HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-10-05, Page 7dp
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Annual Fah `-'rail Sel'001 'Paor "'e" (' 4
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jointly LQL-4 Friday Very Suec�o.-Suful�y �.
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Th!� R.jjlu,,1j .^all; ga-:r. Blyth, wwi 11,= or with c-119. Q -i '�' vr'),Y 'Fe ,
� " % 101' 1
1 I - , --__Jiio. Bh,ar, T1103. It- 4" '
held (in ult" aj-rliiffitueal grouu& 1, quired k J
, ,L,,ty. _!.�,,, S-0% W. MeUowaul, WT, Yv3v AI �
there lLz t Fri .� WA:,litIlep condi , i. .Kedd
1. . I ... tions. were lji�31, -.4al ,I large. number � heifer -Thos. 11. Taylor 44 Sov"
of people., fdliy twa 1houg-tild wetHro:3.". onQ �*"e,ald fv,ito"_I.�!4err
. A t
I V,Quld ,,-,;tj�,ve, werot,* ' pvc�Wllt- The ,Harrison., Medd BrA)24 likAier catf --
holdinIS ot th�� zchool, tali, for that O'Tho% 11. Taslor 44 ti�.On, ino. li,Arr; .
I:Cctiolt In conjuu2v�611 Avith the retin, I bull calt--juti. S. 8c4tt, W. 114�,Cow -
lar fair, brouz.-Ilt, out a largler num er I an; heird., bull And I., gemalcs- 3 no.
of young I)VO1.4e V.r' mAlool. are thau�'Llart; it"ed bull-Jnl). Barr-
lisually attQtid 6u04 events. One Grades . aIC I
. ,)!do of th(- Mall, flour of the hall was allich co%v having ralned c. ki
used for tile .,cilooj inir display, and 1921.1, Oe vilth Cali, positivv prooi re-,
. .,L-, 1.111,,, ,-i-.,Jkt
. A mo�it lut,:1 , at was.1quired--David' D0141011111, J110- 8-
. There were exhibits of manual sldll Scott; t,k,vo year old hc1for--M,L!dd
. , milh ,g' old
.1 in tile �ovia of 1), ,rd houses 13ros,, ist and 2nd; two Te�
i stools, mallets and it dozen or morv, stver�-'Tbos- H. Taylor & $off,. D3-
, . other articles in, Nvooderaft, domestic vid Denholm-, one year old h%Afer-
, .science, needle work, drawina, Paint- Leslie roplestone Ist And 42nd; one
. ing, writing, otc. A reference to the year old steer::Ynti- Barr, Thos. H.
. school prIzo list will giveia fairly Taylor ,& Son.,, ,heifer talf-David
. . . good idea of, the extent'of these ex- Denholm, JnO- 8- Scott; steer call
"hibits. Then Outside there was thfi ino. Barr, ins, Sholorook; fat steer,
. I school, parade, public Speaking Oxbi any breed�-Jno. Reffron, ist and 2nd;
. . .. bits - of poultry . and pets, IMudlito fat edw or heifer any breed-Robt.
I pu pies and kittens, Colts, calves, etc. McDonald, Jno. ban; three stoolc
. Re Ullyth Fair proper was ver steels not Shown in any other mun-
I . : 41 1-+11, uain e una - - IlAffron
.. good An po Aw - her, 800 lus. Or ove i � .
. ,bibits. The entries.In -
- � __. . - - __._.__-_ ._ _, �:,David, _DQWdhn1_ best animal any TVJ6
11, . . I- . 11-1 - ---Piu&,X1-R
r 3"4154mom— 411W . - - � - 0 ) \ -' . '11L,
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!!"M�! _0!,_-T1! m_, M-00-0 , '__ -
W. T __ � , _ , . � . _ _____ -
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of ,
- � . - - I . __ � 1- '� , .11_1�_T_ - - - � � I .1 � - , . .
- roured from na* Garnt,r, Wilater Bell, I'MZ3 Al-lebtin, Jenkins.
w1ables, 91 iabbits-fla]:VOY hOlm- 4%
ult or ve" �. How.- J4$.. sims. Pair
tri-Aliss Livingstone' Up I , Davis'. Ruth strar'llan Allee Garner, Gordon �
, flowers, Nvitb bowl or basket- ondi
,o ,. Get), Hamar, HQh &lulng, Harold =ohn
- fig NN"Als.b. Dog or
liss 14tvingstone, Mrs. Rowric, ,pp -Norman HUM, ,
ret work, 94P$r-Aliss LIVIDI;StOuel 51. I,ounabikrry, '10111 Haggart, Cleta -- Ethel
krs. HOWAQ. r I Watson, J. Haggart. Alary 1),
Atiscollaneous , . blanual Training d .3 Via
.1 . , Milit pr
Sepia, any subjeet-MVI- 110wrie, owan 0.
llss,� Livivpto%,T,� .. crayon sketch 10, ClIamiller Alandle-It. C I kill,) Oil
Ith, jocN Damal�"J,.Deulloj�u
� __ - ..-., ."A i,.1, � .1,111. nie'llarl,
M. . . I
da .,
ry .
A3 I
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I "
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,:I[.— !_ 11 . - .- . - � -M , nto in, , . gtr' 'N - -_ ' - -
-he ins ac a artments, were 4orge,'1W A) noult. � �, I fr- which (he Popo'caMe. 1plus AL to Itat. 11raVV"--- - 5JrS.-- -nowrm;---,.Uf,�.lar,tk..-A'-'-#, ------ I -- BJrA--hQUW7-_-U"X'! Ji4i6-,Sfieddi0;,---AU4 J,J_ttlo� SC110O J I
t . I e, OP breed, sweepstakes-- 4vlU V1 Mil he diocese am . '. ",�w ings.toneo I - _. . V'��_'____ I -_ L . '
also wore the outside departments. J -Jas. A. CampbelL I I 4 - ting card ... Was ,,IV* jiliii f Uliott "I"Itntst lunch 'Be . . .�
. created no Judges all. t - . - 11 I . . Christmas gVee ' , � I . L
I The' speeding contests . . . _.�_,�-. ingal I collection live ory ,cith. Frank V -Pearl Taylors
; k , . tin to have a car --- ria,
I -� Shrppahiredown . �,Ono, Mrs. How Cowunt lohn benhOlmi: mouth, Helen ergasett', Mar I .
