HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-6-17, Page 4I ;
THE PlebeSeiteliot Plebieite.
lige'Vleter Aittl.`leCtie) Peh
upon t minds of the people of Canada
oibitiouists are trying to impress
that all that is required now to make
this a lead. of Paradise, is prohibitiou.
Mr. Anti Coerciou, to my mie& has
plainly established the feet that peolii-
bition is no part or parcel either in civ-
ilizatton or Christianityt for proof he
quotes,. Turkey- and MohammedaniSMI
whose people are the most cruel, un-
cultivated, immoral, of all peeple.
of Beurailler, a life long
abstainer, a friend once • .of the Scott
Aet, statee, that the clergy should be
ashamed to eueourage the prohibition
sentiment, knowing that it has been so
productive of wroug doing, and it den't
prohibit. — might justly hays
substituted the word sin for shame, for
certainly it is not in aceordance with.
the Divine law.
HE eeEenserrEi
Foster claims will cost $250,000. Is
it for the coantry's good? Have we
any certaiuty of getting a majority
vote? If a majority vote, are we cer-
tale that prohibition will follow? And
should we get prohibition do we expect
it will better our condition ? To all
this I answer no.
The only good I see in it, is of a prier -
ate nature, by this vote ambitious par
ties looking after positions or office can
shape their political platform iu accord
lance with the senitinent expressed by
this vote, thus putting the country to
a great expense, and cultivating' a riv-
airy amoug political trieksters. This
is the State of things in Maine, so mueh.
deplored by NeR Dow,
On Neil Dow stating to a friend, on
a certain (=este% that be could not
depend on either political party for pro.
hibitiou help, the friend suggested that
a third party be started with prohibi
bition as a. plank on the platform of
such party. Dow says, that's what I'm
after. It is stated that lintels are shoals
to mane drunkards, Can we not with
equal justice say that this third party
.,;probibition) is a school to make ilypvp-
crites, Financially t Cost of plebiscite
vote; cost to preyeet smuggliag; cost
to wipe out private stills, lose of rove
nue to muuicipalities, loss ot revenue
to provinces; loss of revenue to Domin.
lou, would. involve about 812,000,000
without the least prospect of bettering
our condition. This should be a weigh-
ty coasitleratiou, not ouly for the gov.
ernment, but the vote as well.
Coercive legislation is not sanctioned
by Scripture, neither is it the doctrine
of the Wesleys
Ingersol believes neither m a
Bible or a Saviour, consequently has
no religious scruples by being a prohi-
Soule of the clergy have stated (so I
am informed) that they would cease be
ing followers of Ohrist, should it be
apparent to them that Christ made fer
rented wine.
As Mr. Ingersoll is well versed In
Bible lore and understands Greek and
Hebrew, it would require but little ef-
fort, on his part, to prove moat con
elusively that Christ did make ferment-
ed sine so the transition frotn one to
the other would require but little effort
Would it not be wise for the people
interested, before casting their votes,
to look into this matter, so they may be
able to give an intelligent vote and be
prepared to back it?
Don't commit the same error as made
iu Scott Act times. You was just as
certain of successful workiug as now,
but what .a failure, The failure was
due to the fact " that it was not God's
way of reforming the world " Antago-
nistic to the teachings of Scripture; its
tendency is to weaken the hold Chris.
tianity now has on the people; it is de-
tracting from the glory of God and en -
curages infidelity.
The prohibitionists claim that the
money spent in liquor would be so much
gain to the individual, hence a gain to
the nation. But the antis claim tbat
from the experience of prohibition lo
calities, that prohibition dou't prohibit
Plenty of indisputable evidence go to
show that the amouut of liquor drank
in prohibition Maine is greatly in ex-
cess of the amount consumed in Canada
under license. Insanity, pauperism,
murders and all other immoralities are
much more common in Maine than in
The government has no control over
the savings of her people, therefore
nothing will be added to her finances.
The lost revenue must be made up by
some other meaus. If raised on the
necessaries of life, the poor will contrib-
ute as much as the rich per capita
The Finance Minister says, the luxur-
ies can stand no higher rating.
