HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-08-24, Page 10NOW— Almy +wr...n,w.,•.w,ca..++,+:ww�rr�+�. � TM ter. _ ,-�- ....�-- -_.... ... ..�---,--•—�:•— --s,- ,-_�..._._ ..... _.._.... _.. _ _..__u_..__...-....
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X4,10 anwki'l)0 le t7E;
# /
;arla�aGTuc PaCyrs
los(" cx e,92; $410 The
t Banff
avtstlatr. Marjo,"Canada wblob, by Me Way, of tfae tAd tBnraritt
lei ii 4044111 Of aettvltirs, Frowid" for,,
talVRr.iftxreofthe gzsattltrm is Much h;1*I -'era dale by tltr~araowaya I a Steady flow of fund produe;tta to tlati
' tai tdut:atioet and x one of the to advevt4e our tourist tesritcxy, lwh" i consumer at arcassanable grit v, It
S,►rtcizttr,at+cstr of gnKxl citauwhip, ?lass resulted iii Millions of dollars bt!ing C1lMinatcsa the Waatcful Yeast or cora
da�irc to Fara- l ,
lUO, ?hitt or nothing, erasadltioti ern pus �
`tbye litt.?1Y tali: * s,ilta aitry axnf in �'ganaa9a annually. princ�tatlyr .
Owold be iscutc^attcd into the sunewtry rsitr neighbofs to the math Cf ant, marke?ts, , The speculator doe# aaot$
lt t t
Of Canadian and tto "c3btaiaa any bit the fringe Baro its yet only b¢ea break tha prise, tue farmers der dais i ,
a'lrquatc kaow•lydge, bow earl it be to,tdmd. `lite fr anadian xat..,aw Rail. tht~auselvest by dtuanping their praduet
0044ired bitter than by travel? "tzars ways have jwt opeatd jasper Park roof' against the other, ultaklp's it posh
taafians. ;vee fi'atitada,», and '"Alco Canada iia jary�r Parte, that Urgczt , sible. for tho speculator to svatelt *Jae
Fstttt,"'etc>,ltati�ebscaaadoptc(faaslogaaa doll wwa t wonticrial of alt our national ,' 11glit to ra finlsa a'tud them step in and
in she imdeavor to create in the rzind r. p1rk% 4.409 wivaf-e rrailes cif magnificent take the spolla at bla ?price,
elf Cariakdians the adranta ca of natiAmai nro ant ifnous arcncry. There will life Mounting Public f q`Jltn
P pay a taut Igeto 1.
trar;tl and trap attr,:cti�ris t°alia�tx Joao rtxaine aa'a•uoDtssc� anal tltatagaar.�;s of " irreial)etrtirrc� Of t;ttriat�tHit Yarnaer bet11
W offer, tatlript0 from all ata of the lobe wig ; frit* the product. I'hlo practise of
loo purport t f tlaia airlift is atria n15 g 14ly 06„eaf w: annually when the everybody seilib at once ituring then � s'
to ,give rxpress:a,a. to the inlporttltacc of 1-;4vk is fully doveltoprd with gulp! motor r harverit t 10% t poillub the marRc for
Cariadiaos sexing 4'a0ada that gleet, 1.006,, and tha sysunn, rf 1W • , fc1Gv weeSts amts tJaeu leaving it eine-.
quay ?lave a hiller appreciation of what ai: ap er7ia 1t opened care j ane l5th la$t ` tV has existed in Ontario" since thew�' n
their ow` -n country has to offer tbasn in ,aro; Mended through the park. Asper beglvialag of our agriculture: „
the way of scoikry and interest, but to Pari: is but one of tho milay feature
have c#n#fiyt�d t11a markets of fiareat
�rmpha6itw 'particularly the malune, of ?likes to br develo rl. $taunt ltobaoli �
. pp pasttttri, d a great many y"ar dA being., tho
tourist tturet eta tll'c nation. and the "1'artr, just fifty'ntitru tvt:at froln�as r your, wind utitW And that >�a•aro beizrf; .