. I -v�__'_ _-__1-,1-111:, Cecil I Griflitit of Taylor
small amount of interest, and thek . Livingstone# Mrs. Parker, I -
i( - ..'" I .Win' Ross; ram Iamb. —'t��---� .�_ -Xis." I c I(en box-EVA00 Eliza Machan, Elln Caldwe I.' Vabl� I ,: h . I
-a in the various Classes Aged rain- - Miss D. Symington, Oil Paintings etiola fivelwatt'r .010 L' Mall 4
� � a -B, 0 Smith, knit, mitts, fine colle All v RACY0. �;
. other exhibit - -*sixty -Win. Ross;.'pair iged ewes having' Richmond; W. gner . - Howrie, ,�. cuming, Glen Ti( Albert DOW, layer cakt(Vertrude Tierney, 'Peat ' .
of horses were good, Fully - raised lamb In 19 aers, Ben * D4Z_X C.. Dr. GrIeve;, knitted SYCRtOr coat gi�tjpgs.Aflss Livingstones . ick, Joe Taylor; -Eliza MAC11411 ' M rg%ry � I
. I I -head of cattle were entered for cqm 22'. Win. Ross, Ut ino. Son A m.ors; Gravenstein-B, Miss M. Livingsone, Miss Symingtop; . . . . . �� . J O.� ell 0 )Up. Avaiiand. KOrAl 39�_Joe CoWant Grace, Clown, aNdwk,14 ' 11
-Barr's And 2nd; pair ewe Jambs -Min. Ross. Smith, Jno.' SO: iners; Blenheim knitted woolen s0alg_Mrs. Howrloi owrle.. , ' . ileffrou., � atch on, grain 'bl, I Cold- liollitipadle daudy-iiha e5ddwell, � . .
I _. Petition, including Mr. John . I C. Smith, Jno. Soi an; jalindrf York on Hand Decorated China - a an'. 01. Knolt, Loonftv J. - .
7 1, . A -vi Scotch sb6rtharn bull,, whose dam was Any Other Kind ' , -will. Pipplu-Thos. S)OAn - A. Sloan; Tal- Mrs. W. A. Lo fi , I e -re -Miss Livings-t)QU ; w 11, L, , rnicki Do"holm, Marjorie 13ainto", Gortrudo , �
� Eli, 0 lolbrook, Armand Ko
"Broad pat Sheep, �wo or wetl�er � ; table .
"Wedding Gift," and his sire, - . , linen -b iss Al. L vlugstOuN J'ardin , . -"' I
l . man Sweet -D. Ladlaw, A. Sloani,
hool;:," both imported. This ditimal R,ss. ONN' Mrs. Albert Nesbit; darning, worn ork-Miss Livinernstone. Bessle Wey-
vase figure w ,, V ilk a 14S. Elliott, Pearl TaFlor, �. I
. I 1. alker House ell a at Campbell. . Mann-��-A. Sloan, Thos. Sloan; Sn soci-, of atocking-Dr. Grievej Mrs- sulail or, fruit, bowl -Miss AvIng- . Nature Study, I mouth, Glass fruit jelly,�-Nllza MA- , � 1� � !
. ,has won the W, T the Judgt--Ja,a. A. . -Fred Toll, ins. B. TiernaY; 011- W, A, Logan; rag floor mat braided- Stone; �mayounaiso set-MISs Living- Collection Ontailo ,wecd"bo Chun,- Mary tt000, 14114 C416voll, , �, I
I Toronto exhibition. twice, an - R Richmond; . . . , Little,. Alary 0 � , �.
. I . . . next time will retain iti There was . - ,POULTRY , tgriii��!. J, Pollard, - ). Symington, Miss 1,401197 stone; single ,riece, realistic ,design- Donholln, Olive Mason Gordon Jon- Mary , Quinn,. Lo Ise �
- � of sheep and pigs were � vaviety-4. J.j box any liariety !ajples, packing and Miss I I �
I -Mis4 Dr. Grieve-, 8 ugle ece, convention. - Hofte. � . . I
. I no.- fruit V �, � at �
Pair geese, largc I rag floor inat 4ny kind klifs, Louise Liulnd�r., 1ruitind Kern *
I - . only one'peii � . I considered as. B. Tiernw, lvingatone Dr. I 'S
I * iiii I �d; Pair . Rouen ducks -J B. Tiprnay,' E. C. 'Dto"S�uiington, i. �. Pollard; floor al design-Mlss . Ick, Edna Bell. COIIQCtIOU 'Mounted I - owi I I i .
I - . - I - Pollar ucksi any other breed Wealtby-Jas. � ,y klnd-�-Mrs- Colin Fingland, ve; ton set, lustre work -Miss W, J- ' I ���
I . I I The big steer, Sir Douglas Haig, Haggit; pair di a Red -Cecil Cart qgb an Grie piece ce(I seeds-Blyt1% public school Patch on cotton good&-Floroinge . .1 I
ibrinerly owned by Mr, Chas. Stew� "Harr Weymouth,. lit; pair Ham- - - . vingstone; colli as . �
. . rt Mrs. W. A, Logan. . . I . ILI Ntion, five ,jtso�4 D. AlItIOX8011, B, iVey Irene. Long- '.- : I ,!
I 11 . n exhibition in burgs, lack -m Harr Weymouth; -Pair wright, Walter McGowan; Colve s- .-.. . detjign�-Miss Livingfitollet Dr. Robe Collection mounted insects,- Walperi Alarle Rapsou 14 I r, � I .
I -
I . . . ,Art, of Ashfield, wap. 6 . t . aidlaw, J. and' F. Laldlaw; Al- I ..'' LADIES' FANCY WORK � � any . . 11 mouth. , D. And- wait, Annie Parker, Olive W111141ims,'." . .
. � I Ti d -Harry Wey- D. L I I I . Grieve. miss Swain . ILois Robinson. Home dressed doll.-
.... . -a tent Hamburg$, a Aug e Coulter, Mrs. B. Al- I . 1�, ins. Robertson I I
, *understa rat 'i silverm-Mrs. exanders-GecF.- --�-Thcis- Irish Crochet -Miss Livingstone, .Judge -7,4. Telford, I I utb. 'Collection ex- Ajawle,_Shaddick. . 11 � I
. . . I .. We. . nd 'the, gate ei�ts mouth; pair #yandottes, - -ounce...... Pippin , . . erson, R. N OY1110 I Nora, Kelly, Lily - t*4�_
I , . ,.were in excess *of $406, - , ' B_Allin; pair legbovns whitei single lail; twenty. Som*rs;. silly other Mrs. Howriel, filet crochet Cotton.- , �t injurles4n(h DOU .; . I . ..� 1;
: . . lat. and Br�dnock,,, Jno. a6r Ale- v LORAL .F,XHIIlI'kS � amples : Ins6c .octor 11, Caldwell, A. Howard. Fair - dish towels-; Nellie I
I .
. 1, ... , ,. Following is the prize list: I 66mb-J. and F. Laialaw,� variety name, . . fine-Mlis Livingsione, ,W I Cut Bloom's ., holiii, Annie Pl: UnpSon, Ewe Manning, . I �
I . ... I .. I 2nd; pair�Leghorns, brown, single ti�j. J, Pollard, Thos. Gowan, -braid, thread lace, course- I ins, I varjoty_j, j, Crittenden, Ijj�lloAdlck. -Collection Foar, - Marie I . I 11. f
I . � . HORSES 0 varle- 1w, Mary 'is, io bloo Tom Beattie,', John Annie Straughan, Annie DobIe*.JD,Q,4. . . . - '. , �J
� ". I . I �� corall-Harry Weymoutb;'pair BrahJ Sloan- collection of apples, I � LaidIc E. Felker; ASte wood�-: , Weymouth. - Crochet I
It IT. ties Atained from AnY-sourcs-Cecil Dun, -In - Pollard, Geo. Coulter;, asters, 4 Col. native it, B. Weymouth. ale Sumple -
. '.. - , � General Purpose - ning, white , Weymouth 41T ce fjno�_Mlss M. Liv , C . -i Is 1. I
I . I Louth, air. Dly'. Cartwright; crab,.a eq -Thos. H. braid, thread', - of . each .Color-AiiSS Dellholut' Ken' CoWfi ,ollection work-Nollia Four, Matilda Maing, .
