. returned to, London twenty-five left -- - A gmat boon to emokem tors accommodating flit„ " ' rise to the second platform, 377 ft r half day was spent in a motor trip on August 13th to enjoy a program . y, p h p b d p d + e where ag;ain•is found a commodious froin Arras twViriay;'passing along ,prepared in York for three ays. �. . relieving hot, mouth ` restaurant and ,souvenir stalls. Am- the road well known to many Cana .rite rest left on the 155th for.the l�;ng....... + ' - . -. bitaous persons, 'who like ctiinbing 1 irais; Alonjt this road vie of the lish La district. . .. . H,_- -.. T y. max _ _ -stairs- intty`-"ti?bant" Chir -Jur -cwt f40t'. nbaeets cif :anter t is--wo '5 fiellii id :.��kibor u-Journef ttto` ut si : io s Y r �- aT ur , .� " n' - = 4.1NIJ , baitho asceent frons the second plat Vimy monument erected to the mom Windermere was, reached and from . . •� benef�t� .„..,.. ,fio to th sumniit; 024 ft,t must bo ary of the Canadi ns who won fame here, coaches • convoyed the party l . `'� br made by .the "Hit.” Here again we for themselves and their country in through a most beautiful -district to ' . ��� may buy souvenirs .or obtain refresh- the fearful struggle in this section. Ambl&lde, up among; the liit(es'°'"'and ' I Dowt miss the joy the . ments; Above the third platform is A' little farther on the "ridge'" is mountains and valleys, made known �. 1. : the glass roof and electric light,, ris- reached, and the char.a-banes were 'to us by Wordsworth surd Coleridge, Vie" t�� ]Blew N N.PS-the Cand''�1-coat .;_ ,�. .� .. _ Ing to 984 ft. Needless to say, tho, halted to allow, th0 occupants to walk Here the homes and haunts of these f' � t' ,, . f . +�.+ �+p �'i �T sew of Faris and surroundings is along tate slopes, :getting a view of Poets were visited, and one rather . pi~i permi><'ft tiCl pit. ° AN I l Gi�E.7Til\ xitorials, very comprehensive and scot unlike the village of Vamy in the valley be nfq a privilege rvaa.,that of happen. +� as�u 'In London, as in Oxford, a public that from un aeroplaneP A very.. rosy, and walking along remains of mg to be present on a day when an - reception was tendered the League by powerful wireless station is built in trenches, .and over barbed wirer and nuail events were b held, peculiar W it ><1 '' every xn .. TRAVEL TALK the National Union of Teachers and t C�� 1 the London Teachers" Assoei tion. ;connection with the tower. gathering Flanders ,poppies which to fire community, " e district is The Montmartre, the Latin quarter formed , u low of color everywhere. entirely a grazing one, x The Right Holli• I,. S. tArnery, Z. P., 9 g Y !t d the shop•; r (Continued from page b) . Parliamentaryrota to d of Paris; made interiesting by Victor On the•• return to Arras, .fi different herd with his flock and d r is. a, corm I ' . ... _Sec, rY the A. Hugo rn his "Les Maserables,"' claim. road was followed dor part of. the mon Sight, The Intereat g contest �G Y half - 1 welcomed the party on be- ed man visitors. way, providing a view • of the Zivy we happppened on wits what is known yiN� " 'warrior.. :: half -oil His` Majesty's Government, One of the most interests crater one•• of. the largest of shell as a shee da trial,. and dos +q!''r"`""�A Other. places of intexeatvisite Other xominent .speakers were. 14Ir. ng days , g p . g y g J y,,rr within the cit were St. Pauls Cath`k - was spent in a visit to Versailles, a holes„ Anti now kept as a Canadian aro entered, and their •ability to obey` Y , W,. -G. Cove, -president of the Nation- few, miles from Paris. Here An memorial cemetery. Two large., me- their shepherd's .calls and guide. . the ,•- if � '`' edral, the British Museum,ithc• Na- al Union of Teachers who had just Y g ,1 viewing the extravagance and gor- morials pare up an :the level ground, cheep to a given fold inn rim}ted .. - ' ' tional 'Gallery, "the 'Power of London,. returned .frViYg America• Mr. W. T. • , the