HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-06-15, Page 7Lid oowmmqmww4umw� I UUMAY. JUNZ 154, 1$" 2wt issue on *"r them from V141 06 liuuArust law. in otlier word* 0AS 0,0160rities do )wt like tb*ir proposalis for an AN't1gamution. Thia step bas turno atttutiolt to the evi- deuce bweinc give" in ;Kew Yqrkaftdi vaious co r. t,,% L6 -s SMOKE: gtjoa* and inore, 1*16k I IR- . on ited Staies St"t Corporation. Chair - Ulan Cary of the BkArd of I)ireCtorg (Ar "V. P. X W%TZWATXR, U D �1 admitted that T"'*wa`f TA14WAk Xbu 14 tt* of that organixation aiwo XX*1tut,$ of ch"0*6") his company had a virtual monopoly colpyrialkt. Assr. wot"t NowiJAPIr Vags�w on many steel products. While not admitting that its ownership of 4 number of railways Wave it a man!- LESSON FOR JUNE 18 jest advantage over many competi- tors, the compguy would ob' t to a THS DOWNFALL OF JUDAH c qhe rail- di'vorceat these interests a owned by it gave the Corpora - in ana wt,,ay opportunity to secure efficient Xaaw�? TJMT-n Xlegs 3pt.*, QOLDIW TMXT-90 *at .4ocotiod. .4 Itrensportation, but he denied there W pat Vnocke&, far whate"yqr a piau was any discrimination on them a- sawets. t"t vWx be &be row_uo�L 6"-.. Xlh gainst other firms. But the state' rJ*'XPXXCX MATXUAU-V4ut, WW meat on which most of the American it. 2N 3k V. it 0krap. X-11-30. 1.*A* M commentators Jay stress is that the 41PjIUA1%T TQrIC_Q1od Pusloldar D10 - U. S. Steel Corporation has a reserve in exeesg, of five hundred million dol al"itAt ftol"- JUNIOR TOPIC -Tho ChRturt of Joro- jars.- This will prpbably be Used a; ' Weak. the text of numberless new discus-" INTXRUMXATM AND MMORTOPIC Sions in the press and On the pla. Orm -A Nailon Thxt Dfoob*Yod 0". .&a to the power of combinations and ToTiNe rxopxX A:". AlWt.T "PIC the futility of laws framed to control -Xtooults at �hktloiiitl 14"b0iinco 10 094, , 1 14 thein. Whatever the ethics Of thel Zedeklah I was ine4o king of Judah matter the. feet does remain that this is,au age�of combinations and conso- by the king of Babylon (24,,176), but In lidations. The problem is to see tlt&t spite of this kiudu*u and tbs word they are not used in a manner that ofthe Lord spoken Whim by Jeremiah will be detrimental to the interest$ (Jer. 30:17,, IS; cf. Jor. 52*.S). be re - of the people. . * *. 0 � bi�lleo against the klug,9f Babylon. He The marriage of Pri ess arle of relled, upon the bell) of USYPt, but all ig Alexan er of Jugo- that Xgypt could do was to cause Rumania -to Xil c ain, tom porAry interruption of the siege of, Slavia, is another li i t e h that binds the a er Of e allied Jerusalem. he eyes Of the. I. -Th* Soiso of Jerusalem (vy. 14). European nation -VA world have been so fix on the ne- :f, Time of (vv. 1, 2)1 It be gotiations, between the greatee -poww the teath. day ot the 011th Mouth Of L i-ers -that, the potentialities of the the niptbL year 4t Zo4tklahla reign and smuller have often been, overlooked. listed "about eighteen months. The wlla= cf Qual But these have their well defined tentli'mouth according to the Jewish Alms And aspirations and since the calendar corresponds to our December - agreement between Russia and Ger was announced have been clos- 1smisory., as their calendar year began -W'Xra;;� together in arrangements about the middle of March, The resson looking for mutual,protection againstr the exact time In given 18 that tbix _T tion suff t war, and to the Jews in their exII e. any eventu4li lea. 'These little na- was to be an event of great Importsuce #EIVEN &is 8 ered much ifi the rANCE 6 are not trusting absolutAy to guar- 2. The Method (Y. 1). Nelouchaduez- THEIR 5 1 QN. I F H antees and arrangements made by zar came in person with &.large army �4916& mn I _m the larger Powers. In , Belgrade and encamped against Serusalem and .Py -C" where the marriage took place,,there built forts against it round piliout. It a great gathering of royalties, was, is thought that siege walls.were built the Duke of York representing the . hutting It in. On London isplestsed And Paris is puz� meantime ' the Armenians are being British reigning family, and reports around the city, a zledover the'decision Of therViiited killed r off according to all - reports. were current that plots 'for the us- tbei top$ of these wells