I . 13rcioll. mare accompanied'lly foal- lJoudans-11, WeYn, , D. dia ors, 0 bloom% 'S. Parker, 4 ,arl, CA dw011, �
. I ymouth, Taylor & SOA Symington; Livingstone, M' 13ert Grey,, Ern. Marle'Rapson, Bertha Haggart, Em. .
1. 4 tal , w; winter ingst011e, Miss Symington, tatting- I
. ,� se ,Mouth Rocks, barred -If. el . Livingstone, Miss L's. R. M. McKay; 001- I � .
-1. .. D. Laidlaw, ist and 2nd; foal, hot, Win. Brunibley, J. J- Miss Ily Littl0i,. fland pierced cotton top .
. . And 2nd; ino. Haggit, pair Bla6k BreaAed Red pears, named� -Alice Gillespie, John Commercial "Qavos� . Raj
I . or mare"D. Laidlaw, lst B. Kirk- G4me--Ed. 'Raggitt, lat and '2nd; Pollard- fall Pears, named -Ed. Rag- modern bead work -Lorne Burling, jection, dahlias -,Ii, 4 spiked -Mrs, R. est Parkeri Helen Crasset, ph fOr qullt��Beasio Weymouth, Annie I � , .
. . '. gelding or -filly, 2 yeurs�-H Dr. Grieve; hand hemstitching, sin- Wright; gludio B.tes,,.jbhll Denholm, Win. Loiper, . . � � ,
. � I ___ by & Sons; teamw of Mares or geld- Pair Rikode Island, Reds -4, J. Pol-. git, R. Wightman; named plums, any 1, collection _7�inn�fts- , Wet Parker. Ilamstitched handkerchief-' , �... �.F,
. I *.1 Coulter. 10 " W - 'th-paii-Aneonas- varlety-�Ed. Huggit, Dr.r. Grieve-, gle-Mary Felker Miss 'Livingstone; M. McKay, 2n% John A. Brow" I -Collection mounted leavoaov . Wilit" eallorold. . . . I .
I ings-J. Col�lough, Goo. H. ek, H. eymou , . embroidery, - eyelet -Mary- Alice LGIIIjApie, a, CO - . I I
_ Felker, . Moon Miss bit!- Mak`93vet (10wan
. . . . atoes-H. B. Kirkb� & FairsoMee, Mag ' , pe d r I ,cry oil -Ilqon�,--Gracer Cowano Pearl I L� I ,
I t I . . . . Agilcultitial �, . . . Jno. Haggit; pair fat Ave chickens- twelve .tom grapes, 3 Miss Livingstone; embroider olid arletics, lialiked--a- XAYIS Toom - 1". VtIl School), . I -
. . Son, D. Laidlaw- Collection Y40 a lection alinuals,:4 v � .
I. . . . . rd- -pair any..other breed, te-Mrs.. Alt;prt, Nesbit, alter ,d lil Laid aw; taI410 bouquet or on, Glen Vern- Taylor, - Gertrude Elliott. Specia. I
I . I -by 6A . J. J, Pollai � . I b4s, each home grown whil . C6 Gjj� Crittondon, Joe I offt i
I . � I .1 I Brood 'mare a�conipanied' , . varieties, 3 bune � . ' a' a!f . , -All � C91jection,_weed Seeds -w -Blyth colored ombroiidoryt,-Bosale Wey- : � ??
I . - mare named -W. Weimoilth, McGowan;.' enibrol cry,, Hardanger�. b6k, vs. R. McKay I ..
.. I Vh'n. Biumbley; foal, horse,oi' � , R. M, McKay, Dr� Grieve. lesple I . � . I . mouth, (leta Watson. Kitchow a ton ;
w, Judge -Geo., Miss I -
I I ' ' . . . . I
- . . , �
i�. . , Albert Brighar , �, 7M 'i ,;, . , . . , . . . . Pot Plantai i , 'ble, .A. . L I
. �i Bentley. , mingtoti, qrs.-W. A -Logan; lie school' -'fl. Jenkins, A. Lyon, A I
. i�has., �Ruddell, . .' 1. . Ju'd C:�D. Cantelon, - - ' - ol dry., Roman cut -Mrs., How- I Str4ughaA- .--T!',Ila Caldwell. Blizu'Muchan, ar. ; I
, .1 . � . . r I , ombl. U, _ . � Noss, A.%'b I 10 I ia, - I I
I geldin or fill 2 years -Gray Brea., � GRAIN ; I I. ODUCTS .. k. Logan; embroidery . . I . � I I .21, Vovan, Tattinsr-Do 41r.Wey .� .
.. � -DAIRY PR rie, Mrs, W. i Bekollin, Rex -Mrs. B. Allan; be- :. . 0 it t
J,i I Goo. W Date I Son; gelding or filly�, One bushel red fall' wheat-Robt. - Roman-MiSs' Livingstone; .embroid- Logan; I Drawing and Writing , Margaret Cowan, Grace Cow. I I'll,
. � I
. �� I ;lr_JTlo. Bulger, Gray Bros.; McDonald' one bushel white ,fall - Crock butter, go lbs. David Laid Livinpi., onia, Tubcvousm,-Mrs. W. A. I . 'ace Cowan, OI- all. Braided Pi ' � i 1, , .
I . . prints -4, ory, Swedish weaving -MISS - egotild, other variety -Cecil Cart- .Alap, of (1,anada-Gk . !4ikt--;-Mary .Quinn.' I
. �
� 11
I 0 of Maros or geldin6_ias- law; ten Ibs� butter, 1 lb. 9 I Bertha . . I . � I ..
wheat-;-Mbt. Sifortreed; one bushel '. Logan; c�ilbrol& . I. lvc"�loj)n, Alined4-Critteridoil, --,:---- . __�� I I 11,
. " .
" .1 I teni David Laidl#w; five lb& stone, Mrs. ..W.. -A. wilght; 'Colcus-Alice Gillespie; co . I ;. 1. �
t . * . Claining, Jno� Wright, R. Shadd0.ek,. White oatai long -Thos. .11. Taylor 'J. Pollard ' ichmond, er_-�, Bulgarian -M& * Howrie, Midi) a, Ave VAri0ties'.- Webster, Xnap Dobie, Helen Cva','480t- , . . . I
I.. - 1 ib. printg--�-Ross A 1. lection folinge.plant ' (Continved! on page 8), : . . . � � I �
� . . I . f 7y DrAught - & Son; bits. bushel small' peas�Robt, butter, - mod . paragus -f Otit;1rio.-Mary Wnholm, MM� . I . . .. �� . , I I
. .1 How . mbroidery, c,rn-- m ,, .
