HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-08-03, Page 7I , - .�sma'. � TM, �} STAR - . -�z a ..ws- w..u-�a•.�.THURSDAY, AUG, SM, iAa -ea At 1 ,a a r■iCel1. I OXONMOM0 l► since the world tsar without an ti �- I -,ila n. 1.llablet1 of magnitude, though it is prop Q�` ' T ' � � bAble that such lila been nairrciwly �_� Me"averted on a number of OCCiasions, 1(m . � � O ii,■raaa. The troubles. of any government pairs Tarraa#a� iltRil aiatal IBxral�ira: z#[arloi f1a14 11 ty in, Italy at the present time are sick JiabiiMs by I,wtie of Sipeeial magniifed beesuse the 'Chamber of l�Ygraur P. 01? I 01 Do ties contains thirteen distinct polatteal party, ;groups. 'Mone seems ``-`" DWI - of as .4 1. to Stay in agreement ionic with .any TO mars, the completion of half it ! . of the others, and the successive Cab. century of a Career as a newspaper, meta are from day to day of the mer• The ail and EatpirR }las iisxuerl a I For AD Sorts of R IUI# airS. 'ey of temporary combinations and ear 120 -page tit slime number. which is bale. In the prevent Instance the a Credit to paper and vailuable 1t ix efltimated that a reductlo+n of 1�c government. led by Premier Facta for the infoxwotion it t�o"Was, bring your Car to this garage was overthrown because of its seem- A, history of the nsws per the friction (tt#td this is eatalil� FpaliKlble with Ing helplessness to cape with the FAB- first issue Of which was published on the right r*d« of iut�pltrlal P0104nr" � . Ar Battery Repair work vc�e have engaged cisti, or extreme Nationalists. The March: 30th, 3872, of course, stands � ct 11; erwa members of this organization have first In the articleis in the magitxine Motor Oil*) will iancaroase the ovallable o° a good man and guarantee Sgtis£actlull. as been violently active of late in attacks and It is aan interesting tale which is 1��" of ronin mott�lr 11CG• p oon the Communists and Socialists. told, We will tluate the tAllowang 'The have. driven administrations of paaragra_phS dealing with the found, lana iz,stalia»a� a lame #lie lattat out Af sarerat :lawns, burn. Ing at The .Mail. G*t tho most. out of 3►t1ur car at the ed COMM aunlst he.adquartera,, and otia• ' •'AG this point in the life of The jasat ex xltaN. CaiwMlt►lt t1c1A► xatltl>iNtri T ' erwise displayed their hostility to the Mail and Empire is few wards of a 'LL u % p Everywhere thou- reaniniscent nature may. lis excusable Chart of 1' tsot►ttrutinllndatlons, this 'Suldlt' TONGAR BATTEDV.--C ' ER two groups named, .ern cut Prohibitions of Fascists Path- and, not at tail out of place. The ed- to. piropor lubrication• a evils have been ignored." It is per .wow one of the fruits of Confect• , and a complete Stock of a�ustrOmetits andA . � doubtful whether a. general election enation. When ilio union of ilii+ pro- � �� . „ R����„�.�'� � , a arts £or rtbttlldllag allakes of batteries would Clear, the atmosphere in Pre- "vines httd been accompllahavl in 11;67; .,,.,„ir Q sent co edition:;, . • the Fathers that their ,lin-. „ .. I , ,,x - . - , • .. . •' Stead f having Been completed, had alnlalOUttaarairs Shari 1KsiFliiator& of lai+i�4 lot • • ... . The vast .-ar`eas ire:• Motor Oils end Markstorai.ift , , Million 'Pounds Ste ling .'Salvaged, er k gSaperiar had not been ar» . a *nam q F G«rg yle Mar4il rs A ,, a 'a .. festa Wreck: of Laureptic ' qu;red a Brittsh .•Columbia ,remable ' - ' . I!110114 -DAVIES RU ��6 Salvage operations conducted by . outside of the union. The means of . .. the British Admiralty have so far ze- communication between the East and � G - .. p Waved go to the value of one tall the West were' crude and absolutely t.• O 5CaUT11 STREET p tion Pou s sterling, 'from the wreck useless if the work o aettlament sand p o of "the b or Laurontic, torpedoed off of national consolidation . was to be . o Q a .. 