The only equitable way is direct tax-
ation by which each person pass ac-
cording to his assessment.
The loss to government by prohibi-
tion amounts to over $2 per capita an-
nually. Stephen's population is 4100.
at $2 is $8200. This requires a rate of
mills in the dollar. The farms in
the forepart of the township are rated
at $4400, at 4 mills comes to $23.80 in
addition to other taxes.
Should it turn out that prohibition is
a failure, worse than under license, arid
this additional tax to pay, the conse-
quences might be serious. There would
most assuredly be a reaction..
Again it is claimed that the R. T. of
T. are pledged to prohibition. So they
are so far as individuality is concerned,
but uot to legislativ e prohibition. The
Charter is for temperance and temper-
ance only, with the usual formalities.
If it be true, that Royal Templars must
vole prohibitiou, then we are nothing
but an organized political society, to
which no person who loves his political
freedom would ever think of being, con-
nected with.
If it be true, where is our boasted
civil and religious liberty for which
our ancestors bled and died ?
I am censured and threatened for the
C13,as. H. Sanders, Editor and. Prop
THURSDAY, .TONF. 16, 1898,
There are many ways in which Ca -
neatens may aid in the re-establislunent
of Anglo-American brotherhood. The
joint celebratiou of the Qaeen's birth-
day by the two Niagaras was a great
stroke in international politics. The
preseuee of au American inlfltia corps
at the Kingston festivities was an ex-
cellent, idea. And to two weeks time
—on Dominion Day—another opportun-
ity will be afforded for an intermin
ling of the two peoples, etichshonel be
taken full advantage of whereever pos-
The fourth a July will be celebrated
this year with the usual enthusiasm,
and with a more kludly feeling towards
Great Britain than ever before; and it
would be quite proper for Canadian
municipalities to send letters of con-
etratula tien, or even deiegatious to those
American towns with which they are
most closely affiliated. Telegraphic or
mail communication between more dis-
tant towns would be io order, and .the
congratulations of Sudbury, Rat Port
age or Owen Sound would be well re-
ceived itt Savannah, Tallahassee, Taro.
pa and Key West. It is to be hoped
that these opportunities will not be
•••••-,-••••-- - • -
It is to bo regretted that Uncle Sana
thought it necessary to rescue the Yel
low Rid reporters, who were ia danger
of hanged at Havana. While
our thirst for blood is not usually great,
we would cheerfully approve of any
atrocities which the sons of Spain might
have inflicted upon such gentry.
A petition is being circulated and
largely signed by the Liberals of East
Huron riding, says the Brussels Herald,
requesting Arch 111610p, 51,P.P., to re.
tire, to allow the Hon. Jelin Dryden,
"Alinister of Agrieulture for the Province
to take his seat in the Legislature as
member for East Huron. It is under-
stood that Mr. Hislophas consented to
step down if the majority of his sup
porters desire the change, so it is likely
that another election will soon take
Holland holds the first place in the
-world as a nation of smokers. Every
Dutchman consumes on an average 100
ounces a year. The Belgian comes a
good second, with an annual consump-
tion of eighty ounces, followed closely
by Turkey,with seventy. ounces, and
the 'UniteStates with sixty ounces.
Germane-, France, Spain and Italy
tread closely on their beels, while the
United Kingdom comes comparatively
low on the list with twenty-three
atm ces.
The Mitchell Advocate says: Since
Mr, Hayes became manager of the
Grand Trunk many competent men
have been discharged. Last week Mr.
