HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-07-06, Page 3T J ,41 MaJ 73 V4W 7 IT. VULY SUL. lirst - It -##- // Drina, Us, Your �r ams 'Vou want them develQpcd correetiv, priutid properlV, aud retuined promptly. That is,the kind of Kodak 'finishing -service we tender. Have 13s, develop 'a toll aud You will kJow. -C Thdobing. thaes Right sai Right Olt Time 1.6 Oor W194" G.STODP MPBELUS DRU Tiw Square plione 90 TM Gomm ffAx tion in 414tica Ain fom boplemebts, Was that they had altemp"W Vloji,001 Eigreii n w1iling to see ai�� niuch, y4mers were he *Quld have 1h -- 11 duty, left as 1:7t--wac Fleldi% had stud a great many had joined the ',)r- 1'rev"s %-var- at J� 1he punciiai�s at, ta*keu off 41� per cent, dutY 4,4- ganization for Sijti,�h rZaS(in*� 4W on 50 per ctnt, ta this sales Ux., loan who Jid not btlong to the er- Acndan�e ot toll boys avid SO fija";t, axi Mill then there was the stamp tax, ganilation for tbe purpole Qf C-O�Gp, Vcntral 53 per cclit, V1 Ae cr.-! lelding kratiou 'Via$ better oult, 'The idea of �1 rolinlent, and 163 boys a,14 'a;7 gA.19"! This was the joker in the F_ 1,co-olvration had vlever Permeated thc.S�# per cent. of the vnrollraiait, at I 1 1, Un Stv"thim'e, 'At- budgct and he might just As well have club as it showd� Too much energy i Vi`wfla sc loll Qk by left tile turily alone. a nt in.fighting the oiber fel- ao%;as!jed for 12 desks 60 12 1!9' 3 ty whip wa" �1, In the put% session tho pax yri IV �Srpt, ISC had been heard very little'. the only low. i6iluctIM '*** "Ot tll%� "­ I These reports Wert) rccejv%�d -and time was on the, McMaster resolatiom, part of the favreerla work; niarlim-ting - 4 was lolually part of the wdtk, The the school mgnagement vororaittee �This was a 9004 0110ft for the coun -king organizations, the railways was instructed to, have 12 scats 1110V tr, ra wore all part Of the ed from Central school to Victoria Y. Ilia own, party leader, whenever pac they had a cuuc4s said he would like and the baulte,' the Progressive M. Ws to Support farmers, busineas. And the farmer school. �f cutthw down a trce him, but told them not under any iifould not accomplish anyAhing by The matter c - at t�entr*l school was lUt with Twos- guotiVut *-ad knocking the puqkero ... eircunastance to vote against thilir gettia t4ether. 'the conscience. 'And the Parliament Ur from th(3 tbou first object of the farmers, organi. The following lei which bad just closed, b�� ght, rtceivcd Qud PIACCA tin . a had stock move to conscle ; an Sutton was to get recogniticM. Toolteachers any preceding parliament Ud ever many were apt to think the world tile: Goderich, July ard. 11,12". 1would not go along it they did -not done. F. Ilewas sorry ther43 To the, Board of Public Sehcel The railway question was the big. work every dal, dled by was not a larger crowd present as Trusteces. gest question that was han ;livere worth Gentlemen: parliament this year. Var)Y In the such events as the Ocule We. the teachers of the e0tra) session some 0. p. R, men were while. R lobylog to havethe Crow's Nest pass County Clerk Holmau was humor- schOOL wish to express our rc rot agreement done 4WAV with- He, did Qua in his remarks and told several that the report presented at tbo last stcrics to, illustrate his comments. special Mectluf of the Board aboulo not Eee any of the loloying however. 