The Goderich Star, 1922-08-24, Page 4SPA" 1■ 14F sal NIfICANCE. waymcp who te3li'* xncral rAvAv- mrge ircUl EUSPCI jjjj 'c400m trAlt to tle Mot here of 48a)IW1113 a wheat board to hlamdze this VCal"4 crop, has bccn Aii:Uitaik foiiowcd in the niag exacted a aj- Alk three 1,0 Strain. notified Ottawa to Me C -free'. art in have notif sir, -o tine that they cltlac�,Z? have dropycd the I + ogt?ry act4on UVIO3 TjjjvrUj)Ay, AUG, 20b, 191t, A WI aLau—j'anaild' Italy Las haj, a sqc� wea or W.- a. W trj of the war troubles in v,,k) -jAe plan w adopt- ccs'.s9on of lator � ich the it, T ndcr a weasuri that with general strike powerful C4 at V50 last session of the Dominion e has been a 1'c3bwent �y Can. in the hands of agitators. Parliament, was for tile t'stabl` -catico after the war, "weapon i of a rL"tj9raj ��beat j-i�arkotirzg agen. Settlement Of the It% & Soft C031 tv gzt others. I The government baa come through— The Settl I ada heing cancelled an, or cel by cor-curre'at legislation Of at 31ilters, strike A wore or, IQ35 tentative" treaty. ret I or rather BuccessIvo governments least two Gf the rovinces and the. Ce Soft Coal ndre= Of the 'Tn'" laced It. The Unitqd States in aihave, by a series of comPromic ilsominion. The coflap5e of the pro. �110 had been on strike oi=0 cement with Frar4o -:pow there is apparently to be an a jfct will undoubtedly be a disappoint- ro State a, V iStance to a wage cut, now trade v19rta,,, _1plication, of the jjtroi)W hand.. The nent to many of the growers., This Alpril Ist. in re,3 goto come adval , that this coun luse of prit cit the old Vale: joy. It is hoped that are clear houded statesmen in Italy 11 he lc!3s keen beci operators to try does. not enjoy, alco to Canada- wbo see that unly in self pacrificing will be none I rituracd to w( L Wo5t simultaneously They awrecd %Vltb the tEcae will be extendedthe fact that al. and Other Canadlans Will worl: can the nation hope to escape. t1oned Set up machinery fora new wa["e 51r Fieldin �,)Ddjtjons that prevail in with tko announcements men 1922, and to Cots; attenrtho Syctcmber QOscmibly the Pitiful wheat for September delivery fell be. scale offcetive April 1. prevent future fie.OP2 ill the ind"Otry' of ations at Geneva, tiwuo otb countries. low a dollar in Winnipeg and Chica- -he Uague I * * 4 The m Light'OS rho latter 15 in many respects th(I of t matters of IMPOrtAnec gro. most important factor in most im t of the agree. .0cre some ',,, especially the mOdi- Lord Nor,�jcjifreis an, Extraordinary i rtant Par doubt the absence of by mutual arrangement by will ba discussed, the price Is no anent, If ocation of the famous article 20 of export demand., The railway trou- the two parties most dircetl con. Treaty binding the dgna' For years to come Lord North- had some effect. The cerned a long tenni of industrials lira" thL, peace Tre t but to de- cliffo,s name will be the, centre of hies have alco I the export demand strike will not toipa not only, co respect Of ago it OR il boundaries. controversy. At 57 years fail'p'� home to the FCC - can be 013RUrCd, the st !end each other's brings people of this con - have I t ri cut no had seemed that there -many in hopeless financiql. and ve. have been without incalculable be the box of Allied Conference years before hjij� but the tremendous that. •exists in Europe. fita to millions Of People who were The Breakdown anomie muddle not,, parties 'to the quarrel. The act. on Iteparations energy of the,.man took its comPara- There are undoubtedly several coun. tlement of the soft coal stril:o Paved in In all tively early toll. Whatever :may be tries there which would place large for peace in other dinputes,l There is a note of pessimis right. regarding the. break- the verdict of history as to ME the w g the great a BrI. orders for wheat they had either agave and stall do concern Mil- the desTatchea at of