Zoological CTaxdens, Now Gardens.. Olce; prQsadent of the London Teach- genus kieaut;a. of the Palace of Louis and down. in the ,crater a trim grass' time, is tested. Although loath to *' i ,,, The visit to.the Houses .of Parliament ars` Association;. Sir Ja es Yoxall XIV, one could more readily under- Plot is kept with a beautiful oval leave this wild beauty and impressive /. was arranged s0, that. Out &fty oa general secretor of the National stand ;the attitude that lead to revo- slower bed in thg centre, This, is di- quietness, the departure was made lotion.;. ': Nowhere during the summer vided in four parts 'from the centre, the next day. Motors wore used I "" "^" { the party went each:,•day for. four Union of Teachers; Mr. W. J.. Pin- were f days, .and the guides were British. Combe; J. P., L. C, C,, .general. seers. grander gardens and grounds the' divisions -formed by yellow and from Ambleside to Keswick givin'Y /; I . Members cis .. parliament who toy tory of the London.. Teachers" .Asso- visited. The most unique it is purple pansies. At each of the four further glimpses of the wpndera of PaC the marvellous `,collection of foun- corners of the grass lot is lanted a this district. great care ,and pestle in making; the ciataon; and Six James Allan, High ` tains, which la oil on the first small evergreen and the whole root- In the evens h Bl+i , visit an interesting . one. )II ink Commissioner for New Zealand. At play Y h, ng the train .ppulled in Tight-. t� e ' l ; ` Sunday of each month. from May till ankle is surrounded;')iy a fine, graveil to, ,the Caledonian station in rain -h the .tlssassination..of Sir Henry Wil this reyceptaon, there were also the / �' . I son, the House of Lords had been teachers pt London who, were there Septbnlbek and on occasional fete border. A flight,of stone steps leads burgh and. Scottish hospitality was `'` tr s days. :The cost of one display, last from the r}dge• down etc the lower .enjoyed for the next six.days "Here Kept closed to visitors,, but the, Canadian from Canada, Australia `and New - � • in :alio of t i s art twen .. u e .he crate This s those who ' party was the first to be.. taken. Zealand; . on .• exchan a •and ; insxn g ty inch t s, is .400 lti. ,art ..r 7' s a •only an had left the .party, nn, the.. �: Of course the more modern signs ilustration af' the care that is ,being continent, rejoinAd it, and many riot- Aight Ci6 through after the liftin of the order. friendly, greetings: were ,exchanged: g g ficance of Versailles mingled with taken of all the cemeteries. Farther ural find historic spots' claimed the - ,.,;..,.. ,...,--, :. ..m .-____ .,n, A special visit .of the whple party On August 1st the party. ,left Vic- - , ..r,, - .„ ._,......_ ,.�.F... F,,,._ ���. - during the last `da in London had to (ti ria Station with .Folkestone the past, and there :was somewhat of along the road we came to the Nine attention of all, The climbs to Ar- . Y g on as the Elms comet at Theius and the thur's seat and to. - , the farewell dinner In Montreal ion learn somettiln all the past, and W arranged to take advantage .of''thc destination. Here the Channel Steam- .a `thrill x11 ,phasing through the wgti Y n the Calton..Ii,ll . g 1► , at ` derful and' now famous Hail of Mir to the-, Ries cemeter` "ate Vii'Tar ette. both: are rewardod 'b. ver c m - Wednesday . evening, August 30th, I the • sante time, ctndeavored to fns ire 4..- ,' . - , opportunity.. er'was. waiting and in an, hour and a 8 6 Y y o pre that this s was s pp rors wee a the Peace Treaty was The latter has -6,000 G,000 ,graves, largely hensave . views of,. the cat - of Edi - i surely so. At tea samo tri,' eople+ of the .Old .l.arids w}t}t a: At Lambeth .Paints;', the Arehbi- half Boulogne .was. reaeft, where y' n time there tv , ppi r'' ; shop of Cane signed. Zhough kept In the Govern F reach;. but one section is entirely ,burgh, and of Leith tattd. Portobello,h . aa, not cane but felt that conti;niled• faith in the newor lands p t rbury and Mrs. David- the special train was ready to convey , the . � stn ' - - F . meat Offices, the _Ori i al F British. T e" Cott caro ter near .and .man miles e!r ce of the summer was !and res '.et and admiration ort a r --soli hcoid a -reg tion'-'ttnd loo the a t to Paras : O , �._ _,_; g p,41 ._.4h4. 