HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-06-15, Page 3M
Vni; ASLOAV. JUNE ($ill. W4_1
- ;
-'s''11 VAX(,
Im __ "
�_ �_, -
__ _ ___`_ , ____
. ..J .412,� #M- tinte has
- - ,7:�____:__ - .- 4L ' %_V JV". - IM
.. i � ______ __ __ Jim- aft 0 made 11univrQu* fti,�W,4 by his jchetr-
0 _ . -1, a fat disjwiition, Ile wai 4 life nivat
A __ OF � , , e% , od News Niggets . ber 01 the XQtWdist Church, He is
. Imm MARIMTS oUr EX -
ChngeS surv'veol by Ili% wi4Qw and six 0ild
� MAkENAkIlilliffis a . xviii, namely,, Jos, Mitch0l, %Vii
I I gliant;
swuma - - 40#VWVV VW~ I miss Clara, Zion (1hy. III,; .9� , Nit,
ehfs% Saskatoon, Sasl".. Mrs. Vred
"*O,STQ XAVAINTS. ! Pkked From Rush. Weston; U, X NitchAl. Mani,
000sobe wbeas. 11 too, Man.; an(i Mrs. 11. V. Robiurko%
2FAAK TO BE AFRAID -No. I r�ortttorv, $1,41, $t4vely, Alta. Allot tile 4011IF are
qWWWWO NO, 2 Northern, SI'sVi. WON Gwo Waiies-Fwalic Lkow hs"Osr their home here. i
No. a Northern, 0114'- .... OKA C" I -
� now##", Oats. 0 J. XwW Dio-Mr. vii Un. L H, Win X0V0A t# t"'- .*Mr. *PA Mrs. R. H. Wise 'Novo to
Brosichitli b an acute Wamulatim Of No. X (*.W�, MAC, ,. . um. Marks,, K4rries D&Vjktw #f yr. iiii Sm. Adam - Viliatoot of last Weik (
tu . mums ==btaft lining tU* airtubts so. 9 40M.. souv. I'll I'll --*r. tmfis 00)t, &Ailiji TowiltsWip, Hai Nan*w 10a Monday Velting
of the IW4% and begin$ with chills f01- r�,Xtrjl feco, 46%1. . a large nurAber of fritndg and litelsh.
No. I IrWstuc. � �
lowedby (ever, tightness;Acrosi the chest, � I&W toro fru W11111000 borsj&ther*d at the home of Mr.
dwwtdty W brekthlug, boarstuess, and a tofte okwur it" 4 . sknil t. , V -a
wo. 3 c.W. nomln*v. �. � . I . I 8 E'. Wise. Goderich tou -I
dry. Uv* croupy Qwgh� which is Ill- t1ace hat. On their return they will shnjip, to spe4d a social evening with
ivety , 4,0014"o Corn cvroelt, lroftot% Are Now 1.4*y Reallers . - reside on tbe,Wlse homestead, Tkev. then, before, their departure for their
creased in wet wcather� and by "Oompt swV40*40
Wslit cold. This cough Conics 04 &PAV -No 3 yellow. 77 4c�, Mr. F. 11ollnest"d and Mr. F. G. have the good Wishes of 4 large cIr- new hom# in Clinton, A very pleas.
t 11 11 mod"U'VjsgkUtrallyworse lathemora- No:,$ yellow, 74%e. Neelin, of St. Thomas church, have I cle of frieilds for &.happy and PrOs- ant eNvain-C W14S spent in music and
I aud is Out.* rdk,�td by raising freely- "I'ler. been Made lay readers by the Hisbop� porous future. dancing. puritif
k I is at fir -A whitishan4 No. 3 QM4, 40c to 06c- . Ouse t tho course of tho '
matter toli* � Work on New Soaxotth Power H Ilessall Couple Celebrate GO161i evening Mr. and Mrs. Wise were pro-
[,_ E ; - N hborho
, 1011011104 I " I
I C44"
01 E%ftr
" �
atkky. but -later becomes Of a greenish wovkw%eat- Cossmenced" Wedding . . . sented with a mahog*ny mantel
orytUpwishogocaudissometitAts,stteA* No. 4, ;I.Q0. - I . Work on the pump llouse� ill coil- I Mr. and Mrs, W,M. etlildweli, of clock as a small token of the high
_ . . �
,g-, 64 with blow., - 4 1 live. . � near Hensall, on Monday evening, esteem in which they are held. An
. I . On the Jimt sign of bron0hl .1 2. 9'se, . nection with the new waterworks sys- md expressintr vvgrot
tis YM No. tem to,bei installed in Seaforth was Xay 29th, celebrated their golden address WAS T4
should chool; it lutwoltiltelY bY uuug A11age** (COW 146111 ne"Vetef). commented last Week. �11 wedding. Ten children RVO Oil living at their dePArtur0l As they have al.
15riRa. per top, S2$ to 436. * taken such a keen interest and
" , .
I . rts. 430 to SM , Death of I Mrs, WM. 01�v and are prospering in. their different =11111 sueh active workers in both
I I � , rs. F
. IDW WOO41% 1 roed 116141,14 $1.70 to $1.40. " or 4 prolonged' and tedious !Il- vocations. Annie, M Henr
"led war. k, I Aft , Strang, Tjsbovae; Will, of Washing- I church and community. On tile same I
. H00WAY PIN9 4YRUP ZIL I ness borne with Christian patience ton; Robert, at home; Alice- Mir$- 0- occasion the members Of St. James
. . . Nxtra No. 1. $20 to $1. . -1 and fortitude, Mary Ann Frayne, be. t, Hensalli Den., of earb�iql church presented bliss Edna Wise
. . U e.- ta� beenming chroule, Jillited, ;18 to�419. loved w! of Vir. Wim. Oke, 2nolicon- Joyn 0 "It' � 11�,gi% ftf "ionvv Most cleverIv
I 11 -1
SkASS 1� 1
.1 1.
... 1. .
"W174. J, F-". 0 Clover. 414 to Vs. � I at Henry, in matiltoba; 3pirmo, 111 as - 11 9 L 11 1___.. .�� __,_._,._ .
