HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-06-01, Page 9iE1111111
F, ion lat. IM
_1 T!_ -
lTb# IgjA SitUXI" a V*'Adt Of Pjr*�
t'quwA Anxiety � NOULOY SWEET CLOM
rhe. ci%Uatioll in IrvlAtid ii V4,AJ�j 44
Cause of pr0founki riAlIxietv to the Bf i� uVly I
I'Ence,b�etween the MeAlbers of the 1'ro, to young Cattle.
V4,WmAl .90vel"1111041t ef Irclarli arA
%be ufit�, m su-�h
,,h Re I
has inany clenw;46 (4 gationall Work by P1,`OV.10CIQ1
usefulu6qs� The trouvie is til h 41,1116411
all 1110-
are thousaad% C,
who &
n,3t ree(ig�jxe any of b
Iliad, search and
Ai 06� upon'
and 01atinue 01cir bittl; lie
With tile utntost bitteffiess, ThKO %ccessar1.
are not wanting critics V113 dCclarel (V.ontrJI)uted bV OntsvlO V09U. "Int
th, - t be.
t jts� a of a pl�k Agrlc�lture. Torc,11104
tweell do Nakra for the Repubileansi rcep
and Michael Collins for the Provision" ntly Considerable 4gelgiless and
the elections neNt � le.,tses h,%vo bcen VIVOW4 aWcng
al government, be it true expression jlage. lit setlo
Month will not cattle bving led on cna
11101 AW
of the will of the pco lc� but WIR Qu
followed bt� tits, estabrishment Of an instavecs onl?"a few anawals bilve
on 9, particular f0lus,
il,the South. In that been 'Ritcetcd
Irish Repu )ic I laperial r blit an a low cascs the IONKS b"Vs
event the position: of the 11
government 'Will be one ill 1'7hi'h it licen L serious, as One tarMer IS klAo"
Will have to act with sternness Or Te* to have lost 11 animals out at & herd
cognize such a,nepublie. It is ed attle, The frequency and . t
that there will be no cause for sue a at 50 9
dilemma and that the pessimists will 'peculiarity of these losses 740,11 led tho
THE STEkME1t GREYHOUND find themselves Mistaken- & now Department to usva Investigations
complication bas arisen in the recent
lees and exPerlmelitl Made " detcruiluo
on to Detroit next ulorllftj
�"Ich will bring euutsion from Detroit 31004ay, ju�e 12th, returning with txcursi widespread raids Under the 211168TItee!r!
June Isth of the Ulster government in that ter- tue, cause. %VDrlk br
his (Illowed the cold blood- Investigational
rit,ory. r Thl
ceptable, to all concerned. An illum- L member of the North- Veterinarians.
ed murder of a
Inating story - came$ from Holland hree ; and riesulteif in the ar- I The statt of the Ontario Veterinary
he bankers seem to think that erqmsiparfliatmeni hundrod officers 3114 lose touth with
epublican. for- Collegii have been In
lad; EM where t Qualtr
VORLD Tag" is not ripe far such a Step- members of the Irish R
the time V sUrV011% thrOt
oru Nevertheless they 81'gue that if it is the votertuall, Ind reliable tatormw-
THEIR SIGNIFICAN.C.I., agreed upon Holland must take part Ves' the proyinte. 6 the, prevailing
be a distinct An Unforecederited Beat Watt 10 UOU 'Obtained at to d.
in it. otherwise she will Lon4on, Eng. circumstances where cattle have dle
loser. . American delegates are repre- ation. has reveal*
United States easeii taventig
senting some strong ting. Loridon, Brigland, is suffering filold ed the fact that V14.' losses boms Va LOSTIr"s
In the.
the pro;
1wose, c
:ror- refle
1,!E sn".,
and el
fivef cl
per 0
the t!
lr There
a half
At r is
I bailei
and '
ter I
gatheving, -by-ther-Words-and. Aq-.�,,financlai JuslWat, 044P P iprgeedorited heat wave Itual- 5 : Is iced extensively
Th � -d - - r -the-_ t6- be, 41% ur In the occurred among cAtt lob bo�A
tiong of the Germans and RiSillinS. a I es 0 r I ffi__� i'tQll of human. lives.1 t -usilage wh
To passed since y can, be assured of a taku Wthe wereurp IS- Vdnnix g Q on sweet clover e - 'I ... �*ri Pa age.
