HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-09-28, Page 6. �Cvv . F,Vulp I - - ­ , : � - I .- -- =��­ - �-=�� , 0 - -- I 11 ;- -,..----- - ., to -- I - - i !, ­­ fl . . ­.,ftossis I . I , -x ,(, , 1� -- ­­­= � ....... ­­­­ ­ ---,.. I tl,�! t ­1V0 IRS11): n�*. I i-1,11 V, If 4!�T.7-77=­�7'!ft- , --- I ..., - . � 11 11 ,D�r ,Z.) B,-t,.:jn7 . --� , Ir,1 I r,lto; m n ill �­-- ­!����T--!�!�!rv,*-�� ­­:=777�� i� � . . � ttv,' ,il:.�Ulz . ­.. --- 11 �. .. ,,, " � ; ,--, . 9. A I . I . I I xor �,:�." - �11111111111111 (I IT, -) IWIN P. ",I . 17 . ,11�z ra In a 11'1�1,3 V" I , "j, I 0 "?., " , " � �, ,,-tur ve."ll CIO �' - - . '. I , I I 1, J"', 6 0, �i , � neprminv.� I . i . m=', ,,, nint: vncl OVW21 th'It t! , I - ,�r. I I - � 1 . I 7wiln I i j, �,­ (I � k "Th(t n, BIMMYrP 61-4z"I'�'k' 1 i441 , . I I "I . e �'f . I ) I I I I . '�: . I �.-, � '' W'E - - I KJR � otc��,,i',,itiu,y4,N4,714,tollTvt.�'ll')P'-*Lltt- "",�,"i; . . -Stc I I 1. I il'" 0 V: 0,1(�, clICS3 It . i - �, "N �',��,, (, ''re -A TItIll, ID91 alit, MvIvva. Bill% . "J., ti''. 11 a - I I It - I" ­­" . V - I mirm't; 1��­ ­­ ".. i� I . w ,.:., � 1, �ifawo 1. # Bit, I)IIS'N -4], otllal, vitil , 1� � I 1 -1 L0,13 WhY., Z, - �! "', ". I . - , �j . . - 4. firla . J I 1, . � lonve Ow Vnitp� 11" . I , �i I . Mrs With tTop I I ;. 1'� I ��' . I sohmato In i I i� '�� 11 I I intplit"oll of relil.16-30.-, ill ,� � 1 U i A- - , . . . , � � ",41 1 , it, mind hP",Y,:, i � �1'1 I 411,0:1110v- ctanm:p .Vo . . . ,� U 11, . I I .Voll were. berp p5g4�t 1!9UN. and vall"', � � "I ­ - till.'i N4�111.�, Jilro, r.t."K01: --all %yon!'I I �; 1:- . -::`17 . P der B. It N. fto � � ­.. . . , , I 310. '. , � . -: � . .41 or 113 111'v%g--J,.n§1 tht, fholc , ; , . ,; -11, 11, .1, ��, ro,turi, In it � � I- lt ,,, I I IO%v1p,,- in4g,r.Ing 414,�E-1111: 'to Veinal". aft. .. . I I I . ii AuthOr Of "CaPPY .. 1.� er all!" it . - '1I - . . -,My-ilcir .voul'Z dy, If 1 i'llan'S", I- .. & : In .> I PJck9:""'r110 W-11ey I . " , . I ,411jo I � . , - q pt; B. orlian.1ze all' , I I I , � � I it b. . my i-logilet; OR C - ft *(,tit Q11.1pq I ­' of tile Giants,"' Ll tc- . .Noll.tnnv.pall� ;�-- -1 9 �;�, -i ­ .. 10111d, tilt* VAlilt , v,,rta!n grand- of i . I � - I I . . that nillnuf3f.tUrt, a I In a * , �, . coulthl't keep fill-, -l.'a:"` 1 ­-�V- - n!! , clotheq , what Y 0 1 �- , J, , -, I . I. .1 , ,, t;&!Zr0"1% Z70 � I dres., . I - ­�-��- . - .. 11 ­� - - . . . I *or t why?" Von ar I � -- laou !aro mov 0 S art W er ..... an dog. . -it . - a ,. , � 0. Italian mov 0 S Xra W . --That," lie An%were , � -�4�� . mm . L .... I , � ��% V I . 0 NIX MOV :: it gravely, "is borhor . caution. Mov,? I.,0"It I linve till I I , . ,� ------- �,,­­­�: . SYK0P01SV­- '! �--�� seervt:' ­ . I UPp"! .-O.Ir--� , ,I rour brothoor livP11 unit Is lit i � 'forvlo'-'. it. t to pry Into men"; I - olores na OP- A ,qVomen de gll, ; . � ,! but *.'4 k It would �,Ive Billy and P . . I . .-.1 itin, I I 1. forget It until I In"WIla) It, rx ­, , intpre: )alit for t1lat" portuolty to marry and h6ve 'it honey- ft(wrets." I I . 4*nIA?Tl,*U L;43hn - Stuaft %'-70b3t0--, V4'11tur" 1118 tirescape bere 1.1 III;; tills. llo�w do 'you apet . n -gain, becallne deelille"4 to answer 0.1 1110ou -, it %veil,(, ,It, viln5ot; onn;tamr, after c'e-linS lit) a fur' , I ve 11111, free of ltqr ,,, know it. -In-I n friend ollec­ t ,* atino la ln*301 Val, ealif" bv,100 x lorile witne%s III p1litiap him to , . .t .117ter dinner lip .fv, , I secret, not Durs." �mllprled- rovi'll.v 1-4 train for the kmqt, 10 IvIl"Ondf) 4 YOur,19 tbtw ground that silo 11111Y ItIC01"InatO I Illsiurlilng iwesent-- tit' . noyed by a w4,siier, x1toriMlOY "All right (%illph.11 silo ngri'vil. "I berself and Ili! I)nriled -for it wit0l." I leave 1.40brante when tile Ovar...'s should v,wl tit �;lt 1114 �;rillit 1!-ttv the llrl� mid 11,11, 11110 tile "Ident'" 11 ,Voil that llproliftotr. . peak . I Imuleln thinic I sligit ra to, Billy I' , , . I,% It ­1 , In't 110 wn.; I - 1,1 ; , I- woutil look till at 1. I oun At Itati utemoirliable won).101" ' that It , return. Ile reslilved �o s , '42� wife lwwd it) , 4211APTIN.11 It -At Blower Wololor to- I'Me thl. tall, Valifill Ilar "Yoti Were about to rewarl; IS Al'out It, I 01111kill., I'lloill. 11 .;tl) 00:�lh'. his4l,g). . . colvcs IV letter froul 11 chid. It nPlIt'llis $ou' have a habit of broke In upou Ills Can- . 1", "wil-411y ard tt"'I 1p-0.1 It wits 8011110. , . cot frlorod� ovars, UlAus lillyk to conic to just its %veil -­ " I Dolores' vott-0 , , to her. lit. � Voloranto csulbtral Alnc,144,4. to 11113witil, pro�vljug nround O' flights In 411le" . . lied to 1041119 ning relleetivals, "But ililly tells* lite , t, .oug Ito, C-olilillt I p . x"t.,6% "That Neddr$­ Pecone . , Im".141fd It-nnol na I Iasi". ILI 404.1dea 111, - 't . 