I . . . I .. . pailied foftl�� ShOrtreed; 'one' bushel -large' peas- D. Laidlaw-, four.. lbs. h6me made, tivingstoli6, e Liv," Alice lailleaple; as A I �% - Lewis, Shadd&k, Ralph I % ' ' ' ' i - . . I.. .
� . I � �
. .. . . . .. I -brood mare?. acco Ru 1) A, Robt. *XcDonald; half'bu-shel timothy )lard soa ' -1-W. Grielie, Jas.. Canting. 1. colored-, Mrs, Howrie, Miss in . 9- Mrs.. B. Allan, Mrs. 'Colin Vinglm,d, 014 ains, 61. Griffitha. _- . --- - - -_ , I , I I I . � !#
'. . . re a, d1oll , � stone;. Ukialnian embroiderymblrs. fern,. ,other ho0sd'vari0tY`MrS- hol, - Bates, Ce( . . 0 " � .
I .'Jerry - Brid � . Son-, six 02" 'MCC . I 1. B. Hates, Et . ==== = ., .
. � I Judg �C. . Winn.& . . � a-- -Earl .0*416, Isabel 0010==00 *.1 I, J
.. Brigham; f� I .1 _____�_,n . i � � I'll Howrie.' � . I . I . . Alice Gillespiei fuchsla-.4lice Map of 11prol . I �
I . I .� �i,'hQrst Or mAT;::JerVFr seed-m-Th6a.'.- H. Taylor & 6 . . I . I I I el, � Rich- . . . I I . 11
_... . I..".... . � �_-stalkesgL_ _ . m - -AN-D- - 091. - - _:;!: --brig hu... - � -11--& I- - to -. -- .. - . . ... . . - � �
. , -Ioldingor-filly,-2 . , eal - _ �-A I OT .1 - -W " ' J'-- .K' uste M4ry XWbste"j�g_ . _ � _. .
I � . years- , - pi*RY . . j ,ld-FURNISIIINGS Gillespi4T bes 0 . I . .
. - I I . * Bfidges ; team of Laidlaw, -Thos, Bradno�C' I . DINING ROI . _ I xwford, Thelma T201; I . I
. � I I b�rt ,BAgham -Wrn: Ross.� " Honey, in -comb,- 6 ono4b. Sections .,;Miss Liviligst " 11 ohn .. Ards, Bessie Cri .
. . � or-'g4l1d dgel�7401:L4 Potter. * , 1 . . ' Piece). embroider- bloom- . n(I sultill- letters,4- A t", - li�t , �
. - ings-Jas. Brigham, .-. Ju I I . I wright; AiAplay of bees all#. Luncheon set� (q I BrQW11w,lndow box-XtSs7 .Alice oil- well. capitals a � 1� I .. U � I I ric .. . 11 ! ,
- , , I . .
� -
I 11. � . �. � _: - mares � - . Cecil Cart, , -Brigham) Mis�-Howri +-4u jespie,,"�hiii-fink;- bhiket�MiSW Living� 11inbi-I S"te1tart, L Glen Ko'cloule, Norma I'-- . --"&-- . Y ___ __ - . � --------- �
. . I .
)I .:1. , . 'M - beAt, 4-4colts i---- --ROOTS--- - - - -- -thiii , -�ro --096W -iCartwright;- ed -Jas. ' ' - . �- .. .
. eno Jaelw6,n; Fred Toll, , , ducts h, Lily . . . � . ��
, I . . . I
. 1; . . foaled in 1922, sired by registered -1: 10 lbs.-J.� and F. cheon set Q Pieces) Mchet trimmed I .� Caldwo1j, Marion McCullOu I : I . I
. I I . . ' garden roduce- 'extracted honey, Howrle;, ,.,ten stone,! Miss. Gilles) e. . . . . I I I � I :. � , .
. �". " vy drought horse�Gray Bros. � 'Collecilon . of Cartwright; maple -Mary -Felker Mrs. . oeteitif, Mrs., . D. Howard. - Writing ,,LovelMlice GO- �. � 10 . I "
� ""[ - . - hen . , Chasi Culmingh4m, Dr.. Gr1ovef Goo. Laidlaw, Cecil , lingstond, Mrs. Howe Judges,Mrs. . � . .1 . . .1 . .
. .. .
�, . Healey Draught,Clyde ' ' � 7- syrup, I quart, present year's make-- el.oth_--�Miss Ll� . .., . I . . vier Sura Rouse't"PauliII6 Robinson, . Baittery &rvlce
. Coulter,, half bushel white potatoes one rie; pair - tray . cloths -Miss 'Living- CAttendlen. , - . .. � . . 101IS4 1 1 � �, . � . 1, .. �' . �
f4 . 11 I . . . . . . . I . . . . 1. I . .1
. � . I ed. , . 'Writing "The .
�i I 'Broad mare, aceomPani fb�l Laidl R. Richmond; W(,�Iljugton MeNall Alurict lic
If Johli Barr, Gray Bros.;. hal busbel Diane. aw , ' � - SPECIAL , PRIZES . - � �, -
I( - .. I � I 'e as. Brigham) s6ne, Mri� Albert Nesbit; set table Phyllis Taylt;r- . SuLtion , �, .
. _.�_jno. E. Ellis, .Gray Br6s-t - - early --J. J, Pollard, dozen heWS ' 994--J I . - berry, ' (us, Ralph � I I
. 1. I red potatoes, . doylles-Mrs. Howriet 'Misi 'Living- . -Jamo Dodds, pair shoeso value $15o Mapleall-Olive 'Willial I , ,,�,;.Q. 1
�4�. � . � I . , Kiikily. & Son; foal', horse ar,mare- Earl Caldwell.; half bushel long po- Chas. Watson. , ' Harvey C ,raig. CQf. Colhorat, S', and � Sanate . , 1. � If I
. . 4 1 . atta-Mis4 SymiT197 heam draught Mare wi I � � t __4_ . . I % �
. i, - It"' ! I .. .. . ton, Mrs. Howrie; serviettes, (4) Denholm (1, ifford , Taman. . � . . . I .1 1. .. , I ),
Jam "ray Bros.; jel Mrs. 1 E. ston; -stt table in
� I E a iing or: tattles early-4ohn Barr- halt bushel Jiidge-Mrs, J. Stothers, for best Bates, Lois Robinson I ..
. �t , . E litte--lDavid Laid- Beiallett, . .� I I 0 1 .
,K - - , I filly (;welpstakea)-Jas. righ ' 1, . foal at aide--] arry. Weymouth. � Mary . I .
