HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-06-01, Page 11......... PAUX AIN* MOM GOMM tirm"O"T. JMS let. IML Tko Itiob *.k%%*ti" a VON$* Ot logo' te�vA Aw%itt) " NOULDY SWEET CLOVER The *h4atiQU iu Ifelund A& agAill ,,Cause r )f plotoull(I a,. �vty tv the Hri tilib gaveynment. The atw collferc, Is a pal betweea thc' ulembc-Ig ef the "re' to you"It 'Cal k4i Ircland ami MOK like Ull SU,611 has walv tAlamb) %veg(IgAtional woru by P041110-1 The tfouble is .0lat there . Ireland VetefftlAtIMIS — 114 Makes ar-Q thousands 4A people all I e iten, slid 00101VIA11 wha dol nit V"'kvlize way of 'he" thell, f3ilitr V ttl; �.l Research ana Daferkrices Us ki n Eelvcs and Continue thOr ba With the iAtmost bitteracs"', There 'Necessary. are not wanting crAics Wllf�* deelare Wonftibuted b -v OntsTIQ Per'artr*nt *t lthat its U CQnSlequence of a pact be* Agricullurc. TorciA94 twcea de Valklra for the RePoWeans rceently Considerable Ack"lis aud 51icll�jvl (,ollins for the provisi011, -ted alliong ne\t vor at government, the eRctions �Ses have been TO, . IOQ month will not be a true C%PlesalOu cattle being fed Oil 07111111a90- In some the peorle but will b0 of the will of I I of an' lustauc(ls Only P. tow Animals h"We followed bt tile estab ishmeut - particular tarm, 4'. t ffeetca on P Irish RQPU lie ill the South. In that' been a event the Position , of the 101flerlel btit IQ 0, few ease$ the I"Bes, havo government Will be One in Whiell it been serious, All Ono farmer Is utiown ivill have to act Withsteraness or re. Id to have lost '17 Animals out at a held Republic. It is hOr y cognize suck of 50 Cattle. The frequent' that there will The no cause, for But a peculiarity at these lovIleg. has leratlalk 4 dilemma and that the Pessimists 'will i mistaken. A 'now t at to -have laytatigattous land themselve, a aristit in the recent Deparme TAR STEAMER GREYHOUND made to determluo to Detroit next InOrtIll"191 r'OmVUe*tlOA hit I ait Monday, June, 12tb, roturalus with excursion vidcspread raids under the 'Auspices and exPer mentA *b*c ill bring Wllthlon from DetrA of the Ulster government in that ter. the Cause. June 13th 'Id blood- Investigational Work by -Itory. This followed. the cc iteptable to �11­�onetrncd. An Wool- weather of the North Veterinarians. td or er 0 the ar- ry comes from i galland effi arliament ;�jd reaulted in I inating Ao fti.to think that of three hundred[ officers and The ptallf -of the Ontario Veterinary I wber the bankers -see Tea - Collexts have been to 4 t the is not ripe for me bers of th in At a Iri5h Republicanjor 01024 tour"A VIOL Q such 4 steP the Veterinary surpone thrOU19110 0 ^A Nevertheless they argue that it it is NIFItArikof" agreed upon Hollaildmost take part the province, Rod lainct An rullrecedented next Wave in tion obtained as to t46 Prevailing in it, dtherlwisie she will be a d -1 London, Ji;r, 01rcumstsucell'vUlere cattle Itavo 4104. loser. American delegates are repre S tea All'cakes 14vootigguota has reveal i4c' ke fact that t -TIMS senting some strong United States, Lwidon, England, Is suffering front bet. losses have LB financial Institutions at the ti . that is Cd it nos-.gather1W �y the wordq aud'Ac- to be an unprecedented Lbeat wave red amoxii; Cattle ftd.01tensix ely 't il _-7,;- -,Thi--TiiW,CbaVqteW Sqvt*srIx*d__ I -scheme seems , f_ In the occur GLOW. --A V -imani idea- Qf-Ahe� Usurod on Sweet clov tions of the 64 taking � aAQ11 Of human lives. er ensilage which bad,' RAY running ':to, 86 �Saioples of Ott en. A4 Rumania is greatly alarmed ever this that if Germ, me mould) In, thq,dayx that We Passed since e, rate Of in- shade the r4e] beto .11 a and I., so%, been, cent, to; fAlles by ers, by ' On impol exemptic here to .7_1­_­--_­rie1dirg it has I pay stri that the Ave mil public I cars W1 Theft 1� pbeques C tpe:t ox, LtAtIO11 in T11114- ','� TiAL