1. . I '�iol�.�--. QICItQ o1C�a>w the Irish Coast in 191 , It is hoped seriously undertaken. We had prat- .. 1.- - to make other valuable recoveries tically .mo manufacturing enterprises,. I. " """ "" 11 I from wrecked and torpedoed. boats in lY:_ P and. our natural resources were un - a, addition to those so far mads. developed, .Owing to the abrogation - '' . -•.... - t + a, + r of the reciprocity treaty; our agrl- --- ir, I MGM w ..,,.. , _a _,, Y .f fi "It_ --- _._.__�. w_ . _ .... tuitural. rodueta - wills-vvhicta-�wa iiad. ._. _ -_ _,_... #r_ .._. _-.--•_-_.__ . - on'evoryililn CanA171acn, salt it is a A('ROSS.TIIR.WOItLD • : '* Talk of .French Debt Ga icelTatipn"by P ver rornarkable. g Across ,the World in sea Ie id . f ter i. heretofore paid ftor the cross aeture- " Y . . "r� ,����A` 7S.+E�. Britain articles imported. from aeras the last- Iri the course of its fifty -year -car- marvel and inoQal a[ Aanctonsatton, Dramatic developments. in connec- � :. dei were, as thoroughly as a tariff Cor, The Maii and Empire, ortgi»ally. with a teat lu a Se»ionto. Tutt now tea�ehea#,, blended. tested b experts, + ; 4 ...� tt���� tion with the German reparations are e t that Purpose, ruledoutof The Mail, has survived In the battle issue is enlarged and liitprovetlo Rud its we,ghed by eleetricity, .Packed In A 46 Ulu _ hinted in British despatches, though could aft' e p p of s. Again for prestige among man rivals, and oontenta.will prove a rravelatton `of the spotless wareltauSo by whfta•Coated . . � . . the market to the South u g y pot only in . a men,. and. resealed in aluminum t+ < there is no definite outline ,on which our national status was nal under- the stony of Tho Mail's. business his- krawth At ilio country, t L cannot expect' their live cattle to be s their comm to a head u tar has been oris of absorption: Thp Bingle year, but in a ilea or tali year preserav the fresh, rich AAvon. `Elisa British Laborites Defeat Government P to ,judge a to g Whi admitted .to. Britain without •beings shortly. Ane report is that if France stood. There were.those o th A seri- first rival to be taken over was The pbrioa,,_ aver ala chapters-•ranalin}( ,s•the-story of "SA•LADA:' It. is the . p, '�, o the same teats that Can. .•• P ideas as to ed that the union of the N. Em ire which- ba an in. 1887, and alph lkiticall froth. Agriculture - to' urest most. delicious tea'that ydu Can . The Britisli Labor •�iarty s conn subjected t will fall in with British e. y . a',, lies to imported cattle,, iniad- a tions . and ,plans respecting can provinces was a step to and, Which, when taken over;in 18fl5, ave "Yukon- provitla a laltYl s'eYo view aX the Guy, Ay}t far It today, , dente in its destiny will be strength- PP and t excul,n tests rep T i — separatiOtt from Great Britain n the full Hama which Dominion tram ovary Angle. No better _. _.- ._.. o nt sol in tine a ub erman •-and resumably - Russ a endent 'Can- to the newspaper t,nt of tl►a Sonat OAultl ba �. 1` Thomas' Fc erred by the victory- w n sat Po yp , a as p a G the -encs o Next, in the process atixnrtiant_ _ _ ... e1n_ Ulf .nf .11ieilt, I r.. _... _. _------ . an veterinary an then Britain vv3ll cariee� a lar e -- r tt now e» P Wales, Here T. A, Lewis, a Coalition •l be.a de- < g. ads. Others maintait ed that xiw3ng l Ys� It is probable that there will b b remier of the French debt to her. A prams martial hostility of the Uri- of absorption, came •The•Timos, which :hail, and tnauy nips it 111 that way to letaric Oil is not a jumble of medicinal la,.., R . Liberal, recently selected ,Y P la in the admission of Canadian eat- t that this had actually, to the coin a Lloyd Geor a as