HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-08-10, Page 9� �,11 I . - � I.W" "Nompop"" W, . i - ­� �- I -qqw � 6 --r- ?­­ 11­*� . . .. . � , ' d - r , - -1 - r . I - I � - - � - . I. r - . - - - r . , . �, . , � . , 6, . ,� � ­ . . . . . � . . . . , , - .. a � 'r. . ­ " . I !it _1 � - r - 16 1 - I . - .. - - � I � 6 1 - - "00110~1 _% , . I I - . I . __ !!�"­�-�_ 6 . r - 0 1 1 ~ 0.!!, 7!I..,!!sp!!s,T --- - - `!_ , -6 r- " T _� � r. � ... !. !!ss! _ - - - . - - - ,- - - - - !! !_!� � I .--!!!-! __ I : I a � .- - _ _! !!!!!! !r __ - - � . .. . . . _ , = I! _ ! ! r .!.!!!-' ls!-�' !! �"-T_! 10 ' t!* !ss`s!��soa"*�I"I� - � - I - _ 6 ­­ .r . . . - - - ­ - . � - � __ _ , . 6 - ... r � - �� � r 0 -- - - - - ��__ 6 �00"!!! _ THURSPAY. AA- f,� �,r,� 1-- � .1 . UM COOMCH 3TAR " , PAGA NL4X � �i7�:�.!��_ _00 ! __ - . r -1 1. -!,r -,, ! ­­�­­_��­-� - ­­ - - . .. � -- - ­­- . 1, . .d - - - -1 �­ �1_r ... ... �­­ �. - - - �_'­___ - ­ �­­ ­­ __ �_` - - - - �� - � - � �­ _. - - __ - . - ­ r- ___ - - .- �__ � ��- . - __ - . - _7�� 6 . _ , �__ �­ ­­ �r ­ - � I - . __ - . � . � , .6 - 6 - - 1. . -_ . ". . � - - -- .2-1.1. - __ - .- - .1 . 6 1 ____ _ , , _ . _ -r, , , , ., " _. ­ , _­ - , ­ . ­ ­ - . . . r , r 11 .. 1. I r - . I- . . 1. - r 11 - NISRANI ININ'T Ulf ' "" . roali"01-0prietors 41V 1*#40411A+.L;�%+++ _­ " , ­ ­ r , 1 .. , ­­­. I r I . , , � tor rcal "'elcau-t-v" , ftomo I NEWS TOMOS OF WEEK "'To" IT I LEAVE NER ALoNE �"Mll Price of katton ;2;ca a bw,�Ioadua PAWS i i , Ju on New YorX,warlixt, I i . 9 : 00t "FAVIT WAS SO BAD 4raportant Events WhiCh Have. rats defcatcd Itochcster. 4 to 4. insurance C&Iu5so-rs . �1 - ____­ � ,. I ­.- and enter .690 ellaca agall). , . Thov �celi,;�73 c7�' fainv,.,�,�� tt;c-. �.,, C-;I�> d I 11, I r , Occurred During the Week. Th To Ib'p Along CW041M 1�� ' , 0 le-onnaul;zIt Cup final$ will be V� gy ei,ellp, arl' tL-(, f�!I,gozo L,jr%jrg vm�- playcd here August 16� and 12. i� .. "tit"'.1 rdidl co, -_-4o v�� ace" t., ­r, t.j tir.a Vie lkwy�Wovl4la 1la1veaUW*,C4t4- Vnftcd .8-tate.9 rail Mcnacs itatly 1%%O.,%.�.C.O%-.Q....%-.-.%Q-.%.KNO-.%O'".��-��-.*,�-ik 11 1 6 . , -fnol 0 - r I _ z I *no,eato a wealk - OL0744 '01 C9 tbc fully C,Owpiled ,%*a ,.at Into ,xeJegt Pre.9ldcat Harding'e plan. I I r fleart ulad a e;"-)n47Qr6a [-tatu of J' -'C Le'1430'a V,CWSrzzr,CT8 are at vrCsC414, ,., � % r Ottawa Gc"�erunwnt r,etu In touch I = * , 3lezvue. , 0 Randy U04 Attractive shmw ter with iVashlnCtoa over coal crisis. kmg,3rjod In a .Rztnpaign to increase 1 6 r I � Wilburn"s Heart and Verve 1'.113 haw " the 0*040" of our ftiter - A Toronto COUNCU places Contract tlre�jjatgon wh1vtL C"Ists into tho 11 F kk I � no. cq;icl C5 1�1 ro"(,dy to RzM,JLCU tl-"e " I I I'llillillillill,ill,illill, I .1 - . licatt, invisorato lbo rerws, cr,l l­,�;lj � Solid Mour's FAJoWmeat- - for $200,000 worth -of Welsh coal. shado atly previous efforts we Wvie �. � - - . '"Tex", - rtlekarix 113 arranging ,r 111) d4e ,-,,.;1 "011;1 r'. Eter. 6 � TUESDAY. world's titular bouts In Avo elacsev� Q seen Ila tilt' world of jourlialism. J; . At . Mrs. C. vanNira, 11.01%vipt', Alta., � Irish loyal troops take Tlvroravy. Mae,trrow borrowed $100.000 Srom VaTtIP as a repult of this qampalE,m . I I rr. I 1 6 r. writes.-' " Abom a FQ�ar a,101 htw.l beart' Disastrouis ilre owcepa Hong X(lug� tile, Merchants Bank, wituces tells tho Dally,mail bQa now a eireulatioll . 0 .. I j.' r ti��Wle- It.-- 11110JUld 'I'Ju"t. eare le4vo Costa Rica In thexrIP at W, burrl- gourt. I . ." 1. � I 11 V , '(r, . .of considerably, more than a million. I I r I.. " and of, .1 ll�jd tip b, .1son. of Canada, was beaten . : . mo'kilim! .fty Up at 'Calle. ; _Mori right tv th me. I t"Ould ,-,Iqt. fet'i mud Greece erects now State in S which is the largest in 010 World-' I . Myrna in the international ,chcBs -toortag- I 11 r I Of faiNz, ar"I Mr Lvrt ,�Tonld Lgem to area. - I ment. . I I In tlml� of wa,* larj�o elreillcLtions 6 1 . ddd . # , I I . " . ­ stop beating. 1 world 3tu-t Jaint awayidl Street car strike in Chicago begins premier polacare of France ze- were often a . sourco of embarrass- ... I 6 I. I 6 �` - � U . T111 - ' __1 . .. , ., . .� I . I . , �. - S, ... �::: 11 and it wo0d 095a­-imes 130 au tour or, to�daytl. ruses Germany request on privAto ment for tile newspapers. since tile '....%� .... �%,,�,.-,.-" , F A . � .�.* I .11 �, so before tLwv Could brin;� me baei-, to I John Allan, former mayor or Haiti- debts. I 1.1, - " __*%, � P_ - r . r ­ '.. W , F.� I I -!!14 1 6 , life. Sow(,,O,i�tolt',i-ioat�outMiii,ijr.n,"g:41ton.is dead.-- I million and it halt dollars $,vent oil price at *11tch the paper sold WOU14 , .t . I ,,, � ..-I - 6- I � ! _1 , . - - . I ; 11 * � 1. " Nome IhIls, vo I r -at-%Xhibition grounds, not pay for the Vapor Oil which It ­ �_ -- 0 , I . I . . umrt and . got three l3ritain has streagtheueot her fteet aew buildlugs __1 �, �, . " a � . , ther, r,,d . I . Toronto. ,.�- I . . � � ,r , .