HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-06-15, Page 4-_ - - -_ � � -No '"N' I -am - - I - __ - T, __ -, ­_ -------, - - __WMr - - . - _-, ­ _. -Flow 7 ­ -T411�-"T,rf--V9! I -1 __ h�r - , _.�X . - , � 7 1. -- _. _ __11 1 _04qw, 1 � ­ ,.- , . . . I - I I 1'. " I I ­, I ­ �M - - 0 1_ __ --r-_40�­ , I . , " - I . 7 1 1 ( I ; � I i �. ­ - �- --- � ­_ _. ., i� MIN iii !i � � 1-1 ­ 1. - - __ I - ­­ __ ---.-"-.i,i' _W_ __ 1 ~0046� 1 ___ I .1 ­ . � . ­ F 01111 l�111111 111�11,4400" I 11 1:1XIOP, 100 IN "_ -I I I - -_ , -, -.RSDAY, JUNE 151h � - -, - I I'll. 11� � THI - 19M . __.- I , ! , I I � � 11 I �_.�­ _. I I Im C100RAX" 3TAX 110011101011:111i:liiiiiiiiiii 0=11.011,110, lmitilillillim V1414101 "t* I . 1. ..1. � � I'llilli.illill" I =1.10 Ill 11111:111 1111:111111111 ­ _. I --- ,_ " I --- --- � ­ W411:111111: 11100,111,1�IINIINIPO =IMNOII:Iilllllllllliilill 0-11-0 " I- . 11.11 �. I . - 1� ,,,, ---- - - __ 11 - ------- � M_:! 0 4* OP- . 11 Z� I 1110 r" I �... I I F;�ia . ; ; 1. _ , , ____ � ; ---- No.-_! te had from the Vnitod states rm cmmtyc 41 Two Mille for Go" ROO& - ­ I I � � �Ufrajo� With rciery 14(ilityp - I. be OUIIC � We reconnuend that au A-Smislii ilt �1119 of the Ilew Govk0went h s I. of two Mills on the dollar for go"od Irl . ;�A W made to raise the .1 . 4. , (Continued fro, in " .04 -page) gum a ;S5,0Q,SWO frwwu whole W OUR OTTAWA L 'Rbeea unable to bring out a, Single i TA read parpoaes I an to the diWrCdit Of the Xfightn -, I White T thosawHealthy Gns I I I winistraVon-a fine record inde , in I ­­ ­ �. 1­�__ I-,---- owmtA ... -,."s � "I'll - I is A Poor View` of the tMMendOUS prc*su of ty road au QVIr4tende-449 WO rC,.Pr,4. go grants to towns an � gils, . Mr. SoNiat Oas J -in the V we recommend that bylaw No , � , astified His Own Statwild That PO"tk's 1i finanelal affairs I'llend-nourallon. dr- a follow - hat .1 11jW#416, (;11=4 earriW o1j'Forike SA04f Nwtf war years, � nd a ("Alean Mouth 1, - . * Re c-ominunicatiou from the Qn� 1922, be amended as follow a I � � it wall not gincrall'y 1known�-Cer. ich be VOW, of Ottawa rio Municipal Association a0king the laut to Goder A public outside for payment of membet"111P fcc 0 winit-Cm. *51,ow and that the town . at Sir Heavy Vrsy- as %he of Clinton be raze aft wore unawabc-th, taut of $11ift 1. FMS To IMPLEMENT 'LIBERAL TARIFF PLOGES t 5nly the the House virtual- 126. we recommend no. actlo We further recommen that the War, I people. who, uso 1clenzo Dental Creme reg- . ltowcamo do*n to matter was dealt with in ourpla-auary � 11 ­ .. . ly from a 4�1% bed to deliver hic rejtrL , den be authorized to enter into agree- - keeps their tceth white , - I I skc6u . ou*t�e budget as 0PpOsjtjQn e c Uqunty Monts with the towns of Vivgham. . ularly tell US that it I �� , , . IU F;"%#. saltot Rai to Moa :Firs from Ali NbMss 1"Jili'49 6vitic. Followi werious, ,orsimunication from the -solution Goilerich, Clinton and the village Of ,d their m0uths heal- . guanvial X f Waterloo 21111lur I t .9 re 'MrAll M -t Hensall, providing for grants under _�,tbeir gums firm -au , ( . 11W owersmot Sk � illness in the f4mily, Sir envy him, o Proviu= thy,,-cleaU, alld comfortable, with thcrooli - . �,,. =�. " I—. _... _ - '. . , be sent the Gow, subsection lof section 5 of the 111911- , . . I I 4q. . I I eelf ouffered an affection of the Mcm. asking them to assume the fuil cost CJ�40 Xlep - - I � I We oyes.,and throat Improvement Act As follows-- - � zo feeling. And 1ClCuzo7J$, a brange3 which m of Provincial Ilighways, wo rev)=- ways au annual grant of $6,766 be , . �_ I .. . "M 1v ,,, That . I ijuno 17tb., m Fieldi s Most of the 14beral Progreesives arc . cry pa$nful, and froM wl&h be Us mend U4 action. ( . budget p1r.0positis have bCenu6d0r11ff1r'e e loug-suffqK.- Yet he took k L of Wingliam for ten f d rifice, al OttAW041 )provt4 by the dental pro- _ qually sy1'.qpAtbo0e and *1fivii not even yet recovered, Re request Of H. J. A. MacHwan - T0440 to, the town ' sac eut� ' - I I r � I but tliere is a eection f his ,rlacc,. and spoke, accordins to, Vill- , and a �yeclal annual levy of I , � �� ec me it does all that any dentri e curious ing, , asicibi " ., ' . fession b' au I � . I 40409 anotbOr fcck' Th arlor nUM_ W( Ty an amendment O q f6r a memorial to the Pro I . . rrrt 61 It is that his crid puld like to I ; custom, next after the Finance' W6 606 Z1115"Or 4040.16 be raiscd for , frice ought to do. Try it. I . opposition its Own, if tbe Ilousc rules Vermitt,ed cial Government, requesting '00 tak- I . , es ­ I � do not IL A. JR be - ,� � I I rea not; alone in the loyt Oi Ister, delivering an address which uu- jug over of the 1ake RoaA QU tbQ ten Wears. I 10 .