0 youngest of a family of have, been accepted without any, ad - The railway freight rates hO clku�id- lie was th _ f the contents. -BS lered were too high for production, twelve and the only thing he did not verse criticism 0 The 71�i percent; reduction he cOnsid- do on 'the farm was draw a Salary. this course, a grave injustice lies beer, ,ered was not near enough, Wheat He did not know uUY01fte WhO should done the public school teachers of th( Due care had not been taker #ad flour tame down on the railways be happier than the farmer; he was town. his own boss and could always go out to verify certain statements'. made. to the same rate as the old Crow's Nest Pass agreement. This agree- to t e barn or the'garden for his next t With regard to the first Point I mal t, eachers wovk only one thousalic' ment was the only leverage the peo. meal, while the rest of UIA bud t strvggle and did not know where the hours a year, we may say that no al e of the, West had with the 0. P, R,' next meal was conklag. from. He had low*nce has been juade for - prepara Or. Black said he hud.pot very much 0 at houleL 0! I ; - U, staved long enough on the farm to toryjvlatming and study Cool Refreshing Apparel For the Holidays *ad AU -Summer Wear Vacationist, travelling or J$It SUying at home calls for a plentiful sappli oflaisty warin weather at- tire, if out would present that comfortAle and fresh oppearavice so desirable M4 iu the warmest days* vot, will find, the (:ornfield $tote well prepared to meet every need for summer wear, Frmks, Coott-si Suits, Hats, slitits, Waists and Hosiery. For young men aud boys Suits, Sbirti, Ties, HosierY And HAts- Prices are 4.,onsistently moderate. 14 Special Offering in Ladiev" Sailors Navy Blael,_ and Brown. r�or tl4is week every hit will be Ttduced in, price. Gingham Pftave* A laige and interesting variety ill styles aud summer colorings, 8 1=8 .16 to 40, SpeCially priced for this WO'k. Suits for Men and young men use lor Me nalkway 01141AII q.? V for eXpau- know that wherever the People of bl�ek ard wort at $911001 pe was working for the 0. P. R., not for this county'went they made good, - ining liopers, or --for giving IsTecial "Best quality Navy Blues and Greys at the very Canala. And Pa*liameixt bad Iliac. rrie of The $I n*1 and help to. weaker Supils. Cciasi ering Mr. McQu*1 9 .00 tivally !,thing td do, with it The f The Star spoke briefly. thca� points, no oubt from fourteen ,att.raetiVe price of $2.9 to fifteen hundred hours. "old have 'Fa m-ealm lub C. P, R. and the Railway Commission Mr. Naftel o Godepich Tpq r could do practically *a they liked, Mr. Will Young, president of the ot 'killing their 001b0tue Farmers, 0010 ., spoke, a. bien nearer the tmth, at least for by fear ftgs of teachers having the higher grades. limited onit I !ornpeti- MOUX other thi) _bminesal - n the east the of -such gat6 -play for-GodarichA-who, by A. CORNRUD ago J4tftJt40t TiM ti6u,o_J_ 1 -h -Re aua,_4_v*e­r__Sffi_P, Wing-wel, valuc, d �rves the de�pest gr*ti. Jpeec1wi;---8pvt4- and And. be the yo I Tse 00DERICH, 0 1*4 T. nic and social evening$. THE N ENV STORE ed to hold railway. rates down but t e to en- tudel"Ory-Ith teachers, made reference Westhad no Nvater route. That was would like to see more mort$ at 814s P* go the young people. The to the salary questiwx- We shall, 0 tho big. fight in ParlUment this sea- coural r1a meyerlent *48 not a merely emphasize the statement made ot take farme Irogreosivts did n X.:$pEECH slon., The I =t to hurt the tQvMsPeO�Ie. that.the salaries of Goderich teachers, PA R. OLAcxxt, MAKES.ILRADIN all the credit;,on the coromitteewerq 1110veN ;he town benefitted he do not compare favorably with. those sast-.Wawf*noshthurchips''ilicnte lBelgrave, And Rovt O.B. aones-ave the 15 Grits, 7 Progressives 7 on- The People of -i churches Interested In wns say, In Godedch, asters of t 0 'th farmer and the farmer benefitted the of any other �rogressivc to atter of