* I , . .t I - . . -k . d .1 � boNcs. I toolt feit much hot. lit Bosphorus. was printed. alld business, being dis- ;- � 6 . . -.7 1 ter, so continued 011 uvati-r, an%! nmv I Passengers Are all rescued OR tPe Railway shoPmen's Present w -pe, . ,.,�., , ... ; I . I � . . at a stapos 0 was ',*.' "... ,'.'I I � I . . . I � 7- located, or, .. till ther ;,�4' , . ./ �&, - . 4 I . . I never feel tmy vuel, f4intn6s, un�l I sqrc�. Rapids I-Irifleo. .are tile lowest living .seal�, C0114111 . . . 1- ,* so . 1-W 1. . . Ir do f1pprCelate flio "nod. YQUr' Pill$ No definite progress haj,i been mado tion Board .t.olli., aiter R� lunche no longer ,,, great revenue from ad- , . - . �� " . - , * , ' C, . . In time Of peace the _ . ­ . . . I . .!§ 4 . .r� . � have Aloue for Mv.11 I In 0041 situation. ­ . Six persoi on 14 vertlaing. But , I . ,_ rrrrr I . . , 1. X, - 11 . " - �, re'? .,-� I , % at fill dea!era , . Customs receipts at Toronto ishOW New York reijti;uraAt;. Wag served jargo:� A, qewspalivr's circulation the c4z��, 11 I ,O ._;:40 Me I , .. . . I .. r I -Prjee 5ft. 1" 0. or , - . .m,ore prosperous will that Paper be, r ' - . . r4 I_ I .1 mailed direct on reeeinr of Price by The, spleadid Increase. with x6looned f0d. offw . . . , ,,,, r I I , - *;P(I T,,­%rt0 . . Tntr r ,,other things being equal. and the 1, . . r I ­ 11 11 � I I T I ,N. r r . � . 1. .#P.,1Jr;11­ . I 004 Railway strike settlement In V. S. .SDAY. I . . ,move money it will be able to spend . I0. I r � . I � - - � I 1; ;7 ,continues lit doubt. I I . � r I- -- r . I . . Itifautile paralyals.takes third vie- Rochester defeated Leafs, 12 to A, on Improvements, To Inter. however, . . - lint I"'- %1_%. 0 r � - . . ­ ,time In Hamilton. . Washi marks time onyallway that the l0ger in a paper's 01rou- . .. r % - . StWing in Toronto, ;4 otrik.e. 110" r 854 . I ' . - , I .A.7%; In Britisia-zat". o JiVance stirs up iall latioA the better Is the 1pali,er 'alight � . � I . �, - r . -00M. CLM A � ,New'York, 4A.14%.. " . be an error. It to certain that ,the I . � r . I I I I � .. �r I T, r . � Leafs ,defeated A9ch --- ''I . ,�. gurope. .1 Daily Matt is not the beat paper In . PAcK'A'GE's 154, .� 1-1 11 . � -1 I I 1, L . . 1. . � Irish rebels attack state troops in it to 'equally r certain . . . � . . � =FFEW HfM ,ca latter's -grounds. . I 1 EpSland .and I . . . r _­ . __ 33� - i , . .1 I Vew York .City Is blockaded by I)atiekal that the New York American to not �t .. I I Ir I r � . _ _ , -1 . .1 r .. . ' . . � � - . I I Fear of attack on �Constantlnc,Ple Is . . . � 1; I i . . .. I j*ohlialtion's- naval Xproes. . . . - .r., r the best morning Paper In NOW York . . I I � . I . . r . . I . . I . Touring 'Catiadlan .01oketers lost now 0-yer- .� . 10ity, though it has by tar thO'larg- ==-:-11,11- 11,1111,11111--,--''. r ___________,_­-­_,'____ I .. aliory Air , r I . Toronto, mail fights .burglars and est circulation, ' . . . . � . 11motasitly ovests . the first ,kame In 34aiglahil. . I .- .. " i ' I * ' . - . . L� Pmosast--Wors,'Ttiroat Too. , r take Alghti by the fact tfiat the paper$ have thit, , AN ANGLER$' PARADISE VA;X V.Ouylg pil,,s 014 pauture the Belt I " ­ . . Prqparatloas are under wayi,,for tliq At ter the war there wait a falling . I -.;i_ feeder has glVvix.LlatisfactorY r0oulto. " . �. � r.raneemay selze. German aritperty devote to Advertising '? # . . oft In. newspaper circulation 14 L'QA- much -$Race to Two hundred Mile's -north of Tor- Slightly more 1-,,kiiin.may be ,,,,,J,,,(I, r . . ­ -1, .. Flo � - " � . � r . . . . I I _­_ Underwriters' �convelitli;ta. � . 'e it is a their -own bus,iness. ,, If advertisors . ., I I ;� , . ..r , Several Ontario districts visited by t eau to 4on as elsewhere, - and On , onto and one hundred -and seventy whi,�h in 'Ofrovi �y ecoutimizing. of I . � .� . . fis gktv 4%gl�d and'your - Vienna closes 4xchange Bur, c re coining forward duty there . If your no.sw ,severesturms and heavy rains., .. , . 1. though n9t necessarily lia-.. we' I ' miles West of Ottawa, Is situatOd Al- labo.*. I �� . -head is s(W-ed because,ofaasty catarch ulicil nf 'Agriculture stop fall of kroneft.. .. - the larger the would not be'this spaeo available. . I .1. 1. lure, intio4tic Canadian Cc 11 ,V. S. rat! shopmen acoept.proposa r.=e rkile that . r 1. . . gonquin Park, where. the fishiiag this . The man who, impruv,m the live L r or, a COK ,apply a little .1 pro.. a , circulation the more will advertIseral In the long run, 'all tile Papers - been for stock of it c0nimunItY, or M0 It- - - , I � I siostr4s 1t:pen,trjt,js . AV v a 91 Whea:t Board. legislation. L . I a A, - I . . � . creamiaw � . . 1. ,at President Harding. r 4ot profit by tile insurance oraze. year Is better than It has , . : . r . Wilt � ! � .*..OttAwa still awaits mottification.