HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-08-24, Page 8- 7 ­­ TM C40fitim STAR Pik" ILIGM ­ -- I _... . � :! -M I'll -,-T,- I — I Z;T�i _�; i !!" , , _ � ­_ 11 I! = . -_ I . . - I I . I � I 11 - ­ __ _ __ __ . ­ - - !!M"_ � 11 �_____._�,�_77_ I. � I � 11 YOUR TEAPoT=wwwofifi,i,,ao,fif,fiooi,Ie I ._'I "'j") � I I mommommom 111 I I I .. 11"i . I will desnonstrate w1w 11 J�', E Irs I I", 1, �� . It ,�� � . ,111 V,� I I I , "I '. � !", I 1011" . 1. -1 . � . I I I I'. - N MAN ,if , . . ­.. . I I., _1-1.111 .1, 1. ­­­­ ­ 11 '.. .11. � _ '..",­iMA I % . , I I . .. I � . I I .. I 1. 11 . 4 I I I . I ­ � I � t4 . � I I .. I . I I I I I - . I - '' 11 I 0 .... I , . � I I . - 1,, . peter'D Mint - � W30-410 .. . . . � C ., W BSTER I Ai , . .1 I . Author -of "CUPPY , HAS NO XoQUAL XM �! 1. _. � I - I I _. . � Riockq� "The Valley , , ' - . L 06t sale in Amerlocao , . I 11� . . . I I 41)f the Giant4"lUe- , . arg � � , . I .. -1. ,!!,,!,. I I - I , , . ,i!!.!,.,.!��Z.� i : ! . I . . .11 i � I . 77:7 �____ , I I . � : . � I ,, . . : � �___;___WM­.___­_ ­ " ..i.!!!!�.,-!!!;�-�i,.-�,..T!!tto I . ,ped to his � I % , . . I 947 I as 'tium"Ilkly - , bat vl, � 1� 11 'tium"Ilkly dfibe'Otber berth"In the same Siate- jbowe.d lowi Ills , I I . � only .a Vrew-liman - or a j . .� . � . ,,, . . I I . room. I feel very, confident that tile .1 breast. .11$ dee can bOw-' Webster I I I . -eservation in No. 34 will not becalled Spanish gran � , . . ( , . . . -A.-,out �Q per c(litt. of It Is Of? ('0104 I . I I � . I SYNOP310. � . . 1. I - � � .. Sir." . I tor, Mr.­er­--1I I saw the Creole girl tun' to film IvIth a i - 1: . IlWelsster�.Tohn S. Webster. You little gesture of pleasule, . site ex � ! - I I, I ( 1APTA"'" 1-.Jalpi Stuart Wotbster,l IM!hSter pondered 11w. 80-1)('17-ccIlt- I a l.It*I: . filed Ili tile are very kind, Indeed. rut at 1110 St tended bet hand and the You"- mQn .i I ning engineer, after cleaning is ).O..f.or- 11119. bet* sy. ,I Illsse I- o r probability, of Ile ol it with old.foslitolled courtw : 4une Ili Wails valley, vallf" 11 crooll, with one of Charles." . Stuart Webster with reverent OU110 battle $tat flit,se I train for the Vast. Ito b0frionolb a y S as re- . "Be there at a quarter after two, John ,i I I - iady annoyed by. a plasher, worouglili people unit _tbc prospect wit I I heir meet - r . . . � , .1 ­* _ ,___ _ ____.. Vff 1.pi�m­ _.. ... I � - . -14­11flill , ing, you will _lwa,r .fro � andIwIstful eyes walched t I I troullellyc . - �___ voiffifin wonift-be-t1w -Ontn­ Alr.- Websters, and -to.. I ... _ __ I .. � ____ ____ ___ , . . . � ;-, ..- dining table Of , Ing promptly on the minute," the 01000 '149. I . I . VIIAPTI!'R II. -At DerrUer Well9tor re- viteil ropgro inleut at the . . slri orty- yell rs Old." Ili'; thought, "and . - . i Hilly (lear Illa v off" � . ured him; wherLupoll Webster paid I 1: .�. . Conves OL leticar rioso to Mrs I t; rRatily. Ile find- �jifl a Ilss I j Ills I h' ven't. spoken to a dozen women : I ent friend. Grary ingea )link , (, a southern or one, berth aad departed to 41 . ' 11) U or. ... I I vot,sante. (�wnirat Ainariva, to floan tj Westevner'g. hatred for the breed.' fo i '011d t (ug t- � ,, rind develop n lljlflftljj� iltigns. Ito devidoe ,,Wc1l. Ilv�litlitieketto,.Snnlllle.ttmt- botel, with a feeling that the clerk's, (flat Caused me a Se( Is or biscuit . ' I � I I . to go, I . . . I ve . atura." Ile informed the clerk. "but' report would be favorable. . . _ I �vhii weren't postinistresst . . I . . shooteesl porty ,�etiro old and I've .. ��. VIIAVUIR Ill. - Dolores 011 r don't rellkh tile Idea of a Gre�Eser fink Troia to his PrOULlse, at precisely a down, , (.1) .Rum I Inir Avonlaa sy .,tier Items, filed, and the ticket clerk never been to love' Springtime I . .1.. 1*11 essioll Oil . him, the.Laame Stateroom with i0e. I wO"- Quarter after two, . Ills hotel. that that little ,)Ill, It � I,() Ilitilan, $13pitner In : I 0 loi" fiats Illade a do,�ll initil I [ . 1, . 17 .. As Ito flats oil b( . :r. Ili also oil too way to .der If you co"14"'t Manuge to fix �IOO telephoned 'Webster at I . eart. Why. I ought to I . sobrunto. . � . I with a stotertioni all to myself or at the berth lu,No. 34 bad I eon Canceled I MY 'Old fool It . - . � I .1. I . . � - . I � I . , . I I t tri th - eadril Atater00111 IYAS now at I be arrested for failure to live I" ,.. � �� . 61AYOTIM. I V -At Ulle"aVOlIt"I'LL, Imp", ,as a Rage, It so that in tb'e event 'and a I � I . - !