w turn in a go friction con, dogreesand Over, WO110 AR 'Q ,he wheel- She fears big loan *,- - re— B. vtere Ahipped to xne 09mial6lis, Of the budget, lie' ill take advantage torest, ad' deal of the _j6 'have touc)ied, 12ri. allag, I I inducted ad opportunity tilat the Soviet W ation pay. is declared what ColleSev and exPelilmeAtIll to �mpt to stantly grisiog, when repar wen time al f, tho, complications to atu d Those who know London know [y awoot on. There' -were, no start- 0 wme due, could be avoidod an leal this cle&rly� Indicated that M004 t seize all territory given to Rumania ments time Germany would an a9tobishingly painful or4 ises this time, it 'having a first at' the same 'for the millions Clover euNtlage was hkrmtui to cattle. as a penalty of war, Making chance to m6re.quickly set lier beat wave must be observations And information tho As* %113r recognized * that ne* attack on the provinoe of ]Bessarabia have a Of its. people'absolutely unaccustomed Vr9m it present time, It WOU14 such as delloralug' gnu is for'the ultiluxte,set- I dry 4-TRIlLble at tl post be found,'itt in order . mes., Even tile long ttle, that he jV%J6 of accounts. The bankerfll to auCfi extre operatn' revenue r ore the.Rugsian armies would hope house . m0ow That tua.harmela. confined to a. performed On C% ge results"Ou It e decteasing returns fr9m Wit I �es to be an im, ttement poles, into jl�signlfi 4rcely at motlidy'l much troul to reap what is Ilk to last for s spell of lost YOAT b1ole. beAW kept 11 Used sudden L4* farm each Year 10% IOU* plant I - conferen ely, ome Mew and the vast amounts mense crOp of wheat. This pre.su.p. Co., sweet Clover ensilage Q4 shoulders on horses caused bY 00 meqt the AX e eudiw C.&sb%, *Igle the sault improPfr fittlug of collarat suit ft- Fleldi t a- In. death In many :armed 01% prober adJuutlueut Of llamfs�- as- operations Similarly perl W cattle fed differently. havo-aot-beclu Tile collar should at tile shoulilkv LOW. 4o got followed by Ill effects, The Met VIA' so that in lelft9th there In just raw, n aAditj per An 444iti levied on ture . of Me '06101orioovi -%Ctloe for the flat of One's hand bttW*1P kee sales tax Met Rod the. tile, 00116ir Rod, tile lieck at the bot, whol6al. gilsocixted with the e"6111 k1ces harm - and Manner in which it brad, lictleaders t ilers Cause tholf tom,. in Width the Collar sboul& ft - snugly against the sides Of tt&`e,4W* ed, goo a. There are some ful effects in cattle and to Itely from a point three Ipplits. above 0*1 ition to those form. death bao *Uot yet been F$ in avl detotmined,.-Rild. any Opinions EIX- shoulder point..to a point 10OUt 1110f itilp but it IF, not Possible to iiro banvil at thepeck.'TW0 0 Itita, - allAhe Aetails. Mr.. prCosed at the present UP Way up to the I qtTvatIO110. J Unpr, _aAe-thlrW'to One-half - at We lim$oIf_dla__.0Qt _Bqly_s%� but �n estinlated by `solifte who 'fa-ifeillil-eiltil"a colla� should beWide, enoug 0 attention to thoiol matteVa blare Resesrel, and one to pass tile tAtelk at the �evv sales tax: -Will add ;forty� to i . act ,large amount of IntewQ between the'collar and tb %n4 research Will, Afie neck, it th4s UPPet. patt of thro Clgalrottes� cigars, study*, Investigation T0114ble 'Coll- neck Is thick j 11Q%IArter SwousWo.. lltds of liquors anit. motor be,liegessary to ObtRiA ossible datv or "Halt SWeRUOY" collar should bt, ,also 'pay additional 4XM cluolons regarding tilt 0 feedlug Of used, so 44 UOt Ito pinch the.neek. A IL gjaded. stamp tay. on,bank. gers incidental to tho collar too- w1do at the top will VtO' mouldy sweet Clover. ensllige,. 6r an .two, C'Onts-% to Afty Jol. r cut at eer- duce a -sore neek oo� 400611'At Of 31110� c to, whether sweet' 0IQvC ollar 4a the horso two'celita or evoi7 ad& ertain con. motion of the't ax 'on te*Tams %geB and u.nder c Wallis, tain 00 rty.