HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-10-05, Page 9. I ,& 1 14,11�. '. . _.��, � .4. - -"". . . - %444L".A�,� .y-,.4,.. __ - - . .- " - I I _�� .. �� ,,, .. 0 - � _,; ­_ I - ­___ _-_� --- - " ---. - ___ ,- - P ,. _ __ .. - � I . � . _­ � - 1. ­ ­ � .11 . - ­ �___ 1 ­ I-.--- ___ .. - - I- pm;x NIN.x THURSDAY. OCT, 6,th, JW2. TM COOL"M STAR ­­__ __ 1. . _00 - - - ___­__. , 11 � ­ . 11� - I I ­ --..-- - ____11 . I -1-11-1- ­ � ­ I .- - I ­ I .1 1. - I � _ - - . I I - -------- -1 - --.I- ­­_ - - -_ - . - --- , -_ ____ ____ . ..... __ - � , P- - I—. "I I , - - -.-- - ­ - . . � . �.. � - . I . 1. . ­ � I ­ - ­ - U iutk,r2(,;AgZ](, s"­.�cv, 411W.WN . . . " IN W I I N-0- . I—, � � -1. __- - Solatillcra AWC[t4 ta-4vc,sti3 ?)ZIMrocr _____ "" _'. � � VUY CONSTIPATED NM TOPICS OF VO 11"T, w - crop for livat tivio Ili sQrox Years. F"Opt SIX MONTHS Impoa4int Veu, Maurice sa37s aWkil forces at Caff for I . I -.1 Events Which HaLvo Straits adequate tq keep Turks back. "I I I t coupow .1 .- Hawalue hoelety. Toronto� receives Webster . a 0 � . . Occurred During the Week. complaint$ of "doping" race horsea, I I � . - 11aless one tas a, free vqtioa of the , - NeVittl2e. scutezaeW bank barid3, I I 11 . UiFdw, at 1=zt QUCO a o7ay, mustipatiou Tke IMIN'T W0VI4'S'0#Ppftl14,# Can* Acqu9tted of lhir4 ebar4io by Ilamiltou I I . I is sure to vnsae' Ozen ;a. tile W;kliie Of Mly Compiled and rat Into, J u ry. "Mmall"Is . . I .1 I I tke coviit.'r.atirn, comes E,Ick licaaache, HaWy javA AttrActive �bape for Jay4ri4cro steal car in Kcalestlale. � I I bilious ktli�lai:fw, he4.,1b-;=, coated tou- Renjual by the Ittillilero of Que ride around In it, and then act it � . I . I .1 � Flumaell, r4les, r . afire. Man � � .11 I 11 I ; mativ 4111". . Two Russians committed for trial . . I 0 Wilbu�u*fsozLr)us%'ap?T,Iiivve4errPciellm,spwWilult.tcgu- .'I . WVIESDAY. on charge of = urderlug Adam Salton. .1 � I I I � I .1 0 . Uto the Gow ,of bile to act Properly On Giants wlu championship of Na- at Thorold. _ - ! C IT -T q � ". the bqwpb� thus Lial.ing Vic* ap NAVY -_ . l,lve tional League. Insgulty to be plea of Gordon Vlbii- . By PETER & XYNE I 1,IP, dale, held In Loilo]IP4 for slaying of . � I :nd regulp.r, w3d removing tho cocstip- BrItIjili, yacht wins first raca of lu� .1 - -,.;.,-, , . . .., , , ''. ". , tion, and all its allied troubles. sweetheart. I L --- I ternational series. 004"ETTES 1, . I I Mrs. R. 0. lrant, Port Georgo, N. S., Germany's Treasury -votes to Bel- - %60A . � 11 �� wrltest-"I lime been troubledby be- Damage by Smyrna fire is estimat- glum, are approved by Reparations ALINdw Of .1 � � ed at 4120010001090. Commission. I "Csm Pkk%.!­Th0 Vex" . ing badly constipated for the last six Larisdowates mausloll. In countY � Nlne-year�-old daughter of Ron. at " G4%k*l!i otok inouths. My torguo has been so terd- Kerry looted by Irish. T. A. and Mrs. Crorar. succumbs to L, . i , . � . I bly eilated, vo, mueb. so, tIARt it )made Strike of saillorn qu Great Lakes OW . - --- I _-.__9 . 10 for 17 cents - � 25 toor 410- cents . my bretth bad. I was talking to a carriers due on Sunday. brief Illacka. , . . friend atiout it, auiI sho advised me to Oberammergau Is considering. an � ''W"kW111.1". . q I . council ot Uaguo of Nations now ' ' � ; ! ! I . . . I . � � . vile Milbural's La= -Liver Pills,, which 14 hands of small powers. over of $1,000.000 for movie rights . - . __.- __0 I . I . . X did, and now I am perfectly welL Illy, Two men ta6ce trial on vllart;e or at Passion Play. (Continued from page 0) � I . � I Geo. � Anderson found --guilty of - . M...-- ...... 11111PMP� - i. 11 1 ­­____ 1"..".. . - - . 1� ", , tongue is cs nutooth Go it was, before I- robbing bank In Hamilton, Wyomin bank robbery, muldug third _­­ ­­��� I . . .- ­ - . - - - ­ . got that way and I Owe it all to your Another section of York Township of ianig - ­ t.. ..., I �­­.,­­­ 1. ,­­ =­ .1, I - -_ � convicted. no. oy permittlag We 51.1 --cat. 8 _­r_1_�T::-.T!!_!=­_�_ ­­ 11411"s A, I � 1 7;: . � ; Vills ,of which I only used two vials.11 Is annexed by city of Toronto. Indian women of SkIdegate,'XI.C., Of suspicion, of. arms for the ilei��) - aterrhW410100 I � I . Price 25c. a, vial at lill. dealers or , 0. P. R, liner Butpress of Scotland donate baskets to ate missionary that are to attack the city, from NvIth- .'ailed ti eurOagp, title W1001 110 W I ThQ14 w1le. my* in a, *"n ilowo!" can& � NEW LAMP BUMS � � visited direct on reeelpt of price by The to be equipped as an oil burner. -1), It,%,* and baggage. when I notice that Catarrh both*" I I . . � � I . work In hard times. . . In. ch more than when tboy are In I 9Am AIR . 