HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-10-19, Page 4I � I T- 1", --A 1. 1 '.7 T,V"_, .4 - ,Mjv��.W- 3 __ .- __ ___ -, ____ .; �� __,;__�_ ���l.-------.-----,-.--,.------"-----,-"---,- _­-­­­----- - _; �._ if �� r4we TWO � THE COOPOK" VAR " __ - - ­ I 0--_- ­­. � 1, � , - - - .. 110001, M0 0-0 r, , - - - �­ ­­_ I _0� � - = .Xmm� �11____ � e_ - 11 - .�� I 1= . . A il � , , - " I I , � , � L OTTAWA NIJEWS AND VIEwe " -�, '� " "' - " " ,,;V" 'e ' ' "' '_ i,; t,=1rg Ke ,:,3t 050co ;aitr-,-,i= int6 a P, v�`­`­�"'c`1`7 '' " LOCAL PICS .1 � V. * " $3 -A It _# t Btle'lli", micift,0114 tbo womt 0143Z�ac- ­­ Wcntinucd frovol r,'3ge 1� I I"" I V t , 11 ___ __._1_1 \ � - . ;,e 0TT - ow, fi,rt'j-��Cd g(njj:�,- (,7 jn,atural V:C-1;"!t0. 14, plimmufst ' ter. 1S,70 bad, haq it becornze thalt tho 0�03t War votcra'".'i have hild to , nt unfair twatme' N ,, . ow,cra OUM5�9. V10 944�1'12s' C,Illb b4vivg txz thcax�cWca au cb3ceihc 01 S4to, tho GrIciliaH by . : l4fit lull o" wattatt &twr 4, - 1 _-� ,Nlgrking Foreign Goods � , *-'� : 000we. comes ,toww to the Policy 1, -43 tile V11gor with ` , A wc torr*i out or adv,wated by thip , late =,mains.t.,the tt -r er,3�� �r. .0 tur zci t�oldi Al muqby was an anti-conscriptaomn't . aud rczr�'Or4!iv obo Kopte ef Goilczach paekca tho tboatrw awl re lizc,il, allo, ut doublo the ab�cc,Ue �. � ,hill I jl�c ­ 10100*4 uov#rnmont, the I I W t�­,Aarrklllvgs Act v�aq attack- I . � , 0 101 . 1, # cvm that the. tountry wo"Tob"t *111 cd in the late ac=*un of the Vow- I. I I a mouR. The racasure, r,,"scd by tho ani ts now 801iJ34 0-17cn with thc Ml- die". �Rad day tow Saldler3. The soldiers arc now learn, ipg W110 An 02rchcfltra CLIPOSUDg of Nun LaSeQ V-1110to 3� tho rl=% mra. Oalaey V1011ML ' - b"Wr off it $wit politios and ro, 'overiln - *1) 51c4hen G tent, had ,not becii WOM 114 tAW 1041kid Of 0030 were their real friends�,t a, o o b E Wh Mr. Harold I;AaC;;r,teR0 flute, Mr. V WgRew bro'l, anti Mr. Jame-r� acums and . I ,Visa*" I made uperative bccame of Opposition frasud them. TWO bittercst : to it's application tG certain goods, appowfflu soullt 04mit that StOC4 by them in tile war or tbuso who would give them no asia#4pcc. traLqq. r ,,avo c, oplenjiji aecoajov of Itsolf and Mo c.,-,,le,,� by tho assistlup. artt�-�ts 'I nwkiog 4R which, it was pointw out, . . friwuo:� sroat li"UQ�And most 1c.3- Would be 4ifficult or impractiesible. . See ofw*�-Iram that ef Imperial na, Iniltelld "I it* In the Vinance Department the sip is r4etic011Y Out, "NO A401dier,11fcd It i5 ,cj*cty, - vier ,al,,bly appreejatC4. 511's. ,Fauuklcg-�; vaug 4Vor You Mono." and '%,to . of adjugtipil pr ov! onsr - I i out, �,_ I - vat aid in 1911 riglkt 4own ,to ulle the new covernment threw i" �', ,Wbftt board, natiorw railways aud Now, ## in the easo of the anti -dump. aRly." the Sallie in the F03t 0 cc I ),, "rtulent, $q unfair has � become 'V- discrituilluliQu that tbQ eaptjVat(�d the 3�ZJ1004_,C. arc $UFO the, Orladso wwi intended for all encore I 1. . tbe- tarrif today. Mr. m0ghca 3nd ing Act, certain provision't are being . I ", his party have bftn right. Viudiea- in force from m war vett r:.nol Organ has entered a , bub rs. Saunders did not reappear. Miss Hazel 13olcher is' always very . - tion h@A alwaya come, rooner or lot- Put time to time. Cus� � tom$ Officers have recently bcen not!.Isoldicra Liberal strong p r'40st lit Ott*v* retUmed walk tile str4w$# hunting pleaslug"and her rclificring ,,�f "Tho Carnivall, was deligbtfulaud she, grac. I . cr�, The justly famous fied that all printed matter, lead pem I ,1!ch^rV1 &c -s not seem to fill the bill, ells4nd filito stock Coming into (7an;, work, while alacker fri,en , 6, of, the, lo. cat members arc being rerillm- fously re-,pWded to tho, applau" wltb � er perhaps the re3ent r0pFer of the ado, must ,after Nov. 1, �W clearly ship of state Inds that the countol. given crative government employment an encore number. Mrs. na-cli%y's number. "Tho Pattison WitItz" was a ., � I marked with a label indicating the I i . a the "wise men about. bi'41171 is at Count ry or origin. A similar law re- 14, f times contradictory. As to the 1)09- Letters have been received from, all rt13 Of tbq country of the, dislallssal IT soraol7hat 4101cult pleco and the ren4cr- $or, was faultless and the tone beautiful , . garding Canadian and other goods . ; � sible brevity of the Prvolict's tenure entering the United States 1has been �! -, I Of 011ice, Cot- Hugh C18"k, of North in force for many I returned noldiers. Only recently � _ a WEIR who served four Years and I and as an encore she sang "Will ol the NVISP", a light fanciful pleco which was tI Bruce, commotifing in his newspaper years. " . I f. , upon the ebnnE;es made by Hon. Mr. A Dangerous Precedent seven months was uncere moniously kicked Out"withOilt cause. The Laur. 