HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-09-28, Page 3%.
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TH('USPAV, SEPT- 2Sth, 1914',
tw-----1 r"!TT7T!!T��MI-M!!!�- - 7 7
You - Cannot Use I 11
Anyt'Mng Better:
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miss Katlilleon wouley, Downe7ville,
. ont., writes. -"We always keep a hot-
. t1ol of Dr. Towler's Extract of Wild
Strawborry"on, hand, at,,di lavocalwgs
found it to be itiv, ,.'bl( n all ases, ok
. cholera and diarrhoea.
Last fall my inotlier hail a very sov-
I ore attack of choloiu,-und after site had
F" - --F1XWPW-- —. - �, - I 7=7"T
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'AR I ' ghborhood News Nuggets
,riei I
THE, M 1�
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h. nanges, ,,.
Noultoba wilivol. . P d
NO, I -N"otthorn, *2 iV��-
04asatoRta Oatio. �1
NomInal. Ka , altablo Nalrlt;V- I 1%,,jI1ghaiR pgVeme1Mt$ Now Comploted —Rais lottirfored With Srulsoll
No. $ Q. W� nomInal. and Exettr Fein But Boik Were'Successfill �-Blvoyalo school Fair �
Ampertes" C'evu. —chatou Hospiftl Pittlifork Usti Is
No. 2 VC1111QQWV. 800. -lasidl
No� 4 ye � ,,do. Quarrel Near I - I I . I
�Xrlvr. I
No. 3 extra. 4;� tu 38c. ,% ftkaforth silver lvciding Pled In 11 )�TAI. Alich, I
Is"Clk,whVet. , ,)-" " :.,�'-% i�- , ol.�,,� �-: � ,� Of
No. � 3. soalloal. 574. and Alv,4, 1�:. Ilinchley. *.,ea. j. �- ill
111.7c. . cilkbrWa Vicir oilvor vwd'Alv L.,A. ".y -,-,,1-4q k,& 4.01.1:01 "ikla., I
and dcinpter of Mrs. MeNvill., h�.,th �
111114V114211 ml.
No. 2. Sze to 670t ann, I ry on Sept. Otil. -
litilifecd 4001vewto). Clinton lJospital Drive coucc3simi of East W"Wallosli, d�
. wc=tiv ,,c� re- 1,
.. - -nainS Ig'u,- brol,
J�ran. per ton, ;21. Tigs Nycey a drive is in progress -in h,mo ior internient. Vcc�a5cd i�i I
per toll, Vu. C ix UP 711Q� 5110- oa years Ot age anti leaves .two t Litd- �
I�Irtliour. 41.70 to 41-80.
VIL I tintcal for funds to 1'
Taggart YezidL,11ce, W14ch was 4onat- -
I Ontario wkvat. � l4m and 4 baby boy about a WCOU. Old, I
- No. *I' whlW, 38C to SUC. .ed to the Hospital Board, 1. for hosm- � besidea her Uesband, mother, thrC0,14
Ontario wo. U whato vate, new. 48a tal purposes. � "islors and a brother. . I
. 4
to Zoe. . I Dr. Young Will Preach at Housall " , Hand Caught in ui�lt
I ontarto corn, nominal. , I
ontailu Aour-Ist .00 ,' Thinksgiving Services I Xr,.Hal. Brown, of Usborne, Inet
tits -
'to V.10 per bbl.; 14tit'V4140trIlts' 9t%ff�k$06ill), Dr.� Colin 8. young, of Toronto,, -nate accident While
$6 to $6.00. � has been secured to talm thO tb,'kAkS4 with an untertu e3ulted in I
. per dent. patent, in jute bags* . . Carmel churcho threshing rVeoll I
Montreal, prompt shipment- $440 to giving services in I the loss of onelly. 'WIlic"ItIn"gers from
Ninety - or more
$4.60; Toronto basis. $4.36 to ;4.46� bUIX Hensall,. in November. his left hand. Mr. Brown Was ,kry.
seaboard. $440 to $4.35. 1 Housall Farmers in Row adjust a belt on the separator
Manitoba ilour.-Ist paxents, $7,20 per � Inc. to I -
bill.; 3nd patents, 30.50. I I ' Two farmers near Honsall got In- -which vons the elevator and in sorak,
I Ray-Ro. 2. per ton, tracit, Toronto. 'to a row recently at a threshing and. Way got his hand Caught. The flesh
$16i i , nixed, 113.6.0'to $14, clover, $13-60 . Was Completely torn from the first
to u; straw. $9. car. lots. I one ran the prong -S of a pitchfork
- I into the region of the other's ab- t,,wO joints of the middle -finger and
. I do is heard in Hen� the two Smaller fingers were badly
� 0ATTLIN MARKETS men. The case Wt . . 4 . I
, sull on Tuesday of last *e& . 'i.-; - -'maugled. - .
. ` ' I . v Marshall -Reid . , AltIcen-Trippe - .
I ToltoNwo LITV4 STOCK. very pleasant ovent took Place A quivt �*Weddlng *as. solem-41-Pod
. sent. 26. -The receipts 92 A .1
. . - the manse Bluevale, on Thursd4y,
- -- _,--__.0&4&- -.-- -
VA" I - I
�. . -- �---
. -
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-C.7:1-,-1--�', 9�
DependonXiagGeorgle tsNavy—
ies guaranteed to be di -e fmest
� �, chewingtobacomade--andilist
You can bank on that to And
. �
whaes� more—at the new.low
0 of two plugs.for 25cts.— . � �, VV, , I
price � :
, ..
% , 1;
ie� a value -you can% equal oy . I � . v I
- . �
- - -,-���-,-�,-,�-;�-�l,'-�-�--�l�- 1i�-l1;1:..'1iJ
. I I - ---.. -
taLen four or five (logos of-fM me- live atock over the week -end tit the at Maple Shade farm, on IUCS aY I I -, -,. - W . ... 11 I .