Baty we 0" otrrcclveta in devciopiag station. is tanother. Aside from 3010 t erdwded.uut 3n tlio sales of olix t.r-
artir tourist tcrritoryaso to squeak to � ale on bring Clic highest peak in tlin x
ita@ixe the scenery. i'osatlity nd . aneadiad Rockip (13.058 feet?, the yaaiek Po: tubdp praditce. We annually fixer-
other ecauntry in the world gives up ;which iu entirety within the province of duce one hundred milliozz dollars.
to its people a greats r arca of country 13rztiah Columbia, is an Alpino kin doze i worth of dpiry products, It might Fx,
asor recreation ea angreat,in it»elf, belt until aucii tom fit i :Just as well be two err Cllr p Hundred � .,.o 40 -
Just ltaixdling of eia�r
porous d t#ar>e e a4 i R , �jle , itte far ler should roceive a fair re'T,4y roetzxla are not t,onfined .to any dcvclapect, rite ttlary acrid majesty of its: tarillion, because woorave capacity' sects r t e �}c»er is denled the tour" to produce that quaiitit$'1i • it turn fo�r•bis .Products based on tb a 1 bu are a raid ora n y est tylia does s Ydualric+r:agaia .-notthoa:,e,to ride ,a caYust. - y get totyto 1t. W6 •ccst of plodtWtkan.�As as dutstandltid .-go POWWOW,
t�lttlantia;�r5tiie S"ai�ii'ar•:- � if' we xvould only nit
hoop the seashore rrkarts of the Atlantic By way of eoinpariadq it ti3}C men : cart__ gritty � t�xl?or#able orchard faults � factbr ! the permanency of the rit;rl .,� t f a
and the loaner St. Lawrence to the stated thrit tourist traffic in California + of the highest quality. *P "cion pro= ;„ etltlrrgl Irol cY_ UY - this Province it'+ Cal . ,tp XxcO t nu r, lia"a ltd 1444. sr,sX. w ro uta.,,.
farmez� must of necee&i$ - x t sl�s[tatara .st. leo ,port+,
Pacific Coast tern i4trests ark sa varied atone nets approximately a Hundred i dtica tete hil;iicst t�i;zde Df export ' is - t?vt r �; - -- ?
as1d+lso' distjilctly dif eivnt from one Million dollars a year, and the mere batoia and beef. enc+ sun produce the �.sc"rif s of years receive for ata crop, h.te3) Jag gra�,o;0ro all1bo srapdwt•ad sad ei4atlx .e�:c4Mt
' Washing. highest .grade of export oe i to ia>< sad ti,os sports, _.-. __•. _. __
sinattler that our Canadian ptopie may. northern Pacific Coast States, real grti#tank z< Priet3 to e.YGQ05 of the rOnt or Pro ta) itla arri►ai •t te. $R.nq lnaiarut at as*tt , #r..e a
Oft their vacations for yearn arid. find ton,and Oregon, add fully half .thin the can produce the b1g1:c■at grade at dnctign, Dept. of Agricult`uxa A't t X%colloociw, tea Gnreraoor-G.aerat a.,1 LadT ares, aroo a•. t
7iC1w scenery and new inti t a»:zgaily. amount to tine tptal, whereas at has tWea I Woo) tied tobacco, ' All these cotta•. Toronto. � ,itatay t>rtru•at a: •l i llais�, �„
• 1%saw the quiet beaauty of the hSantinie solid fljak renals# traffic in Canada ,• all- t.tnadities .tire. apil firtiducts, protivat:s ! � ae tali amddesd tj`c'; `.� i"an V"tltntN a1Y1a moos axctttns :4
l' oviacca to the inore,rugged scenery told: did not net beyond ten or twelve that make ulr sixty per Cent. of tine (tenero) Fa;ran Noteii. s ia~' •rs Ir to
of the ProWinrc. of �7(lebec, ;tie almost millions, total exports of Canada, • But we can- � ANFF, nestling 'down `among . the mountains, ever r
eookia wtis lake any ri%kr country of Again,. the provinces of Nova Scotia � not mala real progress in a'rioultu a �gG..ssive footling of lizhritatl;:: Ll freantilul, and always interesting,was tntYrQ than a ti
ata bOn, Ontario, the: Rocky Mountains and NON Brunswick have: all the ad. } until we develop .the umrketin end.� 011e Often causes deposits of. carbo; over go when Their Rxcellencles theGovernor-General
tree irsltnrzlV, beautiful`, and wonderful, viintagea of the Stott of Maitta, but of our buslne�sa.; k in the tractor c:iginsa, zRnd lad R s ort a•few days there r ''c ntl while
ho Pacific Coast, erre cannot comparatively. little has been done to .0 The cost of dusting, eountiti inctl� l' �g P y e e y,
- l'to rensJvn t:Qila1 ries t%10 C'ratvaiza * o on :their way west over the C. P, R. to the Pacific
imagine. without :l etactnit7`-vi iow stn A'omlop lv %Vhat this development b labor land niateriala, is about tela ^Coast, It was natural that theys a to
a L s Uttt. r _ �. should plan to stop
knowledge Wtaat, a wonderful asset we may mean to a measurecart Sanaa as for spraying.
