HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-09-28, Page 7- - 0 0 — uw is *"a liewl) Owlis
in the meantime, At ARM no, NAW K 0 -M
him, long to destroy 83111Y 1411m, saawrisw isisso" I*" Ww 40 -
with a property lQQj; oI I)QUIV1111, Altely praylsig ab"t thlo wiry 1W101f
There is $aid to have been sbdx mil -(v. 139. A# b# "Ild *41600- skillk
lion dollars of insuranve mostly on typilled pmvr. Ike 1414101114* W10144t
foreign prorfty., including some be- W*rQ vtoylaig,
longing to alericans The bl"t of W3on charaet"Wics of 00 (Wisl (M
the loss -will fall Visa A* liver boftow 14410,6& 441 r: m. til Small
left A►
be griat lit illsAght
writing The fire iwuv* W lea bwoo 4XV XXV. F,, IL 'FIVSWATS D6 *
thousands of lx,�Ople homeless. Many %)*t9X#V4 bog~ "aliedt tik# 8tosagilb, T"Clsor of MOON" OtM01% Now Ot the Lord (y. IM.
of these have been take�n awav by MW 11110011ok" at em"W".) people (lid mat greatly *slow him be
#oreiafn aloins, others are living in the fola 0*4 slev and 4*4 biligiaos kliadsohiiia *Wflobt, womom N#W"*s*r yjft%e! was blighly 0"eflued by the bord, Tule
surroundiriv Country and the Turks "Otir. .1 1 — to 114041tely beuor than it be had, boein
have killed is good I many. Xilberta*4 Ura -Liver Pills will LESSON FOR OCTOBER I
0044 greatly esteemed Ilk 1111110 "411111 St OW * 4 0 *it* Co" toullw, and foul KOWA, or III bill own eyov. Tide In IM VIKOM
Britain wilt Insist OR Ketollat Der* and 1*014k tk it INAPTIST tor which we *0 4110414 10" A11d pray.
d4lielles Ovelt FIRTH Of JOHN TH (1.3 A4111111 Aid* U41411111or wl 140V
It is not improbable that'the Pow- Xr. eliarl" Xtriey, no Hataltous
ers will 'make another compromise 14�_Ww; TXXT-U*o 1*2L Celt strong drink (v. Z). The child 1*411
with'the Turks so far as Thrace and 3RO44, 1,0090, Oat,, wrlt#$,-4AAft9r GOLIAgN VXXTHo shall be areat to hei4alle a souritt. ##peratter biw
other terrItOrle% formerly mandated trYing grit su**r routedisa for bil- the eisikt . pitit
ti Lwd, ani lio alivill, dKok frlUm. tht, oqo*n thlogit nad dad -
to the Greeks are concerned. But iQ%s 110408, wkick cks"d na*Y days 49 wine not attox orl"k.-Luko I's leattat hil"oolt to the awvleo of tm VIN al wom
JiATX81A1,-I;Z ;14'.
Britain Will insist, &lAd undoubtedly of dull headkelits as wissroble J"I, Lord, (11I Pos fill" with the 0444
Mat. 4.44. way Ot. tuo
carry. her P0.1lit of keeping OV011, the 1090, 1 tried 3(ilbUMA IAXXU"r Pill$, PIUMA11Y TOPle-AA A11441 Ild"60 10. The 0
les And the oil gow Aol like * liew cj* via* gplrlt would eamble blot to 14*4
Strait$ of the Dardatiell atum W* (1004 NkwL
Bosphorus, and maintaining most of keep iiiem On kaud. all the time, alka JVW.%;J0R Tcypl( -Tho Birth etJohn site the 1*00le to, ropovance, (T. 10).
