HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-10-05, Page 4III WOW NO on F --;--7 '_0 W 0 __ __V_ - - a --w - - --v- ----T-- ---- - T-----,--Jl I -
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� THE MOE Of THE FAIR C. Tarorit,;)., and callada, but of the W I I -1. I _ - 0--
I .
� I tbe Oobcrtrch Star*7 LAKE SHIPPERS' CLEARANCE ASSMIATION ' - , world, As expansum ) .
. *U10V100694 Terailik Arsy c,tu&rjt of cu"ent e- a114 the ide" Of the no aRageme%it taLe ,
C:x V�,J,4? a-,44 i�`iv ct;;14 VC7* zxa? 11 . ;cuts Qn aigre d0w,"te forms, every indus- I
. f4t# 11141-liv 13 R'3;74�.,�il,, kltt�jlino two STATEMENT OF GRAIN SHIPPED THROUG11 THE LANE SHIPPERS* rl"St bc f'wp1CVU5R("'w'thi the glowing try ard every counfty wika too relre-
I Imia-"d %4�j rl (u3yi-,C3, L_W�-rnrcm Lo CLEARANCE ASSOVIA31ON FROM FORT WILLIAM AND PDXT 741UL' Of the fair.' The vatue is
M W h b �ntere3t eented there. con werce. =t, us- Liggett"s. Chocolates
a" t'aAC4 04101 klitz? fll��ts 4135U=4 ART11UR. RAII. AND VESSEL, AUGUSTIst, 19�1,TO JULT 31STo c0mmeni rate it t 0 try, these three, 4 trinity of nccez� �� - - 1�1
1C,r �W%33;V, 1W2, SIX(AVING COMPARISON& I'Whicb, the pub)iv take in %'Ouni, �t iso
XWAUXU8 U110 qW11 111) rerewo 7bo RAI? - '
I rft_011#1� 1WW ci&Xr # r4lwil? DY 913visills to vay the Ica,_t,* a inatter of conjuion sity, a combine of human interest,
It th.00 represent the idc,a anti real wo� with tho wanderfall oentrlo*
,: � ow W.:U�s as, f��_a *s pu%tilt.2:0 to- OhMrVat�fm to rj,CtQ that all oVer the t,Ve of our great galr$. Sjnj�e tb . � .
. I I f4r 8 Ch2riFe 01 WICKC211 lXW 00 ell f'-om tize follo�wirg tabW1 it wig W cccn that In Canadian Shipment Donjingon gncrca.�51ng attevd.gnce�i I . I
.1 Utv7 A�"' j7C_;$C�j. EL7J.11 J�e fa;F4C;,�. 00,&ruh steud third iu Cress receipts of grain for tho year narj1cl and featu�re tLe:�Q annual oceurene", t'a also mean So mueb to human WCA11% � .
X -Ora. A 'er-l" , ts. rrccond in 0* a vowv - showing indcO, which "the Whole Creation wovcs.rx and happlatzs, we can logically �ay I I I
. Irear3y ,Ccmra�l msr?ay amicrUM � 4 %'hcat Oats - V�arley Flax Eye From all ever Canada come re'vorlts that the fair represents the best in- '
"Asii F" zxu *4�4 Total of exhibitions and fairs, Whieh ladj' -- 'es
11 ;S I" 0 � f . . tercsts of 0-o human family, ]human. Billie Burke ChocolaT
. ; fix WMAY)s C '.1 i C , I cc IS 2 ('hicago ..t . ...... .... 1. ... ... ... .-03,= ........ 20'�'�15'1 4Vjjto that fbeiie things are here to I-V swal"U0.
I wltep Sw:.U)q it) ^ cm -.1 � -1 t,c - Duluth 10,wo .......... ...... ::*.' 21DAU4 ........ VAADI 5. U's go, is a good; slogan, and ev. .
. Items; Cnn wem 4n, � I . . stay, arid, to stay for the rnutual ben(,
I votmb-n5 ,�15 1,,� W rep - L- , tr Irst Uric 2,612,0942,ri -�. ,. � � - .I I I ......... ...... 2,012,04 fit of all, ery village� towa, and city, does well the oreamy old fashtoned kind
va" " "P cept. extra, Fairpert 13411 4412,500, po,q�jbly the greatest event of all' to emplate the zucecs's of the great .
a ........ qgjori.� Toronto fair. the Vaua4lan
, fAftons of Up Star w8a VIMO W10 i"I Mit*aUkee .......... ,.`.*. , "!*I j'b'o, ' 900000 Of this kwd, N the Canadian I , .,.National-
. . I I an 'Coanses sap the currms. 1=0 of line A" Ituron. 401,60, ,937,107 ......... ........ ........ C. Exbibitfop. - . .
star jnu5s to in tue. i5ands 6T Me V7 1112 $18,707 al Exhlbltl6n, hel4l In Toronto, sow - .1L . � .
.. Art lates, lbazi Tuc�AV numli of cacti cc, Suterlor .......... ... A ..... ......... ........ GO -000 I time. t0ween August 21,9t and Sep� . a. ROY14131 11ft--l-terso 11
. &"41 %na (10, Cr W Cap a t 25C C14:0. � edo 11550,407 ......... ......... GO,000 1,007,105 Imber 218t. To say that over a mil. I
. , 'i V r tic .. ,q-1 . tc - V
, ., I uoderku W5591211.11 01723,009 03,001 0170*18140 10,09,700 lion anti 4 4ChildreWs Aid Society's. Work go al�
40� cknet rep 1, IM 15 se acat 14. 4 .. ,,,693 eople paid f" The attendance at the meeting of . nsChocolaves I
amu plu, it rwf� , C41 ecale. I - . quarter V
" . �� oertion. Me Ure I ,.Mdlarad 6,201,440 0,43D,297 2,80,894 ........ 100,787 15,108,424 admiNsion th6reto in 1023 but feebly the Children's Aid Society on Tuea, .