'taking also highly appreciated. Mr. Llimell Parsons gave "That Old Plaok Mammy I �. ­ - 1. King, in th � Lieut. Victor G. Brodeur, R. 0. N., �1 ,� a X 41�, Le Laurier residence, all$:- that "fincincially this was an of tho naval beadquarters staff here, I ier Libera)5 are full ro,v6ngo on the arm�% �, . of Mine" and ,Was loudly applauded. The 1IRTR-Ries We Some Moro, of the , , gests ; error* because the 110111SO Is big only has invented a !llew style of battlosbip .. I �, I t1uh turret. It seems that there is at ) " il * , I as lonC an he remains leader." least AMONG T'"Ec"McfIES Next chorus of his encore brought down the house. Mr. Geo. Kenyon, Lic. %us,. played the for the , . 4 a naval at if left in Canada, and ' � �,, 31j. Kinjes Lest R'llance a . 0 Lieut. Brodeur belongs to it. Where " li 11 Near Last fliabliath in lCoov, church ReV. GCo. 0. 11idgoon, A). D., minister of Bloor accomp4niments ladies and Miss Elliott for Mr. Parsons, L I . I ; ': In dincusnion of the evi- ho got the idea of the turret is hard . , . l is, now apparently over, there has I I I I I � s. to, say -it's a long time Since therO Street Presbyterian Oburch, Toronto , Will conduottannivf * prsayy serv,jees moral and be L th wero effective. A brief Statement on behalf of the : . n a Widespread tendency toover t. ,I . i k bee - have been any battleabip3 hereabouts. .� �� . I I - rt_ look the fact that Rt. Ron. W. L' Anyway, there tire none now to ox� . L Xing is Secretary Of ii: evening. The* vublic, are cor. '119 and to theaO, services. Salb. vited dially ii Moos' Club was Made by Rev. R. C. : I breDerm d who'reforred briellyto some , . . I 11acKojaze our . I I . � L Pertinent on, and the working model _ I , ; , I .State fOjL External Affairs, Here was sent to t . he 'British AdmiraUty, I bath achooJ and -Bible Classes at 3 O'cloch. '. Aftbe %Ims and ambitions of the club land ,thanked the audience for their � . � was one time, ut least I I J .� ,when thal I' which has adopted it for construct. , I I � 1 portfolio meant Something, or oukht Jonal purposes in naval I I Bov"T.H. MaQVICar' I 'U'A., _D.1)" Of HOuttu, China, Will be. the Splendid response to the efforts of the Moog Club lo. behalf of the lire suflerars. gunnery and 4 ; , to have. But Mr. Kinf, s6 for as one complimented Lieut. Broduer on his I _qn telb bas paid very little attention . " , _ c, j effielency. ,So the officer h a at .+' preacher at morning service at 11 o-clook On Sooday. OOtobor,29th at ,r -..i, - p . Mrs. � Lauder kindly turned1he theatre over to the Club for the evening, sod t,6 the affairs - of that department. Tn&6(1;-I-v-iiiust*'-sT.�wbo"he-Vrent- . I e$slon of any in let diticlaims po.9s for- -7 _ � one over"' on the bon. the prime min- J^W-r;­wIv"M,s -bad yot__rev_eivo0'-4n- I V I 0. � RUS-yWrIall 'Church. the 000aelowbolng the 4biltv . ot,ttle-mburch; 6r- -S�ry­ _R6i_._R_.' , I'M Dormid, the picture ,was "The DevjV, featuring George Arlb 1-1 I. -C is, 44.tbe stoi,y is one of I I il 11 ent 6WFd1a0_fVW,_TV0_ "ovit")SOW . ma tion from Great Britain on which, Compliment from tho,,Admirality for prompt assurance of aid in connection Of KAOX Church. -,Vill be th. ProAcher In the evening. � 0 ed Bobby Vernon In "Hickory nick.,, I to act or express an -opinion in 'on- AcOtion with the threatened war. W4 the Near East Crisis, Indeed, � Baptist Church. 06t 22, Services as � G. C. 1. Basket Sall Girls Victorious I His Own special department main' tal na, or-ought.tO millitain, a qhan- coming concurrently. with the Tilik. Ish w , 4r cloud and that Shipment of usualt 11'a.w, paid 7, Young will be tho.ap'p'm - ,Mr. Robort at both sec. At a meeting in,Clinton two weeks ago a -Girls' Baske1t Ball League was . net of: commutucation with'tho Bri- tish cabilliet oil the,progress 'Of such mullitfolls of Levis for Hon. Mr. Gra. ham's department,, this gun . , vices, Rev, 0. N. DoWeaker OY Will be In Toji, ontoattending the raceti-4gg of the Bap. 1formed and. a schedule- drhwn' hp. Six -teams comprise the Lea I . affoirs, and if thut channel boa been , clogged at such a time, Who Is re- .turret business is- enough to give oil o- _ r F loving Cabinet ,eac - the shivers.. our tist Conforen6c. . Bible aghoal,.*3 li.m., . I MoOdaY at 8 p in,,' B -Y -P-11. meeting, the 111rat games of the series are bei played ,this week-Miteliell vs. Sepag-� - $pOnsibic if not the titular and ae- tilal heaj of such, department? Dis, remaining naval officers insist upon takitig an interest in their work, It Wednesday at s P,V-t Prayer service, Nor, th-Ot- MOthOdistChnroh; Harvey forth, Clinton vs. Exeter, Blyth vs. Goderich, Home, and ll�me gameis . aullising this point, the Farmers' Sun, I may be necessary to -loafi I them to the British navy, one squadron of whIch7 Moyer, Pastor. Sunday Services, Oct. 22, Classes, 10)00'� are being played aud,points count for winners of the first round. in Ottawa correspondence, charges VORANCE IS AT that 44SHEER IGL looming up, silent and officient, at the Dardanelles, sce.ing to have done club and mission bAnd at 10. The men's club .to P101 !'Wbat are the Our girls, accompanied by about -a dozen enthusiastic "rooters," IRE ROOT OF THE GOVERNMEN' PAL INDECIS510 WHICH HAS -pour more to overawe tb� Turk than 611 the parlors Of European diplomats'. duties of the editor to. the public?" wil I be. introdu6ed by Mr. G. Lamb. The . went to , I th yesterday.for the first game of %ey series and'- suce6eded, in PLUNGED THE COUNTRY INTO A FORTNIGHT OF DISQUIET. AND National Railways V068tOr'S mOrh1nA*tIjclAe "Vill to. "The Stu we are afraid to in . evening, winning by a score.of 8-4.. It was a . sVIendid , ritei P.ESTLVSSNESS.! The . lqun .w Idds that the- only compe,tent official ' Tho now, presidont has been in Brig- land for eight years.. Previous to a*LlvIng1n the cellar.,"Ontl0n; Prayer' service 04 Wednesday evening at 7. 