0 v -..._ a .. _... yn ..:_w..,�._,._-ce g Yt�� Y 1 s of surrounding eoun. . . a�r . _� t �-Pe ti for tea, e I..ep ,. we Pry . n the •way a t e P- ---' Treat : _ Passch n cele rs 11 ,_=111 •o ' _d„ ..,.. . -cele=of:tlie"g 4"veatrts of-thrfr ilvos u ~-^�°-. the visitors. wit enuine En sh two-hour stop was made at Amiens Y with all its signs e d one oi~ i)re i#ti est ,v tit"0a1 the n Ti of" l*ortTi.. f�ro n ce n ills Yiaaa liiityi{uC^111Ve'"1#iicii -`� " �' 1? tures was brought carefully warded. Canadian cemeteries where the num: From Calton Hill bne r is ,.and had, lett tiliem to a better ander- an histattc :back round but omens {. ;; �ltospitality. in order to view the cathedral, + Y g , , ,;re the well 1? e. a: to -tho; Hall of Mirrors b special r- her ` of graves is .almost 13 000. No known view of . the fa standing of ;arid sympathy with vac the future in a de rree that ht 11e 0111 ,A Very. interesting; ,sti'oIl was plan The reception in Paris was held in Y P a, " mous. Princes 6 C : , `' _ I rangement for the Overseas Educ - matter how large or how small -ew street, with business .ious . overseas peoples, Such rather. ing,►.realized more and ,novo li all... Wed byt Miss Drayton, the extremely the Malestrc ..Hotel, and the . party a . r blockB on the 6 - J� tion, League - :The offiraal._was ke t _e1y cemeter ...-Ass--.caidfull ..:___ke ri h ifd beauti€ - � Ings asPiad been. hold-secuieci their _.�.._____ - . � eYlthusagstie secretlary.-of=the :Londo,i' was reeeived-by'Dr. Phillip a Ro P Y y Pt. g tr ui hardens- qtr the - . p Y, busy turning to. the signature and Caretakers sometrmos three or four, aim yin strengthening the bonds of Vactaraa League,a and she goaded the High :,Cotcnmrssianer .for Canada. g . g + gorge on the.. left, with its heights ( �` Q Emprio and Creating a sywipathetic 1I �. � party for`Iia ".a dh 'throw h W its= The ouvre was the first bualdan seal of .Lloyd George,.for each -small all British, axe .constantly ..working rising to the lofty Castle; Edinburgh's r t Y h �' g group that him. . and every plot is', eprefully tended fortification and ride..Ever v'si•- interest in all jluirran gtetivities, The FQfi FtEtCHER S' f hall. stall vicinity; .and had ,many in- of interest visited and ' it` claimed p Y t Canadians g August5th was another memorable and in man cases ulreaid , beauti£ut tar enjoys at least. an hour at the ,a s had crossed the seas to : q toreating and enlightening items of many hours of individual members y . Y vi s , . 0 A' rw�' TO information to conve at ever turn: again before the visit in Parfs was day, when the party went by train to flowers have been planted and axe, Castle, and . is likely guided from view some of the historic spats and + ,, .. �► This y ` y , Rheims.: All along the way; from the perfectly • trimmed.: Marr olds were there aloe the Highgate and --: PT ,:! -• -- - 4_. �,�� :: T .. stroll' started at the Nelson .over. gCan F . - �. monument in Trafalgar -S uare -pro, On August 4th 'a C remon similar train, could.be seen the effects of the ,used: in one eernetery„where a grave ongate, known as, the Royyal Mile, to ' y.. 'III . ceeded u . Whiteh'all g he e r p' - to t at eld t e' Y struggle of 1914 -18 -shell holes; fur- `was visited, and forrrii&-tt bright and Holyrood Palace, so. mile Connected p (w the grin ° h h rn Wes mrnstex Abbey in' rowed fields with the ch lk neat . appearance, A , with: th oto . . �' ci 4I,Governmentof6ces a London was o a y soil to Pp s soon as the .e _... tory Mstry,;_f�liieen of .: �.. _ .z,._,, �__;_.