11welve Anc to ;I ce NIOntroal 2,01,175 1,845,373 89V000 4,65,937 115*00 4.9g5,287 Convey$ the impression %Vblch the Re. day afte
� i , � . pul 4 _ a, good taste
I- . I bussness r wX I , C-5 and Uoder. 11t. Colborne 27,140,784 7,207,903 2�801,910 ........ .... *..� . rnoon last was not 'Such s L� a MML.ttar Of
. #iq OD V, Cr ye3p, 1 . 37-1 61147 tual aight of the teeming. tbou5auds the merits of' the work being done de. 11 ..
4 �'- l � . Aovef uscments of situallens vacant, Q11t.oFCNjcboI 18849,19G ,0#852,404 2,303,534". 140,805 886,M 28,631,825 of peoTle 9' one I
.Ow Wanted, Ayttrle:l I u a i �Xveo- as olis among serve on, the part of gur citizons,
� . 61104C �,ost, ficitIS05 �, ..... I .... 030002 .................. .... .... 403,002 str I
; � I � ,4iq �or to nont. farms ror 84ln Or to ,I,iw them UY Y day on the fair grounds. It way be this is owing to afeeling
, sor ,.,, 10,902,OGO 2 309,274 . .... 104,161 13,919,920 Te, be lw9t in a crowd is easy, but the
� . I.'Ole, PIC.. Uot okifectifor 1*383,831 .
tr Local rl,lov. 11,969wUll ,020,7�24 2112,185 '5 .1.1 .... 13,202468 f4ciliti
" . Vert, � _Uplesjor I
. I 1, vrois vaen imertion; tureb 2 ng about, for guia. of satisfactilft that the work is not
I i�,, Z%ht incs. -,j gs forgetti, .
. I . InrPrOV1.4.4 for ,41, Larger adWrI190mentl - I I � _ - ance and general pedestrian use, .are neglectedf and it. may be also it I,-. H. Ci Dunlop$ Phrn..B.
e , , �� I , . lauptgurconliou. , 180,085,123 38,984,374 11,542,487 3,654,�63 4,104,032 244,W0,179 - is lost for owing to a want of knowledge Rol' . � .
11 �� , . n Notices tnalvo type), each ln� so complete that no one appreciation of the importance and 0 .
I a cents Per �OU60 line-, to mor- � " --, - - - - ver
. ya _*A�� Sig ts of the whole show is Wbe'se - t necessity of the work in this County Godessich, Ont. �
"c,"on , 11) � the greates . -
I I 011,11M W g cdatract ror display advor- ____,_�, I . K long' one 'o' en, . ,
. ,
1� 1181ne. z coits py counicd line; and to . . of Huron. If so, there WaS enough I t. I
I ,�Iiurcnes and heneVOIM9 Oreanitations, a kept, and left instructions about for a now room for second and third around the lost children's tebt, when at ,
� : � . . I ,I er CO te ne. cleaning ur the premises Outside. In- classes. .i . . . hundrods of mothers seek and find, revealed in the cases dealt with . . I . . I . ...
cut . .
. I . A VQ IS en 11110 t OCIA0 Insvoc-
t , hundreds of children, amidst this meeting to, rouse the interest -
i, ! . 0 A te unsit, torbid, and spected al the tutebers, stores rind Moved In amendment by Trustee of kisses, tear showers and sympathy of any thoughtful. cl;. � . I .11 W-4-1 . .
;, � . . . � Q AV III . , found overythine in good shape, Saunders, seconded by Trustee Cral- so.joy, pqueals, screams tizen of either sex, . The work ha Town of Wingham, $50; a friend, Mrs. Faltridge, ,Mrs, Legg, Mrs., 0. I .
� Minus r ere a eollectea m000l and laughter, 4 multiplicity
. r, swai 4 vertis ni� 4 j %iork, cas.: Auguat and September. - gle, that tho 11nalloo committee in. I of ,Qmo. s
-� tioivq contributi many. perplexities and difficulties, $10; Mrs. Carrie, $2; Robt. Wilson,. Cutt, a Friend, Mrs. B. Young, Mrs. -
V 1 1 . I - , . The Inspector reported having In- veatigate'the advisability of fitting ng to a scene at once and the executive 'welcomes at any load wood, Airs, Gen. Kollyi cloth. 1. Salkeldt Mrs, J, Bones, Mrs. Wind- .
M 15 W I
be Insc-P
cord 91.v
end d
I � oe I . d I 'I i trbinendous and jolly. -1 . ,% 1�.
"I . A 'otesslaos Ars,pectinor Newspapers vostigated some complaIrito -is to ccu- u another room at Centralsobool f9sr � To be alone in a crowd is a pos.1- time any 'Sympathetic interest and 'ing- Mrs.:.D. McDonald, -clothing. I �
1� . " �41'jad 11
�. A I � I . Any Nerson V� -�Aoef-rejrulxrly - - wbiel e % bility, but -not -O mill Mts. Robinson Mrs. Carrie, Mr.
� . %O takill. a, ditibWts in 4: couple of Places- Ind third classes, and report co-operation which may be offered. OtNers who contribute4 fruit and ,
� . 'Ic . SeZer, Ar. RussR Richmond, Mrs,
. . VU . from A 0 VOSS elrCe, wilether ;Addresee in . m_tha, fair gropod-- . .
1, I 4ts name or O'notlier's.or Whether VIA =jorrovcd -as the result. of fir. bat Ao the Board at the next im�et- - n faei,� -The -aveoun"assed-were.as follows: vegetables were- Mrs, J., E. Ford, Kidd, Mrs. J. R. Robertsob.
