The Exeter Advocate, 1898-6-17, Page 8d7:`, ` Central.
.SiTRATQ.1b, OST..
A Large influential, Commercial School.**
None better in the Dominion.. Write for
beautiful Catalogue,"
W. et. Eiiiott, Prinoipal.
Hay will be ale abundant .crop in
is county.
TWO weeks from .to -morrow will be
minion Day. she lacked training,she made a remark -
The House of Commons prorogued 1017 goad shewreg. she is mere of
$G S a clock Monday, no ,°(resit order and will doubtless make
Y cents pays for the ADVOCATEto 1 her mark yet.
se lata, 1st, 3899 ` ; Ele wanted.
South Duron Co. L. 0. L semi -awe- A good smart bray wanted at once to
al meeting at Hensall, orarida�x° Juue learn; the art of priutiaag, apply at this
.17th, ' ° office.
If it tapes 300,000 shells to kill 60
soldiers, as was demonstrated iu the
Fraucce Prussian bombardments 1.t
might •ht a y Uncle Sam to cease his uav
al operetions, and present ee cry Spani
and with a department store biesele.
Such a plan of campaign would be
cheaper, infinitely more deadly.
Black Patti, owned by Messrs. Banc
dee and yikDonell, was withdrawn
from the three minute race after the
secoo;d 'beat, et Stratford, on Saturday,
Melhy," Mr, T, W. Hawkshaw's grey
pager t •as else in attendance and start
ed in the 2;3t class. The company she
was iu proved too fast for her, find while
We have been informed that over a
thousand people visited Grand Bend
Park last week..
The excursion to the Model Farm,
Guelph, on Saturday, was very poorly
patronized from this section,
Mr, W. M. Orr will ,give the sixth
exhibition in fruit tree spraying at Mr. I,
H. S. Lang's orchard, on Satuaday,
June 25th, at 2 o'clock pan.
The Main Streee Methodist Sunday
school, accermpatniedby a..largeeutraber,
of their parents, pie *licked at Graud
Beed yesterday (Wedrnesday.)
Try Winanp's Coun,gi. Balsam for
cougbs, wide, and bronchial troubles.
Sole ageut fur Lack's Lung Syrup.
C. Lowe l.)ruggis
Rev. Lt. D. Steele, of fort Statile
formerly of Kirittou, will occupy th
pulpit of the T"rivitt Memorial chute
next :Snud y, both morning and eyeu
Tee I. O. F. x:6;1 attend diving won
shop in the Main Street lethodie
c;xtrrch next: :earthly, when the Ile
Smith re
Chas :+utt.h tsilp p.catn.h rn appr4prie
There will be a nerves( eclipse of th
ztroon, Jul, 3, ,au annular eclipse of th
sun July 1 , to partial( eclipse of the situ
Dee. l;a, tied a tidal eclipse elf the ;noon.
Dec. 25.
The Exeter Base Ball team drove
over to Lunn on Tueeday tied played
a game with the Lucau Irish Nine
resulting Lir fever of Lucan by a score
E 14 to 1.
Beefi:itoss in the S3�ayswamp fire
>'ecently was cousiderab',y more than
was meutioued last week. He bad
over eighty Lords of wood burned en-
tailing a loss in all of about $150,
Mr. W. W. Harrison, wlio (nae beau
conducting the steam laundry here for
soma time, moved his rnachluery told
equipment to Goderich Iast week, where
he expects to tied fields of greener pas -
The Huron constabulary have been
warned of the approach of three barg-
tars, one of who is a bay .of about 18
veare of age, who ba ivies shout from
house to house, apparently spying out
the land.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rig-,
nay bas been saddened by the death of
their little son, tato Lorenzo, who died
ou Saturday last after a short illness,
at the age of x months and 6 days. The
remains were conveyed to Granton and
there interred.
The second lacrosse .match of the.
Western District, Intermediate League
was played at St Marys on Thursday
afternoon last between the St. Marys
and Exeter teams, resulting in a. vic-
tory for the home team. The game
was a gond exhibition of lacrosse and
eery exciting from start to finish.
