HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-08-31, Page 2plkc4e two TW 0002WH OUR 19a
DISTOICT PRESS cow ell conveyirig. the *yinjigthy f a
memblery to Mr. John W. gwv. 3
that ace, on tfw illne" of his �*ife,
Do You Remember hrty uslrq* a" Ptirth Prtsa Asiwgotios and tphle desire fol: bier complete re,
metts at milvtrtoa roverY SORTIESS: ff NE4111
A r4glution WAS also -ouallimously whtu tte
(BY W. G. Colgate, Winghw-A �Times) king Ur. IN. ]least bwlalll to beat irres.
ronty go? the V. W N. R?jor,*1�5� polt
pital A04 =OjM*
0 OX n tZro is 'a
or 1W Years A 0 The annual m ecting of the Huron passe;', than he PU i� with regard to. UWAAR aaa
nialio elp ()f
and puth vivo$ Associoltion at Mit- valiant tilott40
yerton, on August 28th, attrlicted a Salta taxon Work; "re",
forty Years AS* Now SrWto Was Eroctsi at BIA—Coodulloll, 'W112114041111t, cauwx great auxiety 444
44 H41!* laize gatbering of publishers *nd Mr. htCX*X%#,y $%Clete& a4m,* but Owr# is so mced to wonj;
W Work Was io Prostm -at Port AlWa—Sagavoli Cava, Psi. their wives from both counties. ake a few basv* of milburss
In the Undon Times, it I,& allmoulle. tulril slid Nezve pi4 *ad we Itow
teftiolout Olt f 10ist Fim—retities AtAinst 14410 SOW. e Granil Central hotel Rd that Rey. 8, R, Nexesney, former.
was Ilo in the afternoon by os IY of St. PAill's church, Clinto�, ave. tkar will "114yo 700 44 lout
ints ' 34011. V the membOrf In I
he lie far , hi � Ily passed his examination It% Alits, BbItop, 0 V%wtliolme
tho'w9m'�n theology at Oxford: and froin a rri�
Tweaty Years, Ago Cwtritil 111i"tt;Is Wert lasy—W, W. SuA, of Of e a? t re to en In tow by vAto letter it I-% learned that he t0ou ipilton,
1144k -of comis'erco, Was - M 42 1 ot I w1fo '01 the his Vx4miflation sooner than. he ex. Ave., "a
Give* Firewell Wincer *4 Loaviat for X Su recoiomer-ding Milburu's,
publisher o h � ilve on Sun, and Pected and will probably return to Rel'it 4,4a Nerve rilti to All m4ovs, f
tts Wot-41r. J. t Tigort Was XarriW, So Was. Alox-. XtNevi* shown th3 Principal sights of the Canada early trouble4 **4 had been,
Ili the spring of next 1j;_
—A New -Wo to Catch Boss. lace* ere Shown through 00 Year. "About Ch I ouffered from Palpitation of the,
y 11 V. wistmas;lt be said
1v Cowpany's ant and 61 determined to tak heart and ishortuillim, of breath; uty leort
. - I Q my a !"a'
aid that the beauty of A
e goods tion this 4�uno inste4d of n t a I would skip beatw, and In the night,. lit
FORTY YZARS AGO TWVM_TZ0S AG0 urned out there was a revelation to got.throagh.ps, tigues X would.hive to Int up to jet 1a;r
em* . ..... . Uo Is -eepin bres4it, I gould mot go uptsiu without
g in touch, with Can,
dluosgo4 -at the afternoon ada. He had bao a tall fro
�w our files, at sot)L 184 US2) (From m, We$ Oi A119. 29tut 19,02
. I f Topics in Miss %Y heart fluttorlug, au4, my nerves4,
:Ne* Bridge at 81�th Bought a Buldn'ess at #*Milton meeting were 11N@wS per M;tkc-up Jean Middleton prior to, writing and 'weto *11
Work has.'k-en commenced on a and the Treatment of.grows," by Win, the following week expected to see we a ",It
G. Colgate, of Thii Willigham efimes; Canon and Mrs. Clua ng Sop. PUls
Blyth. Mr. Bruce is -the contractor *Aill moveto, the avabitious city. o In tomber he expects to take charge Of Ity
u'shwsssu tho city of H*14114on 444 '$The Wine of tho Editorial Pa :Duri I'll, but
now bridge'over the Maltlan4 at b hav
4nd it will cost $1,600, , , cOuntrr Parish Ili Rerofdr4 loon."