01,110 She W48 completely relievtd; Crain- tit - -TArdnvt0r0L:--CA=10- --%277; Sopt,-12,7--,Vhc--1f KX-FP:,-ddVgU-tCf 4'i Tftfi-;-b the ReV-.--C-rA.-v--- . , C1 . � -
0?TIMP�, I . + , . 11 I
-a ff. -t-, SO .+I . . 'a � 017 � . . . . . 41 � I . - . I . 1.
wever, Cap else xs� all icien - . - 'Fed, . . � . . I
I lit e "'��h6di, 1-100; Sheep, 2,900. - fo,d Tat'l. when liss EIM T i -
- -i�e : all ..; � .1 , Ad !ilbt tl--
ily; 1 34 Alexarider Reid, of Hill I
. , 0 J RUVIVIALO LIViD STOCK. i Mr. - and Mrs. e bridg of Franklin B. and Mr. Robert Aitken Were 40.111a tile I . 7- "s . I , I , . . . . .
We cannot praise this remedy too high- lettt became tb , I ill 1% . . ids of matrimony. 'At- � ... I I . , . � ; .-4��
I- .9 . -'-+ , , + has done for us. I A .. BU1.,F,&L0, � N.Y., - Sept. 25 -cattle � Marshall son 1. 0 1:9 'Robert Mar- � in the holy bot Im A M- A 4t, . I .. &"4%§Q=�"VAA I
� 11-th-1.1 ... ..�,.dr 11D steady, 600. Calvao 176, steady, 45 to shall, OFEalat WaWalloah. , . . I ter tile ceremony - 414 . . .. I I . I .
I Be Burg and get . e or4pn a *16,60. , . , $1.0.86 , N I . r- Brussels ken left on th t ain for 1 . - . I . . I .
t Fowler"sys when yoil, ask. for It. Prie Hogs. 1,600; .35c higher; heavy ' ew Re6identi3 ro `� , -1 n hor pblyft � - .* . . I . .
Toronto, Hamilton
. stags, $4 to $5,10. $8 -to *8'25* � Old reildents of ,the Oth line, in the d .
. 500. & bottle; put up only by The T. to $X9.65; plgfl,-$Il; roughs, I toot . . I . . .
and on their return th y will reside . 11 I
, ited, Toronto, Out. - lambs, 100 person of George Kirkby and family, a's f#rtn '�i Glo-Aahnall. I . . . 4.
. Milburn Co., Mull Sheep And lambs, 600, on the groor . .
.1 hlg�xer,, $6 tol*16.35. . urpose'removiiig from their.furm to we join in wishing the young couple . I I
. " . . —�&Tcop.4TH � CHICAKAO LI'V)a STOCK- grussels, where -they have Purchased I a longr and Drooperous -wedded life. I . I I �
. 11 .
-detan. CHICAQ0, Sept. I )Id friends will . .. . !
. � . . 3S. -Cattle, 1 500' a cosy home.' Many 4 � .
1. At. IMIST, osteopatille pri5 red With week Ago, strlctl� 'happy time in their new ' . Visiting Old HOMO L.. ?
I D'aAri-iduate Des biolneS still college or = And prime native beef ,steers wish them a .. La f St. .
Osteopathy, Licentiate iowa and �Iichlgaft i5e to 26o blgher,, lower surroundhigs. . . � ' I .at week Win. M, McKay, 0 . �
- largely � . Joseph, Missouri, was at Brussels on
state Boards. - special attention to diseases Ad.. Itiostly 26o lo,wer;tspots oft con- - . Leaving Exet9T I
consultation free. ar .r.b Y - top . .
, /. . � � or NvoinQu and children. Bid Atore; extrome beef � with relatives and old
,- ..
I .% rner Nelson' arld St. Andrew $is. steers, s-ii.96; best yearlings, *11'.75, " Mr.� F� A. Chapniati,.-matiAger. of a holiday visit
G�Mcll co ' 'I friends at. Brussels. It is 17 . years . I ....
, ll,lssor to Dr. Heliemann, in s=folth s, loc to i5c higher. the .Bank of commerce, - h ' was back, although Grey . I . 11 I . . .
. S, Canadian since a
. Tuesdays.-.. I . ...=: - .7- stockers and fooders mostly strong to trAnsferrc.d from a 'He is , I � A � '. . . I . .
. =. 11 — __ ___��,_��=: ,rc Exeteri. is being township waa,'bis birthpl Co. I .
" -- I .. I 25c hlUbur;. other g 4dos beef cows . :on branch and .
I . SPECMwr and beifers, canners and gutters steady Exeter to the LeamingI I a brother to Mrs. Hugh McKinnob, . . . � . .1 I . I I . 1
- to weak; in between grades butcher Will be -leaving about the end of the of Brussels, and Roberi McKay, Pit'- .. . . .
I p, J. R, FORSTER. , � go off, bulls.. ,. - chap I man and .. �110110111� . . . � 1. .
. i IV . she -stock unevenly 46c to 6 month. Mr. and Mrs I el Mr iMcKay motored to Detroit, I .
� ' '" - I I. 40o to 60c. lower; veal calves unevenly s of . * . * ,of 1000 miles with Odd- - . 11 � .
, . EYE, EAA, jOSE, THROAT. 75C lower;, week'a bulk � prices. son, Forbes, have been resident: a distance .
. Late � ew York MIMI, 26c to Exeter for the past two and a half fellows . -attending the . Sovereign I .
1p native beef steers, ".16 to 411, West:- '' . .
House Butygeo a N . . He is a court stexio- .
. " mic and Aural Hoapt al, assistant at 100'ro- $0.86 to $8,25, stockers And belt. years. . � I . 3 .. Grand, Lodge; .. . CHEWING
. s4naro. f1rns, rJ5; bulk desirable veal I ' gr4pher and lawell.posted.on cuircut I .
fleld,4 Eye Hospital, and .rso!de-n , ers, $4.50 to �1 I A'rrived from England .. .. .,
Throi . it Hbspittfi, 1.nndon, Erg. calves, $13�76, to $13.25. ' � . . I I . � . . I -11 �
St. S,, strattord Tole- I . I ., . I . 1, I . . . 1.