Mr. James Harvey_ of the Commer-
cial House stables, met with a painful
accident on Monday last which might
have resulted in the loss of an eye. He
was about to milk the cow and when
trying to head her off came in contact
with her horn striking him on the
Cheek -bone abort half an inch below
the eye and inflicting a painful wound.
Mrs. A J. Rollins, Huron street, this
week received the sad intelligence of
the death of her brother, Mr. John
Hicks, who died in .Snowflake, Man.,
on Saturday, June 4th. The deceased
had undergone an operation from
which he never rallied. Ile formerly
zesided near Centralia and was a broth-
er Mr. Frank Hicks of that neighbor-
hood. His many friends will learn
with regret of his death.
Posters will be. out shortly announ-
cing a strawberry festival to take place
in the James Street Methodist church,
under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid
Society, on Thursday evening, June
23rd. Strawberries and cream will be
served from 6 to 8 o'clock, after which
a musical and literary entertainment
will follow. An abundance of straw-
berries and cream will be provided and
a general good time may be expected,
Mr. Israel Smith, who has one of the
best equipped bicycle and geuerat re-
pair shops in Huron County, has added
a long felt want, in the shape ot a'i ul-
cauiser. This is a machine for repair
lug all ltiuds' of rubber tinea, in feet
anything n in the rubber line, akieg
it the samba as Flew,
Died its otta"vn.
We received word by special tele -
pent from Ottawa yesterday (Wedues-
ilae) that Mr. George Moir, who we re-
ported as being very ill last, twee(; dint
be that city Titesdaty .night. The dab
ceased was widely known throughout
tbis part of the country and a ler
circle of friends will regret to learn
bis demise. The ause of death w
appendicitis: His rernaies will be to
versional, mention
Mr; R. Davis still continues very low.
Mrs. Thos, Oke is visiting friends in
M. Jas. Abbott has returned (rout
Miss Reid left Wednesday for Wvom-
leg to visit friends.
11x, James Walters spent a few days
in 'Toronto this week,
Mrs, D. Johns left Tuesday for St.
Marys to visit relatives.
Mr. Janes Taylor is. recovering from
an attack of painter's colic.
Mrs, John Willis is visiting Mrs.
Thomas et London this "week..
Mrs. R. Elliott, of Norwich, is here
visiting friends and relatives,
Me. A. J. Rollins bas taeeu in Sarnia
during the past weer: me husiness,
Mr, John Shute, of Kirkton, called .on
a number of his old friends 1tete Tues -
Mr. acrd Mrs. John Herbret, Exeter
North, are visiting in Ooderieh this
Mr. Ed. Gill, of Grand Bend, and Mr.
Geo. Jewell, are in Goderich this week
on the Jury'.
nun y " oniric ors o ns and Me
]Runes returned from Goderich Satur-
day meriting
Mrs. F. C. jlannina, after a pleasant
visit here for the puss few weeks, left
for Stotui'ville Moeda mor I g.
Mr. Molten, after speanditle. a few
Ke weeks at hie home in Petrolea, has re-
g.." work with Mr. Si'. II, Trott,
ars' Mrs. (Dr.) Brock, of West Lorne, vis-
e ited frieuds lb town for a few days der.
Eng the week, .the guest .of Mies Lizzie
1 =ticox,
Ed Crocker, who for nearly four
years has been an employe at this Ace
and. who attained an enviable know-
ledge of the art of printing, has accept-
ed a lucrative position ru Toronto and
left for that city Monday.
en to St. Marys where the funeral will
take place to -day (Thursday.)
eteese ,ortetefege kowa, •. •
The County Committee, consisting of
Messrs. Donald Pattersou, East Wawa
!nosh; Alex. Stewart, West We -wettest;
Donald Melunes, Velment-I; W. Laue,
Co. Clerk; W. Coats, Inspector, and, War -
v' den ylePwatl, Iiensall,utet in Clitatoa ou
ta' Monday, last week, to pass, a umber
of accounts, site, Mayor Holmes hold
e religious. services $uuday. :7 hog*
e ; were disposed Won Mouday at $$.75
per ewe Cue of the inmates wok lfretleb
leave last week.