the money or credit SO- long as they which ful place amon in. London, tish Empire, it is admitted every- have neither they (*nnot be expected ho are powerlesa when such down 0 the Allied conferenceop fler lions Nvl occur. The strike ;ori I man reparations - bold conflicts ted an accord to mis- where that his career was one of the to enter the market for the agricult- scotia miners, which came on thel-,We have reaeb liewzi� most extiaordmary- of modern times. ural products of other countries, understand each other," was t] I in leis extraordinary and self re, With wheat at present heels of the settlement of the soft in which Premier Poincare of Franqo- Th is Ov grices it would coal strike,. across,. I ization which the border, serVed moli built an or be I assible for,a _wheat board or put,lhe situation -prior to hi's depart\ to remind 6niidiahs that Inf- OW44 .00 British newspapers any pt= organiWaticon here or across U1 a for Paris. lie added that a "rup. owned some I iiL Un- — On I . 0 U Pit, can buy a Stude- the large part during the serious oni way shoDA compfleato long time of coal fro 'can be-reat the genera 'E. h row t u w- at. and periodicals, and. vir mane_ ie. - The fact tore" bad. not taken place and the line to guarantee a better njonft this year Stude- ThaT, 5 W Y le opinion of the four powers which had been re- the public mind Was eIkOrWOus. It mum price because'the fundamental In seven than baker Lilght-Six today at Its new a tion at first presented at the conference could con- him that he injected a baker built and sold morecars $1375---theloweStPrice can be said of that it conditions are as stated. Truly the tinue to act together to enforce the 44 into 'British.journalism conditions In one quarter'of the world of 192 j. And low Prim of and the cation for a I P own, This is not the during the entire Year I it has ever sold can continent Versailles treaty. But the powers MR never knows, have more than ever a. bearing -on 1921-i inspiteof a general businessker for which � a car of such clug- will be 4 tain, France, Italy'and glace to.argue, as to whether It has ch referred, to, Bril There those elsewhere. lowest at which. Belgium, are -not any more likely to . een beneficial or otherwise. depression, was the biggest year in .1dwe ed. of the rail. Beig! thing about the "Na. it A Cure for Leprosy? was ever offer ited States so agree on methods of dol %, that than I was one other )aperdom" to give him Studebaker 70 years' histOrY-' ity ,t it will b upon the questions which ought, the polecon. of 110w8l The claim is -made, at Vancouver is reduced.. Quality one of his ill ,a conference on the repara- an�'poopular titles --be. the case of leprosy has. responded oftuAness,P1119 only the price ai mernt�s thirteenth confi Ott Ull- believed in the British Empire with a This steady volutne e c; the savings Multin% from W working A---- matter to The point an passionate devotion tbdt. left 4 an general hospitA tions ma abrupt but not an im. to th. haulmoogra, oil treatmentad. StUde- is better than .ever. I Which passicona f . 1 11,- to ents. %no I would taeles physically guarant present a Impassible to override as quickly as SOMO c the inifatience of the people would word " demand, respect ein wants, pullway-outlook Brighter in 'Canada fears I In, Canada the .railway outlook Is stege utterly much brighter by reason of the action way, a of the reads In rescinding the wage drama reductions of �bopm(jn, which were situati This has made effective onjuly 10, yet fae been done largely, because the view Of signed, theDominion Department Of Justice, I are itintrary to Ruhr s that the reductions not admit such step t law. The railways do sentim view, but rescind the decregsoli a VI for th Pending the report of the board of difil. labor conciliation now sitting. It is Franc cult thing to. decide as to general lilies tions, at action that should be foillowea in tion such matters, because these almost ontra always assume that one side, or the Franc other of A dispute "sbc�uld be, comPot many o accept certain rulings Or Suff. - led, to tude �U" j enti'. yet it ..would se k that U.. e.,o 1picou may, later- __1 ­111trary.