forts were built States to take part in the proposed No one has yetaccused them of being sassination of a number -of these per- from- which missiles of destruction investigation of Atrocities, in Asia the instigatois of the series of MAS- Isonages had been discovered alld could be burled by their engines of frustrated.. As a consequence the war against the city. With the city, Minor. it is a very Short time since sacies by which the Turks have al senii-official statement came from most oblitgrated them. If they. liave most extraordinary precautions were shut In Its fail was only a question the effect that, the retaliated on occasion the provocation taken for the protection of these visi. Washington to of European �of time. a 'Ome -a' ' 8- Th's FAMIA atimAt- 11' rding r administration was against has. been great, American .. relief S me -sections (v. 3). It In e S ny such particl Ation. The change of workers arereported being driven out ne get over the idea for c t. is eve Turk atrocities ra. � to'advance ed that one-third of the people of Jeru- a car to ito Ora �r Ver b dictated by humani- of the areas wh ag murd, good way influm- that cause, thereas the effect -is us.. malem'dled of starvation. tarian rathen than by pohde4l mot- are being carried on, the Turks mak thei w yond ives, if so it'fi refreshing, f% whil� ing the excuse that these workers are ually contrary. lh Zodeklati's Flight and Fate (vy, a nay not ave the really acting in the interests of con- t 4 mere investigation i cession seekers. 'Reports from Moscow declare tha 3- ZMli City was Broken UVI (T. 4). in ep9rity of Christians who are reput- in , danger of . extinction by the Nikolas Lenine, the head of the Rus The Chalde'an had succeeded In mak On( .- An airplAne, invisible to the spec - Turks, it may move the, nations mak sian government, is too seriously ill Ing.'s;h 'opening in the wall so large ures e active steps to tators below, and said to have been id -must take a long rest ing the inquiry to tak to carry on an that they. could make their way Into the B in a manouevring two miles high, has been save. the remnantg. - NO nation is, - away from all political and govern- tb� city tu spit* of all that the He- petiti better position financially and other- doing remarkable stunts in advertis- al ing for the edift�n of London mental activities. It has often been brown could do; Resistance was car- first wis6, to take the.lead in such practio It is, claimed that five million predicted that if Lenine Was compel- ried. on.to the bitter end. comp to $, than the United States.. For folks. led to relinquish th6 helm* there would a P present howev that, countr3� people in the British capital were able be another revolution in -Russia. 2. Zedeklah'a Flight (vi 4). The king only the er, like th, r e others, does not bind itself to to read without. the slightest difficul.. e st;0r- with his men of.wa"ed by night to- gav -of amoke There are no signs of that in th the I) Anything more than an investigation. ty, advertising in letters ids that come from that country. The, wxrd the plain. Is object, no doubt, Thl It evenqualifies that with a sugges- Seven hundred- yards in length, and world has come to accept conditions vras to cross the Jordan at Jericho ain tiou that another, committee be form- hundreds of yards wide and literally as being for the Russians thenf- at Oi f i of written, in the sky. These smoke let- there and bider In 'the mountaing ea ed to investigate counter -charges Selves to. make or break. There is Jordan. th6 Turks against 'the Greeks and the ter& came from.a box in the airplane, mucil that. the world would like to cup Armenians, -It,is-also suggested that fixed behind the rudder, the pilot con- 3.2edeklah's Fiat* (vy. 5-7). (1) He Ing c - They remain in see changed there, but any idea'rof the two conunittees unite so that in- trolling the flow outsiders attempting to do it has was overtpken in the planer I of Jericho Boys stead of a report nierely aj r to the the aik for five minutes and can be re- 'been abandoned. There will bd -an- When his light was discovered with cap- kindl truth of allegations that theJurks pented at -will by the airman. - AsAhe other opportunity, this time at the the Chaldean. -army vu�ued and' arb -massacring all the Christians writing,:has. to be done backwardi for Russia to disclose her aV tured him. � 42) He wwas brought to F there will be a report on a wide -scale great skill has to be exercised in.the thb: allied powem for, the king of Babylon at ItIblah (Y. 6). 