Exeter to ( rand Bead.
A 'bus will lease Exeter hotels: and
Mr, R a t'
Sp c w t s hardware store, at
;) a,in. and Exeter station ou arrival of
morning trams on Motada•s, Wednes-
days, and Fridnyr, arriving at Grand
Bend Park at 12 o'ciocs:.. Leaving
park at 2 p. rtr, for evening trains. At
arrival of evening trains 'bus will run
as far as Dashwood and any person
wishing to continue the trip to Grant(
Bend sante evening will be carried at
reaeonable rates, John Spaeltulau,
Proprietor, Grand Bend; P. a eisnite,
Manager, Dashwood.
Exeter Postmaster.
Speculation as to elle was to be Ex-
eter's postmaster wa:i set at rest on
Tuesday by Mr. Christie receiving an
intimation that he bed been appointed
from Postmaster General Mulock,
'('bough there had been several other
aspirants to the position, among whom
and their immediate supporters there
is naturally more or less disappoint
mens, the selection of Mr, Christie is
geueraliy popular, and he has been re
ceivrng congratulations on all sides.It
is understood that the necessary for-
malities will be completed as soon as
possible and that Mr. Christie will be
installed iu his .new office within a few
, days.
:k'arirliiil vs. Exeter.
Posters are out announcing the first
game of Lacrosse of the Western Dis-
trict, Intermediate league, on the Ex-
eter grounds, to take place to -morrow
(Friday) between the Parkhill and Ex-
eter teams, The ball will be faced by
the President, Mr. N. D. Burden, at
3.30 o'clock. Both teams are putting
up good lacrosse this season, and as a
number of new and first-class players
have been added to the Exeter team
an exciting game may be looked for.
Let there be a good turnout on the
part of our citizens The following are
the names of rhe Exeter players, viz:—
Vincent, goal, M. Martin, point,
Nicholson, c point, Lutz, 1st def.,
Zinger, 2nd def., Dignan, 3rd def.,
Willis, centre, P. Ross, 3rd home,
Forrester, 2nd home, Whitley, 1st borne,
Buggies, outside" Snell, inside home.
bummer Number.
The July number of the Delineator
which is called the Summer Number is
now out. A glance at the appended
table of contents will give a hint of the
wide field covered by the popular and
most useful of ladies' magazine: House
furnishig and decoration, fancy waists
for summer wear, new effects in Skirts,
the season's bathing suits, styles for
ladies (illustrations and deseriptions),
the latest bicycle fashions for ladies and
Misses, styles for Misses and girls, (il-
lustrations and descriptions), styles for
little folks, (illustrations and descrip-
tions, styles for little boys, (illustrations
and descriptions), t he work table,church
embroideries, Emma Heywood, fashion-
able dress goods, trimmings for summer
dresses. His way, Emma Churchman
Hewitt; the tea.table, Edna S. Wither.
spoon ; knitting, (illustrated), dress,nak
ing at home, crocheting, (illustrated),
millinery, girls' interests and'occupants,
Lafayette McLaws; club women and
club life, Helen M. Winslow; social ob-
Mrs Cadwalader Jones; My
Lady of the Manor, (story), Harriet
Davis; amateur photography, No. 1,
The camera, Sharlot M. Hall; domestic
subjects, comforts in. July, picnic days,
a pungent subject, fifteen savory sand-
wiches, tatting, (illustrated), the com-
mon itis of life, No. 7, nervous prostra-
tio, Grace Peckham Murray, M. .D.;
Italian women, Sarah Byrd Page; lace,.
making, (illustrated), the voice, first
paper, Eleanor Georgen; amongthe
newest books, domestic science, the con •
sumers' league. Price 41 per year,
single copses 15 cents. Address The
Delineator Pub. Co,, 33 RichmondSt.,
West Toronto, Ont.
1Ix.1'ti m. Zinger,of• l
Wm. ,he , to trnpoiitan
Hotel, hart been very ill for several
days anti has been obliged to keep him
bed. A few days recently he received
a slight tilt in nue of las flugers and
payiug little or no attontiou to it it,
tutted to blood poisoning.