11te x3 at is , rtis3t6iaTrd ttutt - Aa
aver, for a quiet zest at rata. roost delightful of Canada s: ' a
?nave in. our w•adeapreitd playgrounds by the fact that Marne leak Yrar reaped Pal;itB. la. suzs''ttPJ1110— lutist; usr• .� •
a04 national paries;. a harvest. of over $40 ,004 an tournat the I Ited Stated farmers have in- fill of garcleu ve a b rr: _mountain resorts where the glories of the Rockies arca M .... ,
r b to ,1 t lu .the . seen 4_ ili'eir'-beat- `Plie oeeaaion .of.__the_.:'Vice-Regal >: s «•�•
lS1at W rnakethe most of these wonder• business. video and are crowdlug the Canadlaa. spring. Plant a large bed of 1t, . . • ,
visit was made the more .notable by the arrival err
fvl hertta to reatixe the fullest Our wonderful tourist territory to ' farm Produce from the Ruro eali Rhodes grass bceart; drawl .ic WYII lilantf of about 600 Stoney indiatls who came to greet' the Indian squaws of va in ages from litti
r, xlnoant of profit rho `mum be de� undo bkedt crrzA o!' aur fsirg�t •aiwnets, 1 mp�ritats. The t;zaimars of tt: d P i b t 1 1f bT �• , , g q ry g ge a girls".Eb- - •
y u y e e ebun-
vtrfoped. The Provincial and Voir"on avid a#rat fzeritagts to be devtsidped i tries have specialized in production �
8; t
u s :t Q to be Wilmer (tilled.' in
tent eratu-es of 1e r ; , •
P r ss than 1a degrei:a
Lord Sync, the Great ':White Chief, and to' hold..theix comely lmaitiena and old women, who displayers the
Gorwernments must be keen) alive to and in the opinion of international r'and organized _nlarketlni; n degree !
wast the •pwibilitles are. keenly
roads travellers who have visited us, Canada ! scarcely thought of :by 'the farmora '
t1'oi'ge xlatiii ITubblte:
annual Pon� races and other sports. greatest 1n the prowess of their braves: At fhb
"heir slrraval in Ranh was a dramatic affair. I"ti end of the day the prizes Werd distributed to the win.
to the wonder !slices and beauty tM possesses tliG finest aggregation of of our province, These' cauzitr N
t s in I
Dante TVAllirx Melba, the fawalls
all the glories of ceremonial paint and feathers, they tiers in the courtyard of Banff Springs Hotel, b Lady
Jere • taiseratiai ep than the way of the 3a the wc►rtd.:.9[asttQ Stiatucdap� their struggle .far markets '
scenery ora arc+ beat
F atisttriftMaylserisadt+easyiandaft[ackitre, lillgltt, trig •tis 11, the raCb,'.And we can Anly
singl'r, to .ala A ustraTiall: ainti. ilcin ^
rightly:.,proad of the filet, she Is. apt.;
rade silently down from the mountains In single .Erie Ryng, and some of the ladies of her art* .