,the neutral Zone areas intact. Some find it beneficial to take as Occasional B&PUst, (4) sluill go Its, the spirit 4*4 VOwW DIV
't Boar in the Southwest; a giant UrIont %10k) 1119111105- such solution' would prevent -A 4401" as tkev, Clear Up tiss liver Sad.x�TRB
Largest War. d"t" —11reparmlon for Alto Coming 0.901rut. of Itlijall (v. 17). is tbl* "wee 111110
* - * * 0 vAikke one feel like llvI%g.PP YOUNG VtOPIX AND ADVIM TOPM. via* to prepare tb* Polito 10 ---
Congress Passed,%ldlers! Boutin Hill , Alllburn)* Lssix%.X41yer Pills are $So, _Tb# place &no work of jabit ui* luo- ooAsAing of the Savior and the 011
tion, which JIQ Vas to bring,
With Tongue in Its Cheek a Vial sit all dealers, or wailed direct an Wis.
EVENTSM I - q III, Xmitarlas Asklins !era a*(
Politics lead to strange actions- receipt of price. by Ths, T. Milburn Co., -AVe are today entering UPOA R 1111%,
grost's passed 14italt0l Toronto, ()&L
The United States Can : (Vv. me),
THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, Month$' eoUr* of Study to tho-LAUJOel
the soldiers' bonus bill, but with Its the aged P111*4t WOO 004% wo, spachsai 0 in wirlog,of
0 -:...,a: -1-------.!-- -L, — Of Luke. whose 404"*l subject in Although Z
tongue in its cheek, no provision foritootly praying for the 141votlem sal 4 Maas- '1*4 us sivs you an
having been made. Prest" tent that the 91d country stock ate.4 oi*sus, the world's 8%vtor." Tud*y's
Israel the graelotior Promise -of tbe Z
cut Harding, In spite of its probable hard. This country haa suffered a 1"wit cosucerna the birth of JOhA %Lt. votivastolor Wiring your 14OU0
I at. angel, which woke the beglasslag-Ot "A0 or
be results of the November Ong time from -that kind, of prejudice, Juptist. the forerunner at Christ, trail his talth.. an was (talagtt. r'
Control 10 the Dardanelles economic oeffleecetti4nus't has been courageous an- , tiol salvation, ategg
pritain Will Keep .the Turks fromif o, headway again, d besides she The psroata of John the ORP
has an agreement -of an econ butts coming to its own. White the' t toe Ad step of vetoing the lifting,of 'the embargo is not going to Unistblo to believe that the
to 40 Olt alosid--that is nature with the Turk Nationalists. QUA to take t) T",
If bbe I Is emphatic he loudly hoped and preyed WOW bo
without the aid of her European Al- 'Nor is she particularly- friendly to measure,. He IT' bl� be so syrift a step nor so liumedlWte) .2. 'When They Lived 0. 3). 10.,PO
Turks the 1114ttle Entente," whose ca -0 stand tea, It has been 0 1 - MOTORS, J)"Am".
lies—Britain will keep the As. estimated great in benefits'as some had 9 days of Herod the King," They lived reallto. The angel gave tacharlas 4
that the bonus would ultimately have for - will be a very sign. lie was SmIttea with dowboo"
from control of the Dardanelles, the. tion and support is encourage cost the country between , four and I� Is coming and 14,4 day *110A U11904111100 WRO rlt*- ELECTRIC OEM Mill -
Sea of Marmara and-ilie, Bosphorus, Britain... Nor, does Italy like the dollars. -As M;Ierial benefit to Canadian tradq, 'lirl"thood was very corrupt sh4 which -'was -t0 coutillue pull), the ftl-
olo:411 twice for of Juio-'slavia''and. the other.mem- five billions of firsallkand Industry, The fillment or MR, promise. See**" ho
She would not havoi t phtyinp agreed., upon in Congress. the propos- the ruling, classes were wicked. Zach- BURGLAR ALAN
,.help from the overseas Dominions, bers of the "Little 'Entente" refused to P14146 U04 11% faith lost tkW
That �4& already been de- me. which might put a al would have given the average Un- Bank Enillud Satisfied In tTitimate- isrlas swil his wife lived lit it time
however. a part in a ga graolous promise* God' c*1W XW ALL WORK cu"WAIS
ma notwithstanding the hope check to some of her own'hopes. The ited States soldier about the same al-, Recovery of 'Germany when It W#% not so easy to be godly.