Sestfortle Mr. Jetties Keogh reeetved
rather a severe gash in the knee, while
workiug with a drawing built) Tues-
L?aborne: :lir, Beers farm, pert of
lot 27, south Thames road, has beet
sold by auction for $2,400, whicb is con
sidered a good price. D. McLean was
the purchaser.
Goderich. Oa Wednesday while un-
loading timber at the station Derry
Thompson heti the nisfnrtnee to have
one of the sticks fall ou his foot, badly
crushing it.
Scaforth; Fred Hammett, who works
with P. Gutteridge, met with a emeriti
a was
a few days ago. (lea
working; with some heavy stones when
one of them fell on his Angers crusting
it badly.
Mitchell: A wedding took place at
the residence of James elidd.temiss on
W,dne e
day when eu his niece, Miss Mabel
Middlemiss, was married to Walter E.
Taylor, of Pauis. Rev. J. T. Kerrie
tied the knot.
Clinton: The other day while Ern
Holmes was wheeling down a long hill
in Goderich township, his leg cramped,
and he was thrown off, alighting on
his sboulder, which was severely
Goderich; Mrs. Edward .Hopper, an
elderly lady, very simply broke her
leg above the ankle on Tuesday. She
was passing from au outer to an inner
room and had to ascend a couple of
steps. 'rhe ball of the foot and her
weight was on the first step. when she
lost her balance with the above serious
St Marys: Fire broke out on Thurs-
days n the residence of Mr. Jas. Moore,
doing considerable damage before it
was extinguished. It was caused by
the proximity of rags, to burning sul-
pher, which was being used for disin
tug purposes. Loss probably $1,000,
whice is covered by iusuranee in the
Waterloo Mutual.
Goderich, On Friday Geo. H. Okes
was charged before Police Magistrate
Seager with assaulting Isaac Jones, and
the charge being proven, Okes was
fined one dollar and costs and bound.
over to keep the peace. The defendant
is the person who was committed for
trial the other day by Mayor Holmes, of
Clinton, on a charge of assaulting Jno.
McGillivray: High Constable Mc-
Leod, of London, received a letter Wed-
nesday, from Albert Morgan, of McGilli-
vray, from whom $600 in gold coins,
bilis and notes was stolen, stating that
the box in which the money was kept
had been found in au orchard near the
road not far from the house. Some of
the notes were also recovered, but the
exact amount is not known.
Pigs appear to have a peculiar dread
for bicycling. Three of the species,
which were roaming on the road north
of Lieury, were so alarmed by a bicy-
clist the other day that they rushed in-
to the ditch and fell over The owner,
Mr. James Darling, was informed of
the circumstance and had them placed
on a wheelbarrow and taken to his
premises, where they died. Pure fright
wasthe trouble, not evil spirits as in
the ease of the Gaderene swine.—Park-
hill Review
The Bijou Comedy Co. closed a week's
engagement here on Saturday night
last, The performance on each occas
ion was exceptionally good, free from
any offensive expressions and all taking
part were decidedly clever. This com-
pany has given complete satisfaction.
and whenever they return to Exeter,
as they are expected to do in the near
future, they are sure of a hearty recep•
tion: They left Monday morning` for
Parkhill where they have opened a
week's engagement.
Mitchell : Two weddings took ,place
at St. Bridget's R. C. Church, Logan,
on Tuesday. when Mr. John',Longway,
merchant, of Pennicot, and Miss Nellie
Cooley, daiughter of Mr. Patrick Con.
ley, of the 10th con were made one.
Mr. Denis Costillo, a prosperous young
farmer, and Miss Maggy Long -way,
were also tied with the holy bonds of
matrimony by the Rev. Father Dow-
Lucan Sun : "Dr. Shaw;is making
arrangements for building telephone
lines to some of the neighboring .vill-
agas. We understand a line will be
built first to Southgate, in London.
township, and afterwards to Saintsbury
and Mooresville. The village council
will pass a by-law granting the,.priv-
ilege of erecting poles on the streets,
hut it seems the township councils have
no power', to grant these privileges.