5i Waterloo . -Mogo, 6,000;.)Ighter weight fairly.ac- will. and Mrs: Pope and sons,' the. affairs. . . ' I . ,- . � .. ., .1 . ... �
, I
. I �'011ene 267. . . �, .1 � . . - tivO, 10c to ifiv bigh6r; bulk, 180 to 210- forriler it $oh of Chas. P61)ej� of Brno- Milithew"'Do la�e' Deceastid ' * ' I . � � - I I I
I ''
A Irord Hotel. Goderich, rtobb Wed - lb. I *to . I last week: from Ports- . I 'r - - . � . . - .- . �11u �.—
. averages, - ,10.40 $10-50' top - I . . - -
no' to ThurS sels, arrived ,r an I
.1% Beloct. ,
I av, i8th, at 8.00 P, To., . weightier kinds Blow, �rounl id; and purpose making Of, exte ded Illness an old � . -, -
. . . I ol�'fy;: choice pigs up 16 .$0,10; hold, mouth, Englai I . . - - .
� day, Oct 19th, at i p. M. No d . $10,26; their bome- in. Canada. - Mr, Pope has itild Well ..known resident of 'Gorrie, I . I I � I � � . . .1 .
, I - - In -'!"-=-1 I , over moderate; lleairy, $9 to ark,, pas- , - 1. . . I .
� I.II-11USICA � � -111.---- T W,116--t,cr$10�66, -light, $10-10 served 17 years iwilis Majesty's ser- in the person of Matthew D In the evening the bridal . I . . . .
. ' dWrn; --6F&1d- ill' that sed a ,S*J�-17th, aged ful gifts-
- - to $10.66; light light, *9.75 to ;10.25; of the 'i , r, motored. to. the - home O -f the . - I � �
is$ ��LAURA- JA i86.Rt-Z T. C. M., IS packing slow#, smooth $8 to$8.76; pack- vice Seeing much 70 years. The funeral Tuesday af; ItOrtl , Where a .Ireee tion was hold, . .ffl�
� puplls,on the piano. � - ' He has many Interesting t*les. . r P n
. .
. X repared to take ; jAcKsoN, aDove Ing, sOws- rough, $7.26 to $8.10;1 killing time, I. / . ''A I I.. . ' ternoon, was"'under the direction of 9 Corn . � t. tileknow I - STOW
I For terms WAY to-MISF I -- to tell.-' ' 7-k ' S. the orange Order, of'wltieh be was a Death er Mr. John -Sherlit' 0?' ..
. Dunlo gston street . on -Pigs, '$8-75 049-75, - . � . it,hell.Coulte .. , I - . 1� ...
�. - p'S Drug Store, Kin Sheepi 1j600%market weak; compared . . I �. orabor� , Mr. Dane iq . . tBV4.
11. ,fLaturdUys, 12:30 to 4-30 P. M. — 'with a week ago tat and feeding lambs Sol- prominent m, The friends Of the late John $her- .
_ . dding was . I I .A.-7%
. , ---Z.— . � . � mostly 76oJilgaer; closing*. top natives A, pretty autumn we survived by two soils, one in Torontd lit, Lucknow, were Shocked to hear . 4 %=.P9-1# -,--- ,
I N's. J. 0. CAMERON . , bulk na- emnized at the bottle of Mr. and Mrs. and ,the , other on, Ahe hontestead. ;te 14tb, , � .
Teacher Piano, Theory.T.Upils Prepar; arid western lambs, $14.75" n that he had passed away on A I I ,,.,
� ed for examinations, For terms apply res�, tives, $14 to $14.60; culls mostly $9.50; John Coultes, Morris township, p Mrs. Dane � pre-dedeAsed her husband Inst., having been confined to ed for' I � � I .
. I I
. . . . -, opposite Victor!a pub-. ,fat heavy ewes, $4 to $6; choice band T,' Tuesday, September.12th, when th�ir ,is more th;in t doct to . .' �- - V. . w�Xur . IOU$ Blbl I es; I 7 I
� idonce, Gibbons st I by se er 1. years, The 'family I wo.y6rs and a half. His - both
- . weight, upward tq $7,10; baeding lam , eclame thel., big v S� 0 puzzle the ,, . I . I
- . lie sellool, or ,phone 2531. . — Mostly SI&76jo $14.26., . . daughter, Lena Myrtle; b e med.-by a Wide Circle of. case seemed tc . 0 . . lial,
.. � Paul
. bride of Mr. J. Hicrition Mitchelli'son frlc� .� I—, . O to- be
. I A 1E . KENYON. . � I . . . . I . 0. I I . . 1. . although he tried everVthing in due time the 1016 - 1w33
� 1kX 0 . I I � . I . . .. . . � . . . of Mr. and Mrs. William' Mitchell"of . I. and . ouc Own lauguage foull
I Six DeAths,by TIOlencO. .. I . . Young-bii6a : � nothing Seemed to do hitil any good. translated into
I W 1. I 11L. Mus. McGill t,1n1v,er8ttY11 I .. . . Rotbsay� - Ontario. Rev. C. Jones, of , d' He. was a v this It Is had
. I her's Diploma PlAno and Theory. t, SO 25. --:Six violent ciated. � A quiet m4rri�.ge WaS.1solemni7e cry patient suff,ere'r- and Before recounting the atorY'Ot . .
Tead Knox -churcb, Beigrave, offi . -Baptist parsonage on he war, , up his interesting .0.34otteg, Plut On thO way
�n' t
i , Is ..�' .1
, )f �
, ),
� ..... 11 * --1FrV- i, Wiffe-REC,. I .