. elopi4g into somc- serious 104 � I %, cession of Usborne, passed awl -ey us ___________ __.,_�_________-__'__ -______.,__--- 7-, �
, 14 straw., . . 5 atchowan; Flossie, Mrs. Stick _, Ta, concealed In a bouquet of flowers, � �
. . A hei. home recently at the age 71 - a wark of appreciation for 14or faith- - coliselit' Corns �dlsap car when treated with . I � ..
. =b1c. 6w lot, per:ton, $12 to $1$. , � . conis, Wash., and ,vVesicy, pf Listo ., w t t '.
.. , years. 11 I . ful work *9 organist of the church tide while tile people Altently M
. linoanCed' L ' We" I _.- i 5 teacher in tile L at 1040, however, wauti cutirch 110110wo.y1a " M Remover I 1 lion
. . I .
I ,,Mr. john H. Rua, 40 Maple Avit , Ontario �Wkeot. I ,utgagomient A Sunday school, One 11
siiailtatl,L�Oijt., writcS�_"I Was troubled t;o. 1. compi,orcial. 0.40. to $1-441 out- I XIM100 and that is Dr. ebownt and bo leaving a Bear. C.
I ietim, of Tetswater )1111 Accident and A! good Nvishes go with .. 2 - ...q." I 0 0. , , I
with -.broachitis, 'and had, a very bad a Air. and Mrs. Andrew. Archibald, V . Dies I ; . � The sincerest 4 bliss Edna to rep'"scats Metuodigm. L L'
. L cough. I had 11, so'long X.was beginning "Ottolb4o. s oato. 400 to 46%. ou't'11016 . , , nd Mrs. Wise an, orciace is .to geb.gveat Tho, Undertaker Is the - Mau W110 . V I I .
. outside. Seaforth, antiounce the -engagement ' Mr. al Iro attend Cout �
I f otho developments. I corn. 61a to 00 h w of their iiiali ter, Annie, to Mr. E. 0. Mr. Alb-ert Homut6', who suffered their new home, and the community , %y &A(! 'Clel"Ical follQv.'s the M.041c*t protesslott, . . . � .
. . to,get gft4id a =,I. "our-lat Paton 11, $7.70 04 such a severe accident at the Tevs- loss is a deold- Inspirations ov�r 400 11
ttQ aU kinds of cough rginedies. but . 4tralights. Ill ArraStrongp 91. A., of Hartford, Conn., . eculub. feet that what is their _.���77�__� ,�
. � , Ili . I deltgatesverethevc,,sud, whether OW o:� - - ''. -
� . bbL; 3nd paktants, ;7.20* . ills recently, all I
I was advised, by., a ,bulk, 6.60. Of IT. J. Armstrong, St. Marys. . water. Flour Qj ,d gain to, the town. to which the$! �#O *bow as they sang or pvayed, pr %b L - I . - . �
I .. .L J, without relief. �. W,00dla- Norwmy Flue � I -'lot patents. 10 cot- Son . -Amputation I , listened. or �vvon *$ they Mo their, . - . .
. fillcoid. to try IN , tabs. glour rement, Announced U I I ed to ills. injuries. . . � - . . &
. a, bottle; It QftViUd0d ton sacks, s#,T9 por barrel; '20d Pa- -' , Enzai .. Chvirgolay, but going' . 41 . *--P- I -4,
. . . . $Yrup, so I got; teats. 48.20. 1 ,ig, Clinton, one :root-10OU, plive'Qu 1 . resulted THE �LON I it It was a sightmortuWhiloo " L .4 . i - .
'last, gotten �. 0 DON CONF90ENCE mea'.0co. Dow
I me to *believe that, I liad, PLt . , . � " Mr, and Mrs. Thus. Or,( fang,relm had set in, which Rev 1 .ey,tli�)Ieador of 81014- � I L �,_,�-
I I . ' u . are. of . I . . I
I tho right medicine, I used several b announce the engagement of their 4 oath. He Was 45 ye. . L
. Ot. i OATTLE only daughter, Harriet Lou' . I I Ing was very sulecogglul.\ I . I Q .
410 and. am practimlly welli X I -k ve MAWSU L lee, to Mr. ago, .-. . Was a Great �&Jtogethor and in brief MOtbodism I . � . L �
. . , - Mr. Thirty -Ninth Session I
. � of . .1
� mmend it to others sulm, . I Frank Allison JeAkinss sot Interred at Clinton Sta- Is well represented by thoLoUdOu 00A- I I . , I
I I IrOnOA ' I lospir4tion,_-The New List lit of his StIOUgL Stand ; . . I
. I . [TO ILITM $Tocex. and Mrs. Win. -Jeuldits, the Marriage took place from the 3uco. Bedause and . .
9 Ulto le, . it is & 4 F, a vie 'L The funeral ,f( %eluding prohibition � I I .
. . * C 1 Coll , 0 y.- , TORONTO, June liqRecalprs of at - to tgke' place late in June. . Gibbs, tious Takes Valued S.ervants front, It' L � . . I . ��
w . d.. ul * . t . I stock at the lynion, Stock yaras � for to ,� I home of her.song Mr. Frank . .. tot, Moral Reform, It Ing, Mr. I I . . � ,;�
. So. .4 . cattlo. . Snell -Laing of Princess .street, Clinton. Olt Satur- Goderich Districts. . and . (inti - race 0110t gambl t 11 . el
I I . . I � . i day's market Warp 229 Cara, , - Haney � L LL I
, I . .=�,V._ __ 11 I I I' I 1 3,003; calves, 090; hogs, 2.416; she I ep.� A pretty. wedding took place Oil day afternoon,: June 3rd,,, of Mrs. - . , the reovinclail Attorney. General I .. .
. . :!='noll "I I � A I :, I AM JoulprAL0,314VE SIVOCK. '. Thursday, Julie lat, At the home Of Thois.� Gibbs, Who assed away ut The thIrty ninth session of the LOU. came in for -Many WoII do,servid ex- � 1, 11 I 1. 11 ...