2rn:1 as to the condi4ons generally handling of the machine. The bliem- titude 'toward nd the future. 'If she r*lah was a- town north of Damas the I In London ioal-process for the production of the the ]prQseht a eus. Secre throughout Asia Minor. ' still declines t,q work with. them then It was the king*& boaQuarters from fice$, the entrance of the'- Uniteo States in smoke is, a secret ivhleh belong, to . are that she which he directed his armies against any capacity is welcomed. In Paris. Major Savage of the British Air Min- allr the probabilities Will the question is asked as to whether it istry's. force., and who has been -car- be left as much � alone as is possible Tyre and Jaiusalem. Before Neb- . experiments for a �num� until the task of working out her owni means that the. policy of holding A- rying on his salvation is completed. uchadnezzar, Zedeklah was tried as loof froin the politicall affairs of tfie. ber of years. The success he has at- a criminal. (8) His fate (Y. I). His old world is to be abandoned. It is taified open't a wide field for the air- In his vlghU his eyes Ifi$ a atra-ng6 coincidence 'that at son% were slain argued. that ho nation can touch any planes. AS a novelty such advertia�r matter connected with Asia Minor ing is sure, to be popular for a while' is time there should also be a -crisis were pqt out; be was bound with fo.t i 'the r Russian church.. It has been We of b4ns; and they carried him without touching -the European poli- if it -can be done at reasonable cost.' tical tangle, French political stud- But it is more in respect to the possi, br Ught about, so far as carf be read to Babylon where he remalneg prIs h b med to -the flying- rbet*�en the lines of the despatches, oner until the day of bie. deRth Q61'. r _&f.4 -ask Who 19 -'to make­the--J�rTA bilities that ar�,- ope T f machine as a carrier of smoke screens by the action Pf Patriarch Tikh6n, in 52:11). nove to put a stop to the actions �-9 eks should both and poisom gas, in -warfare that many abdicating his 'tipn as head of the W post -.111. jorusalem Destroyed (vv. &10). either Turks, or. Gre c be found gailtyj or who is to act if militiiry men will turn.' There is a church, following d circular Ietter The dimentling of the city w1a d0- celon that "war iii the sent to the r prfiesthood� urging them things are found in.such a hopeless. growing convi not to give layed a mouth, perbalin awaiting In part than is n _ ot Up the property of the muddle that only strong hand action air" will play a greater jets. r ieviki who ha structions from Nebucliadnitzzar, who can. Straighten them out. There are yet drearneid r of in coming confl church to the Bola) ve was at itiblah. complications because -the French are notwithstanding all the efforts been seizing, the.jewels and precious undoubtedly sympathetic towards the �ehiinr-g made to abolish war. ornaments and selling Ahem to buy I., They Burnt the Houn of the.Lord *, *: * F and ship supplies to the famine dis- (v. Q). This .. rthe sacred temple� Turk Nationalists I 'ed by Xustapha The result of*the letter, it is built by Solomon with additlonn and Kemal, while British sympathies have Soveral steel companies in the "Un-, Victs, been largely with the Greeks iA their ited States have been cited to appear c aimed, was that the clergy incited modificaijons.. Befate buralnilt7they WN ..aspirations in Anatolia whened Xemal in Washington next month to show riots in a number of places which plundered It of &It its sacred contents. - In the cause why a permanent order should were only suppressed After blood had 2. Burnt the King's House (T. 9). is, V desires to drive them out been shed, - A number of, priests This WsS r . the doubtless the palace built were tried and ordered to be put,to Our death and the Patriarch abdicated. by Solomon. 3. Burnt All the Houses of Je;4. fact His action is said to have caused a e Implication Is that. ear Autp Riding is a Pleasure sensation throughout the, country� salem (14 9). Th C There has been a split in the church the common houses were left for the but itself over this step, and Shrewd Eng- people (v. i2)..