HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-6-17, Page 1def bbott4 ELEVENTH YEAR. -558. Sensibi, Pe pie EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1895.. Come to us to have their eyes examined, If you need glasses let us fit them for you, We give you the Best Expert Attention at T. Fitton's Jewellery a sm 5. FiTiropl, OPADWITE OPTIC FARMS FOR SALE. Dashwood Sokol Report, MOIWY TO LOAN. The uudersi ;heti etas a few good farms for alceheap. Abney to login on easy terms Juuti SrACKIIAs, aantweil'a lllook Exeter t..1ERVANT CURL 'WANTED. L A girl wanted at once to .la general hour wore:. Apply to H. Buckingham, Exeter. OUSE KEEPER WANTEID. To take charge of a family an a farm. Apply to NJCIIOLAS Ill ATI:t;. Crediton. FARM FOR SALE. . One -Hundred acres, lot le, COACesbion 0, Vsborne. with good bank barn, 03314. and outer frame outbuildings ; house part log and part ;same. The farm i:; well drained and well fenced, and situated quarter of a mile from 'drool and post office. Ifzhotsoltl by July will be rented. For particulars address AIRS. ISFAiI$Lt.A ARRAN, I'iokoring, Ont. "VAIXABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE, The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable and valuable pro perty, situated on Huron Street, being part of Lot 21, contain- ing over five acres. There is on the promises a good brick house, containing seven rooms, with stone collar, frame Icitehen and wood- shed attached; a frame stable and other necessary oat -buildings; C, choice fruit trees, a good well of water and othorconvonlencos. Terms reasonable, apply at this office or to SaarIli. l'usszOATOi, Exeter. Cr. F A I1,111 FOR SALE. Tho undersigned is ofi'ering his splendod farm, in the township of Usborne, for sale, being lot a. eencessxon 8, containing 100 acres. '.there is on the premises two good barns (ono bank), and other good out-build- ings;N good frame house, good wells and a spondid orchard. This is ono of the best fitrms iu Usboruo, and will be sold reason- able. Intending purchasers should see this property before purchasing elsewhere. Apply to MATT. RRLLAND Devon P. 0., Ont NE4Y J1IET 1IIIIRKET The undersigned has op- pened up a new Meat Market 1 D0011 SOUTH OF DARLINGS' STORE, where he will keep the choic- est of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED, John T. Manning. MOS OPHA kiNeMACt (o` THE 5. C! AIR RIVER) S NIAI9ON` AR O. $ E. is all that it will cost School Teachers and others for a course in either Depart- ment, during JULY and AUGUST.' o per week will secure good board 'LAW and lodging. Write at once for particulars A. S. NIMMO. Winchelsea School Report. The following is the monthly report of S. S. No. 0, Usborne:—V-Ella Camm, Ethe1Godbolt; Sr. IV—Leslie Robinson Wilbur Hunter, Linda Hunter; Jr. IV —Eddie Johns, May Hawkins, Alice r� Berryhill; Sr, III -Toric Miners, Pearl ,:Spicer, Gerti.e Miller; Jr. III—May 'Jones, Spray White, Ernest Rowcliffe; Sr. II—Ella Berryhill, Cecil Camm, May Delbridge; Jr. II—Flossie Francis, Dar- win.Bayes, Myrtle Levine; Part II=- Willie Vail, Wilson Hawkins, Edwin. Coward; Sr. Part I—Clarence Fletcher, Jackson Woods, Leella Bayes; Jr. Part I—Hattie Hunter, Clarence Miners, Laura Woods. PETER GARDINER, Teachers ELLA, E. flubs, )- The following is a correct report of S. S. No. 16, for the mouth of May; -1 A. Kellerman, P. Nicholson, R, l:ifert, A. Zimmer; Sr. IV—E. Wille';. U. Hartleib, F, Sue% A. Metter, F. Rey- nolds, S. Nadiger, H. Zimmer; Jr, IV- M. Goetz, E Stade, J. Ritter, G. I:id.t, C.1Valper, T. Miller; Sr. III.. -A. flit' zel, T. Hartleib, 0. Graebie1,13 Willert, E. Nadiger, E. Matter, C. I!inkbeiner, A. Nicholson, E. Callfas, G. Eifert, l.. Kraft, S. Isle, C. Elft rt; :,r. III --C. Hartleib, A. Hartung, G. Restemayer, M. Ehlers, A. Bender, 13. Thou, J. Me - Manus, S. Miller. Nairn Mrs. James Singular is improving i.the looks of her dwelling by putting a brick foundation and cellar below her house.—Mr. Donald Stewart who lately got his leg amputated, caused by au accident in the Dunerief mills, is gaing ` this week to Toronto to get_ an artific- ial limb. Last Friday little Willie Me. Iniyre fell into his father's well and would no doubt have been drowned had not his father been working elose a A by heard ard the splash. h. las Luau Miss Pearl Ellis, of St. Cathariues, is visiting at the home of her parents.