#1 - were slowly, . ,r,-_�', . -n ,I t man." I his oltsplitil, I - - I - . The lovers walking . tat of silbrante, 111.1v j;varr, III and Pt - ny I'll 'draw a While . I I I ' . . � nileets, in living oll tit(. vliftr�ty of "bloUlor Of tompa - I ,If you will be gootj enough. to give, . In, arm.. along tile path by which I , ) jetilts", heoppr (11 a dro-ooliop. Silo re- ­rm. .9brry. Sir, ,but I cannot guar . I . 0 , arm rue, so wilb, 4 Courtesy . ': 1 .!$. telling. , le the name ofyour valet,' he c n the girl 11114 CO . . ­ ceivea a vattioar"111 train Dolort. . . . , . I . 1, _­­ . . . � I antee you - absoloto - privacy nor any i jd _ 1._�U #,11111,da An I __� S� Innate 10 .1 . � - _. . . . ... -I... _.. .- ._.LI---- t1l"t Nvere le - � - Tj1rr.q9Ay, AUG. 21th, IV22, �;­ -_ - 7 _,_ 07;;_�-_ -,��:� ln7v-�� — - 14 I — _ START AIr AINY T11141K W. I ; t,U,4..,tt = 1.it�, &I VIV i.11 : 1= '� T ---,,r - .I I ,�., t,;Lj!L1%t.`.*yWthiWy-!`0 %X" " myritigtill"I" e " X'Q'�Xnsilg We, ,,,, , tt 7.=# 11 I . 11, . - ­ RSt FREE MAIL COU - . ..., I , I . 0 1 1 1 . � I I I STR^Trrogilp, ONT. I F, �hc leading Commercial School In Western Ontario offers I I Qurse by W440 'those who PuF' C, , Vose ent.ining Business College in $eptertiber. By ,,home study" you . can shorten your school term our graduate$ are Ineeting Wil -, I � ----- ---- W, it - - at �Oljcc for parti- success. 7. ri e , . quJars. I I . . - I ,D. A. XcL&CHLAN, ­ ,, . Principal. I Whif�-Aous'e# I � � . I. I � . � . ly I . . I L � . . I . . I I . . I . — _1 I . . . 0 ,,�_ — , . I . . not. tilt. yoling fellow and slilligle him Kier reproachfullY, and )erked tbO,fVl- -_ , . I . . I � . low flolently around. The man he b6d obas-6d walking 011"It- - - for his nervO." -A . D - A little stick 'to ". , ,Mptly struck The girl find stood foil, a moment, rescued pro - POO -eye a IfTlint's too Diev inds," lie thought, I Ce w e to ,these 1)�4gl - she terrible blow 10 tbW fal Ith his left leav 1� W -Ing nfter tier eomistinfan. before the grip' and forthwith possessed himself of it �, turned with tier hnndkerellief to. bet I ha*d (Ind.. broke 100411 from I . I I N ped -on her way to the flint had so nmrly. been his undoing; proof the'l?op-e.Nled ,plaWs knife, after' � , . yes. oind Conlin :be assassin EL (!,heLfarrIq1 . .. -djj, IlVe � lister , j24- then- Webster tapped I _bt Ll flat upnn tbe-order of :0 cEithcolt .h v_-.1. � .L�ar . -, I ­­_-, ­__ ­ t- An thp too of Ills, I w - .__2%.v,+ ivant, denarthij: at top'. � � - I - . . . JUIRU Ux ".-I&V - W139 QJR �Ile 41441141,1t.11 maw;.j ... I ...... ____ I _. . ores' father. Ricardo travel to all b ­­ I X�erlcan­ jioris_.'�' w_,y__p_7a`Sse_0ger matilf,est'Alld send the him, Webster stepped, out of 819aE IW'� I Sinful beadjor gobd measure, anti Ili . . ' , rlIAPTkR V.-Owt isiton I � . entro e statue of Old Hickory; for he, was distresiqed about her, for all I + I I Speed. � I '. � ,A i _. y, president of Stibrik"t4i, Ill" your 'Orstp tickets. to your hoiel by messenger iai� bind tb . . The -Young I � Itue . (I -jove.4 a. lover. find .1ohn awaken in him Sonic sense of the in- man he had'solved fror killea fit 4% rovolsitiqu led by Say"os. the "How Many bertha la � tuere piles- of was right? , 11 V111- - . pitiores-it illtid of . medlately., -You Can ihP10 sign the lick, be did not desire. by ME. 1-tbe wort 110 exreptlots to propriety ,find futility. Of resistapee' being butcher( A . . I I pre4ent ­%evutive. Class stateroons0" . I ' lkt uof� In '. Stuart Webster. wn , of to"dis- � b tile 0611ce�Nvas- 0r,l;t, was timp/jake edt of tile COUntry . . ets�j have already signed them as .�nce, to intrude'a discorda bu- tilt nolverstol, rule. 'S . ­ Ilfter which Wisimter lurne 'Ith tangling alliance NAt I)y mother joulzio a�sd jjUVIj*rted ,by tier "Two", It ?r." the perfect barmonY of those two s - not tis; john Stuart- Web- � - . I a -Thq 0141 vrim Webster Spilled brightly. Ile had wituess--and pay the tnesse 9( I ,tllfq� I$ p . ,, - 'decidedly, . . in the Valled SMIC &a.l. I � . . rett.v tollgh,,, . ,cuss ft. similar question. of sithies IN I . � . . . usbasued of *,ter j,j.ptjI)lLtjoEj'aA4 babits of out of the difficulty. A'rlf *4#Well, I haven't engaged giat valet loan bo�arts. lie, knew they -desired ,.-Bv Geisr4e;. . � . . Eiter's liking. for aid lie unfortu 1. frarsi tit. weet, U010retl and 8011013 found a Way 1 1 I , patil to. t1lemselv0s; that be r0floLeteo, . 