- ' , ranks, but Come from, the Government which the knesses west of the County is &Provincial. � That an annual grant of $3,055 ' � , Id covered most Of the Many weu I I . . � I I . - , osals and put for ude to the village of Hensall for I $We as well, prote-otibn1st liberals Spring,fiel , is $at(( to be leader o',of the budget pro Highway, we recommend no, iv:tlou. - In . I , , � , , , , � object to lowered duties; irce-traders tbO *Inir, �Uid big encounter witli Rt. ward 4 number opconstructive CrIti- ten years and -A special Annual levy 1j, i� , Hen. Arthur Melghen during the de- elsins as won, No one understand$ 11, ic M I -1 A) and 1, I. 't o not low. ,o 1"IttRe Me$sro, kle 7i4 millp, Or $1,878 be raised for ' � Complain bcvauso there, w � er bate may bo,quotQ4 by way Of pre- better than the vX-Millister the pvo� 1)ouglas moved that the first clause of years. . I re .. . " ertil forl ent ,And (as to- advisory , ,449.42 1 . � 1 ., : Vr... T12o Increascd sales ,- U-11 I ten , The Rexall Drug Ste ' sentilig a bird's'eye view of the situa afnT,ICUItUvaI R000010ii, - That an Anulul, grant of $3 . tax, the exeise.on. beet sugar, the tion: . . blems of the finance departm. be not concerned " Ud W-0 0 , . be made td the town of Qoderjoh and - I 1-in4eed, every the technical aspects pf tho C carried. I 111so , r $1778.25 . I . I I stamp tax ably b4a been Avritlw Mr. Meighm-Does my bon. money matters. . I . . H. C. DUNLOPt P11114- B0 . , . . *be budgeti prob. believe In the. aking po. agwbat ReR�ivo to goads And Bridge to Be 4 special levy' of "A in I . . , A by members behin4 Mr. Field- be raised for ten -yen 0. . 0 . , I � , I elzc . litical promises' and then . Violating The Government In in a soln 51440, at Qnce .. That a grant of ff,500 be made to . � .1 I . " 0M.Nowan-k-mm- � . - I Ing himself, aswell as Conservatives embarassing situation with respect to No.== - - . . I � them In office? I � The road and bridge committeere- the town of Clinton and a special levy, ­ ­ Iq I . __ . . - I - . I . . . . aid PrognsylVes. Liberals are pro. the oleomargarine controversy. The . Min � - . o Mr. Uocy,J certainly do not �epalvs, etc., of 1 be ... � 0 � .... . . � . � . Pared to talk aga-154,cortain of, the why does th House recently voted On A n9n,P*rtY c0mlilcudO tha" of 1,10 mil, raised this im_ - %0 kfw%o I . I . I I " proposals, and to explain to theVot- Mr, M019hOn-4hy e dlylsion, against Prohibition of' the or importance to county bridgps and Re oliiiig of goupty roads in vil- -7 -7,- - � . .. I I . .. 't. . ace minister tbo-shortcom� 1101ii gentleman refuse-to'censilire that importation- skgd iiianufacture of this their approaches be attended to bY igie � . I .1 . . . , . a of Blyth aod Bayfield we re- I .1 . I I . . . � . iron final . . I _ p� . . A , -­ . - 1 is budget -but theyinake it pra�ticcr -71 ani butter substitdt�. Any bill to be 'the county engineer and,that he be co�imond the same regulations * I P I I * . " " I �Msof hi -not 'do4ling with JCCIB,on Would normal. instructed fo have these repairs made ply to Police villages6tbat the village � Mr. noey . I ­ Rob* s - 1�learjkt tho,same-tinio. jblit-tbey Vote tbc fiamed,,on-the � M., in . . L . I I. 1. . . be - ' pa, , . . I 1. .. cj� , I I is oso What if the X,ib,t tbe-cousurc; I vim de4lipg with brought � � - I � I . .. 11 I I 4 I .4 . ril. In b . Speciats at- � y the -Minister ,of AsI soon as possible. y-4(�porcent.oft. cost. . .1 I .. I . I - . : -�cdluie6. - with a � , precige F e from which the censum I ,,ersl ftity did- solemnly pledge itself An9l %gricaltute, but Hon. W, I- Mother, Re account of . 490i[�fer'iravellini P finatice committee dealt lie au- . - . I I . - I I . I . I . 11 .. to Juirlen C leo, in thoin- ps, of MeXillop and Morris, we re, 41t,ors, repor% recommended that the 'S 'tarday and Alonday . . . . . ient by legislAt on all man- Placing myself � 10 the position of moil was one of those who4oke and' a reaches . to Gregg's Widget town number of a.ccounts-and, as i6 t � , ,ner o pledZes-Which. Are ,low 19110r- Members to IrOy right' 1 could not oon- voted for exclusion Of 0 . xr, . for a I I . - scientious censlare any Government co clause as to auditing quarterly be I I . . � �edl As #6n. J. B, 51. Baxter ex I � Ise by terests of the dai7 industry. His mmend that this be paid. I . � � . 1. � I . . 11 . , . . r not. to) owing a wrong prom . 0 � I . . I . . 