__._ . _• -. P _ ax. ), tacit sir , ........e _.risiuctd-at;..the_ grave. _.�: the surface; i€illg:;c-ultiitation sti wont...0 1.:.be :geam„rt had the wood. Scots. At every turn, one is in touch ____. . the. Horse. -Guards -parades, -peat Marl of the -,Unknown I'reneh• Poilit ;axed; -`--- m i e f 1. borough' house (the residence of similar. wreath laid. One's `thoughts impossible; poss ble; trunks of shattered "trees; n crosses care to be replaced by,stone..with some link of. 'bygone Scottish `. I ' piles of rusty barbed wire and waste headpieces. One finished cemetery history,; .Roslin Chapel €and, Castle, ”" -"^ Queen Alexandra), York House;; St. went back'•to the same date, eight to Y 1 - James .(.the res denee of- the Prince years ago, and .•on this Anniversary, metal, which is gradually being, pies- was• seen along the road from Y' res about seven mules distant, claimed . I 1. t Yr p >` of Wales to the M li and BtiCking= this 'little ceremgn sed into bales for shipment to four- to Poperinghe, at the villa e. of Via• many interested visitors. ''a' ) y seemed to form dries, ruined farms and villages. In .mertinghe , and the app once was One all -day trip. was made by eba'r- ham Parsee. Just another chapter'in the volume of .. u . g . 11 A very enjo fibre.. afternoon wain events that had se mid to unite the Reims the object of . special interest, most pleasing. The white stone .head a bane to the Scott country, . through ' spent at the enjoyable. Calendonian two great peoples across t e English of course, is+ the famous cathedral, pieces stand about three deet high Galashiels to Melrose, Abbotsford and `' � i School; Bxishey, Haifa, where 'the Cha nel. P P h..which, with the cathedral at Amiens" and have a curved top and straight Dryburgh, On .the return; a short 1. r arty was' received and entertained . A' day's ehar-a-bane drive, enabled ranked among the first of the most sides. .A large .white monumenU distance from Dryburgh,. where '.Sir pp y beautiful cathedrals In the world. stands in the centre and the whole Walter;. Scott is buried, 'was oimted . . by the Governor and staff. The .pro many place$ to be visited. One of m P i gram included a ymarch past by the. these was .the Sorbanne or a part of Now nothing remains snit parts of ce etery is. surrounded by a very. out the beautiful home that, is a na- Scottish boys and . girls, Beaded b the Paris University. 'Ano her was bare stone. walls—not a trace' left of neat stone Nall about three feet high, tional gift to Sir Douglas Haig, it. • the School -Pipers, a ars alI the hiI ryi. the building where Y ' t - the mprvellous- 'stained glass win- Th,s a5 s- ll e; il, appear when fin- nestles among the trees dee : down in , o P p, c dre . ng h e the . famous • Grohs . p .`� beim lows, except the•'bent and . twisted fished. Wash:. such as this to'- prove a valley in a horseshoe -bend of the / i . �, g., dressed in the Royal Stuart hr1 -Tapestries are,, manufactured. t r 'Tartan,' exhibitions of swimming, These are richly. and" beautifully col= frame i and broken stone structures, the intentions of the War Graves Tweed river, where the view was one .°_ Highland dancing, and: aconcext i- Dred to estraes mails b hand and a and all Lit< bcautiiul paintings, carves Commission, no one need feel but :of file favorites of Sir Walter. Scott. i • . en the hildren after ,tea.. g the rate of two and by s Pare Ings and Ciecorationa shattered, in that the `graves "of loved ones in ; Another da was spent in motor - The pxograrii for the da at Green- inches per da or one lar a tapestry n►ast cases p�est recognition. The France and Flanders are kept, as if .ing from Edinburgh'to the Trossachs; with included a'' visit to the Royal in frveP years. Next the g party Y work of recon truetion is busily'going by loving.. Bands, and not one is deft Loch Kutrine was the destination and' ' Y Y pry as on but many�yoars of patient � labor untended. a picnic wase e,r'o ed=Wamcun he •,------,..