HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-07-06, Page 1I'M
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il ANA, 1,10 11 1
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Vowcannot use
Nut orhood News I ugpts
Anything Better
Dr.,=t=7, CCU% 1?ala� andi
Oz=x LT3 t4o Stq=, ch, Ubotora� Ot4, H=04obn Wls=o- richeu r ruin VUU UK
r No. I Nor"cir": HH"i,
era W4!ZtM_% CIA= r2cr�n% a,== NiM. 2 40,
No. 8 Northern, �1.27112i. holds a d
an Ze=:;=:Z of t -No oyrea as mcnibt2r of V4ctor1z;i,
Music, L-undea. He is a
A happy event took place at the
No 9`oe'n,L9;,Qr of the orcinf-w Asneelatlon
NO: ,, 'c:',v:: 31y, manse oil Welinv3day of last 1hor of RtRg solonkon
, Ztra No. I reed. (18% c. 111k�, when Rev. G. Telford united in and 14 n1clif
No. I fccd . 04P. the holy bonds of matr Gladys 1434;% A., F. & A. M.
13=11toba Barley. A only daughter Wnl. Wbancir of 31o3n Scholarahip Appo5nt-
No. 3 C.W,. nominal. nd Mr. 0co. H. Johnston.
Amriplenta C-070. A dainty luncheon was served at the Mr. FAD, Untchison, Soafortb, rc-
N '0 ha�sse of the bride's uncle. Reeve cently received woiLd that his son. Mr.
. 2 yellow. 29C.
No. 3 yellow. 16C. Dodds. F. Lorne Hutebiwn. who %yon the
No. 3 asstru. 60C to 615c. go
Barley. Fire In East Wavrgincish Moss Scholarship a short time a t
Mr. Chris. Nothery, of East Wawa- Toronto Umvenity. had been qp?oint-
I n
N9. 8. CL.00. nosh had the misfortune to have his ed to a iqllowship in bio-chemis ry
Rye. dwelling destroyed by fire on Satur- the same university of the value of
da) morning, Juno 24th. It is $800 a year.
No. 2. 9Gc. thought tkka a Spark from the sum- A Wingham Goldep Wedding
520449ced Was, Loft ocaliveredo. mor kitchen chininey Vhich is about
aran. per'Loss, pri to $Se. 10 feet frpm the dwelling, caught in. Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Jobb, Wisigham.
dhoortz% 430 to CBS. to a pile of cedar ralls and from there celebrated their 50th wedding arm! -
Toad dour. 01.70 to JV0. onto the house. That entire building, versary July Ist.
Galled Hay.
icatra, No. 2. 022 to $as. which was a solid brich, was oadly Umbach-Stewart
miled, 018 to $19. gutted by fire.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at DependonKingGeorgeNN
Clover, $14 to 018 the Seaforth manse on Tuesday
A quiet Wedding took place in St. morning, June 27th, at 5:30, when Je§ guaranteed to be the foest
Miss Wathlaeu TwOmey, Downeyvilla, Car lot. per tots. *tZ to 513. Barnabas church, Toronto, on Satur- Miss Edna May, second daughter of
Ont., writes.—We always heep, a bot. Ontario wisead. day, June 24th, when Catherine Mr. and Mrs. David H. Stewart, be- chewing tobacco tuade�and it is!
tle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild No. I commercial. OL -26 to $1.30. Out Powell, daughter of Mr. Toni K. Pow- came the bride of Mr. Alton Umbach.
aide. young diuggist of Senforth. You can bank on that It AW
Strawberry on hand, and have always Ontario No. 3 ciats. 40c to 45c, outaid,% ell, of Turnberry, became the bride popular
found it t� be invaluable in all caaes of Ontario corn, 63c to 60% outaido. of Mr. Arthur Wilson, second son of Seaforth Lady Loses gister In Dakota
0 tario tiour--�iat patents. so' so ver Mrs. John Wilson, of Winghani. The
cholera and diltrrhoea. libl."s 2nd patents, �6.30; b:.0z"Ols, in Mrs. Thomas Patton, of Seaforth, whaes more—at the qew low
bulk, $5.75. - ceremony was performed by Rev. F.