'IT, I . . ',-- A . "Med bl-tbo House,- "'The prospect 10 . . � colleague, Mr. Fie] mg� bu the other The cOuntY,PrQPeAY COMMItt e rO- not.concurred in. . " . I I . I I I I I I . �, . � . . � ------. ,, 7­7-­­­__� A . � , at a return to poWer was the glory, of wrong action, - " hand, is, against restriction of 'the ported as follows' That clauses 5 and 6 be adhered to. . ts-made"OF ... � . I , it all-tbe bopoof power a _ Mr. Melghen- o q ougreunds, i)f Per- nnliL --�-�-o-pai,r-,iuouls-worlc--'boo I . fl ' , nd the rea- The amendment does commodity, chi fl --- '117 We visited, the Children's Shelter 'Them V= W�fP11*W=__W_P,__wWa . .9 .. . - , - . at * Yount - -0--mut--emy -- suggest that , 'the local Municipal � � . ... I � �, , �� L .. lization of poweri" not toudenin a, f lure to dQF 'Wrong,, zonal liberty. r. o�her*OU wx =d .-tvo 011114M I I cream elk with to4caP,'heeVY leather, . I I . ces of this Itcondemns the making.of a proin- . - We were, pleas- . . f . . I , outstandin be on- delicate 6 or thing In good order. 45) 1 -11 , Tho g instan, ground ,As sponsor (continue& on, p4ge,., . . :J � i'l I �41t� that Over Ise and,the bre4dng thojoof; and that ag the old Wt . I . . . . . 1, -,,� � � -shadows *U . 1 4% bill �repeali I to. see'a piano in the s ter, a, Emitm� , � . " sol.6, -regular $5,,boj all . Sizes to. clear . � I 1�� I prohibitory I . t- . vaity 101 , e( 301 I I 11 . . '� � jUe -roay be i 1. Raymond, ractice the 'he � V I., - R. gentleman sky$ he law, at prose, i �suspeudeil, but it from Mr. McKay, of G oneb. We - �1 . . .k4oted, W. 4. . u I -MARKETS I . . ) � � I lAberol i- glinself; condemuse . a and repairs to GOIDEMCH at $3 $0 . I . . .1 . - � ,%udiookt�.o in Brantford - fg- there Is no bill thi* OPW4011, Mania- recommend new Rep., . , . I . . . � . 1. I � . � nored the Xa*ouK­p1*tforMrwj1h its Mr. Oper-In WtY Opinion the a- facture and tin rtAtJO ,must 0ease the -'roof of sheltei, and also the pur. Wheht ­......=* 1.85 .t'o 1.40 1 . � . I ., . I . � . I . I � . . . � I � 'Iements!, and van 08 Rpm- mendment to wholly unwotthy' Of 4 1 1 MOW � le w -be cbaxo%of-�100 it. of b,41f-incb base, - 8.75 to 4.00 1 5 doz .men's bluedbambra 'work. , . � I I . . ,time A!" , on Sept. lat. ould ,I , Flour, per owt,, lamilY . . . y - �� - 1� , V_ 'Molgheu - Goverlt- groat tar r and a great leader. legal until -nex. M..Ati - 14AW. We.visite4'the jail ,and f6004 a#- Iour, patent,.*.... 4.50 to. 4.64 I I . .. .1 . �. , - . 1, � - . .. ��. ... " . . ,9 t Marob There . . 7. $p6clafto. Clear , , : , I . %. . � . . . � I ­­ ,is The' Mr. u - It is not a Iresit Party � 16+14% hit , brytbing neat.and .clean, one prison- ran per top.;..... 8%00 to 81-00 I . Shirts, 0 11 � . � . - wo; �ssiailed Iii his riding for: -PAJ&y be another, battle In t use. :r in tha Jail, and we recommend that 1. ;�Siies x4t � .. . .. I. ment Mn� HOEY­A GH AT 4 . , . . baving insdo certain cuts in Imple- ra, June 8th.- �, 60. W. & ShoRs, per ton.'.,.. 32,00to 33.00 , . . . . . . .. �. � I � QUEAT LEADER? WITH Ott" Oa .- . - + I . I 1. . I . I I , L I mot ilutioll .%nd for b%ving VoTMW AND A r I. Fielding's .open repu' , ' on. of the he 'be removed to. the U4080 -Of Re- ts . 1. I .....t.'. ,40 to, 45 �� . , , at 95c. � ... . I , I., : , I I , . . .. . I NATURAL AND ACQUIRED AB' i Ito' Is a ,Ayeek 'caused fuge. , We also recommend the pur� ' * ' " � . . . . � . . . . I .1 � 11 . ''. r I I Am; -AS 'a tafilliorary measuri, free SPARE Liberal fiscal VO, , � Barley ...... . � ... il. 60 to 0.65 . . . . . . I . I . . . I I valued under LITY, AND ENOUGH TO � -T, MAI' ' unequilled .chase of 26 it. of balf-bleb hose. . I . .11 I . .. � ' . . I � . I . tntiy� of Arm tractors , � a, sensation in Par laine . I Buckwheat - - - 90 to 1.00 1. I 5o pair men's khaki pauts with. I I I : I I & Vv- a 15.0 1 1. . r ,,- . Min rvviit 0 in many yea I rs, . ror A, ance 14in. We recowmend that 100 it. of half- : *'­­ 20.00 to' 0 e , ': .. . .., � . ­ I . � . ;1,4 '. Mr. R*9,mond defeated the Western, Ontario L Progressives, as iose be purchased for the, re-� 114 -.46- to. 25 1; to clear . � . � � ' - "' . ,� altft Momber W, F. 0XItahlltt� 81 t out are Dot later to openly declare tlot he never inch. I I sulie; * ..0 ...... '"' , . I" :� ,, C%Iff .And b0t loops, all :Sizes. . I . . _ tecently, a brou Accepted -or bad faith in big porty's gistrY 011100- . * T, , 10,00, to 1800 / 'T . I I . . . I the debate ba Hogs 1'11_1�::f _,.:,�", . I , . � . � . . t03WUteut 'Pro6tioulbe. , f �, I , . �, 1paniod a Bran (nearly go, cocksure a� ut tr Hey is uuprec�dented in Canadian W� exatufnW the Court House aud Eggs "' �, � . t , , . . 1. . '. It lie &tcoir tford delega. ee trade , .4- * . , . . . # . i's, , 26 10 1 20 11 ,..". - � at.V-75- � 11 I I I - as the Western grain growers. Wit- , at some repairs be � I .1� , , -1 ` . . I I '. . tion to Mr. Fielding to urge that !in . 9101story. The io � . Potatoes, 0! 1)24 ...... I 00 to �1 25 I Ilain 'Elliott (South, Waterl ndiation came I dut- recommend. th .11 ' L ' ' 00 mad% to the furnace and that 120 feet Cattle, - C oloff* �', ' ' L " ' 11 ' I , owert the . q I fteral X on col would Xelghen oi the budge I t, who d of half, . .