� The t d veiap6 Ilatiatul properties is -is increased from one. to ditiong, e1tt theLmoalltime Qvmclewt will,' 'be avoldQ4 so aK silage. . Swmt ;0ads - I . - �1` Banks are to pay a one hand to justify %varn-j filiv li,�!d fax,pli I note, circulation, and 01denice Is at gainat the, A. torids , V siho�ilder. attar. - A stock tratisfilis 1.4 raised. Ing farmers a to 0 to, Ave -cent 9 . per shar mouldy erellage ed Id ductiop of from two a five per cent on the duty (�.all farm Ts 0180PdOPS-10d So h er is an - A Sore Rollef for WOMB" fly inCt Ion, IS af$icd, (in rofere r6i I Of 0 Lily is a certain rellet for 411 d1sord68 6f W preference V� orange $I - � , ". Z... sue, T'he Aead wastO "Killit'- lf. Pox cent.. 04 a very Ca JoWly and Is absorbed Into the suffering tit "A and L ph* me onge, of goods. These brief o6ngdftd region Is 6XVelled":gIving a barelyoutline the chief -tax� :AA -to the - relief; tbe' blood custO a.. 6posals and )W9 change WHITE STAR LINE DPCK, D19TROIT, nerves are. toned and $W8011 possible that.they should be ned, and tile circulation Is cft- y all as the right and the vase eyho ad Will. dock on. arrival at Detroit dered to normal. A's this tMt-6 W here Str. Or u I nt,is based on strictly -WA00- always enter we jrito,tfie initkilig of budgets 6poits. Thp ensilage wliven, rluji vc tino, principles, -and acts on M19 f ring eance Accordix ehaftin . g Of tariffs, and.the. poses that the conference at time. One is justified in in er td all r sweei -olover ti the Ha- attitude of Germany and the health authorities with'the assistance come mouldy, and that the,contiliued,. i location of the diseaft ally who. are,not able to cause deeth., do good In &91 c views, -Of -I gue to be held in June as a sequel to that the tructing the. fe nnot helO.but �ntryls prepared- of the newspapers are -m$ eding of it Is It, ea ialls also, color. their im- be sue- condition'of that'colo nent People how to act.iti-order to.combat -attle, the First to Suct'llillb. Df female troubles, Iadwto- tic ra. of this' ki.nd. the Genoa conference, will not . . to 'any arranger of t1,o young forms I 'Oil matte to, live u and dangers Ing deli ts in 0 point rith thou- CeFaful in,confirming the non-aggreg- nesB 7111 be'the effective fac. the discomforts. it is an interesting fact that young 1yed and Painful 11101111M i movo tAv tb sion pledge. This is the* Lloyd entered into v reached. climatic, condition so foreign to the. iree years Of a9v are atlon,.. leucorhoea, raillus of (lie Cattle under tl iba have regarded the future majority of.thern. the ones which suffer most severely womb, eto; Prlee'$2,00 per George proposal that all the nations tors in any decisio . * 1* bie degree Of apprehension is should accept'thE, present -frontiers 14, in 841.. and jucc b the quickest.- Iti.illus. which Iq suly1cleat for' QW3 Vieldifig made in um f6r 10 days, worth W. ag this a Q11 of � IMOW rx to o Veto: -ation of M1 f ten years. With the §traight Conservitive Wins cace. mentionect Oath' sAreatmeht. A Free wrl t, enough tration at this the her addVOIN, �ee,h to, this ef� for a, period/ a Lloyd George Stilt Rides Storms in former Russian betray- foues. Old Constituency erd of 60 cattle tbo 11 an Nvho will send me �rse of his a suffering W , -the commercial lesson of the Safety Where in 'a It' Ill be sent -Fted to any. . 0. Windsor. 00t The w6Vst a in mind at a time when Russia The. Earl of'Balfoues sent, in the I yourg cattle, uu- LYDIA - W. LAD auiltrial�depressiaq is; I be- al There have been political develop- wuldit died were 91' a stamps and addrOss, MTt9- was an ally but was too Slow to aid %ther the seat he 60cu- at age and in. good Inclose lie harles. Glenr condition; Already the sun of beit alore in Britain over the Ge- CommOns, Or I der two yeals as bad been, pr SOLD lIY LEAD)IM wtUGGISTS EVERYWHERE L do� Rumania against the German-Hun� raillits 9 . [most pied When was Mr. Balfour, has :15_101is beginning to shille- I vasio'n, Rumania has taken noa Conference� They. come a] on to ga�rian in, won 'by Edw#rd C k.1ar any. rapid restorati ons.;,..A missiQn-has been in ev�ry day in 1faet.. But Lloyd George been ityo but I believe that, front precauti ne forward;.theiq Will -be quiet, r -sia4 substantial IMPTovemen ii something to remember if of th4 tiae appears, !it ej to bjj terarkab%l Via N M. 