whom, bowevet$ se-rvativis. When Crexa 0 a 0 a town and the country ind the -town in&nothing of th6 cities. -01all(O In town on t bv 00 t a I Them was 8, large Is liollaxys and bongo WOR Farill"ers-Can he could not get the w t he were more and ow, just a few -remarks, relative l?rlds'y last froto calvin, and* Brick t. Mr. Chug. - Xing, ree alike than tho town ., to the argument 4d%lanced for 'not not re Mr. old TheIrOwn With Anvone-Glatcl He Crow's Nest Pass agree 0hurcheks. East waw%nosh. The visitors h It austau Beecrolt. Ur4 FAllaba AVOIker tried to get the old rate or eat t 0 el Y� 'Mr. young mentl6ned that -the -Col- paying higher salaries. Allow us to Mod sbout 11 o'clock, Tbere were Let LiVe 'His alm and Mrs. Doustan "Hocer4ft, were to sk Fstirmeo.-LAW40,ancl and flour.. to go borne Club"was holding, its picnic pro- quote verbatim- "Teachers, do not, as Abo�t 200 of them, some 40 asiloaft, prominent In armnsing for the picnic. at a rule, coutfitue Ao improve them- and they made Jarbor J?ark the contra it was a great education bably on the 22na of the, mouth 4 1 � down to Pa�liament. He wished that e are thu's , saddled with did not vases on could sit Menesetung Park and -invited all to, n(i v of the doing$ In town, but they . Mrs. Wsitedftftel retar6od to town Tbe gummi pknic of theGoderich on �, memberis, would give addr = whb� go along' in the same Went down to the 1Aq1 every man in'South Hur attend., They hoped j6 jet. the At- there; many 'y an Moudolly from her visit intpeith. due of in Parliament for two wOeRs� t6rney-Genorul to sPe *,4d went about. tOWD. -TQvmd1ii9 F.Armers' Club was held -on, but Mr. Black was the QnWlr ak on the 0. T. old kro0e � and, largely as a matter = The day Tuesday afternoon and evouing at those announced - present. - Ilids, Hewas glad that Fielding went to A. and horse racing. Of sentiment We kbep them on our was ideal for such AU ovout and the Slack's Point with a fair atteudiince. was preventect from cornir4 owing W Washington. Anyone who read 'his )y disability or -_ is in'lits homei and the gentleo. a budget would see -that . Mr, LAithwaite *as tbe condluding staff, until removed I partyareso touch Ples"41 with their probably tboi cool - weather or the gickow pro* Erdargoment of ddress -on th, was a little dis- old age." it goes without saying trip and vith the 90uvOuleucas 8111111111ed haying pre- men from the Reforestation Depart. be considered the U. S. market worth speaker and said he gather- that ii1f self-respecting teachers re� by the town at the park tb%t they tulk farmers being,busy with a da all the rest of the markets appointed at the size of the Your Rest Meture -vented a larger attendance, but thosel ment failed to Mat in - an,appearance. to, C na Lny such unjust 1401413410AB­ oi making the event at least an rainnual a golkd time.' It P 'd t S6werby acted as chair.. of the world. He would like to see ing; be did not know whether it was sent i doubt, true that there are the weather Or that there was too It is, nd one, Onaceouni of the attractious of We will develop Rua Print Your 'rofso'ret'lbe F' eakitig, which started reciprocity in certain things,- provided teachers who d I was 'cold and windy, dovm* by the wa- man o not make- an the beaph, etc., [t was difficult to cOrY mext.rell of iftlin any size and give' eonseluahce, the �pth- I much ha k free 000L enl%Vgement at tile 'about 5 ecloc , and called on, !#r. we got a fair deal from the other fel �1, to getin, some ;here are People I of Foorto whiA had ter and, as a 4411in g ad I am a farmer," he said, effort to improve, as I out the; progrom 00. 