p y
to the new:. stone bridge that crosses the.? ow. River, During the visit, 'heir laxeelleicies were"loll hied
hope to.ratairz what tine lnat"e, or re-
to,rteseut arty unfair criticfsut of face
and there fuer the taoverngr, who reviewed theta, by the attractions of the district, Lord I3Yr?g event for
gala What we have lost bx adopting
w methods that
country df her birth,
A short back '
, '$Later in the dray exciting pony races were held an early morning gallop every day .over .the superb
and urchery and other feats of contests of skill anti bridle trails that lead in direction into
u a�a A iv1ll , tnakA our
4olog.to tart* tnarkets.of the world ga u farm
.._�,(�s r iw y ! produet4 attractive, uniform, of :the
SII' t+ir SELLING nn to -those lei
While a foret ue •
R g t
was belittling i1, her. pr(aBeuee every
all the
a i a moon
strength were he)d, Little stands of rough boards tains,' Wild Rocky Mountain sheep and goats, deet
lnarkrtc Li;o shape . highest`gnYulity and alwa s available
` «-M...•...-.- Y 1
-acrd farltt .derlauilded by the xutirlceL at a, fair
thing And everybody there. The Aus-
tr;zTian people,
accommodated a crowd of on -lookers which included and even beara were frequent? seen on these oe i r
Y cos o
Lord 7.a1•+� 8Yx1A, large the
.. .} price: the only wax to�
aceardin�r, to itlln;
and a aUnAbear of tourists and and all. many :polnta of i1)tee.4t, were visited.
!Iii ,• we are attempting to gain: We lausL,' aaeampiiali,- the. desired :..end, 1s !
d 4» foci Mili` #S far through the adoption of the oo-ppt,t
adapt t11e ppltoy ds' ?;iodine; our farm ' ••
"Vere. aeifisll,. Is wat'd and untrnat-
Ou • Fort"' to. , ative . marketing plans by all tele �
products !f We are point; to ?told our people Producing- exportable tar:na I
"•But," . gtlerici3 '.listener, Fare .
there not ltiany: foreigners fn
Ti,o- Cunning. .Man. Can yba. remember when the ladies lifted. their ,skirts half :coq up their,
p in crossing a zrluddx walk bxazensy boot -.taps?
-� }
n ` position. The beat markets, Qi~ the product.
C4, r. dlou. l arnr lwt'odilee M11At Ile l
world dernaaid utero. pro- A oo•oPerative marketing �
,, Lots of 'emt" Interjected
A.eunn1ag gum overreaches no one ...; .. ..�..�,..,. r.�� .
Miff :'us ?mill as hlmseM 13. y., z._ _ =.
,unlfuriti nrgaartiz•
largely Exported Cho-operativeforeigner
t .
due("$. demand greater qusantitles, dem anon is most likely to siicceed if it
before they had time to re -
. 1;eee'hp1'.
1eTling tell ]!arelgi> lttnrkcttut;»:- ( hand it prepaired 1n .a 'tray that is is b1111t around a single Industry, line t
i'logrrsz;lt-r grain, fruit, dairy `
t+IY, "Lots of 'clot Btlt the tvorack
Wags a ax all is
• Lomita _beer) re eats 1 asked t '
Gods Love. £'' P 3' k o F7PL'i1 a
countries Are Crotvd-. products wool.
attraGtitrO, to the Consuming public, Each brunch of the a rtcuttu a
Y _?teat ['v out,. w'e ' must be able to furuiah' lair 1 B r t 1 1-
S�+ dus#ry hoe its Ind vldu f bt �
elle' rubbifis,,•
' • • .
13hudt} Tiees Ott $lgilWilyq..
l3ehntat, tiviarat nnatnner of .love the Pam a : o •`
thr�- l�olt,i ht�•at+i�ti•ed ulaan us tllut W
ozt fanlad Co art ort o
ngiiCuiura mranta)
a ro e ,
P t r highway hwu s vouid e tu G mor(, .
. � u•sa-rrvoredlno�,y 0rauG
able Qrsauixatlpns thlnt ?lave
,,. e
..ted *trp .eons of Ccd.-it
�j + U U Wi ff" dou vanuffig,
LL '
Agtlultural prodpaGts :fortis tr ve
large percentage -of Oar exports. it..
zttoducts a res anablt3 rices attempted ta.�
t s p P CheAelttxees could be set 5o or_mora
1landte the inarkektug ,of . nunteroxtp
GkFi-itz :auclt-ac-moi: thY Gat► . 4et apart an
?Ines of. £arm GrpPs have'. Anes 1. p si tvauid do little damage
be - 5 I Y ?thea
The Fool.
ave eel e o c h' a
��q�-•t"h'-t �--i� •i�r: t•c:tpt3rs.-,�11K�..•
. -
,. lei c'Y1dCnt tllnt .tidy tnGCi`Ottt' 1t1 4Ctr
ns.ercliltndixed Without visite, - (been •iiusatlaCaeto ? ,e to thA adJointng property or.