4 4turally I had to cache their 0out to st, % Xilbum Co., Limited, Toronto, out. Balfour Pleads -for humanitarian Ift Increase Ili Wumber Of HOI- arms within the c1tv,_and that was $I link, .1,1111, t,afc�tvro ininte rushing up irovits that whilo 1 wx7v � . . ith. This fact IP I � � treatment of refugees at Smyrna. stelu-Friesiaus* qualifying in Record hard problem until You lisp III grout V%h4tvalwit. "StIre. wherenre to 44 okat dime"e. it Is r =_ I ­ ­­_­_.,_­__ Petted tiotly . Wall. Buro Instantly killed at Perth -of Plerformance teat. litlong. Tharik - you. fairy godfather." ye goilll* ilmr. stir. TA Mere no, r6oin by coUstituttCnal 120A WON, - 00.19 I k I P 0 0 0 ­ I .. when his auto collides with tralu, ,. ) � I . Son of London, Out.., woman ac- -My thanks are , due you, Ricardo. for ye in Ihe lintill Alateo,r* � *I Relais Electric or Gas � _; ' �. School of Setepoie will eonfeir Aew at I , cidentally shot and killed in Sao- .!V�(& jIg,gf10,r.T-1R them, a i . . . I , . . degree of Bachelor of Architecture, k,tchowan white poising as cowboy. just renienthered that," Web- ; . CREAM CLEARS A rm for you. first, last. and all the OThiNt, hpdii h, . - I I I Fewer students than ustiul register Sir Robert Falconer deals with time, and agilins.t this Aarri:ks outfit. ftnil I I I it" gat � A lipw oil 14111P that giveq an amork. , . I . In arto courts at Toronto University. spirit of progiessIveness .in -mod"a By the way. how do YOU purpose mov. itt'r 111111t.11 "Ilols Ill. 341111. kind w�Vtl �Q A O., T910404 I -'ingly brilliant, soft, whiW light, Oven . . . I SWFFE&UP HEAD George Malor. aged 15. is diowned ... dI,Jv;. 4ki-iguid 1.4i'Mr. Gleary's Joilgings t. 0 no , I . I . lVettei than ,anq or oleptrielty, Juts. ' ' . I . . . I I _. :i- -.-- - - in Humber ri,ver wheri his canoe up- college life, In address at opening of Ing your machine gunsill I I I I - . !.'---=--,T I - ,,ilt,cli t(%ttil. Jjy tile IT. S. Governineat � . ��� --- . . . University of Toronto. , OWe'll have to carry.them, I pegs." in 1:1 114"ll A1111"o-" 17 . . �,and a5 loadinguniversitioll and found, ; I . . . .1 I - . . � . , , . . - � THV . w�. . . " I , . � Dliefis Ivory Air sets. ,USDAV. . . . �!we% rI1 have a small, auto4ruck %'rut I .4,olni* t'rou�h tile patio J11111 I blio. aullowiti, ublit I I'llow. Is It 111, - to 10' ordinan- oil . . . .1notontly I , Interrigtional, control of "Chinese . � to be superior . .1 Vassago,;4loara Throat TOO.. ­ -Eastern- Railway' to . be -blanded oyor New York rookie pitcher beats delivered lu Buenaventura by that now., Von..Iuan explailied. 11.1114 who ty I"Al lot ,yp tualtik a moulio), Out . ev lanips. It burns without odor. �moko' . � . � '4 �­­.­­_. __-_1 ­­ - I I - - pop I 'tb-Cht=­_ 1-.-"-__ -Philad "Illia. might Itrrange to armOr should I In"itt but tile ,YnIIII9 lel)(I.F." her or -.mr-Self? V0 in (I , .0 or noiw­no unilling up, in simple. .,., � time. * You ­ __-_ .. 4 e V 1, Plans . t . - I I � I . .. ' - -_ 'ia-1 -W4 - , 1. Iiia ­ Ith - ir, Z_ ----MQouI)4II14,I1_.-�_,1-)K t r - - � .� Z:, ..._e_ , r, , � I 32A ZWW4� a aie a onfrol , . vow.. �­krou-inferllftl I --go4', '�tVtt"-.�1-1'4tlttlt-�44t;OV,V--AV4Vk,41t-A:,I)UiakwlL�,� eleani7�sfkfln- - urns:-4w,�­Al ,.�Aud,t.Ala---:�-11-tl-�-1-t-l-��"- . I ; . Wage, earners In Hamilton Will county . Xerrj�., ' I it with sheet stee , 44. w . . . . . - 1. I � i'� -_ I I 11,your Aostrils are clogged and your I strongly support the Hydro-radlo,l, :pie of machine guns monated In lt,� tell tier I was Ill town'?" � , - her. Now go, ,%,it gerolid 1)19 dIvII, at" common kerosene. (coal -011). 0 . , . I . I . . . . ­ . bead is stuffed because of nasty catarrh 1woJect. I Lendren Of Sweden lowers 1,000- and a ere,i� ot resolute Amerletkari be- . "Sure t did, sor. All* why notV find out wiry sho weheil yor sell"Illie I Tile inventor P. N. Johnson, .46 1 . , ' . . or i,cold, apply a little pure, antiseptic tters thatt metre running �ree6rol. I bind the machine guns. ,you goilld ca- ,'Notte (if , your Infernal bushievs, to slultbereells." Anti Witt% a 80101110 Craig St, W., Montreal, in.offerinsr to . . k . .Valera. has deo,lared in, le I e . , . ' , cream irito your no$trils., It penetrates , the Irish Republicans are totally. dis- suit ,Yet Sen Plans t9 form Russo- er from one end of the city tQ the you've spolled ever,ything. you're a iluct knowing wblk at the duftlo bag. ,send a lamp� on 10 daYs' FIMM I . 1. 1! . � I air Passagr., soot . brganixed. . I . . German -Chinese alliance. P I I trial or even to 9 . . " . thgough every hing and . I . e; . New Hamen def ,nil other and clear a patfirfor your In- Illuddituilvailed monhey - ond, I've 6 Vi(in Juan ptelivil that artl0e up alit Ive Ono FRIKE to . . , . I I healing swollen, inflamed membraiieq . Chief Justice Riddell stresses A ,eated Baltimore -a . I . . . # I the Arst user in each locality -who will, - i and you get instant relief. -ce8slty for good militia training for won the minor league tltle� t4ntry.11 . . . Lrent jlottlill� to lt%t $Oil get (Irlink �,( ' 11lowetl after his Illastter. I help him introduce -it.