HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-09-14, Page 843000" 3TAR THURSDAY -SEPT- 14,19-
*w4ft is l "''` 1�to loot ye4gi'1 9l fed E � rc�iaHiWi+�
i*. St,{r,vclen, ,i kiown7€�'rai► (,er• 4kY
' • iiriltirixy, cs9n,Ip ('lien 1Vnllin Arane)ai
Aow to sto ll
•�o ��,,tt..,, $ �ovso .i, 11o',crct': I,laal• ' '�
"i■':tppw lii or hot • loltt T. % *Tho rr45on. 11, llaant;
^ . 1'etunlag. double -F. Harker; r°nr •
77�� tiikilag, ssitigfls� •(°liar. l i*A: Anter -
J. h9nwutti� -t1. iHarl:nir, ttliao. 3�'cll�:
'��.►asta4rtium:r-�5dtrs, A, I1olHirlay, t�lout+. .
R Wells; Swat-ez Pvast VVVIay- Itch:.
opponinint -qww -"W-W 0. 1 5431koltd, Z. Ilowric: dlsglsty Annnal�.
iI snot Itsted. d oarHetie.%-1'. Idarlwr. U.
r !om
a1P . i:aderl iaat
-Chan. tolls. It. Itrit; Hand Ismu..
riuet, love dolgo- 11. F1, Snowden. 11, 4J "-
Itarkor. Airs J. V. Atowaft; Table
I, CVCM � YOM NZ[GH'"M HOW G� x5i►u t, It lti rl lies at mouth H.
w► hunt, It. Harker,r('tans, lvcllx: 11.,i':41
PeAl tn, upright, volors-It. Aunt, A. .
R. Ore.
. ,...:.�. ., s_ -_ .., - .. _ G • Judgi-I1. T.. Watson.
COLUMN ties olous,TTS
file varieties Ca1Pus.. CDtaR, 'Fells:
four varietlt 4 Flowering rtes Ilonac Plants ,
.: C. 4• priest attempting to i'iy frvMri Alaska across to Siberia,
-Alhas. Wells: .four rurletle:4 lie-
�^�,� t gonias. not tuberous ---(`bag, Wells ; ,
d' & $ Answdws on All S�,�rtf'Di 1��1!s hanging .11aaket-rhes, Wells. John Ingstan; tprou; bungulacv�lii . 1! I,tv. Snowden: stx Oatmeal, 0 stet Cockles
t ilowrie; Boston Fern -74. Ilowdo; two Ingstom Alis. eurwen; Ladies"• House , Airvi: ('04ik -- , b:. Snowden:
c. llrely lRitlelldi<#1n varieties Begonla area--(rhar7, 'wells. X)ress-Atrs, ('larPnce Dustow, Firs, .i'.. Sponge Csi1.P-Airs, I;dwctrd, R. I:.
#"V.Stewart, ('hiltirm Press anis Bloom Snowdon; Angel (' -arts. I:davArd,
�iudl;t+A•lr. r, 'Watson.litntsan
showing the ' diversity of tOnrt les in ,. Pts Airs. ,T. (', Stewart: Itanii►crs� errs, I)uzcto\v; Dark Layer 4'. PosAors.
tut} Dominion. CAItnI;;v t F;(iF.TAidI,I 9 Mrs, 7 V. $tewfirt, s I)ustow, Airs. Howrle, airy, k asks r
Q.-+�'�ot `mossta-CM t>r 4voot Pook of Irish Cobbler Potatoes�•W.• " Light Fruit ('akP, 2 pounds or Oyer-
froft a t1o* to it bor000t? LEPERS IN CANADA T. Milti}r, R. F, Snowden, Win. Mak-, I,Al is log(}IlI4, -I TC. Mrs: Dustow, Mrs. Hoivrle; four 1'les,
a.. Iirrs ilei 1$raitk the 1$aatch ,,- o wkat extent 1ot0raty Beck, any otltPr variety„ Early Take, Tortfeti� aiis.� Livingston, :lua, apple, I►tiltl;ikfn, lemon--Mr�a.- Maiiser:
t PON -
UA wbta, wllsa be Arst c!sm to Cana- Q• �
V! in Csnada? tarca�-ti's•„ � ;1t91ter. It, F5, rtnowflPn, Ha}tvrie; 1:okP, 1�`llet�•-Altos Livingston. sex Tarts-�-3,1i�t, Dustow, .airs. Aian>sPr.
booa000 of •elsrk in; the Hudson Bay - A. -Canada had thirteen casts of -Will,_ mak: �k of tlreon Moyutaitl ars. ilawric; Netting -311155 I,iving, -_..airs d. Salkeld, seers. A. D.