- proviciect 'Lur In U,,Vry ease V apga'rent .that widespread jos. is bound to fall, an of the conimunityL. as.agair is coming to the fore. 4. -Fra Fielding Goeis to nee Trade Treaty Hon. W. Fielding Is v France to negotiate a nev = ment between that cO Canada.. There ma also 1 al tions with somethe $I tions, ptande abrogated i. on tho'British presdon on all who knew him. an. 4. - an re extent that the patient will baker's Methods Or corapA e 11A.G.1 and see the -Light -Six- L1= such - The facture, reduces manufacturing and Stop in moratorium for soon be discharged as cured. 00 upon a mors its easy handlW& precedent to any fur. 'Irel e atien a Chinese woman, has been 9. And it is a Studebaker Us demonstrate am - y as a and Loses g, Sound and San $ , ation, its great c 0 _Ahrnu hl .. 1,.ycoiaring t ent for seven Cost its iack of vibra ins; Leader the most dreaded ot s a Once T of- bmg standing -A" Ainee_--7- 77-- EmoorT!,ref used consent unless 'In'a crucial hour Ireland has los months. poncy et US prove ITS C=uIr ces were given by Germany. Arthur Griffitbo One of her greittest diseases lepras has been.,, under 4, those. savings with the customer. fort. elf. Commentators Prefer to use the and soundest le4ders. lie was Oftcyt certain diseases 0 control for a consi& Hence, the new low prices. Then drive it Your$ There are other diseas- taken" instead of "'given!' in described as the father of the Sinn arable time, combination robe- and to the guarantees that France Fein, but he .was for a peaceful get- es against which� much headway has Rain.vision slanting windshield-,, cowl lights; r handles; ad inside doco regard. de k What the British, government demerit of Irish troubles and did his yet �6.p be made and which aye hand-raii across back Of front seat; outside -tank. in. s that matters have reached a carpel:. -covered foot rest in tonneau; gasoline Gauge utmost * to , bring that about. -His can. carrier rear with extra rim. ere orm' will collapse death after a -brief illness was a shook Visit,; complete set of t0018.; tire . in a, financial, and economic to, 411 of Southern Ireland and was re Nerves Were Bad. After nd at France will make some ceived with keen regret in the - Noxth S AND PRICES_1. 1. co. b. W Ikerville, .Ontario' 4o move that will precipitate a and in England. Griffith was more lisaharge From The Army MOD BIG -SIX r. SPECIAL -SIX 1260 W. B., 60 H. on more dangerous than any nearly stolidly British in character LIG-HT- sots. P. 7"Pass., ed since the Peace Treat was than any. of the noted men of the Sirill I W. B., P. S.Ps j100W.B.- The re-oceupation 07,the Fein m5iiiftent, and some of his Ir-,, Wherever there are People who are 112, W—.B., 95 Touring..................S troubled with deranged nerves they will T . couring -.-___.$1375 Touringdsitcr(4.Pajij;)_ 2560 - would probably be the practical is critics at tames referred to him find in Milburn.Is Heart and Nerve •-Pills Roadater (3 -Pass.)- 1375 Roadster (2 -Pass. 176.0 Spec hat would most lease French But he had As, the "stone Image." -that'will restore the equil- Roadster (4-PAss. .. 1795. cotipe(4-Fass.)­�.­ 3176 coupe -Roadster. . 1 2750 ent just now.' he agreement id abed a remedy IM coupe (4 -Pass,)-- 375 al great vision, de couralUepx jj these aeraxiged ��,nttes and (2 -pass.) 2950 Sedan......._.3 e, use of and ing faith in--WdLe beloved lbrium 2225 Sedan .� . . ............. German material � ht`W�Cl atteria nervous" sys- Sedan---.