lowasAce that Canadian soldiers r&- toupe to be allent X�ntll the prolow
very boldness of Britain's course. in Tho puzzle of the Germs 0). They Iwo
Dominions that the diff ceived at demobilization. At this, tions situation is axone the 11 2. Their Character, apeM 'C00K, 110H.".4 "AST 10y.
of these Dom lcul fulfilled and Ids "lips could
amicably and that sending reWoreements of troops and less clear, were righteous b*toro (led, To bol 0
Ids will be settled arnica wfidug, it is said that the bill .is because la thanksgiving and pralse. Thollsk
not havt) to take part in A. ships to the scene of possible conflict •of the agreement between bute.
will likely to be carried oven the Presi-, righteous before G04 Is a high tri he was thus rebuked the sam BLECT14CITY
--ffm -Irade-good-, air, h4s, Aatha;�, Ar-UWJ)lOV-A-, aw.4 0 t1wo
iiisw w4i. ring, _Q,qPrm*A_]�eIchsbsnk and the Bank,
Claim to status as istsitions and signed mail); of the teouds of -scilla on, an -deal w lsfict-doine - thC
to 0 and. whereby the latter loans 0
emcnt$ 4s put an end the policy of drift Senators vale,
Representatives who in priority. � well who aria not righteous before God.4• •t I
various treaties and, ogre . ) pose as the • the money to pay the Belgian I manifestation Of the supornkturlil.
w)AIch was only leading to more an voted for it -will be able to result oi�� Their IlVes were so mated that they ,Slid batt E}eaiirili livens wtid
such, the Dominions are in honor isunde , comrades of the men whos, saw ser. reparations- It had the res 0 Commandments of the God wants ux to trust Him. to bellow
gs; -we*
assume some.,part of the re- tanglements and misunderstandings: f further de reelating the mark which: ad In th
bound to his promise #, no scatter how cossitrary
For the sake of the Moslem countries vice whatever their real opinions o. r,
sponsibilitles they committed them- F0 first rose. o 1,300 on the dollar and Lord blameless. Ho*, beautiful It Is
which Britain rules or protects, she the 'merit Of the measure may be. to reason thwiquav seem.
selves to in the opinion of the majok-, w then sank to 1,600. This was due when husband and wife are United to . Milo Ful"lled (ft
- studied t,be.90 pallits. had to show d Arm band 6r run the more to the secrecy with. which the the Lord and walk together In 101 IV., The Pro bnDqp
it who have risk of uprisings and disorders that Irish Free, State tQ. Give Women the transaction was conducted than to low-• IWO A. .'FAIT
-Nothing would be done without the 1 void g elfie. In any event the mark ship with God )Vixen the tlnW tOr tb
s parlinAnesits, would have added to the clitio For blf%
consent at the .various ho own self-respect any t &They Were Childless "broight forth Willi St.
I$ the r pect she was bound The Irish Free State Parliament is resent re,
however. That recognized I , is anything an ever of Iollm. 811sabeifi 193
to -make the Turks -understand that in session and adopting a number of minder to ermany of. the cost of Though thin gOdly" Couple we" well and the neighbors MC44 'With h", procedure, and every separated coup the. 7 0 TO
have xi'Tight to dell -berate there was alimit of insult, demandsi measures for the country, A A'asOlu' war. It probable that the arrange- -JW*t0d and t* 110i"201164 JO f On, the eighth day tb*,y vircumelsO
.try should In thei was a the child anolgave bluk a susme, accord.