This has been a sticking point, so far,
hut it is in a fair waw of being over-
Cliutou : The Doherty factory is s
far completed that they are ready L
get up steam. The machines are pow
ben placed
„ p e as fast as they arrive.
St. Mary: Oa Monday night Mr, and
Mrs, Toa otl, who bad been at Avonbank
were returning home about midnight.
Mrs, Tovell was. carrying amandolin
and sorne wraps and he also had his
hands full, Near their own gate the
sidewalk ends very abruptly- leaving a
step of about six. inches. Mrs. Tovell
struck her foot on the end of the walk
and was thrown down, breaking the
mandolin and Butting and bruising-
her area and body.
Mitchell: On Saturday afternoon a
thunder storm, broke over this section.,
It was followed by other, storms all af.
toruoon, which did considerable dant
age to :the heavy fall wheat, Fences
and trees were levelled. in sonic places,
and Mr. Carson E!liott's barn that had
been raised to put stables under, wa
biosvti dawn, and is now a templet
wreck. Mr. Elliott's loss will be hear
as he will have to build a new one, th
timbers being all broken.
Sea,fartb: A pretty Juue wedding
was eelebrated at the residence of airs,
Donald MeG regor, Tuesday, whet)her
eldest daughter, Annie Robertson, was
married to 1)r. M. Steele, a well -to do
practitioner, ot Tavistock. Bridesmaid
and groomsmen were dispensed with,
and the ceremony was performed by
Rev, Dr AIeDouale in the presence of a
few of their relatives. After a sumpt-
bons weeding dinner, the bridal party
left on a trip to Sault Ste. Marie.
Clinton;. One evening last week a
couple presented themselves at the
borne of one of our clergymen, and
asked to be hurriedly mated in the
bonds al matrimony. Neither of theta)
wore well dressed, hut as they had the;
the necessary doeutnents, and said they
were gypsies, the minister felt perfect-
ly justitled in tying the knot. The
groom gave his name as Sheppard and
the bride as Lad. Next day a couple
c,i e.
In d to b the
lu a it„cls and ate*
of the young woman. appeared at the
minister s and raised a storm because
the ceremony had brew performed.
8 We make to your own measure the Very Beat Black Worsted
Suit, with all first class trimmings, made in the very latest .
e .style. Fit guaranteed, Remember, only $18 50 for the best, Of course we
have cheaper if you want then, but the best is what we like to sell.
Do you u know we are doing a Big Tailoring Trade?
Valm,'"`Our stock of Worsteds and Suitings is
very large and Values were never so
much: in favor of buyers....
$1075 We make to your own” naeasure a Real Good Tweed ;Suit:
• good trimmin s, perfect fit, for $10.75. Drop in and sen
this Special Value—Its a Clinker -
Clinton : Mr. W. Murphy, of the
grave+! road, n. rill, who lass been *II
for core time, and whoa?, raver err was
not anticipated, parsed away ou Friday
at the age of 119 years, Deee'us: d was
a native of Ireland, and willed in ilaade-
xieh townbhip some 40 years age, on
the 10th von., remaining there un til his
rtlmove!, eight years ago, to a few acres
on the gravel road, siortll of town. I)o
ceased WAS a quiet, unobtritstve than,
who enjoyed the esteem and goodwill
of ail. Ile was a member of Clinton'
Orange Lodge, No. 710, a faithful be -
Bev er to the principles of the English
Church, and in polities a Coi scrvacive,
His wife survives lean.
After a short iliness of a week Anne
Belle, the y ouui;rst daughter of Mr.
Joltu Chaptnan, 4th eon„ Stanley, died,
The funeral, which was heed on Wed-
nesday to I3aird's cemetery, was a very
large oue, showing the respeet in whieh
the parents of the little one were held.
Much symp'tthy is expressed for the
bereaved parents.
On Thursday morel -Dee Mast Mrs -
Alex. Dougherty, of the Int con,, Lo-
gan, passed to thr' great heyond, at the
age of 70 years, She had b,eu con
fined •o her bed for some tune with
paralysis, and on the above date death
relieved her of her sufferings. Icer
husband preceded her some few years
ago. She leaves a grown ui, family of
two boys budfour girls, some of whom
reside? in Chicago.