. . __� OnEOPATH - ' 'DUFFALO, N'T., June 12.-C#ttloi 74; Mr. and Mrs. Th6s. Laing, Exeter, Briercrbit, Bask. Ae funeral. sor- don Uettiodis't Conference was hold In oresstous of sympathy and Buppovt. A . I I A W
. ton. 1, I . %ugbtefi Margaret adUcted b the Rev. T. Centennial chUreb., London,.-fronx May 'O behind I .
M, HEIST, '080ODMIC 1,7ity'Ji I ar 'Methodism stalids,four solu4r . , ,
. "Xt. A. steady. 11 h their ,only dt vices were ev L I Alst to, June 6t): , . 1 * �� .. I I . I I V
. _ � Hogs, 1.600.. loc to 26c 3 WaS a Anyone"d lit & pr&O"cal AV %us .
o jLP Vsraduate DOS M017es still college or to *1 I marria a to - III, I *the Pa lbeare 0,V see
. �Ilchlgan � (jalves, aso. slow, si towew $3 ,�, �,e'�I, was united.1i J. Snowden an( , rs ,were t, To say MOO It I
. I _athy, �Atlate ows and , lower; hmvi r84 WUlt four 61d nelkhbovs,- ss.VS� W. L Moo' , e would be to but mIld* .Lto. Make the world a, better PIACO 14 .11 , .. # � . � , �
1. osteop - Lici . _t ii Moo .. . I I
. I St"W Boards. ic B43 I ehairieter Of thcL gather. f . .. . . I ,.
Welal atteutlol)10 dtSOQSOS $1L to .$11,20; mixed ��orkejra. light t, son of Mr. and ll� f
I great CouNbe L # - LL - -,
. . 'oote offi- J. L Fingland, .J. Huit ,s, ly express rAmdet's 4f society (ttv) -
14 or, Rev`,� JOS r on and D..Geddc which to 11�0.
� � . �r � women and huaren. consultation. free. Vorkers and pigs. $11,30; roughs,. 140. Snell, of Exet . �
, , "'
0AICaL Corner ' Andrew SM. . . I - . I Ing. r. real 7 p. in. oil Monday May. well advised to goveira their CoOdUot .1
Nelson and st stags, ;5 to 46. ' - . I . lay 7 V, M. JUUOL .. 11 11
. . ' nx , Sheep lb$. _ 200. - sfeady., Uu� clatilig , all of Londesboro. , 29th until T!Iea( 6th by the sentiment b0billd the Chair Of % . � I . I I
goiceesior to % gollepiltillb. in searcorth anol. Ian I t /
I . . . I . . ,-- .1 changed., I .1 I . . L . Wilkillson,11all , , , '_ North Iffinon it' F. 0. Hold Meeting the conference ch I Methodist Culiteronce. The church sots . � �!
.. � . . I . TSA 124;�,=______=_=__ 1 =-Z_=f:=_. I GUICA(;o )LI'VIR L $T04U*4 . Mr, Tool Wilkinson, -sVINz is emi I 'L On Fridair, June 2nd, the. ',United ot ceitSelegg activities, I. e. within well the pace for leaders in all WAIRS Of 11% . L I ,. '11*1' I I
. . SPECULLM � ,-, - m_ ployed L ffur, Ferris, an( *** I . . I L
. . . cniCAGO, June 121 --cattle, Boo, co with, .Mr, I 1 Farmers of North Huron held: their defted hours. On 0110 00caslOu 6velft not excluding leaders *of gOvOrIltucuts- I . I -L L I
11 - _11__1__1__11____1___1.� .. vith a Week 4S,6,, beef steers. 20 Miss Tressa H ardine, wore ,. I stirlilpeo,' and the I � I
R. V.- 3. it. rortsTgil. .. . . pared,s 0 , all, of Rine , I annual meeting in Win hum towA that feature was Out . I
I . , to, married I I . at L.Kineard , Site is loyiij to the bcqt of her ability. . . 11 L.... � ". I . , . �
- L ... to sse higher; cow6 And heifers, 15c quietly ine on . s , - 9 - tku4 ambitions of . 11 . 10
. D � 'of 4 it Olt sitt to the noblest ideal 0 1 L .
L 'L . . I 1. EYE, VA, riost.4 THR00. . 206 lip;' grassy 'COWS Showing least ad- ide in Lu<:kuOw- hall at 2 o'clock. The 4o lowing ,0111, Stationing 1QOMMItt00 fOUU, vot . I .11 I , , . *.
� ,ance; bulli;. 26e .to 40c higher; veal June lat, and *111 resi I
. . 'ophlhal- V . . .. L Cars were elected for tile ensuing Ing,%II,night on one uceWou,jrom 7 p. h6 Lord Christ, She shall -not I , I
. . . Late House surgeon 1qa* VQrk ,_ _ gher; L tockers and , TucheyvArther . - . I year. Preside Is no Moto IM. I I I I ^ *�
. 1MIC and A,ural Ilospital. apiqtant at Sinora-, cL%Ives, ,mostly At ht g'a utt, Win. Rutherford; m,to 7.30 a. in. T40TO I until all men' know and lovp 0 "A. I . �,
I . aeld'� Eye4 HOS 141 , and floi!derk ,�qllare reedera, steady tp ifid,111 =: top pia� - . . . - a a g . _. - � 't I . 'L '
. , Cronyri'vice, pres., Sheldon Bricker; 2nd vice portant committee than tile St 00 In .. I .�
top IQi1g'yeaV;-1-. The Marriage, I mwq*XL . t . I .
. I , flospital', Tondon.. Eng, . tpred-beof st6orsi'$9,SLO: � took place at sec..treas.p Committee, and this year, tile 'WOrk Of I IW-V.A. 11C Ahw.m. . I . L .
� . . .1 ., Moat L S.., ,Sti.alford. Tete, liligs, s9.5o;,. itcut mixed 704rltytso.� Memorial church, London, on Tues -4 pres., . Mrs. MeWhinney; lug I . I Is Wo For ow . .. I . . J_
so Waterloo St. ., . Ttxekay, I . .
1, . . . $9.40, `w6eli'S -bUIX Prices beef steers L6th, of� Mr. CKrI1 Convepors of Munici- stationing wilsvery heavy there be I I . I I I . . I .
, Thurs- to if! 0 . ... . . . , �
I to olly,, son Mrs. .