Last fall my mother had a very sev- tabs. flout-Ist OML1�4. In jute Powell, M. A., brother of the bride. recently received word of the death of
�r she had Mani
ere attack of cholera, and afto. ka, $7.80; 2nd patenta. 07-0. hoar sister, lgrs. Adam Patton, of price of two plugs for 25,cts,
taken four or five doses. of this medi- "me Seli-MarsWl North Dakota.
cine she was completely relieved; ord'11, A quier wedding was solemnized ies a value you catet equal 10
arily, however, one dose is sufficient. OATTLE MARKET at the'Teeswater manse on Tuesday, THE "NEW NORTH"
We cannot praise, this remedy too high- I.— June 27th, by Rev. W. A. 1pradley,
ly for what it has done for us." TOnON'0'0 LIVE STOCK. when Geneva A. (Jean) eldes( daugh- A Sportsititfin's Paradise
Be sure and get the original "D TORONTO, July 3. -Receipts of livo ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marshall,
Fowler'@" when you ash for it. Price " Lock at the LnIon Yards for too-d&Y's Teeswater, was united in the holyl To men who spend their vacation
market were Z30 cars -cattle, 4,534;
50c. a bottle; put up only by The T. calves, :193, hogs, 1.630; sheep. 1.283. bonds of matrimony to Mr. James fishing, hunting or canceing, Canada
Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Oat. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Seli, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. is flrst among the countries of the
CHWAGO. July 3. -cattle r�,elpta. Frank Seli, Wingham. world for the opportunities it affords
I)STEDIPATH 1,000, comparvd with a week ago. beef Copeland- Robertson for indulgepee in either of these in -
steers, 25v to 35c higher; yearling�%, 35C -ating and ex 7'',n
r. A. M. HEIS)C, Osteollatl'W Pliv,ivian. to 60c higher; spot�, in-betv�evu grailue A pretty June wedding took place viting. invfgot
DI ctineire or up rnore7 we�i, s top matUred Stet!rS. Oil \ S.
I diate Des Monlei Still %'ednesday, June 29th, at the time' of 'g pa"
f I
osteol.irth,N, Licentiate lo\Na allot ,iicingan sio.io; Aung ),earling, $10, butchel, cov%a h0III(- of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Rob- But there is one part t h, Do-
Stato R -al" '1�. speeiroi attewi,,n to d1sealPs and helfei% unt-veril) strong to, 315c when their eldest daughter, Minion which is particularly inviting
or %%oineu d children, cmi�,uiiatton free. higher: oanners and cutters, wiak tu ertson,
"It z6e lower; cannvrs showing I -dys, became the bride of Mr. to the sporting fisherman, the big
(unrp vorlip , Nelson aud zl. Anorew Sts. Oust do- Grace Bit
.1vueepi"111 to fir. Helleinann. in searurtli ciine, bulls. Lloc to 35c higher; veal Ermin S. Copeland, son of Airs, E. game hunter or the canoeist. It Is
Calves largely 5oc higher; spots murej Copeland. Rev. Dr. Perrie officiated. what is aptly termed Cangda's "New
stockers and fit�ders. 260 up: bee North," reached via Cochrane, and
SPECULWr steers, $8.36 it, $11.50, stockers and feed- Death of Mrs. Stephen Hicks comprehends that vast stretch of vir-
era, $5.76 to $6.75, butcher 8he-stock.