The Weekly Newspaper," I)y, 11, a little ",?Itileo 14$00. 41 has, at 411 dealm, or
A New Ivey to C*tth Bass RoberNon. of The G?derich. Sional,
VVdden Death lit East JVawgaosh Wbilf Mr. Llano, parsons wa _ , and be also ex ected to spend some insiled direct on rtee)pt of price by,
S rowing "$*Via Z I . -1 AW.,
,f Time In *6�76b Boom," by time in the 14 0 of Wight With the Tha[ T. XjIbur4 Co., Toijuito4, Toro
It is Our Painful ftt� tbN'V0Ck tQ -Oft 4140 Mouth Of 00 river Olt XO0dAy John N , VAnatteg, of I -The Qodoric4. scouts.
XVCOr4 the awfully suilden 4eath of A rather ROW s1sed bass leaped
St4r, and, Some Reminiscences -of 40
Jane, -wife at Alox� McDougall, Ono. boat, viucb,.to tho rowerIg sur� Years ",by IV. 14. Kerr, of The Brus.. Little Boy4�_4%otber, are there any
of tbe-oldeA -residents of the'tQwn- 11 1 � . � -T., Isels post. Men angels in heaven It" - Wokers", - - I' ds in London to 4ete0t
- else. tures, of,angels 7ith I w used durin air rai
ship Of. But * WswaliqBb" agod i 01 . NcNevi�-Xerr Mr. Rohertson thought that t o I-, Motber-O'Whv, certainly, degr.10 "No, dear. Men onlyget lit with "Aerial Astenor4l �0,irly
-Ars, On WednoWay, August 27t1t,. torial page of the weekl no SP r "�u
ye 1924, at — Lt, mother, A never Saw any Pid-f AVIQse $have." J aporollching plantsnow being litilizedai radio magnATOMM
JUrbor Work at Port Altmrt 'XAOX thatch Manse, by Rew Jas. A. Should have as rod 4 1 tors
1,:! �,:m I 1::,� 1', 0111 1 ON will'"
,govig to
dard on that of'i o daily press. Rur�
crablo work As being done at A11430"011* 13 -A -t AlOX61140t
the Port Albert harbor. The Covern, TA1114) Noyo daughter of 4ohn' Kerr, &It- 141 MAttevs 96t Vow aratively Iltdo
mclat *vorscor, Mr. A. C. Ilswkinl% Orowerlob. attention'trom the railies. "Who is
will have his hands full until late in FAroweli to W,�W. Smith g6ing to look after theni unless the
,weeklies do so?" asked Mr. Robert�
tho fall. Residos completing t6 Son. "Here we hav
opportunity =5
work already in prog�ess, on add!-. hall hcI4 r4g*q 1riClA4# of Mr. W, W- to kwproY4 our elervJ"JV4,,n
tional amoluit-of s
pile.driving will be 4mitli. teller of the Psak of Commoree, pr4otipal and helpful IELD S
zoquIrfA to be done, as well an some who hl4 av I Some very - C NF
%VQrk in connection oembled to testify their I&ss were developed hy Mr. Vans
on of that gentleman and pro.
sip re
tao le As 4, ter� Ili the lcoilrso of"his discussion on
Ited tfio Foll 14,9t. wee 'hi-_ b1tai—sthat somethwos perplex th�4
NMI QX of thip Many on 9 0
the goQ.4.LwI)I that fo-Ilo
Mention bolif 4, said.
hlr.� Matthew Arnold* af� 11russels, him bisprospectivolvesteru home s el ens of job worn anti a 4deA
11 tiOn of bo various littlo'diffl-
'half been Mr. Us U. Tigert Married 0 1 lea ba 'been met and
Trointed a ComIty eon OA ThUrSday Main .,August 21st, overcome.'
