The Goderich Star, 1922-08-03, Page 2114 � i . -1 1 __;;i; � I: I I III I 1� I � VA41K TWO 71 ­ W~-"Wp� 2. TUURSPAT, AUG. 3rd�, lCia M =An ==San 1X130 ------ Agar ar�r am I , FOR SUMMER to uncle S WO Us "011400-01111 In Houlefuralshings W Wrap Vill Holds W W Favoite o CARTWRIGHT 01 104 Ma rttarh frora the r-.,nftf1j GRAYA 400d x1nd on $410 Milady's Attention. sb�ii tin�t, ;jgo, teliry W. i"I W%0%0140V%0%0V!q_-___ the PAC4 f,ngllsh ncirs. aUd ;Ljjtj�or, de. laamwnt That Has Seen W" llver## blitisflf,01 & lartwell addrcss, Through All Age* Is, More Chars%- wbieb to, JJ0109 'Widely 'Copied at)d Ing Than ever, �"rtof *hI01 Wo r-('Vr0dUe0:— "in mist and 'arivlog snow th's W-Tuen bavo always loved CUM4 10*Vro ot, -V-W 'rork fado frow V1,0W. 200 hx�ull 4ge,5 have they woru theM The #1*At Ship 4f&41 down the riv -In the days whoo coutt ludles of the A Alregft the 4ark. broad 1, or.. ftuPire covered the Indiscretions ot isvao gloovA their India-limuslips wttfa bright grass b"O" hVr- Qood-bye, most bcau. green capes, glittering ty embroidered of modern cities, 000,6�bye to, flialutrids; $pjres and ltght�4 In goldeu garlands j In other days when f 4reuMlike ,us the t'Istles STARTING the*lirlm Colonial flHisellia, 1114 tho and, cathedrals of a soft whiteness of,ter kerchief un4er romantic visioul (low -by* to tbin 41M.F, of WIN dewure gr4r cashmere cape, as she rom, eebtral fur" hurried bi, with downcast oyelasbos; **c" And Alt In dissolving wreath# Fr,"d Mornin, and In Ur desert countries, where x4faft that issue f i. ay., DAIS) F REAL EGON' OMY- ftrk-eyod women, Idilrig beside tue Aroulld those pr'-olplioull heightsl -1 -flood-bye to heaven VOW Offices, so sweetmeni , booths, In Me bazaar% so W41144i where lovely SWIM- shrouded their dar), be_auty to the Col., x1rAphers, with 1311k. Mootings gad, WITH several weeks of warm weather ahead. of us and orful, brillf"ce of their burnousea7�- Powdered face$, sit leisurely At work our determination dr4l)eA, silken. -tapes.- For.14very wom. or COATfr*0 In tUrailtit eksof knows the Influlte(_grace and,% to Sell all summer lingS* in -the season-10,which the an Yorki I am going bo we are tape and" me urer of & Wily at 'Veall *44 -i0oldoringst h wt , capti, 'of kinir 1. Y were bought Awl 1 am _401119 to All ancient fe many desirabi ' A I glamor surroundiig a e Ot$ of, Su m'mer Merchand"se at 'Very. low price$."011-- - The crepe capes Of tovertst for m&rlkla4, account. -of-, Imite quantities we advise an ept 4OX04dot 300,00tonously Over 14OLIOT in their charm and variety aU the rly selection. miles; 01 grimy smoke clingiox Capes which have gone before them "N. WOW' tb4a A blaniket; of siolidgy and Inspireil them, We aes tbeft t16- WU0 kaaw little Of silk or Spedal Table Bed Sproads' $Z-50 Lace Cu 0 197. signed I* every oolor,.,tor every bour *04' less ot 101oure AU4� Wks of the or age, vast$ 2 yard Floor' Cloths $2.41S 2% Complexion or occasion, Tbere are�­ *0109-110100. 