on the action it proposes, to take, and. murder and. rApine, for at least one tion which it is expected will be at meat means that the-govornors of 'the the Lord r Santa, there
Christian power. The material Is. once crystallized into 4 formal meas- Bank of England are, satisfied Of the real laqk in that. home, list to the JU4ttUQtft Of
to voice its oplitions.iltrough its Par- the sugal
Earlier sues at stake axe many for )Britain; ore, gives- women the vote on the ultimate recovery of Germant in s lie Il.L The 1111rish-i0f. J0111" Pr4f"l"d (TV- (V. Ill). Therin a
liamentary representatives'. Reognition of Of the present lack outlook,
he m John was contrary
-in the crisis it appear the spiritual has not altogether been same terms as men.
ad for a few
a b 10.4t sight of., the right of women to. the franchise view that assistance given now might to. the family eustoltio BY 'Means Of
011Td 8'4s if there had been hurry UP a a plant of slow 1. By Whom (T. 11; d. V. 10., The Isom
was for a long time lead to additional trade of a mutually writing Zacharias made Is Fit the
Cal to the Dominions for aid, and angel Gabirlel appeared and made VIA*
t over the Turk Thinks He Can, Continue to growth.' It is now blcssosmlng� into beneficial nature may also. have been unto -whith he would have by dl
waves of excitenierstiwep flay to HIS 0*11,.L bloom everywhere' in civilized coon - reasons for the transac- known the good newly to 75atsbarl".
British 19stipire. Subsequ�xit exchan- one of the reas InattUetion. At t1da-012110 God 00004 in �Aalb
that the Biitiiih Govern- Advantage tries, though argum Atts as to its ad- tions. It's a queer state of affairs in This eialted being, the special tow Ltbe moUth Of VA0110VIRS 424 he 090904
gas showed WL 1% ' , L
informed the -Empire gov, As matters to It4in has visability Will rAQL d6u t long continue. which one country borrows, from a stager of Godi was aeut to =like tbll( Up se.
a s field for 'such fointer: entente. )ill to pay claims to dliclosure
co -opera ion. p -(VV, While 40181t, JOB PIUNTING AT THIN STAR
ernments of its; intentic y - another entente
had stand Br'
J�S, Land; had probably .4 strong enough foirce therb� There is always
--InAted' t' What L form to keep 'the - Dardanelles secure and eussions L where the sexes are con ally. 2. NVbe
this should take would naturally de- to prevent any other rpen4cing move corned, though sometimes they. are
me. not -edifying Or helpfuL - Former German Kalser-tbWed Nov,
end upon military developments. Against her Interests Jor some time. I * # *.,
The Canadian' Government held daily It Kemal Pasha aiid the Turk. Na- • Sth A0zw0=====0ft"V 9�20 =00 i.
-its he leads are bent on . The Lifting of the British Embargc! - Is reasserted that
meetings so �ong as such seemed.to tionali, n.a real . Despite denials it
be necessary and -remains, in- close edinpaign,.Britain will need help:. It Sir A. 'Griffithi-Bosseawen, British the former, Kaiser, of Germany; is to
touch with Britain. But the agree- 'is probable that in spite of their pre- Minister of 'Agriculture, has beeta'ad- wed on Novembbr 5 --Guy Fawkes'
-inept :e and, Britain to sent cold attitude, neither Fraitce nor wising the British farmers to ;�o!Mt day. A Princess of Germany Is to be.