Government Whip, Y ture repot t d States our doom oras incorpora- was the, Hama under which the old enlighten the ignorant'aa to the woa1tli, subatancas thrown together and paish- g _ tie to the old land, therefore, until i e , Prosperity ' bA ed by advertlaing, but the result of a appointment necessitating n by been agreed resulted in a flurry in tion into the Republic next door. Toronto News attempted a xov,rld. Witain of the West.raCopies way be . n opo December or the.. early part of neat election was .defeated li T, 1. Harry . France a few :days ago and much the founders of the Dominion, 'and last eatiie . The Toronto Waxld, hod from leading, nowedealers or by the careful investigation certain 6 of the heal- ' ' Y year. These changes are not made i udato comment -u on the. action By within the. Bri. The result of this business survival d ins qualities of certain ails as applied Jones,, Laborite. • The vote was Jones laudatory p Canadian autonomy w in sending 30 cantatothe Canadian Facts `' ""i $ in .4 hurry'. But the thing to remain- of . Britain. What _the proposal is lie ab eat aimed at; is that today The Mail and Empire, g to .the human body. It is a Fare coin- 1., ? I 4, 16,630, Lewis 12,660; a Labor major that advance magnitude tisk sphere was J pub, Co., 5@4 Huron rtreot.Toroata. . it of 4 080. In the general elections her fs tha beiiitg discussed is not -denied. Prem- Their speeches during the Confedera- publishing as it docs its own ally bination crud it Wnn�id kept public Y ' has been made and that all indications .ler Poitrcare of France is to confer in P favor from ilia first. Atrial of it. of 191$ Mr. Lewis had a majority of a cattle tion discussion pointed to than'condi» edition and The Sunday World, ,a a. Q.Y1 ( r ' Labor o orient: point a resumption of liv c Britain with Floyd George and other he future most suitable to. now at the forefront of big newspa, will tarry ter to rep to nn °who 3;175 over his bo • . trade with Britain .on a large stole, tion as t ' , yea t to t3►embers of the net an the mat- us, and most conducive . to the per organizations of Canada. FSR Fi.ETCHER S doubt its .Power to repair an�h heat. s :' b r a Canadian it would be superfluous to attempt ter. It is not, strange that the "quer- rid to the welfare ,of the In addition to the article deals» =T`-`-, ..—•.•�-•�' Removal of . Em a ga n . slat o' the advantages that will ac- strength a g Tm 1 axe a point . t tion. of 'debt cancellation is still. to the Empire. . They, therefore, dir. directly with. the history of The Mai, C- A r«•' . % R .'� +� t Cattle Has Yet to- be p e nt d is country, 'One notes with British Rmp Y --I* 11 • ' Commons and Run Gaunt- true to th Y fore. More and move apparent is the r efforts to the carrying for and Empire, this 'special anniversary - . ,�.;. by .Act of. Co a acted thel _ _..._-. __ .... � �..._......_�. -. 1 t in the Londa. interest that Premier. Lloyd George, truth that until an adjustment of a ward of the unfinished, work, .They. number has many articles dealing .offp0'�bCl t.. e Winston Churchill the Minister of the British House of the Exche-: drastic• nature is reached as to this, r_oposed to ;take into the union the graphically with Canada's advance- , ii , Although _ Labor;, the Chancellor of h there will be grave trouble for Eur- pp_ 4' Gammons has voted in favor of a re and a number of other cabinet, Western prairies, and the Pacific pro- meat in vaiious lines during the past p ,, ,Solution to remove the embargo on guar ol•sli ol7ean countries allied with. Britain'in vine, to connect the East and the 50 years► under such headings aS ilio o Auto El@Ctr1G . l i ministers voted in favor of ab i the war. The voices .of -those who I Canadian cattle; it will be