James Begg died at the residence of
his son in Mitchell on Saturday at the
advanced age of 81. years He was ono
of the oldest settlers and lived in Mitch-
ell for 40 years. He did a large black-
smithing business in the busy times
from 1850 to 1880, after which he was
succeeded by his son, John, who has
continued the business. A pathetic in-
cident of his life was that he bad n
paralytic stroke about ten years ago
and could not speak since, although he
knew people and could hear what they
I beg to state to the citizens of Exeter
and surrounding country that I an
ready to deliver FIour and Feed to any
part of the town at CLOSE PRICES.
We handle
ogiviing F!ollr
Our Bran is warranted free from
smut and dust.
Will add a genera/ line
of SEEDS shortly,
Oharles Trovethick.
Are now ready to do business with
the Public generally.' All kinds of
Flour, Feed and mill stuff for sale at
Leave your orders at the mill. We
delivery every day to any part of the
town free. " We hope you will help us
to make a success of the business which
means a success for the town.
Highest Prices paid for
wheat at alt times.
TFrr...r^.vS.oxam S7 O. 3G
for Men and Boys we can do well for you. Our
stock is very heavy. Come and see the
VALUES we are offering.
Cash and One Brice works wonders
when applied to Suits. Saves youmoney every time.
Stores close 6:3o except Wednesday and Saturday.
Mr.. pael:mun bo't 050 LADIES' AMERICAN SHIRT WAISTS to sell al
a. piece. These waists are worth from $1.25 to $2 00 a piece. They
I • aro beauties, and consist of ZEPHYRS, ORfiNDik% owe.
BRICS and i'IQT. E STRIPES, Have not been made.
over 3 weeks
pair. They are sold any other place at 20e. a pair,
500 Ends of Twilled and Plain Sheetings, running from 1 yd. to 7 yds They
aro 2, 21, and 21 y ds, wide, anti are worth 25 to 30 outs, OUR PRICK. -
16c. a yd,
Cbildrens' Undervests for 7c. worth 124c. Ladies' long Ties, English.
make, sills lined, at 10, a piece, worth 25e. Lace Curtains
that were $1.65 now $1.25 a pair.
These areargains, Not Impositions.
We advertise facts only, and facts tell no stories,
The Great Ready-to-wear clothier.
If You Want
BEEF, �� E.L,
ryp ��
Call at the Family Butcher Shop,
One Door South of CENTRAL HOTEL,
men Deater In. Hides tyheel,
Calf Skins.
First -clad, Rigs and Horses
Orders left atE'awkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Stand
will receive prompt at-
i tt !elepi�ono
ermsRoaaeonable Connection
and AND
NOBBY._ —.
"The Hang -dog Expression"
looks of a'1 ready made,"" baud -
me -down " suit of . clothes is
enough to disgust the Prince of
Coyne and See us.
through our two-story
building will convince
you that we are carrying
a fine assortment. Take
a look at our stock before
The ilfloisons ank.
(Chartered by Parliament,. 1855.)
Paid up Capital .. ...... , $2,000,000
Rest Fund 1,500,000
Head office Montreal.
Money advanced to good Farmer's on their
own notes vv . one or more endorsers at 7
percent per annum.
Exeter Branch.
open every lawful S from 10 a. 3 p
m,, Saturdays 10a, m, to 1 p. m
A. genera I. banking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings, Bank at 3
per cent.
A tailor•made suit, cut. made
and fitted to the contour of your
form is certain to look right.
AND WEARS-®ileci--
Parts of machinery which
accurately fits withstand se-
vere service and parts that do
not fit wear out quickest.
Same with clothes, Choose
your cloth and we do the rest.
Prices small as stitches.
Bert. Knight.
g opened out a well equipped
Shop, I am now 'prepared to do all kinds
of repairing such as
.t ,
In fact everything and anything. We
make a specialty of remodellingg Bic
cies and sharpening y
this time sharpening Lawn Mowers at
of the year,
One door north Mr. Stewart's store.