. I;- � n I lug-, fuel Evorywher�e are to be see ,
�� I sosermci; o� not# 9s.responsibla for 04Y, .1 ly d tiding, a statementpf he. cost Shelter expenses, $73,19; furnishings I I - _ W.M.WWWO.M.0 . MW
- . 'he elvaPor4tor but invo e . * � .., I
,' WTX � I Visited t I the, wreathed In fUn, hearts as light as $18; agent's expenses, travelling irI4 I . - .
I � - - .1 disconlinuco �_tx I I banter can make them, friendship - -_ -_ - I
. I it i porson orders ,his paper � o An amendment to tbe'amendment, _s as - $19.50. Two cases of . f5io-_ i -- - -_ I
, e I � premises were not completed at the 3 5=;�HZD 4171
- I . be mUs% pay oil armars. or p6 publisher . othirivise, . _ � i W
� � 0. L that no action be taken this year, was real as can be, considering that bun- - -_
I - I., .
, dreds of thousands meet for the first . , .
I I 1;;e, . Xnay continue to send it until payment A tim I children . requiring medical attention . ;
I � I I f 'r, �--_-.--r,-_._AUW_ftd -IMI, _eollvf� bole aniount . long. with the M. 0. IT. inspected Introduced by - Trustee Wallace but I . 1. . 21 .� .
___ !�. �71LZ A"'Itiq w , , A " . � - And possibly operation were approv. , . . ____
. Vhelwer Ilie pover".1s, tateit'60 0M-- V� in-froqt...q9,,Mr. F, Bing- found no seconder, and: the timeta genuine case of love -at first
., tlic Geve amond. . ed of! two cases where n i-hnn&a of I In . I .--
I A Ng -----_-- - I
I �' I , ve 4"i"U94111,144,14"I'VIO ... m"t%'% hujWs Cottage 4'41vudru %mout�, �.gav*&_--w �-Wajjam I ____ ,".. .�t___,___'._t4,__.,_ lO0AtiOU--Of--tb9tW4rd is deemed ad.
, I . � Saunders - ruatoes, - 11
.11 I ; t. , . I I b and. Saunders . --li" - "tho -Intoz%1; �,_
"', - -, , a or 'rl and tav 1, r em latio,j of sewage in the man bole Cralgid and' MCLeqn voting , The morale 9f the crowd is amaz, " I I and' in one W e'r'e
I , I " �� - OMOV -S oylaoncn.ior in, notified the I chief of Police who, for It and Trustees Acheson, Gundry rig� The morals equally so. Over - 13=11
1. , �- 's 'T 5 �� I I terenm of the court is threatened, the
" 7 , * � , . . and foi6 up
I Be eo4r"pe
0 n"
- ' a
� 'OpSiS C46F r
tlo�jr � p fa�e
, . �� �rad. one million, .three hun4rod thousand
''. 0, I � - promised to get It flushed out, . 4nd Sallows against. 4 action 'of the Society hitherto was
� I I 9 peolle, meet together, wrestling, again approved and confirmed. Two
. 11 . I. vho matter of securin ' a teacheit �
. . I I . .. . THURSDAY, Oaol oth, 1922. in. MIS Robin4otes Place on account Josting-All kinds of peope, whites, c4ses,in which the'conditiops may be
11 I . .1 ,, -, - PUBLIC- SCHOOL BOARD. of her S I
� � � I I - - � I I illness, was left with the school ayl soborl said to be deplorablp and calling for --
I I managoment�7 committee with p d -and satirical,
" " i � 41� . . . sa all as they are' the action taken by the executive, � �
. . '�, , I BOARD OF HEALTH School Nurse ReOrts on Her Work to act. - . . ower For fourteen days'they meet. Some- .
I I I . ,,, .
. I I . I . I times so many at once.,tbat move- were approved. Several letters wore
. , I �. � � . '1,04 0 Committee to. Look In- A number. of accounts were dealt I read from wards showing, gratifying I
I . �. . - , , I I The Test Well -To I borculin. Testing -1, � ne Lddi- with, ' � went is almost impossible, reminding
. . � to -Cost, We., of Fitting Up .4 of progress, and these. ore
I . I . Trugte - one of the slow-m6ying glaciers 0 onl7 samples
. - I �� �.. . 0. I c An occupied the chair, fol et no I Cases for the f maa� gob .as are received from
, ,
'. ., I , , . � . . . and rasteorlzatiori�,Saoltxrs In- tional - Second and Third' Class � - _ - -mer years. Y time to �in .
,. ::: � 060, . 110 � ,�. 1, � � spectoes Report. . . I . ,� . -_ . . le. . .
. . . criminal court.' .1tAs astounding,, an The i I .
I .... .1 � �, ...., . .. I I ItOom. � . d oll,win .;
. . . .1.. .. 01. I . - , �_ � . I- .1 . . . THS"HURON ROAD ,speaks both for the high inoral tone g contributions are Re
. : . t , � I � . .The reports,whith have bw.k re- At the regular monthly,-mbeiling of 1. . . ,of the midway and grandstand, as since last meeting: �
. . - I
. . I I I I- celved an the water from the test well tho Public Sch )n Mon- A.CO � well as of the. high raoial ,-,.- _ I I
. I . I . - . Wore before the local Board of HodIth ool Board held 4 . rresp(Indlent 1128 a -Few Obser. I � ' �
I "" GO
i,. V . - public. f . " . , VERICH MU . I
: .1 � . . I Ogg he , , KETS
I . . I � 11 ;� I" regular meeting, on Monday lat- day , evening, Miss Retto Clark, vatlims Not At t r Compli- I 1.
. � I . . . , I .. I so,fioof nurso, made the following re- ' . mentarry The buflo.ngs are not the loss won- -
. . I
. .