-of . sonke time. Great catches are being. lietter,tariety of corn Is dei3viving Of I a ,Dr. A:Iexander Gralapin,laell dies at pay for space, revenues declined Ln Call , I throuab.every Wr passmee, Soothing an Intentionsof xaAlwb.Yo over'wAx6,d6ts. &W home In Cape r biLtmotay with the ,business delim. The one that emerges vlth, tile � . . bwh* swaM inflarijed ,mernaanis Breton, . made ­black boss running three and, praise -'ail, tyt,11 an be who "plu�ka I � r ­ . ­ y to .,' One London paper, probably largest cizeulatt011 In the "' may four pounds, speckled 1 can o I %out ."-, * I . . 11 . and'yott ket instant T4id. Britain sguils eMphatio; ,.note Prof. H. J, Crawford, headmaster 400 be expected to have advertlaors trout t1free 'glory front tbt 41 U.11 V, . 11 . . - I ' a E10 '110i'le. .. . ,or . - %V '� . � . . I � I .Greace-against inarch alt._00481%04�. x6wa, Acting maybe on , ----'----T --thi --C -, U, T. S.,. dieffair"Only. " -the D.Ally� - . _1 - pounild, and salmon .trout. up to twell .. -A. ,Lloy .. .. .. 7--._.___-_.._.-- .... ­_.__­­_......._._. r ... ........ -1 . . ........ _--1 ------ ry is pft-_;ti:��ITU,tfit il�; tlqn that U, make up its deflelf X thO 00486 ot r � 4- . rug r .; . the gratuitous - assump ty-five pounds. -This park 1� ideal for . � I , I 11 %% Crook Balm at any d store. canvas"Back, Jj; ,S.,defender, again Allied powers. plan to appeal to thp could be no further Improvetl-u the,next,few years when It has.been --------- . . �" � . lk:,X. .. g . the CA01per and canoe Cruiser, And m . . 11 . , ,� ,people, of the United- States. r ed'of the expense of carryin It I - I i clqXod nostrils open right upl vaur ,� ,ed r Ca 44= R .Patch .%and d is 14i n ed pa W� and that It More readers .were fflf& � good h6W �accommodation �makes kc, a.ar; r no more bawWag -03r I . � � Board of Conciliation in Canadian Co. for It, mi4i-b* taken. � , � . An,J.Us, r -1 . . . to be .Attracted It Would htLYe to on Its Insuran the a ular t or fle. summer va- I I I . i I snuffling. Count fifty. All the 'Etus- I. xench, ,kuaitraliala and - , United shopmen's dispute ends to -day. offer Inducements ,other. than. the r for granted that neweonOprs will cati nist, I � *cm if -_ $tawg Davis Cup tenals men me -et at -Xilo Watts trotted a .11, In 2,.0.3, $A qualities, Inherent In good newq- not continue forever to Issue. Ins4ir- � (Joiet; not like to rough , Ams%ZAAX for brfa*,if. I . at Toledo,. equalling 1922 re�ord. - It, 9 an -anti lan ational. Graiiii ,, . , . I - 9044- .04 . . Seatzright4 X.1, . I. . � � papers, hit on a scheme Of -Offering ance Policies with a year's subserlp run . ent for I In tr te publico. I I . . .. r � ,Ottawa Government names Ron.. to readerm, The mail tion. To do so would mean evotitual tion; li ou al a t It , or write . � . ' . WEDNESDAY- . - W. C, Kennedy as 4oal supervisor. free insurance in wo, , - , i r .uptcy.. It happens so etlu I Greeks vro;lnlm� Auto a -state - I& bjg implement concern in Tv�- who bought a paper on Ahe street bank'� to , I I P I . I It* G. T. . I . � � nomo-u, . I t Insured, but�the Teader witor that vast circulations are -a liability R., Toronto, Ont. , . I . In Th.,ace,.' ' - Tlanto looks forward to"new activity- was' no blingelf Wao insured for rather than an asset. Tbis'lo true - - . I � GRANDMA NEVER LEI I � Signor detacta loinis A;Xiew ItAl- Patterson and Anoersoll, Australia registered in times of serious business depree- For Catarrh. ­It is one of the chief I � I I I . . I HER. r HAIR .0 ian Cabinet. I . r . Davis Cup players, lost at Seabright, 91,000 against .accidents 'Which .we- slon, When It Is extremely difficult to. recommendations of Dr. Thomas' Ee4r, a ' . Moslems oppose Greek rule In Donald Carrick, Toronto,r qualified gutted In death or serious Injury. He' � 11 . I r . . go� a policy which probably would lure, advertisers. no matter what cir- lectric Oil that it call be. used Inter. I . I 1 'r ' In Western Junior.golf, tourney at I . -Thwit, it nally with AS MuChL SiieochS its it can . . I . . � ET., 41 Smyxua State. . . . I have cost- him IS ar milation'fIgures Are shown .. � . . �­ � I Wreck and ruin lia, wake (it Irish Chicago. . � -24r It -bought Is ef;p6cla,lly truela long tllui'� stib., outward4y. Sufferefs: from -catarrh I I I . -------- . ritbels' retreat. ... . I . .. T]ai-ty-two freighters � have been ,t, and since I will -find that the Oil when used ay. � r. oft an Insurance agen . uch more than the sub- scriptions when the, paper has to be S�e 'Ke t Rer �'� 7 ;Aia . .Britain sends more soldiers to. tied up on the Great Lakes owing to this was in a[tCkr the, money lot cording to'directions will give rompt . I I I 0�� .JM . I . . . . , -paper t, - " livered long . , pa . z . " , I . . - I - 'm Sjr,r� � :Constantinople. . . r I . '. � shortage lot coal, .. . . . s"iption � price of the he -4u for the service has beenused up. relief. -Many sufferers frobi t9is ail, r r * . a�d S4pb � I Brantford police -Will 4ean-up , Two were killed when an auto vestment seemed a good one. . . r-. I I � d . � tfient have found relief in. the Oil and '. � , I : .