0 -a "lied liev.,tr 11111, I ard ativelop M tilloi. I atocs, 410ing good deeds for your still - --ou already havO - fortalle sufficlent ..... � to ae. , I j(q.t �. But ji!1I "it. ithout my I)rother. ,tie, because since cabling hill) I, -stior , calls .� ji-ttl tpn her. al. - 1114 � - . . ­ . l . .- . I 'I a rl Y- -4' VC -51 I ug� .... I'vt-011ingod In), ,mind I im. tile neell" of it vallph witbouc a;. th-.1 , wu.� till lt.,i .wA � , 1. . ­ I � I I)PS � ity, I dort "ON" . 0IAf1TVR' III. - DO10M ft6y, 06 erlbe )flat to fill%-" . lyby r1sk yisur prielOU.S. life to ' 11,on.1i rl-­ht f"o's"If"I � ... � 11 voum; wo,llaa weuwer tiorrfonded. alit, llvr�tt - comes ,,the head again, I'm going to stay here now' 11 rourt ythlug it (it'll tol0f." ter sollit. tI1!.rx.Q W fi4t; 1patic is ,.,, -11� 1p1Jol4-Z5b10I1 On, h1w, I �' 04.Not -.1ow. me, I . "Indeed, Why?" , -- .flui!le Illorel 51onev Isn't ever I lo- fQ - I - � 110 lwl, W 4000 on 1110 way to it cabl(�graa for - .,' -, -41'p W-nodo'd V*� ag lit lma'oll . . wniter %*.4till ojust to be obstinate. Alva.'e.Itly I 1.1". life." . , sl�p (qyubl twdi,r .;'ItO� III . � -1 'k 14410 I Eubmatc. . � 0. . - I I '11( R , ""�v'i-1-1 . i tuluk.,- ,. I F I -, - ,-;tl(`rPt %"'fit -' - ('0111"ll't tn' I I N- . , ----- ­ 11111 not wanted here by tile powers \11, but, the game. 1.4:1 1 i O-. -r his - 'ell � . ­ - . . I . - -,--,-- -- -a��=wiii-z--;1141111 � p, all'i one dlv.�,, Nht� Intel, , .-MIAPIrep '-Th'-at fu -n- -rirme�tot�lbelr OthIct, 1TI-at-bal I - - � It ..Inv mol. . . W Zxt .iow. !t roylaiirs, ­S�O­r1lQ-tbe.a)­xiiLxol.- Mi"In;,211 . "" , . .ol, 131101., in iin" p-.% I I .1 'LaLgRaItOt -- 11 ----- -, - -r 4 --7--�udq nntlipr, I I to�'i�f Pobrante. I . - I I . I ,,,. . --:qfIjI-jlL".. nine .to I I . . 1440dri. r) livulla ( Sa tv.. I:Iway tof r..NJk,j1*.0r and I�auded one of tile familiar Yellow 1lig to hung a1r4)tImI .4ohroute and, argue ,I ---'rho, gnill�, R Iliv.- -11 -, ,�-�hr�� ilf6ftih.q.- �=r- i I'll _ , . �, . 4�'IM!OtL tilt- .gnme of dolatli.1, �', tiler . -n r 4,; a ;nl . '0:741 ji�p (-let& of theiii. , I . � "Wh-urik-11 ft I ho so, v I" �.nvelolvs to uiestlon wltb thein. By the wny, "But this Is o lio, lot her Sta, . e I . IT1111110,11 hot , yallia . tile it I � .- I I. . .1 . "I a t . - 4#Wel 'eftoolt other,li Dolores �, "I . I . I . -. "I'll oil I , 11 exituse . I "'Whiell lonkm tl�oe all tlj(� siveeter . , V blue' , � (vollillsil. . � I I .1 see -you received a o�ablegrniu Also. I I I, �� r.11d linally one day be sent tier a L , � . I/ . at ,ter I . .. 8itiCested. She read * . . . Better news. tbai� -mine, I hope.,, I I tr I (,an bent, thei gaine. Perblips I va been thinking , - - .. � . . - . . . , . ('11APTrit V,-f�'Anrpal Pither. nwartlo ,,Go you I I f I lose. Xon At . re. it g9od I "I linvei Ailittle It . not I I t r 11111.41'lltl�i Inv Po!ilt of vJcwAVI.tb Vrint Of lyllut he'd ,� 1. , i . . , . of S-ObT3 '116�, 1 tt'i 114!( -?F . She nodde'!I. , . I .1 . I '. I Ituoy. pre.'llik'"t - " ren" ,,,, , 'ltu;` ligo I was ,sent elbolit." , � . � I Uh *I luril ICWOM401 lf.1 11v $.All--ni. ,he � t goi I .1 s'llory. SM11P YA I �, � 1 tio"In :3 Caine little scout, and 1,11ke you fluz ness deal Oil back 11011le- ' Ila' ,I� i 'Ilivhat was It7l' . , I .. �. 1 � Vtt*�Vnt OWCUIlvil, a ,4 It. A tic . .0 , - I i I I .. . l V13,110"IN11o." , a great dealAtivested, but It looks all I it) �itl 11.1 it) i,,xjklIIl1le a 11,11111,,,p: prop gine. Yout eir It,.- eolllll� �A I pdvN.t.d t "Ali 111tij,raoll-conibustion Wild �� . ,lot. tvao. bndl�t;l t. C,iz .31' . . . � I , a,14 ull" 1. , tit-,] 1w Ili,, . . . . Blom 1111oll It', It . M nevier ( , . 11 bi Imatiler ionito �, "'­ till w-mv. Sbe ss at Webster, if I might luake,$10'(W." I firly alla re ore pre- Sce, until silo tort Illin, be . lo� I In the. villtud Stwon. , I Clancod nevo. s eyebrows anti fav iny prillelpals W . oble to get set to figure out I I . ' , . I � i . lip-4.10"foll, of l.c." tucup'lop n .-Ill 11,0-24 ti! whose falue AV68 11 conflicting study Of Ile arelled lit ­ ored Its llurdfaso� tion. AVoll. beell. � � 1 : "ll..'a "44 In ,%VhIcIf disappointment and her W t. . I -. - -it my vidlift I � fire. ff"Ars- tit list".4 !It; at� I .10, ill, 11. 11ttle disapproving grun Imrod to llll,, . 4 cotton, with tila Inlet . 'I'. , 00:11-,v to if!( emotions 8ou , mpectus Of it fake -.11,11ved. I rqlltnd� a lu!st�ro!ilp . '011lettling In Conti I I . 0 1 . t, al. to t�:J�y wa, la4 g's.1, I 1, . � 1 , � , ,. . . . . ainaxetuout appeared .to preolorilluate, ailed Ilk.e ..the pro . Wilton I . ve,A . I , I . . to ttt,p� Valted 8w;ea , I I � � . - .11111 flnl!tp. pnii vat . . I - , , , . ­ . � � � 1. . . . . . . � .0 I. '01110tltr­�l Or. shatity ellvw to it glaoft , "8toj) r1goir there, Caliph. I'm re . � I vp,s, by ' thund I "e � . . ... . . I ., I 1. �: 11 . ('11APTIM %*i..Av.