30, game and thoroughly -enjoyed by the. large number of spectat _ ors n the depart . ment of exterrial.affairs, 'who has had almost a unique exper- that he bad a railway eng. mooring experience fit ' the United States ... It Would seem 6at the appeal made Sunday morning last by Rev. Mr. , At the end of firs�', half the the score was 7-2 in favor of Goderich, *fjenec and knows more about ill- � aernational problems thall the Whole which Would . hove been valuable in his now'Job If the road was being M3� Permid for a w1dor.611stra6lit jn,tbo work at the'ladleal missionerk though the teams'were very evenly i matched, Neithcr side wa6, sure 'of . . !Abinet together for some obscure constructed.: His operating I— sodlptjos -of the nongrevation-Is t,, .# *.1 a . victory ,And + , there were some very � ­ I . r - A -14 11 Ge, vu quick asses and.good team work oil . I I I r teadily ignored b - ledge, and that I$ the chief requisito Mondav the Arthur,,Cirele added the both a des, . - I . . . . I , I the prime ralmster." The reference . bersto the toll, . � , � hero, has been gained in England on names Of 13iuO MOW maim F, ..1 I , cot and on Tuesday the W m,S, put four. In the ,second half the home team I 11 � - I is to doubt to Sir'Joseph Pope, K. C. A system Which Is a glorified str � �� - � . flayed'.very hard. Rod kept - Goderich I . , I - N I W1. G., C. N.- O., 1. S, O., permanent car single teen n9w names down as. members. At rom. making a goal froin the field , groposition without., 4 1 I J . I : Un'der-Secretary of State or Extor- stroto of track more than a hundred themeefing Of the W.M.S. od Tuesday while: ,they, i:4-ade' one goal. Goderich , � . � .. Flat Affairs; ,Who, has � bohl that office miles 1n length. British railway. ex. Mrs- (R6v,) Hogg, of Clinton, gave an rione point from a free throw.' . .. I le rnadL � ., . . 1. � . thirtoen ears and who was'fotmorm- Per' Fice' as� - 4PPIlord' 'irv: Canada-', has address, oil, "Our Opportunities'" and an � . 11 . After the game the staff and pupils � � ..: I ly S. Kn A;# Macdonald's secretary. never been a great, Success. The. address was given by Mrs. A. Taylor, of of the �0- , . 1. . . . .. I . Grand Trunk Railway is an , town. Mrs. A., 1. Mexity"gwr ontinuation, School entertain - I � . Was Canada Right? . � . . xample I 9 a Sol le at visi a at � . of trying to o erate a Canadian rail- alsq� Mrs. &c.'wilson.. . .. ,e .Supper. in Me� 1. : �7 - 4, *lieu W. D. Euler, Liberal me"'" Way on Britis . . moria all, ere a very enjoyable . I t 9 mothods, Sir:Henry Ab the Vlotoria 9-tt60t Methodist t! e a a ent. 1. � � I . I .- � " �� I ...--- . -- her for North Waterloo, renewed in Thornton Will have to forget his Bri- church next'SupaAy morning, the pastor , ., iss ell , e I th - an ' d . " I i � I e aentary session his tish methods arid, learrk Noi-th Ameri. Vbv, J. W, Hedley, b.D. will preach no Miss ich ' son , of 't'he 80t.affL I., . . . . . I . - 4 I I ' . I I- I .......".- - fight for allikudmentmf the Elections Can operating,to be''a, suevess. he-re,j subje6tj ,'Saiv%tion trOm Start to, were t ev ire " an Mis Brill ,w a , . . . . . � I � i - , -"..0I '. '.. -. Act, in -respect to oVfraughJ,qewnont�Of lie is Ignorant of Canada. the I a a a . . t , , . ­ I .b. � : . naed by, mUrrilk h and will allah." Andiutheevcwlligbntbesub�.� referee. . .. . I . 'fill tei (I require Years' to become in exper. .ject, 17be rich young' 'rater." The The following Were ithe 'play I erp: _�_.______-1.__ . ,.. . 'WAS success - his Party -now having lence and knowledge 4"wbrthy cola. � � I ... I _,.� ­. I I . ­--th'-i- lurgest vt I)ARtOf Wishes to'anuOulace that. be&­ � . 1`1 � . I , . vup--m- th "-ommons.- I -_ . Blyth: Forwardstz�g I vetitor--�o"bo--ea�nud.ixiw.-p,,fii,--,,- _tng74",t_ _ _�4_n_,__P_4 ; . - gs­ - . - ­ , . .weak--hor-will Rivew 1050.1- _J_AffkF%a__,Pd_1Te-gE&___ centreszo4erii . � I � ­ . .. Rt. Ron. Arthur Afelghen, Hon H.. H. I ger - e op es, one; : � . � . - . � I � T. Ur 0%urih (North 'Toron' Pertsi His quick acceptance, couplea luld-weeklectures,ou the-Fundiinlental Armstro ­ , - , I -, . � �, . Wvbna *.. - - �. I . with'.4he cable announcement- .1 Effie Logazy Lizzie - Feari - P. .1--1 t. � . � to) ang others in the Conservative - . that lJoetrines., of the Christian, - Relglou. guiirdg---�-VIOJA' '.Vras0r, 'Winnifre � d I � . . I . his British Position is to be abolished Bvi�ryoue Is cordially Invited to thes Cow . , - - .. X . , 1, I - is Everybody wishes series. Do not forgetthe t, . . .an. � , - . .. .group upheld the princIVIO repro Algqificant. ' Commilini 0 . , . , " . . 