-s' - Hospital School, the ;Royal Navel Col- t oaken to the tomb of._Napoleon_�trid- - Y g , r g an semblance The Bourne Lege, • St. Alfie a Church, he burial' hes valides, whero in Un Cour d'-, well be spent before y y was continued from heather on the hill overlooking the 7 r place of Goneral Wolfe, and the Roy- Iforrneur '(a yard of honor) were of the original can... be obtained, Arras to Ypres, where accommoda- eastern end of the Loeh, A _short . � I ( _.x -.al :Obsenvato viAwgd»the relics f Nunoieonic w What were once paved streets lined tion had been secured for the major walk around' the shore brow ht El- • 1 �. A d'ay was spent in x .vis t to ,Can- butt file greatest interest centred a- h e fII�sho .ore now' artily rtY of the party, and for some, bit- lens Isle into view, and it, with many q + . 'i I terbUiyr, where the principal objects ratind the mor0 modern souvenirs recognized as main thoroughfares. lets were secured in Popermghe a other, spots in the sante locality, be- ... / . of` interest were 'the famous Cathee such ars a huge ruined "Got}ia'" and u SCet . it is marvellous what has been bout seven shires from Ypres. .Many came more than just names ,made v, : • dral, and, St, Augustine's School, 'o A "Fokker "" 'and the rai wa coach in done in rebuilding, and• everyone Canadians remember "pop" aa•"ti►ti familiar in Scott's immortal poems. •� . D. trip was taken to St, Aiban's and .an which lliarshttl Foch. nes the Ar couIdy'not but be impressed by the village' wheia rest billets were po)3- fln sho return Stirling Castle, was f . I 1.g am'azing . cheerfulness. with which Bible. when Ypres was ,being shelled visited and Linlithgow Castle, the $ the way 'a few pleasant Hours were inistice, November • 11; 1918. ;.J Next ,the eo le .are setts t from I{em 1 birth r • - spent' at. Hatfield House, one of the the Parliament Buildings weMe visit- p p ng o work to me Hill on the one side place of Mary, Queen of Scots, ,. finest baronial residences in England, ed, followed b the war office where clear away the piles of ruined stones. and Passchendaele on the other and Oil August 23rd everyone had to ,, a Y ' once public buildings., and private Hoogo and Hill G0 iii°the centre: All realize the day had arrived for sho , nd home of tile" Salisburys. +cry. in plaQsag, was: pointed out a mark ,houses; and erecting modern atruet- day 'an Thursday August 10th the final departure 'und leavin r the Cale." i" `: visitor to London is allyls d t t -tom w 11 n d f ith b " . p e a in- a ,.a eve enee a e I . " elude' Hampton Court in the. long range German gun; the Ltvlcem- ures as quickly as funds and labor " • Party motored over the battlefields + donian station early in -the morning, _itiner- cry; unci a visit there Justifies the Bourg Gardens, •the Pantheo , the . advice.: Although, one© the beautiful iConciergerie or prison, the P�1cis. de will allow. Marry army, huts are atilt used as ...tem orae w 1 in s. T d e i. hePasschend p y gae Weare Ypres, visiting what remains of suchvillages; as 1w e, ZiI the party was 'taken to fiouroCk near Glasgow, ere t I' "Empress h he impress of ltt- ' * Palace of 1£ings, at artmerit are now Justice, Notre Dame Cathedral, the let 'out to England s aristocracy, and Morgue, and finally the "Institut« de ever ready smile and kindly greet= Ings of the peasant, tib .they were bus- lebeke, St. Julien, St. ,lean, Kcmmel etc. The long climb up Kemmel dia'" was waitlnfr, Interesting as the two months had been every one want f a largd part is reserved for widows France," ' or Municipal Buildings, sly engaged m filling fhb air with the .Hili ended in obtaining u most co,mpre- pensive ' happy to be sailings westward and . and dependents 'of the higher clergy, where a reception .was held- in true sound of chisel and hammer