I I 1� . . I
. � , .. .. . 11 ' -
$7.60;'cauners- & - "_ .1 - ,
. I I � I - 0 and L feDders, $1 day, June L 1,11. C,,Proctor. at 11 I . I . . I L '�, LL
Wed $g.35,fo ;9.15,; stocuer -stock, LMurdock M4the- about uInty changes Involved. a th __0 �
. T.Tl;*.,. b,U%che,j , sho- $5.76 t Xr. and Mrs. Tuc ey, London! p4lities: Asbfleld I services sly'n.&I4,11.r. .
. -nd cutters, $345 Exeter, t6 Mlse D Geo, Lane; West WhWanosh The Goderith District lakes of 444� 1 LLL ,
I .road * north, , J% Reyeiatt Who goes to
11 � 0,861 veal Ca,lvep. $10-.50 to $11'. f .Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas -T, ,B. Taylor, Mrs, .Had. Pentland. of Bev. r I I . - NOW -, ,
. I 7 to loc lower daughter - O' . . I I , ,_ _�._____ _ 11.,--- T_----_ L . ,
. I I . �LrdVSJV ... cad ' : -SaVk Morton, :Mrs. London., ' -_ . L L"L. I
: I I . I L 'AL .. ; . Hogs, 10,000; .at . Edst Wawanosh !��__ - 'nt!!t . . - . . 1.
. . . ___ _____ than .Friday's average, lighter Weight,& Archer, London, - _ . . --- � --- I .L I , _1
. I , Morris -A. Proctor, Rev. B. . W. Bolwards, ,who goes to . ___.W.. -VM"_ M . -
� . . - I .11mat; toi)� ;J0,$5; bt:lk. ;10.10 to L 'L . . L W. C. Scott; � . L , . I - � I --' L - ----- I . I . 1. . . I . . 11 11
. 1 . rer , light; pigs, about . Colvin-Stortz , . I ..
. I . I ,WISS L&UH4. ,1409SON, A. 1'... C� M., is Oft vy .. , . . . � " 11 %
; - td)ply to DIIS JACKS01 L to $10.fi5;L m. I . I .1 , . . . I L
I . . . I . - ru�, stor, . . Weights, . $10.6Q Madill - nized. -at the )Ionic of thi_-Zride'* par- Howick-W. J,. Gamble, Mrs-. Albeit Harrow'. I . L . . I., I A ., C ' . I . I
0 1'. . m. McTav�, Rev, JObb'W,, B"tt0u, -,Who goes to ,
torl le 0 to �,, Kingston street. on ., rnberry4as. -M EWEVS � 'I
I . . ; I tile PIATIO; $10.80; holdol . I . Mrs. � W. ,J. Shoitreed; Grty-Robt. Listowel. : L 'L , �*. '
, � ' L .
� .
prepared to tft'ke 1) us. on , A ,quiet 'June wedding was es I
U ,1, above steady, mootl� 0; hea solo'*' MacDonald, Mrs. N. , H. Cardiff; aov� Ji,W. Johnson, Who 96
ter ' IT r $JiM to'$10.6 . to
$1tu op�T 3 �10'85; Gallaher; Tu L SPECI LS at - "'. .
. rday$� ,3 !ii(130 to $10.80;L light, $10.76. to ents, Stratford, Monday _yternoon, .
. I __ - . L - light lights, $10.40 ,to, $10.80, E -� . . . , . I . � I
.. nows, 4 1 � �
- 0. CAM UON. Packing 01�sbi Mrs. Jos, Brei � . . L I .
. . . , smooth, $9.25, to $$..80:. pacXW4; June- 6th, at 4 6'eloek, -when Miss' s *enridge; . Blyth----: F . . . . . I ,% ..
�s . S. $� .ough; $9 to 49.35, in elde . gh a- Wro- orend9k. a .08 to , . . . I I . L 1.
' L . Xt E , , , kill IV plg*, ' Ann6tie Sturtz, st dau ter !,Uoi. Wilson, , Who go :� I I . 'L
. Teacher Piand, Theory.'Puplis prepar- oows, v I I ther W. Pollock, Mrso It. Wightmai . . . _P. .ip_., - ��,
i .. ad, for examina * vor terms, appiy res- ;9.60 to *10.60. . of Mr. .and Mrs. .a. H. Stortz was k. T. Gibson; Winghau�', 'John 'Brownsville. - .. ".. 2'dbms Tommtoes, 2s ........ i .......... 1. * e foi 210 , I I I .w .
� I , tions. opposite, Victoria pub� Sheep, .8,000; Saturday's recel M.L gobert xeter,., � Rev. H. Royle. who goes to aonmoy�, '' . , . . I . .
I .� � : Idence, 01bbons St., �111Z Luck to Willia , hn XeCrackerk. 2 lbs. Cocoa for., ...... "' 4.�...k.A. �.-# %.V.;....0.00- I L . L
- 110 J. J . �t McCracken, Mrs. Jd too, 1. i .
,.- scuooi or ,phone 253 _ gosoy all 41reet;, market poplin united in wed] . , L
c ft' r ' destrabl'o. cxeor� 'The ceret 13 Rev. 8, Q bili .
I . -, . A , r k in, Brussels. �13 �Mj. L ar4r- Colborne, in, who supenannus . I Jot,..* L ' I ....., ....... 100'. � . ... I
___ r1k � j6 C61vi A. Cr L . *..I..,. ... I . ... � .
� , . . . , , . n �d with a wee 890t. , L CQIIS. .� rUsSeL, U . . I I . . . . . . . . . .
I . An , 1ambs and owes steady; ,Va$ C�iidueted by, Rev. Canon ra. Rha Long; aud'J_. stlppl�lug at Middlemiss. - I I Gooif can tied; Corn
' I � I I
I . . . . . I 1 .4 .1 EO, Tmyox. ... .. � .11 notiVe a0rIngs,. 5,0C, lower; shorn la,mbs. MOUY.' Thos. Wilson, M , , ..416O.'. . . . .
. . .., . - I to, W. T. . Cluff rector of ;el Jer. Rev. Harvey. Neuttedy,; who 9004 30 I Good co,on�d ]?00,Sr for.............. ...� ........... �.#. , . .