soma time the embargo, while. Austen Chamber- a :ar ued that as between the al- West by a line of railway, to complete follawmg; "Canada's Growth Un- and i y l, Lbefore that handicap is removed. So -0f the Commons, Stanley hav g id be car- the road between the Maritima Pro- folddan s a �,aWealth Iioldn'r �Protmise,' O lain, leader hes debt cancellation: show IL far so good; Canada has been yindi- resident of the Board of t loss of time on the Winces and -Abe Provinces of Ontario Hid • p F• ••fi ht Baldwin, P. tied: out without a uebec' to establish a polic)r of. "Toronto's Rapid Rise from Modest �►att@lr SerY>lee O Gated .in the crureial stage of a .g Trade, and other ministers, were op same principle' as the acceptance. of -rid @ Beginning; Montreal Guards Gate- y, in which .. her interests were vitally P P . . posed to the idea:. For those cobs severe losses liy many industries dun-; commercial and �us independent alendentiof way .to Cnnndu's Trade'. "Railways p eancerned. The next step will be the have not' followed the Agitation and t e eriod of readjustment, are that would render sun- O erred Way to C4nada s Progress. M Station- " i ' introduction of a bill in the British ion leadin u to the recent ins. $ the adverse legislation of other c �, .. • • the discuss g p growing in number, and volume. Tha - O Cor. Colhorn�o. �St. 4111 Square Commons giving effect to the., wishes p Gonave s It . decision, it might iso .explained .that fact still remains that ,the United tries, and to .give our agricultuxistS T adtia "ion 'Conditions atonists Over ex :Healed by the • majority .in that ears: Canadian cattle have at ca set the advmntnge 'of scientific :enquiry, „ „ p fox ,some y States is the one dation th n Chamber,: TYIis, it as announced,, will it .for Waterwn D Bright Vi,s - tain on1 . for P,n +lits a and. and: the profits of a•. home market. come Handicaps,. Hay evelopment; B$tterjr `Repall'a. 9. , 0 r •.." no a tong own uriiig�ihe pre ort of entx . n . greatest exampl x,1 his -Pie P grate, -a h•• . __._.._ - �^ -- -- 1 • - - . slaughter at the p Y- ik- . - ,. et-' n rah ma session, ut in -the seSsinn to be meas- « ". ' « ". was, -.auld not .be carried into execu emax •a e , . inuncierra H ve i sent s ,.b the passage of the A'd•U S. Shor.E.. without newspaper . assistance, :prise; Canada s �� no ip '1'illlyRl, AI2E NO OBSTACLES held in the autumn. This. bili will re removing the embargo they will Coal froth Britain to , i , tion Batter Re•cha l 1.urs tom ng once Sir John A. Had a Stormy Pact, y tin a a e .and`for such assist . ., cal the eat Saeed in 1896 putting it `•in Britain and g _ p p be -admitted to be fed<:,_.". be admi t havin -This,• special=.°number..-ia=„prafusoly �µ �-_._ . _.:- .. - the--way.vl yau> :catning luxn•.Sor ” +: Canada _ i4l�iedonald,°: vvho led, the..party. a: apatrm .all -cx rt wa.rk in 1 h'. .. =eta?.bar8s 4n.,store..cattle from C i-<. . hed�t lie-••desire.-o£-•dea3e�s••-Land -« #rots o -t British miners . sad=ai that lex ase advanced ideas as 4ts, platform il,uatrated and is a valunbla hiatal i . p OXCrbai n}t>at alfa R _. REPAiltiltlG and several other countries Wlie ars. The will thus comei,mto, is included Walsh and Scotch—are re- -these ra- .enl retard.: Its pr"lea, is $1,00, s re will exein t Can buy � it 's- work to Vorked front. the day that.:Confede .