�, '* 1,-'7..00 [ I �, . . ', 1, . I .. . � . � , , �i, I- . - re 1. .., I 11 111. . � .. . Vesper � ! . " _�A$JaQ,U� ' � .1 m ' RO , 'S , ' � l ment A%rtie%. re'*Rju. . The , now ) the Rt Hen. Arthiii go : 1. C""' tart cited a tariff mmission, AN, AAVO' Ing the speech I -be _, � �, ;,* '.. r., I , ft,,et .I r4wing c -inch hose purchased. i I Cattle, ordinar:�­­`- - 4'.50 to 5,50 �i_ 1, , i , .. . 4 , � 4W *U i e.itoma upon which the go so far as to approv6such In We recommend that a mew flag be 8 to , BIN tho' attention of Pgrliamo*t. to the Bolega . . � . . _ mission y -1 .1 . ,,, . I I �. ii ord do- f r ,tion as that cow purchased for the court houge. ea n4)3uUs. per IN 1s .. � � I . ., .� , t it,y Of MOLnUfA00109 Bra it 11 ,rotoo Liberal'fiscal Policy at, PreSentgdL 'to � lai4bs �,, �.: o 11, to ' Vi . � I I I . I , c )pie and -the failure of the Gov. . -1 - - I � � 'k . vend#, and makes tkact6fs POrMAIP, !wou 4 award Industri Re motion of Messrs. Douglas and Sheep. - ....'�, .o.v W 4. to , 4 �' 1. . � I . � - - I . � 1, mend their cases. Even W-1 C. 00 I f t =t to implomen,t.1ts promiAes, Tipling with reference to painting to 3.00 _!V%0WWW - 4 %~4%Aho , qw:: ,.I :6, - ent* duty.foe�, .,Does Mr. Rides 4.'e-�-'.­#,.:"3,00 ­ I --- - - -1 � I. - , I U_ , t, approved protection of hifallt ­ . -_ I ! . � .., - .0 . J � .4, mak- Bran 0 AlWhat is to be thought of the 01- seats, we recommend -,no action, tit . -_ -_ - I . . I 1 I I prot �. est? ftl� to the extent, he preferred " ,� . .- - - 11 I I . . . . I I .1 I ., �qh in the House in tavor of Industries, khough croscopioreduatious mado here in re- present. -_ -_ - 1.� - . . ,. . 1. I.. . . I... . I I .- I - I ,. . .1 . . . . I . I I - "X as ( es to .tariff protoc#ou,a lation. to the pledge of the Liberal � :, , � ... I I � I . I � I r , _1 . vtotectrN, Ile explikins tbathe must straight bomisl We recommend that the pixones ' in ' I . � , " . � � . . I � . I � . !...A� Low, of South an e1191 -t . � I � . .. I ., I . � I . 11 Aupport the budget and the Govern- Indeed; Hem 1Idgy,,V,nj4g ventured party, a pledge en orsed by the pro- the clerk's, 'theriffloo, 6unty - it . I . . . . . . � " . �. � _ 14 .. � I � viiAt . betause lie- has alw*Y4 been a Renfrew, on Fr a the, rovince, .sent Minister of ,Finance himself?" e-er's and - po ce inagistrat6's offices , . ., ., . �. VF ^L I 1. I . . 1.�, , I �. � I 9] . . be placed,on 4 single circuit as. form- ' . , TIN C T1, -, M.. SH S I 0 . %Abe asked Mr. Meighen. - ­ . � ! I . .... DIS I . � I .. 1 -4. . . , val and "for reasons .deep within the assertion that � . I ­ . L � . y . . I I . ?V . "'Mr. 'Fieldi Ili. . I . I I . I . , Ir . � . � 11W , " � . . . joy being.0 The trouble lit 1hatthe of, Ontario, the farmers, . ust the 'Ile: my bon, friend ex On Friday � - , , ,. . # . . , . I I . . . .. 1. . I � . I ��. : L I : , . , . ,,��,� 111. : . , , � m Its condu- same as the urban portion of the ro- �utbority for that statement . Morning, -Mr, McNabb Di ..,We,ftl � - ,- , -1� , . *Wtorata van onIX fOr� � � � 401d 'has.'no v � port in the. matter I . �, 1_ ":. � - . � � . FOR, S W � - �. ! Q . . . , slons. front 'Campalgh V110d I may tell him, be is miatkkep. , i made a verbal fe I I . _" . I � �, '' I I It) Xes, . and pillation, it left b) themselves w e- . . I ­ . I .1 I . I I . .. ;.. I � I . ,. . � . I . UMM . . . k I �, \.1 . - I I I ... i I � � ,those reasons deep *1 - i1n, o, candi. appreciate the value of the tariff,, b have'nevoi voted for the tariff Items of the 161st band, Instruments, ta ri!, � I I . .� I . . I I . . . . f , , t .. . I . . �� . . I. . I . I . ''. . . . . I . I . � 1. . . . ­ __. I . udevstaiid that the best of ,the Libe a, _p t r - d, ev ply.to �a question from Dr. Gallow. . � .11 I . -- � � I I . .. *,, 4it0a, being ore not put forward at cause they u r 14 to in An 10 or . . . � I I :. . . I .1 � . . I � \ : .1 I .. '.. . 9 . � I . I . .'.-market they have is the **e mark- cougealed the fact that I did not ap-. .i0hairmau Beavers and Messrso. Er� I , .1�.�A � � . I . I . . � I I . I � 4 ,\. , I I . . .,� election time# :� Clothes may not ma" I .. I . . I . *4� " ' , L � . . 11 , , erstand how fti�ft ­ " ,1&tform in, that respect, win a , account 'of - I . ... ­ I- I)* ` tysunimerfrooks 4a much more attrSOARO', .. . � . I .. . I I . . .4in I . I . 'The other .examp 0 is a Memby let, and I cannot und, f th I ud McNabb gave an - . are 1. . . i . . , ,ep . � . 1. I �, -1 I .- , . � , 1who holds O site VICINS va: tb6 ta . argue from an opgs,iW stAndpolat."I prove o a Convention. . they- give I ­ I .