� . . . I ; � I . il. . I , . , I idl)r did the .circulation at . . I . � . I I I i -book meA, � . . � � leaves highway,and,plunges. Into the, . , So rap I I have sent testimonialig, . I Ir . r. � r I ­ � , . . . . .. . �11 . , ,, hand - .. . the News A * Oh-RdITe.n. Cry - I 1% � . t Britain notiflea,France of.policy-64 .river near Quebec, , ne that tother papers fol- . I . nle.sr now. CIA&$ I . "r. r � ' r � I . 0 . 0 � . E . , r I . 0 . , . . . : I When you darken. . your hair with Sage debt cancellation. � r . I Sir Hugh Allan admits lie doubted lowed suit, 4134 -ever since the papers, . � FOR FLETCHER'S. r �� . .. Life insurance coriipa 0 1 , I � T4ej and Sulphur, me one can -tell, be� Albertals Wheat Board 1'egislatliia reliability- of -Mokebante 13ank re idfflnga�galnst,eamb other .- - baseball umpiring ai a h4riardous � � . I part have been b . , I . � I seat to Government. .� I lot readers, each. new offer'� bOng . r I � . � 1. . I can$ '-A. s --r o 'R IrA vocation.' � 1, e it's done so naturally, so evenly,1 Is givell.royal assent. . r 0 . . I . .. Prepgri�ag this mixture, thongh, at.home Blind Anniate of Toronto Inatlta­ A. M. Ectlestlone, St: Catharinesk more generads than the one. before'. . 1z__4_..; I- ` - - � � - . r I . . _�� r � - ­ . . ­ � 1. ___, ,�_­. . . . � - - . . . , .. , I . . is mussy and troublesome. .,Y*r .5o � cents - . U . on commits i3iticide. t - I - . I 1 beat Sir John Willisoft, 'Toronto, in 'The Daily Mail, for., Instance, ,earries . I � � . 0 , . . � ' r R ' . . .- I . r '. � � r . I � ,5roo, to bepald.in,cAte . . . . n I �, - ` . � I � Recount In 4oblin (Mam) ,,election 97 . t A r ' _S_________�L. - I ­­­_ � � . . - . you can buy at any drug store the ready- . n . -Its .accident losUra - U, ity I d B � d' both hus . � i * . . C . 0 , , 'd , , Williams, ot. the St. Louis Brov,nftif. Buffalo la*zx bowlt g final nee -'as far As _0 , r!` , I : a,hd -I a ' ja DPW . . . . to-usepreparation,'improved by the addi- niade,his 22th homler- 1, - I ' - . . - ­ . r �� ' . r ' .. ,1_,, ,,,,t,.,,r,, Sei4atIT(05, .11 ­ I .1 PP0 ,., . . . - I . .. � . . . .... . . ,. . . r � I . �, . . , tion of other ingredients, called" �ethls .Windsor's population has.i=._ eased.] , , =A- band,,and wife meet death when � . I 1. ' r ' . . . ... I . . � - .11 I . . . W . olk . . . . . . I . p d - . . d I I . . � I . � I - . r . . . . , ... ... ... � wJraln. -Oth .p .1 . . ... . . . . r �; id Sulphur Con rX.1 -uA 4.0 M'(Unlrt� I . �. � '- ­­ �­ - .1 --- - r - � . I ­ I I- SwAs . .. I .1 3 . r . � 2 � kig-lul; Ilke .Year. . 17 . , - ! jority of ii1ne over Rlehardsm .. passengers on . er. . 77"" . F r ,. .. .0 _ . � I . � . . � �_ s . _3,.J,- -__�__�AA . e 4y � --I- . I I � . � . W-_ . . . . . . . . . I .. : : . . dampen a sponge 4r soft brush with It. � . .." � . ---. - ,___ _hh-vt­a,dd,e . I . r . � I . , � . � .. - -7_ �­-__7..­ . . - ..- e&-r-m-nier). I . . I . I . I . .. I � I � . -_ 7 ' r I I r . .1 . I . � � I I . . I ., . . I .. . I . ­2;!:�__­-_�_��,�� ! zi!�._ . - L 11 , n . . I .1. . . . I � . . . I . � ­ . � I . � . - . . I .. "Tav-,this-th ur -air r I . .. ­ I � I h Columbia IWO, s6ze.Blilp- 'not on y 4 whlle� . . 1, t I . . .. . . .. , zow, .7 ,�'. . 7. . I . . Britis , . I " a; weekly. oivi%n . . . . � . r . . . - -, I . . ,. . . I I � �..,� . . . r . . . . . , . . Irrm . or OV , . ' . . . .i .. . . . 1. . � . . one small'strand at a time, By 0 of liquor dealers. Th G , _. the sickness lasts, but, tho rent_69.. . .. � � I r I I . . . . . � I . r . ­_�k � . . I . I � . . � . ity hair disappear � �. .. r- . . . ;r . 1. . � . .. I - . I . . 4 . . I 1- r . . . I , . all gr, ,, n , it ' r an- �r =1 M"1 cl. that liquor. May only the house as well so ,long as At 4oew: , . � . . i I * I .. .other, ldpp�icatltm_lar-tr ­ 6 r-: I be -w ­ I . I . . I .not -amount to Mof,O than 11-04 a .r I .. , � 11 r. . . ` I I I . . . . - . _1__ .�, . �. . . . ... 'RAIN $ERVIC . .. - . . , JFRXIDAY. I . . r . , 'e i 1 Sy. mid � be,bought from Government w6ndors. � . � r . - . r . comes beiiatifully dar %0y are all.COM_r. r � t f E to TORONTO . . . a..year The reason U . .. � I 14),u . I . I I � I r peting lit, insurance Is I r I 1 r. � " � � . I I . 11 !!. . , I..... . . I r r1311 . I . I � . r I r r I I � . � I . thUtAnsuiasce � . I . . . I . . Dfilly V I . . � � . I Gray" faded hair, tholig-h no disgrae . . .Xoept Sunday � :.. TQronto .beat Itoellester, A to 3. was'the Idea of the first paper and, . . - � I . - . I . : , , . . r _.� -1 .. . . � I . . I r r . . . � . . 1. . � � _(r , - is &,,8lgn'­`0f'o,1E1,;A-9e0 P,WM­V-V*n, Lve. G�d ,M.r Thamesville mffi destroyedby lir& 2nade suth a h1tr 'thAt the others - . I L .. I .7 I � . .. .. �11. eiiell 6.00 %.in. q-40 .0 -,4QV I . . r I. the IN . .. . I. I Ij! . � sire� a. youthful -and ittraetive appear- .. r , � 62 P.m" , a Scotian miners may, adjust t *Ise to. continue I I. . I r, 110e et busy at onqe,wIth Wyeth's S* " Clinton 6 25 . I I I .. I I � I . 