Rumania is greatly ollarmed over this that it Ge1mal r of in- shade iiedome, mouldy. samples of the elk I
In in 0'. than She fears big. loan at'a reasonable rate �or, while In the Sun it nd, ck
Out ons e III et, new tum in the wheel. jerest's. good dpal of the frictiort con. degrees and a' 1, 126. stlage were shipped, to the V
e oppo ity Ist the Soviet will take adva ' utage stantli arising when reliatatlOil pay- iff declared -to have tOuchO - College, and experiments -Conducted
en 0 the Complication$ to attegiptrt(i London know What
due, could be avoided and Those who know clearl�t, indicated tb%t MOU10 OW"t
,,ion., There ere no Start- Wry given to Rumania ments Collie painful ordeal this , lilage was harmful to exttl%.
-1, - seize all torril time" Germany Would an aitollishingly millions clover elif
rrisses this - t e, it having if w4r,.Zaa*i"9 A first At the 4ame.
�iaily rico L 1ze4 that as a penalty irovince of Bessarabia I quickly set I Vrom observations And inforrolIA10 InttlI4 the none C
lava IL thence to. more ner beat wave must be 'for the,ustamed A
of its people Ibsolutely unac( present time, it Would;, ollar Is Aw Axt
C, revenue Must be.Iaurul, irt -y A-vallable 4Lt the job as dehoralug Run
attack On the long di oper
whe're.the RuPlAn armies would hope house in order for tho� ultimat �Z$s to Such extremes. Even the I umnear that
at accounts. The ba e.. tho bArm lit 4011111104� to castration performed an ftttlO that Ile results Ou '00, 4XIII-1
he. decreasing returns fight to tesp what promises to be sin Im- tieftlent is likely, to last, far Some Oy011 of last year pales into tl�sigwfi bav�e -been k r an mouldy Much trout �h year from 40to
luti: . -he vast lamounts mense crop of wheat. This prqsup.. conference ept largell sudden $60 farm eae
I6aj and t -clover I
to � meet the fixed experidl- sweet Duallage caumcd shoulders on hornes caus0d 4Y I%*
goath In Many V
Wilig, the Min- a "A ft-
while'the 4911110
W., S. Fle improper fittilig at collar
I Op �ra lanii similarly performed On adluatmOut Of hlimts-
0en I
Finance" Propogego .,as, 11104; proper
additional ttle fed 4ifferently have not D The collar should Ot tht 0044M
b fIft$r per tollo*ed, by ill Offctts- ThO exact na i;o that In length the" Is lust -iow
Lit a factor
let It ed 00 ture of the VOlsono"o for the flat of one's hand betwom
t wlwlesal- With thlo"elittlage. aAd the tile collar and the heck at tht b",
ct 46floolsted
Mannar to Which it prod%lco Win- tom, in width the eoit%r shoula ft
Illioles ors ilers, and ) aid to Cause their the $idea at Me, Wilk*
ed goods. ere are some tul elfects in cattl( toly stlusly against
no In. addition to r those fQrM_ (loath' has not yet becli dpaut from a. point three Inches AbOTO MO
essible determined, and W OV1,111(ins ex- It Iderr point, JO a point about balt
ItIng, but it is ]jot esent time are based 0 0%1 the top at the lieck. T*ro
go into all, the presbed at the Pr way lip to
it per-. one4tt
"himsolf olae-half- Of
so,'. �but n7orixetleal obso 9
e OiOL arch. and rNpet'llueoting Ide 00ougli to u11070
6stiniated by Bogie who Moro nese collar should be W &
:t attention. to the8t matters Required; 1)ne to pass the thick of the Un 10
t �Of 11110190 b It
new sales taxc will* add'lortv 14 fact a large anlo'lla , OtWee the collar And tht' -Rido 44
larl, dollars.per year. io tfiel ligation and research will the neck, It the UPPer Part Of thO
r�agury. Ci;arettes, cigars, study, to-yeo, neck to thick R-"Q%lftI`tOf Swfa&W*
table COII--
kilida of liquors and motor be necessary jo obtain rel sible dan- or "Halt $W0alIQY" c0liar should be
1, elu.slous rejarding the DOA nell the livelit. A