sit, between Franc
call ecce conference it-*bich Tur- Italy would refuse aid should they, the* verdict 6f Parliament- admitting the bride of the. war lord who was
1�e. rqpresented has eased e in- live Canad the. same
time he 'suggested that they- s
key 2illd to the their Inn cattle. At Ambitious to enforce'llis will upon
the Ariin. terests demand it. Meanwhile Bri- hould Evro q and a good more. of the
tain is going ahead as if they did not press for such -regulations as7iiihosuld warlm, I'sloles aiid *hols now a. brok�•
which L IS perhaps the safeguard both and purity world a way r commit i here Or
France and Italy' Not in Sympathy count ft exile, While,all. the was at DV Of you
'W16 Britaire4 Firm Stand best:nlethod to pursue Under; the cir- of their Own live stock., While these,, times apperhisrulively interest CHEVROLET'AGENCT and REPAIRS tx-plek, A - w kin
8jitaill's firm sttLnd against the cumstances. Th6re has ..been. too regulations `'should not,'biv such its -in the days w UleA the A111TOMOBILH RNPAIRING
would -prevent trade, it was I n Em [r its its to is Bring.your'auto tro blea to L* Us luoijug, battery troubles. r
firosposals f h much lost inL trying to reconcile the possible G' er German hienuter,01181t, w U ina We Ua6rstand' avail detall of on'
the. Turkish National
xi�4, who f their conflicting- ambitions �ff the poswerri that arrangements could be made not mixed 31A ear. it believe$ that ten_
are exiilteo because 6 be that the: Turk wbereby.n6 serious injury to Wtish the day has gone by We rdbuild all nla4eis, of batteries arkil have a, large Tojigal, Ditttery work and have facility for
victory Over the Gree1cs, hasoatn One -result bus an when Germany promptly: daring satisfactory service
1, France.
Or thinks he eaft. continue to play them live stock would be done. The view would receive h a:
received with sympathy it" With OpQn arms
not, like the fO his. Own w war 'either Give us; a trial*
advantage and ipos �put in that Canadian cattle are and -follow him on another
-Italy.. Tbatfornter-does the � riCtia nations unde•r. -advantage
fions u' r his Sway su t6 disease to a great0r. ex Of, revenge or conot
Idea of Greece being in a .position to e. CIA V1 LIAM
....Peasant Dietator's'llip, in Bulgaria Ishm 83, DAVIS iara�e-G. RAG* E 1`110011 3136 Naw1sFtEe.
lKikot stmWit asnoode
-It is said that peasant dictatorall' Phone 0140A,
is now an accomplished fact in UT 60 OE
L �.�J h' L T 8U fta-
t n rams
ILCare 6f He— o iraria. There Raw been solsaq
k lively
political events;* In that country which,
while they 'might not seem to be of mosommom"
size enough tos, class -under big world
events, neverlesshave an Influence In
the'Balkans, and it is there that the
eyes of Europa are turned at the pre-
t time. Xtecentl# opposition par-
ie.q in Bul aria had Planned a great
THM care of
the public.
Waith 00 trillus Is a
=litter which occupies,
a treat deal �f the At-
tention' of
t'tontlow"Of railroad'.. -T
(J) A twidad dirking car 8-4 911
(2) A immHous ob**rT*t10* "t 0*
each (rear. A is, 0311y. lot-u.ri
t* ""INS ala w1ra- Yocum
040016esg'a"116 of sluts.�dnstee
and C"Rod;
jn4 to, be pollsheoloutitil the)
4 shiners.abe'r. The Canadian P"ifie
the only compahl OpfWat
, k
that ins ear*rVite, which 1*0
Uth. sheet' system" of reakillil
ting, is one of the greatest In
,bor, from A hygienic atm
Adopted. It is of oWrl
bout to use och ntkd*r sheet, 4
. Am. olitAt m suir bid. ba
I Pikelfte after
Ar r"" to
ikeii out it 0
olIM-Wer bei
04 mmots ;
lemanstration against the g6viBrn.
ment. Birid,; of neasants stopped the
trains mid elected the would be de- mand
monstrators, giving. themto tinder, Incr, ed e
stand that the government of their
choosing is. the one that'is to stay in
power. This same* government; bovi.
ever, is reported to be massing troops
w' art dye t6'snatelting something
out Of the frying. pan Ainder which the
Turks have built, a fire. The Bill.
g4rians are' often referred to as a
peasant race; they are war -like an.
ough, at times, wer rJL%�S to",
- -- ----
IRE ---
Good Health Maintained Through
Rich, -Red Bl"d
There are W411Y 'Aslknand women TUDEBAKER factories effectiveAugust 7. Itis a Stude-
h&VO ispollis of
who. every low weeks, sere todaybperating at full baker policy of seventy years"
weakness, during which time they are S
little better than fuvalljls; let at other capacity iii an eadeavortomeet; standing to share mantlfstOtur-
Ornes they feel very well. Why 4wo the widespread demand for ing savings With the Customer -
their health fluctuate sea-
In the case of men worry and over. Studebaker thotor cars.