. . I . I . � � . , tornoon last, These Indicate " kood I � . . - 90, to 95 -
� * . to make
, . I Port. - - p dorful�'. During- tbb%year 1921-22 two a sh ,
, . . I ... r" ,.: �� � I" . Water.',,sufficlontly. soft for *asblug new buildings have. been erected; the Flour, f4milyi,per owt. 8,50 to 3.50 � *
I , . I . I . virithout the usd ,of ,softonets, The Allow -me to ,present the following ' A few general Principles should Colisseurn and the Pure Foods Build, Flour, patent, per owt. 0,75. to 4,00
'. � . 4 - -, ' '
I..., I . 11 " contractor was letting down his drill report of ray medical inspection guide the Highways Department in Ine. . The form i is I a monst4r in, Bran, per ton, - lel , 22.00 to'23.00. .
.11 . � I . .". 4 � I . 1. . . some while ago to measure -the. depth work.' The mouth has been rather the making of 'j�od roads. There size. Its au e I Shorts, per ton 20,00 to 26.00 .
1, I I : I - - -:- -00 broken up,,Wt 1 -have covered bo ditorium will seat thou, 4
� ,. � �� . .1 ct-tlis well, and the rope broke, to- I th should be - as - little -interruption to Oats, Pei h 30 to, 34 ' ' �
. . � schools rApidly.'ifi a routine inspoc- trAffie as pohsible;," the sands. Thelatter is. a beauty In ap"
I . riulting iu thii loss of the drill and . ., . . . .. 1. work'should - - - Barley. per bush. � ' 45, to 50 . i
I � . iomp 300 feet of rope. He bag been tion. - . e cmically, and the road PearanC6.' The alliiin Q-4tline of' tho Buckwheat ......... 0 90 to 1.00 ,i
, I. . . - . dolayo,d In the work o% U04 the well Iv,londay, Tuesday and We0nesday finally should -be able to support the building Is attractive and with the Hay.... .......,.-,�,10.00to.12,00
� I 6 . .
I I I 1. .. . . waiting for the arrival of special AP. 1, Pend in the town flehOOBt inost traffic, . - ,. . . .. unique architecture of the interior, Butter, per lb.. . . , 30
, 4 1 1 1 . . . par4tus with which lie - hopes to. To- time being given to -tho school with bears a pleasing and suggestive Te- 30 to
i� , � i l I 1. I ftaf about- the Huron Road? . In lotion to the
I � � 'I � 1, . . the largest 4ttondaiico.� I will con- idea which prompted its. Hogs, per cwt ........ 10.50 to. 10.50 A"
, .
j " . . . : . cover his drill and rope. I the winter 69,1919-20 the portion,be� . . O .38
I .1 � , '. � ., , tinue wo* by Inspecting each junior tweerx Clintoik' and � . structure. It Is, really a P ggs, per. doz ......... -83 t I
! � I � � . .... ThIMOdical Officer of Health mem . w! Holniesville 'was building;, the cleanliness , and keheral 'Potatoes, per bush.... '-'.40 to so I
I . ; I , I � . I" I class room every t*o weeks and each smothered th C 6.75
1 1- I ". �', � I tione having Wen in conversation - ravel,'and then left design would sgit.tbq niost fa Cattle, choice, �-butchers 6.50 to
� .
I � , . senior room every Worith, This in- to it stidious, '
� �, � I :.1 I . with ft. McCulloughk the provincial, I . 8 Own salvation, N 1921 cul, .or th. 6 e0ficire .. I . . t Cattle, ordinary 7 4.50 to 5.00
.1 . mo* 14 is for .general cleanliness, verts were built,between Goderich Bolograi Bulls, Pqr lb, 3 to , 4 ,
., 0 Ioa, I
� I . �..Vffiooi, who I expressed the I ' d' ' . .1
,�z t I I I . I - i kin and head conditions, teeth, The grand stand;-,` to soat 25,000 .
� I � 1. � I . I I I that Goderleh��was making a lonyls__ dit.ions (contagious, diseas- and Soaforth,', a number of grades poo y I � Nor . ___ - . - .
.. � . '� - that we wt . nil tho. roadway ,widen- is t mere shoej , I .
*; ". . iold throat con Were reduced a Tle, ii; crWded twice dail
I . : . - ` �' .� iiowng a test well And t i 11 ,� � "! � =
� I �. z ,� ., : � . ,. defective * breathing 4etitimental, loyalty, I . I
, - . I ]AVe .to take our Watee from tbo-lake es), -b - defective ed; this. made a long and tedious de� VVIIieb � , I . � .
,;.i I . . i- I . -filtration basin. I hearing, ond"of vislou wh6);: ao`ee3- tour necessary. .In 1022 much. of th Ba, . brings the People �togetbejr. I . . I .
, . I .
I . I � ,. I I � ,�, � , ,y.0 and put in a . I I � I ,h aftorrIO6 . . ; I
I , I _1 I— Aary. I � . . �. work, of 1021 w AI I a afid eacb. evening the - .. . .
" , �. � ". , . . . -.10hafrinio XcLean of ,the local Then, starting *Ali the JuWor, I as found to be laulty,- Program, carried put".before tb� - .. YOU_. C�"
.� � � : I . . I I . eported that Xjucardir,6 ,bad PT. I 1.
. I 1 , . ,board, i, - again'ripped up along 'elevating, instructing ',,,I a-. - ..
� ,� , I And Junior. TV. I will do a few coM: the road was nXeo - -
.11 . . . . 11 ,put in A. 4144tion basin this past soa,i , the bills and -,hojIOWaj,_and_ c1l - Pie is IL; ., - I 1. ... .,
. � �, �� I �., ' �, . physical - examinations __ each - -9;!I 119- -Msirlg--�-Tho. first � time we 4 t erp . I I 1. . . . �,__ � . ..