r. M. 0. Cameron has
tho home of III
ittarned from - the Northwest and, Mr. Ur, W14 Am NV0Ilv0QW,' Mr. Colgate In an, informal talk on
ft 0. Cameron 49 home from his I West W4w8,VQsb, was Prettily newspoper makou -and the
p handling
Ourarean tour,, The gont6tal face docomtcilt the occasion being the. r4ar. of aeWst pointed owit that the . ablish-
of-gov. O� A. Franola is Smiling Ott 14090 of his 4Uugbter, Miss Margaret or was llj� retailer of news'. t at the
his Goderich friends this week. He Wellwood, sud 10. 1ames 11. Tigerbi froilt pas_* big paper, wu his dls�
findwa varm, corner, In. his 0eetion be-coremonytook'Placo and" a lovely the Progressive storekeeper who took JL i�
is here on 4 week's vaeation and still 99401 School- Play Windo*. that he should emulate It
for the old tovin. Xr. R- NV- 'C� sr0h Of OvergrMs 0,44 JlOwflts� the care to display his goods in such di' JL ".UR, SD
) Pica
Meye� has returned from his North- offloittlug Minister being Aev. 0. X%lao, Way as,,t�o
Attract Attemition* and
West trip, He veot eighty miles P%stor of the Methodist ohlarobg Whlto� roUSO the interest of the shopp
vest and about. -SO north of Regina, oliumb" I I I" _pr,
this way be oreated a favorable Jai- WA& oui 1i t of friends dur,
sooev, the now gapt.� Industries Were Big SlOn of his 0aper and wonreaders !FT 41W have added, man s ing the first
$Y pre$ sati fie.d. leastom6rs to
The' Godertch sfigillie work$ are to it#: It took but little extra time to
A Oft Cootrao week of-, our .-,Anniversary I.: Manys took aldiantage of t e sumerou'
pretty busy these days� On 04turday a got out a eleart, newsy -paper, with S S money -saving, ME
Messrs. SAVAge and WIllianis, of marina oogine was tjlxlppo4 to. Wisiton well-written heads and ki ------
"Cis 'at opportuaides we. are offering and A ng, the next 0
Butralo,, tho senior member of, the "d on, Monday one to 001111&�wood, front his own experience: he . lieved many more,. willundoubtedly 'Come Uri .0
arm An old GW&Ich resident, - have, The Koubloot,04 Furniture Factory-ts the emort was worth whilor.
secured the contract for building the, M1110 in fast st,Y)6 to Ueet) uP *Ith ' OfAcers for the, ensuing year -were w4.ko- Sale ends Thursda eniiigs,,Sepie 'bet 7th
11 1 y ev In
Jolmsto)w' 110vostor Wavks of Ba, thO Olt Or Jist' The GOderich K1110 ng elected an follows! - Honorary prosi�
gurei aj ;qt,000. Co. has receivea a large a
ftyla, N. Y., lit * fi umber at dent, John W. Hedy, St. Mays Jour -
11111 1
4,41 ve tboy nal-Argan. president, V. Kerr#
This Is somewhat of aiargo under -i rep"t or4oko W so busy lis,
UkIrig by Mr, Sava
go, He -will be 'week that some of thil The SrulAib Post; . fininediate post
to I!$, part. of IL dopartwelits hA4 to work ovortIM010. gresident, MaI0,0101 MaeBeth, The
keep up w0b the order list. 131dolio4sus Overton Sun- vice president, - Ja�n
Study Th a List Care u
A petition bits been proseawd
a,- d'
to OvAt Ar- U YOU40' brick 'V*110ered. rotary, AU -x. AbrihaTh Us Or
W k
ren Comb' _Shirts,,�,
-gainst. W. dwelling On Rutou Boad. Win.' 1101 executive eonnalttee�Qplra M for -Fill Op'
'A. $qajor,, 1Aa4!aAbIK,�ddkawe)llvg on' ac- in ose
Trafalgar Gi, -Colgato;
6 1 as to 9
so"talid am vimoa; J,., W. South- 01
to Iss 0 1% S coy urton to doneo on Victoria, an(I the Arta'are. Cott, 0 - 'We invite you t� All. sizes,. black rdwo. Special ... - M 0 1 1
lave I to a Time4--4n4_X. D 10 call and inspect en.1s blue. Chavibray.. au4black
alut, The time tryingto Ardsh the Mile soUpot early Davi tchell Advocate. ��! 1. 6. fo
et 0 triaL In thd �Wo& ltrich, & Soo, Starldill. sm Th -%.---St0Vk-ofL W, Misses, and 'for Anniversary Sale, 23 Con ii, pair, ivIlite . striue, Sbifts, 0�e,tial- r
After Q
lie, sosionts the. delegates
shlo 1L Cor 0 their well-known brand . were laotored to the be4ptiful home Ch1l4ren?,sSemi.ttimmed1 an e Ainfilvergary Sale, 9$ Cents.