• — O Igo. .. I SyItetsand �•ttbtatig a and rstdoLE . at the new i}iea u _ P _• tions competition with British Arai ported as quite .willing to to the othe `:c un from t`on was accom lisped. On February FACTS ABOi7T CANADA S1t>rtelot: Wo,undetst+ind every detail•of our oda alone or apply t ¢ ed -tattle. :� -- cgpacity in order to fill orders i p year of Con- 6000 work -and have' every facility fox' areal- tries now affected by the: embargo is. • . . • * • . .. •t � States. ` -Tile have not 16, 1.889, or m the second ye • �� R thte�ni e Y Af- the federation, Sir. John wrote to..SHnatox, 1822 edition of the .popular. little New Biilteries and Electilcal o derin- satisfactory' service promptly. not intimated in the despatches. The Situation in Italy forgotten, it is averred, 'that sat , The . ter, passing the Commons the bill will Cyclopedia of the Hominfon-"6000 . Supplies in Stock p Give us u trial. e P " time: `of their last strike American onwards . Sir David Macpherson: of the'. House Italy is passing through another of a to 'I have Ions thought. that a good pa -About Canalis"c-will ba. warmly 5 +Q a have to run the gauntlet Y , coal tvaa sent in. large quantiti s Pette Lord where man members are the political crises •which have become which 'heretofore per of Liberal Conservative. cast .was. welcomed by the :public, wlrlbh regaxdei f{Eiaa'r ���•LIAMS of Sr Y foreign countries. i a eke a fi ht� common to hg 9f late .ycgrs. If.- is •a -Britain, greatly required in Toronto;'in foci, X aB ��! cattle raisers and m , y in g , f s : had bought' their coal from B i i g it as su tndiapensablA booklet, "as foil. ANE, M �g "Then ain some writers in the Bri- tribute to the country that it ha i , liiwat fitirear! (iiXQNre ag By the Lima thi •ia printed cargoes. of .thought that the Ob act was achiev- of most as R cocoanut," as one wittily d 'j: tisk press point out that. Canadians come through:.many severs trials coal from Britain will be distributed ed:' He then uient ons that Tans expressed it. Its compiler, Frank a0. i Phono 2431 .• . I 1._ to •many industries and .private ind,- for a daily of : the type described had Yeigh, is widely known as an .authority O>d0le~�""' O>- +.�--�•��� viduals in the United States and Can beerf devised, but that owing to his • �'�'�'��"""����T oda and many more will be on the,, absence• in the Maritime Provinces- " . ' . • ' : alit in Br,ta,n (he had- been. in the East Smoothing' ' Pleasrre way. Tha mining and Y l . j. Auto Rtd * ' is a .has been very slack of late and in over the objections to union by Jos- .1. . some 'districts the earnings of the eph Howe. and his fallodvingi--and . men em to ed . have been very low.. to certairt local differences, no defin- f xacided `the auto tires .are C-- One million tons' of idle shipp,t►g in lie actiot -.had been taken. I am,: he .. . p �' ?. British orfs will be available .for any proceeded, strongly in favor of the right: When .you use Aur tires P . ;increased demand -for coal. In .this resuscitation. of 'the project and he - ,. • ;; you'.aannot complain of rough connection it is worth noting that the adds, ,the paper should .beonserva latest volume of Lloyd's :Register of t,ve in the true sense and yet truly roads orA bumpety car. Ourd f I Shipping shows that Britain still_ Liberal.' •Bat �t-in=Gonads' h make ialmost :a,ny car PP th somewhat .over "The proposition of 18f9 did not tires wt leads the world wi . .:i as a Inst ei h- . take shape at once, for . obviously, it i. I ride lake velvet. We handle all nineteen million tons ga g , :.. teen million• odd in June of 1914.. The was difficult to organize an anterprise ..I. ., . the reliable standard makes, in nearest rival is the United Stafes, eail,ng for sa much expert knowledge f I with twelve `and: a half million tons.. and far so large an amount of cap,tali t 4 h � standard sizes. ,for, any kind. o t P A goodly part of this was brought But in 1.