11 I . , r 4 �. A i a . in- ' ' . dispute. United �tiit,e, AaMe field. The campaign.must ba-ve . . . � . . I I I . and- lulphur Compound and look ye4ra : geaforthL 6.41 a.m.. 3.12 p in. Violence Inctease.8 In unfavorable res'ults� upon the%�busl- . . .1, � I Too � njer. This yeady-to-use preparation " - Xibehell 7.04,a.j . n,. 3,42 p,m. ,coal strike- . . . r, ol C�st' ness of. the Insurance sollcltbrs,�.but' � . , � ,- 1. r, . :X, r I las elightfultoilet requ's'W and no' a Are. Stratford 7.30 win. , 4,10 P,m- . A glass of beer In Tyr a 800 Is proving a boon to. the'corripanies 111. r I . ­ L .. nivilicino. - It Is not. intende4-for the cur Vienna jerowns. . r .. . .r � I., . � � ,mitigation Or Prirvention. of tdisesse. . 01 ", Kitchener 8.120 A.m, 5.20 p.m. M. C. R. shopmen protest rules 'which,. are now' writing more insur-! . - : - . � � , - . . . , � I rr - . . . - " Giaelph , 8 15. am. � 5.50 PAU, � I I ance � than ever before., - One takes . 9. rrr I .� . , I . I , . . r , ,of X.Abor Board. : I It for granted that newspaVets .se;- � r I' I .�:, .... 1. . . I " Toronto 10.10 %�M' r 7.40 p,m, wed , I'll �11';;,:� L . . ,r J , . * � I . . . I I Railway officials announce rene. cure ra substantial reduction by. turn.- -'1�1� - I I I . � I . � . , . . . �Ret6vtiiQ-Lel%ve Toronto 6.50 a.m., shipping activitY, I 'Ing in applicAtions- by wholesale. - ' . . I 1;_`1'.11` I'll I . . � 1. � . Carrick, Toro,ato,junior golfer, was . e� , r I � , - - LM MEAT IF BACK " ' . 'and &10 I5.1m' . , . . � . The circulation qf .all the nowf*- . � 11-;� t . r­� I . 4*01 ___ I , r 1 §'55 P'na . . . ���,,� �­,;� ,,, , . ,IF � r . . - . - beaten at Chicago. papers reagaged in the business has � . r.r ­. ; : . . . I I . r Parlor Cafe car, Goderich to Tor- : _. , ��: �_r r t . I I , : I . . r Toronto men, will 'Publish Ontario liacreased as, a r result of the cam-. I I I I . . I � A , I .. AND r KIDN"" - HURT onto, . on morning ,train, and Toronto Reformeri Oshawa. �.,;�, ': � L10 'Go,rer Marks paign. * Whether ItLLA an ing�ease , . . . to Goderich 6.10 p. m. train. _,,,,,t r . 11 �, I'� . I , � . I I ­ I I . . I . . � � . . � � i. . . . Washington that will prove in the eiFd­profltable� i ",I, �, ,:,-f- . . r I . . - ... . . � . � . a � . I I Parlor Buffet car;' Stratford to .,time on rail strikeI. . k Act the papers is another queotiod. It I—— . '�. 11, , .. Irso . Showbr � ids* Days' Foras I . and Tral . nine School at -ftswitirldso, . ... . I . I I .. . I ,. I r Torontoi on afternoon -train. 1� �:, .. ::: rr 1'0. d - ' I r 1. Irish Insurgents are falling ba,ii: Is said that the. Lon .. I I .; r!' ; .. r . I .. - . � . don. Exproms,bas ... Quo, � . . r . . 1� . Take ej gim 6f SLUl to floh XW=p , , .L . I g . L .. I � _,­ .� .. . �L . . r � before loyal troops.- . 'r - . �� I , I., LAR -14r. M W. Beatty. snooped witle *no at tho Shawbridtq - L . I if Eladder1othM you-1hink F. F. LAWRENCE i & SONS, First Western wheat of new crop paid out more Ahan Z20,000 to' Ito , I " ___ . boys., n1glit­Good fishiprig li#lpt. malts happy "ye ter ilia boys, * . �� . � . . I registered readers in the past three I . I . I - I I . . lots of waur.., , . .Town Passenger and Tickets Agents arrives at the Mills. I All ther po I - I . . . .. - L r L. . . . I ,PhOAE 8 r ' months.. ,,pers combined tion of this fact ln�reaged until .1 Moral couraUL ,I,,, J),,%e1514RAlA:0Ura9c, - k � . . ... Prime Minister says all Allies must , I lit the heart r of the Laurentians UdVant�go r . r . r . . L are spending' perhaps 95,000 a week . satisfied that no one ever Is of a great. to r a boy., I I . _ .�� , ,_n, r. . -surrounded by lakes, and *mountalns Am now , I . I . . .p _�� make sacrifices alike. In space devoted to advOrtising their. - . L is what enables a , I . I I �,;, FlAting,taeat ttgularly *v*nt1W1* pro. Forest Ares, again raging In -ce".- , . that compose that L far-famed sum. succeeded who did not''work.. and Moral, Courage . . I Orr . L .1 sch,emes, thAt In, happier. circum- that fortuitous events or ac( onto man to do right, regardless of what . I dtion kidney trouble in moms form tral British Columbia, . I . I mer resort , of Eastern Canada Is . .-id ink or a V. wl)O. refuses to . r L - I L stances would be devoted to aaver- I arm And do not make.for permanent sucvvoj�: others th .1. . : . , L .other, mays ik.well-known IL�ithorltyt be- . Britain will have a rfor4e of 50�0. . tlsIng private business, That the Idea - the Shawbridgb Boys! F I I Cvvr rearet do wrong no " mattia' what the . I � "use the uric acid in n"t excitcd the : . I , r ­,) fighting air l4achines. . , ". .1g.3 Training School, an Institution that None of you hero Will � kidn - t perworkfd; ipt r , , , . % 'lot worlt!na nprfpntJ%: I= i�W,� .is doing A ,great and,much needed the time.r YOU have spent in master- temptation. llhyiiival 1:01arage, Is L � ''. A . - Tatiff 13111 still under discussion hi � . � I I I - ,hq become I; , , gORP, � r 11 L I 1. . r � . tug 'thinis which appedT hard, or that. Independenre and confidence lit , . I . I . clog no and caun all sorts of / ' - . ­ r . r I � p wotk. ine buildings are . __ .. , ysical 'ab,,,t,t . . ,5 wb* L I United States Senate, . . Its several r . - Ives o - habits your own pla ich, 1,q,4 �­J .. THROAT -teants � of giant airpW ' -jaet in surroundings that make for Curing 13 . . . Williams and Johnston are . nz1v t.yp( ,ne was _ your e ""I"C' ft'lat A bully, ovdit � , , . w7 in thoi kidiioy region - rheumatic twin- . I � ered to Prench army, 4t welghig I � the upbuilding ef-pbyzical and moral have inherited . or which �ou enables -a Man to L , . I N finalists at Seabright. delt 11 h1halIVY0 acquired.. The oldei you grow though he 1.9 physically h.