=0 Tiondon onWedaosday,.
'd at Mr. and : Mrs. Malcohii X 'ot
At the real enco of the brido's .0 seBeth to Wear A4ta f0v fall an w1uttr. Factory* C ton
';Jr. Goor SUMMER COMPLAINTS lawn, 4 f their bosts they *ere entek-
�r Avir. 30tk
Itev. J_W. Stit- where' on the Spacious: tret�sh&Q Three glialities, all yar,1 wide.
Swal4eld, tall at GWorlch town. KILL LITTLE ONES 141ned" tit toa� Hare the dean of the velvel e
Thij, be* 'sbo*un in P
her _ge SI Ott, to Miss Es
t ;1A8, ffVearber Hats Uen's -Combination T uderwe-ar in
scribes, Mr. 11. Xevr,..vbo looks for all Special for Anniversary Sale ot 13c,
B.V,D. style. Sponal 'foe Anniverw
At Brandon, Aug th6' wor14 like the - Laird of Brussels
16th, bp, the Itev. At the first sign of illness. during be, don 160 4nd 18c a ygr4. Rare bargains, at
4ohn Forties, S. A., Xdwsi-4 Rosker� the hot weather give the little one s his peaked tap and L aidies, ral 'Coats a r4160t.
(111u, Baby's I Own' Tablets or in a few hours feel. t we could not replace the. gbodt at'
All- I velours in the latest
*he ary Sale, 89 Cents Go
ich 0 I'll, norm of the Tweed suit, got ow one Woo
W Aid. These Tab anything li!ke these p
which everye'o'enfto Of eulst tteier. If. W. riceso,
to w 11 prevent summer cow of hill E chei, after
to 4 IP styles,. *different shades. �tegular, Ba'lbiiggan Combi ations
A Near ftowAllig
Wabits 8� were not Soot4h by nime and
g0en occasionally to the. we child evous by miture, it might be S* Price fTSP-50; SP I for Angiv rsary
will promptly relieve these trou- 'PO ecia
A little son,'of Constable John UP � S- . e Balbriggan Com§inations in 166g and
ed that he at some, tialie had lassed Flannelette
Youill -had *' parrow escape from 06 if 00Y come an liuddenly* Bpi- salt, $13.95.-
drovownK last.wednes4y near -tho 'a Own Tablets should always bo thO blarney stone. Po�sft lie would long and shorCand short. Special for
be talkIng, yet bad, ho not caught Plain white FIgnaelettd, Al
so Annivers ry
kept in overy home where thei A ther line of Ladies' Coats in
of the, river. H0 h4d got. be- e -are alght Of Davis"white "breeks.11 That a Sale, $1.19'.
rig down youn$r children. There Is no other . striped Flannelette Inv'artons stripes,
youd his depth and, was gol was too puch. He sighted �13011 and all -wool material, Barbary,' ��stylie.
pecial for Auniver-
I"t that they are absolutely safo� up �n g broke for Anni. Men' Balbriggan Underwear
body spo i he mo , Cial
for the last time when a sentleman intdicifte as good and the+IaOther bits dropped into his bejkt. - After. that no. Regular price -SI: ;a all,yird Wide, S
in: a row boat near jumped Into the the, guarantee of * 'government ans It . And t etin V., sary Silie, 22 Cents a yari.