I . I , 9T . - , fat wethers and ye - Woa,k I - . 1. . � St, 4mus tors, Wim. Wightmah'and Russ I * . I L I . 1. . I P&A ....... . ...".. .*; , - .100 . � . .
ty" arlinga, I .. . rL .....O.... .
� I .q � N I "L'bids. istil univ&,t . I .1 . Norpeth I . ago Dites.' ItA.1� 1-0 I .
.. �: L ' " 1010p3a Piano, and, Titter$ - lower, - week's bulk Prices, %Prins �hurobo . I I .. myn. - � I . . . . I ,0 . � I . . . .
Teachees V $14..60L: 0 . . . � I .. . . � I
. -a i - I . . , *:..150, , :L -, .: . . .
. . 1. . " I � . Tescher's alplents ,.-Singing , lambs, $14 to .Ullfj, $S to '$9.50; � . . Horton-Stothers. . . . in ih-'eir-piadds ' are:, A nico assortmentof CA05't 1b... , . ............... -.200� � ��
. 1 . prepared for � examl gtons,* For 1 7.76, 6wes. 03.50 to , Mr..Lgslie Cox 'Hail Narrow Escape .
� ntroa % ., opposite- wethers,46-00 to L k ....... p"Ta"Ic"e", ... 'f1he . I
. I . Pupils .4 t 76, now crop P�der Iambs, 411.26 L The marriage -too . I Fultoil Irwin. at,ftafortb, . lee line of Plain Cakes, lb ....... 11 ............... L .
dio, Mo . . I Mr. Leslie, Cox, of Goderich *own Rev. B, I . ALn : . . I 1. L I
i 5 %11� StU . L L - �' L I , , -a - I M_&�,:.,-I, D.,� at. _ :: . . .
I I . L . � I �,� ' . , L _V1id__' 'Rev, , Po ..
. . . 1P,mic ibrary. . I . .. I _. - 4.� W. Hedley . pool%
. . I . -P. I t161412, � . �. , . _. home, --of. -66 brlde�s --mother � t I-Ash��t A 8 PrOtty"bad' expell . . . I . I - I ! * . . 8 , I it, CuStara L Lwder. 3 Vins for...,...'o; ... .... 200 . . I . .
. I . L . . I I L field township on.Saturday, June Std, shIPP in which Ooderich. . 35 bottlo f6r...4.._#i ��p ... " # . -,%50 : 1.11,
... 1. I I , 11 _-,X.upIC STUDM . .. . . � . � !-�- Jeanette, daughtei of I Sunday evening, June 4th, fro Rev. R, W. McTavish, at Holtnes011ef", , � sniders Catsup, , 0 . '' ... � . . . . 11 � - I . L: ;
. I . . . I . , I
...., . I . . . . I xUdlaus to Seize 1sland. . of Miss Rachiel be escaped - fortunately, although it I' 3 Oga. for ........ � ........... *.',%.� ... I .... 250 . 't �
. . ,
. ... . . I . ,00derich Society orelleStra 5jusle Studloi I . . tON, Out., "'Julie. 12.- Mrs.,Wpi. Stothers, of that toWnsb 'Mr. Z6x was at Rev.Jas' J. Pearson, B; A.j at NI e. 10c Ammonia, , . . I I I I �*�
I . L . LEANING I . , I& lWas serious.dfilougla. I . . .
� F, H, Wood's and J'11, I 0 . Moss, at. Beamiller.. . 4.4....f..F ....... 1. %�.. . .
. I , . r . entrance between . o point Pelee, the scene lit and sister of.IAT. 8, B- Stothe'rs"' the Conference'ard his *OUSInL. Mrs. , . Rev. W&Uftoe H 2 1 bare 9004 W%01)ing Soap. for..;.' RIOO .
, . L . 0 inos, H, . A., .060 '. . I . 0 .'' . . . .. . . I �L . . '�
�Y. I , Vsuoier',S Stores. Historl I C,llnton�.to* Mr. Horton, of Lucknow. ' Per y s'! Ba L I � I I
.. � .g.. C., V.- HEINRY 1 (vtoilnisi). � rIveo,. by-goneqdaYs of. btoodyL Con lie . I L ', Dawsbris of London, was accompany. Rev. . 11 � .. . . . . . . I . ..... . I
1� 1:C_ ; , .L n gition .41CIS -: I -was. performed by the Auburn. '' . I . . L I . .. I ., . I . . . ..", .,
. I violin for .beginners. and I ose a,dv4u- kween, the� red .man and the,whitq; The ceremony Ing hijn home in his car, when, just . . 11 I . . � . . � I
: � I . . . L Witt, assisted by Rev.' t distance outside. the city, I L . .
. I . 1] ce& I aed by tile Indians Rev. 0. W. De . .1 I a Shor Rev. A. B. Dewberry, at Welton, I . L L
. For information L 0%ply ,at studio. . ' - I Is. about- tQ be 01all Hamilton.. - � , eyL Rev. Goo, Z. Cole, at Varna. . , . .. . . . . . . I
. I - I I r �ed. Bound- I . t' hr6e hundred Jas. � I th Wore ruir into by a man coming , . Jo I 0 EN . . .
. . . vionns repaired, ridge$ trt as. tlxeir proper y. T � . �
L I L _ *hccl Of the lt'neroincy brings . L .MCEW I A.
. L ,. . vosts � set and violin bows rehatred. etm , .1 Wise-Ciantelon- ' L in the opposite direction wl�q had, just Who . . ., . I .. . A
.1 . � . members of th,6 Petawaba tribe trom . - I -to about sotoo bapOy results L a$' it tU rUS . .
.1 1. . . . . Goderlob. Society orchestra, 5 pieces . [ty of Alvinston have served At high noon Wednesday afternoon : d another car and Splashed in year. . a I very popular �14, ' ... I . 1:
. . 1. . (Professional) � . the�ylclnl . - 3's around. This � Phone 4t and we send theta -to .
� . . . _ I L ,ark p6lice-tha at theL home, of. Mr.,and rjr,s�%x I, a h6ildori. The other car . I � . I ] � .