>oA aftomard bscaess Sir Donald • Tudses
leprosy,: under treatment in two,hos. itotut!aPs= A.. ll• Oke,. 1, ,�ruPnxnrr & stnlr, �%rt# -lln�•riP; t'itrrn°,1` �P, taanat :iiix.ea)i: . _.. _ . - .__
r- and stator Lar(1 Strathe0ha .And pitolNr ar lasarattos, is arWith Col. San, John Fowler; peek. any 'other laade-•-airs. HaiwiP; Drawn. Thread
Otani co"lgiith Commissionerin Lon umblx and New Brun3wlek In 1021, varlery,. i.Ate rotAtoes-4(ica.. Salktild, Work, Ventre I+ieeo,- ills I,#FHnitston; i'1t01'I::1SIQ:�TATA IAIfiT- ILa
tilt. HIM gays ar►wxy
large saurus. of his Ileo, S, Hunt. A, Ii, f?kP ."fiivo Summer Mrs. Howtiti; Nuttted Threlcl I•Aa+P., Lanilseupe, scenery in tlistrtPt-'ltlss
veaitif to l>"pitals, +etc. VITAi, STATISTICS, 1p-- 1C LArinier I3rtgham. airs. T. ,1lowriP;
S0% S.-' o Barker. Geo,. • Imitltwaite s pillow sl itiiisa r,fvili niton, Mrs,
Q��,��..•What is the birth, warrialle two Hubbard Sgtuitatr-Isaac tlalkPlcl, ilowl-to; Curtains, lgwo trimrne4-Miss marine, lake. --alias 'Brigham, airs,
it My `VNDER: CI LTiVATtON. and�death rate per 1'000 hi Canada. V Barker-, two mots tl^hito or Golden l4vingsto)t, airs. T. (', Stewart.
rrawrie; flturt�-••••arils Brigham, .�tra,
«�Elrur tMartty actyri of lard. in A,-,Cauadars•birth raLto.per 1,000 Ckery�-^W, T. Miller, F'. Barker; two Judges --firs, S1'na, Lee, Mrs. N, F. Hon•rtP; 9tlij Life, hnHlc]ings, ekr.
.swaMsi>a r11r1! ,rites, aettralr"cMltivatton? sattioL) _„1020 _ was 2? 47; mar, . , ,,
I�r ..-....-_,..• pUl i _ _ ZAotaa 2ted; (`elP>t P, Barker;
two •Clark,: Mrs. Hon rte; ftp\FPrR--Airs, HawiiP,
A' -TMM land tttidslr oultiv tfuu: rn. riag'I $.a4; deaths,. ,.7- __w _.. _ _ � y� � � ._
heads .. 11•intl!r .rLabllAge--N. linrr�iii%3`"tTCllf"f:; '#I :tI'J' :Miss IlrighAtn; fruit -q r->; ra►nr
it4 1021 was, nearly 60,000,000 WHAT IAN ' CXV8C41&$ two boAds Red Cablingf---Gieo. S. , Dirs."Howrte, C .
• saerrs out of over 200,0041,000 acres Preserved PtnealpplP- fogs. HnT
GIVE. litint; six finrnin Btaotl Beets, for liday, Al's.• A. it. Ok,+, alis,, O. F. I:d- PR8 ESSIONNAL LIST S'C,1TEI1
t *gid to be ssvallable for oulti0ation... table usi - W. T. - Miller, F. 'Barker:
.-ltow much is contributed "an, wart]; Preserved Quince^-3It.�. A. ('()I,(�Iifi
Ntl'Ueiil$ 1ItMUIVNG. QQ. six Lonrn Bioad' Riects, tar loots uKati-: Mrs. Oxe; Pxemorvtnt ,`!•a- Landscape, scenery�•�- xrA Iia'igtiam,
.,� legally by the churches of Canada .for Halliday,
a f n writer al earn and toward their h', Marker, R. F, Snowden,mine Rad- toes, -,firs, Oke, 11rs. A. Halliday,, • ^� - ^^---�
tt•••'•4iVhst tvatoaru as d Mr their to tit ce Airsa. �rowrte; marine, 1dI:P-l�Trs. .
- iacltes•� loo, Ii. Hunt, X Darken. . , 1 . °e •P'es--Mrs, : EdtivArs?t ' r : r col: Rft * PARADISE SE it Ask an Canadian National'drand
at` islatrre? tit solder, and other enterprises?. _ ..., T. P4Pi,Pt vet Rah. I3owrte; .1)Pvt. draiFing in. ute A1�T _AIYGI.. 5. R x ,
is sirs► a �MMsalber rs Leet . i - _ _. Y .. .