Brophy, section foreman at Stratford,
and Mr. Moses Whitty, who held a sim
ilar position in Mitchell, also received
their walking tickets. as well as others
at Seafortb, Tavistock and Ratho. The
men discharged are over 50 years of
age, and it is said. by the Stratford Bea-
con that more old heads will be weeded
out at an early date, the Grand Trunk
apparently being determined to keep
no one in its employ over 50 years of
* *
The C.P.R. trainmen in the Owen
Sound district are in a state of great
consternation tbrough a phenomenal
visitation of millions of caterpillars,
completely covering the tracks for 15
miles out of Owen Sound, and render -
ink the moving of all trains a matter
ofthe utmost difficulty. A heavy
grade from Holland Centre to Owen
Sound augments the trainmen's trou-
bles. The freight trains are being
split and hauled over the affected por-
tion, while the passenger trainmen are
pressing into service two locomotives
on each passenger tmin. There are
thousands of millions of these cater-
pillars in the woods around Chesley,
eating up everything green on the for-
est trees, but they have not got on the
G.T.R. track yet.
The caterpillar plague that has re.
stilted in the temporary stoppage of C.
P. R. trains near Owen Sound may be
taking as a warning against the wan-
ton sacrifice of Insectivorous birds. An
exchange in pointing this moral re-
marks that the only effective means of
figh`.,ing insect pests is by sparing their
natural enemy. If school teachers and
school inspectors woulcl warn their pu-
pas against robbing birds' nests of eggs
or destroying the young and at the
same time point out how useful the
birds are as an ally of the farmer they
would do the community an important
service. Certain privileges for the col
lection of bird's eggs for strictly scien-
CM objects may be secured through
the Game Wardens, but it is unlawful
to Inv° in one's possession without such
a permit either the eggs or young of
any hird save eagles, hawks, owls, wild
pigeons. blackbirds, kingfishers, crows,
ravens jays and sparrows:
stand I take on this prohitition. ques- •
tion. My answer is " my faith iu God's, Methodist Ministers,
promises, and pinus to reform the socia.l.
evils of this world, is so strong, that it
grieves me to think, tb
t ministers of
else final report of the Stationing
the gospel shoal. so her fo-r-Is.e-t -their Comn.ittee of the London Methodist
Conference sbows the following chaug
ministerial calling as to seek the aid of
human laws to enforce that
es from the first dratt:—
Loudon District —Loudon, First Meth -
of social purity, which can be brought, dist— jo,in
Morrison superannuated.
about only 8Pirituat iutiti4fiees•" Dorchester—Joho Mahan, A. Rapson,
Lly standeoint on this question 's' Belmout--Wm. Quauce, Lambeth—
that all elutes and expeuditures to
bring about legislative prohibition,is John S. Onsher; Geo, 13epuete superan-
eakulated for utau's beuefit here, willist ellial:(tLeda.M\b‘erether, IiiI1r1.8J,t7M—eTriiniWoe:ele(y1-,Carnos-
God's plan, which is without money or beth,) Thorntiale—R. hompson,
price, is more efficaeioue here during'
St, Thomas Distriet —St. Thomas .First
ntran's life time, with the additioutia
bMethodist—Jobei Philip, M. A,, D.;
enefit to all etereity% I have heard
prohibitionists say that moral suasion is 11' -A'r°Leau" R W. suPerau°31-
au 014 fogy ated. St. Thomas Central Church—
, played out, and uot at all Heber, W. Crews, M. A. A- E. GriffithS,
suitable to present times. I have heard R. Philips. R. 0, parsons supeoassou.
preacherssay moral suasion was use
less in this case, aud suppose all pro aced; (T, la. MeCutcheon), H. T. Cross-
bibitionists hold the same doetrine.
According. to my version of the word evangelistich.Ioew‘IIl:itYer334; g.
infidelity, is a wait of faith iu the
without a station for one
Austin, M.
promises of God, a non believer in
vented religion. We are told in sacred eye:Z. at his
writ, that all evil proceeds from the
heart. Moral suasion deals with
Moss, Avon --C. Crichton, Malahide
heart Moral suasion is God's plau, cioets oesteeeyee,), Kinglake—M.
the D. G, Stales, B. O. (Luton), 0. R. Oars -
hence it is my plan.