. .. . Tesitter's DIVIolaa Singing - .. I Pt, , I ma . ------ r " help � - VC"1`lobfJ; � wo
. e reported . . at the Clinton . kreat .g4 to beat
, examinations, Fo 'and two sudden Aidatha-wer Deaih ot,Former ClintO ' n " V.15 , jifiNpiin ,Fj his faithful towaWs'Pur Pfcsi3ut st4iiillf" to
. � Pupils Prepared for ATAVAlu".V, .1*r-mht-vy�ff- Prof , e n anti transe0ptiou",
. JraaL-Sl,, opposite- -,OV0r--MW-,1W0eX-;";�' *e62i---WllUalQ, '. tsed film through 0- all orrors in trauslatto
--- - Rter o� the Rev., Wife who nil
-, ADplf-studk4-At" . . IV>. ---death to;t - �Iacec :, . Toron to Irene, second daug . E'� . ,.- ., T
— - 11pe. ritc- Library. . � — gathuza,'aged 12 of ruilum otreeto smile for him no have tnodulo6d 6OW43 ottrioun , results
I I . I . , :onday, Sept, 18th, of Mr. HenlrX G, .1. Burns, bec,ame, the.bride. of Mr� and olways' bad a I . I
, ��STIYDTO,.--- . .� I- -01.1m ,e;� and,LJ,94qh1n9-k live on N - I . Youngy - of: Tdronto. I . th-ed and. weary she which have Stamped their names.upon le
- - I , . pe& a pol -816,Taan,--eldest-son-�of;-Mr-g-�-tfaia S10- Frank" - Fo9teir matter 'how , - - - - , � I
.I . � - , . 'exag
--- --- -1.1 . .. . -
I .
. imugic. . - wire, fell tarl his death. A,.- man, .i6' -. � remony wag pe I late Mr. Sherriff WAS certain versions. . .
y orchestra Music Studio, to the man, of Clinton, in -his sixty-eighth The c6 rformdd by the, might be. The , . survived by miles Coverdala's Bible, ISHUMI IIV
I was. taken - x,,a J. Slomall tnes- in.his ith year and is I I I
I . GodettelT Social far unidentified, * � Ind t
I . �rance between F. H..Wood's and J. H. . year. Messrs� Ale tLd father -of the brido xind was wi - ag 68 olkiled the Troacp ,
. ' . . � �,tt midnight Satur- . !uperal to iolatives. . After big Young el (formerly Miss Lena mao, 18. sometIlU . , I to
stores. to Toronto to the I V114 8,1 01
�d.,,. , d went il� brother, which took place th - akfasl , � had. - b , "
, I i C. V . lIpRY,(VI011iatso, tuition 1,1v6n* General abspitall -poisoning, ,and.die d sed by immediii, daughte� Vera, Aild bible from its tr0sla tion ,of Jor , , Pre$
. I.It day with uarcott� . I I - � - . wedding � bre eel' Graham), one it so
1. . ?:A V . r6k beginners and -triose. a van- . early Sunday. John Ski 32, St of tile St- -7 - - m urch� e F am;, alsii (wo ,brothers "Is tb6rd no treacle In I Clio
. 1. . - ced. 1. � I . . . nit9r, - from i Ann a Aliglica ch partakdn'af Mr. and. Mrs. Young left one 'On� Groh He I was a son of receives Ilke name 0 iblo
. 91
1 Foe information a tr6et; Aline Garand, six, Mr, Sloinan is survived by his wife� oil A trip through Ontario's -north and: 'three sisters, �, � ,
d..' sound- 1C)oattenaiu4bureleta . and Mrs. Wm.
. I repaired, t1r)lygeast sttruudelo d street, and Amedee �. A Morris Tp. Wedding � � , countryand on'their return will take Mr SherLff, Wing- - from its curious tcude- i I - t ti t stead
"' .. I. . . . . . 1:5,-1-attaid of bugs by Iligh , 0
-'Onast 0. � ..,
. . PD.1a 9 and violin bows rehaire& etc. . . I . 11 . 114 t road.
(; Sabourin, 68, Domontigny gtreet;'all I . lt.L � . ,,, Among other (loal
. . � od,rIck society Orchestra, 5 Pieces I L very pretty' autilmll wedding up. their residence in Toront . . 1. I or Iterrov. � it t
. . � I , died as:the r .Exeter Fall Fair L. . �' a. T
�- - automobile$. John, Rodlidge, 68, f6ok place Wednesday eveningi Sep- - ' : --Josh. I
. . , , esult bf being struci bi A 1, ,*our
. I (Protessional) � � Brussels Fair. I wete 11190 lb. contains are, / ont
C, L
.. : D. if. WEST ternbet 13th, at the home of James East Huron Agricultural Society's Exeter Agricultural Society heart; had layled us, licith r 18 ' there )nil
. I ege- ok MUSIC. Enw- Canning.. street� was found dead- ip and Mrs. Ta lor,, when their eldest fair at Brussels on September 15th, rather unfortunate In their choice Of ay . .nil - It lud
�ale London Coll ,U . MOn4a good otomfiCKO In any , V nuo-" 0"' toll
"" -
mith,401; Walkley ave- a, Tuesday of last " I 'I"' . "
Choir Director, � or bed; Daniel -S Yel Dell, was. united in , I Yen
: LICentl daughter, a, wag inierfer�,d with by `raini but. the dutes, j InIg,., 9: 5,.I, -cast a pece 111:V.1011(ono
L land.. Organist.. and de Grace died L . ek, for t9el'r, annU41 fall fair. " .
- nue, Notre- Dame ." its. wereL of WO I me a .C'
, North St. "Methodist church marriage to William - G.- Vancamp, weather was ideal. Exhib I b, ll� 4 ud breakflis Son
. . Alusic . *hIle out walking near his home, tnd cold and Tues- , upoll. AbI "CC St e I I
L � TEACHER OF I youngest son of. John and Mrs. a - high ,quality aud attendance good. Monday Nas wet i I , la, �
Puptl,q pr ar,ed for exafninations !I can- and- A. LarQse, Bealidry street, fell at, told and threaten- L tat; been called i ma
, I 1 ... -e - day dawned We I 411. -d .� �� � f0iii
. — I . canan 5th line Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Gate ' receipt wet $590. The (jig
I - " . �
. �
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. I I I �
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� . . L 11,
. dify materially from the 0141. . 'L . I . I . . ..