'also pay additional taxes' dental to the feeding of used, sor as not to pi a-
gaid Stamp tax on bank gers luel
4 gr to fifty dol_ reet clover enallage, or as collar too wl4e at tbiO top will VT
�two cents Up r ry addi- mouldy am Iweet clo4er cut at OkIr- 4wee a sore neek on RcOuut of oldel
a' Jw-o goota for evei -to whethor � f 19 of the cQ11at, oa the hot"
talit stages and under certain can- mot
Thei tax Ono teigiams
les-Is.increased fr M no to ditlons.. develops liarm-ful PrOPOrtleG Walks,
eantime sudicleut Sweat �,ads be4voldgd-
t 'Banks are'to pay 4rOne "as, alligei to the In
s� ad to justify warn- tbet, 1),%,;d -.it F.�l sweat iwd
ta - circulation, and �Lvldev& Is at 11&1 -1 - V1 I I
!orl nob ljt ttlia A 4144 siboulder. afteu
oil stock transfers is-taisod farmers again
Lag h lyvt�% ew."Ir Ail
P6 to. five . cgrits , per sha pdouidY
a reductiog of front'. two And
0 fivo� per c(t�t on the duty on
LIty all, farm. implements, ma
OMOR's DIS Pd PS -10 dAYS' telat it ffilf
aild'itoQla, 41ad,there is aft in A 4dre Refid f0f W
preference to. Britain* of two derValo relief for all disorders of Women.' Iipoled
Orange L'Ily'ris late onwr
alf pev, cent, on a V;e�cy eonsid p, into the suffering tissue. Its dead, w4
localy. and is absorbed
ogi, These brief rktJI and physW4
range. of 9:00
eonge*d region Is 0XV01led.r giving 'Immediate Me]
feiief; the blood Ve
bai�oly outline the chief tax- to the
es. 5als and customs cllange&
IN E D9CK, DETROIT nerves are toned and Aftogul-
ripossible- that they should be -efroulation
se al. at Detroit ene.d., and the
i Where Str% Greyhound ..dered to, normal. -As thIS tcW-
�y, all as tne rght a -Ad the wi Will docko)l arriv
talI;p. politics alwAYS enter ment is based on Strictly
into Abre makingr of. wen flail 1A1
budgets w, tiflo prinolp
in interring cance ace6rdin -reports., ThA swej idlover ensilage les) and acts on the
e changing' 61 r tarifts, and the at ther Ha* tithe. - One is justifieJ q to 41 It r
Ity Who are:'not poses that the conference of Germany and the -health autborities with the assistance' come mouldy. and that the collth"Witt, actual location of the disease
Lit ViCWS'Of. W41 equel to that'the attitude icting the feeding of it Is liable to cause deet cannot uelp bat do good In . 411
politicians also color their im- gue to be held in June as a S, dition of that country's prepared- of the newspapers are instri
Ar to act iii order to combat an s.. troubles, Indlild-
of r this kind. the Genoa conference, will 'not.'be Suc- M to live up, to any arrangement People bW 1�at to r su6unlb- s of 'femall
ps.r in matters noti, aggres�-. ness the discomforts and dangers of the TO 9 , ftct:ihat' YOU49 Al khL Ing delayed and painful mclistfu-
the point With thou- cessful in confirming the be the.effectivd fact. -he It in an interesting ea, falll4g, of Ute
pledge. is the ' Lloyd entered into wlllr,l,,, at age are
.This climatic condition 'so. foreign to t
e sion. deels reachedo* cattle.undei three years,
iS:0O1h111Vte0 regarded tile futur
)sal � that all the nations tor in any womb, .4
majority of them. �,t6. PrIee $2.00. P(!V 40
,prehension is George Prop( which sutler MOBF ti'4
owe degree of ap the present frontiers k the ones which 14 Sucliclent for One
tration, oi )vjr.,Violding ma4b in should accept VIFith the locumb the quickest. In Illus daym, worth IU
and ffl, at. th
f-. for a,PerIOcVOf ten years. is the eace mentioned rionthl tre tMont. A pKe _TrialTrelktmellt, enough f6r� 10
lat bal
m 91
tint and
he� as
urge -of hjs� sReech t6 this e ormer Rusaian. betray- Lloyd Gieerge. SuI4 Rides�. Storms ift Straight Conservative Wins In Bal�
fourls,Old Constituency tratIOE to any suffering woman who NVill send file tier address..