� This provided the auto 'tires tire lish observers who /are trying to read 4. They Broke DOWA the Wells Of qual its effe6t upon the Russian mind are Jerusalem. The lim.was to render be r right. When 1�ou use ouetites actua�ily of -the opinion thaf it will re. I the walls useless. as a means of.de-. you cannot e mplain of.,rough sult in a )reforination of the church 0 that will have far, reaching results, fense.. roads or a burnpety car� Our One is of opinion that there will be a IV. r The 016position of the People tires will WAO almost &nY car revival of religious fervor in Russia (vv. 11, 12). ride like'velvet, We handle all that will have a'profound effect on 1. Carried Them Into Captivity (T. future events in the great country 11). The people who were left In the the reliable standar4 makes, in that jar, Suffering so much, largely city and those who had deserted 'to nd of, through the excegges of its own peo. the Babylonlanswere carried to Baby - standard sizes. for any ki ple. Ion; all such as would be of use In car. Before purchasing another Babylon. tire or inner tube, look over, At Stockholm a', ifbititral coiiiinis 2. The Poorest of the Lxnd Were our stock. If we haven't the gion consisting)of men from Hol Left (v. 12). The people who would tire you want, We'll get li for Norway, Switzerland and Swed , i you quickly, in session with a viewto exa i in not likely make any trouble were left into the caus0s of th - e world war. so vine-dreagers and humbindmen. Vulcanizing andfRetreading Historians, jurists and military men Doubtlesg they were looking forward conipwe the majority of the confer- to colonization by foreign peoples. The ence. One wonders what they expect object in leavinj these people wag that the country might be ready for their H. J. FISHER or hope to find. It is 9( 1'tMlly be lie�cd thaf t1ii countries' iiientioned coming. Over these people Gedalia'h Hainilton St- The Vulcanizer Godericho Ont. fared very well in �k monetury way th head - 'during the conflict, even if it did was appointed as governor, wl cost some of them a great amount of quarters at litzpah. -A money To xcep watch and gua over their frontier. No -finding that To the Thief; they could make would be acqptable Let him that stole, steel w) more.; to all the nations that wore directly but rather let him labor, working with involved in the conflict, but it will be his hinds the thint which In good, interesting none the less. The ma. jority of those in the allied and as. 'no that lie -may bave to give to him that seedeth.-Epheslans 4:28. soeiated countries will doubt al- ways believe that the eause of the war was a man who lost his kingdom The Gesstne" of 4od's Mercy. and his title as a consequence of his Remember me, 0 my God, and sp!Lr* folly, nataely the fortner Emperor of me according to the greatness Of My Germany. The world is not worry- merey,--Nehemiah 13:22. ing so much thke day5 as to who ia responsible for the -war, as it ho about No Peace for Thom, clearing *Iway -th'e Aroublf-a -tiffit -wie4 main and avoiding, another war. . Ev- 'There' Is " no V#Icf, Xxltt`t1(V;1*fd, larouaed ery (Jay of peace is a day gained for humanity,. . . considerable contro ve my, and ]British monpy'ig making new re- the question 89 to the eligibility oS cord5 on the Now York exchange ev. the, fair sex for the bench wan no ery day. It ir; higher than it 11*9 doubt prOmptfd by that civotit.- In been for three yearsi and there is hOPO France women are asking for the -that it will not again react to some: .11ts Which 'have voting and other rig of' the low figuroi Of "mParativOy long been granted in a number of recent niont1r,,. other countrim. 