T I present writer tbouqtl4 he '. . . 1L. .. I I !
co yingboth C308 Carefully. bUtLL I I I . . . . ..
d hat oti'llIs lirst t%allhCriptiou he - o , I I—— . . L
%ritten In the f -muck., 1%v�ery' : I �: ". . . .. . . .0
4"Cltut-asked,�Lporronloudlug . . f
- i I .-.-- , . --- '- 7- ' I
. 0 - P1110tvaeolot"y Of ''the Second.' . ... .. .
. . . ' L
we. 1.%Ave ,no Such widd VaVloti ' , , I , I . L
IS— orit or the Diblileill, SCrIbOnt yet. L. . . . 11 .
. �
mbovoluntaucci 111MY S0VvO tit give all - I I
g�oat6tl'I(JoboL( - - -':---- - - - � L
)r'the Rtt=tJo`uL`%ffoCt� - I . . I .
he v%j16uq Toadiaga ILA Our 111ble-c'. I d- e- . - I
apyrighted by'Britlah and Colonial . - . . ; I - * 11 Ir -
q. 1juittodi) Next article'. 00tOVO I . � It'. . . .. �. I I , .
inven�W � ���tlng, � , �.. . . . . - I - - . I � ,
.-I I
AN ANGLERS' PARADISE - ,, �, . L .� .
I .1 , - .. - . - 10�&.
I — '-s'
wo hundred nilles north - of Tor.� S.. * I , 1,
ct and one, hundrOd and Seventy L � . , . . . I I . I
es West of Ottawa, is situnfed Al.; � . . I , I'M �- '
quin Park, where the 110hink this . I � . I I I I .
r ht better thanit. has, been for - . I L, I
0 time. Great catehea are bein i
do ---black bass' running thice a;15 f ,� k L� "
. . " , � . �.. , .
r pounda, Speckled trout three. . . I . . I
nection with Toronto U- -- ro, .from ,a .third Roo.- -balepuy and died, 1; I Ill 'd on the 5th Ii 0 I �l - I �ing, but by tweive 0 ClOCK c — 30'aso It "as IOU I pounds, ;Ind Salmon troll; Up vO twell- . i,
etc Ev6r-v PUP -11 entertd , Vancantp�,wi -rest 0 the inside departments was . �
,. . I I '. I . . ..� .. I Jay ip. of out and the afternoon was really - --------- ' &I tV . I
I . ConservatorY, I � � �'"aiirOas" in GOU, 3:1, -five p6uri'ds. Thin park Is -ideal for .
. uSteal eXams has passed, man with shortly, afterward.. - . � of Morris.'%.� I usual, with� entries "breaches" to �
toll In T, I . . . � 11 . . I better than showing of pleasant." On neither. day, however 1tho,WhIgBIblo, c . Do 'cralsol" avid . L, . I
I. bonors. For terms. apply at resdence' 11 ) I . . I . Former-Clintonian Losep.Wife baking a feature. The . b Use one ealtioll-ba'S the camper and can, I I
� .. . � ' I . I -DI see tire
1. st; (arst door veal or skating r1ok), . � best in, did the Weather seem,to� have any ba4 i in matt, 0:5 I t d thd place oinmodation MaUQ3 It �
. . Wast. 1. . .1 � I Barla Burns; 'Giil -is J)ead. . On Sunday, -Sept. 17th, thi� (loath poultry was - considered . the hat effects, as the indoor show Was the . I good hotel ace )t for the sumraer va- . "I ; � 1
. . . I . .
Goderiph, . the ' 1 comakors�" �" tile, popular sp� ... .
� . �RO, Sept. 25.--ChildreA m hospital of Ed- history of the society., and t beat in , �ears one new featutc, in I mal(dra.11 for "Vo. . 11
-7 - - PETERBO. occurred. fit. Niagaz ,. I . - A 0 t or .. 10 locutloned . . If I I
. . . . LEGAL CARDS ' I playing With matcheB Saturday even . daughter of Mr. James of cattle and heavy -borseif was also , �ularj being *the, childien,% dis� i h � that May b cationis,t, Who does not like to rough - I. . � ,
�. � . � ' ith Poustiet "I agiolrit, V rfil Bible which ban In It, Ask any (ialladian National. Grand
, . I extra good Owing to (be raint the partv I sic tile I . . t I
. I $ter, So . Ing caused the. death of -Elsie: Hov� Pdustie, of Port Burwell, and, wife of I . I which occuTiod one old, of the 1.1,gatm jig:.,. I ,,printers have porse. I . .
, IlArgLES GARROW, .Bar.ri littler, . track ,was 'heuvy, but three harness � IF . I . Trunk Agent fOr' illlaiititlted llublica� . 4t
C ' street and Sclugrfl, 'king, aged four years, when.a Small Mr. J.*L, Johnston, of Chippewa, a . - I � I
...... C . rner Nort . I ling event 'were NXINItiog was tiled with Almost ov- I o9ted me AV tion tellinit you all about it, Or write �, . . I
I . the city limits Mrs, Johnson races . an front fruit, Outoil 'no "llout a Cause" luatead or IT. - I
, "I'll ...... . � barn located, within . former Clinton -. boy. Band cry Class Of an exhibit, 144princes;�jhc Vinegar Bible Which 110-9 ). (,, F, HORNING, 1). P. At, 0. . �. I I
� I . I . I .1 .. 'huablittid, a little well,contested. Senforth Kilty to bird houses 6 * t( . I 1. ),
. CHAS. SEAGER. . . i ..Caught lire, � . I - leaves besides her, h,d good music. A. perform- flowers and vegetables - Bible R Toronto. Onte � . I I
. . ghter only 4 few weeks old. The furnis, ' I anical worksl all of "tho ill ble of the vinegar" instead Of' ., �
. ,� �
� . I— Notary Public A liumber of children who . werel dau , Sunday, to her ance ) ' e james Fax . run Cord- and .other mech I or made by,school thC'.vbae:Vard.;"- the NUiderorn' I It
, sarrister. 'solicitor, playIng.14 the building, at the time funeral took place,On � murmurot`0 Wliat has become Of the old'-faah- -
I . i Y th , . . . . . -
I pany n th �pa exhibits :Attracted whiclybari "illuvderorg" for
. atio (,oTiveyancer - , -at Port. BurwelL . .0 ,ra house At night which wer6 growr u which who'd*dye it and WaLM . �
. . 1..escapedt but Elsie Hopkins, in an at , � . . . children. These' In Jude; tho Discharge Biblop'l loned womall ' .