­iAtPr, -t bla WON to I I . I . ini.ning III TS a A01001 lit tile %I111111,11 ']Ili n Avent her-lwat- to ! ' o i � 'F �11 44.3 Ill - tr:itlt- '%110 . . that %�as, It.. Dotores %% . .I fol, � .) -, baked, . , I'll let son get get �. I j : '! � tol�lpplc, 49 tQhk4l , lv.u, Alrew1% tkl" . . . �'- ? . 11001 teflehemq it - I The %7'linll it wil-4 proball, . - � . . I . k . is U.) 41 fills-ut'll - at I , �� tolacher, and se Oil (Inv Pn colIPIP. . . . ­ . . , t llwso wi 1),,��;: � . g. I1Ttv.* 11*11'e man brid think---;,, � 11 I . 1� W"In­ floll'i Itila" -14 Wet nialtistay...of a SwIn- I . I , ,q (1�11a,t� mo�,an. that. You let the , . , . t . ro's 4�nqllv st,Owt 111311,19h W A r! t. V Iti �, e �ver the ,� I � forty; but 100lic I I � 1, mi-otl; r4ibor� 3witis, a4- 1­� ,I on I a. it . � dier's sUPROV I : . . pevet, been anything biiv A .htl"11400- yeslet,tim-aud f fig,ured It all ., I , I �, I I � . - Ist, . I 1. . I . * limit of Cot $ot . � : : to-refarior. Geirl; (.ills d­&k'r-.I0.Y I" I tly.11 11 lJoca lbe . � . ., - night-ftild a min- .. � lovc with tbe'-fi;r! ., � , . 1 4 YOU. won qW.from Me ypstel-1107.1, plin(�r,7!7q.l a (I a . out thell-6110 last � :. �'. I � . . to -Ile challengell, ­Ijet you another it'll . Iftis I earnings In any OtIO dftv until be ate agoi, I don't care to 110 tiny in I ore : , � � I . I I VU APTNt' , V1 I -Af ,"h1l' 0'10'%Tfl� wltil" I stumbled It lylense talk to '1110," . .. � .. �. ,, . .11IM13 I . . I can tell you the -nature of yopr In,'. n Some float, traced It ill), tlnkln�i today. � I � .� . . .41 ;I % ,wq I'lal . 11 . . . . I vestmislit 11 I I ­ I I . alld located tile claims .. re.to ; ,�VA,nd you reflise to tell me why YO.U. I I . " 11 isvnvt�� ,�� 'Tht, 11 Y � buy. cabled yoIv Mend, Jeidule?" I I . . � 1 I , , " -, " , I I � It 1i title till - to r � " " " o 141 P"t-11 A,. g " I was, the I 111 I I " ' � � ;� I "I'"�11 I'll I'll,", O', - "', ' - "' I I W I 10111 il',Mlll�lllw . 00 .V�u, if I losel�' Unconsel')II'sly exall - ",­ nees. daugh- , . - 1"I" -41.1.. � ,ill -t". � � I told � I . .� . ��I'� i,- tit' -f -R, I I . -� � \ - 611 wnt; ILqIrnJlIg, tile argot (it tile ('Mie I "HIS \01, adbeen d ull "You will, iro"r ,know. . you I I : , ,,, , . . 1',�ioLtild'illo�lti�tlyl..""I I 11,11.t", . . . . I 0 I lj� , - lint drudgery and - -so I . I I . - . i , ) , , . 1. I . I'll . I I I � . .. . � . I � . , ,f4. as oNemplItled 11) Nk'd I ter, knoNving nor4allg . I�stollce , IV$ 1% . veret.." . : � � I., -xlYTrn,VIII -of, tlt�. itionthor M.41 . I of till' �.Sppcl( - . I I � . 1. � I . i"I 01,1.1114 -fl. by ,;k I . I I dy Im-01110's eablegrant. I I poverty and continuing, that ex I ::I I . I . wor (Indt; his flialf-Mc . I It you I flnd-�out.l� � . ;'� ,� ,. . strungof who d0litirOA 11111 illtf�"'(ln' of . I . . . perty." j-,':. - 1: after InarrIage. For,20 years she had . tv fitucb? That $10,000 you OxT . � , , 1�e,ngbl,; guout to an�navenittra, At.firsl I . I .. " � :"It's a Inkling pro . . , I . pit. NVeb#ler .,toll the WrAlkrino. ,"Iffer � � , . ,ilr I . you I win, It I ,,s,,, she answered I Deep— daining her ,busband'a s,ocks, : peer to mlike from the flout-golld. 'ro ' , � '. or- - 1. , - , 4 . 4=1 . I I . I , � to.,opoin tier plir,;(`� I warhing Ill's ('101108, il"d POOklng 11's..:your blaulwkinod, clallil. ,(I, by the . .. , �, . 01nowhat for'llile arrNOIN't. T`�Wb 011, . I I , ? -ti,n . . .. . it ; , . tru,th fill ly. starting . I � . . itrollto AVV00"Ont, woltwer vornanu-08 I, � 1. `� tilt, . � . � , I an . i te -1, uncovered tile ay, $10, please. I won it for guess - I I. L I .. I 411il it" lilt) youttl M106(k lifit, lie luol savod . � I . . .,,Quartz,. or -plao:60­ , I & meals, Lovell at I ii any more � than W . � I . the day 110fore.,tbourlit tile other ofoea .; , "I I E,g,plaln." , , ledge. it'wasn't wort], . Ing yen were. Interested lit a, mining � . . .. . ... � I . -411 don't know. ' . � I .-Virt k � . , hot 141110W Nvabater .. � I , . - , 11 Ignorance. , title Country rockto. V..eni unless 'they , I I I . - I . Ile chuckled tit .her . proposition." . �i I I - I . I , J I I ­ . a . _IVOI� I I I ­ . &p,rp,l,t*fX��ArrIVln9 at' POhNtPto, , % is ,gold-twarilig rQVk. I anq. contol Bell It,- . e tile loan had. I Slip returned to him tile bill she had � . I - 411; 1 . I . I .. e weleotlao.ti. ,tN,pbster and is Inatrit- , � OlQuartz . 11. - ' - ,y 'nor the ablIlty to ­- "Ten , . . (;Catl - fe om . � �, . I �. %I in, heliting ow frielld's "ClIest!' . - k & placer is gold -bearing gruk, . f ' L I tie 'r-1 n won 1roni - film the day before' � . . . I - ontl -,v" to NVAbster ., I - " u1self.., He even Backed ,. thousalitt dollar.; .