- . , , . . �. C ' � I . i6und' potatoes', - . hand,work-Mary Felker, Mrs. W. A. j, M. Hamilton offers tin Of Inter- Wri;ing , "Rule britannin:11-Florence BatterY RePkirino .. - . . I
. � . . . . arriage - I , . law - Chas. Watson; six field carrpts-- DOMESTIC SCIEN(IR-1101AE1. :Logan; table napkins, initials - em. led, value $1,60, for W wtha Hap,art, Mary Kel,�, ... on all ino'kkes . I I � ,�- "
t � I ell national Stock Fo 41W, 11,� . I
. I . ' . .1 .. Teani,of,mare-5 or geldings- ort J. Y. Pollard, Ed� HAggit; Six ,gard . �. . I BAKING . . brdidered-Mrs, Howrid, Dr. Grieve; b and 2 females) Pearl Taylor, Helen Prossett, . . . I .. . . I I
I—— -a, est . herd, (I bull . � � I � I I
L�l * .. - - .� : _ carrot , long -4. J.. Pollard, John. :o bread, ymst-Mrs service tray -Lorne 'Burling, MISR , Win. ve, an. Three drawin.gs-1 � . I � . I 1, 1. .
. Brigham. -�. . . Haggit; a 'garden carrota, lolig-J. Loaf whit . 11 Shorthorn cattle. Won - by I eftneth COW', Batteri:P,eL-�hargin . � 1� .
. . . Roadsters , � . -1-We,. Searl, Jac . -MISS Living- Scott, � . . . Annie Garrett .1 . . . 9 ; . .;�.,
, � ix I'. Brown; loaf lirOvlll� Livingstone; tea c6s6Y- " Muy M00% Dorothy . . I
" . : � . � den ' . -
� �'. X. "Pollard, John HAggit; six Pollard; � - W. Launtly, Finlay . 4 . I'll,
1� ... . . I Gelding Or any, 2 years-.-Jinti. Mel- , in Brown, bf:1r%r R. bread--Jno, Brown, J� J. stone; sideboard runner, washablej I Colin FIT1914hd offers'O.00 worth Bryant, -Ward . 0 tepalfing of . .
I ,
I . t I year_Earl carrots, short-Jol � rhauling and I t
�- I loaf xi�t bread, quick -J. J. Pollard hand, work-Xiss Livingstone, -Mrs. , Pellet
,��'w ',. , , , ville;. gelding ( J. . � . mand Xernick. 0111, � I I � �t
-4 �`, it filly, , - six Swede turnips -J. , of hardware for best. heavy, (Itaught MiGowan, Ar I ."i
. . McKay -ace - drawlnr��Tzalph Bates, Clota, Wa ti�i,,Startillx altd-Iislifialt � ,� .
, Noble; single driy,6�--,Jas. Heffron, M. Cecil Cartwright; I dozen assorieai,W. A. Logan. .1 . I . � . . (registered), brood mro ,Ompanied - ,. . I tso a .. 421 . . . - . �, .
t . 11 ) . .Chas. Watson; six 'turnips six Joe Taman "I"41128 .
. * � I u;, Pollard � - Wol M . . . . � il I
�11 . I I ' sandWicbes-Cecil Cartwright; , . Jenkins. . Rom Beattie, - I systems , : . I " �: I
Goo. F. Dole & 5on, ins. 'Brighai , Fraser, Earl . , BEDROOM FURNIS14INGS by foal ,i by Mrs.'Wm: . I
I . any other kfnd-��Chas . jits-Miss Edna Me- . . for. North ban, Bicttha Webster. Water color-�- - I � . . � . � I
I `Sweepstik% mqre� or gelding long-, v , . John Joynt, M. L� A . . .� . �
_� " . .. 1. I "isroad.' plain . ten bisci " yea 1, Pail-, Pillow Slips, . embroidered- s to the st� Pearl Critten Rapsoit. tin- Now. Batteries and Electrical . I',' t
, I I;. � . lemft� _ out- Caldwell; six beets; table use ,
1", , . � ster-Jas. offron; gent sr.; . sik: beets, table use, Gowan, Robt. , Shortreed; six , at . jf�von, offers cash prlz�4 ell, Marie 11 I I
considered) Fred Toll, � liard, J.no. Brown; six miss Livin-ston-, Mrs. W. A. Logan- I .: ,�
. . essavily buns -J. J. -PC I -; mount Of I U tearyi. or a, .Beatrice Little, gabol _ $t6ck , � - � I
V . fit Ispeed. not net 1. " I it ltural: z supplke in .. .. I
�, " � . .� Tound-J., J. Pollard, Will. Scott; Sir )okles-Edna MCGOW� pair 1;w -d :-j1,i)s, other hand tritin $30 for u9i' le Web-4ter. Special by I - a I . :
. ,_Jas� Heffron. . . a I �-J. J. Pollardi roll�d sugar c( ' s. W. A. (mares orgoldin&Y-divided, as 14- 0 te I M tit . . .. . 1. . �. . I ,
. ��, I . . - . agar b�et mang.olds an, j. J. Poll�ard; six rolled,oatmeal ming-Waltek McGowan,. Mr I - ( lorence Walper' OlivO ` � . : .. � �.,-4� 0�
. .1 .
I I - judge. -Win.' L kewdod. Id. - Witti . ; pair towels, enibrolderod 1 IOW4 .2n 9, 3rd so, 4tb $4 1 .1 n - JANEY M . . 1, . .
. . ' Mar ho In.
I . a Barr; six -mat'90 ii; Mrs, Logan --lat $12, , d itors residing in Matra, , ,. . . . �
. J I . . etzels, .1 oga-n on , . � - � . I H4 I , ,� *. J,
I Johii , tb�'& So �ly to exhit, , ,:, y ])on I �
I dook,le,-11. 11. kir`k OO atil � �
.. I . - ildbe-4no. ,S. Scott, J- Z. I t,og1,n;'s,x drop takes, fancy-- Kiss L ,; I , IrliAlp anager �,
. -1 TESTS OF SPEI@I) ?oIlard; jvingstolie, Mrs. W; A. L 0 lectl . ': . i , I
� . . . . 'J. J,` Wo A- . , - Dral rifflug-of North'Huron, .Domestic Science , � . , I . ,,
�. , . . . six �rnangold *urtzels, long Aher hand trimming noole . . .. I I . � 4
� . I - ,Vreef for All Id aurd, Edna McGowan; six rair towels, - t y . . And . . . .
. a er c, ov � . , .. 1. �.. i , -,. �
I . a . I.. . I
, I 0 Miss Living- erson. . Orawford, Gordon. 01=6%=Z �.O . .
1� no. J. .Huggit; six man J� J. P6 - to. Brown, J. J. W it 'M G' ean, Mary Felker; fall- Won b John .Wright And Elarl ... . Taits-Gertritide Tiernoyi, Mdric!
� .
.. I May Wright, MbNall....,2. ,, ay pieces shor,tbread .Jr .
1. . a .,2 wurtzeli, yellow-�4- J- Pollard, E �- - Pot-. Cy alleet-Mis.. HOW14e, 6r,q'$1 for best �Rapsoa.. - Waste I . � , . .. . . I I . I
. Chas. Mae, McNall, Blyth.1 2 Smith, Pollard;',, -six, fried cakes �J. J - Thomas Stewart off . I I . - ------ !-*T- . I .