6 , . I �001%tea Ili subsection 2 of section 29 of him � . . __ _­J,�__ : ­, 1. . . . , � Goderich:. F6iwq.rds-JuI!a. Young, . , 6 � -Taddr,the ',0eatric I e � . . , , I .' ­ ­ ­ Alie-Act- but tbe- Liberals -would -:64 two -success- and- all -expect - that after Co"Ort on Thursday evenlv�f, I - ___ ' ­ . . : orthree 'Years, experience. 0 atiqpIces of the Zureka Bible Hunter; -cdnties�--Margaret . ­ I Zil, and Sir.-Eiller's'iesolution , h ' class. % Wilson, -Rota Hamilton' Adelaide 1'.� '� be deal May accomplish. this. During that gpl-Oded program ba% -:been provided. H09; guards-Loulse ,Co"ok, Delores I : ,� . � - I . � �. B he Jac, , nees. . ZlohChureb. Taylor's Corners;­Durll,aithwaitew. I .11 .. . ' �* " ` - States, aliColder, Wriot.wiser neigh, " ut It - k of special knowledge �, , . t " I ,was adopted. N,ow, th� United period the road must take cha � I . . , . , . . 1. I . , 1., . .1 - I . the last two weeks Aev,. 0, X The return game is to be played on I . .1 . � I . bar has put , into force, a much more in the Ing -_ I I � I A;Qorit law. .It sets lop as barriers .president is ,small compared Dewey has been conducting evangelistic the G. 0. I.--krounds Friday at 4 p. in. ., I I . I . . , L with the awful bxecative appointed; meetings each evening, %SSiSjed by.-Aev. Come and cheer. . . 1. .1� . ,,t,�" a olutilifying testo not for onfranchise� Noi&r the piesident or any -01 �, ., � , moot, but for the preliminary sto , membeii ,Nlr� Burns, of Clinton. and Mr.. Robert I- � . .. I . _,,ia $4 � I I D of the executive bits any knowledg . . . .. . I _0��. . . of naturalization. , � .. e Young. Those borvices have beeh'very . . T �Flr_ N , - . . I I 1-1-- -_ ­ ; . d '. I J. of Canadian ra, ' ilway finalicing or, op. -well atieuded -and gre4 spiritual In - - . . � . I I .. � I . United States consul's �hav� been ;erdtlon, the two ter- , KiLfl6irdliterfl6p6�tsLin,day Athome, . ,. I . essentials of uccess, est. has been manifested. Several from � . . I 1 I 11 ._. , notified by their cansul-genoral that only ,one member, of the 8 XtssJosphine'ChIshoLn bag gone to 'r, i . . Executive Goderich drove over"�ud %aslated In the . . , , . �: Canadian women who . become the has any business, traininj 6 . dross ma�lngo.. I 11 i . ,% , Vivo . f'a na- devotional eXerelseIR, ,Including Mrs. Goderldh to'learn . 1� I I. . ,a of United States citizens must tional character,� and.. tha .. I '.. I � � ..., I , . I _� I I . . . now obtain their own naturillization Stewart, Winnipeg, . t, � James number, Mrs, Dewey, Miss Belcher and Mr- and Mrs. Hary Cook, of Clinton 'I 'il 1: , I I I � papers. Tho re -but. be is a gTeat bel 8. spent the week -end with relatives here, � . fulatiOn is effectivc .grain operator and must- constantly SOln6 of tho Goder'ch choir' We lev' . - I . , . I September 22 o 'this Year. Hither- be Ili business 'with tbe'raiNray. and that tbe Holy Spirit was xt - these moot- . Our ter.64 MAd Alkemption. ' 9 in J, - - � . I _ wa � � � .. � to marriage to a 1julted States citi- logs In. power and a deep and lasting Goderich laotp., Week : attending the , . ell in c0yallctitiOn with other grain.and impreAslou wag madeek .. � . . .. , . I j . Z it automatically conferred rights milling companies. Messrs. Sinelair, edL ,x all who attend-fTeachors' couvrtlolu.' . . . . � I .1 L .- �,�,-,-, of citionship. Ap I Servidowl1i be condacted on Sun- I c �_ wo : _plications by WO- Decary, Dawson, are political hacks., tolock. bk Mr. Robt. ,0 , . �,4 . N%, � . Anniversary servi ies r'vrifl be held 14 - 'S I I , .,,� -inelf for registration must now be Graham Bell, a civil Servant,. ittid Ei afternoon at 8 o . Leobtirn Presbyterian Church on un. +i0­11*),;.-,�' ..''. . w accompanied by evidence Of -citlzeil- Gerard Rule,.a lawyer, but a vlompe_. Young, . 'I I I 11 day. Oct. 29ih. I I � '' . I -, other thaft AialoricAn tont railway counsel. Tom �L M I The Re*� Mr. Mae'Vicar ,. . %­� * ' ' .. I ship� , Wives - 6ore - Sunday last was Clilldren's buy at w1il Preach morning and eVenhig'L . '.1 L 4'.. . � � citizenst are, no longer included Ili president of the Dominion Trades ;7i4 St. George's church, and all -the set- -special music *111 be, provided. for the . I � 0 , passpoRg. Formerly It *,as only no, babor L Council, is also Oft the board. vices of the day were asylpriate. day. On the following Kond4y,evening . I 1,2Q, ; , I 'I, iossary for Vie husband to.prove big He 'SLa chirpenter and hits been given. The recteri Rev. S. S. Har ,, preach. A hot fowl supper will be - sor#ed in the , L . cltizans)2 andhis wife WAS autema' preferment overall the great railway ed ,at the morning. Service. i Fill Rev, basement of 66 church. from 6 to 8 . �. I , I . . . I C nall Hill In the eypning. Rov� Dr. o'clock. after which the Raymond Red, . I , . � . � tically a vanced to tho same. status. union men. L Tom Alooio, is at present 'a * 1. I � Curiously enough, the change Is as'� enjoying a trip to Switzerland at the Sinipson', field secretary