.,water and rescued him. The take at Versary Sale, $90,
this Point is a fsvorI6 bathing spot, The Tablets are sold by medicine k. -drdl see and harmony just as the A,. In two, pier- 'ShirM and Drm��ers.,
k were tuning Up' for tWr
It very doagoroo.s. les L"S Special 'for. Anniversary.: Sale, 590 -a
but the inflowing of the Aver in* dealers or by mail at 26, cebts a box nig, t �oiicert. To show their ap-
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Preoid Ion however oftheir most,bos- Pri
LEid Dre
Brookville, Oat pitable tre0shont by Mr. and Mrs.
Tht 1,000 yards of 66�e Printsi dar�
MacReth, everyone joined heartil ifiTrilootine and Serges. Xiegular
The original "Grip,'" who bid been THE 6OURNMENT18 r, Ing 40F , T in air
rusticliting at the Point 'Farla for 4 or They are Jolly Good price d light, 32 4116t$ wide. 'Rigular�
CONVERSION SCHEME, "T ��w&" And $15 to, $20; Special for Anniver- aid men s,
week, made his bow before 'a tooder. � 110 � Tight *011 they do. overalls
The attention at the holders. of the sextvod the spoid*neods' 1* SAry $ale $1'1.9S. 25. cents a yard; ipecial for Aniliver-
ate-sized audience, on Taisday oven. iiireand V, blot per c0ntwlir IN bo)ids the tvibute -for
Blue and white, plain, blue, plain
done not sary Sale, 18 Cents, A yord.
Ing (eivic holiday? In the Spacious maturing December It 1922t I dirtoteil to e k littlein helping
Parlois of thehote 's as pqreannounco� to, t1boaffer 401 1 400 th ',day memorable in every 1rh black, with, bib, Special for Anniver,
the Minister of Finance Way* Ladies OR,
inent, Mine Host Wright exertille t6 renew the lo*u on favorable, terms. sary Sale,. $1.00, a pair..,-�
himself to accommodate his ests. Among those -who took in the c6n- Tabl Damask
The last Cailadlan Iota was Placed -Am -vention were, 'Mr. and Bits. navy and
Mr� Beagou 0 Alex. All wool Botany Serges 6,
gh needs no introduction Now York at a utilitattory prift4 The Abrabim, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs, J. blackr latest styles, Regi4lar price
to ear readera# Auffice It to say tbitt minister If& making his present Ausucia Nice� designs in bleached 'Table. W
111! entered Upon 4 ttric's Of humorous optration entiftly it domestic One by W, Southeatt Exeter; Mr. -and' Mt8, It ;, Special for AnniversAL Men s ork Sockt- .
isketchot that kept the audienco in a altering Chester Smith, Zurich,, Mr. a ry Salt, Damask, 68 inches wide,at 98c a.yd.
to exch#11#6 the m&turl4k, ad Mrs,
mirthful inood initil 10:30 o'clock. boods for tew bondli testing t W� H. Kerr, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Special for Anniversary Sale, 2 pairs
Some of his local character sketches rat,0 of laterellt, running for elthe "00 It. JX Davis, Mitchell; Mr. and Mies, special' for Anniversary Sale.,
bar five I plaid. and �pleatedy at for. 45 Cent$..
are hung around town, skod, consider- ytars or ten y9ais A14 tba, boAdboldet. John Vanatter, Goderich; Mr. and- Other Sk rtg
Ing. the gight oppottuni for abler- way Mrs. A.'G. Smith. Winghain, Mr. U11. very Special pri�es for Anniversary UIL
I - pfreter� A further Inducement to It. Robertson, Goerich*.� Mr. Aiii U-nite Table Oilcloth
vation,. were very faith ally drawn, the jar
Soine burlesque liultations ol pulpit at one, -'a that be r& -*114% bon" Mrs. Athol McQuarrie, Gddevl�h: G.