.:• .( ur;ats, .Pq"r tAbte ttsN-�•1P.. 1", Aliltt!t,
- ;lir),. f1ke, Mrs flaliiday; >?rPserFetl ccs any sufiScct- til u; .I3riglticnY.,arrs: :. o hn dr ilea .n rth of `1*Or Trunk Age�tt 1'ox illustrated. pu tea
aA.«w »Rrs. l!llllie of Os wi , of ed A.--Ther'Churches' a oil Canada, Q� (1Pa, fi Hunt• • sit: Parsinl . , for table •P 1 , Tyr n ed m. u
+' Steeds ti ns numbering 1G 001), .' Miller; • (,error,--Mry. °Oke, .ilifi t , A. Wells*, s, Hawrte; Animals attt►Jecr•�••-Hiss Iirlg.. tion telling �VOu all •about it; or writs
aMa�Mton, the author
of SeaNrnit &! all tlonomina o , sg • onto and one hundred and seventy
» u „ uee--b. Barker, lY, T. hiilthx; twPlvi! Irani Airs. IiorcrlP; flowers-•R-Ailas . t0 C.:.E. HORNING, D. P: A., G. T.
in n i'ur le' S rlttaCa, ote,, rg are estimated to raise hirty million Canned Straivber°ogle;-It. E. 'Sno)t'clen• miles west -of Ottawa, is situated Al-
iylM:r V p Rett ()neons 'SV eatltersfteld»-F, liarkPr, Bra hare' Mrs. •io\vrle' frult• .Hiss R., Toronto, Ont.,
st tiiimber o the A,llArta Legis, dollars ever year for t�eir own con, , Air,, howriP, =ante, ha]llday; ("Anne. g ° , gonquin Park, where the'iisbing this
1a} si Y the . Taa..AdtYtrar, twelve yellow (}mons; Itas bPrriew-Jug aieVicar. Il. U. r"tr re at{caul maintenance and for , , p Brigliam, '.%fog. Ilowrie; Afonbchrome, year 3s better than .it has been fpr ._ .,... .. ,-�
► , I?rtn�.ers--l._Ilairl.Pr. (len,_ S. Hint, , n v stat est-airta: Ha}vrie f2nc1}. some time. Great catches are being,
] support o! their missionary, pbilsn- 1Snowden. Air a, Iidtriirc]• CAinrPal Peail; n j
twelve Xellaty Onions, Any other var- e s • OD> .ZO�v
Ql'Ci1C�1�fITf;11�-GtiiPPA�1''A POWER tAro is and other enterprises. � --.luta. I.ct\coral. h[rs, OkP, firs. �tV'4I1 r �gT:.._OI'L�t `` . mgde--bIaek bass running three and O>d0 ,
CANAL- $CHEMYf., p , laty-� 1•. Barker, Zito, McYlo4r, twelve Canned Plums --Mrs. I)uskow, R. E, AaitlTliL R LI, four pounds, speckled trout three q
CANADA S FIELD CROP YAi�Y1it?, ) ontz - r er en, dis riot --Miss P ` •
- nton•Chl • Silver Rkln (nl . P, iia k , G Snowden, Mrs, Oke; one glass each • Landscape, scenery in . _t pounds, and salmon trout up to twee- O 1. �^ t
IVhM4t is the QM(epn. D 18x1. S. Hurt;' twelve large Onions, any nrl Pe7tr Aarmalasieq-lira, C. L: 111 7,iF9ugston; ansa AS..C'oo1.; tarn- Auto Electric
i►tlwra hydro vlectric kke)ne? --1 hat were Canoeist's Ael(i cro tt Apple a i t -.five pounds. .This park is ideal for f
Q, V t► variety h, Barker, Airs, MAnse.r; slx Dustow; one glass each. Tomato and rine. lake•=Airs, Curwen, tonna hiving- the, camber and canoe cruiser, and
1 .-�•Th! Idneerretpz-Chepplrbu►a worth its 192it I�;Ars at (`orn, for table ow. any varl.: iliarnrAlirclPt;-firs. Uullidny: .ston; figure -miss (`oak, 1Tisk T�iving- •
l7 ro aeleatrk development plan is a , . Grape ati5 T.iv good hotel accommodation makes it a O