I � , * . 1 .800, befieving the Water they- would plote and gravelling have been continued �four 'We - . . �_ I - * , , '' I . �
..'' ,. � I I -Each now pupil is .examined by a Aftan fo , .were thriffe , ei�� I
�11 � � '. r, .� . , week. - I ,years. ago - --he- ar al
., .. : �. get from :Wells would be v too bard ' Irce, the detour being cited by the vast, m4je, ' Heit t
I ., � I- The cost livas 124000, -the basin ox tutering the - adhool, exeopt.,ot the necessary till .spring and-. .so - ' 4tic" noble I � I . I . .
. � 4 .. hining of a term. In the junior mmer, scenery Which,,Passed before � . �
��-, _ - . . .
1� . .; �. - I., . yrogosed at QodoXi 'was, to Coot beg With whatprogreas has bobii . us 0 .
. . . 4VIUSSQS - a talk 00 health habits 'will alrdadY humanity geo*rgous, -and yet wore: - � i -
I �, , �, �. j:. ,� , . . .1. douk a that and other changes ro* made, it fj hot possiblb'.f4j 'the road . Ybxi Can Get -'at., I .
I " - , . , . . � I � I se would have made the c - :T1 b Iven twice during the terra, ancT to stand up on 156lemnizea an&.give4 I . ., .
r i � I. . I d � ose # der the fall -rains and of ho4ven, as �, -(train to feel'a touch '. .. " . . . � '. . . ..
,� 3 ,I., �,. t- - � roltriplo, that flguro� . I in C soolor,grades one (and two if. Spring t.hii�s.. a .4d. choir, taking .. .1 . . 1. . . I �
�� ;. - I . So That wo have W the.'part'in the, - "Fight .
�, : 1. : I 1� , . I from wells posNiblo). '. �. . nother $04son-o .f I �
I . � Thor supply a water ' ,ageant, gang,
I . � 4, . � f detOuts AfieQ Of us. the Good Fitht.' to, the. tune Pente-
� I . . � ... � the mayor said ,he belie*ed would- be � I try and visit (as far as pogsiblo) The farmers along the line, and the .cost, HAROLD BLACKSTONE"S
11, 11, 1". , . . I . I the' homes of the children who have travellinjg and 1!0 - GO Our Help. In Ages - .
L . � - . I . . adequate: � I Public, are heart -sick at the FURNITURE EXCHANG9 WIST ST, �
� � � � I I In tWinieuntime the town has not defects requiring immediate. Atten- Alan." The midway .
- '" _. - tion; and any cases of,'slokness re- meagre results of such heavy expen. afforded much amusemopt .and inker� on'�the Broadway-ot Godbrich .
. �� �, **�, �' I . I - � like *th .
I � . I � . I � _. been hearing Any further :fvom the . . ditutg$ alld the end not yet in sighL est to those who at kind of , . � . � � . .
I 1�� " .1 . � - Provincial Board .ot Heilth as to the ported* to me. Certainli the wOrk'so. far accomplish. thing; and it'is surprising how many _�. _ . - . . �..
... � . . _
1. � � r . � - t . . action it was goin to take to compel It, wa's splendid 'to And thO n0v ed Is far from croditablo, No won- childre .. �, . ... � I " � .1 ,
- . 0oderich to instaff, drinking fountains Installed at Vic- nof older growth take pleas- . .
. 1.
1. . . .1 1. � I I . A filtration plant. toria, school and Vh6pe that. Wore der that tbe.count)t council shows lit.4 ure in the shows and rqutidabou.fs. * -1 '
. , The protection of the town',% milk . tic enthusigain for, the Blue Water , Dr6p in any 014 tintO.
� 11 . , _ long Central School will have a more It is a g0odbt Ing that We never grow . . .
J. � I ' 1 .4 supply from possible tubercular ton- Highway. when they can � I . . . . . .
� . �,� � . �Atmlnatioo was, also talked of. Alp- Adequate, supply of. drinldn * .point to OW, notwithstanding i Browning0s . � I 1* 1, - I I
i � - wfiter� such Immediate and 'bett . I ..�� . I �..
. I . er *sults at words, I .
. i � I . poirently the dairymen have not vu- May I suggest that a coupL of Ji- 0. fraotio dtGfow old along With me," . .
� � 1 . quid soap containers placed, in each Own,s h of the expensoi under.their is it nq� that This is your stbre � ,
: .. �, . . orally adopted the plan of having ystem. . . 11 1 It is strange, the ori- 0 . . I '.
I �. . . . . .
� I I school would be much more economi I I girial idea of the fait should � , . �
I I � I .� their -herds tested. Pasteurization . � I- � . When � the Government faces' the been even partially -forgbtten I have . . . I .
L � %. � I r� . .. 11
�, - ... I � _ � L . of tho milk Is a way of insuring frow cal. ana sauitA V. . L , . n the I .. I � ..
. . I -in the milk I The ioport. was filed. I . . c0uhtt'Y next year, it w - Ill not be a omPliasis Which is 'bei , on 0= s
; . ,^:. : .. ... ddm of disease germs light talk to explain thi delay Alta pl,easu I I 0X====,=0X
; � . � I . - -ar. -was its - Prin'el�.al ftarman of Central. re and pleasure,seeking?. Yet . . . . I - I . .1 . I- �
. ,� ,. .L �; � I and the secret V ked to write - waste that have Marked theirL P For, af- , .. I .. I wo . .
�, I . 1. , t46 Gait. where hool reported that. "whooping cough i OlIcy avch, seems to.. bethe cause. -_ , � . . .1
, j - thm have a iaqteur� f,c thisj'part�of the provilico, . . ter all -is said and done, the fair was
� ,:, . .. . . 0 a he n , 11
:. -, . .1, � � ii. �.. 1. iting plant, forl ormation to'see if , faintly is- the cause of, the ab- 11� I I I*- . _"____*__-� . . . '. *. I . � . � .