arrd yaw,. were most impressive, view of miles around ev- had excitedly taught the first glimpse of sine The beautiful parks and gardens are French style, and tea served. There "Blenveniie and rnsde all feel a cry sada, and oris no da}lfculty in. understanding its a gray that developed into the of Labrador Belle well worth a half day, spent there, 1 the, organization Fran- +► i Westerham, the bar#enlace of Gen- caise compares . with the Victoria ,. . greater sympathy than ever and have a wonderful admiration for these poor people, who had lost, in strategic position during the whole war. Many open- ings were seen where the Germans coast and Isle. The last evenin on the St. Lawrence ev- eryone'enjoyed the most eras Wolfe, was another place- of a- just newly d, e most cases, everything they treasure had tunnelled through the hill to g oorgous sunset in the organized, but it b serest and, on the way, .Lord Am- organized, ut it members are very a- memory of most, an(} ' 4 herst"s ' house, ; "Montreal" near S'iv- enthusiastic, in romoting the kind- ked, and had witnessed misery and agony, we better void . difficulties .that would" be en- in. the following; morning as Quebec was a,� enonks, was Sisited. On the return liest of feelin s between the .French such as were able to countered a climb over. As ap_proched, there was such n wonder. fu1 :, • ° to London, the secretary of the Vic• and such v, tors, as the Education nhag ine, while, going about among the char -a -banes were being fil° sun and clear blue sky�tbv farca toritt l,ea� ue had made arrangements League. the visrbit results ,of war. Departure 'for led again in the village of Kpnimel Such' day seen since leaving this; land rg for the entirey party to be admitted One aft rn6on the Canadian party from Paris was mode 'on the .return journey, •one of the of sunshine. I through Buckingham Palace gates was invi ed to enjoy the hospitality early August 0th and special train genial peasant women, on learning of :dlajor :fey, the organizer, had told and receive a greeting from the King of Dr. Roy (Canadian High Commas took. the party north, through Albert the visitors beings Canadians showed the party once when addresging,� them; 1 and Queen as they returned from a sioner); and his wife, at u reception review in Iiyde Park, of 10,000 Ter- at it name. $ash are originally .before to Arras, where the day was spent proceeding on in the evening the same keen interest as was every- where evident when the ' identity of ' that if the trip made everyone have a greater admiration, respect and love . , to Ypres,.. As the train sped north- the visitors was discovered: Speak- for ones own country, he would feel , , -_ -• 0.- _•�---- --. ward there was constant evidonee of inf,► very good English, she said, ""Ise- amply satisfied. lie was assured at 0 y * .. . . . II I / l Btu ., • hilnir dw„nl,rui.,.a►�i ',Wiirn iwiW. IYi.n,hWr,I . _/ ' A full-szzd, full— eight, soli, bar 17 ./ of good soap is, "SURPRISE." -Best for any axed all household also. as • - -, „ _j__M________ ._._.. .. IL im 1-1 ­­ - _ � What 1139 erred in the harbor of Swatow, China, from typhoon and tidal w ave, Halals were dunk and tairg ors sent floating On the water. I It... ._.__L__..._._J_ _______.__11 a:: , W V { , � ,r , ° r 1.! P . . �. r . s , . I.- , .- �. `fl, . . • a. "? , . , J. . 0� • o , /��i '�!' M - 0 . l. i,cienc Dema s .� n' 'oq4 ortable,,Clothin, Trim mind 1144 top-SIwedsilly w6elx the body 1s, at ea ,4(', I,(',()liifortitbl(-".Njt't"rttt,.v Garments add .° i " 11 to your `s6'inte r ('ffieien(q". Their sildt Closbries k4-1) y )u �lr',grn➢ --- 1 but not tf1(fi� Vann, �hl(1V flit� our NO . iewil,Y are fiat and a111o'(Ptll. _ . Your ('xuet Laney ill stN,le wid weight will be fourid ill at iille Xlereuty Gar. \ Went rat lllust good :'drops. • 910 e %c W . 1 %4e,vies t ut"i l� �?il� N id tlr ol—Co lR MIN,WgMCN AND �FlkUNlNne►J� I V, 4 m