estox Sale Men's Color'idHandkerdiefi
MOVkth'4 lbtt%*Xt. ThO t 10111. First qu'ality,, x%/ 'ydq. wi
oratory and, stage OffOrts "Outsl& Of oftered am 4ocldeft fatourtble A. or a Vall, Clinton News -Record; Miss Pe- pecial, for Anniversary Skle, Three'
0 she It mm, � London; - Miss- Ruth Davis, S
the reath, of his penell"- sliawcd Mr. ji-myegtor and it ii, probable that a jar" a, Ladies Summer Combinations guiar 60q3 special for A�unlver$a
Peatough to be a rare mimic., MitK pirt of the, inlituring 101W will bo X*. Mitchell; --Mr_ Kenneth Abralismij, ry fir 250,
'Wright, nieco of the host, �ave three gowed. Artangements tot the In%- Stratford; Forbes Col to, Winithakill" Sale -45c a yard.,
tecitatious during the evening*, which A. W, Relst Gleo-O. r -with, Whitney X* In Afoodie�s Hygienic qualityi Re -
were well received. She is ite = of the bbods Aaso be W040'at *my Misses Janot gular sx.a'S per gar . ment; special for', Ons
?In ibsnko, Thompson, MibfOrtot% M.
I of tho obar*vea 4 -Caps_
f,6044 but Posse*xpd ef ability w I& Mrs.
Itolders who do noir Wish to relaftw and Dorothy P" 0, ilverton, Auniversary,sale, 7$ Cen'tc men!$ Suits
eftefullk cultivated ond loosea will bo pX14, in cash on the let D. Stewart and %Piss Mary Stewart, In brown,
grey �hd' plaid
friont stilted 0frort, �Would Wake her a Dfttube Stratford; Miss, Ethel Elder, Mfs� A. 'S, t $t
r* Ngvy blue tnvlish goods, all wool,
prominent kloeutiofiisC A pletasant Nairn, G64erlch; Silos Loug, Detroit, shapes. Special for Anniversary Sale,
social hop vas Indulged' in by the many. a. nian thinks bo ift a ahining . It was d"id&I to hold th6 next tadies' Ves.b ne Indigo dye, x8 oz, Weight.
guestgond'visitors at tho close bf the light *hen he is only a flash in the convention in St. Mars's. nefore th(, In Silk isud Lisle and all Lisle. Spe ial for An -,$27.50
program meeting elosed, a :wqolutiou WAS Pass. cl, niversary Sale
RtgUlgr Ptict 75c; VeciAl for Anti Boys' Naillsook Union Suits
VeIrsary iiale, 25 Cents. Mefi's Top ok' hir, t S - 1. 1
'Sizes 24 6 30. Special for Anniver#.
Ladies' Cotton Hose x5. doz. Men's Top Shirts, in four sary Sale, 65c -it Suit.
diff6rent colorings, from Size X4 to
Black and brown. Regular prite
size x6%1. 8pecial for AnnivetSaty Boys' dogan bindyis
2,5cents.sx pair; special for A-univer- - Balb I com
sAry Sale, IS Cents a pair. Sale 98 Cents, Made of 9004 U ash- Sizes 26, 28, 30 and 32, . sPeCiAl for
Able materials.
Anniversary Sale,
Ladies" House Dresses 0 ,
Uds Khaki Work Shirts,,, " Boys' -Blouses'
Blue aad� pink Chambray. Special,
in OZ Weight duck, all sizes,
for AUniveroary Sale, 98c., 6, 7 All sizes, special for Anniversary
special or 0
f A, niversary Salei,$11611. Sale, - 6%,
*Or Blankets
Men"s Comhination Overalls B Bmces
Ibex Blankets, white and grrey,
22X4- Speclial for Aunivosary Salt in blue and white woven stripe. Speciil for Anniversary Sate, lisc a
$2-W& fair. Special for Anniversary Salt, at $2.75. pair.
WIN 1 0 0 i 0 No
A*' Come in and free to look over our stock wh or you are ready to buy or
rnces lihich we ar,6 quot* g have never he equalle in GWerich.0
not* in elk
cub, Ub y w
31 n) 5 SOB
:o "a",
N IV. -I. -F I
ILL R, I he New'Stoft Wealt Side of Squaire