-.,ults Me. Qf course, I . , . . , 918holret Tile . I "Ttion-MY allning Pr6POrtAo' ls�-Ilkxe- I I . . o , , tatter is Min . . 11 . d �',,�611`op . I to b I' I It, becaus-" It fe- . . the-luoiley 'Just d � , 't, Trot' Mary ballses llim �� -%I111114 � ' Ige-It has lots Of sand." . - tile ability -to SeI . . I haven't goti nowt an. . � � �.., , .. 11 � .,. �, '' , - --- Avenw, In" - -- - alod" tile idea'' e . , I I : ­9�� W-IMI&I 1. . . er­,he at , t d any. ktud, tills, it; wh1q. 1jilly c Big a ,finger bet, .1 I I I I . . . "-11111 --I'----- I— - -,,In iove� an I . .1 . - 'quires r6.aI ability o unloa , . .a . . . . I . I . T�A MarY and'. 00 ore" ari �� � , . . "I know It, I knew it," lie wtirped ' . )OL), and real i 'e ' I ,ntion. of giving npar,v eve � all ad- of a. wine for $1,000,11 -10 � , .. . ,wIth t!ve inte wy . he Shook ' � . . but It I .0, I guarantee to pity. A; � I . . . chance 14 . ,her solemnly, lint]. nerve on. - tile part of n' who , money? I think* that I . I . 4 allitilligly v6htradirts (110 ulrl*6 . we betting even I L . .:, , n0.nt(,ml�1?t.tItci,t they, havoplet bdib?6. 17 - "I monitors finger at her "Black Sand, decig-ed, . . Jnoler the x1rculn- . - � � 11 . . .... � I . . . I ., VIIIAPTM X. -� Vllellmor receives A . � ... . oil? N'the gold very linelt! buys. I examined the mine, ,.Is scare0y fair. IL . ­ " .. I . . . )V "1)0" JUark CAft' it . .1 " It Wag'chedl) at $1,000W, and so fo� ' stances. I should- be entitled to odds." , I � w0p I "I thlakiv IS. I . , , on a bet' , , , : I - � . . . Ism'" TeAltv John J. Catfertv. Irtsilman . I . I toil to my principals. They wired. - . , � - .. I "Tilea you're stung gpod and deep- � Pei . (- i'Notlilrig doing; I No Odd,, - ' . , . , of gnoa 4tinjitia fnil,m through overindul . I I, . a co -day : of tills nature to � seeress N I eptire in liolooll, tbat therer is a plot to p,.t dgl6de,yoursoli IntOthl"king me to Close. and 80 I took . . vho.htis Ill . I ., , . . .�'.. ..- so -do -1 - 11-6ver 4p 1 tion In -on � , 1. I . ' Jarto,( me from , soul to yer . , .. � W0,03tor, Mattel it, firin fferjo-verify tile title. mi- � "I I .. Mtniito him, . I ready - I '=d ot Calf0tv. � lave $10.0m Coming. --it,well thilepasq,ed,and one bright i ' good! Yon . I � . I,atev, titil, Ainerleart . . you 11 . form up ndl;K by t ;� " �11 � � It, Todulmd by a. Sollr4litean atrov otneor . .. 04 A Proposition for saving tile tine � I . pe itaking - - ,.- , 11 r ,- 6 .1 . '. know lot) I)IIIIII . li-eady, and, - . p1lblIely rlilleulos blin A C1141100948 � 11 'out day I rode lip to that 81100ty.-with A i ed lll�llvh a I and ,; , :- I 11 , ,golj Ili Billiek gall(I that -didn't titr . � X, . to 0 1�nl is aecompot tinder siu�lt otern ., ,,L �, .- . ( t1f1pol.elie.ek for'$1,0VY.- ' it Is a problvill, ''. . 8 - . Ing de;d and.a cer I,Ow. vou discovek'a ! conditions that III& 01"'alitears .with . � I . .. to be a fiz;0, ' It's, tile ' 110rdt"3t ill . cket.; whereupon I (its- ' . , Ive pie crozy yet. ". � .. . . � I . . I '. . dvulv it., 11 . I . I . In the world to silve, Now, listen; ', , In ,y ,)a that.inay dr I 'rc(i,n I . I I .1 � . I. -V- . , - -, ; � I I.., '. . . ay . U.Anclen% acoundrelIO . tell tile tile 111111le of.ti.e, film-flain tie ,vornan had,had n�eluulge i After brenkfast they repalred to. t 19 I . , , - -----,,�­-­.�-171� 0 . St that,,.got you into. t1lig'defti.. and of heart and bucked over'the traces. ' veranda to. awnit the reiult of 'Web- . . ,� - , I I ' . , I � .1 . I . ,�;Oltll . I t � s . I . gn. thef I sterls. e.-pterlihent witli Don Juan Cnfe- !" I �, I I . , UN-o-atia ria "Alt goins: to toll bill I . heard. Wit tile United States No. slroe I � She would no ­ I . I i I I I ( oynU ancient sCoumlreltll, she en, I �k back to and Imismucli as tile Claim, ,ero, Sure enough, the wreck had again .. �, -h nleer - 141 r(:-- I.. . % tllorbdeed� � , ,,, . . . 'ge I I I I . I think It will 'Ile uIllt . . r1l Investigate tile company; If It!$ an erty. her S191111- : , tea on tile ed )t I . "t-11 44111i.r till tho "atopq hill) murolur . �ot , . , . Motro �Vou t,(# 0. "What hoi enlipll I Unpleasant ont-and-opt swindle, 1,11 take that was eonitaunit",y Prop - She asked � . urlied.-he ,was sea I . .. I v . . . . I . I 0 . 1, ' � I I . I 0 ­,. . ,jif. vin� g6verntoeot iinince, on.tho d -i". toews?l� site ventured. .promoter by'lliol thront and vboke your ture was, vi . tally necessary. the- VeWltldft W1110= for tBle"' ; as they - I I � . I vIlivil Ifle Riley hitotill'.C.Illilt,pt Into itf� . ­, - (1, scoumiel.'r it . me so many questims.. bowover, as to � apoottelled, be beitt up a gr1my, <1111v- . I .. .... I . . . I itgain., That.lNitl ImtkO I . 