1. "Thot ,r)"119 tPIIOw "eker-eye... a el � sho 11111sipt,, he would. , : - - life ns v thnt sylvan � ell fin 11 . (),01%ry, to tile tsit"t 19 say. sliot lian gone buy 1 ' both, s s,tjt1e_-j .Tile sear-elseeked alfirf 'VvnEL On his In t. y, form su . . Quit on," hiD announced, , I et,11 Webster begzano - � . ought their,eArly ; treated tillit girl ivith as tilt, ss and I 4'Whatlo the odds? He's going to evidently. they bad s , "of 9 knife.. be holed lut0ei'"Irt ,I., 11 witne - - I . "I cannot sell v . ell 1'� ,I'. eeEt. groping gioggl)v, for lit. to tile United States.. I I all an. entire state- re morning tryst in the knowledge 'that s and courtesy jig. any g"hi O San' , VRAPTHIR , Na.-webster. on his Way to room,.8jr. It's ngalost the orders of. miss the boat. anyhow. .All I'VeollIf , I neg, I ' lie I. . . � . . - nifn4j for. lie flad revelved a severe kick ,un- I jA . steamer . ' I "old c Company to setl� . . -e was likely to be deserteol w 4hould. ,slid I'm �for. I.Vin and if;, a p * - . I . sobiltrite. is taltell III ."n'the train, � I . I itnent. der the Cliffs. and-for.jile notice WpS 1. L,=ent'ura.' I 't Uest , tilt ibis hour. - � . . . � - c '. t Now wipanit two th I __tW0 .berths 40 18 A I bUlUb."', the Squall I this idea Of orporal I)Ilnil,l n ed to spend an bout 14 . .�,. to In is Isoatiltat is brisk be a simple req . . ' " I n . we, loary, tion"leg Ills mission, 11111"* one Man. The.. travel Is pretty . That ought to . � I'm far ,from dangerous $tot)pin,, NVPI',- . Don't A.oll. worry ,rillie,,mv (Irsar, - , t.h(..Ip wl h, - . . %, to ,,C ply � with. 'Let me; see I' Th� youl 9 1111-811 %vas Stlealolng as I . I, . kp(l U tilt, knIfe, .t ,-" ;n! I"r, I ,,, c6f e. 09!rt , I reS.001311v seeing throUgh I$'$ W -wt` I'l's` ,, it's hardly felt- 'W the '011bile, .Y9U or , I d the 01m. I' atill J as . Tifis ne myself . , �C,pt drink vt­%culi Of Ilpf, jenliq I, riw.nd %Ild I � . . I . - Mr. Welister,. Se � e wils rtch..pleas, Zoing to horn lilt,-) tills 901 . stel� pie P, grasped In his IPft , a to bts� -71 fletta Met � as. itt. I . . "I read a, book, ouc�, they , his vote . . knife nod. catif � . . rette, nod return I ,- . L . gonerartor. Ueflri' t-1110 (1001101�4tefy fit know," I ant, vibrant with tile earnestness of If It gV'ps too fit r,". . �. . . r-ev� I)V,tltp Ilaiwt, jant-6ty bi�eitkffl$ts. love wItIl Jbi, girl . 4. and the valet In that bc I , . ,plicers Ili-, ad of' gland lj(..,_-,ejzed flucke , . I s,;r,0tQ:,e,,-at,ct,g: for n lei I � . .Well, suppose. I buy ope ticket tilt .k . 0 � . I . th it pretty i y q . � . . S Ills recent fli ... � say: wl The two fillsk, I ptt hill). 14) Ili, ot with ,griul reality . � . ir-well, for .&,n4rew.Bo*erS." . what be find to ' . Av q ,I,-bt priji,jerk . .. . I . . myself and. tile other fo � . s� Itli lit , - ; " f4B0WerS IS a I ,rifills.0i, erns, ,U)A I I my -valet, . pill,,, jurned.into it and raple tint on " -'slo s CHAPTiR 'W10 , . let: us Say. I 'it e m_ hovilm eople If; It , 1) of roman sin'te4 :1 sh name. walking stlelt It I ,tit (I glowering tit I but (I C�. He . , I - Of eoursii,,'! lie line, old Unglic . little .silver mouOtt find the edge I I � - � *. - . ,fitly, 111 haven't engaged* tho J,et us seek no further, ,&ndr . ew BoWi Slashed oit:sDell"S of gross 010001410 i -et fretm of bFIltl%hi it)' I Ordered his Iriver to take him back to I . . . . � . added brig, .1 1, I I I ... . rytni [I little-. k I �"),01(".t. 1."I'll"ein"'f "', I . ' ' . . . New Orlenritif at 4alet yet find - him. so he . nian. . Webster not leed that the pair, b tL" s' raing . I ��ebstpr ri4eh(ld . . even .should I ,'do .So I ers: it. WF tile path; the girl was e � I tile main path lit tlip,rei r of tile YOUng I aitlet'llate ful-Y. , � � I is Inside and COD, :� oThank. you, - , All you ba�e to (TO, Neither of thelp find seelt e knjfj,. fl,.ii!py. front the ' 'g!letjIInted h�ruse.lf on Ills lucky escatie- It leg Of hIA. journey .wouldn't be at all surprised If the M* . - . I �n �tlie kr.liss. Ele I 11 I . . I 1�­'." . . the end of tile 11" it 1. .1 . .then IS to remember to $190 the Pnlpe� .that led rroln till-IlItt at' week- still wniking .. Ijefj)rp lie gels. iletive - � A . . I � to discover that he,Vlts One (Illy lati. cal missed the boat � . ,entered a Pall% . I * -(Illtiv hiring. .behind them. 1t;:'1!'.1! " " � I . .. . .� (To b , continued) . I I 1, I I . .11 , 1 -.4 - I to board flip Atj�fljta ' bautina boni . Dowl , right angles, . . gind(led , I I I ,!,;�,!,p.'