*. Write him to- . . .1 . . � I Tly this. Get a small bottle 'of Ely's cie' youth of Canada. --- Mrs. Mary McDowell dies In Mail- ,'Thank yous , my friend, I'll, bor- ngaln; Tillie lilt% bago-Ulge back -Ili a . . (To be eontillued) 1, day for full dilarticulars. Also ask I i , . I I . Cream Balm at any drug store. . Youk 'Hugh 0. Templia, Of. Ferguo wins vers, OUt., aged �106 yearg. . row the. motor truck and arrange to II,e hoti, 1.�, , , I I . . . � .- � . Im to explain hciw you can got the� f , . . Bank robbers mak aring bur- armor It. Tbat'a a bully Idea. Are INIII Juan vilrotoro'. grvatly hum- AN-ANGLERW PARADISU . 1h . ­ 1 , I . 4 nostrils open right upi your fi.-st place in feature writing coru-! . e d . agency, and.without exporlencOx Or . . � C . ' - I . � ��, , is r; no more hawking or pvtItion at University of Toronto. , ' glarles In Saskatchewan towns.. you bound for Buenaventura now?" , tile 1 and ,reltuffed. Rt0pPQd 03141(k 1110 I Two hundred miles north of Tor, ,money make $4260 to 004 per 010011. I I I I . It � I lit stuffi- Cost of Maintaining U� S. a4my on � * . ,,I ,,,,, �, : 11i , I Ill 11 I ). � not fifty. Ali .0 "Then 1� Ricardo wttto-N�d Nveh%ter stri.de back Into -th"' - hundred and seventy. ­ � � ! ! ! i� _. , , , . ,Ili fou in � Labor Vepreseutation Committee, I Webster nodded. 0 . onto and. one . . � . . , . . ess, struggling for breath it T. rorito, seeks to got Labor mea unit-' Rhine to be paid. In German dyes. . on In my room lintel'. "Owil loyp, .V�, .Sqr,,! lie Inum. -st of OttaWii, is sit'Ated Al" If Miller'v Worm Powders needid . � .. peBs, d � . Jo M. Pattinsod Niagara Falls dies suggested, IT11 meet y . . miles wli . . I . .., I . I oil to 411119, ' - .. , - - c4 for przoportiolluvi representation.. , I I - next Wednesday ' I ,, this . the support of teatimonials they Could . . .1� . ( 009�., , , train, at 91, .BueiA Amtgo I I . I I . gonquin Park,.where the fishin& � . I ; - . � . � I ; ,. I issues warning. as reftlt of being struck by , . m Ior' � I . ­.- -, � .1. 00stera bishop ation of for � elga-, Government ollicialo.call for drap- night at -11 and explain the details of . . I . year is better tba�n It has, bee being be got froni nlothern who know tivz . I �. I .. �� I I 1. . 11114. Ut, Inst r4PIA.Import tic action to aurb,,drug traffic lallito 'my Plans to you It �ou eftre to bear I ' I some time. Great catches are great virtue of thi4 excellent Ivied% . I - �� I .11 : . ers in speech to Leadon Rotary Club, . . . I . I . theta. I think my- . � dinde-Nack baf One, But the owders. will speak & - . . . I NAw United States tarlff law g)ves . country, . . I � four pounds, speckled trout themselves. anx In such a way th4t I . I MA NEVER Lff ' I I �miin trout up to twOn- there can be no question of . them. , , , , I .4� . NISBAND viarT WE - ik running three tind . they're all'tight LEAVE. three �, GRAND ' ' officials right to search suspected New York newspapers, applaud self, but 140mehow I think I'd feel more . ounds, and sm) . . I � . I I I . . . liquor -carrying ships 14 miles from 40Uou of Cabinet In ollger,ving.three- certain of them if You approve them." � "IEIR HIKA".-WASI So NAO fly -five lioundn. This park isideal for Ttley net slieedil-v anti thorOU " . I � I . mile limit.. I . � .... - � "I'll be there, Rick, 404 the A .!_ , . � '', , - I . - .1 11 � I I ��*,� .1 , :' . 'atioro... . . � 1. � . I ­ . .1 . I . ay Those feelings of f4la � tuess, those dix.. the camper and- canoe cruiser.. and and the child'to 4olu they nrV121111: "� � � �, �. � I , I .0 .' RAI .. . WEDNESDAY. , '. . Engagement , of. Swedish Crown you run t.hat outlaw .Sarrds off the a 0 makes it in . will show improvemertt �: I HER' HAIR ff 0 - . . zy �opolls, and the all -gone f4ifikilig sen. 0orld hotel accolamod tio . . � . Inistered . . . . . I . . I . . . � . ,. ., . . The Bluenose may .race against the Prinei and Princess Olga of Greece gr - for the surilm , , ­ . . . . . .. �, . �%� 1. I ... . -, . � � I . is annulled. � . . hss yoxell know ,.why I ant for you." sation Which come on frolix tiale to tialf the popular spot et ,va, from ,the first (lose. She I r . . . . 00ood-by, old T,aii- You will 11 - . cationist, who does not like to rough . . A . 0 1, 1. 1. . I . . 11 . . . " � I ,ept Rer r. . I I Mayflower. -Swift fou . ad ,not _ eV` indicate a wQakoned con(litioll, of the it, . -1 .. . . "I � Looko DoW W British six -meter yacht wins it Cartledge. "d er know h6w gralet6i you have made . Ask any Carfudian National Grand Lots of people - would liko. � It better . I �. .. .. . guilty on manslaughter charges In I . I &urt and A disordered. state Of the Trunk Agent for illustrated'p�bllca� it It read- 1101iye us. thint. day.. our . . . I I I . . . . . . , , GIOSSY, With SA$,0 T0116, : .,, Manchester, Mass. .. � . Guelphr ssizes. . I . .1 . me," - I I . nerves. . . . .0 tioll tellinit you all about It, or write - , : I - .. I I I I . � . , . - . . . BrAltain. has given consent to Aus- daily �ake,ll . . . . . ,. ), .1 . � I . . 