The people 'sleet' what they eonsider GISTalliford Distriet—St, Marys—Geo,
the best men to make laws to e
guide and protect them, tr aregre4nii ellr%arjjy,luiMairlas?eurt;oRn.—a. by a solemn obligation to do the hest Ph. B. Trowbridge—John Kenner.
their judgment, for the welfare of the
people, they are Specialiste in ehis Laelitaeg-t-zr0a.I.A.V.13Friseat9r. 1(LFaublalanrotno)1:1—AGL:
the,y are supposed to knew the wants W. Andrews, 13, A ; Allan C. Farrell
and needs of the people, they have ae- (Carlingford.) Embro—J. A. Jackson.
eess to the parliamentary library,got weiburn_Q, 11. Thompson.
for the speceel benefit of its members
If these members considered it the best Wingbam Distriet—Lucknow—John
Learoyd, Ethel—J. G. Yelland; Benj,
interests of the people to have probihi- sherinnk
tion, it would be their duty to enact (Teronto), superannuated,
such a law, bat iu a ohriatain wuntry, FoOarvcruitet,11L-1.,..T33. H. 04sistbitoltd2fErrioeiiivR„an,1;,
it should be in harmony withScripture loleknowN Saturn—N. SBurwasii
The total failure IA the Scott ,A.ct. creeswater.) Bervie—Geo. Baker, J.
L. Stewart; T. Ballwin superannuated.
The Seventeen States across the lime Goderich Distriet—Goderich (North
once under prohibition, reduced to four. sVeet)—Jasper Wilson. M. A. Seaforth
Many of our judges and leading politie- —A. 14; Russell, M. A, B. D. Rotates-
lan ami hundreds of our best informed eille—Josias Greene. Nile—Robt. 11.
clergy bold the same opinion as I do. Nall. Ben miller—Mertin J. Wilson, B.
The "der earreat of work in this Tuckerstuith—Egerton F. Arra-
prohibition movement is gradually
corning to the serfage. Sooner or later
it will be visable. Those designing
kuayes, who put an the garb of Chris
Exeter District—Parkhill—James E.
Ford., Crediton—James /fusser. Grand
Bend—J. W. Baird, B.A. AIN& Oral.,
tianity to serve the devil iu, to further e_wm. Baugh. Rirre.a. M. Kennedy.
their new fangled political ideas, will Lean --J. P. Rice. Kirkton—John
be exposed, after which we may expect Rail.
the millennium. Strathroy District—Strathroy—Front
0. Pnt:TY. street, Joseph 11 Gundy, J. Neelnnds,
Huron County S. S. and O. 4. A. McKibben, 13, A. Petrolea—Joseph
. superannuated. Strathroy—Frauk Ste
Convention, Tune 21-22. Philip, 13, D. Arkoua—E Kersbavv.
Appirt—C. Barltrop. 011 City—H. D.
Only a few days more and then the Tyler.
Sarnia D striet—Sarnia—Contral, G.
Convention. Let us go resolved that
nothing shall prevent our seeking and Daniels, Pb, B.; J. IL Stinson, E, res.
receiving some definite, perineum, sant, superannuated. Wyoming—Geo.
good from the baud of God. N. liazeu, A. B. Brigden—R. IL Bare -
Let us go also resolved that at all by, B. D. Bosanquet—Leonard Bart-
lett, Wilkesport —W. A. Smith, S. T. L.,
costs we will do our individual parts,
as a listener, as speaker, to make the B. D. Port Lambton—J, W. Pring.
Convention a success. Windsor District—Windsor—J. Liv -
Remember sve are Sunday School
ingstone; John Reencilds, superannuat.
workers, and Endeavorers and Leafs.-
ed. Windsor West—O. G. Comelle, B.
tiers, and it is not expected that We A. Gesto—J. Calvin Reid, B. A. Cottam
shall come up as mere spectators or lis Thibadeau. Maidstone—C. F.
toners. . Clark, Leamington—J. 13, Wal win; 13,
Let us watch our manner, guard
AeScratch, superannuated. South Mer -
our converl
sation let our walk and con- sea—A. M. 'McCulloch (Leamington.)