.,,?,tr-r vallod over tit slloul� � , - I r . . . if .. The clerk glanced at him. -with 'sl I A6&bw Bowejr�, to one.ticket 'ball Ile tint) I proceeded' blit a few feet ,The four were now rap!dly, RP- C - wites attract. . That's WhY a )of tile C-Onsollilated Frult 00111110110 slow,spille., and pondered. "'Well I ....... " *:,-,i,ll 11*IIltj;j,zt- t1iL,% ru-m-pl. We'll Opy � . . . I forget your valeVs namepows aWd tonching the old Fren I "jarket,' and ,,,.r. irl wants sk riCh man- .� ., I�egjjlnrly Ile Nvepa N. and the clerk hung UP, ' trail ', ,(It . . I ll�p plying Qw, Or Ayerytillog Up.', .. .. along th[ -when. dirouglf a break Is . . . .tile joarket, PA(I , poor g . t I o buy a . , 0 1 I 0 0 11, Ilion) ovor Ili I . .. . � . . :M �. 1. ' . . said presently. ,If, you Care It I %aw qtoadlly , _-L', -- " "'e"s 'I". I I — I .. . I for Your Vaiet, I*tn Sure 1. jaU�IjIjjg, " .. _,-:­­­­- jnL�-trjio,-I­ - -0 -Itilil,," Athe- -0,41 ,�__01.1111111_1 ­_ . ,W.1-__1_1.._._ - � . y -S dQpot4 III ft 1, t _.�_� I sil-11111jory,iftleod if . - _bvl�r: to � tl"OUL,e� _�, . - � ;_ .- _ - - � . . IsIans and that e0ollkilla, . wh . lel.. c e . but the O .%jini-ih 'I -�(jli:p" I *-ft . - .. . �_ - III I .Shouldn't worry whetber or not 110 , 1�40 I tW men. Brici as Was Ills glimpse of 1 s-peakisig 11, French. Itailan,; �' I , .. I . . FOR - B $11 - Y7 �1_ I - �. 0 - I �_=­, I plon 'And San Buenaventura .. Halt an. houiAnieral Y tr . I , - I 'Ptint-All. . � . I I . . . 11 � .ne,,essitated fit.%8,alt of three drkyS fol d ,Wi-i­office arrIveti wlithtbetlek� them Webster Instantly ' re(!( d C, -O tole I nd 016ctaw, was suill Q1,01cp In S -Ii, for my .IIP,' . I I . . . . - - S*jj6S . -ITIIjjn!i,4, ever ,,o in,,( . � . . recoiI . . I . .1 . . ' boat. . _. ,gn 0 t, lep" , . � , . catches the If MY I I, t , t to julve t1rowned tile, slight no.Ise . . ­­­­­ -led. - merleons I . t I , d].Ct _­ -I._­tb`e_ 'sf T,i,A-­nqtr0IIIfiX--0r�th0, Ca- _thIfr'tbe-SV*ce- q -"o 4T,of-two men and ets, collected for -.them , and depat the ,two - CiIntral A Tin . r.p I. wort4 11 . I - I ,L-oluier I I .. . . I I . tjoqov�.+of the pirrsult. even had.the young o the �fsjjng main illl,9. g-ghtly. -aw . . � . � :. I 'Saetv first . . , . . .. I re. running 11.0'ClArAcilt In. Ithink kebsier% slngu- , a ship tleliet,qfflCe_ .. . . . -onto, P - I . 11 ,. .. . : ; ribbean -Mall III . the purser collects two ticko leaving .T.Ohik Stuart V . 4eell in' the"ske no 1.1,11glit I I ! � .411. "but Avherp I ( roul 11 � . I . . , I I . . . . fritut . Intrusibin." hirly . __ and at- I do,.v Ef prev .1 I . 1. 1, � inan's . Inind . not. been *.ug�on I ille fjjEtIjI(jA."tD fieltle:tllp'�e argli- , � . ­ I.. . I � ... I ., - �. . ,said wily p&t& ou'll I pleased with himself : ' . lous� - . � I . I - I . �l I el ��l I., 6 1 t. I .. I - be pretty Safe orld: ..: , walk. two thilign. and tlie lnterest�..Of: I I.i�p�two I I . % of babies . � . . . . 2K fin - - - G�.­_ 'Up djAjPd,, to Vt ,It the; ticket office !i 44To the ha - ce with the entITIO w They .we ricnost-eentered--tt"t-tholl. . ...... 15-1t, a Coll -, * X _F"U . . TWA I , I re not walking as P p.-I---of_4aw­ 1,14 _generations , I -60" t-114 Z._____A___._F C , I to ,'me - I s I I . ragged traveler," $aid Mr I . . . I ... � . .­ I -11119 _1116111 --for, I. I. L-*% __ ­�_ 4�4­ ­ LL nplsAhat -a-rou­- - elit-ral-*me . . . . l.,lIIjL._i,I - ., .. �, . . ne till 'JL In JEW a V I ­ -1 . .,I . I r,jj %� . j. � . � 11 . of the carnsbelln Mail, 11 I Webster, I . .U. IIJUV Int"I My . they walk us - quarry# to the (I.V11u."Lisin of 1111Y thOug,"t otneer is colls'(1017041 It 1. I naVe been. . . I � 1. � . ­ I - I I .1 �_Jyr i1nd, - avoid., tile rush . It% case . tb( of .Vogt cot d of'Antolne'S. stitution Neither did -I . i1ttion. I � . eotintry 1.14, . . . _p�4ptMtIgn Is.as rdre4hthg �Jght (AVebser.bad h , r � is 1. � I . I It.* pilot ensisequen ' i4rant, n ,. I � - _:­.. .1 j , , , : I ., . .eri . .. - .1 1- I. shoot a prisonor In thiq __ - I I F, , __ �.'-­ . - men - I . � ' ti,v .1r, a d fieefrom-skin- I . .: travel sh6uld be lie -AV - � , a of e6ol wafer In -the des- dinners, both Tat ,e and small and 709 -,.yalk churchulard. bound.. il A I tile considered iiiiikle' , �., . I . -1 1. I . . I . as a cautge 1. - resolved not to leave New Orlelin . Sun- sit lit, Skulking air marked, their pro-,- Webster felt Irstitle ' lively t lot . I It VI.V . se.of . ... ,- F. - . , . . ,� , Ofice was In Cantill art.:. Shoot I'l.sad he produced. a hand I . 