'is vit-tor, . ,,yes-txnd no I had ,one of Ahe ney out of him, tit follows that the size of the Stamp mill we Would ering- handq1ti the I)a1m, of which 'lay . I :( , . I APM It whel'o finest jobs In WL- world all staked out T1.0just these fly-bv,night Install load )low 111atiy a3lhers would ., �­a five-doltftr. gold piece. L. . . . 11 . 1 44-11 the swi.wter. 4ty Oil, way. - , - -and Abo' finpst g1j"i)IIng gamil In lite Idi ftPln7ed.!, . �� 4 . . � . I Ifleardo N,.Ilea your f2itbor*:4 ii)IIII . now flij boss enbles . m� IVS �rulfl vestors In legltl- be emPIO.VQd On I.114 joh, tBiat finally I : "Whitt?" Alr, Webster sit ed !� . NTAN Dtter man." . '. I. I . 11 .1 I I . 'filled -by a ul . . world and.scure Off In � -Ied a shot In the 4 ,#od Ill . ".. I I .1 1 .41(.I;%?,, �� . 1. I . 'Still unchilml, Z . I t0o' $title wept. Inn till, I . to do about mate u.1ning propogItIons", � . .sit,w the 1191vt And tt . . Al . .. IltIry ocudeltly jj� "What are you. 901 . D9 allph. ,, Itaggs", 1, said. 1 "I thried to �� �n-e it at half a dfizen . .1 , .41 . dear .Airs S . , , a 11 4 L .�t sellool.111 a u . .. 100, , �, t 11 . , I Iq 'lot), you niiistn't-really, C, d it rk - �Afy it 1; ; calitinns," Doti Juan W11 . - * � , A " 1 . ` . Ilvlitlietcy�l' - , , I � �11 f? . ,,If you'll.slgn tills &ed and save , ' ee�ed, "but I i ,o ... . . . .. Well- -45 soon as rvo had my luets nit old man, and I tinly did, It to y Ity thim, It. , I . ItIch Ill- � I . � 14 OIIILIOI� ' divil a� bit av-systim,did tin . , . 1�4,A�,.,, - --It Isa luarvoilliq 11IN'.1114 w belo him Out.,, , . all a. lot of litigation over tlih . t,v , I � Miss renkfast,,rm goln; to eabLe Neddy u and your husband baye,given 'tie, ' have.. wan' offered this in SPI99 . . - 1. . . kar'lo, run flon4des-.4 explaill, '. felt .btin rw satisfied- ,,There should lie no sentIment in yo thnt. laill I . . I " . I , . . L �� I. .. . will- , � ­. " I . . I Is sl,ot��r Jerome and 1,11 do something linadsome. I money an' the other offered . 1, � I I Iluey, I - kalm. -lit, 114,111ovex. , i ay here and satisfied I ve quill . - . . bustneSs, XISS, An('Y-�' word -of 110110r--4111 gl,., Y e that was I � � I . -. . .. : 1� 11", satistlool to st - .11, - . 19U 'If. rd taken tile b st , I . , . . Is -h I .!�: ixt;I I .,41'ed Mill I.V1, falluil Not , on my . tier ltv­ Yon see, �ftss Ruey, lit If011 oerful and,31M ._ . re . F i I I' 114cls it lk re , Well, lot , ,, re, 1010or- 'excluslTe, - --b- - tirA V ljvb�� ­ I aup, ye might have t - ,I � I holm where I e wns 11:�I, i;6nrftg OU30 1 , a in L , I . , I , . .1mlas 1111111, I Objected v11qraLqiI!y_�o my coining he fill, Callph., and discuss A 010. 618,mine.". . . le'no,01r911116t old tul., ino wan ollitlak. , . . : 1�11 . ` 01111illet votillo, , !,!.It-A,t4 u;tll litnt-an a to tile first plaCe--iii6ted role to tak`6 tant subJeCt."' * ' I I I . Ilplo" � I "Bravol Three 76,1.140'r loud, raucous t, � . 11. I 1, Ilierle YOU urt., P )%,7!%vmi. lilt for by her "Aml- what dill she say, Ca I . ,, 1k, olt,� .a gt,,�d�y vacation anti then manage. . $110 was very sprIO118 TIONVA, iti. I cheers fat Don Juan Cftfete�O to' � Do- � _-, I I . 0, AT%. ,,Silo said: ,Give me tile p0n. , , � � I * - it-- . `P IIN . . . . 1,10i Fl\ -It Mll I. .1 V4111 . 14M the Colopado 0.0118(slidated Mines CORk-, tueddlIng Shp, had, Shetteallited, so , . terriblo,task to I I h- t i tit . . - -t .�.". 1.1 the-lulj-"A tie whom Webster, and please excuse my hand- � lor;s erted. "Was it a . 4 : :­­ �� - -�-­ ­ ;Wwh Ill tPle 1.vlal . , . V.Xuv, Ltd.;_ jo.r -.e Neddy and .ranged a k Don Jklixt-O" ­ - ,* - - I -, �bj �X�jyk e -All - ba -,,VIthout-a,-drIa , - . . glad to,go. to,Nvor _ _nmtt rs flint ry , life -tie-, . . � 11.6 ­­­ , .... � , � ----k Ck t I Alinlilft,11-1-9-s't, vjx­ky� WrIllow-if;. W-ititilyr, ,rin that-nervouswin businie I I I I � . I I .. ow I I . wolild have been Xobli Stuart Wellsto-ris-*4e, I hiatters.1 11 I . � I '­& shlyered. l!ASI1ky-bIue kangaroo . ", . . I � .I I � I . I .. -4w alit 'olll'. . � I tor big cotilpany, but, Of course, Billy peaded ,,Pon ills Iminediate d � eparture I . So . silvery laughter rippled , Wit, a Phil, tull an, green ears,chased � � . I *k-lhe livallipit ut-t-41'N lit ll;llt, 1. 1%vp 01. t comes first, and so I..deellned M4 Of- from Buenaventura. he Was. pfannlnl; .1 Dolare . loolt see me I* ma'am." .. . . - - � - "� '. . I r1entV �Ind. atid to, St . music, Just to be I thr011-gh the ,room, � "But I I! I nto this patio'), I � r.osll,.