4 drint was held ia.a eld at the tpp of Black) tow. If the 'Ireciproc* issue * bad testvloture of the lot, This speo- ed from , Mr. Black started off with a - I "And'I am glad there Lare doctors in all other vocations who afe.satis-� and It'W.W*8 late III the the bank, where it was shelter hura- been ut to a vote of the people of When 1 tied with Just enough -knowledge 'to kftern�.oc when these'were pulled OM. 141 offer Is to Introduce our super. the via - and. where the 6u4 orous' remark that thing in lqll, instie, and m state, how ig and arousing contest$ ior ad of. taken into a ' looked Cana iddlemen of all kinds. ,hine someone to feed. List hold a position. We Way and comfortable. pretty black around-theke. His own politics, it would have had go: per produ�e I want - N$60Y excith t jut inoludin$ blksobl%ll a o it uiog'i Ups m Id ijime was Black, they were at Slac the middleman live. 'Live and let ever, that It is less true of teochers were t�kon Tar 81019wa t bad been Armolmeed that 39r. cent. of the people behind it. -live I and the farmer will get better generallf than of People In Most games between Rides -cbown by. differ- - Point and behind, him; in the restaur- The city, and -the CoAn were gq,. I Zavit and Mr. Richardson, of -the Re other ca lings in -life. Cognizaale of eat captiatus. Rev.' Xro Peters% orl n an M Black -Stone! forestation Deportment d Mr t booth, was r. ting nearer %ogther, T e farmer pri�?ea for his stuff People,' heL said,. were doing theit could hot do v He did not know whether to criti- th acts would have Tesulted� in a e 'a" uth, HUT- we g BlAtIc and Mr. Hicks, th��Soa pit out the city and the e modified statement. Thous- wpm Jo without the farmer. cize the U. V.� 0. He thought I city could not 4 ra y a thinking now momthan ever 1i get- bad a right to use our ownJudgment nds of our teachers are endeavorin before. This *as an age of thought. There had to be compromise But a L whole to keep themselves intellectually, fif Model rim He . sometimes wondered� if we� . ever �to)gether, if we read judicioual: al W to a Many . pursue university or sref asked ourselves why there was a r. 1 X. Kernioan was nekt cal� lot of fellows viere getting. on nowing the fence and the fence was goint to falL courses initt, science, etc. . 0 hers, parliament. Five hundred or four led on and* said. that,. k Somethion Ne hundr - Ile was sorry the men from thb. re- again, pre (k t nurse in readifig there whs no parliament, The' putting -up. to. carry on tb-j ed or three hundred years ago struggle'that'iy1r. Soworby.and oth itoresting department,were not pre-. which, theMay-rhoose for, them - WEEK 4DF- JULTIO to In- era were ien. The Government Wag, enco`Urgg� selves. Those who can afford to d dians used to settle th a thoikise- -6ver ii%hy 'ttachetsr, however, As� W 0 . I eir fends.among Farraers� Club, he was glad to come s Adit, wouldbe ollne OV -7 so broaden their minds throtigh tr 0- atch ar ivindows J_ *Ad T ay Iv4i;, with -,the Umahavrki-but and help, the-yather'-weak -or-� iX19 W004104: % cry-of.t6doy erY farmer to ook:6ver lifs, oil lots. *eL t. of whidh gahization in Ooderich township. owing to t� was a popular this method -As prohibitive now we had laws,'the objec ic: 2% per'cen d itis 01th Us you Wi nA the UeW0St;' D was to-protict the weak against the Two or three thinim Mr.. Black had T1 . if you will pardon a an U.fi HAROLD LLOY strong. mentioned were always in his own. subject and 'he thought the. -framers small ialaries. state that 0 j� his ipig' 4-reel,featare bantedY. Do mind. The first was the diversified of the budgei.must, have had some 2 personal reference, we may . " The divergent interests irf the - they framed the bu during the year, 'we have gone to an the best. at the lowesit orices 'N Won someti tider ihtere cent. when A 46*U00 Made. mes made one - wo sts,of'Canixda,_ He bimselfwas per expense of $800 in order to improve how one goverwhent could govern all. on the Eastern Canada' Line Stock get. 1 1. . -1 . ke­ I - Mr.