R. FORSTER.. 06 to $7.50; canners and cutters, After Only a few days' illness of gin country contiguous to the Cana -
ID pneumonia the death took place at
to $3.75; veal calves, $8 to $8-75. than National -Railways, Transcati-
EYE, FAR, NOSE, THROAT. Hogs, 10,000; market opened about the home of her daughter in Staffa tinental Division extending across the
Late House surgeon New York Optlthal- loc lower, closed lue it) 2ov lovo-er; on June 24th of Mrs. Hicks, widow of
mle and Aural Hospital, assiAtant at Nt�or lighter wrigilts Off most; top, $10.76 'he lat upper part of the provinces of On-
fleld', Eye Hospital and OoMen �1-411:ire early;abulk. $9. 0 t $10.66; holdover , - h age of 80 years and five
Thioat Hospital, London, Eng. moder te; Pigs . 26c lower; heavy ter, at t a over a thousand miles, with Hudsoll
5�110%\,aterltio St. S., Stratrtwd T,xie- weight. $10.36 to $10.56; medlu'll, $10.50 months. Bay as its northern limit. To quote
2137 to $10.56; light, 4 $10.60 to $10.76; light MO,
0 e Mr. Stephen Hicks, of Exe- tario and Quebec for a distance of CHEWING M
111ho,011 HOW "I'll Hotei, oorlerich. from Wed- lights, $10.25 to $10.60; packing sows, Heideman -Skinner a traveler who knows it well: "It is
nesda�, Auir l6th, at 8,40 1, n, to, Thur, smooth, $9 to 9.60; packing sows, rough, Marguerites. peonies and greenery a virgin country just as God made,
da,%-, viw. I%11, at I p. Ill. $8.75 to $9.10; killing pigs. $9.30 to decked the home of Mrs. H. F. White, it."
MUSICAL Sheet), 4.000: mostly directl market Milverton boulevard, Toronto, when To the sportsman this country is a
strong; top native lambs, $13-�,'6; com- her cousin, Miss Ella Skinner, form- veritable paradise. Within its vast
ISS LAURA JACKSON, A. 'I. C. NI.. is pared with a week ago, lambs, year- erly of London, became the bride of forests there ronni at will nearly all
prepared to take AuPil-� Oil tile planO. I,ngs and hand), fat sheep, mostly 60c nerations have served as highways as Toronto and Montreal and from Madeline Jeffroy, Marvin Lannan.
Mr. Win. F. Heideman, of Toronto, species of big game common to the ge I r.
For terms apply to MISS jiirx�oN, above higher; heavy sheep averaging $1 high- to adventurers, fur -traders and trap- New York, Chicago and Boston in ap- From Jr. HL tuo�
Dunlop's Drug Store, King,ton street, On er; week's closing bulk prices native formerly of Exeter, son of Mr. and North American continent. Of the pers bound to and from Hudson Bay, proximately tliirty-six hours.
Saturdays, 12:20 to 4:30 p. on. 1.50: yearlinga, Mrs. Edward Heideman, of Exeter. ' big and burly mclose it is the home. V Carrie O'Neill, Evelyn Deall, WIt-
lambs, sli; culls, s7 to s� Elston -Davis Red deer have a wide range and in are almost beyond compute in num- A d there is an interesting littl lie O'Neill.
RS. J. 0. CAMERON while ber -oned by
sto to $11: ewes, $5 to $6.60 , the country being grid-li bowlet entitled "Where to Hunti Fish From Jr. 11. to Sr. It*
Teacher Piano, Theory. Puptli'prepar- Saintsbury Anglican church was some. sections are numerous, ddle in the New North," ob- Billy Barrow, Irene Kennedy, Et.
ed for examinations. For ierm, appiv res- caribou are to be had by the hunter them. Wonderfully interesting canoe and�Pa
ldenf,e. Gibbons st., opposite virtoriti pub- NEWSPAPERMAN DROWNED. gaily decorated for the marriage of 'Whitty, Billy Webb. Dora Kett-
lic sclitool or 'phone 253J. Miss Vera A., daughter of Mr. and who seeks them in their feeding trips, either extended or limited, are tainable from any office of the Cana. eanor
] Mrs. Fred Davis, of Biddulph, to Mr. grounds. In several districts bear available. Take for example the six dian National Railways, which en- nedy Dorotby Carney, Edward' Jef-
One of the I-,ditors of Ottawss Journ routes to Moose Factory all of which ables the holiday seeker to select his
GEO. NE:S'YON. Mervin 11. Elston, of Centralia, which are to be found, while the smalle find their way into Moose River about camping g4round in thiA primeval par- fely, Teddy Lynn.