� I . , . , . ! - . � , , . b . . I I . Mr. Meighen. I ace t the, minist- ,the Good Road Mr- , the M'an, but � . shobs., -"Our litkes 0're .f?,r , . .1 . " - . A J. U StSusell, onservative mein* - . . I I '. � . ,. wbon set off by. smart I . . . . I.. I I . . I � I . i c also .is i3eated Whitt 'IF . � I I � . iff th ,I Ir er?a word witboutthe I ightest ieser- McNabb said there yvas.1;re4t divere . . , . . . ' '. . I :� 0 �� O, , enco .of opinion regarding difteirent -if gue sot -him I � . . .� ore distinctive and L b�jjer que4ty. thaii ordinary. � I I � I., 11 �. Mr. FielEng and Mr. King, Andrew bar ter East Elgin, p4t.bls finger On vation, but I foucK th,4t this wat lbo# I i ocia 8 I . . � ro I . . ,. I 11 . . �. I . . . , , . . I I _ . - Ai0.4.. . o, Pro.; 11 I Ood road construction but - 1. '' 1. . � . re *,,apo . phases o , . I I L . . 1. . . .1 a e . .1, � , , . . �,,;,­A�, X-Owigte"juem r or 11rdme; Ist A hO' . t when be.roferred t first time; after on,,.geutle I 4 a 7 . . _ . I .. . ..: shoe . .Th ir-prices are so reasOiiable thg,t'everv, . - . � . � : "I ; Siveii the L % � 1i . . I � . � I � I roalive 'SUPPOA iberal ,ted. .On the w ole . I , ,� I! I a free-trader, and, doesn't care who 9� posite Uve.been Ila power or a that could, e eXpee ' I . . . I I . I � � . I . . i4n. 66e - style.for bup- 1 - - �.� . I � I � id date in some 40ings because of ;o I -was much Valuable dis!' � :''�i . . . I , woM - . - .knows it. He even quizzed Mr. Rap.- W Months, that A 00 in tb be I . . 9,4 should have more th _ . . I , .to -o-oun : iald; there � , � 11 . . I .. . . . . N V , , . . .1 . _ . I I - , mend during his protectio the similarity in the two - partY plat- outside the woft"-� of that c oussion but he thoti n I well. givo YOU, the Style, , I iner. Outing � aboes'of the L -69t by Jorevory - � ''. I I I , nist speeob� 1 , -* that nv6utlon ,ght the conventio . , . , I . 4 1, tojoill. , Havold putmati (Colchester). wo$ tot go good pi previous Ones. . , I . I . . . quAli . I . . I 1. 2 1 1, . ,t -Ile is opposed to the saleS t9j4*6 It :. d: -. . . . . . I I � . � . . .1 �. / I vorks out. One bad just aeltnowleftid litt*460494 to knew that "the presofif Minister of , n.4 6nish , And. ,7014 �. ­ .. . . L. ... . .. avoes,tign. are.no . .. . " ' '". . � I � .,. . . . .1 would think there, . 111viance dlosinted fOrA ther tariff Good 06ads, C*inftission ,Parts 19n- fit- a � 1, . w in ; stock ­ �, I , \ .i - . As 110thin due to. Progressive -Votes. ' - . I I . I I X I � . . ;� - I . 14��,, 41t- 11-11 /I , - 1W ,,tin the whole budget for plank of Vie Liberal platform, ", ` sinsJ415 F-03mates by $1000 i I . � �.. . 1. I 1. � 11 �: � I . .. � I � I . . . I 1. . .1 I . *�� Mr. XoMos rv. How does be justify "SO f4r^$ I W*s able to'ObsOrVE'lu ,Mr. F10414C." my R,t, Hou. 01vid - , n!t kicic - t the� prio�. . � . . . . . I . . , I . The � 000 ,70Q0 ; 060ilislen To- .Wo , a . . . - . . � . , I .� � , � , � �!.. I I . �. I . I.- I , ort? Curiooalg lenought he the last,' c4mV000," W10, Mr.. ,StAn- li the first orson to make that Ot*tl-* ported meeting at"OlfutoftMay 4th to . I I � . � . I � �. . .' \ . . I . � I . I . I I � sell, "Itht st4temeut was Made rop"t- meut, avid . � L. . . ,G - 1` �,,' , � #,�, I" *upp. I � � � I .IWA in it vound for- ope, that'llitl Pth6reford now correct It. ionsider the ogral plan of whik .. � *Omww. - %� R JE PA I P. -I N I I - , , 00 , � I .. I .1 . .. I I I I .. I I . . . � I . � . I . L: � . 1.q , . , ,Gavetmikeot.1i moving toworil a tar- edly tha. thtre was PtAotica tie dff� I boa: one woix1d tbluk for tho *ar� . . . � L' I . I I . I . 11 . . , I , * I . I . rm , the clerkof . .. . . . 1. ... . � . ­ .. I '� I I I � "... . . . I I . . I '. . . .. i � 119 � . i juts on ference between the two b Mr. Meg 11; . . I I W for revoi -P 100 19, that the inister. would not. need to �A latter was. read froni . I . I . . . � \ .. ?y , � , , � . ,, ond-bere to A I .. o I �. , I I I . Confession Which, w I later rise u to and that -the Libor , part3r, if eu- . � , . ''I . 't.� wait until I should insike this state- Ashfield township aiking that. some . . .1 I . I . . . �.. I - 4en of the meirt. to make his position - clear In re act g , put o c � � . . � . I I I . ,It � � . . . I �palrn speaters trusted with the Go erpr n dons 4 F. H. Marth, . I . . I . . .. I I '. . . tonfront lAboral can _' ]IV thf. � surf b be n oneem . . . . � � . � 1: ", : eouihtM viould prove I-eqUa I . � , I � . . - � . .. � . . I . . I . ' . � G___ - : �- I* ontArlo-tariff for revenue is the , _ _ X- the,matter. -The Mthister,of Finance and' 6 aud '84afid 9 As hothing bid . I I . . .1 � Ho* , I 190. MacVICAR : .. I I . . .. , .