1� %­ .. and. Sulphtir. I 1. I I . New A. Andrew's Church, Toronto,. RVey shoo Jhan�s ,with Webster Milburals Heart and Serve PIIIB have to C. I,. HORNING, D, P. A., G,.`�, .. . I I . . �', . .. .:. . . I I I . . : . . . , I . tria sect.1ring a loan. I ae- Issues call to. -Rev. Stuart'C:. Parker and'ro,ole,off brough the timber, leav* no cqual as a retiledy to strengthen the . . ­ -1 . . 1, . f! �,. ­ . . I I. L . Harry Greb knocks. out At Be: , pur - I R., Toronto. Ont. - � . . I . . . . . 1. . . . .. . .. � . .. . I. . . .� ' . . . diasgow, Scotland.. - - 7 Ing 3ohn (liart Webster to RIIA 'heart, , Invigorate the nerves, and build . . � . � . ;� � . I I I . Men, you 'darken your'hair with Sage diet In.'seeiind round. , I . I , m. I . . 11 . I ­ . . I.. . I . ,,, I T - ay War veteraif seeks to olaim. pos.; the even' onor of '41*8 way, until at up the run. down systo I I � Deginning the Day. . I , I . es and Sulphur, no one ,can tell, be Mayor, Fergiison .of North B session of chlAd adopted lu'. leu I it once more In Bue- Uri, 0. Vanhorn, . L -e I it a . Ily latipwill eoi!ie after )In, lot i I .1 I .. ., . . 4� "I , , -cause it's done. so naturally, so evenly. speaks of rich Nortbland, ' I ---- I � ,� . gtb , arr ve , kville, Aita i , � I ; . . . I . . . � . I . I I . . ' while serving Oefdeg�a I rd'intj sought'AccoalmiliMat!Onq w,x . . - I ,_� 1� Preplirinj this mixture,41toukh, at borne Xing Constantine of Greece to take navca� lite$­"A-bO"-%, Year a4oI'had'bqa;t bIm_Xen�__hInis0f. 404 1111M All, hIJ4 ', , . L . � � I - My city . . __ , . I I I .1 �is muss. gotei Mateo- And lhere, as he husband ,31601; date I ­ - . � V and troublesome," Pot 5Q -bents �charge of army In � Thrace. ' Group of yoAngLinZ reedivii 'order at trouble. . (TOSR. and follow Ate. Por wbo"knev(sir I . . r' .1 . 11 . I I ** . . . I I b � thy drug, store"the ready. . if of diacon.ate.at the hands of Arch-' Me alone, and often hold to stay u , ., . 1. - I ...- , .. � . , I I I 'You can ur ai Stromboli' volcano on'the, coast ( . ent, rod ,tile lobby and gam,()through a will Rove. his AN shlill lose It"Unil whn. � . . . I - - , - . 'th me. I would ju-st� eel nil I . . I .. . . .. , I. .. to-aseptopartition, ini-proved by the addi,� Slelly,ts again' Ill eruption. I . bitillopr McNeil, Toronto. q door across 'the .patio and Into night I soever will Ititie his life for INIA, sake I .1 1 .112 4 � � , tidn'of other ingredientoij called "WYeth!& New � Haven *whis from Baltimore. Toronto.sebool trustee strenuously. ... , ' ' . , int -nnd- .y heart -wourd see , to; stinil find, It. � I . I I � . . . i 1,.. .. . . I , I I . ., le �ernndn, be snNv that which Its. of,fa; , faint a " I . P � . . . I I .. 11. Saie and Sulphurbourpoiniol." You just � objects to, married women, with hl;5- ' "top beating� Twould.just . I I ... . , � .. . . � . I tilrbed Illin greatly. In a big AvIcker d sometithes be . an . . I our or 1, � . � . - . I � . . . .� .. .� � . - damperl a-opon e or ooft'brush with It . � I � 'bands livingi obtaining Positions o . . and it woul, . I � I _... . � . . . I ... - . . Sind dm,y , T 1. 1. roeker Dolores lltley�i4t,.roeklng gent- they could briilg ?no back to ,, Sing With 0elioe In Your Hearts., . .. ., 1. � . �. .. '� - .1 11, , , , iough,your half, taking . It so before I _ . I ..1 ,.:! -----oli4z-amall-strand�,at�atiiiie. Rymoraing 11, , , , - 1.y,�urld_-ll ,,,I '. :.. Let.the Nvord of.0irlstodwell I -A you ' . . . . � _ A _mchoAL teaching staff S. -SyfWd -. . . I U __1v_stitchIng on, a ple"Wof life. Soalleon� told me anoutMilburri-Ii . � .. I .. all jroy,bair disappears, and, after an� Ifflailli'M 0MR, Anglican _P_r_6VfncIa1 a fancy work,' � - 1, .. . , ____ -A ...... h __ - ____ , Whim; t�ea I I... - ". I �- ­____ _� - ----- �` � � �, , I ,bing and it - -, . . .1 . I ._OJcc"IQnAl___a.Utb ­­ 147�� - _., �. � .. I Henit jana Nerve Pills, so I .got t -tee rielilY In all Nv ( e '. I" � --- othr--application or two; -your-b-alr1bei [1011-11-1 .. --iiiii-e-h-bet, m6rllshiiiig otie'at3ot I r- __­ __ ___ _�.t. . - to- �. lJor � psalms �Hnd, --. - . � � . i I..-----,. - dar � , and I . ' .. . I ,(,.I . . FIR tSERVICE-tel-DRONTa 1111111011-gly-Ing - __--_ry pirnp-havelc tboi-1Tntt-: llo�eo.'_ I 'k -theat allot f6lt � tion for clergy of Oth chaxc� a oc Billy 0 , . I , . too ' � -its still In ter, So -lilt - . �, 0 1 comes beautifully kened, , glosiay .. er , . . . 'tatp�,,� nrid . Dolores A% litilitinue.ol all wintor, and now I hymoR.Iond spil at . songs, .Singing . I . I , . "' k - . - ,. I . I . . Daily Excisjot Sunday. ,oupying.Anglican Pulvits, , Aid 1.1, . * I .1 1�� . . 4 li, . I . race � . � . . I . . ' , Buimaventili-ill 7 Anla.,0ngl NVIly, never feel tiny Auc.h faintriess, taid I sure, with grace lo,yaor heart$ to, the ��Ora . . 