� superior, � I . . gelli "Vex. hbodaches, 94 stomach, con- I . CUD I I . L Touring Canadian Cricketers draw six tolls.. , . stamina arid upwards,of two hun. ze tbe fact because he -Wil not be put -down . . tion, Id livil slooplesimass" . I there the more you will reall . I atipA "I i L 0HEST with Incogniti Lin giagland. . I W. M. Johnston, , San li-Tancisco, died 10s of varying a es, are ,h,tr fear. Physivat courage Is . I I . � bWder and urinsiry 2 tion, - I I 1. et -Ca . L r - ''"Premier Lloyd George'speaks Oil beat It. X. Williams In Seabright ten- being tiven sk new and %etter Chance men evew In this young c()tln- through, 1, I . I . , . ,,,,,i,,r L � 'I, The. nioment. your a hurts or kid- . . I . to Ms. 6 good in this' country of' try arte fightinj for a living, that ver , eamni(in. ' It. 0XIsts 10 a More .r .. . ; , " - Commons. . nis tourney. final. � - I compe iti6 y S8 eXt(Int in . as. F. . . wir,.debts In . n In een and men more or 10 . J�oat zteyi oxent acting riXht, or it bladoler .6 Tilton$ . Ford'i plant may shut doivil ow- opporttinity for y6ung men. . . ­ , boWts you, get islidit f6ur ouna% of" . . Fairville, N.B. Ing . The Dukoi- of 'Pevonshire, former . . The farm� is supported artly by. numerous than good positionr. I bo q� Aloral courage In more rare.. - 'r -, - ' .� �- .. � �: - , _1\ to shortage of'coal. Governor-General of Canada, has ae, esqe,n.taj� -,I& modcaty_­ - . .. . - tiny pharmsep, . 'its: 'I wiih to a grant from the Quebec ; . �Iho third Ing more admirable I Vad UIts from good - � wri rovincial You will be told that your 016ct _ I . !Grand Trunk 'earnings show big c6pted an Wyltation to serve on the in lJfC,r,ls­tO bQ *$­ZuCeeTZ, fknd thiat Theirs— Ti nothl I - take a tahiftpoonful i3k a glaiis. of water I , r. " \, inform -you that -we - r -Royal 00nimliggioll WfiJeb._*Ittrin4UIre , Government, - and partly - b bl' !aty of a boy who at . . . ... Wore brealifast for 0o* days and your , I � 11 I.consUcr'your - 'gains -during tbe-past month. subscription. Its president T. t". Z. is true, because without ambition than the mode . . 11 kiane" win then act flue. This, famous -_:�6 0 MINAWS LIN. , � Canadian maintenance of way Bien Into the clasiges In connection with Beatty, President of the C. P. R,, to a success no man goes ver� far. the liame -time naMptains his own . . . . . aslt$ is -made from' OU of Tap" . . .... / withdraw request -for conciliation. the conferment of honors. . . and at a recent gathering there, -Mr. But SUCCea does. not. necess�rlly self-respocC Coupled with modeaty . . . 11 with Ithis, . New York ind St. Louis won their ** ` Major W, V. Blake has completed . 8 "' )1ley Or .the 181 Courtesy, 4n peoplo 11 I � I .rand. lea": julept 11 . IM - In .National and American Beatty gave an address In* ,which mean the� amassing of 0 d most modest . _ It . su games .. another lap of his 'airplane journey - that mi g of high position, A man are courteous.- ' Moot conceited PeO- . y L . -ouid .hw ft". usod: ,goerstions to , W Were said man things in the tr . .1 � . . 'L.. ­ r . .--,,,',,, . , L be ry gfit, obtainfia zot sense pit are not. ' t , . Leagues. � around' the world, arriving At Delhi. Cad of � . fuh, clog WMUUte thsm jeliefforiarethwit 4 L engine . rofitably by all Canadian may be a success )dersto The modeat->boy never forgeta rto .1 ! pit kidwye Alacarow's couilliel opens defen0e Owing to rough wcather an of the term if he has m( r . . L. . . to normal activity, wmtralir,iithe - s,a &esL I would not be wi"Ut it if R He said In part- i. tnor at I . . i , , " . In Merchants Bank case by denying .ri -he was. obliged to hen I ,was A very yound Wry at .,. 1. . I . - I I und, above a retains. his a I #I& Ut - L the price Was 006 dollar a b0ttI6 . ,trouble, hoveev�. ;� =sd: Is charitable and -helpful to bedliolite-to his eldern or. to WO . acid& is ths urine no longer fir! I . -.