strained neries are usually r"pqn. --The 'quality of Studebsker 7
sible Mr this state of unfitneaw and Despite'the full production cars has n6tbeen de�•o�
Inability to face the anxiddes' of
daily life, schedules which. have been 'iota. At their ne*10* pncew
As for Women, bar back noises, she steadily maintained;.the cm- they repreftnt the greatest in_
Is dizzy witlir sick headaches, and
afteft has stabbing palms in tho slide. a bined Studebaker factories, on trinsic values on the market*
The only real health Is ,all -the -year - August let, had more than In justice to the .,purelisising
round health; and the secret of it is, power of your dollar, see the I
good, red blood and plenty of it, One. IS1000 unfilled orders on hand.
way to keep the blood In good condi. 'Studebaker line, embracing 13
tIOU. 10 to take Dr. Williams' Pink Savaigs resulting from capad- models, before you buy any car,
Pills. "There Is scarcely * nook or
corner In Canada wheresismaosine will ity manufacture were passed,
not be foUnd Who Will WI: YOU the On to the public throughStude-,' ' Note -these new excoptiongl
benefit they have b#A through the use
of these pill$, And the reason Is that baker's reduotion. in prices, •- prices,
through the. 'Improved condition of
the blood they strengthen and torso up
the uOrIts Of worried, enfeebled Men
and Women, and it the issmo time have
given new vigor to pale, delicate girls
and thin weedy boys. The value of
8 In all run down, conditions
n by the stater4ent of Mrs.
LaWiehco 'drown, Walton. X. S., who
says—"When I began taking Dr. Wil.
hams' Pink Pills. I was In a weak,
bloodless 'and nervous condition suf.
fering from -all the depressing
sympUms that accompsoy this ran
down static of health. I had taken
much medicine but It did not do we
any good, and as I bid a family at
small children, 4 wits touch discour.
aged, Then reeding about Dr. Wll�
Pink PIIIN I 'decided to try
them, and t coin honestly sty that
VIN feel theme pills have saved me from
A prolonged misery. my health is now
ab god. and wry now keep the pills In the
out house for use as a f#mlIv medicine."'
try. You can got Dr. Williams' Pinki
Ali &Wer
PHIs through astv dealer in medlelnoo
Na #laird
or by mail at 50 nonts A box or sixf
J.P&80" ow W. 0.0 50 11. P.
rer tbo
lbee as for $2.50 from The Dr. Wfl*
-sat frons'
IlAmq, Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Roadster (2-P 7160
Specoliter WPM.) ... 2$0
Roodstee ( 795
Madame Mesissralso Parls poetess6i
tells "Mystery of My himbind's "y
Coupe (4-PM0 Iso
aa,& the
in My Trissik" In Samlay's, Chicago
Ifer4m AM xxavilntr. Bay it frola
a 4ho
your local newokiler4od.0.
MOt)FLS AND PRICE -3-7 ;. W Walkervffle; Ont.
'810 -SIX
S-P"S., lir W. X., 40 11. P.
J.P&80" ow W. 0.0 50 11. P.
7 -pass'. J;dl W. &.,. do X. P.
Roadster (3-Pa".)....1375
Roadster (2-P 7160
Specoliter WPM.) ... 2$0
Roodstee ( 795
Coupe (4 Pass.) .........3175
(2 -Paso.).-
Coupe (4-PM0 Iso
Sedan ......w:.,«... ........ 3375
Sedan 2225
SC46111(spow-0 3530.1
COM Tkoo SisAd&r#Xqn1,0Jh*f1t
Plion e 244
T H 1 8 1 S A STlUDH13AX8'R YEATZ'
0 �;if