A-�Canadasr Heid crops of poor a Pty, »Anted• r l�•,•-Fctr�,ard, Wait. Doak; ne 1 ss t6nesi A pole and Rted•('urrAnt Ston: flotivers--Hiss Cook, s the popular spot for the summer va •
Vaurwxy 12 toile$ in length, throe h :. p led d t i av �r - Barker • o t(a I , p P P
. ; g billion bushels of grain. were valued two :Reit s. a 4`at41 Rat >' . Bare . Zelife.�--Aitx; �9Puy; 2?.' F. Snowden ; ingatton ; fruit• -bias' (`oak, Miss I,iv- CatrOntst, wl�e does not like to rough. BatteryService t
'welch 4.9 Of the waters of the or 1 1 at 031 QOOOOQ, #volts fiomataP.4, any, .variety.-�(`hAs, v it lie r anal rilum .1ellitts Ingston; inanimate -ob9ect, not flowery �. „µ =-+-- O ` °
• N Iver ore diverted to the f a2 , ' one glas. eac r y
1VPlls log T. allele, ° three lax eat _ _ __ .� ._ _ ... _. ,
n '.. A, �• . !(-Airq.i!Ptls, Canned ('hPrtlPsT-airs. or I,ivngstair,l Alin. Ila�v^ ! d at1On
)ixtu arpment; where there is FIRST DOMINION CENSUS . ,
C'ueumbers-4); V Edward, V. Barker OkF� firs. A, llalltdng;•tilt�* +tint encu ;die; landscape, roadway-UISS ('00k, p '
a p,tA30S feet.from the bake Nrio _� W'heu was the i rat. Dominior4 O
t c Q.. rant coon of Garcleii FlPrbs---CitAs, A. Canned 'Tntuukoes arnti (are, fettle 11rs, Ilorvrle; Cor, CiO1bOrile Vit.: BDdA911'e
1(w.'. TlrorlM ti►il! be an ultimate ap ,t:eumus taken? WILS HS
Welts; collation of.Garden Produce -T la��
lt4cit f}i' sap0,(i00'' horsepowort to to- � ` ' s was , . _ - mekhai - Il, F; ; �traavdPtr, irur - A.VAT1:iIRt LlST W*T0R COLO11S.
tg ry lit•, i
y t. Dominion cense III. itnrl.Pr sig Salylfy ll, T. Meller,; rh. ,Anne¢ !Tomatoes and Cain cold
Ret6rr,ewfith th+litiMigaraaiia planatto Re ir>In
A, The fire
taken in 1871 --that. lir the first after, Go.o. $: hunt ; two: Water Molons--C, eg_ B. p;..: SSatawcleiiY on" ,,, Mottle : LnndscAtaP, seeneiy in• distri, t .111” 0
i a 1<nillioll `hOrsepovror. Cook; Miss Liringston; .marine -Alm on all nta<ker
Confederation was ormed. 'They Truemn6v & Son, P. Barker: two \dusk. Green :To►1ta#i) (�Ats+np--mr8. 4lansei:
t rCANA iS AGE have been taken every tett; years' tons u ra er • Son; two , ltit) Tomato Cnrwen, Miss._ Livingston; animAis-- hat i
} IRA. • y Ate - r', Tr e n ie , :urs. Httsto\\ , nna 1tottlP _ P T m t $t4tt� RCC 9 D� O
since the last one, in 1St21, involving C ro s --,`.Che . IL :tnowden fx lV a \ :til•,; r4,41yard, MIS§ (•eel, ,lIss Livingston; lance- e'
Q.—How raid is the Dominion ot. It n s , . (`atnup--ries, rnr tor, i ,
over vice as many.. named as in 18?l. a1'ndrrws. rp,• Afanser; - two gar Ietiea "S ept scarps, 1t•ith l (fyer- .Mtss 141vingstan, M
M.. 11rs • ' Curweu; flowet`�—Mlss Cool., 4 � li. 0•VA911ling'' in Repairing of 4
was I'it;ACE RIYRR ,COUNTRY. Jrrclgev--Chas; fifrvin. X log. Shciceht Pickles, 1 fruit, I Vogetable•--11tS,
A.•,* -The .DAtniniort of Caraadt � r.I : Alis Livingston; fruit-aii+v Cook, o �uMDition, Starting and 1ig6.ting.