L. Mus. McGill Untv Loses Hits Life. took place on Wednesday, June 22nd. fur -bearing animals are comnign to 30 miles south of Moose Fitctory oil ad P. From Pt. 11. to Jr. IL
Teach"er's Diploma Piano 0,29mb.o.y OTTAWA, July 3.-Sid'ne) Irving Engagements Announced a wide range of territory. on will find James Ba.N. � number of sectional maps cover- Augustine 'Page, Harry Babb, Vote -
Teacher's Diploma Singing Macklin, a member of the Journal Disciples of Izaak. Wait, Until within recent years this great in&, the sporting territory from West onica Ryan, Earl M�ro, Thomas.
Pupils prepared for examinations. For Mrs. Minnie Trueman, of Windsor, in the numerous rivers and lakes all Western Quebec, J
ternis apply Studio, Montreal st.. opposite staff, was drowned on Saturday even- now north was inaccessible to those of Lake Nipigon to Dean, oseph Dalton, Lilian KenitedY,
announces the engagement of her that the most ardent of them can de- -outes and Walter Lannan.,
Public Library. ing about 5.30 at Woodroffe, near daughter, Violet Irene, to Howard sire, both in regard to extent and who It d but a few weeks' vacation at in which tire shown canoe i
I SIC STUDIO. Ottawa. The deceased young man, Hays, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hays, Variety of fish which abound in their their Kposal. it could not even be trails, will prove invaluatWe to the From 11% 1. to Pot. 11,
AtAman visiting the territory. EiNen O'Brien,
with friends who could not swim, of Seaforth, the marriage to take waters. take or grey trout, ranging reacho2d during an ordinary vacation spot
term- lines of the The Booklet also furnishes infor-
Goderich Society Orcnestra Ningle Studio, had gone in bathing, and Macklin, place July 10th. Now, Over the Lynn, Leo. Lynn, John �L It
entrance between F. H. Wooa'i and J. H. in weight from six to twenty pounds, utfit and Dogald 41).
Laudev's stores. who learned to swim only in May, Councillor arid Mrs. Arnistrong, of are common to several of the lakes. Canadian National Railways, the niation regarding guide%, 01 n", Raytiiond Dean, Claire Buehler,
MR. C. V. HFNRY (violt[)(St). tuition given swan, out to a hoorn some 200 yards Brusse1q, announce the-- engagement Waters in which speckled trout a- sporting fisherman. the hunter, the othei, necessary details. Albert Webb. Mayine Pagq, IT04tit
all v itilin roc beginners and those advan. from shore. He reached his obJr- of their youngest daughter. Miss bound are easily accessible, although canoist and holiday seekers in genet Chisholin.