-.. responsibilty for report. L . school I did not believe in studY. n the first thing wbich an o!dor . . I I disoideri. - I . .make a lizeniature lAnding three .1� Was, thus ending .. . Explosive In. coal Wrecks farm miles outside the.cLty., I I worked a little, but I glayed a lot own self�reBpect, whic Inspires the man or woman recognizes and appre- . . . Jad Awaits canno Injure anyone, r A to 10 house at Selseker, Alberta. One we- � I I t1e14 J)out a boy is his attitude. I I 1. I sitakes, a delightful, efferitseent lithlor and I did many 'of t e .things I pect of others, qu t regardless ciatea a L . water drink which millions 6f men and . .,. r . . man was so severely burned that she 1. r, 1100ot'legging In O., Z% . sboald not d"n"t undone many whether he 16 the posoesoor of of respect to 6090 who are oldei' L � I I ... " -Jae now and then to kftp the 44, r I to I died. r I . . . . . L ' those I Should- When I was money or without it. .. than. he.. I cannot tell 4611 h0%V k � . I Televiiiines, 'all over the United , VICTORIA, B.C., Aug. 7. -Now, - Of You will find, too, that tha Wilts many positions have been 'Won bY kidam and urmazoiPms Cleo, thug 0 � V aw T %'Jb.Ch YoUr adn niter towards , Older . r I L . I e I #,vViong L Y als"44. States and Canada were let for one egulations governing the sale of thirteen years of age and ,had fin. tire In r others are the boys whoup ma I - ------- , . , � ". 1. . ­ - -minute to -day at; a mark oil respect It - quor -by the warehouse trade re- Ished one year's course in a promi. things which you would filce to be bar, been modeat and relpect- . ; , rL � I . .- I I 11 Cently announced by 'Attorney -Gen. . nent school in Toronto, ni� parents, yonr�elf. YOU tVill see men Judged how many lost by those who � - _. � . I I . I i to the late Alexander Grahata Be , received ar report whieh, without, 1140"" this essential quality� s I ONCH [,CHI, �G J01 � , _ . 4 . . Pral Manson, have resulted In the L by'others in accordance with three . r _ the In entor. netiVitlear bragging, I think I may say wos, ,Or I .. _. . slowing up of bootlogging I Or- four simp 10tootid you that life In a 3truf9le- r I -. yamouth, N.S. 7 - L. SATVRDAY. r the wornt report ever written about le standards. If he IGO n race, and if you are in . L . N . ... - - wl(h the result that liquor is,jifling Ii boy. I was in trouble from tho a those qualities and those It Is a Ot be equipped so . ­ . I malm I I Street car strike In Chicago, Is bvtn .no In British Columbia housen, it was . fg't'�n`e"% be ,ill be ,d,ired and the race yotlr MU' . . . 1 of the'vear. . a ard will -be equaL I . Gasolin6'reduced 1% cents at To- stated here. . I . . bOginning . rospected by his follows. If be does that the competition I - ' . . 11 .. __ 11 I I I ronto. . During the last three weeks sixty most of my time Efter bouitr in riot he Will fall. ( .. No boy who neglecta iliq istudits haa rr t-�. rr - - - - Off" HHEOPATIC - at school, doing tile ithing,s I shodid' � I Nedda trotted a mile In 1-691/1 thousand cases of liquor are said to he c ass coess the moot emen. the sama Op ortunity afterwards as .. . ,,%& P . Toledo. . . hiave arrived on the coast from Bag- r bave (lone during joriod. �O nttain'su TC �s not., lie finds him- I Rub Pain tight out with sm4 To SWARTrs Henry Ford will bring coal to When this report wafr received it tial thing is good health. A cound n boK who C land. Of this, but fl�ve thousand eases tody wunily means a sound mind, andicstp�ed In a hundred WaYO . : � Detroit. . I wbich h& - � trial botdc of old . %vent to the Government ,Control 'ao accompanlell by A note *'hfat'haia, and e, boy who is, careful of ,hio� ti Inch q knowledad. �, 44st. Atolm German money In Parts banks Is 11' thp�o� 0�ilpion of the principal 0 OV 'Bus, Livery md t lIl - . .- - . oard, .th,e balance going' to the fie 'would get along fairly well health and makes 'himsolf ztrong�,s ould have acquired when the OP %. I . withdrawn. trade. The oudden anti -bootlegging. I 4nd vigorous has distinet advantage � WtunitY wris offered him. 11to se'll . I r . I.. ealand Passes bill on Aus- activities as the restift of rf,eent � if I did not return. Over Aleally weall. other boys go alaind of hint- becauno 4 I Rheumsti6m, A "Poin" ordy'. 'New z I do not remembee ever hav lie ge, nnd he oftentiniOc Hack Stablesi trallan reciprocity, fstringp:it ordprs, It In sfited, are While it is -not impossible, it I of this advantai ; Not,onei Case fit fifty reolvdies Inter. r Farmer near.rStratford Is attacked felt so humiliated about anything g by � , holding tip plans fox a big whiakey I wan when I read that report. I tremely difficult for anyone to viork in redticed to carning his livin 1AI tretitment. _Stop druglingl' Rub Montreal%tftet by bees; horse dies. plon the f be Ilege physical work for tile simple roacon 1. . I - "St. to .. king merger. alinpil to chain elt-that I had proved to t against the handiaall, 04 Ill health. I . _WtbJriZ,pnetTkt I _­�--�g4-W1lI_Vrlte-A1Js_me- 1,tPrC-V,ta­-Of­t- �hv­=W)ttogglng s �_. .1. all sprioun- that be haq not traincol himq69 to - 11ag atobs Oil ri �,­­­ A -4,1N -g-" ­--Ius"04he�Squart- , ---and- ­--ima-t" --y -pupil ') _L to u lit -'- lat, Aber XJ3'(I­P, --- 154y- __yo - _____A1____..