� " I , Bios,;. onia pumPldn�'E- 0, stone; dress'e'r" cover,.,washabIt-Mrs.. � . . � � . .1 . - � I .
: .. .1 . sun Maid, Rutledge - Brus- , - - ; One squitall-George lard; sponge c4k&-Dunc. Laidlaw, - ',,Bread to be � . . I I . . . I I i I
. . , pincu� . I I . � . I ON ' ' . .
, . :, 3 Is a. a - ginger -bread-ro W,, -A, Logan�-V,eo-.,*a'Wb - Won by R. * Wight- I I . . �, anninmammia
. , 1. .. I __ _? Lorne Burling loaf homemade broad.' 1. " .R.!!!.!!!!!!!!!.!-.!!,!!!!!!t--...� " . I
� . -1-...... I.... Cecil Cartwright; soft lo . I . I . - . ,�
. I : I f Nisbet, . . - . ... I . I
. I . � 'th � . I I
I Sold . 3eck of yellow ng to donor
� . � I -ijilinte Trot .or Pace Coulter, 143. C. S J. J, Pollard, C. Cart right ght shion, wa6hable-Mrs. Albert . . . - . �
, I �� � I. . . . onions- - - man. . I . .. ..: , .'' . I I I I ., . , ,
. . Three 19 ., C 011th; Ras. Cunning 19�, i� O Ini J, Walter McGowan; pair curtains . . . . . I . . L I I
. . . 1.
. - , n- .John J6ynt, M. L. A. f or North - . I . " I I
. . � Denny Worthy, E. HaCk. , ,I I ham; ha gWou. Sliver pickling o layer. caker�11- B- Xil`9 Y & Mrs. P W. hand trimming -Miss Livingotone, �. ,r In . . , . I. .
. ,
... I �'� . . . . I . ett B4 lyth ': .............. 1 , . ions�Litslie. Poplesitone, Dr. Grieve; J. Pollard; dark layer coke I I I . Iluion, offera $20 for 5 Ilia; buttc . � � I . . � I , I . / ! I � � I . . I �
....:1. I; ...._ ._ . . . -Ch4s. Riloy,..' Searl, John Wright; dark fruit take- W E. A it, 14t so, grid . � .
- - 'Wans,-:-R 'LAD E I AND . 1.
, -3 -k; 6,f,w-whl" --fteld ,% ..1 .8 I � I . . I .1 .....
I 0 g - SCott; two citrons - . ,:-M __ " -h $2, Open. only I . 04 , '40 - "-- - , __ - __ - - - __ . -1 I
" T ny Rpinlog, obt, CHILDREN'S . l4b, ,prints., As. follows�. *_
, .�� 1. I c] Night robel, I � . .
, L � . .Brussels. -..... I— .... 12 gehortr�ed, Wul. -!- Cecil Cartwright, DUN. LaidIdw; ap,w embroidereit, 1 as $15 ), 3rd $4, 4th $3. ut , . .� I . . . . I . �
, I I . Spine Millantont POY'COligill, . da pie -D. Laidlair, Albert Bri ham.' Ivingstone, Alary Felker; night tb exhibitors residing within the el- ' 11 � .1 . .
Thos, Sloan, Jno.-Wr*.ht;- two watdr� F ' l . W I . .
. �_, , I Jno. Brown, 1 I I I I
I ............... S .3 2 ump tin pie- . pol.. Li triniming41rs. ,.vtoral riding of North Huron... On .. . . . . . . � �r ,
i, Teeswater . . I melous--Thos. Sloan; two muskmel- I ' i;,, robe, other hand
I 1,
, I -,� � I I GQo'. Muldoon, starter. - ' I . ong--�-Ed, Haggit, Mrs. 13. Allan; two lard; ment loaf -D. Laidlaw, Lesl , Howrie, : MIss Livingstone; coract �y ard, Duric LaidlAw, R, : 11 . I.4ok for AL2- Troklfw* - , . "
I I., . . I . J. J. Poll . I . . . fawa � . .
I . - tome . made chocolate oik-Miss Livingstone, Mchmond. - . � . ,�� .
. I
I . I - . � " . ; . . ., CATTLE . ' - heads of' cabbige-Lorne Btirling Poplestonel , I ollard, Edna McGoWan, cov0r, .hand w, � Camisole, hand Judgeq--C. MCOC . Iland, Goo. Rent I - , , I I . . whiis Zoo Ro ZMaiks, U00sth I I I., I ,� I
.. .. .. .� . 1. Pure Bred i)urham, . , Leslie P estone; two heads red, cab� I fudge -J J P Mrs. .W. A: Logan� . Pel- joy . . . . I I . .. .. . . - _W1 I . I .. ,., .. . . �
. I . "t . aggit, . .FiuiT, PICKLES ETC, inade-Miss Livingstone, Mary I . 7
_1L . . bage-P, . .',I.f Lorne Burling; .0 c, . - .. � ---.*.- - I
.. . I .. . 443a 4 NAMM It A ��
I . � � ow having raised calf ift - 'heads ciiuliflower�Ceceil Cart- ker; negii,�,ec . jticket, was.habil - . , - � '. 1. weald Yea� I , I .
. �, � I � Milch c . . . .1 0 two Scaler' cannea rulibard-R. Web, Miss : Livingstone, - I I 1. �X& a4ft at *04w? 1
- — - Wright; six ears -field cornp .Dent-. Mond, Cecil Cartwright', scaler can- Mary Felker I . � BLYTH SCHOOL FAIR . - . I 1, Ud !W blheV .
�. .'I � ., . Thos. H. Ta, shi ears Flint -Cecil Cart- funcy,WtIsi ba�-Mrs, Howrie, Lorne I I I Live'Stock : ,� I A Tbmu t"loucod. .
. . . . I I I ylo,r & Son;, I I . � cataw.100 ._M� A_M6
F, . ---. I __ ned red . raspberries Burling; fancy handkerchiefs,, I . .. , . . V I
I corn__4no. Pottery Thos. Bradnock; wright, EdnaMcGowan- sealer can- g . COlt-J, Robertson, J. .. . _11�_ �
. - rd, -Misg'Syming.. r Ag r I Vbm 7W Xrle b=blt� JL&SXaM=14
six ears Sweet Corn -J; J-Polla Styles, hand trimming "' , W. Ross. Ifultei - , . I . . . I
. L loilard,-rhas. N . I W660. at - ftb_ I
. a
I 9
. I-
3 I
4 '
.' �
0 B
- g
I �11
, 'Se , I , _',
� I
, I
� 'I
f I L , 110
'd- I*_
Id- ,
'er. -
�, - .
- tild
�f ' . Bat
orn, All
e e
.11 a d
01 ,
- bloon, ,,, I
'r Brow, , --r'"a
ed cap's � VS.