$72 the arrangements. were.. r.superionty TAL up the items of triechaxxfical car. Before purchasing another. n with 'the relit program .But and as already stated; on tobe' f otind' ill .tile Ugh: ' .1 p fire or inner tube, look over t. into bei g s P g'"; launched by the United States govt March 30 of that year the first num- f we haven'b the. t after the ant of that gov- ber of The Mail appeared, under the . Six. Consider the completeness of rte' , our stock. I ernmen a t entry f { • _- _ 0'11 et It for•, a . fire yon -want, w g . ernment into the war, and much of it direction.oi.Mr. Thomas C. Pnttesan, I - - - _ and an. exgerieiiced- staff: The oflite ega3plHtnt 1 many refs and is nement:s,Then awaits buyers. ---_ � . . camp«r yatar �xst with other• cars selling you quickly, . _ of publication was on the soGth?enst- '0 • « ; " ' ern corner of the site of the present ' • • Vulcan* gig' and Retreaariding Canada Should Develop Her bwn ICC- Mai, Building,: at King. and Say around the: price of the �..ight-�lX+ q • sources in White and Black Coal streets.' There a brick structure, ° ° . • if and when existing and prospect- . built. in t�,e early days for .office .Pur- I i f you estimate each of +these eXclu ' .. . HJ- FISHER ive Coal and railway strikes are set- pase@, and used successively as a club Y - { . t Tha: Vulcanizer t;,oderach, Ont.. tied in the Unified States and.. Canada.. douse, -A home.for the Bank of Mott Hamilton S . _ et 1rtl real ze wh tth ly,e<llominailvaiue,potl c 11 what provision is to be made to guard treat, the law offices of Messrs. Blake .will y L1ght-Six rai ks with .. against recurrence? In the Repub- and •Morrison, •and a hotel the Met- s.'�1. lit theta has been a dislocation of . xopolitan-,-was acquired" and °rapidly 9 re . e lata mor6. E � - .. business and. loss to industry that iq transformed ,into a newspaper office. . cars li ted at ale�erml hand`.. d dol impossible of calculation,. together As the bgalding was not strong with disturbances that have taken o enough .to accommodate a • printing • C`et acquainted Witt the Ught'Six. Task their toll of human life. • Every coal press, the Wharfdale, a machtoe its riding and driving qualities. T et7 y4fy r and railway strike in the" United which printed from the shoat and not MEST� I.ATES ' Mates affects Canada more or less in- from the toll Va web, was hauled in Better Value w .�Mb.,ia,d by d,a will a reciate theft the tnthuelaafn Of �� �' timately. .The merest knowledge of an addition occupying what had Baan soe,pkie equipment nt the Car. It pp r 0 the geographical position of the two the back. garden. The .office was ex- iaciadea cowl weadiat•r alw*ed �' its owners >ta based utf a pe fa►rmance Mean Pl�ri►�y of Pip r i countries, and of the coal areas, in cellently' equipped, but the daily out- . Ileo. the Instillment Ward, iroMi this .country makes that understand- put of the press was compared Lith '• cars Ioidea at ha.. eI the that la list equaled by SHY other Gar Of . Si are the ackboine of tPrest-O-Lite Batteries. Bet'- , ::able. The shortage of fuel in many the circulation of Qay, exceedingly +hkiac in. ,recta ulat p iw,ira"' . . lrtea the maka Pirest-O-Lite BRt- dila: Wla? e c inti ar plata stw. ... 1. . ;1 tairtiiats ordfnary p Y, pparts of Canada emphasizes the paint. small. -Nor, when the Conditions pre- trta�wiar.areurtiia:att,irl•prooE like, pCl�Ce`-'car .b� l�i�ai�y cars' of mach , tel4eii better than ordinary batteries. It is true that in the United States a vail,ng in the city an province are e,aa.mi,.ioa iocic, ►edue►ns Iha rat. higher price. ' , . Prem -O -Plates combine a peculiar porosity with an un- national emergency hos been declared taken inti consideration, was this ore M t 20 perces to and cora w.:: - p •.=_ _,- . usual hardness ('which ex ins Chair quick dtlive n p ti frit the nd uy in government to bothtthc � � -•� LIGHT -SIX PRiC� . power in cold weather, great haat-iasis ins, mining and the railway situation, many.