0004-bYo to beau. Crepe Cape$ of dewuri'gray, collared me$,$ 0004. with muirrel or molL and i�4tcbloi, �bye -to wixiiiiiOW6. looking far over the ji,4� Pkilk Tlli$ IS Our. regular 3-5c" 'AportMonto, Thesp, are -the "Church Gate" -brand and aro an and 40c Xne Of well'knit. ItTO 6 YARD'ENDS 141ty " from 4, =00t4fix peakI Good. 5 0 n ly Union Table ftw gray Crepe town ft&ks; th�rw. Ingham Lace exceptionally, good value.. A Notti Cur. ted, strong, Cotton: vests, in Bloc IWO to AWAtral heating, And x4disaoxo# Cloths, in beautiful de. . k and Floral de- ate- nnboggoy-�btoWA "Peg, 1001 - ft sys'abols 0- , Sold regularly at $3. tainj in size 2 Y;, yds.: In any style, in regular _0 r the figarts they, *Arml signs, Sizes Signs, for bath rooms brolder04 In silver to a4dplcturesquew- 004-4a to shady Veron"be whero These U're, -well made from sizes only. balls, bed rooms. e "em to 4 .. gfitur there are t �Vocltlsix �eh%irs stand ranged in to*iii, jular vAlt!ps- up to Th ' re tX$ s t r o ng cotton threa&-� n best quality we can buy. of. Peach W ft"y for r"ding. the ypluminous 61.0. Sale pilce running yd. -86c Doublie-Silk Gloves, 80111144y ."Okpoft, 940'""the - Saturday, ;SALEs, 43C 113ir rostl (lood4yop '4morleal. - . 2 . . . . . . SAIX, $140 IV^ ImIng home, I, am going to i it Good quality .,.Gingbam 6.50 -Wile These are 'Viagara Maid" Casement Cloths Ad.whoro evqry ynan!,s house is $ blo PrIson—a lend of opea.fireo &ao DOZ, $3,50 Drtsses,4or41rls_- 2 to 7 Double Silk Gloves, in" REG. $1.25, SALE 090c, "�Sftown in checks 104111Y rooms And froxen Water �ears ouses black, gray, mode. Sold. 1, These CIO Pipes# 7 'dOzen Cotton Dam' ths are verysWt, ask 01' W00hJUX stands And slop palls, Table Napkins, size 22X in blue,'rod, brown, regular at s2.:ZS,. able owd *to bath pet 44,39 for drapes or' furni- household at the 22. Ready he mmed tura coverings. Shown in ,e 106istl A land 99 fences And ho40 1111 This 19-a -real good. yal a' -Brussels Ruis blue, rose, brown, in,plain 04 *411N, wli�oro people, Sit aloof Wom , an'$ Vests The best quality Voile 404 06 XkO I 1� * Wus6s, in stock are in� reason to W00 them. 24.7S &hades, 69C yd, 4411'04 seasick by rocking upo cluded:la this line; -shown The size' is 3X3 yds. goo -bye, Arperlo*l X Irine Slift Own' SALE, in the late t style effects,.. Tbese'at6 splendid quali. sh ady to 1110110e. Good-bye m going These are our regular eets, re 10 the copious 'AT. 98* PAIR Made with choice 15 o . nly, on sale at $4,39. ty -Wool Rugs, the early, sravetrutt, the lines. in floral lotwaloi* 140 eggebrolteft in a glai . Al and neat p�tterns. For use N la gara Maid" First s� Of Straps, sleevis.br no an room, Sale $24.75. y 000d"bYe to-onittlers, large aud,ismall Quality Silk Gloves, In. sleeves, �in. a- fine even, rib, $4*50 Voile. SALE $1.85 to felery And OJIVes, besides tb; *Ou#- to .'004 t6od,,�# to sublim#t0d, W It I t e, Black, Mode, Worth reg, 75c. Blous 45c. Cretonne i,_ A Fine Cotton ,Sh Wand as eet All, to bleeding duck, to iho Made In Wilst length. 39C Yo. ready to ilsO, n full Or Abe thlok *edgo� i0f Aip s 1z e, with 00*4 courses to 'Individ�4al pie# h 'pie pie, to About 75 yds� of this line, ems itched 0W.11ftfarltble slab �f 10 Dress Voiles ends. Sold, reg� at� $ 2.2 5. 0 tielm $ALE, $1.j,3. At this'sale price these m I to tbe 0004, ILI shown in light 'and dark so bland. with crommi. CHOIMSoc Voile Blouses are a rial, Pat�er�sl, A regular 45c to the hOm*-bro*e4 #Igoh You may. choose from, snap,, No,two alike in and 50c.goods, in 3 6, inch'-' $12 Tahl xnd,roasts Assorted Dress Voiles, Ili dozens of styli5s in Girls' the lot' -And all sizes, width, e C1 h 'es" Gingham, Dress�s. Ages Sale.prl' he land of il legto "And, 0 Ot Aea* t rI s? 6 only All, Pure �Linelt Oysters are good for -suicideo 0 111 where, .,he 1,4A4 Checks and, ce.