.1 � I .1 � � : 11 . 1� . I 1. - It would be feasible to adopt in Gode. sonce of several pupili;'. Mits Stod- I . gotteit up to.gKie peoplo.an oppor- : Don! -t' fo e . t to . pay, yoUr,
11 . .1 %ieh. The M,� O' IT., also agreed to dart requires supplementary reading ;T: AMONG TW OM�HLS. tunity, to 6ow their best produce, as . ra , . .
I , . books. Wei would suggest , that' an incentive, to greater and better � I . � .
. I .. 001� . I I I . see further as to ,dairymen adopting , Tbo'Ladje4, AM Or4otth 86. mothoalat � I I . .
;�� � the tube ction, Production, CorilrnOrclall'Y th faft(
� , 4 rculin tost� twenty -copies of the 'Introdu to ,church, will -401d their ammil miz , � I . I
- '� . . ; I � nar gives1ts great#st values 8
� Highroads of Googjraph�'Upurchas- in the I and serves
� I I ,41, .,. ,Tbe',jublie collection of garbage 60 $Aturd%y 10 NOvllvabbr. 15th, its I 1. ates,
� I . L han .0a"d b 'we u4derstond, the' ed.. The- price.per copy Is 60 cents.� An I thlbIch`001 room Of the church. . highestp, . . . I Wateit R. I
. I . i 9 some remember the a . , The oex., .. �, .1 .
I ;,# collector, Is tout nuing with sovie pa (, Miss- Burritt, who is takin ate I . r
. ,"t , . IurpoTloe;
, , ut, PleAse "A onto is a. marvel. .
I . - �. , � .. . I ties on his own Account. During the third-CIRss Pu requires about 'IOUs d4pla� of the products not: only : . .by . .' I . �
. I � : . .. I - . , 'Via, '$t - Church, Oct. - Sib, , se -- I . . 11 11 . . I
, � , there were. about 26 calls on tw, ,"-u'u4l,�lt-a,-m,�and-l-�p,Mq:r-Will,�I)L.,. t , . .
. . . elve copies o 'Hygieno� for young BaPtI rviee - . I ,
. . I
. . . . . ,
. . I � I . surnmerector's .route -but more than PCOP10 We A - ward � Octobei - Ist � - '�
P I the to), iould feel kroteU to _�___ ._ I
I . I I,, I . , conducted by the Pasto;,' Rev.- C. X. I be in ch ' f I
, ,c,d.of sum. the Board It they would provide the Dewey. S,P. arge O Mrs. no
. �., I . I . . halt this number conRial rfi.� Bible chool; Mon. Robertson, missionary .vice ptesident. . � . .. . . .1, I .
I %�
, . 4 I ,, I I inervisitors who - hdve. now left'towo. boys that play on the eaA end of 'the day'evening at'8 O'clock, 33. Y, P� T1. The -topic "Presbyterian Missions in ; . I
- I The sanitary. IRSPeCtOr r0pOrt0(j ,ground with an indoor baseball. Th5 Wednesday at 8 P., W. Prayer gervice. India" will he taken by Miss Wigging , , and save.
4 1 '140" ' . having received ,complaint in July as ladies of the - Home and School Club (#
4 ... I � I 1. � I to conditions at the rear of one, block ,%visit to -providw some of the primary Rev. Mr. Hardy .. was in - Mitobjell of XnOx church. , This. meeting J& �. . . '
. � ' the: square. ,o children with a 11,411 last Subdabr. -preaching 114rve,ptj very important and A, � . 15 ' .
. . . I an Ile Ing ected. th -pint of milk per I . � large attend.
I � � . the Thanks once is anticipated to bear of the fine . per cent. � .
. - . .
. I d the reehief of day if there be no objection on . I . .
1 ! I I I . . pit of - 1h Oc- setmons' and the Pul' ,work in this i I I
prtmlses iknd hotifli? W, giving �. F i
I . .. I . conditions, When Ile visited the part of tho,board." orge'S church was 6ccu. Important field, being .. . . �
11 I I i Premi8es a week later there was con- , The attendance at the school for Pie( I ev. Mr� Roberts, ol Mitchell', done by A sister church; "Prayer 1. I . . . �
� . . � was very much apreciated . .. . . Fifteen per cent allowea off �
� , , It . sidorglile Improvement - September was 92 per cent, of the Who I I by. thi meeting on Wednesday nipt at T"a , 0 , . . �
� enn .- �R� =--�--_ �� '
� , � I Also during. July lie Inspected the )11mont, which consisted of 103 congrega-tign, ., . I - I A, . . .. . water rates for the next quar6,
I I .N."w"Aft"wo , - . I --- .
- I - I public conveniiin"s at ft boys and 91 �irls. Special ovaiiiellstle services are be- ."wo"" p , .
, , I - - __ _ . . I .
I L , rival i4rU, And- 144nd them - - ,Prineipal Stonoliouse r(!POrt0d an Ing hold AtTsylor'.s Corners this,wook 11 . . . . . . ter it paiil on or before Oct.. 1.
... � -
I � .1 � , 191trl-_0101104 per'cent._11 tbb'ft- Uy the Act -Ing pastor, net. a, jq. Dew'oy. - . I . - - I , . . . I .
� ,
- on .
" e,ondit . att�ndaic# of 88 ' .
I nocelvZd complaint from Air, Ityan, rollownt, which, *is 184 boys, and 199 of Goderfah Baptist Churpho The toter. - -.Don't forget that.,ga,11owi; . Make all chdqueR ps,yable to I -
. . I I -1 I- about tho, -sp-wer ..at the Apparato girls. blis'.1 Vera Elllo% Miss Math- est- Is 9004i . And the atteri4ance wil� a is � � ,. I
� I ., tchool I Inspected th ., - "and esob.- Mrs. - Itedditt, Miss XaoF#waq grow.. The singing is mucla enjoyed. . always provared t0* tmie. you . .1. B. Xelly, 0011,60t.or.
t ' . 1. . .