-Kdraighsn� -Teolb- seemed. rseivewl----Ixw--oniY-:S"-ut-t�o-�ti-bf atAike-one- 'Uniq -to--repM I -Skiits _$armera -of. e CUU114,1:y. It was )n vnt�tt 10wtktiodderl us, have provqd, in'competition wi USt ar�iVtd, the s in -Sport Y Europe Western �004rio and he found out it think the. farmer was a kaw "Now Unknown gloveinment, trying fo, govern man but he could not agrpe'withhim. others at university, and other e th at�( str PS, ors 6d' designs.: Less ;�_there were so many different t ings s4 p e all Colo h, wAs 'a much more diffliult; Job than plaid o�el 2finewphs d hold their own inationst that we are still fit intel A The farmors coal, to make laws for, There wag the he thought on account of the large Our school work speaks ihan 'ale�. S5, with anyone. lectually. differbrice between the east and' this country, �4nd what would suit one 'P Widnesday iid' Thurs#ay The Proiriep - rovincesi we part *4uld not suit another at all; A moilon of thanks to e spe�k-. for itself.. t. of Homespiln' alld fancy trimmed v�ist. era, acknowle y request that were told, wanted free Arade. Bri_ conditions were altogether different dged by, Mr. Black, May we respectful] New ihipinbli WALLACE REID- arts.. He would ng it woufid up this part of the. proceed- h6n�ofortb, �at least, statements that of all5 ing Suits tish Columbia apjiler. growers wanted in; different p r on -the ings. Then the baskets were opened are,to be published should be verified. Serke,. Dresses. See these clearanc,� I pr - protection. The -manufacturers. of Mr. Black had gone futthe Half bost prige. the Ontario and? Quebec cities wanted budget, 'There was only one man in and the 'contents spread out on the Yours. very truly, awl Coats.. "The 14 eU U 9 9 ers" protection and .� a goodly number of the Honda took the budget from the grass aid a real plenic followed. 'Af-�, L. E. � SHARMAN, ints a series of sports, 'WINNIVRED: BALL, pec*al,�sgtl of Hats, $1-95,_' r0awmae Fox CeweiO farmers -wanted . free trade. While standpoint� he himself would take, ter. refreshme out. A, baseball match M. ADA BURRITT, I e in the 19aritime provinces the potato that was W. C. Good of Biant, ilia were carried i th,at� Va. W His between the 4th and.fitb concessions "'His Narrow EXCAPe E. MAY STOVDART, FloVers, 25c to 95C men"fourid that the 7ordney tariff Good'of Braut� inade it impossible to -grow -potatoes I.idea'was thetaxation of larid values, 'had been planned* but failgd. to come MABEL A 4AILIE...- F 'As 'and SaturdaY at the. 1) 1 resent time. The task -of and he'thought it would be a good through. B�ard decided to Join the On- Hosiery, 19P to f-1,69- aking laws for -all vas one ..that al- idea for the, Fa. The a and Ratepay. MUM al-RIUM In rulers' Clubs andfor tario. School Trustee Most made statesmenquail. some organization in Goderich to get oral Association and pay. the, �Pe SCHOOL TEACHERS OBJECT of WS Its was something �110W to a goodspeskiir on this subject. All wat0: Our Wiudo All thl taxation came out of, the land, so Sent Statements, him.' ilia orA15r'platforra was, ' South teachers: Object to The chairman and Tristee's Wal- Tiophet's Parad!6107 Huron but.lie'lidlieved a man. tead of 'Vade In rtistee ace were Appointed a committee to should . why not go to it directly ins e rt of T 'Campbell Comedy Po rs the Water and Light Com- .9,ude interview . ... . ... *9 not go to parliament 'bound by any. adopting all the petty, �stamp � t I. axes .AdSc6ol Day Love man, Things looked - Ir6m a differ- a . nd sales taxes, and so on. mission to request a larger W.Itter ent Wag% on the H60 Of the House, Mr.