. .. - i I ,old .�omle� I . � drew a capacity audidnce� ., I . . '-another year. '! , . � .. ...
. . nmet, . � court 116u.%e, Goderielt, tol� Pt gei away froih the thick I . I perhaps more attention than any I Tint. ,6* 121 rettds "I disch .
0 , . . argo thee it, do .
-w��—�� . I I . .
� . . �. Presented With Tray . I -
- . "n
�d '
' -
la p
- - t
, e' ,
- " 0 f , I
'son ,
ittle I �
The I
her , I
. � I volume -of smoke that came from thd . 11. 9, . . Hickne$Nigh others, but the town merebant's dis- before GQ(I,.,, anti tile wlche4l Bible- In - .
: On Tuesday evening,'. Sept, 19th, a . . c also which ,,,lot,, is, emitted from the �---==t�--- . , . I
. barning, -bay and food, ran' into a � I . A very pretty wedding took place plays and the ladies' work wer . --- - 1,
1'----- -qPM5&- ztiv%__�6 . .'� a held! atAhe-Ahalne. of - �u -iif-up- tneptionally -1W , -last� - I Is -1---------. . �
- -
-, , Z. - .1 . -f ;h6l barn -and-w4u -cut Off. little party-wa 6ji .7'tie.�day��-.�PtemlYer-�lftth;-ut-gt�-16iidrzik"�f�id,tuiri 00 c .this I I 11
I . - . . n " i liffid661fi5;td41e"r--
'. . nARRISTARS, ICTC. I . Fire Chief Gimblett and his men Mr,. and Mrs- J. C. MeMath, Clinton, Jambs' .church, Seaforth, vhe 'PS' ' good she*, The ,stock -exhibited on 10 ($7 . .
. R. C. MA.y%. lit.. B.A. rere not in .in honer of Mr. and -Mrs. 'Stanley I nilsitalto the printer was 11110-00 VOUUds' I
. . ?L C. HAVS . Made a quick run, but v ryfarri6d the' pre- iMatilda'Nigh, daughter or Mr, and. TuOsday'was well up .to the average. The c4ition wasi speedIlY 011ie() In, and I . -01 I . . . -1 . . - I
. . .. Ir' itionstrLat, ooderich. I time to save the child. The building Jackson, who, were e -of I Mrs. Luke Right' became - the bride The horses in all classes weie, good is now linown to onist. . 0 .- - ". .
ani .
ft= . . . I vions week, During ,the courg I of Mr. Peter -Hicknell, of McKillOP, - � and ' the* entries rluraerouz� There Thosameerror Issaldto bavooccured I 1� I
I .. . - I . .. �, �;. -1 ".oi.w v'.#.:.� * b. *QW
. W;,-r7-i—tq—C1?; D. NOTARY I was. Partly destroyed. . e. �r.* anil Mrs. Jackson being perform6d. by. was Also U good ,41I6,�ring of both I)Ufe Ina German Bible published In 1731. . I I ";, "'. " 9�,4= 0"'. 4Z., ".111: ob., J - I I , I ) � .1
. � � .1 01 " Vy L (L� A!!. I 1. . I . 11 �� fl, th ,*vening N Nith a hatidsom� the odrdrnony , , . ' - and . ",%. -...., ....." :., I .0.01 �- .., - . )t , .1 �
I . I C . � . .. � I ' Airto'Driver KiUed.' . were presented i .� sll;� -Rev. Father Goetz. the bride looked bred and grade cattle and a large In view of tile Inaltitudo of. Cot) , virits. , I I I — , . �, �
. � -ADE, BAYACI(I'� COP- . 1, yer, broad tray by the. young friend . - The 1w iltt � I. I VV . , . V, . .
, " . agbAr,p, E oREENSL , , . . 1. . . 'e'llarming in a gown, of French voile, very fine .display of, poultry� printers, etc, he haye been tratifunitt P , . i�- .,. . . -,� - . . .
I . —� VAVal4ctng and-�Notsry Public . I PORT ARTHUR, Sept. 25 ' When of the bridegroom. -, .I., -,Oftl with -veil and wreath of orange bl4o- .track' was in good Shape and every Ing the Scriptures over such a longthy 0, - .-. - - . I . I 11 I 11:1 . I
I . . R��Ir� pOOT, KILLORAN & HOLM98, their ,automobile- was struck .by a Wingham Roads Completed - ' I soma, and carried White astm. .heat *of the two races ,close% and �k- perloa. the wouder Is that there have . . . , , ,
. �0- freight train in thd towlishill Of OIl- 1. I The b 'd m ld 'Miss Agnes. .Nigh;' ded angea rather than so -i-.- -,---"�"T! - i . .
d. .risterA. solicitors, Notaries r1A - ong' liti 'Exeter Bond provi. -Ch 7- , , .
P . . The. .county and provincial in- 3, , rope . c ng, The been lie -few .- i ,,,
V � door rron, 'ver a'couble of miles from Murillo, - Was 'r'�lcai an excellent Aiusical program during many, at; anyoue can convince 1. � . I .. I
lie. 11, I It Monday of go, e n salmon c de -chino , I I . ,
- on tro, 2nd I Cog �d pink itions it, by making, a nimple turit I I I I .
la � wepl� in Wingbam o -
0 e Squi .. . sat4rday evening, Charlea W. Bowler, !,.n � with but to rdatch, - and rarrb the aftVi-tioon and Weather cond himse . . 11-14,
. I
. . i n street, GoderiCne ' 24 years old, Fort William salesman Woo c 1 'a ecting the now pave- The groom was supported sidered,-the fair was -A huge or copying, Two 1,chaln" post c r 9 . . I , I � .