$2i9s. AlOZ, ray pa - d-Tt -Lin e e 11 eam list, seldom Reg� va ues -u Ao uy to.$.1.75 gu-1a Table . -Cloths, 'In full And where, or, p 10"Al the Und where miitts�rd grows as. 'd Regular fy BOWS. . 0ood-bro, W-0. in lines.. in rose, 'p A "Good-bye - to the house labe -g. "Vests .rose 'a d hailstone. im going home�, amask. Ta .17 76*e6i Dc ble _ink, sky, tulip, and white, in a Designs A No. I quality. quality. that 'Out Hundred - Ytgrs Old,," for the Cloths" lift, fine sold re- 1011400ment of, mortalityl good-byt A y4r4 gblar at $1,25 and $1.5o to ftin Woods and Ael Watson's Pitie'Rlb Cotton do Inclosed *Ith Knit Bloomery In. To a ftsa&l Polft old he .17 1 W., ofw0e, x am -going to the land "Gi. extra line cloths no- sleeve styles. Regu- lass Titwelii OP$ stud leagthft�� Vests, in stritp, sleeve� aA" $a M yd. This splen I, Z'6a, The G .9 A -fine quality Knit Bloom- %"1I90W#n#s 411ter, where the horse TOWellitIg With narrow in 212 �/12 yd. -Sizes. Shown. 1ar and extra large sizes,. And the 140010 still -drag out. A Ila. red bordii sold teg. at 39� in floral -and spot patterns. 79C. SALA 1,90 ers, Made from Sea Island. Talotent "A d This is a. -Union Towel- cotton, ih pure white and� A land of Do toring 11to, a yar 4IIeAt tOII,* A, TAUd'of Old vill4gets and For quick. clearance $4.95 tOWA* All little like each other as one ling,, -full half yard wide, r� I n k. Good large size. wom"Y4 14 llko� the next; a land wbero Colored Dress shown in, blue or red Sale price, $ , 1. 13.' t1falat are short, and One 39eldam, Cotton Night 42c. Floor check, and a good value., afeepls in thenil for J11.49y d1reetift. Voiles oriss. within a 4 (;Owns at the Ng, price, 27c, lfousa� Poich, Th 000'iirefi;* #y tb4?:Y will reach t set- Olitaioths SALE0 Sft.M Dre w4lze, gray -blue or or.chidt. whitelr Of vast And of SPECIAL SAM $1.89 Aimi sses aster 11mg, time honored throe venturits collared with earacul for a. 4 To 6­ypjWS All 36 -Inch materials iii'A - . . $�.48, ; - : , � debutantels. at have beess $31.50, summer evolng wrap, fte.rc, are XrOwlat; for a thouisaimil years� a i . F, oft LIBRARY, of fttht4roals th These 'are made from No. I quality shown in capes. of stmwb . good quality cottonj in all These are splendidlengths This These are made from fine errY-fed crepe to throw Of Y1111*96 tbutthex built wfifloPeo. vose,.. grey, sky, delf blue,. rug is in a size - 3 x3 over.ones white Ch a mbra erepe 'tennis frock, We believed In 4DO, $ but hre ends of, o yards, in a very fine qua- GI h 0,,(;QOd_bye Atoor� size%a9 nlcel� trimmed.,. . ur rego- black,. navy. tThis is. a y knd' Check 0 r. egular y tip to Jar stock,, shown in' lity. one heu thO wind fieS110119 and the sun. special Value., arn$ good Sold., reg.� Ord our. lar lng tho, land where pattorns.424 a yd. stock sold- reg. at 0.0. hicely trimmed. The re- Wnks behind. the blu� hills; there are solar Fr irtmaters sty *01&4 to meet you, #ir#! up to $1.so.. .