9 .1 I I two linen would rush and.mak-0 a com f -have Imt one silterriative ond I I I I , troubles by the u . � . . . , . I . 1: . I - have it lit, le, . - , . ­. j I � . . �,,��'"Iting on five . : visited the famous re9tallf" r6sa. ELEI4 caused � Webster to worider .1 r,. H( voll. Iny good frlen(1.16 . . I � street. The clerk was %8 I tat of gold, . � , I � til he bad L . I . I certed attack from tb6 rea . � ., .) , . . I g . � . k . well-dressed and Palpably _16w -bred . . 41I will-provIded 1. have 0110 cui0y I fLnt),,,a,n,l *'to]), tbeougb the pictur- IdIv what bey �were stalking. .. . � . . of the same. I'th going to.run like 1:110 I � 11 " .. :1 . I . am the d � . quarter and along tit(, into thoji4th -down whleh .Spilled. � . � . I . . � . , � -sonf; of tile trOpt(Iso to omIte had e clerk turned ft French . He t'62d '5' I I . . . . I I . S 0 1 I . I ) wit cablu.'t' 844 th I day, , ' ' -41*11 Joint fool ytill ,tWO hombres. 1) devil." ' I � , , . . . x Q � lie did. . 'lit �. , I I .i . I - "I. 'j- . '=0 � le, his 'Ith the BABY , lie -;. rwo tile I thou -tit. and , . . . Just, displaYed it PaRSQng0r list which counter to consult his record of berths helped to rent r the on had ginKsed, 7190 N% stooping Abd Tio, was In full ME, � .. . . 1. , I . I . . . I 1i . �ans dellght!,� -stigbiest idea of slind6wing then'. but whole lot"' to �; � 11 . jh(� two were scanning' critically, already sold and others reserved - but 1. enloreel 11t1t1.y` "I Now OrR . tilt. tn- r could gla6i'e arontid. I . I ; . fu 'Or . . ' "it stOnle- On before, NVO)Ste . ­ - . - I I 11 ti c r -Ause. his hiption -.fay In Willi picked UP, IE sit' uvr,00 , wng-jost to flight . -1 I I it.te . I ere4 r . .too$ Presently - he faced ng, and lustrue v. dest , I . I . . Their , Interest. In It was 86 Oby not paid for. 1, . . - hk . . . siant file two olk,11. iniving oppro. ant) In tin instant IIL I S , I I I lously Webstel! peeped Webster at the counter, , .. Inned an early olorning direction. - �, . I . . . ­ �.. . that- untOOSQ . I . I withlot. thirty rt,pr of their qi7orry atjjop� tit(- trees. . - - . I . . . , � � . . 'blue,'! he an, I Sunda -et , I . . 11 4 � ;-,%,*Zr . - �L , . ers (no (1141CUlt. task �,The outlook is very "Isit t�v AlIc 1011141 French mark I around, notil, men had for.quiten tile graveled - it ru,-Ii for I � 11111. . � . . qhnt advice, soundg elliltsently fair, 253f . I . . - r . ovcr their sl)Ou(d discovered nounced, "nowever, I have one berth 1'wbICh. still- lingers much Of tile Ifle- , . *Ing on, tile soft Vel mad( ,� gr 'a not � re�sonoLbI0,'_'_ I Webster yelled' after s3rulf � :�017111111 I I I for,otle of his Stature) and I . , I � I . path and were wall, ; .Thoir elmrgt� �N`14 Mvlft, flat If'"" . - (Z ou . . !11 . r list of -the ' - I I I.. I a toliesque Charm nod colorful romance vet'of blue grass lAwntilAt fringed It, It Ivas'. .tile litile, stolit. %viiii-h John Illos. and was about to follow when ;.5 . I . AV . it to be tile 1148440090 . I -"a4 . - �, 11 11 Is done-�4hat MIO 'Of 4'peihaps I'd %boof �ouiw iniin ]laid . . . . I . . � . ', I 11 I It better deallen, my Stuprt Nvebster hurl(ld W.'s .-WtftPV`- ll� observoil, that flit' .) 0 � I steamer La, Rstrellita. Tbpy wero eon ' of a day On I . I � . - . , ,. � ng together In low tones -,tnd Well-: . I I . It ere, whielt bas . I eft. li� lity 16 *i, john ..Stuart . Webster . plan r.jirly lietweor little.r.tiver- "4 1 � V0.1.4 . . . " . yesterday. its . W dIvfduaIjtY as (Its- -P at, I struck'1114- Y011114' �1_ abandonee; .':ft. �,PrOtty . . ALseRT SOAPS UMIT9D - � MO I NT41EAL. . . . . . ... I . f;ter who lind .spent many years of I New' Orleans on, tn the Olden, kold soilloquIZ. and'followed suit linul- I , . .. I � - , . ell � I I I lisp .,4h0jIjdPrhjjlde.,4, with '11. for( I S11,111 I r I ! � . . fig his profession In . ginet'as that which " diat.01Y, , - � , ' .� tv, (if Ills 't,'Pliti ���� . . . I . Ills life followl � . . . hit,ve left upon son Vi ran_ .. . . elent to bring hill) ( I 11 I � - I I . . . . . -1 - . . . I . - Ic spe.0'ell 09 tile ' dl of �. r'celv done so when the ral-nial .1 'wittra jork. ,-I,; It Were I . . .. I . . I . � . � . . - -P 11 . . � . . . � ... I . IN -Xico, recognized their . . . I . .Ha"bad sea . revel e. . . I . I . � � . . �. . . . . . . . . ,� . . bastard -spantsh of tile peou., . - � I g;)f8C,6z8S a', S . .. lead of him. pallseol,nbfup�lv, I ,I� %,,,,:,,s,,j,.,,L,,4pw tit, diinger 41.0, � , . 1, . �: . I . � I . . � ..4 � . . . � . I - - ."'ell it) . . . ' . 