ced. occupying en route modernly ST. PETER'S SCHOOL
For information aVly at studlo. live, and after a brief rest started Jean, to Mr. John Wesley Armstrong, naturally, the more remote the dis' al can,
r appointed st I t Ucted trains, infeat alls10%
violinst repaired, ridges Irtled, sound- back to shorp, When a third .)f tile also of Brussels. tricts the better the sport. In some eeig"'I'll'i.ppy Hunting PROMOTION EXAMINATION The Worms that
Doets se and violin bows relialred. etc. way had been covered lie was h(ard reach points in is from their birth are of twiti, kinds,
Godericts Society Orchestra. 5 pieces Duff -Spence of the rivers and streatn% are 1 0
(Professional) to shout for help, arid his fricinds , no,,,ln Ground" in the course of a twenty -1 From Jr. IV. to Sen. IV. those that find lodgement in the
could see him making a strwglo to A vo,edding of considerable intereot caught speckled brook trout (Ilo� four-hour journey from such centres StAnnach and those that are found in:
H. WESTON, L. L. f. 91. s solemnized in Lundy's Lane also as the square tail trout weigh- Lorne Bowler, Rita Plante. Denyl
keep afloat, Mr. W. W. Allen ro-hed "'a ing front five to seven pounds. Good the-intelstines. The latter are 01p,
Licentiate Lor.don College of Music. Eng- a boat, bill it was uselesi, as Ile Methodist church Wednesday after- Brentian, Marie Gravelle, Definit most destructive. a." tiicy cling to t16l-,!
land. Organist and Choir Director or Out noon, June 21st. when Beulah' daugh- bass fishing is to be had in certain It 99 Plante, Jam(�s O'Nvill, Esther Farr, walls of the Intesti es and Itnot 14-%,
North St. Methodist Church. had no oars. t, Saved My Little Girooll
Assistaneo arri%ed in a f,,% nliu- ter of A. A. and Mrs. Spencer became parts, and particularly in northwes Gi,orge Farr. terfered with work havoe there.' X11 -
TEACHER OF MUSIC the bride of' Prof. Chas. Duff, form- ern Quebec. One specie of fish which
Pupil- prepared for examinations in ron- ut(-s, and Jamps and Jack Pat is common to some of the older parts Mother tells how her little Ethel's From Sr. Ill. to Jr. IN'. ler's Worni Powders oill8lodge botb
of erly of Brussels. I Vincent Geromette, Teddy Griffli, kinds and whil�� expelling them,.U6W,
nection with Toronto University. Toronto dived continuously into 25 feet of Canada not found in this far- life was saved. I
i-ons,,rvatory, etc. Every pupil entered water where Macklin was last sepri, Moarkley-Wright northern countr,, is the maskinonge. Martina Hussey, lona Weiss, Bessie the system serve'to repair the daiu�
ter musical exams has passed, many with ve caused.
honors. For terms apply ai re,ldence. but failed -to find the body. Sunday A pretty wedding was solemnized But in some Of the waters flowing In- That is what one woman wrote kig re- Tobin, Teresa Webb, Harry Bosnell, age they ha
wem st. (nrsl door vest or kating rink), �vcning it was located by B. Rouleau. at the home of the bride's parents, to James Bay are to be caught the cently, and then she goes on to say
000ierich. th- city diver, caught between two Mr. and Mrs. S. Wright, Stratford, lordly sturgeon, sportsmen having "Uthel, Who is just past eight, caught a
logs chained together, The family of on Friday, June 23rd, when Mrvtle landed fish of this species ranging in ba(tcold IaA August. The child is of a 'Baixff
LEGAL CARDS the deceased, at Milliken, Ont., were L. Wright, became the bride of Mr. weight all the way from twenty to Ifiglily strung, nervotis temperament
quiet in bed. Lakcloum*
.C1HARLES GARROW. aarristOr. solicitor, notified, and two brothers arrived arid N(srman Cecil Merkley, second son of two hundred pounols. In the waters and could not be kept : Field (for
Etc. Corner NortL street anti Square, Nian., and two of the occupants were, Mr. arid Mrs. Ezra Merk.ley, Wing- contiguous to Hudson Bay excellent We tried everything we could tLink of I
Inderlels. Ont. were taketT to Milliken by hiW ham. salmon fishing is occasionally exper- to cure tier cotigh. Itut tile coligh 1*
. 7- 1 - __ - __ ' - _ - ___ orse anti frod a T(.')SY, heal tit V,
brothers NO:" Bandmaster at Wingham ienced. Pike and pickerel are com- became w
Mr. Maeklin 'was the yoting-,st son - mon to the water -1 of this northern suirdy girl 91 e becarile I and thut.