I .
. � found the basement �J%e%"' and Mr. Bert Wiqjus substituted' All -welcome, I silt -for one of, ose life Re. , , , . . I ..
� . .. . flooded 90WO 'Aba- liflug your .. I th =% � . :
. ; I vith sewage backing up. Reported for Miss 0. Sturdy,, iss L. Robinson. foands. . 1. .
� ,� I the matter to the chief of police who and the principal, or -varying periods At- �. Pi tures for which his studia
� , : . � the Victoria St. Methodist 11 # Wnter und Light .
� . . hod the sewor,cleane-dout, froni half a day to sixteen daya dur-! church i� famous. See galhjw8. - �' I .
� � I I I next Sunday the morning ser- r I . ,
� . .. . 41.; Inspected the waterworks at the just the month- I vice will be a special one for the old- . . . . . . . cat"t"lission - -
. .
I I I r. 11 . . harboi and found everything correct, The reports -%,ere received and, on I
� I . , people. The pastor will Like aa his . . . . I I �
� ; 4 I . I alto inspec" tile public convon. motion, of Trustees Craigle and Ache- or People. The pastor will take as his . -11 __ . - . - . , --m-M."" I � 11 " w� - _= .
I I . . , ieUCC3 At the harbor and found them non; it was passed to purchose the The eVe"ing servieer Will be take ' ' , w- I I I I I I -
I n by . ' . ;P�
. I I . �, . kcApiring to be cleaned. Notified the books asked for and, three indoor principal Dobson,. Of A141a College, - I 1. .
1. . �� � . � . .
0 M v'_0
I � �i Chief and ho bad the work dono. baseballs for C4*tral 6chool; and to St. Thomap. The Sunday School will . . . X=%====0=6===== . .. . 0 .
7 p I ! f � . Along with th4,, police Chief in. pay the tmpply teachers at Victoria meet at 3 and the morning class I �?
. I
II I 1. . I
I 1 I ... speeted premises at tear of aritisk school. I nieetmg at lo. The 39ureka Bible
�I . I : hotel and found eVerythilig in fairly The 'need Of. increased accolumoda- , OON'T FOR00.1r THE 4 V
f .41 . I good condifiou but cave instructlen,4 tion for second and third,classes was Class arij making plans for their an. . . . I I
. 1: � . hual ,community concert on the ev. I
.�� . . � - to restaura4t keeper to e I 1(�*t "iWaylthore"kiiSo Of a motion by TrwAto eging. of Oct. Iloth. . - 11 .1
4 . I 1�1-11 rAD reftuse. -Gundrr seconded by Tmsteo $al- Tho regular monthly meeting of
l . �', � I Ins _cttd all restaurantn in towullowao, tAIat on(t of the vaca'At ,class- Victoria St. W, X. S. W.qq held at the,
? 41"d round vVerything inside WC111' "OUIS at Central, 15C11001 -be fttt'd UP home of U,
I . � I. I . _s� swaritt, lvewgate St.,, DANCE
: 6" . . . ! I �.,.! !!!tjb- �! �0� L � __ - ,-- I I !,#_r___ oil Monday afternoon twenty mem- 11 . . � I I . I �� I
� . I ...... --- I ON- , .
; I I I .. w- - --- - - - ~0 - *� The roil eAll was an.
mr�s pKesvill, . - I
I . I I . � ' I
1, A . . swered 'by each member responding '
I with AonAe rea.
- . Aw , , , . . � 1 $ , qog, she bad 16r being THURSDAY9 OCTOBER
.1 t Wear YoUr. thankful. The eralds gave good
� �
I I � I Don roporti from the different mission . I
I .
lb . I I I 0 1 S fiolds. Mrs. A. U. Davison, of Na. � 1. 114 . I f
. d I V%mk Ple Creek SOL, a vilsitor, and a
I I _UUV wTT heii .
�; ,. . � I WISIAD11 ,ehartev member of the Society, W
� ��� � MA1185400110 TEMPLE9 60DERIGH I
is I
- I
I .1 I'
I I I I - .1 ,..
I I . I .1
I I. _1�
i I 1, .1 �
, I
, f
I !�i
I :1 7 f � � � warmly welcomed, and in rerlyiag 11
I � I I I � � - Atm. I)AvidRon said there ha &en . I �, I
I i� , . I !010 "a I � I � I
I .. . . Your B.... A&V � many changes since she had bc-on 0 must* sy
f- , �
I I their treasuiter fifte-th years ago. I
. . I '. . . . I Uktrt'shintnts wore n.erved by the 1, i
� '� . I Should Be hoste8a and the Committee in ebtittgo., NOVELTV OUINTraTTIO, of To"Onto e
.. I
I I Pl*hap Saxo0hano# ftiojoo Violin$ Tropo
; ; A . North St. Methodist ehurvfi, Irar. I I
�i I I Vey MOYOro Pagtor. Next Sunday's
. . - w-ur next bench. ;e 61
! I ,. i . Try ut, for. ttrViMg Will I _k &110,%�,S- 10 a. AN.. i 11
. . 11 ,I ,L%.,'- lrf__�__ V-1 il
_,'11 �, Ppiz* Fox Trot and other, Novaltle will f
. 1 46 vjl&� It. Or k"Wercuat.
-------- - I
Phone 219 The Metes Stoft Worth WW110
sses and mew�i!
vlc� "What nhould, .
featura the 4111ght
an 4evaag
oelistie. rM
h?" 'will
be intra.�
DOW&n. Suriday��,
Astooshmant* Served
. are cordially in-,'
Nbour. Money deposited in'
- Cf., ,
� Stub Of tbo Lit-
!�i C10,Mj*j- pdbli�, , .