of the Or. mohd Coinpany, of Westfield, will pro- , , � Oribed to Ltile Great War, ',vbenwivoS ange Association, who was -in town vId6, the program, Admission 50 ce ts. - , government's expense. I a : . . I , . . of many Americans upon whom citi- The Board selected"would _be L to.preach tOL the Orangem64 of the Everybody welcomo� . .11 . ­ I I �, ; . tonship ,had been 'coaf6rrod by mar- tiona" a na" Goderich district in Knox church W I ­ . I . ria , ohe if it Were not -a national 'I.. . one, bd,troubled with corns, he go Were found to be active sympa, tragedi. '' An inexperienced the ovening, spoke to-Ow-eWildren ilit, � If �,' , thizers with eneinY nations.. I dent, an executive of politicivr " the afternoon service, drawing lea- will find Ili Holloway's Corn Remover � i ' real 1. . . I" In the parliamentary dehate'of last and a hostile'Lgovernment, ?lack$,. sons from an ordinary pin, -which to an application that -will -entirely re-' I . " ­ I , Afarch. Mr. Aleighon's. chief point it i's a "age be of. use, must be upright lild Ileve suffering. . . . , - � 4 . !, . thatL n "' Of "God save the National Railways." stralght'. and With a . ood head. -Dr. I . . . % -there was not equalliy I ad. . , mission to citizenship, either in V Political Patronage.' .. � BRIEF TOWN TOPICS � " L . ,an- :. Political pittronaie ;f the '' Simpson's talk will `C remembered . I - . `,'�, . . ada or elsewhere, The inai%'must kind is again grossest by the boys and girls. At t Ke ay, Nov. 10th, in mind . I undergo examination; he must live . rampant in Ottawa.' ing, service, a. solo. was rendered by and attend St. Oeorge's. 0burehi Girls' �� ­ ­ I., . . . up to certain tests. Not so with thd Threava are .being made by respon- MW Hazel 13cicher .,in her usual Guild Dance anti Five Hundred Party I I . . I Woman. irf thele case there wag an sible ministOr-T"u-nd unwarranted dis- pleasing style. 1. Ju the Masonic Temple on that "even- ., .1 I absenee of -tile safeguards thought I luffisqla to make room for political ScOn Sunday, morning last eela, Ing. Watch for b4ls. - . �.. . . I t', rIght'J4 tile ewe, of the man. He hacks. Recently Hork. Charles Mar- rvice was held in Knox eahtispK to. T116 Mission Bttud of* North Street jo 'k� 't tiaid: "It inay be that we should Phy, PoAntuater-General held a con' emphasize the work of the W. Af.,S. Methodist chn'rob, propose holding an � I I . 4J `1i*ve'n'MW which would prevent we- f0reni!*� of officials ana threatened The choir.. was entirely a ladies' 6olr, 11 apron bazar, Ja the basement of the � t! men from becoming citize,tis except all OAO *ith dismissal that showed consisting -of tidies of the W'. M. S. ", by pmeaq of natui4lization.11 oritical Independence. Here I church on Frlday,Nqv� 3rd. Tea will . - I . � -I.,; what and Arthur'Cirele, the ladles' rals. be served from 3.to 7. . . However, the House not only found . fr. Murph 0aY.'q: "I want It to bo siouary societies of the. church. A � . , . .. . '; ho fault with the existing inequality equallr, ,W%1 ,understood thnt I will - -Protect the child froin'the ravages . ;, , , , men, in regard to n . n , beautiful solo, "Chilst'Will Be con- - , � , � , �. -to play politics '. ,.of wornis by using. Mother, Graves. . .in fnvor of we - not n. low anybody 0 turaliq - Proi,11 the words of which. were W�61,m W, . of exi0ing aafoguaiiia in regard to Which I am a. I qu Exterminator. It is a Stan. ." ultion, but approved abolition 4calfist me or - the government of written. by Alias It. 1. Graham, of , , ""I . _ neniber." To Impress Senfortho the Presbyterial W. Al S dard remedy, and years of use* hove . I _ � . onfrafthisement, The United Stp.tes this lie followed with: "It might be ,secretary, was sung with fine ejeci enhanced its reputation. . . . � � I biia'taWn an important ,stop hi,the 'Well to add the information that by Airs. MacKay. A welt'rendered . PEOPLE WE KNOW 0 . � t I . . -oppm4te direction -� and equalized the While tile Power of' appointment to quartette was given by Mrs, MacKay, I I . . . . pdosition of the sexua by removing the the positions ift tile post office do" bliss A,. Nairn, Airs. Dunlop and Alias Miss RubentiNaqg1o, Is visiting friends ;, (9 ; 0 J � : �r ,�. in vantage which tfio vomen. enjoved partment ropts with. the civil SO& Belch;r. In his sermon, Rev. Mr. Mc. In London. ,; . I tiebieving automatic paturalizaiiOn vice. the right to make dismissals is, Dori -aid pointed out the great. value I 4 Olive lchb W he r � It w �Os M a T orne as; we to I 1'. A � 1 by marrIage, The r7ublie is not no, t t Office Act, still ves I .. I ada In legis. he Post ante enerAl." I . . 1� mcdel for .'an tod in of the womeres missionary organiza. tho wool, end, I . , ,, ,� lative mathn. but they cortaint n ot or wor a, Air, Murphy says tions of the church in kooping alive Dr.and Mrs. Bolster are vialtin!", In - I I I Iic�e in pr6tcetion, ever there, wrTio!tll. 41 In%* In, Olitical gain(% or you are a missionary spirit and laid strqss oil Toronto and Parts. I , . � .JP the comprehensive grasp of the miq- I Nir, Robert Reld, of Seaforth, apent 11 . �r tho iinported commodit� I (,1, Ma 01 no threat against slonary situation lift many lands. the NNeAt end in town. I . , I . ��_'_ ___ --.