'Nailooit DebtlCillIs for 6re in Et n: 14L '66 Maid 4 pendituWAOt Stinginess It would be well to bear In mind M2 that the total debt of Canada on also h 31st la8t_th� closing at the MAIN as"$2,427,298,798- year�-� I a- res the mett reoltal . the exercise of th There Should be a tre is it C411 for care in spending. distinction 'b0th I% the national And individual Windo however' care, lind stinginess. The 14tter is 4f� , 'its disregard of t4du its wasteful In, ROUND NXCUR%03�1 TUESDAY,, JUNE 13TO IT,S AirATER ORONT­GREY, g is wanton reckl4sa- S1(yLINE. OP DETRO meatialworRs al "lle bleo abould b4r Ad)usted & 019. of many who have r to avdld loss. a 11110111 uess. The miftd$-L� or ep, and tinder no the such mat- t Conservative, against rd Until after Ime reL del an to hold the collar snugly a 5 will also bestruck �vith the start- ater, who ran as an Ila- Ing of 'the ensilage commenced',&UA circumstances 51101 so P.J3 to bent toward study of fell,,,& S!%algh 'eat ill the he oporationn In c�nsultAtiOn with the Frach militury still appears to ria the storm in , V cantration be I tile sides og the neCk. 06ad terl lip The amazing personality of Sir OV n a' [Ing dehorning and In, Connection with"the I Safety. iservative. The 'new the losses occurred withi to* CIU4 cattle vithIc aro. being oring he 11116 of draft tight angles ling statement he "Red Col ed,.o tee . at the shoulder ixe authorities in Paris- If t Premier and his Jndomit� dependent Aare Cattle perforitned..0 0 the I nearly increasod tax on' cigais and, eigaV termined to 'make War this I the British, m through Earl used to sit for the city of Lon- weeks, Apparently mi able tO -fed on swee If it as possible. �f cig.; are de -able fighting spirit carry hi - fed -on swee such a Itnals Dipem ��ttej, that the C611sumptioll 4 67 a summer, as many believe Rumanial. where less able andastute men would dou. There may only be coincidence ver four years of Age Are, u Such a The collar old be kept clean br da amolluts tO' 2 j& will be ready. . " I I on to c ter,than won sho under. in it but Earl Balfour's elOvati withstand the ill egocts bAt appears won rettes in Cava volop od VaLOUlar 41141106 a da�ilp loth. each tdttt an, Woman and child. at Any rA 90 has been followed by the young cattle. Howeter, eantlintlel to de, v to intornftl� A's Bankers at the Lordi body to refuse to ad which produce a V 4, rat",. d 'from the - 0 4 -ear f or ever Y 111 ore ways, than, one. feeding of damaged sweet el whe Worl a resultlur in Canada grows In in Conference of decision of thai ul to cattle bemorrhali shoull0iiLg th remove Bound the World Aeropian& Flight mit Lady Ithondda as axitember. She I silage may be hATmt 104. D �IcGjlvray,. rvoidi ct, (.)utarlo ell evening won, preliminary decision lVach and'GerInan$ Paris proposes Big Loan t4) A a of a all ago$. a shoulder ea bulgarisi. With Russia (;ermany Major Wilbur Blake and Captain had ek ration mid'Oehoralut Veterinary (!011ogei Torolltsh cold*salt wator will help ts-i It reliance is to be placed on a With all these ruivrs.of wArs and MacMillan left an aerdrome in the favorable nature. 11his*put5 4 che - It Alakem Cast to'l,",I), n . th't skin pmil prevent abould- ,,urgp- aspirations of other titted Ii& Maze of, stories from var.ious. F agressiomr, it Europe disturbing'the a few days to the Dangerous. Tho inMatC5 Of the r aallfl. 