— The crops in this locality are looking well.—The prospects for another season are good —Rev. H. A. Thomas, of War- wick, who has lately been appointed by Bishop Baldwin to holy Trinity Church in this village, will fill the pulpit on June 19th. He conies to this place highly recommended.—Mr. F. Downing butcher, has purchased the frame store formerly belonging to Mr. J. H. McCon- nell, of Windsor, and removed it to a vacant lot on Main street, and intends to convert it into a butcher shop and residence. Ailsa Craig A serious accident occurred about 12 o'clock Wednesday night on the Grand Trunk just this side of Ailsa Craig. The freight train which leaves here every night at 11.30 for Sarnia,had almost reached Ailsa Craig, when it broke in two places, and, as it was going at a pretty good rate of speed, ten cars left the track. Four of the cars were load ed, they were all seriously damaged. Six tramps, who were en route for the west on this train, were thrown out and two of them were hurt whether seriously or not advices do not say.— On Sunday afternoon Lillie May, the eldest daughter of Mr. Jerry Lintott, was out playing alone in the yard. In some way she obtained a match and igniting it herclothing g g caught fire. She immediately began to scream and ran into the house. Mr. Lintott seized a pail of water and extinguished the flames. Her body was considerably burned, but she is on the mend. Varna Another old settler has gone to her reward, On Thursday of last week, Mrs; Thomas Johnston died after an illness of eight weeks, aged. 83 years. She broke her leg some time ago, but owing to old age and other infirmities, notwithstanding all that medical aid and kindnursing could do, she passed peacefully away, after having suffered a great deal. She, along with her aged partner, came to Stanley when it was a wilderness over half a century ago, and suffered all the privations of the early settlers, often walking to Gude. rich, a distance of ..17 miles, carrying a basket to do trading, and back the same day—For the last 27 • years they lived retired in Varna. Her remains were interred in the Varna cemeter,} on Saturday. She leaves a family of seven children: John and Mrs, James Armstrong, Varna; Thomas, William and Robert, Manitoba; and "Mrs. Robs. Elliott, Dakota. Her aged partner survives her at the,gocd old age of 89 years, and at present is hale and hear- ty. Cromarty. The dry weather in this district had begun to call fourth numerous wishes for rain, as crops generally, especially roots, were beginning to suffer, but the recent very heavy rains have more than satisfied everybody in this vicin- ity, ---On Friday evening the house of, Duncan McLaren, jr., was struck by lightning and shattered somewhat, but not ignited.—On Saturday morning Harry Drake bad a cow killed by light ning, and in the same afternoon And. ; Patrick had a horse killed by the same agency,—John Me. Ilraith and family have gone on a visit to the town of Perth and: vicinity. --Mrs. Simon Miller' is at present somewhat indisposed, but her many friends hope to soonsee her, around again.—We are pleased to re port that Miss Wifely Allen. who has been seriously ill during the past week or two, seems to be Iu preying pow,.•:' The teacher and pupils of Croinarte- school intend holding a picnie in the woods, south of the,:=-fllage, on July I. when all manner "races, games and sports will be pail'icipated in, Pro vided the weath•y is fine, a good day's fun is expected re Biddulph There died at Centralia, on Saturday June 11th, Sampson, the beloved son of 11r. and Mrs. Charles Fairhall. Ile was I buried. at Fairfield cemetery, on Mon day. --31r, Geo. Williams and Mrs. Rich. Neil baye gond to Betown to IL 1511 friends, They wi l be away for several weeks, We wish them luau voyage.-- Mr. L C. Cleo: has j"fnut the relict teers anti gone to camp.—Mrs. Abbott, of lliddulph, lei in rarest visiting a sick brother --lar. Shaw, of Lucau, intends running a telephone wire front his of flee 10 Mooresville, ---Mrs, Arthur At. kinsole of Winnipeg, is visiting friends in Buldulph. She is at present the guest of Mr. I. S. Atkinson. ---The rain of the past few clays has made the pas- tures look fine. This is the greatest season far grain we have ever seen in years.—Lucan cheesemen sold May cheese for 0Se. per pound.—Mr. Has - band, of Lucau, has secured the con- tract of paluting the dwelling of Moses Simpson, Mooresville.