16millint I . V�IDAY. � , � � . � 0 . I J,� o ,,, Gra.y,'fide air, though no, dieg � to the gooit your Pills -to. �. I . � . F . . . I 1. 1. . __ , Lve Goaerich 6.00 a.m.' 2-.20 p.m. . at � thp (pvII op,l Billy menn liv )y do appreein . - , i . . . I I I I L 'is a sigh of Old age, and'as we all de- I ,, ' � ,. / i. will I . .. . 1. L. �_Colus'slnzns, 3. . . - .. I . I I . . 0. linton 6 25 a.m.. 2.52 1).M. Red Sox win from X e, 3 to have doue for me." I . @' � ". 1, I � I L I . � I I I . ,I ,fly 111, I I . �, L . . .sire a�youthful and.attractive appear'L ", , Sultan of Turkey offeZteollabolicate telling 11"T I'2-1170 ber own %A .' 0 eL 500 1 OL . . I- I S '3.12 p.m � ?L flf� Cont'Sp. ' -n " I vest, to some `peoole, Lar, Ilk(, . .. . ,. . Pric . w bo,K at all dealers or Wi , . . . . anbe,ge ., L that. I . firot 81 L' on 7 THF- Ft r . _t; bully at once,with Weth's Sage esfort� 6.41 &-mw ' throne. . / . I. thev hadn't bet L reecipt,of price by, The tricks at bridge d �t . �1 . . . AllieolI gener�l anj/ urk chief ex- 11111,1-le(l. lit- slip would 110 L 111,4 . . ; and SitIphur Compound and loolt 7ear " Mitebell - 7.04 s,.m U2 p.m I I now lip tint maiied aireet on . . . , the . I x � . . . I I I - . - te, ! . or (. �p, Ti Milburn Co., Lil;ilted, Toroutot PaL count. . . . . I I .. I - .. . . I I Term er. This ready -to -use preparatiol - I no, " . . -0 oil 141v vel-tind.n. '111d.: 0 . . . . IL _ L . . I � ­ L Arr. . StratforaL. 1,30 a.m. 4.10 P.m- -change I t1lel . t. . :1 I . .. I I �1� - � . L Jo. a, ellglxtful.tollet_j�q�IAW And not A- - I n ­�__ . I---,--- - . � ---- L" - ­­ I ___ . ..-..-- � . - ­__ � -_ .. ­_ I . I— __________ " � ,DY --.)3x . . . . . . � . ­ . - .­­ --- ­.. __ . . . L I . . .. ,. I I.. � �_ .- 15 -Jl�.;(.._I'IJRt' ­ L'' ­ "' - - , __­A^_#__�� . . - .A­­_­_.,V"*�� � .-,W � I -_ I �� 4 . medloine. It I - UO-axn- -Glapts-d.L-feat � more I �eXhibl- -they -1111(ilt,1 1111111'I'l. ­­­­ '' ­­­­­ ­­ ---'-'-- - ... I - ---- ­ -- ' , 'Ij,fl. L lipel? I . r _,(­ L . . .Xiteh6jaor _p ' I . 111111o." "L I . - . . . , I . I _11)JIltv ) . I . I I ,� I .. . ­ . I . is not intiludea,for the curti, to . L I . 11" 1111L .. .. Ittl4l, of p(ln%e� . .. I I . . ': -1 C_ I - . I': . d! Ase, ' ' 1 8,45 8, m. 5,50-t.m. tiOn E 'I IM I ... . . 11 L . . . � .1 L 1, " I L 7 J . . . . I . I I . :1 . .11 I . . L � I . . I , LL � . . I 1. . . .,mitigx� or provent,10A ofic Be :: Que)ph L I . L ' "': * I' ' f,,111y lind delmried, alono for the 11. . � - I . L I t . I . 161.1.1 . I C.T.rrlt let arnings show anoin- .. � . I � - I- -1 1. . . . I . . . . I . . ­. L .- _...:.-._-1----_,_-- -"- _­ - -1 ____ I . . � - . - I I ­ � .A..,-, --- -146-0- -To,ronto, 1O.Mg.-M.-' -7.40 P.M. t . uld blive 11011111led to � I . I , ." I IN , I . . . LLL . ,� I . . ­_ crease oer I year. I __ . I . . � - I .... .. . L 1. � S L A., else 110 WO � 1 "ItlaZZL., , I . I L L . ,... . IL - I * . . _____,�. 'L � I ., . � I . . . I , I M11011dr R�ju) ni -Leave Toronto 6.50 a.m., 'Turk forp s in neutral zone our- , I . . .__�__ . - . � R ng ' . I I their:4-amp In tile hill.;. btlel, of Son ,.. �, . .1 I L - 1. __ . . .. . : . . . . . . I L , iound British position. . .. .1 .�::`,L 11 .1-1 � I L .. . I . I . I :1. . L L 11 I I 1�, . . I .. � I � �. � . 12.65 p.m.. and 6.16 P.M eter ��,a,uulng steps a mile,in 1.57, Mlvley fle Padua. � I I . I : ,, I I . . . . I . . � L . . -_ . I .. . . L 4 . L L . . . . 4 . I I 11 Parlor Cafe to Tor- . ­ .1 .,,W(ill, I'linow whnt.l'ni glitti.- to . ' _L I 1,,_ . .1. I . , ..L . . .. . ... ... . ... I .- ­ . . . . I I � , , Ill I .1 . ' -­ - . ' L' ' I.. , flo' tA11F ''BACK. '' ; : car, Goderich :' ,repa.tin world record. . L ��-, 11 . I I " . . . . L . I i�, , . . . UP ontoi oxi'morning trAin, and Toronto a going . 11, - , I I .. . L. I ­ . . Goderich 6.10 p. ra, train. j ­ At n welcorhes revolutionary do,,, Ivelister det-Ided. 1*nt not . I 1 11 , " '. .. 1, I * . . . L I .: .. . . 4 . : I . � . I in 'M L 'to arm which deposes Constantine. : to hi, left Into telliptulloill W11110. lilt. )�% . I .'', �, . .11 , ONLIO HURT '. , 71, 1 � . � . . � L. . .1 I I .. ,. 1. . Through coachLGoderio�hto Toronto Ations League � votes to. aid Ru 4 . lie Joh_So I'll not put up � lk . .. :: .1 . � . . . 1. I I .. I ... I . earlor Buffet. car, Stratford to s- ly's, not 0li t . . I � I N 1� I Ic L . . ., 11 . . I I 4 1 1 or . �l u refugees to find employment. , .1 'Nt.lteo after Illl* L I'll, . : I ­ I . .. . . I I jk.*#� . . 1 I oronto, ,on. afternoon train. L L L Medical Federation 'in - BritaW asks a t it,(,, tlott , I . I . . . . I � J . . I L 11 .�,� 4�** ACUN,6f Wo to Ilush Kidne" � � . I . . ... I I I just Sneak arouild to E'l I nuon Atilt- I 11 . I . I L . J 11� - � L . . G I old' N. . . V . . I 1 .14AIlpf L ' ' I oviirnment for f5OO,OOO to fight 'und lix It with that I .