duet be such as shall adyertise the re Goldsmith—Thos. W. Blatchford, B. A
legion of Jesus Christ. Remember that (WheatleS*)
we meet not merely for joy and bless-
Chatham District—Chatham—Victor-
ing, but for inspiration and instruc-
Avenue—H. W. Locke; J. W. Free -
tion. man,•13. D, superammated. Charing,
The programs which aro now dis-
Cross—Richard Redmond,, Tilbury
tributed, are the best yet presented and Centre—T. R. McNair. Louisville—
everything points to a profitable Cou-
Jas. Walker. Dresden—Joseph Gallo-
ventiou, way
In addition to the topics on the pro-
Ridgetown District—Ridgetown—
gram, the Rev. J. W. Rae will deliver Stephen Bond; Cheney Burdett, super-
annuated, itlorputh—Ezra G. Powell,
an address Wednesday evening, sub
ject, "Wrecker Lights.' Bothwell—G. H. Cobblediek, B. A, B.
D. Newbury -0, P. Wells, B. A., B, D,
The Rev. W. J Wilson, of Hamilton,
is always appreciated by a Huron audi
T. Webster, D. D.; J. R. Smith, super-
ence and will give us one of his practi-
annuated. Glencoe—H. W. 'McTavish
cal talks. West Lorne—J. W. Hibbert; W. Faa
Mrs. P. J. McKay, of Woodstock, has sher, superannuated.
a Dominion reputation as an enthusiast
in J unior work, and in addition to giv-
ing an address on Junior work, Wed-
nesday, she will also address a mass
meeting of the Wingham children
Tuesday afternoon.
Those who are intending to travel
by rail should buy only single tickets
and ask the station agent for standard Alvin Orton, an Essex farmer, was
certificate which, when properly filled struck in the abdomen with a wagou
in by the Secretary at the Convention, tongue, dying as a result.
entitles you to the reduced rate home, Rev. J. R. Grant of River John, Pic -
which will be one third single fare. tou, N. J., a delegate to the General
Both the G.T.R. and C.P.R. have gran- Assembly, was killed by a street car at
ted this privilege. Montreal.
The first day (Tuesday, June 21st) Caterpillars are ravaging the fruit
will be devoted to Sunday School in- trees and berry bushes in the vicinity
wrests, the first session commencin.g at of Kingston. Whole orchards have
9 a.m. The second day (Wednesday) been stripped.
to Christian Endeavor and Epworth Mr. Daniel Taylor, of St, Thomas,
League interests. ' was caught in a cave-in at McLellan's
All Sunday Schools and Young Pen gravel pit on Tuesday and had his left
ple's Societies are entitled to send dee- leg broken.
gates. Mr, and Mrs. Slater, of Elora, were
The popular Junior. Garden, which in doubt for some time. as to what ailed
was given at San Francisco before their little girl, a child of two summers,
10,000 people, will be given Wednes but the trouble was brought to light
day afternoon by 75 of the Wingham 'the other day, when alarge black but -
Juniors. ton was removed from its left nostril.
George Smoke, of Ancaster was very
badly injured by the • explosion of a
The three-year old daughter of Vic-
tor Sor fell into the lake at Rat Por-
tage and was drowned.
Essex Farmer Fatally Hurt.
Essex, June 13th.—A very sad acci-
dept happened here Friday morning,
formed over the button, and the gather -
which resulted in the death of Alvap ing had all the aenearance of a tumor.
Orton, an old resident of Gosfield North, The child was operated upon last Sun -
He was in the aet of backing a heavy day, and, to the surprise of the parents,
wagon out of the barn. when ono of the the tumor proved to be a' button secret:
wheels struck a stone, causing the ed in`the nostril. HOW the button got
tongue, which he was holding, to strike there is a mystery.