�------�----.---------.,,...-.,.- - ­­­­ ­­­ ___­­­__­__, 11 ­ which was displayed In the' pa era - 'corge Strichlalad, of Toronto, - � ~ ______%0%#%ftA%0W%0W VW %O %1A0%0W%0 at the meetings of t9ese I., Mr. (v I I ­ . I I I =1V Tile vast strides made by was in town last week. I I - . I I . � � I . the Women's Missionary Organizi�- Miss A. U. Lewis returned from tier I � I . . .. . I ole�� . tious in membership and work accom- vitut In London. last Week. . I I . . . . �. . Wake Up to the Fatt that ' plisbod were shown in- figures pro- I , 2 Miss Kate Parke wa% calling on fxleads , t I : . seated, add this valuable adjunct to before leaving for New York. . .. I � . . I the missionary work - of the church Mrs. W. Woods, has returned tow 9, r i I I I I " hold up' as one wbicb, Should' visit with fri6nds at Th%mesville. 6 I ... I -, "'ve evc arger inember- Mr. john Krieg 01 Waldville.'sask, . I . I Up. , — I Js In town sceing his lather, who Is far . I I . Cold WY, leaffier ,hl, 'n a lioneh 1 . 1 I 0. 3 1� , A WORLD'S WONDIER fralin wolt. I Mina Gavret liss left for hor honicat 11 � I . erg'of Europe nua Anjorloo,1 Waoltingtou after .,;peudIngthosummt.r . . ,*VW*o - . � "" . , . I , Illwo expressed surpriso that a Papor Of at tier cott&go. , . 'endorful vailab ag 'the ramilv WtIJ&ck Johnston has returnod how . such ,% 0 . tl�# . I Is Approaching nerala and Weekly Stir of Mentre4l niter visiting his, daughtel� Urs. ucolige . . I . 14A � I ean. bO pr*lnced at tfio tubwriptioxi 1, Lyttlei, In Windsor. -, . .9 �� I I VvIx Charged. It is inot only the enor. % be ,ft . � 3tlg3 Lillian 5tetranald, who lk$ C � moos Size oftbo r,amily lloralkj that 0%. I ral - 1) tt this past low months, 1� J ,� place your snier early for ysor Witter Suit or OXercoat, eltes the wonjol, or tht wovId. It -la the I n .1 � . "a i eturnea li�Wd )&at tveck. e . . I Vast variety "d the s,aKro,wollonce of �. - I 11 � Its Contents. Tho greAt t4ileregg Ot ttio I I �,, Itoliett Mcynms� has had a nett Alid % . I comtottablo eettage built an his lot slid I ­ I .%Wethy Hand Tilifored-Evitrything in -Mere* Furnishings Ps"aft Ilomla of Montral hAq resultC11 Iq now oceapying it. . .. Instc,u4n9tcrittliovery boitt,%le,ntlail Mr.,. Frank Itillier nad sorvt* Maur. I 1� all Its deputmenti, Tflis 16 1% messure . . - . ­ I I CHAS. BLACK 0fI0!Vv_Vte1SIVCuc�q. Tosxytho6ttho' `Cc- altd Denni,% leave this afternoon t ratlattv Hemhl Is in 06 elms bV itq(lf (! �or St Catbmirine�% where. thov Join 4 : � . Without a rivea 1(7 to P -at it milalv- ' 4"Ir Hillior and make their lature Phefte 219 The Meves Store Worffi While �1 , .;en I . � . Publishers wo unaelistwi Willi 3,11 � fio�lo in that 'city., I "wrlo cerles fteo 6 teempt of rllt�*,.Al I ur. ,Iaeu 'Tolinsien IA&9 rp-tollia hem. 0 1 tard. hn!nn aftpr vkitbvi biq 61q&�Atpr. Mtq -4 - 1'� I .__ ­ - ­_ _­­ -, " , " , � I a , 1! 1 Th e Ne W, !� � ,,� Radium and I .1 Spanish Laces � 0 14 . Lamp Shade Fringe,s a a Gaimpes I " . MISS S, NOBLE I — Gov. Lyttle, in Windsor. Mrs. Hally, who spent the sunnuvir in her cottage, "golly Lodge," Las left for her home In Detroit, I Mr. and ,Via, Collis, of Loodou., were I bete a, low days recently and closed their cottage 14 the season... Mrs. Davis. and.4 family, who have Bpout the summer In Wra. Meteall'N cottage, has returned to Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Smith have ecturned to town from Toronto, and will be hero foe another Week or so. A. Erwinbas bad a radio Installed It . his home and now. enjoys concerts, lectures, eta., from far -away points. Rev, and Mrs, 0. N. Mwey leave to. day for Toronto, to attend the Conference of Baptist .0hurchos of Ontario, avi] Quebec. - 1� . . ' Ur, and Mrs. McCoukey,'of StratfoW, were hero recently at their cottage ano improved their grounds by Planting , overgrgens. - � I . Mr. and Mrs, Albert MacDonald. left this week for Port Huron. It - A just - PO$StblO�theY-DU,W-D�&4C,,thikt;4�S-4fi4alZ fatur6.boiae. . I . 40. 1 Mrs. Woods and Miss Nan Woods, Baygleld, were visitere at tile home of MC4. T. D. Tichborne during the Teach - em , C ,OuvWntion. I I I . r. Baxter, who has been engaged In millisterial. work during the past year In the West, arrived recently to take charge of the Matho4ot. church. I .. Mr. 4d. Priduam spenb the week -end , I I h Gbderich,, leavin L nday night for Winnipeg, where 1,09-W111101 be in charg6 of � the oftice of the Mutual nce Co. . . 1. I . . I , 'Mrs. Jack Taumau� left )asb weekto. join her husband In Detroit. She was accompanied by lier sister Misit Dolly Bovirn, who Will take a position in that city� . .. I . 11 I I . . . I I Mids Irene Thurlow, Qf,Paterson., N. ,T., is visiting In town this week and she will bg accompained. on her re�urn by her mother, who will, spend the. winter in tbati citiy; . � . . I � I . �fessrs H. 0. Dunlop, r, - Sturdy',aind. Roy. Rundle are attending 'a military staff tour th14 week, Mr'..Dunlop madQ a trip to Toiputo, provious�t,o. going to I Loudon. - . . I . . .. � . . . .. I . .1 .LMrg..,B.