�, As for Mr. friend of the farmeraikthe litorin 'roads .sin . � . ,-:'- I . I . \ . . ! . I. f4rineiple of free trade. went to 'the convention a contestant been done ork.,thete. � ce they. I . Tia r . � . .- . . L I . . . � . . , . molad, the momber.for Brome AM- Man, as the Progressive -party, �I for the leaaersbip of the laty. were taken into tho, -Good -Roads Sys- . 1. .. I. ,�.. I .1 �. . . . "S" . . . . . � . . Gadoiich . % . am sorry to so: - spoe� . Mr. Fielding. ' My Rt, OIL friend tem. We reco . I I : I f Squa" . . 11 . ( I , , I . i� lim up thus, . . I Y, however, that mineO some work be . � , , �. , . , I � � North 'Side a . . . .. I ... . I . . . � . . - r I � __ ___ ­________­__ �. .11 ­.- - __ - ��i . - ---- -I'Mr r1cod is,4-161boftl. 1, know vhft so fRvL1g011tt1butC4 by members ly torroct,-but we shstll deal . ; � , , V _.... - - - . - . is hard I done hemif funds-- arv,availablev ­ - . -_ : .-P- - .- I .. - ..1____ 1. I . � I - ., ­ . I . of the Progressive r I - ­­,�­_. . . � ­. � � - I �` :i arty she* that in � . 14 1 1 . -_ I . I., I . . � to Is a Liberal. His face -Shows he is st later. ,I . I . The committee d,ftaed'td oil eer-: � � I I --- - W . I � . �, . . . . � �1. cot bIN the present budget they ave tot abli with thl - � � -_ ­ I ,. - - I .. !. � : , a liberal, the tones of his Vol k ; a only ��fQjlow. tain sections 'of 4detitity YOA46 passing I - � ­ __ ='!�' __ . .:, , , I. I.Wl.,( � - 401atAllOr ShOW be to 4 Liberal., But to see that dote resemblauce" Mr. Nelthen..' I ,wA . thrblugb� 4illoges where, villagi�t Made I 11.0 1. � .- L � . I - . . - . � I I . . � . aw. its boa lived too long In 133*nt, SoutInvostern, OntAvio , counties, Ing the words' -of the bon. M101*11 , I . I � particularl$ .Kent, Latubton, Essex for Brome �Mr, McMaster) 'Who was, application w4d. ijo*. to p%40. per. 0W______ - . 31 1 ! owl= . . $Oro, who" Misconception And Ignor- there. But If - cent. of , the cast At the oil. I he cost --- .. I . . . . .. . � . ,W� I . Xxte up . - I er the finance the plat . . . I tvon'the elect do 011-11 arty, and refused to. U tributoi wai aboUt'half the cost of " , I � I so while Mr. Raylilovid sticks to the ace an excise tax of 49 cents a hun- bound by it if returned to power, it ' I , - ; . . . . � � . 1 . e tariff p§edges gred on beet gu 'Progressive the,�Minlster of Pin last year, besides the oil was spread I . I ­ , ,; . , N - on fiscal Matters are such that and Middlesom are much disturbed ov- I I . Minister's decision to ande differed. from form of of applyink the road oil with. the dis-; - , * , I � the liberal p I � � __g*r. , I I .. I 11 . V . . . 'Old party in spite of t ,y I IN . �It - More event . gud� iv More satisfActory; � I . . I lid &Iicve in., Mr. Me aster members for East Litubton and Mid. was his duty distinctly to Any goo to , . I 111.: I . . � I I ,U never i still has hopes dlesol have both protested in the state wherein. he disagreed v'nth the job. Was made. - I WEARI G -APPAREL * ' I ­1�1 I I . . i *ticks to it because be, flatform to make his position per- Tho'comwilttee mot at Slyth May I . . . . I - . 11 . . . I . � I . . 10, WbI1,0 otbers House, and with Mr. Fraser and Mr. . f B I I., . _� . I . I . . Of tht$e same pledgvs. ectly. plain so that no one might be 17th, and decided to, bo a car 0 171- I I 11 I I .. I .� .. I ' � ' I .. . � 1­.� . I 1 1 1 1 � . � it *as never Intended to imp Here ji a Finance Minister, who at-Wintham -Und WrOxetef. - . I . I ��, I I - 1!. . � _­ , .4 JMm, Mr. MoMssttr thinks other.: On Mr. Fielding th urge 'reconsider&. . I �. ­ . . . i .1 - . , I Vise, and reads Mr. Fleldtog. into. vxo tion. 0. H. Houson, general man* cars has been in, 'reality The., moitter'of hedge fences was I I W I leader of !a party openIg acknow- dis�ugsed au4 waik left with -Abe en. . . �E I . K - - - W:�, , I . . h6 Dominion Sugar Com anys � T 4 1 . .. �4 � , � p4natiftl, ,, . 0 s- ' F �. . . � - � . . �If " , . I - tish Columbia fir for ridge flooring I � .,,� I Of the party A . lement putation whWiub.sequently waited decblv4 , . I I � A. busy explaining that Drummond spoke. in support of a de , t - ATH,ER� ger of t WA I I 9 we passed' a with factories at Wallseeburg, ghat� lodging that he never inten ed,lo give gineer to make the b at terms Po . . .1 I . . . . . MAt OtfAws in 191 offeit to his'party's pledges. sible for removal where necessary, . I , _ . . �k- I I � tra& plank in the plifform which I ham and Kitchenert declared that the _ , � 0 . � ,,� ! . . I und plank for the poo� firm liad tio, prospect of. operating at What are the, facts? The Liberal The committee, ivith Engineer Pat� � I . """"In I . I � I . -1 , tarliddit, is a so I -ors . on and Mr Irwim-'of the High- . I . . 