.01 the, commercial lesson of the f Saf ety the 'I where in a herd of 60 cattle the 17 will be sent Free
.. I a
"The worst, ssion is. I 'be- al in rafind a a t�we when Russia The Earl .of Balfour's seat in re allyoung cattle'ut- and address, MRS, LyDIA�W. LADD. Windsor. 0k_
a4ustrial &Vre �t was.tioo 'slow to aid There have been political develop- which died we
Already the r Sun of bet� Was. an 4)1y III r rather the scathe a t age Inclose 8 stamps
140 Rumania the �. German -Hun-. ments galore in "Britain over the Go- iCoMmOlts, 0! y X0 0
plining to Obine. Corif erence. They come almost pied.when he was Mr. Balfour, has der two ea SOLO BY LgAIPINq DnUGGISTS' EVEMV141gag
a, is bes won by F,,dw#rd Charles Groh- condition. VIX.StOrrices. li�
apid. restoration to garian irivasion, Rumania has taken noa 0 ecu-
dk for any'r 'as, been in ev day, in fact.: But Lloyd GO rge bee
but. I believe that, from Precautions A mission h ery
me, forward;'tbere will,be quiet,
and substantial improvement-
t- 1.0
That - 1�s something , remeris r
the turning I of tbd.tide:- appears, at,
0 Its to reipatk011"
Its for Care, in
0111VdAL 4 AIR'' a&
pendituro, not Stinginess as
it would be Well io bear in mind
ellso that the total debt of canada on
March 31st IaSt�the vlOging Of the
;04 , I. y�ar,.,:V�as $2,427,298,79,8. In
te there reilital Of Abpse figures
else of
there is a call ior - the exer
be a
,care in spending, There,sbould
In the national and
.distinction both
irldividual inirldo however, between
C4 The latter 'g-af- NX ISTH
we, tind'stlngillOsiL W XCURSION, TUESDAY,JU
steful in its digregard, of i��
e8sentiftl'Work4-as is wanton ree)008-� SKYLINE OF DETROITS WATER FRONT
"have should W adJ1116tNt.30'
Dag. The winds of many who -order to avdtd 1000ef- -and, under no ebb'l'dd�tbo collar onuslY agld"t
134 1 Iri- �40 0 a
.4 bent toward the Study of Such Mat s ride. -the $tbrm in felli a straight Conserva ive, againstl ent. in the herd 11ntil atter MO Iteu
rg will also be Struck Witli'the Mart- ench military still appears t( ligge commenctdo and circumstances should operations the sides of the litek, and to P,6 0
te dd V ality of Sir T. V."TBowater, who ran as an ln-i I Inj of the ebO. I'd cgutrglon. be
ling Statement in, connection with th4 consultation with the Fr g deharnlug'RT
xg and elgar- authorities in Paris. If the Red$, �Safety. The amazing persom dependent Conservative, The new. the losses, Occurred Within a few cludinj whjcb dre being oring the line of draft right R1181"
Increased ta)t on �090 -to make war this the British Premier and his indomit- it for the city of Lon-' weeks, ' ApVareutlk mature cattle perf0imea on cattle L f It '0 tile face of. the shoulder in nfarl:7
.0sumption of dg;: art determined elio L _h Earl used to E incidence rg of age Art able,44, , fed 00 Sweet CIOVOl PnEllage I as posolble.