Winghani Citizens' Band has ;ecur I I id e
Barrister. SoDeTTo-, Notar, Public o( Mr. and Mrs. William Mackli I of ed the services of Sergt. J. W. Davis wild. Nothing we I seenleIrto slop tile
arn$ Lonveyancer -anoeist w1io seeks adven- cough and by this little regular spa -1114
Offift : qpurt 14.roww. Goderlen. Milliken, and wai 21 years of,age. -as bandmaster. He has been musical To the ( . C
n' of colightrig had devel 1 1`1
war civilization the waters of the n 0 rth- conglong spflls left tire, 011`1 �coik I.e."01
III- was oducatod at Markhank "0 instructor with the Royal Canadians ture in territory lwyond the fri ge of
�;chool, and,,paftpr graduating, lie rillid v&ncoLiver
at l,ondon, served du�ing the ipletely tired out. I believe that in Victor" SEE THE
ags Joined th, staff of 1hp Toronto star. with the King's Royal Rifle Corps and ern parts of Quebec and Ontario af- colli
A �ear later 1w transferred tO tile algo Flight Sgt. Observer with the ford ideal facilities. Rivers, many a short time tile cough would linve CANA.DULN
or trving
IIA,RRl1',TlJ,Rt, F1'� Worotd. R,�val /Air Force. Mr. Davis also lof them mighty streams which for reacliedthechild'alungs. Afte
everything I could think of, I saw an stattl P.4 C I 1P.1 C
R k HAIS R.C.HAYI. I- to X Two yvars ago Mr. Macklin left adve , rligement for Csirnol, saving th-it
Hamiltonistreet, C.n,le- 1, for Ottawa to take a position Oil t I I P, this preparation would build one Ill). I Taco ROCKLF.S
Ottawa Vallpy Farm Journal Ti rfd UODERICH CHAUTAUQUA- -AULY 17-22 t a bottle from the drtiggi,t and 0 ANDTHE
C ONVEYANCING AND NOTARY shortly afterward Jnined 11w staff of r"fore it was halt finighet ttl,- SanFra"ncl PAMF1C COMT
'vening Journal. take off
had almost collipletelv sl S
the E Los
09OR(IF E aREENSLADE Sayneld, Con
vev lmr arA Notary Public I I er cheeks I;eg:tn to get I)ack S& go
!n -le -11110 — - - their old colour. Site ?itrorted to put oil
Taltes O%el Atlantic ('allies 1:0 FULL 11yroit
P110t OFOOT. HILLORA.', & 1101 MF'� it and phly all
tiarriaters. solicitors. Notaries HALIFAX. Jul.% , 3 - The diroct. fiesh again an,l would ru ."ATI
Ile, Fir. United States cablo from Ballingskel- day tvititout being fired. Today, after
rrnm 14o
onlre-on olne Square. Toid voor lings, Iroland, to Harbor Grac(-, New- having taken two bottles of Carnol, she Lov%r
Ham it n street, Oodfwirn taken, is lookinp and Pelinf betier than she T. IDD
11 "
Irivate funds to loan all kiwes; rates. foundland, arid Halifax was el t in her ]I C. P. A
over liere on Saturday by (he fill- has ever LCVVESor cor Wcqt Stroot
W. PROVDFOOT. N. C.. Carnol in field by your droggigt and if
KILLORAN. Dt I'LEY Hot NiE-;. Jor perial Cable front the Westprn and Square
� J. L. -el-rl
Cable Company. Thf� BrItinh Go% you can consicieutiotiqlv say, after you