­_ . . i , I L . . I . ­ -&*& �� - I F� F. LA,WRENCS & SOi4S - , .1. I . go � . I I I L I I . ftlilsdaw tattlas you . I I L I 11 t ... I i .1 I r . L cancer. * r pilre In ... - . *1 I . I . � I . . 10tA of IWAUVII - : L ToAva, Passe�jer and. Tickets Agents Specialists declare 'Dibodale nren- 10111-4 not to' tip 'oly.nly *11. es I .1 . I . . 1. . . .1 . . .. 1. 10 'Phorie'S . . . tally irresponsible for staying of his town to Dolores Riley lintli 1. L'aft get I 1. - I_ 1-111, . . . t . . - . . . , I . _____ ... 11111111mignililly ��� . I . � . , - . - . . . . . I. -tile, � It, �� i.- � . .1. , . I sweetheart. . I flit a,v*.11f tile land: and sipe-i,vIint I I . I .. �­_._ .. I '. . I I I . ramn rt regularly eviatially pro- .. � I -- Order from ottgw,a. Checks rula tievil lilts happened to all ,my well- . . . . 4 Ineo I I I L , L __ � I . 41poes kmney trouble in some filimi or . L of In,d,I " . . .11 .� ;1 . . 1. I �. � smugglers from night ranftll�g lions." . . I I 11111 _., N WW", L . ' . I . " 14,ither" "y* S well4nown authorit -' , . . . . -fro t door a nol � I .". � I ;_-i 10 - I I . - . y, be I beer over border. . I ; Ile mtreated out (JW n I . i� .-I I . - 1". I � . - L ' ." ' - a - s n te v S a I r] PHI I ,a In I' =8..xyNE I ER " il A ...Of It" Tho 41W __ . _! I I _ _ ve. � ' _,.FAD- . p llr�4�1, 4 00 -1 ,�. _ IL _ . _1h_ )0-1 I I : I I , I I I M - "', o"pe �a wilt -1 W- "11of ,a Ii a /,. I at to lt�a; I.atnyo I I � I - � can#e -the.,urio acid in ineat ozatteo the I . � r . � Provincial Synod' of 'Anglican I I . I 1. . .1 . I . ­ � I .1 . 11 : kidbeys, they beeome . I . - .� . . I . Bird shaped glider belonping to the Berlin- Aero Club. . I . . . 1. . . I L Avorworked; 2 I Chur6k. discusses problems of - . r � I , - . . . ­ I . I mar .. . . , I I ­__Ah%ggiBh;;�eJQJ -1Pp1ga4e&'"e1"AU_Be-- .?f__ . ,� ­ __ -...-.-. . _-­­'_'­,­­­. ­­.-.­�� _.1:�_:xn­­­­,-,.­_ -, �11�- o��­-,__­­ I I 11­v�l - 4 . . I - I . .__________7!�_._____ . _ . __ . I ­.- . . . . - . gr -1 ­ -riagor-and dlvoree-.----7-­-_-' de6h,kbs_G'6kffii0Y-I9Jft better'econil- - - . I .. � . I . :, �` . L diwUess, particularly ba*ache , ,, I I . . I I I . . . . . . OAT Preliminary steps taken In Toronto midal condition than Is generally sUP- I I L . I ' * ' . . 1 ' � ' I '. ' try in the e- region, � it 4 . . on - � I I acheaj acid stodmit, oon- 11 I COLD IN . tion of mental detectives. . . I . 11 . L , L uono - _- - 6 Post,Office Department to. consid , I i�,. - " I 1. � . . .:.. � i �:1, �., I � torpid liverp sleeplesOMIN, I I fo: organization to look la;ter Isola- O"d, . 1. �. I I 'd - : - - - i :71 p P d0do . - I ou kidu I.A " li� ' '' Empre of . C011na . a , or - ' - '. . afi% The . 4 . blad r and ukinaq� irritation. - . . CREST Ryan and MeVittie, c nvicied bank use of now letter-staraping device . . I . . I . . I I �. . . . , I "It- _;�__ & � . . -# , . . a in peniteii- denrilgried greatly ti) facilitate mailing I � I . . I . . . 'L I I I � I ­ .. 11 , � . ) .: ��� - 1-1, hurfa or kid- robbets, given long term I I . I . . I I .1 . I . I �� L 1: . � . . . . . . J� . I t. . . IN, G%k . . Ilary, at Hanif1tori Assizes. . .1 I '.. ,.. neyS &*n% acting right, or it blad&r L . . . . In large busilsess houses. . L. I bothers you, gat about, fen . Lr onnoell, of .. I I I - Chas. F. TAttin, . Youthful bandits hold up. and rob - I I 1. . ., .. . . . . Vad Saito from 'any good pharmacy" I . I �) I'\ , Pairville N.B. lallkman'� in 'Oakville and attempt I � MONDAY. . , . . . . , � . take a tatilespoonful in o. glaw of woUg I "test 11 wish, to highway robbery. on L tr4veler. King Constantine leaves Oree.ce for . 1. - N cee."In Toronto are limited Italk.. . . before breakfast for a few Uys and youi . ,,,, inforrit you that we , Coal pri : I L � . , kidneyis -will then "t fine. Thislarrious, I % consider your . by law to $15.60 per tort and board- Turks withdraw lorces from Chu- . L . I . . .. I . ! of grapes . , . MINARWS LIN-- Ing of lar'je suppilLs prohibited. link area: , . . . Time extended for refugee adia is im"o from the add, - . ' I ) " " MENU a very- , . I and lenion. juice, combined with _11thist, � A - . St. Victor 0,'Brodeur, Royal Cana- L a a to get rations U � Z L - 0 l, sup"rititide,and . than navy, Invents working model of out of Smyrna .. , I and, lit& been used for generations to . 11, we use it as k4ure battleship gun turret. Toronto Irisirare winners of T. and fiash clogged kidneys and stimulate ' ­ - -01 lower part Of L I . . to Normal a4ttivity; alsoto rifttralizio - I rdidforsorethroat Lifting of cattle embargo *111 Pro- D. FiratDivisloft. . acids in the urine so 'it no louger * 1- I :- Lad chest. I would not be without it if vide good putlet for right clas'131 of OJIllway Indiana hold sueeenliful a I .1 I J*W, .thus ending,,'�W�xdder tile . I tre price wu one dollar a bottitt." .cattle, declare Federal Government fair on Reaerve. I . I I . .1 . __ � ; jrad, Saitis italknot injure yone; L . officials. New York Xiltien ard American anakes 6 delightful eft L lithlar . . & a W, . . . . . 