$4T. Capes wltb oriental burnous dramry., elch. gular values are, up to. $5. and'Ttally seem 1914d; WhOrO children richly embroidered; capes with pigh *hint their little. desires, And nty* nd caves with quitint eeP oarrrow.peaskiws Cellars, tying with! trOutOrs UP. With boltit that run 'VALU'. ES IN I10 rolling tufft a touch oldor, WhAN men k T X RAORDINARY 81EIR-Y In 8t4t);okIAg#, .1 *Vk going to �A Lisle 1*4d of &1101011t 13000h, where we Girle - Stooking*.-v Nyi`. St4ckings. Children's&i6 womift7s, TASSELE TURBANS INARAY 'reftl`41 And 'tontor4ltor W I ua ity. 'ftoud HALF 1PRIC91, 270 Q, And 'toaoud'; whore 'sece*_ 30c PAI 0010rlft Nuftl$rouv. Shade% Popular for a MI 11111cry, Pura, $6060'and 0011V and ltxtraardla4rllyl� must be A d in Fine Lide Hos Lisle Hose: takta Oki b -o'ditth- . . . 'Too - qualill 06tton Black 2se sac 40tho V oft Its of Boys StOC'Ing, in whi e; cream;, r. Appow, Awd-ft.11 14 the huming Aeld; *boft ade Them are. -a great snap- in These come; in brown on- Colors black and brov�n, A color which is v I ery popular just t0be rush, &ad Cotton -Stocklhgs� - M Wit do viol; leotgalpte, or 4chegk� or black-,- brown. All fi and front good strong yarn, in fine Lisle in brown, Pink, .1y. They-- are , a' goo "Isaxi"but ftkt 4,18easou even rib. Sizes 4jo 10., d in a fine mercerized yarn. now Is gray.. Years, axo_gray wa br, ano-send it boy ale eve make, � Sizes 8 3 /�a t whore .30c. and sky. All sizes. S 0 This is a SPI round" le, 27V� allslze& Sale n endid valife 9m.V abd that was all there watwto it, '*0 WOVWSAY We price, -pair 25co Are, 414d to'lotet,,g Sale price 290 pr,, sale 59' istrAnget. #wd seldom Are., where bit. but now It hAs 4 myplad� of names, and *or to usiderstatement, And Iro"y is 41-751 and $2, Silk LO109q. 'IMbOustOO-1, floud, elfidei,,poll- -Women C#Ift and zinc are 41, few of th our habitual resource Ill daustr . or Voines"sSilk TV 001611. S and Tro-% and, $3 S cotton etu. Many Of..thj new draped and tits - Hose M Silk� Hose Hose soled torbaps*art Wn In this Color,, Issas Silk Hose sbd A.01 00d.byt io tb� loultitudinous La0e Hose SAM .$1.79 Silk and soft duvetyns.belug the mate. yootrti. 'Opinion, Or4m. $9c PAIR These Stockings are goo . d, 3& (lids emPl0ed, in the fashioning at These atb one of the best A meditim weight Stock, these new Shapes, mto with Inolgoiffeaut xe*s. '4A4 This is a, rare snap in Silk The regulir 1rice of these quality thread, silk made, ihg, in a solid color, fast Oroy furi such as squirrel a Asking You to continue a first page, St -25 values on the mar. Hose. 16ve V 'rNtle a page 23� tot nrd pair is first 110se is $1.2 pair. The In full 4ashio nd lamb 40 to 1) umfi V e C ollors, 'brown, quality, a Will give colors are, brown, tyavy, . ned style. black cotton-�­a Hose that are p ;)Ular, to6i and, WOW With 14 the Wfary,platitude, Ocropted Coo I o rs, -black, navy,, sold Ili, the teguiv way, bright blue Sultr A beftleCO and 4 - As wisdom"A lattat revelationt Good.� black, navy, white. Sale good satisfaction. All white, black. The sale brown White, 'Sale price for very much �morj. byA to politicians contending tot colors, $9C. petce 19 98c. rr. sUil JftuAtY ChAPeouln otte of these g6tt W11115 Mort Vraetle4l'tban prittelplegl Sale price 33c. lints make A 100st pleasing tombitia. 