. . I ii I rivate runds to loan all lowes; r&163- t lt Win p am, They were high- asters, being'con a d I . . I
men a a I .. I
I � W.' VR0(1.Br40OT. X. C I lur. . leased All tile 'Mr. Alonzo Matthews. C a on Tues- -were recently received by Zbe writer . I
'L8V HOLMES.. for the Metropolitan insurance Co., with work� *Mr. Mit- by big nephew, success. The gate re cipt I , but they 110 .
1. L. KILLOnAN, DUD I was instantly killed. ly I left on the same and the wedding march was played day ambollated to,over $600, , . about three months apart, I " � .
.,=====:=:.===:= � 6f three cheW and his gang . .
. . iy a by Mrs. B. O'Connell. After the . ' ed by tre(InOnt COPY- I . . I -J�,
, . -- -- rEHRING � Mrs. Bowler, * a .bride .Paris where they will It I ony the bridal couple motored Bluovale.. School Fair been no transfor"11 . 4f . ..
I AUCTIOD . . weeks, was seriously injured and is day for _ parentatm I I � 1, . I
11 � . . � uple. �of permanent .streets. ,Wing. Cetera Bluevale School Fair InV that tile aame O"gnal I �. I I
. . � I 1 ham has now' more paverfients thanito the home of the bride. where a I I
in a critical condition In McKellar cO � The sixth : coold rwarcol y be recognized. � 11 . . . .
. HOXAS GUNDRY- , I . . , National TAU9110 14 . � I ...
. Hospital, Port Williai 'thor town, of, nearly the Same - sumptuous dinner awaited them.. The held on Wed., Sept. 20th, repeated
u. of 0110 read: "A I
. . � e I an I . - against tile Cigarette I I .
. tivater, Si y 0 . .
. Live Sto' ze i bride, received many pretty ;Ind use -o itt; former gucccwies , in spite
. ek and General Au � beitig formed I
I .
. ,HgIntiton street, boderien. forts , I . � . . in Canada. . . - -11� threateninf., Weather early in the day. Loalaue will covf�r Ole . . : , �
kleg mader everywhere and all of nell: White Forces Fighting. �---------�- I � d qua- liabit The .. I
. I Ja . I . . I There was a bigr crowd, it 11,'OO plitir . a* country. Elvery Women Is MqUed 41 .
oe to give you satisfaction. I I VLADIVOSTOX, Sept.. 25.-Illdlit- lity of exhibits and Speci to ��Igul a nal . lie %vi,.), potitionq probii)it,� I � . . I
I . . . Farcieps, sale notes discounted. the Soviet forces and of Witere.%t,* Owing to unavoidablel 0o of claaretten to miuctell. I . I I .
--- I - . Ing between Itiv, ill() of I I � I .
IN troops of the White, or Vladivostok, delay, in the judging, The 4)1`011ruill Ivate four'll) po"t eardq litto thla to . I . �
. . ..�1-1-1-----�-.---.",--14-�--- overnment, began on �' I was late it, being carried out. - ! - Ito llot,fail or tbe 4 ..
. cKILLOP MUTUAL F11" INSURANCE anti-Soviet G out I your wonten frielidn . # #r * . . . I - J
Co. -- , Saturday near Spasok, a town ab gist;.N. Robb. nehool nurse. welgb- chu.1r. will .bel brolzo-11 afill tile (911ACt . . I
I K nsured. loo miles north :of Vladivostok on I 1. o -find derpati-A. 'Illeam lie prompt." I ]dl. 1. V . 1. .- .
I IW ed and measured the children t . I . t- . ,
ktarni and Isolated Town Property I nuary, ' t the other wag , .5 I? . . � . -1
. . Val uA of property insured. up to a the Vari. RallwaY, near Lake HaUkA, . . . F... , I :,. I out whether they were UP W tht' Stall- The Maltug 0 , :- "A .1 I .
%via. $3.448,075-00. . Silaask. 11 I ghibited clever � o9ters fl- Natiplial 1,03go0g beitia forowd agaloqt 65, 1
OFFIr.Ens-4ameg conoll�, Presidenti Soviet airplanes bombed , , dard, and m p I , I . 11 � ,
. ' ice-Pre�iden&,. I , � the elgarette'lialM. E-VPIY iV0lPJ%T1 I" AP. � .00 11 :
t, let, . ,as.. Evans . . , lustrating her line of work, - . q
� oder ' see. - I � . �
. oo�d; T. E. Ilaysi, -Tress., So&. . col. Hailick 1) . 1. , I - . The liveqtocit judginn.' requlted I", beIng cd I I
I�Aeccb%v . .., , ar4l:pti to qeud tier nauiO to bu, Wi I . � '. 1
torth. , wr � I 11. . ..", "I 1, � � Gordon Njundell winning the rilver in 06 Illatutnoth lictlilon to (,1oll;,Ie4q Mq1t I 07W 1 1 �,!� . . i
. OTTAWA, Sept. 25. -Col. William I . �'. . I it, - "I
DIRgOTORS-D. F. ,regor, sestorsh; .. I ) beinto Pre .
An- "'. , I', I 4 toi- % national TAW to prol , libit tilt I I � .144
. , . !. � Commerce, Rile lit clgarett(��4 t,) taillOV4. wrift'. I .
$- G Grieve, Winthrop; Win, Wrin, C mallick, aged 65 yeara, Director ot . , . eup'for bevivalf, the eu I#'
dtsn�a- George Mccartnel. Tucketsmitlil, �': Bank o -
. ( the Canadian militia, f ;, I . pented by the
. Iona Forriss harlock-, oun Bennewlso, Ordnance In I , ,� . - Uson Thorton,car. rot � Car& ill((, thin to a,4 itiativ friend -i I .� " I'
arasanagau; 1,VLCOIra McFW311, BrucellOI& died here Sunday night. "I , . k I Wingham, while IV ynt special f(4 gol bnt � iN, not I I lit 11, I I . 1.