1 4, � . � I . . . . . . I . . . .. plo, of this count! i, and after wo pts- a profit this yetf, and the proposed a great convention In 1919 in , t I 0 . . I I It arel for . . �. .1. . .1 I � winister excise, which was `reaIW roote for talatlyw1all f of�muloted a policy And. se- ways Department, Toroutps made a hes our lines of wearing. app . 11 - I , i4d that plank t e resent I _ . at have . � AS' Mid-stimmtr ,,,.,---.- r - - , .. . . . ot growers, st%ted spftifleally leet0d, a leader. 'Mt. Fielding was survey of some Of the roads' tb .. � . : af_"�­-�*_,_� - _�_ , 7_w-=, _1 b -If of Finance, allowed Is"t friends to'110- the Ile 'cot . . I minate ,ova could, 3tot.1poskibly there. H4t wa platform; he approft of the glouttal, plan of widou- mcreases,i.. P10 4 t* - - ib-custo ers , , � h,im As the leader of the !Ab- that the fariv , a 4 member of the a- been -reptired and resurfaced. We 411 I I - fit our4a . .rt think for Ono absorb the. tax, at,present low rates tuittee that drafted the $_ -__0 ­­­ 1. �� --,---- . V . . . � . . .kral ps y would not,only have. was . a, -candidate for leadership, ing ft roads, clearing the water � . . - � il , 7140ment t at the Minister of Finance for beets. The Placing :due gravel At the n'___'_a_'_nd dris -dresi , I . � . � policy was presented eourses, * with � a eat sy GingEat,,,,or a flancy s of Georget.te I , , * �1­ . . ver, aftE!� that platform was to go iout,ot the busintss, mind lose When the fiscal ' . . vould e- . to the convention and ad6pted 'he edges of the road to be drawn in by a . I I . . T tiou of the new Penin. . C903417yy . I � . .. p"Sed, b%vt allowed -h1s friends to t dapted to - it, but the -protest. 'Two hours ater- dra rik . . - . _ e3io ferloenglantix(k _g,ors #11 graderwhen n I C Cr6pe, bu � �V:igca )i1m in noutination bad b6 not w �r made no Canton t we have the right Hat as well. To add ". .I... . * � I I . , Veen s substantial agreemoot with sular Compuyt I a 0.0.0 14 . ktive. Coll- ward Ito presented a r6solution on re- and of i6iaking the approaches to � . . I , I . - it , . ciprocity and gave utterskneo to these bridges wider so is to make travel I ur I I 0 tern, would be h.1ted. fteri get one of 'o ' white Milan straw -brim Hats I -latform." I anyone to' a pr'6t'y high ,sentiment$. I .� hi ng touch . , �. . . I 1h%f P . safer, We believe the crushed stone t fi *Shi .1 f , W41 A "idleg is br ux a I I . � r. FM Finance Min. big ,contract for I : -I claim sineerit, . riot road � � � V treat thing or gravel is Making a suc . - bud. hout 4 change of heart in Mr. Field � " Ing more . . th a haronefte satin crown, or a smart Hat of. organdy or crepe � , ;� � 4 �, - , later, and bas bf,ousht down his. n1h . . I I 4 ­ i I -ft out, Ing, who im reputed to take all these In politles,,and *so it a AM be. - Poll- to the.imerushod gravel, I � . I I � . . . . Ott and the trade plank is It ,re game, it should not uniform And res0sding hotter to th4 . � . vot*lthstardlng P reesive surport suftogtions as more or less reflection 60 Is not A ME � I I I ;1 _ _ . -me. ttaless there Is at Ae I i. � . the bottom of it A, conviction that a . .. . I � . Fishing for scandals, through the I I � . . i : I ­ bmgus _* - . been left during past GINGHAM DRE ; re aster atan(s by, on his �udgirktnt. be a mere, go the useof the diag. chine., for it. Yet Mr. MeAl A A number of eidverts. and shiskll I . et,as he reads the p_ger of his man is doing that which lie believes bridges, have OUR PISSES , 1, I I I I � ­""�y fpry, Aght u to 1911, the liberal I well kuovm Medium of the Public to be right,- unless there is a- cOuvi4- Y�ays In an unsatisfactory state of .0 6 I � I � I I � , party will aot-�in the end, prove re. Accounts Committee, has been high - � . - uzproductive. �Sirice Rt, Hen. tion that the ri1ey thit he bas before repair oil account of Wilt costs, Sind de � In frice from $5.50 to .000 If you preftr a Oile ou" � � orftfit to its ti�ttl villich td Mr. Me &. �they be ran . ; I . ackentle Mat's Own Pet $htll SMA- - is good or the country, then It, this year it is necessary that Sho a ' . ' a . . I trade, . A hint .; . Wsister's mind, Is free - ' We recommend that the eA- i , , i I proWssive's attitude May bo dal was blown Into, tb1fi air by teitl- is a v. miserable game carried on built, ild sartment of 11 at shades, spacially pricel at I The 4 for tre sake of power.$$ gineer be instructed to Make plats see our as ., . , , I ommmed Ur In thet statement that mOnY Of the first wittiest, 00'f0m imenU.