'an capitals, Bulgaria has thrown it, London, England, area rout le mind of 8tatesnien and frightening ago7on the start of their %attempted dies. It is gIso­-i0tere3tIlmr to they are nevc its -lot with Russia and Gerypany, as. I g men, it is. worth notieing L ...... I , . - may be down, but busines, flight around the world, They hope Mome it; i4afeat. so opponent to, the allies and the Lit that there is now in session in Paris cei the 80,00.0 mile journey lind Clover Seed Grown at tle Entente lurkey may also be in - a conference of the world!s foremost to nial idon within 120 days. ter need from Italy and other alliance. more or less return to.., LOI Clol b -111te produces Cluded in the three, tirst named na- bankers. The meeting is t t e O)ut The Atlantic journey it is holied is to countijea of similar 011 format of the come of one of the issues of he Ge-: be accomplished via Labrador, Green- p�ants that are'uot . hardy in north - tions. There has been some revOlu- nain objective %nlida LIld tbe �ulgaria. Some aca conference and its r land and Iceland. But if thor,airmen orn districts of 4- -.and oil, - tionary disorder i4� is the discussion of a proposal tot are behind thiir planned schedule !UnIted State3i In 1919 foil time in Teaching the Amercian Atlan. ,h, *On' 0 a F.( -t d eljortj say that it is still serious Inalce an enormous loan ta Germany.! .If millions of P Id #)I t'll nt%t up to a comparatively recent per- X-Anounts 'VATYing front $500-000,000 tic coast they will try the Azores and came .40, s. TWO rian government "Was _ Into f Ile United I our pipop idd the Dulga to two. billion dollars ar6 mentioned farini ra ill tllP peerless Lawn Pence makes _6tty attractive as the neighbor's a hope V it is Portugal Tonto. They hoVe the ma. (,,,d is not sold to 1 11 ppearance adils Strongly anti-Bolshovint. Thq . i.tb this projeFt. itarted will carry condition that It Milieu It'-, bf inds you h&v& so often a mired. its haridsomo Ai 0446 of escaping its share of reparations in connection I an wily have to chine in Which they t - -1 itirt rior mid- i at any such 101 w one will OW, it it a�, and felt thl, c or it will be them to India, where a n( Inaebine Iseed*housos kn value to your land and gives your homis the reputation Of bt'D due as a. result of tile world W, reat inngnitud It to be of g a satisfactory be in waltipg, and a third will not DrodueP rood crope. tho,finest on your street. of jecovering lost tell]. avy' Imposmble to give will be used for the Labrador run. and shrube are protected froto tilled into Bulgarla"s a Process -of settlement. ac- 4ore it Is mixf'd Wit" With Peerless pence your flowers Its,long life makes have been ins . litry, at the Go. start to 4seed and lindoubte-illy t4 tilt, cali-sw Intruders and receive pleny� of. air and light. representing their coil to a, considerable ext(llt 'Of Ow 13n. ptorlessthe, most economics (once you can buy. satisfactory ciov(,r crbPa. ASIC a Pett'101111 40414f to AOW Yett the 43(4rebt hclahts, stylck ond 601abdo 60, ;Fii�e to bf, '7a:p Is tf. buY 14W Our Ultatrated folder. The onlY way llit;il *,vill gnar- from 1pliable firnin V LL-HOXIE WIRE, PENCE COMPANY, Limited :autpe tilp source of t1144 "I'l "P 11111ri- UANWE from grow,101 III 11W "Solfteff, OAL I ate vicinity,. ... di CA ,jVrite for our �Uld t1P PXC16;1' slic I froe from JAS.Ozas securp on Poultry Prottetiom dthc�rwi roubIrCOMP Wrf-d T�wo�ds.--- t'llivc-rOtty of :31111., Keep rtecordqa fr t4110 q, �ato, vccovdn "Ire rreemarq, to t1w I)t malinrl ra(,ylt of any btic If1e farmcr, tO 1)0 succ0c')91111 bllsjn�al man an woll as of etopa asd 04)(111ECT Of '15 V$IaU lie All, stoelk. An V. bu0jur, -COT0 ozatable buaIafq5 ft atu. dfiiJcdd4A about Vibat! come 1�onb. Vu"n, to ulidecM(A about wbat Zom DULLE ISLE PARK, DETROIT YOU W One of .1,1029 tO 11� qcct) 11F en the Groyhounit 19 JL 07 �4