•delicate complications in such . buckling atienglth in summer. Immediate good results cannot be a matter", -a X,before the British goy- Tou»ns.Car $1493 Pteit-O-Lite •Batteries airq specified byy the majority of fairly expected. In our own country ernment takes any definite steps it Roadrter (3-p'rur•). 1445 11 leading CRnadlitn manuiadtnlrere, and thi's list id growing• - conciliation and arbitration have done jjjj will -probably consult the overseas COupe-Raa,61:er to pulse'low? Comes much. There Is much to be dobe, Dominions that are affected. This (r -per,) , , • , ig25 i Eow is. yourebattery wtaking? Is i „"sedan . . . . . . 2425 Arduad and. consult our epee$AI1sts. We prolong -the life, For Canada perhaps, the lesson is would include Canada at the ports of , ofallba ndfie6mival w©rneveltell you that.youneed, a new that our own resources should be de- which it is alleged some of the rum battery' until ,you do. Driv around and got our friendly pac° y. t That utmost on d not prevent u mately biiitids. make ashingtonalls t that also All prrru/, •. t; W.tb,►rrtt.,sir,i. impart advice. taste or less appreciable degree of bothered by smugglers from the Can- .e suffering and Ions here in the event adlan land border, some of whom are ' I li "�- F. IIOLI.E�IYD of great strikes in the United States, l:ysiid to -be making use 4f airplanes. Bast Street Garage But it would lessen the handicap, and I * * + �- r embmrrasslnents. In Ontario it is of- Norway and Spain Fail to Agree as GODUIRCH PRONE 243 ten asserted that "white coal" will to Importation aE Spanish Wine , _... . _. ....... _.__..,..._._..._.. .... _ . _-. • make the province independent ofthey Former . ... _.. .. ---- .......-- b w Tiiack "varieiy ,. fiiizi t at 5>§...litt . a...._.IaSoiw�tl*. arid....5pain lianas' -been .ne_..... vision l the future it is true that el- rising o from he rohibiitioilr two a - 'lit$ C AMP.ST SERVICE TO I►�OT1pRI8T8 eclrical 'energy hats in many areas gotiating also over s point o laws of . displaced that of steam. Canada is the ee need an &itthen� moment of a- a land of magnificent .voter .powers. t era re- � f - _ � Their utilization for electrical .energy n a c9om- � r is progressing. Much more could be presented war. The break results from u done. the refusal of the Norwe ian govern- o A * • " ment to allow the importation of more 'Nashington Negotiating With'Britain than one hundred thousand. quarts of re Rum Smuggling ' heavy Spanish wine per year. Spain 'Washington has initiitted rogotia• (formerly sent 500,00!} of such quarts „ tiona with Britain looking to the sup- t into Norway. Tlie latter not only re- pression of liquor smuggling from Ing', the larger importation but de- ,... Mop the XVest Indies to the United Staten. Claraa that the milia to be sant in shall �a FSM Holland +we"ok" This is made practicable, it i, stated, he for Medicinal purPosaa. only, ,[ bqy a variety of ruses# including the ;pain's answer is the Practical debar- � h Ont I. i • olitaitiing of duplicate sets of nailing ring of all Norwogian t1producta. 'Titin 'Phone 243' East Street Garage �iOciE1'� , , a 1001 "a.. papers in whicii destinations rare dif- Ia a hard blow: It ria tlia n'iore severe i•s E I #, t Eexent, and take tranahiptna=nts and bccauae Spain ing t rho a li it. The h- , the like. It i r3vrn is geattd by the Pian shipping to ilio lima, the flsla• CANAT�,At United StRtea that. their revenue affi ung indu t, y y ' Cir, ba permitted to board acid if tie- Iief84Diat ag�ot sl ch ai&a �Si g4t� I T l S S T $ 1� 1 1 .11 it auapeetefl eh British ships than ere l �_ _ ce,sary riif» i�lintiiaug. 7Eliete errs tleiitenf. coil r son l e Itattaigcriztd: . . _a "' _.r...--.` .a.. ;, . i hgk i_— - . __..-_ ire.. -le - .