00"-Vp 411d Demo. But-Vot is -not the only wor oul"y mutual, VhIchtomblaosartistlesilly with gray - brown, so much in vogue . tbIN fail g9l (lood-bye to the lalld We cannot detail all the lints here. We a vleudIdly Witb Where Llbovals are thought 4,anget, A Street abadi, goo *09 Ud nadleals show rod! Vhe REMNANTS It, too, Opossum being used, on many a GOMP01'N Is called a igoefallst have taken broken lines from every 0,00, beautifully tWed suit or coat. and Mt. Maulth �would Dcem ad,* paystrnent 10roats ihe Rel"hant 1114-t-ble at' sale Prices* Shoes are another part of the too. VVIftd. A, Itud too, largo to� too. efutrAted 11141#44tion; a fond Wile" tume which has fallen under the �spell wealth bQond the drk*als ot 1341:1011 "low 1 _401106114611, - 01.10 of gray, 4114,1114fly of thevewest boots VO4t�flrtl dwOls, dretvice,gerges juid I V W= r ­ -_ -_ - - -_ .. awl are tolu.mg In (1011WO tones, of this luxurlatris calulatcd and un"baniC.41 color. AM COM0 to a latid of politics vjc� 12113im a.. laj,�d w1wre.,eveft 'I'i1i � i!, r:, , For the, "rrossestu, VAUVot _C.­0­aW8vcq.­ of s1iiades brcak up in turburctit dl$,. 01'Obld and gold, black and gotd,whitc, I SAW*_ P-vwtr, Vassal? 40 no Vatitudo avaus to A.—The Salvatioi5o Amy is s. ve. itud OrObld And AeOl and blue are Olt. A00the 'the !81tvisige 'brchst. a land Vrenelx rival trading eonipanies �WWThO AM ChWawa Canal is a ligious OrgAnitxtion that Atst made platifta forts at many points, A-43 tenliveb' used to ta4ke4logerle add serre for ptrsonaf frcrdow and in. atiol, 12% miles IOM lately its Opearaneo hi Canxda in 1882, 1 con With r4re for it-stlec, OUR. CANADIAN QU11 N iro stratted Oom Cbippaw* vlr"k to Vietorm, S. C., with a force of onln sent explorers in every ""flon It alghtgOva% To tht) Aew. trOu8,JotLu dignant y still does an enormo 4, where VC-01th Is,'Wrill oJit, Af.pight or. the escarpment at queentton 1166U, 0 s rgeant and fortv soldiers. It thro" w; $,Its " 111ghtgolvas 'are sleovel for *try sbasno ttriv,^4 to dpegulst Outitiolu ifie estimated horsepower of plant i IhOut Ve0ern and morthern With Ileop sivit .,rho a A its loury. a land wlur(� an Quelfut and An#werx on Alll$ort 94,43 a thirteen, hundred stait and lCaft 00,000, which Ynay be Increased tO ers, Over 150 outposts, "corps ,r, 1 -4 �Lt - "Djors used In In pasising &*Ay and r('240r4, P*61YCIWadialft' 475 00 of V.010 Jk *q . l6w and a large Aumber bf .1 FIRST FAUM]gp )ribbons, to Mateh the '00. CUM C CA1qA0X, aeeo all& sulat terV1ftCJjn8t.1-, the ormAtt. wbehl youtall txtrowo are b&110 by' feet 4,7�--WhO Wailt Caudes fir4t farm. 100rd Chaort,11016 ats tht, Vpty forti. 4UNDEC. CITY of 1837t IWO, And $0000000. extavition 011S. tr? 4.0W,Weogle yards of ftttAtY. Guod-byo,, DA'S FIRST ROAD _V J# t&1104 9 reek and 11 CANA A.—The first fgrmer in C Aineriet! I Aal going �biemejbo I A h*ra Lven Maekentio was NO cubic Yards Of Q, -Where was (!xtk#jes AnadawA,1 trad* of Ctnaftl% h%%rylu fh,� reldeir' tAxth. firAt Louig 116ort, who came fromAcadig ior the Vpfer Canadian re. �1 r"A? kh w --worwit'n are 4) "t With 414i% AJjj#Q* Asthmc bellion of to Citlebee in 1617 w1th his fawlt beA Vft numbered afflo n� and imis Jwseph PA. 1 QVISVIEC, BRIOGH A, --The first road built in CaftAdA varzing his living by tilling the Sol tf,$Qu0bey, is called I'lliq cradle of 18 3 's# 1i Iiin �, hava" lViien in Acadia he was the first -AN tho suftere" fri)"I CA been pineall of the Lowfrc#n4dian one. Q log� v1jkkr%t Ate thO 41110006AS bf the WAS iA NOVA Scotia, or Ataffit. as it to axthint by the countfe!