. __ , notice on the p week I L I Goderloh, young lady, Is appointed to . . . . . I I . I I . I .
: - '-' L. L. O. X. will On June, .13 take Posse - . . I I . . . .
. .� . . , n.' i. �,%VESTON, salon. 6f Mrs.,Adam Cantelon, of Goderich caught the spare tire on the side of preside over the home, Parson's home I . . I I I I . I . � __ . . I
- 11
% . . . . _ . Licentiate London Collete ot music. par- . point. Indians lu.great numbers, townshW, the marriage too1v place of Mr.- COX'�s car and tore the seat from I I at Benwiller. We Con- . . . � . I ., - L I . . . . �, 'L
I . I . - . . . 4and. Orgo st and C oir Dire L ctor' W the , ! & , Cox was bruised or Parsonage, _ ======�� I ! ,L . I , , I
. ; .1 � I . . . have been seen here've6ently and :their 6n y daughter, Catherine Emma, under him, Mr, Ilier circuit upon having . I I
� - I.. -worth St. -Votbodist church- . . .1. Wise, also .and, . late Betim, I . !�� L� ... �L�� �! L ,L �,_, � 4 T T I, tj,��jL'4 1- � ---
- - --- - - . I tt 'son j;� Mr, and Mrs. E.. I shaken Considerably and Mrs. gratu 'fim-M.- _..._,. ,. -,I�' � PL, 4 �!=a I . . .. I . . , . � I
. � R OF JIUSIC. - , is underst000 that camp equipt L, I . so gifted a lady, -as tuete mitiletee's L --- . , .11
.r . . . . TFA611H in- will arrive by wagon train. It iSlgnut of 'Goderiell. to Mmshlp.' - � The care- Dawson Was badly -cut ibout the face I I . I I . . I . _ - io - - --:-- - .L .1 . I I . I.. ,�
. ,Pupils peepared. for examinations in L 00 windshiel& wife, - . . ____ 1. .. ,'� I . I . . !� 7 . I
. I Toronto Un ,,olly. Toronto y was performed by - Rdy� "" W� from 1 the 'glass Of the * The o - 7-77., . . � . . . . I i.. I I- r -------- . __ r .
, - . -.--. jp(��_tiouiil Servicou of. the Con __ ______
I Epit kn,Wu, What action the Government mony r ,� . ___._ _________.... . . - .- . __ ______ --.---- . _
I 1160$10n, YVlthL I I ople L 0 tfir wa . . � . . . . .
. 'O sarvatom, 0 sed. all or- -3-6hust 1 _-Holmes I 3 Both dafsF, --almost cotnpletely� lerence %veto seasons Yjf real worship. I . 0 hL . . ..
pt ,entered On of v le; Aild
. . .. . r pas , lay vath. is, �taktugo but tile* pe hrj L L ,late. reln- I it is. �ald that the driver, . . r
.. . 11or, musical exaly. . OUghly alarmed.i , . . I . witnessed byr only immed . wrecked. All Who attended were privileged. 1�e� . . . I
. . 1, . toners. For- terms -apPlY at reSidence, . .r . . . ,� . I 1. , tives of'the contracting patties,� The of the car that- -collided with Mr. COX yond measure, for � D' Elliott wag % .-Ch oAce Bananas. r. ,Lr. . . L*r 1. I .. I
. I , Wgrft-(Arst door West Of $IA&tff1V.r1i*),. I 0, r - r. r r - r . ''L . I . .. L
L L - . , , '. idal -couple stood during the cere- 1L had taken a ca morning ho led . . I I . ' : 'O L. ..
... Goo e tell. .. r � 000,000 Tein 1. : . bri . ,r which had bben left power as morning bit. r . . . . . .. -
I .
L . . .. ����� , Plait $8, . ple. mony, before 'a * handsome' bank of with hini.for repainting and that he Julti.aualence in thought, to the various . . rL . I
. . - A tem saly, AIV, phase and rang,ms
I I JLVAUX&L. qA""Z I I QUEBEC, Sullo 12. . Pie flowers. Thd bride 'wore 'it, lovely wAs-- driving very Teckle a Of the. subject and fact of . . r . I . . V �
. . � iting $3,000,90'0� IS to beL erected canton crepe trimmed a bottle was found in it, although the ,,Prayer.11. - Dr. Elliott 06IL40 gave the . I., � .. . L I r
- . goWn Of L White I I , .
I 111.11, 11'', , 110,---, cot I r
' .
. . I 'L ;: I , I , 1110t '- L , Z , 5 ", 0 , A , RR . ow, iiarrOtar. at Ste, Anne I rde- Beaupre'to reolace With. beaded georgette and carried a I driver declared be knew nothing.of addross at the L&YU1311's banquiDt, on I I . '
� r . ort�i sireet and sciustre, h',� price of OfallgeS IIAS been high, � � ,e' ;
I . . , Etc, Corner N reeehtl� *destroyed by * ,emier -roses and white it. r All things -considered Mr. . 07C ' As. yolft know,l' . r .: I
. .. - L . the Basilica bouquet of Pt tPly iliesubject;-"TbeDtfasurcot a Man" . t -a doveu - ' . ..,. I
- � .. ladericti. Ont ent of Sweet �e�§, As the bride,'entered the off very, fortuna .. .at &L. ' ' , nice on,es ai4.9 �etl .
I 'L. L . .1 fire, aftording to an unnouncem T . , zv have gotten . r Another Divilne,(vIlo has attained gre 'We h v. a ilric:,of �
. � L . . : --*klA5, SEMIER I . I ell'aia , . room ith ber father, who.gavo,'her . I . I . . 0 1 ates. gave I . . I I �. I . I . . . . . .
� .� .- .. the Itedemptorlst Fathers, as W W Mar License In . ii - I I � .
. wotary Publid a Monastery dusting $560t000, to Pro- in marriage, Miss Gladys Cantelon etith of'For spect r distinction In' the XT"itcd St
I I anaddres9on"Optimism, at a meet . . . L I .
- in , I . . dl � I . . . .. .1
Barrister Solicitor, I I ' played Loken- I [Iue�s Mr. John . -1-0il. , , .