I yeo, tioderich -, SAAOY . . rivd off the John JO t t1liq chain in 0.
Ar,ENTS-4. -V- ,,. I I . I 10 .qted.. 11 �'�', 1�,.,l I I � "
.I.olteti, dinton; W., criesney, Seater1b; :�,��. I beef.calf, N6 111011CY lq Pie vi,, -I, I I I i�`-* I
r Threshing operations are active in -' � No. 10, Morrjq, Came firSt in thC t.;, . . I � I � 't
,. Hineilley. searortu. tnef? asses MpAti I . proulp 3 I
solic�v itoltiers can pa West, favorod with good weather. i 1,11. I 4'o. 9, Turn -
I ,!, MV I V , ontent, while � The kilfifiroucca bi4m!en th" tM . ,
R. ,ft., Cutt,g Store, G-Loricb, A. 3 IL M-perlments are being made at t . I , n the shield for their good mples1 are at ollzle turlipleit'. lltulmbly I . � I 11 . . I
" "' rl-Itiflng store, Clinton, Or, J. I . "I I - I - . �� . I
rish A". " � arride . III 1111011,IOPIIMII"imsm
6%, Y - 111 . b(!r`;Ti"121, Cin the parade. The I . , O�� I -, .
-Ra flold. I � . . Paris to guide airplanes by wireless morallw1ro -p . I -. -- Z I
' - � - -
---- - _ _,._ _._ . - - - -- � . .. bright �
. ,AmDutational Association 101; th ''I " , I . . :: aXretty AtOlt With
, ,
*TC. .. I'll, , I I
I XOTARA' ptinLIC, L--- Great War Is holding a convention 1 � . . bannera an deeoratlon% NO. 10-
� ,� �-,�,- n �klwg. 111�.. d In Valle0la-Ver. ' I , , . . . � Morris, in greon arid VAIN and carry-
U. 13AILI . him , 1000111� I
� N&T.4,ny 'PUBLIC Henry Ford, declaring he I 'it. , . inf� a model of their oWn flChOO1, re -
11 .
W I voy"eing done 1, brought iftoal broker&uto thelt kneet. I ,
C,tiheral Cot) nt#,,d . I L � I I I eep��jpg, Po)eelal praige from the sl)(1(11
. Good COMPSUIP4 RePre'" sayg there Is PletItY.Of c011- , . ... ,,, 4, -- � , 'thA
- , ft�-. . I '... '.., ::: � tatori. Two juvenile OratOrS, f, -
Phono NO "s, ijoderleb, 0 ., I � I - I Johnston and Greorge ?,lines, delight
. I � �.
-.�� - - �Z-;. -.-',--— Doughing Is I - . 11 �. �
� - . - - 1 4im Stop the COugh-1 I .. ' 41, . 1%, ed the audience. The ,first ClaYton
. used by irritution in the respira- �'
ca I I "V. I I)uff Special for tvtitpr eblor drawintr
I n,r- "�, � 1. . I Wnq
tor es and is 'the effort too " ... q vlron by Lizzie Robertf,on, with
. �-��,��,� ;��
; f, � pass"' etiona that corne from' - I -,!��-, 7 .-
, , , Beatrice Thorn
dis odge obstru t -- , , . 1pon cecond.
. gtion of the mucous Illem- �J--,. ,.N , .1 *.w .-
I 11 inflamm ' i .. '�1.04t,�w,'*-*�w� . I After the fair,&,good supper waa
BrOS11 , - V a iL of
, ~, �: , �
I lent ,with Dr. Thomanot .1 I PerV('d by Ither I tile. four roc -i
brane. Treatn -, ,;, , -,, , I .
�- � Or .. -
. . G009010" , W EcIcetric Oil wilt allow the inflanima, 1� , , . - . Iiinin In the baaeoIent Of the Ntetho- I
I tion and in, Consequence, the cough * I , . . . " 1. 11 11 (11t churell. . I
, aally y it and yo'd , - � � � . �. 111 --=0—
. will usl , stop. Tr . � " . I .. 1. .
. I . . I I 1, I . I'll, V , Mother,
. . � 'the Leadine . will be 'Slatit3fied. , : I -1 �, . . , . . � & ., I . . I - , swett !Ind palatalth,
. . . . ;�� � ��� .." � � . 4 ,,, , .. ,� .1 � I 1. draves' Woryd ExOtkrminatOv I'; Oe'
fonaral DIrMOM I Wliat a peaceful old world this I I ,�, , . . I , I I ,n, and it doea its .
. .I.A. .. I I , 1. , � 1. I ceptabla to ehildrc I
and fabalmers would be, NaBlet inhabitod. L '�' !-a -� , , I , . work surely and PrOlAPIIY-
, . � 1, . ,� , ", - ..
I � I . . . I I � . I I . I , - �� I I , '. , A � 41 ,. 't , , '. I ( I �---
ordors eirefully Mteln&a to hildxten OrT i . � , �1 , ...'m !; "Wimbew -I Y I o v
i a . I ---t., �-- , The leoi lie honolm arid lovoto her
� tile more lie enjoys to 8c -e hor powder
. st mill hotltA-Dight Of � d#ly- I FOR FLETCHEIft Each year the, ni4hop of Southwark, England, 900 Oft 9i 0101flase. I
. I . . ber inco.
I - . I � a A S Ir 0 R I fl�Jlo, is shown htre in ftrrey. I
. . I . .
. .
. I . .
. I I ;
I � I
- . �, -*111
. I I
06 i � - , .
11 I I . ,. 91 - I �u - -
I-— - IN L , . .,%L.- - - - � - - M
- I
, ,
I fIt 4 � ,
0 -9