* to It(%* .Kt�wh !Iimd Arm% ; ­ % .1 . for, . I,ater It Changed - my 11 IVY 4nd face title e jBirotested. , � "You're very, bra�e. CttlfertY. UOW 1. .1 - -#i4l - pl�-11'��' last night I cabled. hitu'ril accept It . P � does it feel, tp win back I I 11 �c ,,,, !�, 1 x-ren't w0l'* 00 lit - '.Ill . Obstinate. "Yon must reconsIder your the Point" sit your self- , � � ­ I . ,,-.d a Itty'V114,1111e.1" *,. and, dtV,sl n this country,, ,,%,Ve, will. come to It presdAtlY. I I I . A;hcredi but Ill -11.1, ­ bed wait 60 days -Possibly ! oil ,to � solnuln I �Xpinlalag one person -A i etigpect?,, NVebster asked him. I I .. I I . I . )I'll.. "I'V1010 XVA% 11.1,tv puIv*-W14,lwlI vav'., neAv lie replies that bots sorry, but she . Inii1sted. ;. 6your. llfo�. ynai$, Ile -the was, Merely ( You would not, of llfleggln* -tile young teddy's pardon I ; I I . .gulHr likenty-foul, holn-. It se�,1,1,4- u a better man. price of llbtlrt� Of fiction. you, knoW. point. of view. I I 111tv--probalwil, the job is tilled by' 13P to have the "ohle Alt feels like'lieli. SOV."' . vrtti� lival Jouger It'll , y I know lie's a, liar.'* . of Art- ,, --C1I-,p1,�, don't be erttel,'.' Dolores � I That's - wb Isn't Bllly� cal;.iI6 of developing the- cour.go, 0�'ppct I � bvealpwk 11,111y has loill 111P so til"10. yon figuro point of vIoW as Ilrs� , Skaggs I .). . . ,11-ri-so lromformal "I see, . there Isn't R bet- minelafter yont 11414v"VIWAY the cus"I' . . leaded. -Call a Walter anti give Wit . . I cl,out*lvtlu� and yl .1 cent for zoina.". � ! 1) 11 . . I et 111,�Itvlillted witt[. ultli ter tnlv�n; engineer than $O11 ---ell, CA- ,,I wouldn't advance 11IM .. . Juan ,vital you promised him. ., .1 atilt vw,4y to a, I'll t I. lipit?" � Ills allue 'until 1 had, investigated It ,,Certainly not." � We, bidel'bitr , . . . "dill rightl LIsteR to 111191 In 190-'�' 1 SO . Webst" tit Into tile' I I 1-1 tqtn*t verf lfi'll QXPreti-4 my , 9 -'reproadIft1l3r..- 'An.'self", ..., � wittl.y ­.vith a bottle � , lit 51".. do, , -but --­ Ife-looked at --.her,. . -­- ­ ­ . . . . . � 11-111 .f.­t,dV­U1f4V1.1N%1 ae�flvlr iv make stime ar- at t e . I Jerolbe doest And T 46TIten YOU 1411011111 it glass. which 11 , ( . "'I - 16 height pr the boom 01110 10 I and returned pres I i, '. . - I .. -it going to It, . I.,, Ilev Tolep fititpvo. "No, but NeddY . .431111MI! Goldilleld. 'N"ev., i Wall worth $UM09). of brandy and � e Alled . I . . ;Yotfl - through tile I�uo%k lie, does because he- has NIZOW ran-villents to 0areguard "'.. ly of ,October I 00111d and beld out I tOwar4I Doti Juan. "One , ,� � . . I 4%d. _,jap guillpIl rtjgulqbl.� ,O more than w ^ - nial,,ing -the thvestigation.jiund On 010 fiMt (10, v WIT1101V Mocks for . ' e"isteftee. Don � q ina. "It I were ohh' the trouble to tell me r Idle , the ImratIOM"s Of I . I tvars of her emot ­ , as a title Noddy litellneN uplollintely thereafter. have cashed In m. I ,�, Once. And It *I ,q ad a lot of eaqlt In I 01nan", lie obsel"ved, "Ile. -3 lit i'the fact .1 Alilly. flow. I Could lint Iny Ural aeril I leave Sohrralle Ile twopositioul .1.00'Mo­,and I 11, I of tile thing to life that ' . . our Atoulders it . atte"', toward the truth. 11ONMer,. .It's just ,Isn*t thitt a se.lstl . S&,,. bank. toot But I'll fthvillys; worked so that so "An"y 's . I . N, 't lid 1oItW tile tat a,z ivell-,, Ile Paused, starIng harol .lver$-If I felt like le.avIlIft wid been pnor SO long thilt my I tire good for us ul-6 bad for ns, Tlils you old ltorool- t Ildning- hard I by L.;iying. 1ohlInY, . Int her. "By tile WOY,- $011 . I pt.r4e file menagerie anti . .. r) . f'Or0told brante. Put I d6 not. It tit" 4 " I - till pright.111 . potputhit winner, 1,11, .v�eftltb didn't mean anithlul,' II) tile. I jolt will 41, s t tblef. yolert Whl. v 4 11 � A I. I n1d Ile ,l,fthis, W, . I conce 'sqloll Is- it t witnted thIc Q,xp1u8lve pl.,%*I,(,gp of I quiet .vour I . ler I... but everthele s I ­ . .V, this IS amazing." � �, "Tho I est 01119 tO 110 Nvo , rtouc- � I .. JtII laughter. I Stick Around anti mahe a - ultl '� I *,%Vellll-soberl,V�111 told rOU 80m* nor out Of - 1, , , and , , � � - I. �;, , t-te-zm. 111101t)A tile up Willi It site Could halve wept W luve to " averv. and so I stal;cd a copper . Is a fiall in �Vour en"In." � + M) u1V11V more sli .. - it before I . ' Webs*er, aec � 4 , -1 k�k% A -11111b out. of th 1.11pit I IlLqeovered tn i oulpanied by his pro I I I ikZlug. dild I loilve.B V Oct. whiell 11 a Shopping 41111 itow. 11111fork ),Ill In Charge, I�,C,.gt1leg. 11,11 v oro, Prosp scres of country 1`0114e. S�i'�olled uPt0Wn 0 . 0 . .1. f I IVC:Ilm tit roulanve and the lallprolmille I ottiW-0tatga equilly am . rlinrial oonqlst of itincounte(I I a I � I antial lll�ukl of thinirl, nottlo . . riell about V.111. MN full of in lie Outtitled Don Juan . I . I a1zhigs, rock find athout $1.,j", worth of ('0110'r four. Here k. . ,to I Im more tnib.qt rd %,, i . 