him forcibly ou the lower part of the
abdomen, rupturing the bowels. An
operation was performed, but in spite
of the best medical aid he died Satur-
day. Deceased was born in Essex coun-
ty, near Olinda, and was about 55 years
of age. He was a member of the Church
of England, and in politics, a staunch
Reformer, and was as well a pronsinent
man in municipal circles, having been
a member of the township council for
a number of years, also serving aS
Mrs. Slater is of the opinion that the
button had been in the child's nostril
ever since the beginning of last Febru,
ary. A hard, cutaneous substance
i)4) You Read
What people are saying about Hood,s
Sarsaparilla? It is curing the worst
cases of scrofula, dyspepsia, rheumat-
ism and all forms of blood disease, er-
uptions, sores, boils and pimples. It
is giving strength to weak and tired
Women. Why should you hesitate to
take it when it is doing so much for
deputy reeve for some time. He leaves Hood's Pills are go best family cath
widow, four sons and three daueliters
alive and liver tonic, Gentle, :enable,
to mourn his loss.
leRhilfi tile Sim oi '98
We eaunot all be beautiful, but we can at least be graceful, and graceful-
ness in wheeling is an accomplishnieut all can acquire by riding a Cleveland,
the World's Greatest Bicycle—
'The handsomest in design and auish,
The bestin material and workmanship.
The most perfect in all its lines and bearings,
$55.003$70.0 _03;380.003
$100.00, Model 44, 30 inch Wheels.
11. A. LOZIER & CO. FACTORY: Toronto Junction.
11.111001m" ---
Gold Medal,
Green Sheaf,
Plymouth Special,
Pure Sisal,
Every Ball hill Weight.
Paris Green
Screen Doors
Screen Windows
Harvest Tools.
- • _
. sisop &
.. EXETER . .
The body of David Freeborn, who
was drowned in Humber Bay ott Sun-
day, May 22, was recovered ,Thursdae
off the Island,
Mrs George Paris of Montreal, wife
of the well-known amateur runner,
was shot by Wm, Wallace. Her con-
dition is critical.
The -first crop bulletin of Manitoba
for the year is very encouraging. There
are 200,000 more acres of wheat under
cultivation than last year.
in Children
can be overcome in almost all cases
by the use of Scott's Emulsion of
Cod -Liver Oil and the Hypophos-
phites of Lime and Soda,. While
it is a scientific fact that cod-liver
oil is the most digestible oil in es-
istenee, in
E 1,10510
it is not only palatable, but it Is.
already digested and nude ready
for immediate absorption by the
system. It is also combined, with,
the hypoohosphites,which.
supply a food not only for.
t1 the tissues of the body, but
ll' for the bones and nerves,
and will build up the child
when its ordinary food
does not supply proper
Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion., See &Atha,
man and fishAalriedorunitheestwsr;n5P0ePe.-
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists; Toronto.
ryirtf: . IR*,,,r453!:ffirk.riefrim
have been continu-
ously employed for
the it four mon-
ths building &etas
ford Red Bird 13i-
cycles.During that time
the big factory has
been running from
20 to 23 hours
every working day
of the Week.
Ihmdreds of good
orders have been
lost through in-
ability to turn out
a sufficient num-
ber of wheels, but
nevertheless thou-
sands of wheels
have been sent to
delighted buyers
ittall parts of the
It is Red Bird
excellence t h at
creates the demand
The . .
Geoid Bicycle Co.
Perkins & Martin,
Agents, Exeter.
60 Day
To the
North West
CALGARY.. 45 w
EDMONTON„. .-i-iat•-•
Going June 28 Returning until Aug, 27
(All Rail or S. S. Alberta.)
Going July 18
Going July 14
(All Rail) Returning until Sept. 12
(SS. Athabasca
Going July 19 Returning until Sept. 17
(All Rail or S. S. Alberta)
For eickets apply to any Canadian
Pacific Agent, or to C, E, 111cPunesos,
Asst. Gen. Passr. Agent, 1 King St,
East, Toronto.
Tom Pa.rsons. a noted crook await-
ing trial at Belleville on a charge of
burglary and arson, broke jail by pick-
ing the locks and scaling the wall.
Henry Br Western, a clerk in the
Canada Life Assurance Company's
head office at Hamilton, shot himself
below the heart. He will die.