—Mr. W. W. Rev ingtou spent several days in Foreatlast week,—Mr John Lightfoot, of McGil- livray, is visiting friends at St. Marys, —Mr. Robt, Grundy lost a valuable cow a few days ago from milk fever.— Mr. Dennis .Heenan sold a fine horse to good Colwell, Biddulph, for a sum: —Mr. Shoff, of Clandeboye, had a letter from his son, who has landed at the Iilondyke, and reports having a hard time in travelling, but says there's " millions " in it, He met no accidents by the way,—Mr. J. C. Clark, who con- ducted a boot and shoe established in the north ward of Clandeboye, has re- tired from business and has joined the volunteers.—Mr. William Quinton and wife, of Usborne, spent Sunday last at the residence of W. W. Revington, Bid- dulph.—Mr. John Bloomfield is cot plating one of the finest country stores to be found anywhere in the village of Mooresville. John is a hustler. Crediton Mrs. Rivers has returned home after spending a pleasant visit with her par- ents in Brussels.—A number of our Maccabees attended the Maecabee Pic- nic at Grand Bend on Saturday. --The Reeve was in Dashwood Saturday let- ting 'gravel contracts for the town line between Stephen and Hay.—Mr. and Mrs, Umbach and son, Waterloo, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Beaver.— Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fritz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J, Brenner, of Grand Bend.—Miss Mast, who has been work- ing in London the past winter, is vis- iting- her father, Mr. J. Mast.—Miss Emma Lewis returned home from Lon don Saturday where she has been learning the millinery.—Mr, and Mrs. Kinzie have returned from Colborne Tp. where they have spent a pleasant visit.—Mr. and Mrs, ltuhn and Mr. and Mrs. Brown are attending the re-open- ingof the Church in Seberin ill — g'Y e. Mr. Frank Smith has purchased the "EILBER " bicycle which was manu factured by Israel Smith at Exeter. Mr. G. Holtzmann, of Zurich, wags in the village on Tuesday on business Mr. Hy. Eilber, M.P:P.. was in Goderich Tuesday on business. ENTERTAINMENT -Tho entertainment under the auspices of the Ladies' Al- liance of the Methodist Church, was held at the Town Hall, Tuesday even- ing. Addresses ;were delivered by Revds. Litt and Yelland, Dr. Rivers and. Mr. V. Rata, 'M.P. Rev. Hobbs gave an interesting lecture on ",The Triangular Man " which was received with much. applause. Recitations were given by Miss Ball and Miss Patterson, Denfield•, and Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers gave some of her admirable solos: The pro. coeds will go towards the furnishing of the new parsonage. OBIT. —Our 'citizens will be sorryto hear that Fred Eilber, of Elkton, ich- igan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lieber, died very suddenly of pneu- monia. last Wednesday.: The deceasea's parents and sisters, Mrs, D Sweitzer and Mrs. Wm. E. Lewis, attended the funeral Thursday. He leaves to mourn bis loss a loving wife, two children, a father, mother, two sisters and two brothers and a large number of friends. 'The bereaved have the sympathy of the community. Winchelsea Ir. J. C. Bell's hand is mending slow- ly, and is as well as can be expected,— Me. Chas. Andrews is nowt in the fac- tory belping the other boys.— Mr. Philip T. Halls and wife spent Saturday and Sunday last in Se Marys and Brantford coupled with business and pleasure.— Mr. George Easson took in the Strat- ford races last week. He reports a good time.—Mr- Henry Straffan, .of Michigan, was visiting friends here last week.—War talk is quiet now. --Mr. George Coward lost a good horse last week. Mr. H. Brown also lost one caused by infiammatiou or too much wet clover.—Messrs. George Delbridge and 1Vm. Saywer is out at Ailsa Craig doing some cement work.—,Picnics and garden parties are the order of .the day. Mr. Toto Ilunkira will hold oiie on Fri- day next, 17th Grand Bend Park.