s ll)22: --What .,and where is, the Peace H05W J%1&Nt,1r4 CTJJRES Dustow, Mrs. Halliday. '•Ids, . Row P , , , n r a P ab ert " ms
tete, +twitMi`� aid..ag July, 1 t, Q
tog two varietit�s Sbni'iPiekles. 1 mixed ,,1 Misr; T.i\insston, 1 di ittr # j $ystq
River Country. KNITTING ETC: not fruit or Ravers --Hiss ("ook, :Minis
tit t 0 o tttr , mustus•d--Mrs. Edivard.: Airs. Dustow,
ww» 1iVkat tic. tax stere p t n r Caun i sa
2 A.• -Tho Peace Rive s. p Livingston: monochrome, any subject, • NeW Extter et tend Electrical p
..; hent ilesignel] end rvorkeal: pakclt /L ��
' a4t a in Canada? R; E. $nowden; one ;lint liters: Jicat Kin heir � uld 414e :
t roximately 240 by $00 miles �n .areix, ted copy---ailss I.ivingAton; • miss Cook.,
work'•(lutlt, ,attar,- Airs; :X T; .1 et _ -yirs. 1?astow, .etre ` ,sent I tart r Supplies III Stock �FT
... orf churches, ttsh Cab . _ �... ��_.,.,�,•
erif tiQ e d Bra «._ _ . ,. _ _ :•: w',. ._..,.
Tax ex log _ ris_n .�lnr�lr r�r All►�rtr.__r__ _ . . __ . h,. W
1a educational institut'io`ns ate,
l.Pr; 3irx; i anter +hcwtielawigneal yrml° (tltlrken -firs `ilttilidnl ;lar of Iira)t•Y - (('HA3i(1;�;: LFiATtt'UAIa SCD I�I1i EiX"iit�'i « Va%$ $C et
aschoo , i . . ► umbia,. 'where . there are 46 00 - .
1 el r u it wool: Airs. .'alhPld Airs, rat � a
1 cog billion dollars rn : o h settle-
worked patch r Work. i M to 19..1 :urs. r. 1�., , R'askelle, collechign not mote than c,. O
savant to zko% y acres of good hand ri w ich r n : • - n 19�^�-� $ �Ii St8 PQ Qr,B f.
Z, (). (arntetan, Mrs, a#, Z, 1lAc.ty, werd,,ldtrlilP S3rst1►, mule i ieturc-Aliso Levin Ston, any sub _H. �NEna ei` .
. , ... , , Cl4rir4da,..
intent is progressing steadily., >? g pe g
Bath Towel and..�Ca4atlt Cloth. cotton.. Airs. 3xanxer: jest; in crayon, oririnal-�Iias I.tving- (� ]+mss p
: 11 OIMIRR41 LAND. SDIiTTLUMZNT RAILROAD MILEAGE AGROSS knittPcl-alrtz .. yi'...,ln. Aic:�'ev n, _airs, a#, Judges_Mrs, • Ilabt, Snelgi oce, :uric, $ton any sub set, .nand ink sketch, ,•
.. , Subject, pe _ OL'[O .301001. 0 „• i
a>sModa to tAiding returned CANADA Halliday; Baby's Oarttlt.. consisting of Donald McNevin. origtnalYA Iss.. f ook, Miso Livingston;
raM rs. To what ,: r nvo ve& bonne mitts uilover, booties --airs. ori nal _ r
aro t(> beMNwie (*rail*. t Q. Now Inany miles. a e i l k. , n l� I IN•G auy "nuhlcs t, pencil tirnwIng, gl
tl�Ctett :)as# this been doii[e? In a continuous railway journey: from M. F. Felker, amt. (I, T , ( lark , kultw Miss: Brigham, Miss (`ook , AmAteut
dovernment 14 Sidney. to'Vaneouyer? ted Socks, -ane• pair, coarse ---Mrs, T, :. '. hree loave=s yeast rising Ilteati, well paper, or incl design, simple,
A1;__"0 G►ritMdilutr p lg
1 1s t1► ettlb on tie (r, (rarmet'ou, .Mrs. AV ,T, Atca;pvbt'. ,wblte-_Sirs. 8, H, Johnston;. Mrs, Rd-
unci slat rommercinl: crayon
I►elpirdt returnee. sold er s A. --A railway jortrney1 from Syd
b e tent bet. YOgl, y1 s Thi t corse double' knitter] Mitt . one pair •ward, Airs. Alansp};: one loitf stilt tis- colorer] - Mts.. Hoyt tie err. revs
LInR Land . U•.,,. t p , to Vanca)uvor r=overs $,$$a mile., e p pfd
8 have been sa laced,distance ro' - Synine to Dawson <- Alrs, Manser,.-.Mrn. rlowrfe: fancy jig iit'PAc1; wttikP-Atrp. ,Tohuston;.a)rP ,Iraxvin , aril, any ubjert-Atirs
0"t, i 000 1? f . rsp y . _ g . pe
ti1111 oi' $86000.000 .being made owe Cit by rail^anal Sala would 'cover Wool Aiitteri,v,one lxtir-=