___ ...... -1 ­ ___ � - Q .i&_,_-_ - - - . . - - -__ r - ,fht into your joii . itiff; , .1 mojrn for Publication. warehouse trade for mat - talre a& ne5go, ai 7 in - WhIR: !, 0. I .1 Ajja,04%� . e and profit , to do as tv,,Il ag uthvfs and work hard, and p ay jar , en I . jo nts, and reli6f e4iffiefi, initAntlY. "SL Belyea won the assOciatiOu 01119les ablo Intornation,al trade or string. vantage of the educatiohal oppir. joy james 011&spend your timo as L*;M aIt that you can learn's'11014 , Jacobi Oil" is A harmless theumatim lausges Meet all Train's Itid at Philadelphia rfgatta. gling across the bo.rder. tUnitien which were ofTered me. I much as possible in- the oPen. Ilgild low thealn,lbructiOns 09 y0nr tcacll- liniment -which mver disappoints 4144 Passenger Boats tourictA Proves ,, ____�; . ourselyos up, biveauso you 'may em, bee uso later wbat they teach � . , eanot bum the skin. "gold mine', to Canada, I I I was rent to another gebool whote Me a longs -life, and every ounce of You will be found of gtcat advant- . . Umber u PASSe"Iter called (at in any Volt De,ad In Hex Store. my record wa;x not Itnown, for whieh Will fo�(A . a suilu trIS'l Quit COZI&IIiiingi Get part of t9 Attorney-GOnerat has little to - strengtb you: storp. up in your youth age, and without It you . boftle of o d, honest "St. 0 town for All gay r XINGSTON, Out., Aug. 7. --MI6,' I I waq vpry thanl:ful, I there fel tranmed. and tome - mg store, and in trains At 0. T. R. or C. P. R. regarding Armour report. lenfilo B a into the I . iandg of a teaeLor who was, addo to rour vitality when you AN 14ndIN'Prd, emba � I Jacobs Oil" at any di Ontario will appoint Fuel Com- ucknell died stiddenly at one of tho best tvachers for boyslolder. tlme� a!j amed. It I ju*t a moment i0le'll be free from . I Depots. her nevin depot, eorne: of I�ln,g 'and Acal necosoity to There is a Word W6 U50JO Mn UP . . . rheurnatie pain wamsit Atid stiftne". � troller to ration supplies, ' I had ever met though he .bnd a it that If; 4 OVE 3rtain a lot of qualittts wbieb we simirs .,T, r Z,,, siW#JJt 'lar#uc(, atreels, Thursday morning. Dolet A Y6.U. ,,St. Prftpt SeMCC 1111d � ,,r. lie Pneourazed a man's buccOVI, Mcre arP ei � T&onto and Buffalo divided two ( .very violent tdmp, amy bo�, and thtit IS mtktaliuftl- 1 Jk6obs Oil" to Just " good - , , garAim at tho Inland Stadium. ,,�Jios livielumll wau- apparenfly in her us *ben he was not abusing as. If morat qualitiol witboat WhIC11 110 I � i. f6t Nei Careful Attendance. Germany dc-elint,s to aceetip to tho unuel otato of livalth when she ow -n- nnvone st-,awtd inattention he was Cannot Obtain perinanent advanco- JaWinctu n, at$ -a boy who is con- . ati4m, neuroW, livaltme, ba4sclio,. Preneli domanda (in private dr,bta. #d Dwv otore, .111w =s discovcrt4 sidered couraseetis. felt Onerous 11prAb& r 41100-fto 301y to be tilt on the head with a ment. is honesty. No man in svil who resPecto ti6elf' Z11 - I � . - - � ­­ . . I _IAI­-� The dt,fr,uee i can,p lying bolibW the countm, by a,talf ruler, but th6 firtt wovds of on- Tbo first - . A-00 . ­ it tho Macarow .� ­ � �� air Livery and Hack Servico drivc,r, wbo vntered to uce the tMe. country who Is not otbem . Everyone admites a manlY I . ­ 11 Irmo Pa( -n rgument. ' No or r. 0 prenputs t , of 3* couragehIp.tit I ever received car.ie this, or any other boy, ,e admires it koY W�3, Is 0 ---1 _______­� will be t6und up-0-4ate I Calgary and Wii�nlpr,g drow, I A I 11 phour'. I Irom t,hat MAILO Ile told t�jo that kvor,ost bas attaiued pemanent aucl- � --7--, -, , "'. I . , � MAC­00NAL..0,S I . I' � , �- Ir i I BRIE I. M I I— - I J �, wto eheats, who ddea tnesn' � � i , 1N6dneer1b1kxtd things, We like A bay I 'Vertcl Xz lit every restwea.s in Connaught cut! wootorn ovitit tome say if I worko,d hard I Might COBS. lie way appear to do so. 110 :1 . 41114,6141101 final. I . ; . To -out for St. Aldrylq Itiver, Arnoulit to Aomething, wbIch wari tnAy AM"Sr M�)Inz by meatig wbich 'ho standi on his own fee% . � OOMINION EXPRESS � ,w I 1,41milo Tait, Cancidlan light%Nglat Vows to M6----1 had never heard; It be- am at least doo tful. but without or a man i Your Pottroosp Stitielted �! A ir t,T ,4T -s,. M A I 1. I P., 0 n I .. A U G. 7. % evetyons in thlb eye, who Mae- . i lot gain or retain fl, I 10* - : � boxing champion, outpoluted Frank -tip t,W. prr-oi-nco of J. 11. ('uniAng- fore. In any evett he gave mis an honestf be ciint, r,! , I e U 1116 wovka and btestim N I �. I C� I , -1 , r..", i . study, sta so I vmrked, respe�! of hZI fellOW-111on, Ara wit h � � . Bull. hani. M 1P.P.. who aupprVIC4A the ins Irstgon to it own ad. � \ To S W A R 0 or %t-3 0 'nn� s1rT thb w6ts I worked W in , C, , "' "' i I , A littlo boy w= e.-uobcd to t1oath o;vr,qjt#r.,s, 15,00ij rainbow tv lit be t1314 to to he uses Ms ability for i, - 1, %,A,P 4 � I 1 , , 0. C." � -1., , . phtioe 107W. 14antres1street" , nzapr 610 wbcvlo of a truck In �,(­rlffi;o V,4ry phirld In U.0 watcTs realizod how VAI"ab"t It was" and a anceess. f varteerdw Without Wu4ts anyon'# . , . 11 Otm-pf"'. "!,Pr�% -,,'%�C­, � Torovto. 1(4 U.t Lt, :13V�'fj L -'-(T- a# ther yea.rx went by my apprecia.1 U0 se"Ond mnontial ks Cwtogo lelcc�, I .. � .1 ", i I "it,_ - - - --------" - - 11.1 ­­_­ .... ..... .. --- U it .