6 � � . . . I . . � � . I �� .. . I I � � I � . I Al th6 curb In I . r, I' . �� �� � � I Idete(l their scrut y.of the list, turne . Sound asleep inside, ll� I membraned. - of the.. Menace � Ili the I � � . "I'l) I -tivol" yelled Websiter, Lind I...) I ( . 1: � . . . .. .. 1. . .. .. I .. . . � I I - � I . . -ali'mat I ter -his and responding I it. anoj-�qprnn; tit meet I . , 11 MERCE . . it , _ o,cidek, there "re: ... lie '-sai down lit tile ion.� "A . I b )r� sl .$ let . . . �� - I I . . I . I , vd at them e s. I - - I an w I ith t114 puckered : SCHOOL -, . � � 11 .� . . . 1, I I till waited tintilAtip pair, having,"ut- I fore; found a 'tn-Vt. with the' diliver --.­Subconsclously, perhaps, to the re- It. . . . � it) 4 � . . � . . . to limi ouL 116 glone . . (11 13 - fri6nt or t1lo hotel, gave the tat . ­ glance of the In III% pid.. for lie ha4l. smin 1r)iv. 111.qt 1111 I � I � . ONTARIO � - . �� . . . I.. .. . .. . . . I . I . . a . . 11 . ( . . a tall thin Inallwho'le d climbed ,to. eye -he stepped out of sliglat behind I I . 1 1 Instructions, an . . allrl- w.sir',t. ,ri-tigpily tit I �' CLINTON,' . .. . . I ualtv. One was %. . Wills to bi- 1, . I . . 11 .. . I I . I . . I . . ��, , I .1 ; . I I � 01OW,a.bot Q.veq- Were filt-111MI to "11011. I :",. Opposite jackson square the cloy' broad Oak, tree. 'Through ,tile ,trees st 'Ill is opelodi-punt.. . .. . .. . I . . . . . I I I I e� f . � I . . � ,. 11 . . . a little -forallillip evidence In tile I . � . - .Ing sweetiless at Tittilmetto, palifi, find and shrubbery he, could StIll see the . he pu#%cred eyk. . � - . . ,� � ' The mail will' I I ., , I � 11 . liat ho -is drinking .. .. - I . . fig - buriferied the ale. Above'.41se. IntlY :11 so �xacj more from out - . . . t,atio-Anteritilin I . tovers,'who .had halted find evldC ph eagerness It W10 It 'is perhaps' true that we e . I . * I . . . � . . , I 1. . clovil In wit � , ' ,. .. . . - : - e could hear the were, about:to part. . . �. it Ili. -k. *was. � . . . 10.11 - I . I I 40ore hard liquor thnit. 14 good fd� 111fil. I .rumble, of the taxi b . apporent *I o Webster tit: nggs with the assistance ' � . � I .. . 1, .14 Illroltily ,of t" . . the rrench. - " 111: students -but:by so doi Is ., I Ji I . Ili$ ;X1111palkloo w, I distant babel. of" voices In b Young man 91"O'coff . I . I , I so he I- work it, Ill`q 111-11",'. I'll" -voll", IT . , � e , . ril . I t -d Jifs 11911t cane. [lilt I'll"her-eyt �. " I ,dow racial stovk. although, Webster market across ,tile square' - %%'a y about; . ifien, appArently sat 5 M IS, . . w,e make them hiasters . . . . I . . Qu le , . . I . . . � , - ,. . or 41 slight,ndmixture . taXICabjkliglitte and banded . fts�dtherc was, none to spy upon them, -(-W off our. - Better alif" 4 StAffis � . L suspected 111111, � I ­. I bnlw the , I 46 � I . I � --- --- I .. !� _ , III did not iteRitate. t1'e'llierel-v II)l � � . . �Xpii�t th I.. I to., � - . . I 1! at. negM,,ld4s:jtI_ _I liq irlit, .i4jort�,,04.Wkv. - ­ - I . I I .- -AIf0'-drI`ver_W_--btIL- : - - -.---:-, -1-r. . - �iint.l toward -I&. -4 lilt tilt' VXIW0"` I f* I tho � ... . . . I ` 1=1_ .. - � _�,__�_ ­ . ._ ,� � do drew 1he girl Y . f thieli subjects An'. r 11 � * I -1 I - I . . I . I . .1 . . . his It -ft foi -arni tit flit .. .. ... 2 .. I .. . - . I ,j want it) 0, Ite 11 be- I , I . .1d. tun."I'd to I . . . I - ,I �1-_ _.... I I � . gploro this.squt I I . allned of ItIs'lle. .1 Id �­ . : . � . Bad aggrP�mvit. joill lit.--. 11W01119 etijsl�� . I . blow . r . 0 . . - I � ' ' , . s .. 11 m , I . 'it . . . I . . . Ingss Wor . 1. . - . i��11!611. bojewole4l 'Itill possessed of it � . III Tie had recognized by tbe� k 1 shwilt-11 Vt(.lou4;1,v lit t114 Better positions in the BUSi . I . . I . . - . I , . I-111fivilled loollsitnelle % .0 set f General Jackson peep� k I ward and I . . . I I . . I . thin, earetl0h, , heroic statue O young. mail's Ohdolnell. Tile Irtt"t I . I . I . I . . . ha v,%liwql sit about tillie'. 4t 1 bled, like it jil . I I jqk through the. -trees. "I'll Walk 1. � nek 0 stv,J). dou . rk � . ' - . . - � � . . . . teen hairA OU . Itlillo, side find twenty on � tUrOugh( the Square to �the, market, And I - � I drew 1) ellop dowl. . . I - COURSES — - . .." . .. . . . . . the. other., VVIdentTv oneo" upoll, 1- I I \ knife. find brotight Ills . . � .. .. , . , ; � . cod to the 'market and % � I vielously I'across; the, 'Imuckles of hh, . I . . � .. I . fluse, I's ilip Ritivi. 