�.. F. Carr -and. daukhter. Ofary I . Margaret, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visit - Ing at, the home of their uncle and , auntle,'Mr. sod Mrs, Thoa. Lacey, :Ox- ford, Street. I I . . . 1. I I I Mr. and . Mrs. C. T. Nicholson and daughter, Charlene. Of _ Port Huron, motored bore and spent the week -end. . with tho0atter's par , euts; Mr. ano Mrs. R. DoLong., I . L . I . I . . . . Xr.,Knyvetb Naftel and family have -mo*ed�-'t6-fON�liT�a-lXi�g-��'tbel��- donee In Mr. Frank�`M,artin's'bousa on Plotoo -fteet. Mr. Naftel has taken a , position in the Transit-Elotator. ,., * . I . Rev A, McParlaue'conducted anni- versa'�'y sorvices, atLLondesboro. Rev, 4r' Abery, of Londe , sboro, *preaching in St Andrew's.chiproh, in the morning &,WdXr. John Fraser in. the evening. . . I ' Mr. Joseph C. Kelly.left town on MoltidlLyfor NowYork City, where he Will spend a few days before going to Worcester, Mass.. where he. will. go in business With hisbrotht ri Mr. Basil L. Kelly. � . 1, -L. . ­ . ­ .. . - .. � . .. . L . Dr. korbe%,Godtr_q'y,_x..P.P.. and wrp. .Godfrey ace6bipainedby Mrg-.-E-N'rn6k, I I , of Xeuor9,,'motoic4 up from Toronto,on T . hursday last and were the guests of Mrs. Barniuoy' s brother, Mr. J. B Kelly, Lighthouse St.' * . . . . . . . 'Mrs..James: Angus of Detroit, aocom. pAined bybe.r.sou. John, alsn of that city, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter XoXaugh- ton, of Pontiac, Mich., were In LOWU this week, motoring, up by way of the I Pluerv. I . Mr. Rathwelf, of the Sterling Bank, has been moved to Hensall Mr. Uachen of 1vtoaktow taking his ;'osition her . . e . . L . . . I . I 1, 00DERICHMARKETS - I I � — . Wheat, per L buill , 90 to 95 Flour,* family, per c*t. 3.50 to 3.50 Flour, patent, per cwt. ; 3.56. to 3.75 Bran* per 'ton, - I 22,00 to 23.00 � Shorts,'per -ton . ' 25.00 to 26.00 �Oats, per bush. .. . Barley, per bush. . 45 to 50 udkwheat, pei bush.�, . 60 to 05 ay.- -�-4..V---- �.. 10.00 to 12.00 Butter, per.)b, " ' , , go to L 30 Hog's, per vvit. * ' L .... 10.00. to 10.00. Egi;s, per doz....'...... 35 to "' 46 Potatoes,L p . Or bush.... ' 401o, so Cattle, choice, butchers 4.50 to '5.00 Cattle ordinaVy ...... 4.00 to 4.50 BologL, Bulls,per lb, . 3 to . 4 S ' lambs .'�- 9 to 10 ,g,r,,,P 0, .. ........... � 02 to 02 Hides.- I � I ........... 7.00 to, 0100, Lambs, per awt ...... 8.0.0 to &60 I . . I . . . I I . . 01Z==;!==0=Q1:=====0= 0 1 0 WINTER STORAGE - FOR . BATTERI ES.1, �� . � . .. . 0 � Buth,your car and battery wanu- a L I I facturers advise you wben lay1fig 0 , up your car for the winter to liaiia ' I0 your battery over to a service sta. I tion for.the necessary care and attention. ,Fast experienee has proven It to be the L best and cheapest meang of keeping your I battery In goad condition. . , , We Mike a npe�ialtf of the Uat- � I I tery b&lueV, therefore you have Iwasor� to expect the best resul . tq I at the . . . I I F a . , "' - " Auto Electe'a dd , . I lattery Service I . Cot. Wksm 0. sod Squ are Goderich . HERS.JANE ! 19:::::::::= � 8=0-L. �___ t6=62%==== - I - L - . I I I . I , I L . I 81110,Wa the photogli-apher will . cnab!e,you tsE�ea youmeltea ,� as you reaft are, not as jeal. ' ; Owq b3�Lonl friend,�, r,4,0. you., V,iw him n, call. . . I I 1.11 ­­ 1, ­ �L . L ... I % V_ - .. 4 � - __- ­ _­_ - - - i'WRSIJAY, OCT, 1. � - Liggett's Checolab with the wonderful centres 81111e. BupkeL")hocolates 1 ' the creamy old fashioned kind I Patterson's Chocolaltes a mattep of good taste I . . I I - I , I � . , I I H,,,C, Dunlop, Phm. B. -, God4)plch" Ont. � - - I P .. � . . - . - I - - — - 41 1 - , � r = � -1 . . I �. - W-,-- . T 11 -0" I _10 . Mr. C, Anderson Is relieving manager � having to leave his beat, the A. J. I .. wbile Mr., Jones Is. away for a couple of McKee, on ,account of an attack of I ,weeks' vacation, . I t�.phoid fever. We are glad -to know I . We are pleased to see Mr. Scott that. he is doing well. . I . L . MoNath back in town again after his, . sojourn at-Humbolb Basic. mr.memathi�------ft-O-=-*I=====OIMOC�. I --- was In his old place with the Orange. men -at the service at Xnox church on! . ... .'!!! I VTU" - THE HYDRO STORE I . 04 Sunday eveftlig. _ . � Mr. John McDonald 10 - - 0 6 . . (Caddy) ax� rived home on Thursday of last week, I ,I— ­__ ___ W _�;;W­ -!t--- ­ 10 - . 0 .- .0 400, �,, 101t 01, 49��o - - __. - *1 I - �=,alowdtr, . . ­­ - -_ - __. . — I I L . I I . I I . I I . . I. . . YOU CANT . 14 w .. I- Convenient-. . . Clean . 1�� '. I . 11 . . I I I , 1. .. : QuIck I . . . 1. .. � 11 I . I 10 . . . 4% ) i 0 Cheapews Thmtn Coal 1. it 0 Beat the -- Bargains a . . . ......... =1 . . 3 � I . � 0, .1 . . 0 You,Can Get 0 Citizens contemplating the Instal - lation of Elecirio Range Service I at a I . this 'year should make the neces. I . � . . . I sary application to our Commis, r , , . I , -1 . i I . .HAROLD BLACKSTONE1 I I sion. 1 . . 1. � I 1 . .DO IT NOW . ­ . ��. 