�s thodmftdo i4ju ge* ,. tenad(d sn 160A Champlain, It NIAGAIUk VAC1,8 was then known, froot Digby Gap to utilim the salt Water marshes � of the Glowing bentath t_�e AuMt sun'. Jn every elin*te they will be found, Inow haS ra PopiftlAtion of *3Ver 110#00 90 , k% �Wl%at is the it"Wtive, #OW Or *rtatest brid -olits, *A a tnilitsf helpleo"i in tbe _ of this Tel(-ntless the tort at Anikap by building dykes ter Thy Vhite reakis mosr, aveavailed tbrio. q 84Y of Fundy, Thy catiktAtts roar. diseksie Until thiy At.fllftlft IRRIGATION tht- 'anadian *** Ameticalt Valtqt ftlat'Y resfwts is the, Quebee bridgc,. r64d, 4 Wr6 Of 1AH6 if' lellgth, uadti keolsout the tllde& "I"A ot the Prorw �111 ift venerid ditopitsions ag wel , I *,-* Champlaia!,g direeflon& HELENA C0L'9%kX r remedy. -it 4�--Wh*t Is the Vxttht 6t 440- A,. 95 r ertit. of, the *aters! of Thy fOrOsts stretch lioln ahoro to Pir. J. jolt in AlbeviiiiiI Jilft )is 01%orfilou'4 mile and Wfit1st of (*000i'v of rAino, that Save Me birth, Ah6ro; 1). V-01WIA Agthma Remedy 4N!*X,&r* Aillt flows '0vtr the can*. romposbw it hro�wht Ito* hop h" I &—Irtigation in "Alberta RK14403 d4h F*14 wad % Q.—Wite is 1101eak C01001,40. lubt*rde(l tby, torthern rairies 1i e, and life to Many J�tbe mtractoral r4embets N it tent. over the 1� it nipas NVOSON18 SAY CO. xveh., nearly a lifflion acrel In the S -es an'Y'Vother strkture �i kZ4eleas Cole.*44 Is r"Wellt Vadfr s& 01*H, boun less e, Tem,timanislio telat tntirely �, 44��-Wlkst h9 the av&oles fty ro"If I sky; part of the rrov,rce, *At, �!Oothfrn American Valf, he Jnterl%*tj0naVtht kind ever built, Total t of T W001st t0l'titatiON. $!how ft.0 enor. to othfr bN"ftry Mae V*"!§ midwkv down tht*,[ 4*4 it* ater t r)` fit# wtitith *6110 V'tt 1040' M4 more our he (;5V. (%*nftel of thf _ N 3420 t* li%gth of Main 11 Arts In. Ag,%r;k RiVer, and --ouq benefit it h*i wtovght Art planned urder"tZe A ttii* Of hilth 4sx0tri A plore fcot; 0i Aspemj ft. A# fit A�4-Thv lrudtons rky Cooip*ny i!t W"W" tve trilment ald ft,<hltme� 11k0rW% ratt of the C 11861811110 is car*# "Mirehiss Metie That i6sitneyig'way nqt ra,�,q. thee #Allditn F611 lit -1,40t *bovt **tit the Wde.St joint At0ek ireorpitIftV in Conftfry of *nin,1% thaf,g*ine theref�ve an the 11 high V *in , Me birth, 'felrip day it a sww twher, Ard at. CANADIAN RXRX1,JL10.*q of the jitve� 5afted statts gide�lpier,% lamo feTet big e . Ckhada, 1mving beon chijrferod in � TAM (.if tht, Mapl#,, and the� p1he- I'll '1674) by King 0firlM, with Pt1w, What rkher gift Nois this rovA Zth CLEARANCE SAL 6"�* with trt4 �!046%13 for *I j!8_A1,VAT10N ARMY IN Rul*ft as A* head, for tlKt wlfta- Than th"e fair fruitful AN, of Q.�W" wtre the, lesilers 6t the CHIPPAWA POW0 CANAL r# 00fing 1(� leitft. Upper sod tewtr 101selli ig Me f the str#01tt tion of frA ig the Hodson *y tor- thine? 'M, SZ4660 Army itt rifory. T� Coutpitny fought thc% I Like sheets (I gold thy hotvests r4n, 01 J IL 4,