--that'•'' he>..1T.1:.!._
41lVi�iikit C9 of :dlH rRt1V .Yi@At} iittATP.a Of d= `8adttT ,:..''itl'«•would, invite t,laa
i ape o 11tar+, t the C. tsperatlYe is "_ --:
- ,. •,.
o'f'd i O' tt, ntnn :, _ f)()l� Is •bud' enough }
he Yain ia'.'.• 'ta.- `
take rites sure in: announcing- that.the Fall Term.-..
,. 2' i� ,
1.s being booked FuII articlllars Carl. tae ha
t± xporta viii devout? upon ttur ability
,-oad..• leasan er f ,
keel»g, . deatrudtiye to success. P t o t.ayel",bVOr •n
lsa to leve
matt WAr bUd'
...<._, e Y y
1'ttuu; w . .._..._,._.
.no7iV... . a
P [� at
to market go -operatively products'
Co -o' erativ marketing - C0.o net tion n d tJ by.
p A , ,ark ting assot:isi l a a i 1p lk'enbli
dons in
will tense our. patrons so much
t .y, l demand Q Vt't have,,
that hay •x111 deama d more, Y • ve
atop .tile dum of a ri ui- j _ _
g G The cO-Operative .organization hank . -{lo through the grain fields ,vita
tural products. As !t is now, the a distinct r
responsibility, the Pub ie abjAet o14 retnovIn fm u tee nd
S P. $a
'tats star of the dairy Partner slnoul ._-
14e to keep more and better co -,vs, th tt,
a j�
- i + �+
l.: ilitilltpt3 aYlti �P,iN,{at$ >. A: 0/ S rr ' '
}' V+ tpsirtiCttil'
to sere that our af;:ioultural Itzoductr
ilia,ke#a ata flooded at hat+veat•cline 'tic; It OsAbC 11YO 1A
tint Our t n n e A ups, T1trU:l��+ ..sloes weeds.
t i' r. a Y, find Other, pt'Bdilpu
iA tion 1
du g tie coat of producing mile.
___ .. + ,7tE$il,:
- - -
e. ...r....
. �n
frequently the Rent oht fam odel ysckt'rog tttttas ovi it S%tardat a ftfter oonn, The Park
s ire l'in�ftlitifilllify bi In
and some of them maaktr taut time. The eretits are ualtally attended by large crowds.
(2) Mount Astiniboine and glaciers near gang, Alberta, which will • this year be tisittd by tits
Alpfnp Cirri► of Caunda. Carlos will be, matU tin July 20,,and the iriteltelsti*g district of the Patiisex j?gsulrk
to the south of this soountain will be toytred by the enfhuslastie Cl mlyejo.
(a) `1VhOlt FAA $419 was installed ns CMucollot of SL Andrew's Vnivereityt Miss ?threat fievtr,
the treat aetrNA was given ora hoatatarlr det rete,. fit the isie ttret art sees Lwtart IIaiY, sir jarteg
ldarrit,. said ft AU Terry.
(4) King Chomp said Queen Mary while on their recent ;pilttimage to At Ztroft of 8tituh ssl.
duets ba Europe visited the spat wilier# Nurse C veli arca a rectae#,, sats[ laid theroolz at Wl*stth. 114
Photograph sltowrfa 'that wrreatfa btitift plarat in position.
a15) hjectal� ldkn�s,*Albftj - UcR drt erenRoy visito latb to �Ram ftom
(d} Nowa that the mote severte restrictions an istalgratlon have bt tc rewilletl ;atswr slirritrais It
this tYttatitty isrolin Grtat Britain are iwer!'9t i at It >IUatalver. TIvif fro lk is ia*t of si rty st li
#i milits, totalling 167 iptrAO" Whb re eptly carate from lltt lttisaf" cit the Can*I** ratitle �r
40".0 Thty Werewa ttot� tat of future C•ssltid104 amt ata, with the* a total of $2$40Mip wait �r
to stout life iter tfllsi ebantry.
(7) ZT** tt eattit tete b6y SIC- uipoor of Chisai is not farted# with rtathtlt #stat
rtn %tri, fee %a %*O%d to isarwt trttrabfe, its hitt ,vans rdil&Utlt 01A A&& ys ,.t. L U. 1