-Kernighao said,be would speak se The regular meeting of the publio ntral School, 41A Sp i 9thoke of theUn- hool board wai held on Monday service to Cc atting.in another OR Harvest . He bid voted aqainat flie: budget; a the line of the work mt Trustees J,, S, Platt The matter of pi mightfal tea(. MONO A could see . n9th the i IoNarmera,� He rly do � so evenlng� R, window in the east side of the lower THE ROYAL U98 -WEAR' GO Ing in 'it for . ted Matinees— farmer� no wxong bail -been rearessed, since be, had.belonged to the'orgaui- Achesa tortheast room at theContral school .p.m H�h dallsy thy w0th a fmande zation- since its inception. He did i�Wlowj, A. Saunders and.W. W Mon, Wed. and Sat. at uo arm.4 was referr04 to the clia . irmaW with, sa, .. . p I I ter 187 In Special' attraction "The Old ifficult'ask, lmt,.as 'to not approve of "WeTfiing the P_ teachers for, the public schools power to act. NesC' mini in b a I two and a h4U per cent..'Teduc.. era had done The: armers' mistake Th 1111 Ownew next week this r L at, b ti: , I L , to at, 'Ur Worwl eat 010i JIkI off'o ior war ts' e' ar hi e id- u ,x b me. r S _30. u -s ':r e -lo' w e ar. no -he'r 'W k- b'f I.I.ng- M Te R gul'. -.0 F' A' t ee MIAIS PPIS. a e M Fancy r an i -es, Voiles, P -.Plah., Be c in, a ore'd. and 0 R' h' cok a 9 P� Half -Price s. e 11-Redxi%',,'.d'in ricem ome _.C. aves a G t Array 610r, ai' d, W lip -Voiles Half -Price Voiles in Plain Colors, 47c. Fancy Dress neV White Votlopq 69c Plaio White Voileso 63co a . ain whiteVoiles iti first qtiality, The colors are rose, orchid" black, These are in ends of. a to 5 yds. All white Dress Voiles with raised P1 end come in a big variety of colors and fine even weave. SpUl regular up to grey, pallul navy, flesh, green. Tfie pattern . On Sale Hilf-Price.. '47c p very fine weave, s quality -and designs,_ .69&.. it As Swiss Dot Organdies New Tissue Voiles re -Swiss Organdy In plain white with self pattern. Embroidered V. iles' Embrowe d This line arrived lite and' ilvill'btl This is the�`Iast of this beautiful Dress This f'showing includes our best .included'in f4is sale, . Shown in stripe A Limited number of pie&s on sale Oigatidy shown, in several size dots selljug patterns. All reduced to a�d checks at Oct Our stock of j�is line is showa,in som e an ring patterns. A very special clear. of the season's best designs, black -white value, 68c. maise-white, all white. Re - Colored Fancy Voila,, 49c Fine Lingthe MA'. gular $2.,9.5 yd., Safi, $1.95 StnipeSuiting White, 116sh, sky, Pink. A regular F ith white stripe, Very piec.e new this seasou and a $1.06 and $1.2:5 vAlue, Sale 79c. All while w very fine even weave. The colors are Fiat. Quality Organdies Sale 59C. blue*,� brown,, grayl mauve, Sale Prke 49c � 0 . I . ., Reg'. $1.50t $1-.2$ 61fles;." 6. c 44-10, vvide - in plain, shades. White palm Beach suitillig Fifie quality Dress Voiles in rose,, AliStoffelVI beA 9hality Organdy fil rom blue, helio, sky, Nile, white, A regu- White with satin stripe Sale White -with stripe, in very fine delf biue� pink omd mauve, A iegular dollar value. Sale Price, 73c. prite 59C 0 "Price 69c quality sale,piriet, 590. 0-5 And. U45 v LEAR CE ICU D YARD MUST BE SOL IN'THE SEASON FOR WHICH IT WAS.BOUGHUl-w-HENCE THIS FINAL C AN U If LAY Other Lines , Throughoat N D Y CARTWRIGHT The Store Marked 16r Clearance GRA, A N AskCe tral for 6 It"s Our Phone No. v