111flihs bovi, It. ll� . you ,may proe. Later v4 Will' return . 4 .. lglil band. I I . . . ,COMMERCIAL I � .- . . , 4 meet tile there � . % I V I as I t STENOGRAPHIC . . . . . "I'""', SI - - . . , - . � shot. Nvells!vr Iotritpected, 11 .. I . , 2 -.1, hi, I �: . . . � Is: 11 beetj ." ' - ' I to the hotel." . . � I � . I .. .w it is ttivu. Still Of a pl. � . I I . ,a V . . I ". 1%1431-�or hullill. firell sit loog� ranuo. I? -eyed. bealitt-" .. . - Spanish. "I 1!06o - FARMERS , : % . - . . . &.Creole girl -starry I - . . . I . .;-alled �Ieasantly to F ' OACICRETAiRIAL , . � . . I 0 O;trl j.111pred. 111.z 'rl'-lit t4tvel;, just lie I .1 tul, rich with tile glorious Coloring of ��� ­­ � ­ . ed You that time, didn't 11" he added .111 ­_. . .­ . I � . �� .. - I I . . I . I -01% lilt, Inotat.. 11111g.1'.) Alowuivorw4l . A- '_ Ill— ' ­ -_ - I . and. out I Ilin I ollet, I tier rnce�passed film bound for the . � , . .... ,in English., "Thought I would airmn I a-- al Arrangements Made for Special Stu ants 11 .. lbriough Ills 1114111111 . chtliedral . acrosi; tile SQUAlte- 1I$ Web' for your head. didn't You t" . . Specli . . I I . I . 1. � . . , %t illpsh undisr blif 1-1 ' a carried to large . I . � ': . ,I - fold tit anlill, . all I I . . . I -a � I . Igivi. lippi. %I frightfi.) ster thought. for . I The blow temporarily paralyzed the I . Illu I It fuu,st - His glancl� . - I I I he dropped the knife,. . I . � '4+111t *- prayer book on bet arm \. . . . amsslWs hand, Tw* Weeks' Tuitioit jiven Free to students who call, . , 0. �', , * , I., wml;ld. hut it tint) heated well 41% . .. I � followed, tile girl down, the walk- . aud.as lie Stooped to recover it with . at tile point or entrance, 101pre, It 11414 1.1 - ,, young man,, before or before August 19. - " , __1 . a 1pollitney to plo,lipr vausiderflIllY. 11 ,,Th* outlook Is Voilry . blust.r - Presently silo halted. A young MSU . f I I his left hand, tl,L at the school -and.register on I I I . rose tr4p ft bonch where be, evidently. retreating from pop+ye. kicked Pnek- 11 . � . 11111s, drawing Ille .01an'o evelld dolvn In No. 41 reserved by it gentlet"atil 1151, been waiting for tier, � and . . .. e"yeln the face and quite upset film- , .1 I . ' 1922 . : 1 � Olt 111-1 01POL, ;14111 givilitr tit Ill -it V1.211.11 . , . I I Pall Term oPens,september 5-o I . . who. was to call tot it by two weloett =�!!_!�-_� �.-o. t_� =tT.I=_ ., I "Stop it!" shouted Webster. . , . � I - organ minlethlol"P Of flit' nlitse-11*411eo 44 1 to-olay.11 He look#d tit btfl Watch. 'It I �� , . Pop -eye turned his head at the out- . I . I . I ��­- , � � I � a loulldog's. . I is now a quarter of one. It I 14 by, Boy � I %V(,hqtEIr gatted after them N01111vitt-, :be reser- a, . � : cry. Tile man he wns attacklag fell - SpecialRa*�On Bus Line to School of Commerce , � . , I V&tlon Isn't clikitneil promptly at two ' 'hl . 6 Into tile position of a swordsman ell . t it-hed .tile vounwri . I ch to Clinton, and,return- Wrifte NONOIN0~1 , � 10..V.10��� I OAP a OF cold I I I I .1 . eally agA he appro Wahl, I oteloaL. I Shall cancel. It and reservO mprogin & d licate dilld, for L g*rde, nud thrust viciously with the students from Goderi I I � , to Ivaue Olt some, for yoo both bertba In that room, It I I 4 le face of tile pop�eyed man, � . i . -rd baw at houlbris with tile puel'. I . ferrule at ft � . for particulars. I . I—- . f . and Mid 1IN yon will be good enough to leave mo 0 . � . , l000l"a over tile. 13Y lit" li4 �t r0oha ne bo,Y.* - who, disregatoling Weligtoeg approach, . . ­ I i . tred eye, your name and addres�t I Will telO-: . � I seliod tile cane in bis left,banij and . . - . I I in tho Otte tatither wrftes.�._44lt ist,"Vice Prin. I q . �Kay,,, Ile coutinued. suddeld-F 011111'41- phone you after tbitt hour. . you had . . quiet,, powerful Ing Actually ittl I I . ,Qt "Inch of that i tulag ja0e resorvxtJob. 6,6,� r four litionths ago with a M. A. STONE, Com. Spec I . tuene4ve. 11410 you V W-ekat1w, yo,Q toy little"Y&U11) -day, you � I I. drew his vleWn toward him a toot be- N ­ :_ , I p-Itailovot tra�� . I Audi _ � nr% I it he it the "me I R, jOLt 1W Ac , I on snur 111110" I an were to W hilat to 111"- cts., Prin., P , 11 ­!! - ­ '! woullueverbelieveths tore the latter let go,the StIeL - I I - . & IM, WA1XLoFj I i It ­ .1 !* - �!!'!!^!!!!�!!��-__ 11 I-- Tlieti he weighed only 49 pounds. .. Ilefore he could give ground again . � I .I �..� . I I .. . .. .. . . I rI.