. I and toinvayineor I . ivide iccoraniodation for the ,residing of Clintong her cous' After a 'very brief.11 I L . r . .
derION. fathers ia'�r I 1. Mitchell, one of Wingham's proml� Ing hold Under the RUVIOCS Of .L rho r
I 011106 - court 4ouse. 00 . - At the -same .tIme, it Was gri wedding mareg. . At the con- . ssocla4lon. I . , L
, I .
. 11, . . L I I I - . I I he I L _. t . I . .
. Ontest carrying a prize elusion of the'cerernolw and, when,, nent citizens, assed away on Tues, Laymen's A .
. I L I , r Mitchell arge ,number of delekationa'and I mcl_,4een1's.. Jell 3 or:25C
L . r also sta�ted a c .. . r I I
. .. I . . � I & or sIL5,000 will be opened to archi- congratulations had been extended.to day morning, ?1une 6th. Mr. tile addresses ,%vhloh they gave, each . . � . . I . L
. r. r = ays & 9 tects. - . . . the bridal pair the'rwedding luncheon � was born in Hibbert township near soM6 Important branch � I - I
. , (�El , ams . . Mitchell, Ont., in December, 1857o and one advocating Vegetable .
I . , I r ________-1- I . ery I 1900, of the Ch*rl tan church, was a distinct All Green ", r $1 ' �
, I . I DARRISTIMS, IM -1. - I I ; . was partaktit of,'the table being v March, Ile hold which's.,Xethodint ^
. ' I . . L. and White cattle to Wingbain in I . ..
. R. el 11k,V111 . 1�.C.KA,;C0.JU..nA. � Stole Milk; ter Children- L daintily decorated n �Jrand followed thi carriage .building . . . : Str'awbories,r Ett.00
I . r L � b;iierence has; Upon poiblie life, and �
* I 11toniqtrL , The bride was the recipient of som : . I . I ..". ,
t . Hams -et, 00derich � .. wIND'solt, Ont., lone 12.-Unatilb handsome gifts. The -groom's. business for a ,number of years with Was a Pplendid . testimony to the, . . . r "'.1 . I "*fl r* . I..., .� . I .
- a I l a wife anol ver - -
L - obtlith: workt and witl ,y . .. I �, ., . I r . r r
L t_ . 'jift *as a,string of pearls. He also: Mr. A. Nichol., Some eight yearg public!s - thought of the voloo and, � . . . .r
------ t - ------ � to Ondon Coafere .. .1 . .
. . C"'VgYA"'NrG. AND NOTAINY ... . two chIldren . toif maintain, 64orde � Pianist with a very I ago he was appointed. license in�.pec- strength of the .Lee., L I , , r '. .1 I . . I . . . . ...: . � �.
. I - . r presented the . on, carrying these one of the Most IMPOfqtk.t e t f .. Wednesda�y Afternoon . L �
L � , I Harriss, 23 years old, on Saturday, [I. . 'Mr. and Mrs, Wise tAor. for North. Hurc yen q 0 Half'Hofiday ,
. - Gronap Z ',dp.EENSL.ADE, Bayfleld, doin I - ; told Magistrate Oundy that no was pretty ar r 11 ;ernoon tn r a bon- I duties' out very faithfully, retiring the Conference. It not Ue.moqv im. r r ., . I I .
I voysiteins I Notary Public . loft on t e aft . r '�Jay
. . - to. , rollir ,, eptolliber 300i t . ..
. I - I __ obliged to steal a bottle of milk Ill e oon tri Detroit. The bride's from this position,about a year ago a the addrees,of Dr, Chown, . . IstL to 9 . he stor3 will .ba 01030a . I , �
0 1101.5t �'- order4hat his childreit might have ir r been a rest- Portant' wa superintendent lat the . I . I
. . pROUDFOOT. lCML RAN & I a costume 'Was a r Suit Of oiaot January. He has I the General 60681on, Wednesday afternoonAt 4:30. . . .
I . I ustristers, solicitor8i rjoiarl$$ r P(M. re -going to school. 9 . r. - 00notal .1 . � ; I
. J � . n v tri I adium dent of Wingharn for �somo twenty :Vor .
. breaiiase'WfO no and a black r . . ,opening of the ., . I r
16,4 1 Ile, Etc. a 'door from A remand of. eight days., was order- - I . . - � .... r ____�_.� greatot accuracy he read the 'Statement. - . L CH . I r .
r � owce�on ght stmari% . 2ft I and court officials Were Instr r deted _� I . . r 1, . I !her subject .dealt Witit. wo,s Church . , . I . .1 I . .
L . tiamitton street, tioderica ed r . - I . !. I I . ,' * ; 1 . ." , . � . 7 � � �, . .
. I . privati runds,to loan at lowest rates- . r . . . r I . . � . .. " Union. For the first tIM6 One L could I .
. I .
L W_ . . to investigate Harrisal story. . .., .. � -L _. " I I . Or . .,. W� , . r J. H.LEA
r I rii0t,1DMoT, X. M, I . I . 11 . I I . Q. . ... r . . . . . 1. I 1. L .detect a spirit of disappointment a r . . ... I
, , .. I I I I - L. .. 1. . . I
1 $. L. KtLLORAN, DUDLEY lioumm'.4ur. grockville Boy Drowned. . � . I . ... . L . I �; I I .. I doubb in the General Suporinteudent's . eal St, and SqUAre, - ��
I .
- L .11, r �'L , .. - : . ed to , . e 180 cor,omontr .-
- I ���.!I;�!��!:�!��=��.::�:=!=:-.!� :::::::� June 12.- .1 .. I r I ;Mout of the subject reterr . Pita , , . , �
114G I BitomVILLE. Out., , 14. I r I I �)(00?11 - . !, L treat Dais to as that ,when the people I I
. . . flenry White, 4ged 6, only son Of , . . I . .. . . . L . . I �1" I . It sei a4k for, 'Chureb, Union it will, "I'll .. I .. .. --- . 0" P1 04 4
� - , . Henry White, Prescott, ,was 4rowned � I r . . I . . .1, really obilrell *Metolls. ,r)ll bar t 0 - - == I ..