8,iliCADAY. . I Leag u e, champ ions. . : . I . . .. LT �. . . which raill, - ,, Vlilter dribit: which mill, ns men and i . I . ,New Greek Cabinet Is formed at Queen Mary Rose Day-taggets Col- I - - .. 11 I I I .. It, *$19,000. I womm tam now and keep the � �p � L W Athens, ct nearly ' ' .kidne , and urinary.o clan, Olt* ; I Wills knocks- out '11lem." Johnson .p 1116 0 . Wilitani, Fraser, of Windsor, killed; ayoidi% ottrious id(*e:r L . . I .. Italian held on murder charge, - . L Ili twelfth rotind. 4 . . I I . - li . V ,I 10- .4.4'..f. V-0, voo'l, if . lities Lord Robert Cecil fa-vora Nations' . . . - L � . � I I I .. . . I , 4 - . . . League having effective. air force. - . I . , q I 1!tI:1 .RUB L I for.second comoeciltIve time. Rogers Hornsby finishes 50'ason The new C. -P. R. liner, the'oil 01Y of hot and cold water. Thit pub. It, addition to a lnrpre laundry, di. - k I . I - . - uthority given Dublin Cabinet to with a batting pereentag(- of .401. burning Empress of.(' ,anada In built lie lavoratories and bath rooing hive pensiry, hospital, dark roorA AA* ,. � OUGH1, . Vormouih, N.S. , 7 na;e new Irish magistrates, . I the mor;t modern Improvements in .immera enthusiants, etc., thero are I � L'. ammmmi I Hugo StInnes' ban:k account at'Now Henry Ford Is building a factory especially for the Pacific Service. sanitury equipment. A complete syn. innovation.4 in, the steerage, food, I � . In Czechonlovakia, to la,ake autos. The appointmenta- will be the finest , . I I ;, , L I � rK '113 attached by court order. Frank Thompson of MloslaGausa opind most luxurious possible toAday, tem of,telephones Ja connected witti hitchou and pantry serviep. A per. ' I . 1 L " � LU so 11 AWAY � �, = = = � I - ___ .. � �' Z; -Z n !, ,I "! :, _".� : - "o I to pay 775,000 gold francs . Lp&r L J .J 7 , . . an Qfiare to support National League. Vvinfl golf tour'natnent at Georgetown. with tioular regard to the (I. P. a central exchange to the rooms and feet r,ystew of aiechanical ventila, I I " : . Ex-Pretriler Brand of Prance'nown X standard of "Safety, Speed, Com- offieeg. tion 1q inntalled anti all the suppiv . . t �;� GoveraniOnt printing , contract 'ormandy farm. . I i A� ackAphe tiwAy I SMARTS', Ld Press., a Toironto She has an overall learth of 653 deck and will accommodate 32.1) por- chanwing tile air throughout the 13hip . . I �. I The dinini, Rub with anuill I TO awarded to Unite Canadian wheat on. N sort I or saloon N on tile upper and exhliust fanti are eapablo lit , I I I * , Ircernal Pasha aecepto invitation to .. I trial bottle 6f old I firm. . breadth �on,,4. A large reception room Jsi,situ- at such frequency no to nosare prac. 11 1, '' 0 do 0 ... nforence at Mullania. on Tuen(kay. fect, is 87 feet, 0 incheo in the di 1 I . St. Jacolig Oil." BUB, Wery alld Over 14,000 care of grain were re- (30 and 53% feet In depth to the bridge ated- forviard olf ning salo6n,; tically pure air nt all time,% All 0 � ' L . . 1. .. . - eelved at Winnipeg durbig past seven University of Toronto soccer toama I she haj a straight etent and the paorpnir.er Olevator In at the fore tbermotanho and supply fam) have . L I I I ,�, I win from Creoput A. 0. at Brooklyn, deck; . VVhen your back is sore s."d lame 1 e L end. On the upper deck i,s also an approved disinfectivIrr apporatus- � I I , S days. truiser stern, three funnelq and two Or lumbago, sciatics or theumatistrl Hack It a b . Young Gt�eits of Toronto ready, to 7 to 0- -pole ma5ts. Th4re is a continuous a largo awimminr col, 30 ft. by Electric radiators are fitwd in tht . 'L I 1� I . . ,,, . Bron2p memorial to Sir.Arthur - it and neeond class state reoms. . I � lbas you stifferied up, doWt oufferl Get enlist to a man fo'r service againat ,shelter deelt wi m ft...with adj1oinin;=na,;i:uw and fir, i . It". a fithall Wal bottle of old, honest 118L mo"It"Oftlastroat . 'Turks... . I I . I - Pearson unveiled at Pearson Hall, . and boat &cks ov4pr. the former ex- droming rooilns [similar to 'tht,. beat The cargo ,coluipment In of tbtt, I., Iscobs oil" ttt any drage store, Vqqr x . I just off the Soloare . � Ruaslau delet-lafton to come to Can. Toronto. are m ont modern type as well, t;ia cargo I . little in your band. and rub it right Four Mount Forpst men are hurt tending for the fall length, of the clubs.,. The, other publie rooms . � .1 -wiliqh'. ada. to buy agricultural machinery I ; tvvo complete between docks arrafigod on the promenade deck derricks belag operated bp twel*6� I :. . I onyour selling backi and by the timt§ 1. . when automobile upsets after Dtrik. ilhT lower and orlap between deek. with 5pecial view to convenience and powerful electric wincheb. The nteam I � I Busses meet all Trains and and seed. � . AN . . . you courIffifty, the soreness and hute., - Nowfoundland schooner Madeline lag a cOw- at the fore and aft ends. ,Tile 