, � I
Couple $1.50 Xxtoia Lady, 50a I
, and 7 V. al, Rev.
of Alnia, collego.
0 0
morairx and Rev.
C� of Nllt�. in the
. Limstod "am"" Aidmittad .
L4,agut will neet �
I ..
11 I 11 ,
at�,d the meming
9.11"�Wz%o 0-1.1-11111-1 11111 I 111A *M*111::::��
. . ' '
POOR ason 16
.. .
A fittle to. 91i .for h'
wl I ow is
Nbour. Money deposited in'
:-the Bank'Of -Hamilton grows
constantly the r - round,
quite unaffeciedybeya weathrr
.1 .. -
� conditions burglary or ,fire,
I . .
@kUCI iS OTWAYS avail'Able at.a 4
XnoMe r .
�Ut'a notiCi L �-.. ..
- 1. I.. .- . I . �
. r I I
. ;
� .
I ' . .
.: I .., GQVI$R1C1R 8h,%19C1L- JL .1. AtejKay, M,anager. -
. � . �
- . .
----k- I
. .
I 0
I . � . � . I
. . 0 . . I I I
I . 1, .
. I .
� I �
. . ,
oe$. .1 . . ....
AS"C'n' 0-0- 1 Sh I . . 1.
� .
. .
. ..
. . I ,
. I
. � I I �
. I . . ... I . ..., � I
''. . , I I : .
.. I ... . I I . I . .
I . 11 i�. I 1.
. .
. In our School Shoes f6r-boys 4nd, -girls there � I .
I Wheie Ahere �a public; esteera.that cloes not voy -under. . I . . .
1. . . -a6y changing conaitions and does not weaken ; . , , ; � ,
. . . .1 . I under.the keenest.eqmPotition. Beoausoip, . . . . I
I ..
. . . . I I
. .the abbemaking 9-ar.constant 41m],s a, bigh, , I
_11vQiIA14 standsrd� at 16 . - � . �.., . .. , I . I .
, . w prices. 'L . � .. �.... 11
. I . ..
� I � . . I . . . . I � . . I I
. I
- . I I.; I—" -1 . Out Shoes invariAbly give tbe'gonuino worth I
. . � L - 0
11 I . that. every 'wearer, looks up' n as sterling� � I I
I I value; The values. we -are giving our eusto _. .. .. . I
. I I �
. % . . I I mers in Shoes for working weir multiplies . ,
. I I . our ssles and makes, each paira, profito,1516 � , ''
. I � . ' .. I .; ,
I . � .transaction f6rUe wearer. , , . . -1. I : . I
I I . . . I , �
. . I . � . 1. I � I. .. . I I , . I . .
I - ,Let us do your Shoe� Repdring and, have it I � . I
. . . . aone RIGHT.. I � . - � I . I I .
I.. I
. ... I. � �.. � . .
I . I . . I � .. . . - . . I . . .
. I I . I . ' . I I . - .1 _. ;i
I -
, .
I . - 0
, L,
- �GEO. MacVICAR ' . . ... -.�-
� � . .
North SiJe of Square � . Gaderkh . . .
. � . . - I .. I . I \ * .1
... . . � . I . . 11 �
� - . . I .
. I . . . ; 1-:
. . I I - '. I � I __ .
. � � .
. . III .
. . .. .
. . . .. �
- . I
. I .
I . I .
i � ,� . I . -ft May Not,Feel Like It ., , . . ..-.. L.:
. . .
I I : .
. , . . . . I I .,��
I .
BUT, FALL,. IS.HERE * �` 11�
. � .. .. I ..,. . I., I �. _� lk.. I
W. .
o..Ud-,-Cqlap�.-I,w.,v-,.,,uather is Just- Round ,
, I.'',".... ,� I -�...-��..,-.,-...."--""'-""'.L.�,.,,...-,_,..,_...._.____-�.. -.-.--
0 I .
. . . - -
I . . . -the Corner I . .
. I . '. '_ .
. .
I I 1. . I
� .
. . .
I � . . I .
jef your requiremonts in fall' and.wititer, weAr � nbw. .
I .1 ' . 1- . I
' .
.,ornfieldls Goo , da are" Highest Quality and . Cornfield's *
, * I , �.
I Prices are Lowest. . I . I
-.* � I . I : I
0� . .1 --__11.-_.-01� 1. � __0% . .*_0_-_--1WW%0____.._
. 1 . . .
* . 1. �
Hen�s. Overcoats _. - - __ __ ..- .__ __ -
I . . � . - 1.
. A uew IiUe juSt ift, 'newest'styles, , latest shadest
x1l wool goods. Prices are rikht.'. . .
. . I .
. :
. .
Wen's Suits . - I ,. � I I
. A � Iso a new sh-ipment of Men's Suitr, at lower ' .
�rieesl. I . I I I
Wen's and Boy's Underwear . ...
I Mon'$ aud Boys' UudeiweAr in fall and Wjutor I
eights, at closest prices. - - .
, . i
'.,adies'.,Smart Hats . i
. ' ' . t I
I Ne',,v Hats 4rd-ving �yery week, * ods$ I
, _ I nice new go
atest styles for W1 wear. I
� �
adies' Suits I .
Now g000's 'in Ladies' Saits arriving constsmtly.
rou are sure to 6 suited 'with one of 'our ouits, and ..,
e pelees will suit also. I
adies' Coats ..-
I In latest styles'and shad6) some trimmed with
ur collars and cuffs, some have self collars, nicely ,. %
mbroidered. .
' 4.
,adies"Misses and Childretes Underwear
Nice goodg in fall and winter voights at closest
priets, �
- - W - 0-. j,ik j j W. .0 wok.,tm �
0. �
. . ' '
. .: A. CORNs 12 - 11 -
, ri LD , I
#rL-' Al.,W Storo Coderich, Ont.
I It X 110 ATC