0 a All FURNITURE EXCHANGE L WEST ST. Information cheerfully giyon.. 0 . I . - ... � . 0�1.0 0� on the Broadway of Goderich 0 d. . - ... . 0 1 -_ - � I I * - 2j,' 40 and 60- watb Hydro", I . _�een I . . ,!.� � 0 0 Tungsten.Lamps have ,xe. . I . . .1 0 , . I . I .. . duced to forty : cents each. - . . . . � . I r .:. . -done RIGHT, - � I I . .1 . . I . . . . . ... . . �r . ' Drop. in .any old time. I .. I. I �� B17Y 66.UYDRO" L&UPS , L I . . _.: . 1. � . . . I . ... I . W 11 � . . , . , 'O WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION 0 1. L .. . . . . I � * I I This t8your store 0 TOWN OF 001) ER ICIL . I ' 0 I . . 1 a � , I . � � � . 0 " I % � . :q 0 . . . 0 'n, North Side of Square . Hydro Store , . . I ­ . r. I I r.. , . __ " 'O=ot=====O=Oc=====*=O======O=O';=== =. =0 . 9': .0 � . . . I ' ', - r .. '. .... r I . I r. � I . . . . . r , r 0 .i. U - 0. RUBBERS- -R 13HERS—RUBBERS,. . r r I . . 0.- , ' .. �. I 11 . �. _-7— . . . . _. r. . I . � r . . I . - � � I . . r . . � .1 . . , I . 0�.�.:� 1. . ... "I Rubbers for Everyone . � . ... ... I . . � � I .. � r r 0 ... . . . . . . - Hor Alen . anc . 1 Boys --4- I ry our Economy la#, priesSilrer ell d I re - ... r . 'r ,.. I �. - � � a . ro ioie,. �olled edge, heavy duck liniog: lb is made to.wo�r. � . r I ' I . . � I � '. r . r . . � 0 , r .-Girl . ,,r! . Caj,4e ]?.ubberi , fo . r the girls . and , kiddies. . :Wom . n' r a . 'e. . I - ' � I I I . . . I . I � .... .. ��. - - -ria- bber�-ave4i'ue-a,nd,-ddm.ble.---------.—. .I.---- I . ; - ., . . . . . 1, 1. . . ' .. I ... . � . . r. . .1 * r , — . ":k,: . 0 . r,r ., .,�. �. . . . Don't forget our1rivindible Rubher Boot ---'It is'the',� best. . r. I . ... . I I . r r� . . I 0 . . . .. . . . . . r I � I . � r . � . . � I I . . I . . . . I . I . " . i' -r HERMS BOOT SHOP . r . 1. .... . . . . ..'r ar . 1_ . . r ' � 0 . Phone, Store 43 W . 1. r . . Phone, House-43.Tr ' .1 . .. . %,,,r I . . Z . .r I .. V -,!-----W0=0=====0=0=====0 0=====0=0I: I 1. � I . . - I - r . . . . . I I . . � . I . .1 - . �.. .1 .. .11 11 9 � I I ___ — __ . 41 v,� . . . . . r t . I . . . . � 11 . . I r I I . I � . .. * .1 . jr.�S . � .", ; ­ r. , � !­ .. lr'S.Choo r ., boes . r . � . . I.. . . I . I . . I . . I . . � . I .. . r r ''..''. I .........I. ... ­ � r . r I . , . r r . ,. I r I i . . I . In our School Shoes. for boys and girls tliolte I I .. .1 � I i I I � I Where there is public'esteem thatr does not vary: under . .. i � . any obanging coildi�tion, a aod does -not w6ahen - . . I I I . r. : ,r I . . . . I Under .'tbe heenost'--competition, Because io : ! ,r i IS Q� r ,ity , 'he a[loolinaking r OJ.r constant aimis a bigh. . I 9k' . :_ ,. ., I . I I � standard'yl low Pd(138. . I I . r I i I . . ,.. . r . .1 . I I , . . . . , , � Our 9fiOes inv'aiiably'give 6e genuine wortli . I r , , . I , . r I., . that every ,w6aier looks upon as sterling I . . � � � .d' - . I value. The values we are giving our rousto- I I . .r I.. . I . .. . I . I .. .� mers in Shoes for working ,men mii1tiplies � . I 0 1 I r . I . .. � . � . I - sales and ma.kes each pair a prOUble r .. .our . ' I . � I . I trautitiction for the wearer. . . . 1- . . I . . . I . . I I I . � - , , . � . . . . . I I I - I tot lus, do. your Shoe Pepairing ancl 11 -ave it . � - - � . I r .:. . -done RIGHT, - � I I . .1 . . I . . . . . ... . . �r . I I � I � I . I � I . . - . , . . . - � I . . . GEO-MacVICAR ..'. . . .r.. I r I .r . 1. . ­. . . I I I .. G � I I North Side of S%aarp. ­ �.: r, . .::. .. I , r r. - . oderich .. � I - . . . 1. . .'' .11— 0 _—, - _ , .".. '. ,. . . I 11 I I. . I . . . __ . - - ­ I — - _� I . --- __ - , I . -_ -_ -_ --' . I . . � . ____ -, � . . . I I . . . . o . I I - . . : I . .. . I . I . DONTGETTRE SHIVERS. .'! . . � . . � I . . . . . I I . . . � . . . I I . � . I. I .. See"' - Q.ur' Coats ' - , I ­ . I Supeifine in stylb and materials. Nothing looks better or feels better than one of these coats With their � . rich' looking materials and'lar' e luxurious collars, I 9 . � priced*at$21,50W$45.00, . . . 1_ . I I ' ', Also. coats forjunior6, Burberry � s, Ve.lours and li � ' many other1kinds, . . . . . ! I . . I . . I I . �. I . Dresses . , . . . � � " Fresharrival of Ladies' and Mis8es' Aresses. Very attraetivo 1 �84niple dresses -and very - attractive as t6 price '.'ri or all kinds of . afternoon iinaitily time wear. From $12.50 to $29.5o, ., . Mso a line of Missos'� Sample Dresses. In Botany, serge, Silk, Gabardine and 2-tolne *Duvetyne witil combinationg. of Crepe ana serge, crepo ana Galieraine and many oti,em, suo to $iuo I I I Woui�ges . , . I I � . . . I * More Trieolette Blouses, good assorbinent of coiovg. 'Prices ., ,$2.50 znd $2.95. .... I ..... I— .1. . . . 1. . � Ky- I I - . I . 11 " use . . . � . I 11twber Rose, ribbed ttild plain, c6lors'.1irown, and g2ceill � Gpecial for thi�, %voelk, 79e alld 89c. ,. U Aro I Millinery _ � . . . I ' Now arrivab soml-wcelkly of 11&,; f?,mit P-4 heaa!3 ana fat -co. . . . I . . ' R,oyal Ladies' Readya"to-Wear Co.- * . � ­ �. I I 11 I I ==' - , . I I .1 . . , � I I . . � . �_ - , � I L_ - 111111ho