- The ark.The seasue has opened for pienies and thus far several have been bold. The first was that of 8,a. No. 2, Hay, and was well attended. The teacher, Mr. Johnston, was also in attendance and all enjoyed a pleasant time. ---The Presbyterian Sabbath Sehoel annual picnie of Grand Bend and Corbett was held Tuesday of last week. The day was very fine and the outing was high. ly enjoyed by over 300 persons. This was the largest and most successful picnic ever held by these schools. ---On Thursday last S. S. No. 4, flay, pie Welted here at which about 30 enjoyed themselves. The trustees, Mr. Coloskey, Mr. Ruby and Mr. Sararus mei the teacher, Miss Eva Johuston were pr"s- eut and everything passed off pleasant- ly, One of the largest picnics held here during the season was that of the Zur- ich public school, held on Friday last. There were over 200 present including the teachers, Messrs. E J. Hagan, John Torrance, Jr., and Miss Birdie Graham; the trustees, Messrs. Fred Hess, Sr., and John Pfaff and the Zurich Jubilee Band. The day was very pleasantly spent and all returned to their homes well pleased. A picnic Ras also beld by the Salem Sunday School here on Friday and was attended by over a hundred.—A large and jovial ez'owd from Rodgerville call- ed the Case -Hawkins picnie spent Fri- day here and well enjoyed themselves. —About GO for S. S. No. 5, Usborne, picnieked here on Saturday accompan fed by the trustee, Mr. Rabt. McCord and the teacher, Mr. P. Gowan. and all report r .gad time.—Sir.nd � rs i Sim- on a Mrs m A .� on Campbell anddaughter, of Farquhar and Mr. and Mrs. John Gilfillan, of Us. berno, aro occupying a cottage in the park for a week.—Mr. and Mrs. John Down, of Usborne, and daughter, Mrs. Hooper, of Blanshard, and Miss Stand even, of St. Marys, will occupy a cot tage here for a few weeks, fiensall WEDDINGS. -00 Tuesday, last week, a very happy event, or, more correctly speaking, a double happy event, took place at the residence of Mr.'rhos.Dick, of the blind line, Hay, on which occas- ion his second daughter, Miss Mary Ellen, was married to Mr. Robert Doug- las, of the same township, near Blake, a well-to-do and much respected farm• er; and Bertha Ella, his fourth daugh- ter, was also married to Mr. Thos. Bell, engineer of this village, and the young- est son of Mr. Wm. Bell, Esq. The cere- mony, which made four hearts beat as two, was performed by Rev. J. S. Hen- derson, assisted by the Rev. J. A. Mc- Donald, of Varna, and was witnessed by the relatives of the contracting par- ties. The brides were handsomely at tired in white cashmere, trimmed with white organdy, and carried bouquets; while the wedding march was played by Miss Jennie, youngestsister of the brides. The presents presented to the brides were very fine and custly. Af ter the happy couples had been most warmly congratulated, all sat down to a most sumptuous dinner, and a very pleasant social hour or so was spent. After this the happy couples drove to depot, to catch the evening express going south. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas went to Fair Grove, Mich., there to vis- it his brother, and Mr. and Mrs. Bell went to Toronto to visit relatives and friends We heartily unite with the many friends of the young coupler in wishing them long and continued hap- piness through life.—Carmel church. was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday, the contracting parties being Mr. Geo. Campbell, of St. Joseph, sou of Mr. Wm. Campbell, of Hay, and Miss Emma, daughter of Mr. David Mack, of. McGilliyray. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. S. Hen- derson, and was witnessed, not only by the relatives of the contracting parties, but by a very large assemblage, prin- cipally made up of ladies, which nearly filled the spacious church. • The wed- ding march was played by Miss Fraser of McGillivray, and the sceue through- out was a very pleasing one. The bride was handsomely attired, as was also the bridesmaid, Miss Campbell. The groomsman was Mr. Fraser, of Mc- Gillivray. After the ceremony,, the happy couple, accompanied by the, guests, drove to the residence of David Mack, of Hay; where a sumptuous din- ner was in waiting, and after spending a'few social hours the wedding party drove to the depot, where Mr. and Mrs. Campbell took the train for Toronto. We join with their many friends in wishing them alt happiness. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. Dashwood, i As requested at last meeting the clerk reported respecting the consolida- The rains of the past week have made tion of the bylaws of the county. The a great change in vegetation and things report was sent to the executive tout• looks fresh and in a healthy condition. mittee. —Rev. A. W. Sauer and Messrs. J. Kee Moved by Robe, 3TeLeau seconded Lerman, \rm, Enters and E. M. Broken- by 'fir. ynell that this council at 2 pm. sbire attended the Evangelical S. S. to -day ,drive to ;Manchester bridge. Carried. Moved by Mr. Cook that in the event of an appeal from the equalized assess- ment of this county, that the final equalizatiou be left in the bands of the county judge. Carried. Moved by Mr. 