&.fr.2t Am. , I , Ft OR 0 1 .1 ...... . eighs 90 poupolss almost Pop -eye was upon bit". -He grasped Phone 198 . . I . . �.. . - - - - - . ------- T"sy be w he vitelghed four months I man by the latter's left . . I double *ldit I . I ago. Ills tirouble first started with A .the young d him. ,wbIIe Ile drcw back 11 L I I . . . I I roldi which we never noticed. because . arm and bet 11 . . . Tr�r _tl�_!6__ he, was littollej mad Ijkt- all boy$ Of his W for the awful dl�ombowlllng stroke- I � . . -_ I _� __- - ! !r"��-!��!!-.�!��-,!!!!!-�!!.!!��--,------. . I caughtcold. Afters tb6'hook I... __ L' � ruit * , As his long arm sped tOrwtktd . I L . It O"4101'a y � F reSh, F 0 "" sk riotica tbat bis cough, Drew the Old dontly Toward Him. - . � *11ite we begn" to) I of .1ohn Stuart Webster's heavy cane I . "' ' L' I ing bettero was Jilettillit . . I descended upon that flexed arm in the MCE ~Ar instead of gett" tn fornearly it minute., WEN",5 J"#& WOW, th'At Ut WAS lookifig PRIC and Sho clung to lit , crool,, -of the elbow. S11099ft' It SPECIALS at � and V Ulgelables losing weiXht. , lie seemed to be tiro -A sobbing; then Ito- raK011 tier face tklll* . . . &II Ih* time. WA no elltr9T to do any" dorly, kissed her, prelosed tier -fgrom� 46vorly- , . . he..knife never reached Its de!ftluft- *3r, Shirts rind drawers, oach,75-0 1 thirog. 1jefoft he 0.11 It ihis cold Inge 01m, and Avalked Swiftly AWAS without T . I WeW4 Summer 'UnderWel , I bad nod, ltrouble withfis lestous ad4 looking Itself, Plan t L I Wilts Belts, spedial 500 eftell. Always the Best at Ll e--- ach's . itutaine(llkttbeheidbihisd&3%widmt U was si Sweet and rather touching .41011.would, would $OUT' 15114 WO�- 11 Ments S6ek% 3 pair for $1.00. 1 UIM'h study, ZULt WOM beWk'4 Ito Isatice At - I 1. ip, more comfortable Clift"ge. Ile didn'toetm to 0111ite whether Uttle tableatt. to.1011a; Stillirt Webster. MA Uen's rn-vigible 136ces, non-ela'stle, 110 141 . L I ho- kno-Whis lesgodos at va and aothia jmsg�uative and Iso"esoged at a to- !��t��"!!�!!T'!��- - than those over the shoulder. -, L ­-- -L , of $III kind$, apple,9* seemed to ist0#4 lkws* He 061111103 Inflow st"ItI.. in Ills nature. It was —_ - - Mania ().versals, koin $1.50 up I Domestic and Importea Vruits No arittelt t(ad mi, jistd, at tiftes, Aboit Iiik, than a tablk,vu. It was A tOOv' I TAdie Rose, from 250 up. - , -, etc- tattwotildbftomc.rlfplesiikdwetbougt_t wo" ure f . � LadiW Vest% frOm 250, up. I .0 . I pelts, plum,j peaches. bananas I urat a blood Vemitt Ing, Plet n� objectg to . � be would litittelY . Medicittles askil Mu rAixtiorres didalt ILL suppose hot old mat LsAieg, Corgetg, fcoin $1.50 UP. I 01inally. In despera, the young fellow", lie muttered to Voileg, Some niCL6 pattern8,750 and $1.'OOL It VaTa. _ - I Corn, encualbitts, towatoegg, caujjjj()werr, ete. . do him "? 'Ui�ioaottmb tried CaTuall . 1AjtO,5eIf sSjjWjAtbPtjC.&jIy. "And he Catft V11111OWWO *114414w* - I - tiotina as a Ucftan!SL OWU DAing Powder, 25e for I 1h. tin. I tn Is allot time his c�&fjgtbl liad almoost colue nmr the howtk%. The-y've tapt bit" 6000 tu- I � I I . ditappft IfetIAM- blot ""WAM., SSW" -I,-- . solne 811ada, Tes Yet on hana at the ma price. . . _ �ed- Ills ApIlittigle was tleye for the roidd jaitewol. and flow ft&- L " - - ­' ____ — . , I Wei go _ � WIPQI�.. od ptlwi,g Phone us your ordet. wila be 'a"iftig to take to the sou"t fellow's SoI03 eat wes"t to � ,01p for $1.00. None any bettez. . I -** - he " I*V ,krid. thanks to I T14% NO. 1 %1_10(fee, fresh, gr,ound as,you buy it. Try & pouna. .6 Itmis". so Ni CAU Come back at Is tertt ikat1k:**3tbt1dftiV0e6W!e, 0% stiffts %*4 Vilio litt tot K a � CaraM4 ri, 1111h, Ithewaulff 11111A . keethy "Ike tm tvtv�bfticll qnd ,claim th6 911 I UL T C#ftot IS W(I by L rW J"giWjA "d if l*r. why the slevil oltiesTIL't he t810I ­ I- of I I _ , nt : Now 31630 IN " . . E a "it tollodfigifiowy fty, after Y" horl Itc1le I 1111�1 Judas firk il a 31W MICEWE I Ho L ACH ve tfitd jt� that it ttaslat dooet r*- t Uillkv U111A tht"e' t%" 113"olt*e- � 't PhojiJeL 46 We doitliver the SO*& �' *AfL ow ____ squave am ..retuft "ke t*$y Uallso itsid ap to. nm% at thonit 1% 1110 UIN'T Olt _ L- -11 L W�� - KS1 ISO ,Cor. Montreol St. and I � ifl, lklwy,vo 1�,mva Pr,�Mn,,; on tii�p ­ I 11 - I i 4 r 11 I*w 41100. 11-11" rihat A LeVre �v)Na to cor- Sold by Dunt)rls Pru"s Sstor 11- "'. -_ , . .. 1. I- - - . r 'For asiei,by Colimplioll's Drgw stol*� 'Ove". and notv 11 . . � . . ______ � � -1 I I . 9 � ), % � I