111P.m. comfort. Tho largo, lounge will pro. steering, gear, manootivring and' ! . I rifts is gone. 6 . pAggenter Boots . Constance destroyed by fire A sea; A man waa arredted on a house- prem of Candda" bal a gross to"- vide ample room -for coneorta and warpit,e machinery are almo im.. I cl Ippled I This s I . breaking charge at Toronto on his picture performavees, with provements an anV now in ute. Don't stay a 006wiri Passetwers called.for In any crew saved. . sage of 2%000 tons, and in arranged 1. used oaly rib and way to bc� married, to carry, about 400 first claw, 100 =1110r,te moving -picture operating Throughout tpe phill particulii At-, I _ I penetrating oil needs to,bio ptlet of the town for 'skit New 111. S. tariff on raw fl Oranr�vllle are O.A.UA. lnt(,rm(,d- r(�cood ela,i,i, 239 third claw and 932 room. These is a )one gallery, tentloh has been devotod to the W -t L I ozkc*. It takes the Vain right out attid, traltis at 0. T. R. or C. P. R. ce-dar loda ProVides IWO'etlis for 13, C. ' I i , �� ems tbe misem t is magiesdilyd Depots. induatries. r. . late cLamplons.. having won the Asiatic nteorAga aasengors, and y deArned room for children, that the "Empre�s of CAnada" In for � , AooluteI7 harmless and doesn't urn , round from Wimico. . jerew of 541 Of IN, cargo Ispaces, 1111preVIV11,1n, Room, Writing Boom. Trans-Paelfic and semi-tropleal.ser. I I 1 at * I i I Seven new records' are; mail(, . I the itkin. � Prompt StrVice and universi I ty oZ Toronto mhoolo twelfth linmilton Rowing Club, Argoiiaut�i A large portion Ilaq been litteA for ,gmoUe g1toom and Verandah Cafe, vloe; therefore ths rooma aro largo annual field das�. and Hamilton Tigora win. ,openitir, tlie�carrjago of silk and r6frigerated aud all are luxurlou-q mind Attraetive and alry and specially deni ,od. . Nothing else ist6ps lumbogo, sciaticsi, , gr 4 e e ,or rhourn xft t* proYapt1r. Careful Atteridatice, fli,ajor football games. Cargo. Ifer, speed -is about 21 knota. in every way. Long promenades and The 11knpreog of Canad'" 1133' . I L . I , , Al . - I _W0*JW L Contractors hopc- to have 40 wilps 'C3 16r gamo, dancing been prcreded by .t%vo other Z I it never * appoitit - . I of steel laid on T. & N. 0. estonslft 1,,,obPrt Miteikoll, 11 yoars, of liam- 111510 is built to the higliest elitss of rcertation �Pae Id 102 the usp burners" tile 112rklvros� of Britain", C, I . . � - , - I _­_ �_ _� , before rvinter i.rrivfo. I I 11ton, 16 hillod uhpn,. Wagon .k�ckrs Lloyd's rlegi5ter full Boaril of Trade, and nporto atO IrOlOrvc INtoatealm'" �. ()tIr Livery and Itsick Service � down hill and ovorturus. rellirements. I . of aslengera t6w In nervicv, and the ' -ar, an(I . . I , ,(,q u(.,.(, F .on njotbaois iq -lie recond ciam Exceonim a ion i3 which wai lauwhed 1wit yc . L I .1 . IL I Witt be found "Potio-date Dibcdal6, C!U�� f I. war"Ills 10 -year-old ewcar,o doctor rja.�o IGO ix,raomG ; . ,be t1r,5t eld ?I oil t I i . Irk every respect.9 swcethea:t Ili London, is adjudgwd %ev dvA a%d in oituated on the chelter duk aft, at- will set a now pact ia comfortable 11 11 0 0 1 1 -not gwilty, and Insane." go insano wepL,ly Ili that city frola arrapgod oil the DIX , aub)8 and r - pa"enger steamabipa for ecean .. . I I I I I 1,00,011111101V drinklog bootb�g whisr4oy. addition to, tj,�a SJOI& 4, ,amdalta two and four bert% roomil - i,,va!ht iht ate A I I 0 I y6tir pAtronage 501101to4 Catioda recelvcs cable from Auntra- Juhn Marig, Galt. ohooln at Lk; gamily raouls, there are veyoral .ro=la are fittc . airmillar morwo, Two otheto of fix . %1' - . I 11 i a I a I I Ha that thne M r1re for nvrjot�atlng � ,6 firdt dsi5s The DinIng Salton 11M,boat" ti 6 are in camzc of ebri. I . I V. W . . Bjjn_ltj_%lw, , thma tumn wraroon on 0,Pceial raomv, t0d 1147sbt"� pultes. to ti� Tho oil fu(%l btinkers of I I , . � *rr-% i-ccilDrotal trado agrcomont. vibiell cowpr�ee ;�6rounabf nitting Lq on flio appeV dcek wld wilf ACCOM- ntr-4efi(44 T, SWAR IS Vx�vt*ili 02 Jarvin; Str(,�(,t cal� 21119BCOM alid lic"Illeally 11111-t. �o' perconp. The Lotingo i.5 the "Empress of Cangdx" *Svc A loglate, Toirollto, (102=r1le rctnivis- Colo -cal cmuppling of fty gwotla Ili iroollis arA bathteuvib The ntate- L�nodatil I i isterive 107 moutrest Street to Cana4ja rillr-rcAl to tf, fioRlar" ou 01A I -Toords are MW WiLr4 tho very latest ou thd Bridge deA &M. normal eavaoltv of 4.500 tons ol (A � I F� I � ;-I-Sll I �0 it , --- -_ t cer.C4�5 of Old dv�s at dinner. I - LU(TO U(- L,Ad to bi2 �)EnOviilu. %no of open waft'asm"witu a ajv- .1 A"* 0 __ . - - - - , I Tam-rtl r � 1 114 L Dk. millcr Q9 %VC8tf"J:a !UJJJVC,r-'ejty Y � �_____ __ - I . . I � I I I ­ I , , I . I I %1. , - - - ... �,Og�q�lj,!J,DTJQ/,V,%b�t 1k . �i , %. I .\ I , IL L . �_ - - - __a_ IL . - _...0 -All __._ _ - - . 4 I I , I k � ,� , *.� .. -_ AA � . i k __..1ftK_ I , _ A- _ - -A- I i 1__1,dLJ6..&_ - - --At, - 'I ) �11 i f -1 . !, I ,� - - - __