11T�S, .Vpil told inc, other tbInt7, moxe fevee. Bull latit *.light I gilt thl , t gall'I'ly find addP&' to I I I . . for hr4-I.A16t. Als" mul, !,$?,.I'? wo I �. � . .about biln null decided to splid III.m. Oaln. In or�delt to save $100 I did lu'v -, Insuib, but no ( . �m two high. . 'A . I . � -.0 . - a Own awwqsment wort*.. drove a lilt'l. '� Ills aft, .p . erzmlal effer g�.'eal. i . M"=vm -- -!� !! !! �!!�T, �! � T, bacj� to t1le Colorado monlitainq for , tn- rifles, three Inv I � � I �t!! I i . .. my filet, developell blood PoNon., ,, power sport IT I 1. . - 1. few montl1q. I Want colll(v rogol-IT, doe- Into lid a pl�n- - "I'll, . . lie lit wlien went to the bott0ital, and Wnq filet% and i lber automatic 111stals, a � I I I I - I - - I Y - .1 �;U�wm tona to, Woru Olt lull so bkoll Ilplples'.4 when 1110 Palate ratut, along I tiful supply- of aluillunitlon-after � . � I I I Up gets Ii-el"k till th'k job.", * 1. The bank 'i w1kioth lie returned tn the hotel, fir';t I � �� , � I . - filet. tiliq 1410ailtr-litt"a. tile InIddle of tilt* thoutl havla,g conducted DO,, Juan to a bar - I Tr A package Of kq a viatterof hill, dy, �ash went Y . . I . ,In, Went bust. and my ron. %d glve;n him Instructions 4, Ing Ifilly to the . ^1 couldnit gBvl6 my anifting i ^ ' ' I .. �, that tn;meat oreurred to ane"t livitli. Mth it, her sliop at )r0.pr,1 anti Ills mid,dav � * . III, -new I Was I to report for ( I 11 o,.pr; It(% �erevlvd nmv Ihat thiq pql qtOotkq oo;vav, U.-very'40111-1 1, i . il� vvr,vbod.V. i;ilt tile doetot� � drink the inq .tant Ito pl;ould linve Ac- t%aq little Sbprt of till Ill!Q,w!r- I Todhunter's Pure," Cocoa �. . ation. It A PallP Isted lit regarding RIP cl�� a mil- �.qxllred tb6\\OVI,,,ovard evid . oneetl . Of ft- , I I � � � 1. ­­...._ I.Tp pers bill fof $3-00-"' t R110"t'lihillty- '- - ' � . .. . � * ­ , ­­ - - - ­ 1101inirs and qpnt 1110 a found two rafZolnuc ,;! NVIV.V. t ,it tile linfpI NV&4er w t, . I . Pure Cwoa Powder' . I'llow perfolc.tly out 11,4110 O" me�;, - . q�Ages awilitinq bial. 000 Wa'4 ftln � I Guaranteed a ride i woull, llavc% lot III, In * � Billy' C'elry. Vitt at. sall, Ill--'1*1 tic, Pad. . A Woman's P I , I millit'l, I (Ildn't. I - I "I wonld have. 100 -but I I . I ,61 . $tfUl,prido. Whielt 1,110110041 111M 'tn vettle for $l(KV,0M i --­­­ ­­ - �-- --\ . I I" 25c, a 1b. package Tht U 1 43110r�ul of qtpplu tn Inv voppor Prow"oet. . - - (Continued on'Page 0) . , , . . � I I i makes Woman cateful of I Tho. pa,v valito wriq 1,91 a Alar . p. nn14 I '. : � . .. -- � 1. I 1� . , !t!-�! �0! - . - . - -- . . V . . I I he trpeafaude and co�'. � w"I'l umna it* "t.,olt a hlqwk at 10 eolnfq. ­ I . . t-1 I 11,1a, llrt&-"�tllonal 1�rcsll Pruit And 'Vegetables always, the best at , piexion find-, a help in the � lint lit vlow of Ilia U., , (,I I HgALIN , , 11 I 1C.1 IDIZtj J�, ' - ,11 UIPL t I , ed fritits of all kind's, fity and delicate clitiging .�Ivo It f0V t � S WHO I Leac'h's. Domestic alld import I tn I n4�101111lal lrlcl��111"� I i0qQ1110 110 '4011 lli'm It. I 11, I I ., I arSIr peaches.hanaafts, Celery, ete. 11 I 1. fragrauce'OU, holl,I)t P,,,.,, l,lic-r ,,in tue i4ior sMA- � , `�. Amirisiovio 1. I apples$ PC - .-- � 1 Paid. berailtvt 111P Dvilpetty W110, I . I . 1�1 ., I . . I , . I k�44V01ZPq.(4. nnI In i9ril(T tO IT 3 SPOrt I Ar*iOIA440 I I � I L . . . ' � I � " ,, a I I . '0 1% lfl%JW1441-. blit"li .. I . . ­ I I r . . I phone us your Jorder B-. . I Ii&ri�,,,l b4a ,t I fit 10 , . t,x-. Moll"tat I wilq fv�lntgl to =411411. I � I , Man and a-,I,od V00 -W, I A -1 4 1 � I "Oil. (�altptl 10 I . . � 14in't lt---tWon i I � . ^" , . is M "Wondertnt wlmf-� I " . I 01. "He eat i ,nnt', ot Ilre. 1,RtV **c.kt %ition it fil i I A,,W z I., * LEA%on Y ,t '61W.Ihat I ma I --- 1. ­ ku" 1,#�t,,�, jakillg t-jt-im tt! N - " f Ang 11 I --- � .1 .. *OF . f�1411,, pto-,14%eawlt A,7.11". III- onh . 0 �? I Pholle 180 aor. Montreal St. twil square III Wi, that re".1111" lllaffp�,a N t1w tl-.�� . , I . I . I ­--­­-­-- MAN? 00041 ~114 " 1011"Tit"110 �'Ptla"My &q to k"Awthen", whon 'It MuNt ,::-"A-,-- 4,- #==rv=;��--­­ ---­,.-­ ­ � TM 000MCH STAR I !T-- - -- I !!M��­­"T!�� ­!!� I - - 7 � I—— I I- - - � 77-,7-r7-= � 1, � ' ,�llrr . ,qt lj­ 1, � I �, �' �1, 11 , p'!%Y, , - 1�?T. � -- -­­ ­ -11 � Horm I in ouality 1ways Valf, . I . I -- 11 $ll11FFF-R-­ , 11 . "Ill, . DelicioUs . I % . . I , . , , of � � I I , D X, I'll A 11 � . ... ..... SA ..... 11113 I � ,W' .X1 IIII& - - , ,0414r ­ I I As TUX LARGEST ,SALF. OF ANY ,, ,kC1jET sIlEA IN ZqoRTI-1 AMERICAlt -- . -, . .1 - - large town you are jud--otj b- ' Ou have on and in a Small town e j.udged by wilat tile neigh - a bAve oil :Fou , . , . ; . .F.!?