CA stone,
W. .Jud
, ,
_ Critt e
Alb I ,
i - I I
- ,
,� (.1 R
IN 41 i, I
Tolin f.,
M " a ma�er
is ===j
. 91 .. I . Judge --E, & Lear, ' . -Mary -Ve Baby. beof-11' . L I. � a" wan asv� ibe I iimo tr"*. I �
. I I . . . ned strawberribs-4. J. i ,tic,* pair bedroom alip� ",,iq *1 ,
I . Alice GillesPiO. Cunningham; - sealer tanned cherries ton, bits. Ho1w, 'Miss Symingtofi; br(,1.C, Ile G Irt * I-mis, J. RobeiNort ,
N EM .1 Laidlaw, Cecil . C4vtwxIght; pers� Ilter, as Lly , '. en I "t � -J-� Groy. .
1. 1� I I I I I - -D. canned pears -Dr. Grieve overblouse, hand trimmed -Ali, - S R'w.�, t;;t . I I . I . . . XMWL IL is y -ow. . . . 1W I .
I ,1 FRUIT - scaler - A. Logan; infatiVe hobbrooe . .1 � - . . . . .
�, L I .. inggstonep Mrs. W, I Grain . I . I . Am . I
I . 66 Rheumatism or Nearldso lichmond; Senior preservea I . � .
. . M. . . 1. - .. 0
.. L, NA41 , h I Six named varieties winter apples ROSS I Mond, Chas. C shorl Aresa, evibroidered-Mian ,hq-V,'Ida,Wfliqon, E. 0tld- I - . . . LL
. : 1W a plums -R, Rich unning- k, I
� amed Mary Felker.; Wooj.ja�k_L � Field pe � ...J I
_ . . I -A. - Sloan, E. C. Smith; four n --Mrs. L new L * Tout . . ILAISA . .
Selatka, Lumbago ? ffow It. tbe r1or, E L Jackpon,
. � . til 5 ham; sealer. reserved peaches . . �,
I. t varieties 'of fall apples -Cecil Cart-, . j. Pollard; 4ater pre- e Livingstone, Mary Felker; well, E. Ta . . .
�� . th" to get rid of It. Nature Is Wes, Start, Y crib cover, homemado-Dr, G1,1evc; Haggit. Fie d vorn ,John Denlit,1111P .
44 ,
� ast in - Baldwin --4. Sloan. .
I I . doing ske tats' I you. t wright, A. Mot Shobbroolt, ' ,.,, L 1"enn, 'John lh-w . . 1011100 I �. . .
� 11 0 Kinga-,Jasi B. served citron -Albert Brigham,- D. I
1, I I I I . a . I Of J. and P. Laldfaw; ehildN rompers -Mrs. W. A. Logan. 1�, . I . I
kelp 11 I ii . H. Coulter; N w; se4ler berry jani-J. J. Poi- .& '14, n; 1-hild,q pull -over holin., 'S%veet corn 51, Wvlw�. .". - , I
L . , it tid - * Geo orthern. Laidltr � V I I � L . - , . �
. 'remp it -is APS 09 Ti,rnay, .. .;�.t_ 11* ,;01anit scaler -tin- I Ir B Icirki). I I 13' I . �t: k-,., it rh i� . io a *rto.oftwl 41mi � . I
out Dro st and in, *IU Spy-4as. B. Tiornay, 1). Lai(Ilawl lard, AS. U. k' . ,,wenter I ry 1, law., , Quitill, I -A le ay 0 1 . . I . I . . .
from fit sod well a - IR 1. Greening-FrW Toll, Sr,, Les, tive fluit eonserve-41bert Brigham . �;IIJNG 1 g Shobbrool', 11, Jaine2on. � I . . I I.— uk" xte4 sky bift SM wbae 41119041011 ..
a. -D - Alice GIML.816�; glass xi� , . . . .I I .
Jiban - . ,g,110 jillY - LIVING ROOM FURNI( etabl(44 Will . I
1*,ie Poplestone; 11.1b3tein Russett ,lasr I Rootn. and Vea I I , I i a stowy wbae DOW& pa"Mme .
T�q I Laidlaw, Juo. Somers,. Golden Rus- Chas, Cunningham, D. Lai low; 1, , Centre plece, colorcd--Mrs. Wes, I I . . Is a, two-ooidW 0--m A P a .4-2 - , - -_
jelly. -41 ,has. Cunningham, bert Nesbit; taUle run� - D601PY Potatoes -C., POW, It. Cow. . I . . � I
".. I . ---*-AA- A --"---A __& ..
� . ..;' currant Scarl, Mrs.' A] I -w. TOM Lerpt r. . ---
I "tilf"i(ii(i P?1,1r1e,dYTRG,S I sett -Jas. U. Tiornay., Fred Toll, Sr isilly-R. ed, colored. ---Mrs. How- un, I.,. (srey, D. Andre WMAW I
qler_Mr& Howrie, A. ins. -Brigham; glass berry neri Le brol er - I CM 04. I '. .
I Seek -no -Furl iass oth� tic, Mrs. I e t Nesbit; table runner. I I .
r� S Sloan,. R., Richmond, Alice GillefA ic" g! toy, Grreen Mountain pota I L L .
___ cuming, M. Caldwell, 1)(Pa. I _�
— - I Ap"Oft .
Sold by DiatilOP's Dru . I . . . - er native fruit jelly-3,,arl Caldwell. K It- . L —_ O"W'
g Store, loan; Spitzenburg-A. — ot or and �rlc--Misq Livingstone, t�cs�,_(Ik`�
! I - -, I I — ff. B. Kirltby & Son; sealerlorapge M# r a. I. . Lo gn; sofa pillow, em- Geddes, D. Robertfwn, A. Rnox. S. M. L - - � I "� . .
. . - ____ .0.1 ,,I, ptatocli--W. Knox.. G )01,wqp I 0 100=4
olb.�., 12�_ i i! i� �� � - __ , — marmalade -Dr. Grieve; sealer mince broider ' "coloxed-Alru. Wes. $earl tali ('obbjer j wmww'� 0 0
0 - __ , . p, V . Bell, V. 1510-'lroy 1, -
.. o I . Jq L .
P00600M.— - - . L. Poplestonel, Mrs I . I
.1 L meat�D. Laidlaw, - 1'r wrle; sofa pillow, other hand Fairpervu %lant"ol . _ . ,. � I "f I
I - , canned tomatop—Allikrt Brig 111710th no. A. Brow- n, Mrs. W. A. POP10-tOnc, 11. Taylor. . I somma . ,
. - I sealer , Bert Grey, C. Griflith, 1'.. Artnqtroni'L a I Avl� ,�,,�', ,
I hani, J. J. Pollard; sealer canned corn Logan. ' I Joe 114r.till. . . . .. .
, -Dr. Grieve, Geo. Coulter; gealer MISCELLANEOUS ('. Craiu, G. Keekinle, - _1 L 11 L -
. canned chk,kM-CeciI Cartwright. ,4L 'rutnjp� -1fron . 1� ____ ...
,�._ �(,. 1,ongmall. Joe JIC . I
. i. J. Pollard; bottle mixed vinegar -get brIdO liwrerie--Mr8. W. A. A. I,ylln, G(.o. Fear, 1,. (Itililwell, L. , I 4� ., L
Rickjeq__Cha, inrham, Robt Logan; collection 'fancy crochet worl, I
. q. . Cunn, - j<ell:;. Bect,.4 --D. Poplentone 11 I .�
; bottle of mixed mustard (not wool) 5 pieceD-Nary Felk0r* Quinn, May Taylor, At. 1,3014'ri, IZ. - . ,_ . IRIK " !