0 * * 0 . - L ot Pollock, the Attorney Sir E'rtle, Its Quality SZ40ii'The fact that General Answering a quic-stion In the so inany, thousands of intelligent peo. Britiab 11ouee of Commoni, said that le continue t o une Dr. Thotnwil Ee- fliere wa.q nothing to prevent proper- ectric Oil npeakn volumei for iti; ly qualified women tieing appointed healing effieleney. Ever minee it wal Judgen in England and woaring the first intr6duetd it lia5 grown stead - wig, gowns and other myrnbols of �u- ily in public favor, owing entirely.to ducial dignity. A woman having its pianifold uteNness in rellovingi ticen called to the b1kr recently, beg and heeling tieknets. Ai A 6Wifie I .01111� � Mafia -Ana I STUDEBAKER builds more Studebaker increased its Celia - six -cylinder cars than any dian, sales 64 per cent in 1921. other manufacturer because though the industry, as a w". Studebaker buildit them better. showed a falling of of nearly 45 We can show'�you many definite per rent. 1922, up to May Ist. shows a gain of 143 per coat k points of *uperiority, in the Studebaker"% production in the Special -Six that Prove th, 18 V. S. and Cgoada over the �somo statement. In times of close competition. period of 192 1. meritwilis. Todaycocapetitionin Studvbakersalesre�orda tell thisir automobiles is keenert6nit ever own stoy. The buying public was, because people are buying has declared forStudelmkor moreorefully than theyeverdid. superiority. Towino. $2075, Roodow (2 Post.). $200, Roo4v (4 -Pau.). $207s: Coupit, 03050, Sedanif $3250. All pricts A a. 4. Walkwolk Ow. -To F, Htj"'LLAND - EAST STREET GARAGE PHONE 243 Goderich. -Ont. T H I S 1 5 A S T U D E B A K, E R its, �uriis, Scalds, and various matory pains. its record is be - reproach, THE WESTERN FAIR Sept. 9th to * 16th, 1922 .of the most interesting feat. - of last year's Exhibition was oys' and Girls' calf feeding com- on which was put on for the time. There were thirty-two etitors and although there were fifteen prizes given, the Bcard a prize of $10 cash to each of er contestants. a competition will lie r�peated this year on similar conditions rat prize belnJ4 f100 and u silver h'.addition to his a yearly feed- ompetition will be put on for and Girls someAhat similar, generous prizes which have been y.donated by Mr. Weld of. The a' Advocate and Mr. Fraleigh at, Ont. All information is 'in rize List. Send for one to the tary, A. M. Hunt, General Of - London, Ont. =1 KOREEN Natur-e!s Own Remedy-Guarantood, for DANDRUFF and i7ALLING HAIR SOXETIIING absolutely diffe'rent and IIA141.041Y better -a romedy which contains 00 011, 4960-10, coloring matter or alcohol. XORRRN illolufts $1000 . r san4a. 64jisce4l; healing ibgredients taken from, rive RFEIT to Harrison Hot springs7bagish Columbia's 4004 tho F fo health resort, where An have been relieved will be paid for the of skin dis"Bea. Prepared and for sale by. first case of Daud- Christie Rimmer Sales Co.# Ud. ruff or falling baic which XOREEN 81,11 1.ombard St...Toronto. Pkox* Adel. 292 falls to romiody. ice. $1,50, it y9ur lioOstage prepaid on receipt of pr druggist cannot supply you. t(WMA N.1 ATI�VER YOUR MOTOR TROUBLE e will locate it quickly and make necessary rep4irs without delay. ability to give 4ulck and satis- ry results is the result of many sl experience as motor experts, not, only want you as a patron; We want to keep your patronage. policy assures you that both the iX of ourj�ork and the prisce'will, ig RAG. WILLIAMS most st"at oft"Alge ,Phone 243 N TT ff! btBsfjamine*urfiA Nowis the time to have your battery freshly charged and put into condition for the summer season. No matter what make.of but- tery you I have, do not hesit2te, tO usc Prest-O-Lite Service Stations. -You are sure to find a battery ex- pert upon whose serv-ke you call depend. ., He will. prolong the life of your bd, tery. He will not tell you t PA up whato that you zieed a new battery unle�ss you do. .: 0-n-n- Prest-O-Lite service is overywhero But, if your battery is done, he will tell you the style and size- of Prest-0. you go. More tfian 800 Prest-0-Lito Lite Storage Battery that is suited to ,Service stations in Canada will plro,�- your car. I it is veo . important tbat long, the I ife of your battery and keep bat. it Up to fUll efflejeney'. .,-,the batt#ry you bay ls,lhe right, tery for your car. 10() per cent. Canadian Made T. F. HOLLANO f,1 FAqt Street Garage For AD Sorts of Repairs hiing---yo-4-ir car WAWA. prage For Battery Repair work, we bave engaged 0 a good man and guarantee satisfaction. We liave instaAled a large TONGAR 'BATTERY CHARGER pi. and a complete Stock of instruments and I , . parts for rebuilding allmakei'of batteries, 0A r"s gas 83 DAVIS GARAGE. SOUTH STREET 0=0 GODERWIl PHONE 243 U&or�iiianavicl& TO r THE OLD 0 A as