-!:�--.1 -----.---- row is . tho kroal . 6 , , Ims to start IUSINESS SCHOOL xw man still wainsu theoulves with X� of typewriting, short- bastne" methods, The - J � � . 09w, - 6�ww of - P. Mezol"k ------ I 149 iM, . Ps Ro`110(iu (" . Vu Tile lending 4 Wes,el.n Ontgrict -with' 001MIlOr' ei&l. Shorth'Ind .,Intl Telegraphy dopaltmet ts. s . . I ,Gra(luii,tes ,are alsrdsted to good poSitiolig. Studellto, Inay enter ai any tinle. (;ei; out! free . c0ftloguf [ 4iW".- � � . 1. IN A, XcLACHLANs I Principal. I I. - ­ ��­ - ­­- ­­�i�­- 1- - 77:1---- - M ­- . '' - - I � . . . � � I I I . I I I I . WIESTIERN UNM'M'Ty I 11. (T,q,WEjURN ONTARIO UNIVERSITY) . I . I I . . . I LONDON I . . . � . I . . . I . . I � . I I .1 . � . . � I . I I TO, Every F cither' and Mother'. , . . . . . . 1, - �. I . This i's the..era of'progres�. The call for . . trained men and women to ,carry forward .in ' , � � � I Medicine, Science, F . I ,,ngineering and Fine Arts I I .. , I I .As stronger than eve�� bef6re�­ , . I I �.. . �. � I if you would help y9ur children make the I .1 � ., . _ � . most of their lives. you,sKotild give, them the best � . . .edudation you can afford., A university education . ...., . . � � is the -first essential. for our fufure .leaders, , . . .1 � . � .. . A college st7a-iffds at.your door ,with open . �� . . . I . . I gates ready to give 4hem complete courses;. in ' . I . � . I � � Medichie,.Arts and - Public ,Health. .. . I � I . ". . . . 1. .. � 1. ' � . Admission is. by I � : wistom -University . I ..:� Junior Matricuia- - . I degr!es . are univergally I . I . I . I . . I I eoi for I . recognized. - * I . . . tien, exr, . I � ­­....,- 'I ... . . . . . . � . . . . . I . . speci.al . Or nurses - I ­ . I . , For information apply to . -' . 11 . I . tiie, .. I . . .. .� c9urses, and � .1 � . Mi. K. 1�. R. NEVILLE * ' , ' fees are so low . : . . . .. . . . 'that any o . tie may.. , I . . " '. Registrar ', ... . � ' . . . I I . . .. ittiond.-, . . .. � �. I I London. Ontario ,. .1 � . '12 � . . . . 111. I . .. �.. . . � I I . � . . . I . 1. . . 11 . . I , I . - 4- - ea.10112i. , -____-_- . I � . ­� ..1-F=1 Al : . . * I � ­ ------ - - -, - - . I � . . . .. I .r .. I I 0 MERCE Clint6n SCHOOL'of C. - M . 1, , .. � � . . I I . . I . I Uf- - . . CLASSES -r-OR�GODERICWSTUDENTS . I � ' - . . I -- .40 P. Me .. . . -9:40 t1b 6 1 . . . I . . . I . I STEROGRAP I HIC,CoiMERCIAL--4SECRET-ARI,AL--�-SPECIAL- COURSE . . . ., . . � I � . ofildepts miy enter at any time. . For informitlon aPPlY to) . I I . . . I . . . I I � M. . A. STONE, Comt;.Specialist B. Y. WARD, B.. A-.� M- Acts � Vice-principal. - - . . . Principal. I . ­ I 1. I . . �­ . f, . I .. I . . I . - � . I ­ =`l""lll"o`o"lll` . =! �� """""' m.�- ­­ -- ­- ­ - .1. I - . - - - ­­ . "r I - � . . . r . . . . . .­ S,PE,C1,AL-�-S-at-�McE-,..W,,.Eim%-',$.:�.-�.,..�-�.. I . 11 . . . . I , r . ' . �%aerwesr, shirts . � weit's Surnmer 1i and dra,wers, oacli 7.5-a � . . I lifeu's Belts, special 500,eftch. . r . ,�17.1 ... . . - . ' . . Men's Socks,,.3 pair for $1.00 re r a I Men'raf Invisible Braces, non-elastio, no $tip, MO 001110 B blO I . . I o.,ver the. Shoulder. - . . r tl all thow I . . - Men's ovomlls, from $1.50 UP '. I . . . - � . . . I I I . .. I . Lailies!- Hose, Irom Z50 0P. . s r Ladies' Vests,- ffd4i 25a up. I I . . I � �Ladies, Corsets, from 4*1.50 up. . . . . , . r � - , - . 9, 5a and $1.0(Y a yard. .. Voilea, Rome nice-Patto 7 � ..? - , I Mono walils Own Baking"411owdet, 25e. for 1 lb. tin. . ,.. V . r Some &Llada Toil, yet, -on, hind at the old price. . .. ; None any better. r . � 91 bars good. pure Soap,for $1.00. na. -N-O. 1 Coffee, fresb, ground as you buy it. Try it Pon . . � I . � . I I., - i . a J,AcEWEN . . . . . Plj-)ne 46 . We deliver the goods. . . I I . I . I . ' I I . one step w 'ftake you very far, , , %olr on I You've,got to keep on wa''Ilking-, - I I I , One word won't "tell-folki who you are, , I I I You"ve got to kee.p. on taliduM, I I ' Ontinch"won't make youvery tall, . ' * . Yjm've got to keep on growing . . . . , one'llut'lie adI; won"t do it allo . 1, I I Aft . . Yoivie go -to keep them �goliffll*, . � . ad I -ALP 4 1 1 � . . 0 . I . � - ���������������illillillillillilljlll�illillilillilI ­ - ,.w � Z.: 1� -I . .1 ,.tkk, ,­ - k. --,I- -- . J - ��������������������������������������������������������,i���������������� "I'll" . . . . . . . . . - - 0 .1 . . ­ i 11H -- 1. "Ilt��;�', . . .: . . .�oi - . - . . �` . �� 1-1 11 . I I � I I . I , ..;� �� I � , , " �, , . . , I I .. ­� . . , . . ! ; �"., t , . I ; � I 'i . '. I . . I - I , . . w , . . 1, , 1 ­ t I I I � . I � . I . , . : , � I . I I , I - I I � 1 . 0 1 1 11 N 44