, 1, IcDonald , ,r -collection fancy Machan. 1). (tvittenden. .arrots -X. � - I I I - , � d .
L. gickles-Clecil. � Carturight; bottle of Miss Living,ton; C
. knitting, 5 pieces-Mim Livingstone; Watson, 11. (,hexining, 1,. Laundy, A. — _ _ __zo— . .
, get picklea-D. Laidlaw, L. Pople- collection 'embroiderrs in colorri, five Barr, B. Haggit, Joe Toman. Ofliohn , ,I- , . , - - - I-,-- _ ,
.stone; bottle pichlea anyotil er kind- C " 01801id0?8--10d4Y1rtMt*'4tfM '
PURE pieceat difterent-atyes-AW;s Living- �. %Inn. V. Craig, A�- A SUf a Relief ' I
. .1 I Mrs. Wes. Searl, Albert Brigham stone;' collection embroidery, white, - F. .';later, N1 1. , V. Fear, 0. Cook. - - top Women 8 ,
HARD . Judgeg-Mrs. J. stothers, Mrs. J. five I c c es ifferent 5tyle:3-Alary nie Straughar [loward, BL 1,otinberrf- I - orange Lily is a certain relief for all disorders of women. It is applied .
- . ral )3-;L. I
I . el or,, Mis'.4. , -tion ,!1Jev,Mr
. __ - L. Bennett. Livingotone; toilet Pa . Verda Wat9on, s, ocaIly and to absorbed Into the Suffevilog tissue. Tile d1tAd waste sattOt
______ P. , 'eOut,
I LL - I I DOLUE, STIC NVIE fiLEWORX ane needle. ork, - five difforent Hodge, B. tttIcY- I . in tile congested region Is expolled.. giving Iminediatt vaerktal and physital
.. 0 L.. t lan, . Miss styl r- isa Livin ntone, Mary Fel. 1, Poultry L. __L L . -_ - relief; 'the blood VeWls And
I TufW qiuil,,-�Mrg. B. Al I I �� �
L �. 4atelled cotton quilt-- her bo'doir ca Miss. Livingstoue, - I norves aro toned otad strength- '
I 4 D. Symington, M . lberf I es it. Barred Plymouth ROV11 co0wrol-- I � Plied; and tile eirmisitlott is, r0fifto, I
. I � . _ " j. j. Pollard, J iq. 19. Allan; Pieced Judge -IL .Chambers, M. MeClej- Lily Howard, Helen Cransett. Annie I t I, . I derC4 to normall. As tills tr,ftt4
� cotton L quilt -Mrs. N. Cuming, JA131 land. . I Stragglian. Barred Plymouth Both "L men& Is bas."d on strictly laift �
BrIgIlam; quilt, fang quilting -Dr. pujjef�I,jly Howard, Njarie Rapron,
I . Grieve, A1193 V,. Symington; Comfort- , AUT WORK , - title, prinelples, and sets on the , .
Real Good Soap I. Helen (,ra,1cbtt: D'arred Plymouth I I 1# .
I � - . L --!- er, home made -Dr. Grieve, Mrs. W. Oil paintings pen of, thrce -Marle Raii-loll, Glen actu:ll location of the diseam It
I 1. L' __ I ,__;;;;;;;gi���, A. Logan- ljed�apread, croebet-Dr. Landnealie, ji,0111 nature_t1L1,1 L- %Vm. Relly, (,,OeJ:eruI and I I vanno� holv bu� dof Ood 113 All .
. , - - . . _ lv* ,rierney , I fornis of t DI 1% Inelud- �
I 1 0 Nita.' D. Allan; bed npread, temaklo roub p
. # r v ingatolle Mrs. Howrie; Tararine view, vull(�t iroll IJOMe L fioek, B, P' It' .
it- copy -3 in -4 . balbroolt, plinfill menstru. �
0ap—Bright,- solid soat) 2 I'D king D. Sylaington, Dr. Grieve- V, I.ivingnioupt. Mrq� How. (-Iiff �91�olbrotil:. L, 19 E'lda ing-delayed and, I L
. A Big -Bar of Good 8 I W 10 4 bed spreAd, any othor kind-Migs i; GOITI 11, k V I L atitoll. leucorhoca, ftlhng of the 1\
0 vie; aninialu, or' firuto work,-Ali'30 Wamon, Ed. Taylor, Cred � t 1. I
with fine lathering -and, cleansing qualities SymmgUyn, GC -O. Cou n Livingstone, Up. Howrie; still life, Veraa WatLon, Pair Whito 11"g. � (OF W - ,%vorlib, etc. p2lee e-400. por box*
- _', v0dell 0 sufficient tar Oui .
I houze dre5p-11. U. Xirkby & 0 -on, from objc-et_Miqo Livingstone, Mrs. ljoriip-John Denligini, 1,',Iiza Mriel=n, _._n � 1- __ - ,
for the family wash and household use.
i Mrs W A Logan; working 4140, Irowrip" Irene Watch, Pair White Wvan. month's treatment, A Frca Trial Treatment, enough toe 10 d4% Worth Ift,
L uaejjjne* nl�d��-'ra .W. A. Logan, Water Colors dottes�Btlrtr Foar, 13'01. Gra�'. Pair tVIII be Sent preo to (lay SUfferinS WOM311 %Vho %V211 aLend Me h6L. lktldfef#�
For go# in *A*hi0J 1hli4bhj9WS 11114VO Or 111i0lb Miss Livingstone. PrIliv `Stdt-;Q% R*Utll Inclo, V. LADD, Windsor, Ott
L Blow, slipn -, ' -51rilf 110=10,1 Pj8eonrJIX0nard (' 'o a st&MV3 &W %ddre$g, Mag, MOTA, N
. . "
0- *p6rji4gk*(th* "I'SURPRI99" bk1t dift0t and Fshcot unlaunder fary 1,. Fel. Landpeapc copY .1
. � alk,hand knit wocil. Aling Livingoike; sceno froral nature .,Arachan jw� 1061till. Cat or hitt(IN't Sot,l) BY UADING DAIM(M�T'3 LVMYAV8"%
to the 1!kAthi;k; V will di, 6W wo*. 144 . key, De. Grieve; F _Mic,3 Livingatote, Mrs. 11�,?Mary bcdblm-, . maiio Ral��,Unl M � I . �
11 -imp 00 1.0 _'- en "nockt,—Mrs. 110%410; Psir hand
fAmomm"10M. 6006, I I ___ , - 9 I
1. .
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I : I I I 1. .
� . - _. pli t I )� . �A. I— 'A I .
I ,,Ili! IkW4 , I �, -
� -A � I I— — — — lL,___1 , k 01, . � �_ , - �
&a. _ , - _7T � , Ift ___�A-`A. - -.,.. 1-1 41L ���
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