AUCTIONEERING niont piirchag,�d the cabit, in Novpni- have tr" it, that it haqn't done you t\
ber, 1920. for I: 's any good, return the m ply bottle and
"160.000. hill It re-
HOMAS GUNDRY. lie will refund your money. 4-1'2
AncIl(,nr. trol by ls�as,- tintil Frida% night A RICO
T mained iind-r WeRtern Vnion eon
Live Stortr and Oeneral P',jr sale. by J. A. Campbell xachaim. C WAY
Hamilton sti-pot. Goderich secti�:n of the rable riinning froai
and all efforl� "T'dPr, .1 """'
made ev c, ry%%here
madA to tali ax to 10- l3oach. Mass., romatits
jive yon satisfaction -9tPrn Union Company
sale notes discounted. with thp W,
The cahl, takon ov,,r was laid in
INSVRANCE IS7V and was t1w first transatlantic
'It RANCE abl� to liso thf, Dr Mmilwad Avs-
jo te scotla
I), or dtipl,x 114 flisit No)%a S
a Isolated Tolo,n Protoertv Insured landing i)la(,- x%aq at Tor Ila%, G itys-
ILP Of roperly insIbreol I,
Val p to) January. i;OrO ronnt% Imt it war, mo),,-qi to to'
F-ICERs-ilimps ornnolly, ProsIdent, Hrolifax In 1897 I'll' WP91PL-11 1 111011
110derich , J lif, Fvan�, Virp Pr"'de"t- )'ornpan� took -1-01 Of It froni th� u.
�y 4, 11"
d ; T. E. HaYA. Treas., S0,11- V
Ocerbwoo rnit,ii siaos caw- Comparly
mrth went-pzOr. in 1912
(;rteve. winthrop . worn. Nx rin, (;or,
arinro . G irge &iccartne TurtierBmlth 'Pop-/
John Forr'la, Hariocti: Incendiaries Rom) Ill Itelfamt.
ha orm Bennowlse,
iran : Malroirn rilrEwan, Drueefleld.
dread Pn on,lerich . Randy HEIIFA.111% J111N z' Inc,-ndiarit-a iA
A r, EN T`o_J W
1,43itch. cmnton . NVI me%nev. Sparorth : w,,r,- hip% Ill It,,Ifasl pyldaN
Th- po)lic,,, ,xaminmv a inovine ple
tint rq can pav th�ir &,,qPmPnU
Moor- tijr,, hoi . rwind an 0ght--ri pound d
n R, H Cutt*4 Store. doaprich. A. I
HOIIN Cl"thing store. f7tritim, or I H Fh-di. will) ftis,. arid d0otialor attach L 'A "A,
fteld*� pAyflold A. 1,wo hOnihq xiii,Aed In a
buildinp. if, ('ait-,r sfr--t. s-,Ilirip the
place On tirr� Aiid a wlitfl, P.il*- rhem-
Woil. BAILIB left 11homi, was m-�t ablaz,� and
NOTARY PITRIM' Con derishid- damag� done A boirob
nenAral ronvoyanctna 110ro'
cxploaimi in a mail aloraa- house
Good romparilea Repro-Ited
-,Odnrlrf1. Ont. caimporl a fire in tho building.
"A 1 0&
1�', '(4 A "I'
Bros Flectuical Contractor
Y9 1b.
-d Waphing .4
iZ7 41111111111ir 11
Agent (�,r 111110 I'll,
The Laafto
funeral Directors
and Embalmers
0-,dgrg earefully atflondod to
at all houro--niallit or &Y.
Nlarlivie'i ( holee line of
Eleetrival Fixtuapq
earr;ed in
Old Colbisme Hotel C07nor
Phone 23, 1
miss H11121CI Humthmton--Prima D-nonna Soprano
1 tigic loven will b�- doplightea when thip New York Opera and Concort
1 1 by tho
Star spWrisrs for a pyo amme at Chautauqua thia Bummer. gu?poriec
London pianfito, Mr. Erbert 51sefarven, and bia instrumental quartotte of
PArkAf F 11 C , 15.4