- but Mr. Fleldill' and specifleation! for the same and ta, 756. Then againo if- you like , � , t Noble senti s the more" f kind in geor- they donl ike the budget, for a score mittec, has met,but onee. On this W. ' I have the nece8mvy work done where qiro . . I *I but they willit.ot vott for easion at% attempt wim mado by Ub. according to 'his 4011 confission hall I --cl I - - I . of moons , deliberately deceived tho Liberal par. prices are reasonable. I �/ Sl� -1 amendintrit be. ipral members t4i show that,lbe Coon. t was made wl ttees canton crem or iilk taffeta, our prices Aould appeal to 1� .1 . I I I Sir 110"ry Dralton's - than National 1 j ktu In ty and the country lob the fiseal Nsue. An agreeMen tit Mr. I . '. f � . ta**,it ateuses the Libtral Govern -, --. What ist move remark4ble Is that, as P-Ccleston, of Grand aend, whereby gle . I . � tht halilt of discriminatiog against . I ,� I . � . I 1� mftt of 1�polhieal dishohor" and it is NovIC Setotia coal, Here stain the, ht admits, disigroting from his par- the CouhtY it tO be fvon the privi- * . I - Awt the, rioogr(lWive policy to op ty, the neXt day he Taide a stroog bid le-ge for ton years 0, taking gravel YOU I . . I or e0imio-mn tht Govirnmint ... r.4 first,wituess spoilea the amumont bv hIN*nd thus gave full fi�jm, the lake mb.ove for the tum at' . R � � . I I - I � an there in any hope of getti 4�y testit'Y'lat that the C. X. Z carried for the leadors t U U SURNER'SUITP . .1 ILstion Maritime cool *a for am Montreal and ;Fgroval to the t en Policy adopted. $1,1.00, Mr. ECC-ItStOft *gvoellng to IXY I I . � . 4 1 1 own $M,141 It* , , - I . I I. . -6 1111 of their � - a coment road frorn, as teat tht wt I tkeougli it� Item T. A. Crerar un- ,eyen 'Ottawak at a tost ot, 2S to 64 ,at more,oallous regard for politi . the west, along the I . . , 1. . d"Wedly take -i that "sition, and ctnts a tou more th*n at siirply could Cot morality was his suhsequent re. ter's � Edge Ott S"'our grey check worsteds, specially priced for this week . 1. ­ � . 11 � .1 . om wArk (titer his defeat for the lft& st*.,ect as far east as Bossenberry's . . 1. .._ !-"- �_!_ r!�!!!!!T� I I 111111111111 __ - � er8kip) that "platforms *Oro made to botel, or farther if sufficient favids I � I �'. . PW - - - - - - - - - - " I 1. ^0 . ­ ­ . I . .. I . get in on And not th ttand tit." . ate fortbeemitC, no woney to. be, paid " at $17,006 . . . . I ; I , . . Mr. Fioldlog, bok juttifted his owrt by the c-ovftty u,Atj1 the eement road, BUY YOURO"TRAW HAT NOWK. I I . statmebt that politici "is a poor, is tomp-lettA. .1 I miserable Igamo -p*rrled on for the Re t1sim of William Tait tot col. . . The Poliular an make of powo.r.", 119101ft at CIA"",A brw9e, vot rocom- � YOU CAN BE 9HATTED" HERE I � . I I � rower evidence of mond vko actift. � I . , � . � " t r. Vieldin Re clolui �et 6. A. Glenn: for akvl-" � . � I . . I t's dotlieft. Siome of (lent to tar *n 14 n p 1, R M ,. . f , I . . . .*ad 11 ! 1, weaps a. hand4vidloved sul - "Bat tfiere is at 0 orth lot . his Assoeistos at t 6 labtral 'Conven. I * ., tion, declare tl%t on thp� resolutions Itmoall, W* �X "UttO X6 scum. � SUMMER UNDERVEA I UR MEN AND DOW1916 , I I . �. . , . . � -ommittee he wtoted the fiscal pol. Re latter. of Jatspk WIty adiing . . I _ . .. c rot "0~ to Aelf on 4 * & 4 . i0y he tow repudiates. one sots to for expenses I I 0 V7 D.6's Ii b And two-piece #yhs. 11 - I., -Adli, VtOr& in 003 soa000w ot 1021, we a to � AN6 e, V�', W 11r!F . . ", 00 " '. " � ^ ,� - _ T7 - I fir to maY that the greater part of tr v .11 11� e; �:4- � " - . . � Imix Them I , - rtcourAttid raymag of 4144 for ­ __�t_'1�11\1 , 4. ,�_ I �, � , I I f ­t�,,,) * . f Wo 'Mal the ", �, --4A0,_t,' I I ,�,J I ..� � , , / , " '. " ;( i;Al I .1 . � ­ Cl- V __ . �: 4 L 1� _1 � � � I the retolutim was writtoA by Mr ' . - . . ;i * , I I- '\ c".. . � I Fieldint, This in the last eltuto of SAMC ,� - I ;� 1. I �� . A,& oval plefte pow topodiated. Rb Aft6untA 'boo; W"t wavlavio*h including, es"Outinglana Raw , ,�� 1,�� . . Hat,*40*p AppSl%1 , "'And the Lil*qt p*vty kerift for th ilvain% aw"ftt- � - 4z�� . . I everything in INOWS rledge!j Itself to limplement by IWSIIk- jug t6 4 ve mm"moodLM SU I I SIRTS * k Shift i I � (-,-",) --9 . tim the provitions- of thit resolution metit *%wk it'" I ." , "' , __ IN. 1, I ft 0 A M I I I � I I - I when returned to powor." w"YOW Ohm am we rM"- I 11 I , � 86me meekbop of the r"plution no, I" , , I vith. . Gows by the yvil-wks4t satins. Ginghm, 0" � * rnats. '.. �1,14 � Palm "ach suits In otook cerAmitt" 61�..iftted to this ple4e bot mr"i 11buo4t "t" /^ - , - "I " . 't aftoor thf) formtr I 1 14 effett to their PoPes . � * ' - '_ �� , ,�, - � of go xw*mt V_ - 4111, I"? others postatiii to the failure to givt t11* I " WWI% ,,� 4-16 -"In 'a . I c4mvention of 1994 *rA Paid tM%y �.�!��!Ab . �� - �.A . , IV r L P, .1 � � , I V_ lihod to intko it ero", or the I - A* CORN I . 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