'ieInnes, seconded by Mr. Flays that this council now adjourn Last Saturday the Ladies and Sir till 2 o'clock. Carried. Knights of the Maccabees picnicked at 2 p.yt, the Bend. The day was somewhat Connell met pursuant to adjourn- showery, hence the turnout was not went, the warden in the chair. nearly wbat it otherwise would have Minutes of morning session read and been,—Everybody's going to the Cuion approved picnic of the Zurich, • Dashwood and PA letter from the secretary of the Crediton Alliance at the Bend oil til( Seaforth Agricultural Society, caking 280.• --The Glass Family gave a must - Convention at Lisbon last week and re- port a pleasant and profitable time.— The Y. P. A. of this place intend hav- ing a garden party iu the near future. We do not know the exact date, but trust that all may have a pleasant time. --Next Fridafehe Dashwood pub - lie school will picnic at Grand. Bend.— forcul entert:aintntfnt in the hall here aeon the county grant was read and sent day night. The ,entertainment was to executive eomMunicat op from Henry Arm - good and they are entitled to a 1u11 strong referring to the Finch preserve- house wherever they appear, Ac(:wnNr--()n SW'ednesday night oatut. f sive. The les of wood was accompanied by last week while Ruehen tioetz was The eommunieat preservedu was sent to county leading a horse to pasture, the annual property committee. kicked hien, with terrible force in the Two or three accounts were read side. He has been unable to work aged seut to finale:* eouhuiittee. since. Flee —What might have been a dies in letter from the provincial auditor, asterous fire occurred in Mr. J. Pope's to `c''r to r agar- tee he co from, the tailor shop last Thursday afternoon. It county clerk rcow: a of the (:est tofy an ,•audit of the areouilta of the „ouaty for seeins they were using. agasohtue stove three, ears. The letter was sant to for heating the frons eine the stove riot fii,auee committee. nppearino' to be working right was be Moved d h SI 31111 1 . r t i•r, teen( ed hs- ing looked after by Mr. I'op when the' tier. states ;ee .belt the, c a(until . w uo ad_ gasoline seemed to fume out over an journ las we.'ot at 10 mut. tau Thursday. the blaze and in an instant the whole carried. shop was a mass of flames, The alarm - was given and after sone little work the lire was extinguished, not, how- Mr. Jer'etninh Leli h, au old and much ever, before several suits of t loibes reopected re,ideut of Blyth, passed to were damaged. some were totally des the great l,ey cud ou Sunday. itis death troyed. It was the good luck of the was not u:aexpeeted as tie bas beet; suf. town that' It was discovered when it fering ;read`- for the part two weeks was as nu one knows how soon it might with Blight's disease• Ila leaves a have made a wreck of the building and widow to mourn ;he loss of a 1(;ving perhaps loss of life. husband. A WARNING. -Wo advise those young men who have been a sort of nuisance to respectable citizens, of late cease their nocturnal carousals and became good citizens. We will not for decency's sake mention any names this time, but if those occurrences are cou- tinned we will not be surprised to hear of those young men being registered in the Central at Toronto. How does that sound, boys? Now, take 'my ad- viee and treat other people wi th the same respect that you would desire to be treated. There is nothing manly in letting off lire crackers through the key -hole of peoples' doors, especially when;you know there is only at lady in the house. Just think of it, boys. Arn't you ashamed of your job. Just imagine how you would feel if the cage were aired in a court room. Turn away in disgust from such things, and employ your time in something that will build you up and make you a mark in society. Huron County Counoil. The June Session of the county coun- cil opened Tuesday, June 7, the War den in the chair. Members all present except Mr. Cook. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. A communication from the county council of Halton requesting Huron County to co-operate in asking the Do minion Government to increase the pay of our militia force. Sent to special committee. Letter from D. H. Martin, of White- church, to be appointed county student at the agricultural college, sent to ex- ecutive committee. Copy of will of Elias Diekson, be- queathing $1000 to the Comity of Hu- ron for the support of his sister, K. Dick• son, in the County House of Refuge, was read and sent to the executive committee. Petition from the trustees of school section No 2, Hay, and No. 9, Tucker - smith were read and referred to educe. tion committee. Letter signed by the mayor of the town of Goderich, re. sewer on Victoria street in the town of Goderieb, was read and ordered to`be filed. On motion of Messrs, Hoit and Hislop the council adjourned to meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday. WEDNESDAY. The council resumed pursuant tb ad- journment, the warden presiding and members all present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved Letter from F. Harlow read, claim- ing damages for accident at Golley's bride, between E. Wawanosh and Mor- ris. Sent to executive committee. Commitment of Lottie and Flossy Durnin of the town of Goderich to the care of the,Thildren's Aid Society of the county of Huron, and charging the county $1.50 per week for their main- tenance. Sent to executive committee. Report of the clerk re the purchase' of a typewriter: was sent to the same committee. ' 'County auditor's report was read and sent to the finance committee. Report of county commissioner was read and sent to road and bridge com mittee. The gaoler's report was . read and sent to county property committee. Thirty-seven accounts wt re read and sent to finance committee. On Friday evening death claimed another victim fu the person of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas In- gram of Mitchell. The little fellow had. a. severe attack of cholera morbus, which the doctor's skill failed to cure. Very much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Ingram iu their sad affliction. After a protracted illness John. Iat,g- leson, one of the old settlers of the Bay- field Saturday, passed asv�ls- nn � Cu rda,,�� , p .a , at the age of 71 years Deceased was well known and highly respected, and had resided here for a great many years. He was unmarried, and kept much to himself, taking auly a gener- al interest fu publie affairs. He leaves two brothers—one in Lucknow and elle in Baytield, and two sisters—one in Stanley and the rosier at the Soo. He was an adhereu' .1 the Presbyter- ian church. and the careens were in- terred in Bayfield cemetery, Rev, W. Graham ofliciating, 1 Uilt 0.1113 GLAVIN—In McGillivray, June 15th, the wife of Thos. Glavin of a Baugh - ter. BROWN—BASER—At the Manse, Clin- ton, on. Jane 8, by Rev. A. Stewart, Mr. W. Brown, to Miss A. Baker, both of Bayfield. Sa1PLUY—MOCoWAN—At Blyth, on June 1st, J. Arch Shipley, of Ailsa Craig, to Helen, fourth daughter of the late Gregor McCowan, of Bfyth. DOUGLAS—DICK—At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Thomas Dick, on June 7th, by Rev. J. S. Hender- son, assisted by J. A. McDonald, Mr. Robert Douglas, of Stanley, to Miss Mary Dick. BELL—DICie—At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Thomas Dick, on June 7th, by Rev. J. S. Henderson, assisted by J A. McDonald, Mr. Thos, Bell, of Heusall, to Miss Bertha Dick. TAYLOR - tiIDDI,EmIss—In 1litehell, on June Sth, at the residence of Jas. Middlemiss, by Rev. J. T. Terrin, Walter Edgar Taylor, of Paris, to Mabel Middlemiss, of the same place. DONNELLY—}IIODGINS—In Mooresville,' on the 15th inst, by Rev. Browniee, of Granton, Mr. J. Donnelly, of Lon- don township, Jo Miss Georgina, youngest daughter of Mr, `Moses Hodgins, of Mooresville. WEIR—In Goderich, on June 5, Alex. Weir, aged 52 years. JoUNsxolr.—In Varna, on June 2nd, Sarah, .wife of Thos, Johnston, aged S3 years. FISHER--Iu Goderieb, on June 7, Sam- uel Fisher, late of Chicago, Ill,, aged. 50 years and 3 months. RiGNEY.—In Exeter, on June 11, Otto Lorenzo, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rigney; aged 4 months, 6 days. FAIRHALL.—At Centralia, on June 11, .. Sampson, son of,Mr. .and Mrs. Wni. Fairhall. MARTIN—In Goderich, on Juno 7th, Melinda Stafford, widow of the, _late. Henry Martin, aged 66 years and 5 months. Heeteey-In Kirkton, on June 9th, Susanna Flan Joy, aged 90 year.4, 2 months and 10 days.