—... n' the: devastated- areas of county lie was a firm'believer in bring back the sh rnent- itioll. C�prd'rjres Standard Equip e, in part'payment of.rethe ultimate reconciliation of the tem. to a perfect condition. bits biolcen, down. The 00POsi- Nortli'and South. - Fighting between Corp. T. Globe, Can. Machine G311L X French manufacturers. and the Free State forces and the Repub" Corps, 1233 James 8t,,rorth, Hamilton,- ra Was respons writes. --Since r ws.,4 discharged e wants, is ca T.. F..HOL cto *16. .�t licans still continues.. It is impos- LAIVD cP sible to. convince one's self that the from the army, XUUO 16th, 1919, 1 have more budget GA Goderich' I ni- Republicans havoanK hope of'cbang- been suffering with vii nerves- 1 ""7 She believes that G Phone 243 EAST S RAGE, Germany Ch political eve front W Yin in cash much more hod to come home Ing the course in which ork, on many lo, of pa ants in their country are now run. inally1cst my -job is de occasions, and f manLd. A government nin But they are doing grievous oc B,. A K E E -.I try Milburn is Heart and T U D Wool -Many,_toy_mAand leaving told,.,to t S 0 Nerve n l4t, --I- T _.. S_ et the w violence that wilr x ris. dirt g®r and OvA .11 rmany7s ability or it memory of ants WOV14 not last long - name .'Of Grif-� &aarte; and since in execrated when the -one box I •folt a'great e a just now. The'situaticon is a 4;+h is revered, . Elsewhere, in. the ut�. T o;aia not be without ih;= 'eats jX b1in -British-Empire-the4r!sh-situg�Ao au sDouse,as T had treed everythf�rg for the future of the entente, wilderg all who t to understand it. the people me about. recommenPeu 1 -be asked of.its remark -',frog croaksevery night` anxiety Y civl- t is always I cro� er. But everywber� to is an earnest P my chums who. Were In ed with more general dence could It relieves. I aker or -a quitt tholn to two of prosy ever was. able merit. .. It a Fi overseas, lized nations than sl�.jjj�G"o-v--e-r—nment Taklax K� hope and' for peace, ed� with f the same unvarying quality which tieHatid the same. unit I. sery j -A asthma learns tol Ch'idr(§u been gre r Asthma,—As- the sufferer froi must feel, Board and they h&v 2Aq!t­._ - Nothings Good to 'V- knOw. - D It taiian go,66rnment 1 Hope of organizing W -heat come and go but e o not another Use. .I . FOR FLETCHER!$ 6, to T e helped.,, thma remedies -come today. u. that it has the affairs of the country... Abandoned the original Dr. t this sPletilid remedy ar the so . but gel 'A S R I A sinci% its recent firn't at. nt price 50e. a. box.At 411 dealers or mail- cry yi� sales of and well in hand For Som the almounceme lives the al n6t disturbers in many co . The T. D. ia Remedy grow. While the eat has nine. Oda'.; titude agai, tim of AlbertA and $ask- ea direct con.recelpt of vri J. Kellogg's Astlin I No further evi na. Provinces, It has Just issued a de- i by the pren y have abandoned Toronto'. otit. I greater and greater. sand - ya%. I atchowart that the Milburn Co,.i Limited, trade tree penalizing fifty thou . .................. . ..... ............ T. TY7 ANG QQ JF AND EOPL EN rs. JUN P E, i D1,1,11is, sea sif tW asiWit U04fto IN AM MY 6( 804 %%Uv^ -was #Akft Aufft 00 by Fath State itoort. r"gliA gids to 'I lot st7enes" atmetatt. Sea* ro a OW-4tlt" #Iltta" taster at soopwry, *00" Mwis, 41) The likay is eetfrol.-le. far trot"" It. "S%# has SJOVOW hft W ofioh" * to& VWO 14&6g in X*,W Vo* jtotioot'. "dr*6 pogmiseriel to nilio her 111d *A Nottift I** MAP$ a boo %oj*, "" It yog U" to bwo ft 0,viptat EA kiiovo a X"A taftv V*Ito, r the Lost Ag"sitwi CWHA aW 66 A*bs" * AWU tojW*9 CWogio, Xftlow oft 1114 ft A estvive 0 His Ii-00lot 'hassipAe *toy* NovNov"n, *1 ftirboll" ft I" r rw fit , t tang "t 1* . trook Lor4 *Vor at ulnar,AN"11C 01")%0" W* 16 lo, Mot 1 all J!"aft aeeatwte IS) lookillioto fit their Arsookat STMV fso twultat.'t 1p*t" X"ottl% I -ort. t'4CA *j%C, Goro*W_r~*j of iot d* 't-�krw "00 0'" 600!�6*4tie ftw U* lisom"; jwft 2 0 1 too, Mr 64 0