. . Ir I . ,* I he _
Tllo�us Gur"D"T' ' ".... .11.".1 I � colne. . L _....A.M.M......" - :t* ,
L -
L. 'r Live Stock and General ALUOSI(Meee. . When he fell off the Buckly dock 11. I. r r '�' .,�_, L , . , , I ,�. " ;. � . �. _�___ --__1 .-----,..-, 4__�_ . I I
I . r . Hamilton street, Goderich. " there, where Ile had been PlaYlUg .... 1. ,..,. * L .. .,:. .., . . - , , I . L L I . . .- . 11 I . . -
r. ftle% Made everywherh and sit e9orts . . . . . ,,,,,,,,k, r _ r . � -,-- I � _. . L _ I �r- - - - . �
. .. ". � L, I . . , I
& , L ad 0 00 you satisraction. with a number of companions. The .. . . . I . I . . � , . ... I r r
. thr,�d6raflvilIe notes disoolintm. boy Missed Ills footing and slipped off � . L , � . I . � ,.,.. r , ..
- ======== the edge of the Wharf, Although the . 1* I . . I .
.. �
. I . . I INSMNCE _,___� body was recovered by AleftaEf Of I I .1 . . .
� . 1. L r rIAZ INSURANCS grappling hookv a Short tilpt� after- r . .4* . . � . l. ,
6XILLOP ZAUTUAL , . ion was found Ita- Akst . I .
. . . . X C-0. Wards, reouseltat I I . I ......... . I I r r
. trilifin and 1190hited Town Property Insured, life. , I r 1. . r ............ L I I I . : I � 140 r .
� . � . 1raltia Or )ropeM Insured up to SSIMVY, VOE34' � I I I ,.114, I I
. . . d9to. $3.048A.00. President, . 1. _�_ . . I . . . L . . V r �L'-
. . 0FVtCERS_4iimeS r ConolIV. x0lod. With Ilia B1,41e. I rrr L .
dodertch . jas. rvang, Vico-Prolotent. . I r
11 .- . . I .
deeeftwood ; T. E. llayS, See.-TrVls., 849- 0111OA40, luneA.".-M 0- Whl�el- - . I I . . . .
- . I tortli. � '01'. sestorth - ick, of Zion, 111.,and his bride Lot two . L .101MMENNE . k
. oiRECT401(9-T). F. WMep, , C led, and the pilot was . . � r ,,*��,L . ;.
. hrop , Will. Wrin. Coa� weeks were kit I 1. .. ` . . . I -
I ;. 01 wave, Wint . . - I
otance: George Recirth Tuektfs is : Injured Sunday, when An airplane . r . , . �_ r . . I �
Juno Ferris, narlook; efo,ba en fell 300 feet. According to the Pilot. '. I .. . . I r
aroadlifigitft'- b1siculm mur, . Celle I .
AGENTS -4. W.tJL'Yeo, 60 I ol 3,01in 1*1otzgor, tile controls jammed, � I I ,.�
� I I �
tAltm, Clinton: '%Vm, t3les a . Se 1) T ,' �auojllg the, aeoldeat. � . ,
46 111nebley, Seaforth. I I I * 0 r
valley flothors can pav thele t';116981nontl I . t .
,, . * "' it. ctitt's Store. Godertell, & 1. Mor. Presidency pf Chloh. � I I I . *-
11 K clithinit ,8tote, Clinton, or S. 9, . 1�1 . - . . . , .
, I 'i - I
I. I, I �
Irl ,
I' I I�ill I
-, I
�bone 287 - .
'At Dedt4d Hotel, Goderich, trout
Abada April loth, at 8.W P., in., ,to
i�ay,�%pril wal
L �'����
I .
, Ln',' "
_____Z.��_�� 'S
I--------- � -'T
I I V� 11* I .
[ %k mlirnnm, k I n I
1,11 Pl."KIN, June 10.. -LI Yuan-Aung, , 11 I
ftsk' 34viel(l. . . I I - I
" ,
-:7!tf-_.- " �,�,1-1 , r---, , . �, --; the President, deposed by the Mill- I I I I -11 L,
. 111. ,
NOTAIRVVUBLIC, tTC. tauts in 19:I7. arrived In Pekin on . . I � ?W ; , 1� - �
- -----`�� Saturday, dud assumed the Pre$t_ L i, I L . �
Ve. 6AMIX. 4 . I 0
. riaTAIXY PIMILIG dencY. Lfeam(3 from Titutsin Ili on- Q. ., ..,.,,.0-.,-,..&J, .
. iveyancitur doae swer to. all Invitation to sueoQed 11411, . . I �. - --.,.A
. " .. . I .;,�
� I f ... ...,., I
.. - I
1. (;enefia rol d 0 , ,�'. ,,,.,
600dVAM0111111" RePrO%�Tlte $111 Chang. resigned. I . I � �--., v 0 :4, .
. ebl� . - "T 1� L 0 a .1'r: , �,
rhoft6 X6. X*. GOdet'l out. . 1�' I -, 0 .
L' --- _1: _: I _ _ 0 - _ I . -I'... .*
- - _. : , -�-- _�_l - , 1. I , . - . .., . *,
- � --� -1 . I _ - � I . '' I . . . . . . . 1�j" 1672. -1 _.�
1� I
I_ !� a
- pn$ 11
Brophou Blu I I
Gomm" ,
Im LeAdina �
fuwal okuw* - ,
and fAbaftr1i
ogdovig C y attandad ta
at all ladt-iftight VaO.
i - I I .- -AL2. A&��
glearkil cestrietor
Ag6nt for Blue Ifira wwlhliar,
Vaehine3. ChOleflill6d �
Uleaftiod Fixtuacs
curiecl In .
. stock
ow CA000 Hotel Come
1 Ph~ 24t
� , �,
- �_ f�!�
. =_ �� _. - 401
,john,111iobert 6tegg, 60td ANWAtillt Obtlit8ft, deloattiag for Easland
I tote oyer tht tmitrol of twirty-thifet of tho larsost commertial . I
1 "tha,618 in BrItsis
I .
. . -, , --
_ ..�
'. ., �� 14! �. I
. I ,:., 4 A 4004�v
cv.. %44�0 �_ . ,
9fols" , I �J
I 0