'Ve, n Would don. There May or �m
Ates, that the e� as many b Rumania able fightitig spirit carry him throug ily be cot over four, yeal
,a amounts to g67 a summer where less ible and astute me cts better thah appe rs wouldy. Such un,lMaIG s" rhe collar should be ke'Pt tlfts 6Y
withstand the *0 ar ed vacetilar (Ilatiges
'.."arettes; in CoA� tate -will be r�ady. in.,if but Earl Balfour's elevation to
[an, womanand. child. at any i go under. .0 nued to 40
, e * * * * . the LordA has been follOmie(l-hy the cattle. Howayer, ittl ro neo a tfndtne-Y to Ir'";tnal rapbing'!Ith wdawli Cloth each Wgt'-,
ear -for every it wh it 10 romoveit from .-the
ansda grows In gioreways thall, one. Co I riference of World's Bankers'� at decision of, that body to refuse to ad- =g of damaged sweat Clover oft- ag req iltinr In o.vat.,,
Ar 4, any Paris Propo silage Mai be harmful to cattle of he should r.
sea Big Loan to AeroplorkC Flight Ida as a member. She I I - il.vr 1, Ontarto
0. suing the shoulder eaeb OVOIIIIAX
Bilkaria With Russia, and I. Germ A* Round the World mit Lady Rhon( I" LL WI,
Germany Blake L re iminary decisions of A all ages.
to be placed on it Major Wilbur and captain cheelt Vilb cold nait wator will belo tO
If -reliance is.I.O. various Europ- With all these rumots of wars and v. This Puts 4' It Bf8deg Castratloit and 1khorillill,
F,urope disturbing the MacMillan left an aerdrome in the favorable hatux o
,glaze of �Storios agrtssions in I the as irations. f other titled I I a- Dangerous, a thf, Skin and prewrit shoulda
Ligneia bag thrown 10 ;men and frightening London, England, area, a few days The inmates Of the Penitentiary
ean capitals, Bu mind of statw It Is also latere5tin,& to W may be down, but they are nev' Out. r Lkill(J.
�ta lot with Russia and Germany, -us it is worth noticing ago,on the start of their attempted dies. er
i business men, the world. Th
0 ponent t# the Allies and the Lit- that ey hope
the" is now in Session in Paris flight around Clover seed Graivu at Home Is SAfest'
Fritente. 'Turkey Itay also be in the world's foremost to make the 90:000 mile jOuthOf' and
ailiance, More or less a conference of
eluded in the. " is the' out- return to London within 120 days. clover seed from Italy and othery
formal, of the, three %lrst ganied na. bankers.. The rneetinE ebuntripa oi similar climate produces
come of one of the issues of the Ge. The Atlantic Journey it is hoped is to
as been Some roVolli -1 be VL�cowplished via Labradorl Greon� plants that are 0 not hardy. in north
There b main objective
, . Some noa. conference and its to land and Iceland. But if the ailblincil -,Cru districts' t- Canada- mid
Ih Bulgaria a pro osal _dulof In 1919 foll�- and oil#--
tionary disorder I it; the discussion of ;d
ToportS say that it is still serious' Make an enormous loan to 8ormany. are - behind their planned s United states.
But uly to a comparatively recent per time in reaching theAmercian Atlan- i half milliolls or p6undo if tilift e:(.c d
'ing front - $50OM0,000 qtuto S. Th -5
rian government 'WL15 ALInounts vary came Into thv� United .
jod the Bulgal billion dollars are mentioned tie coast they VillLtry the Azores and the -neighbor's
artn' rs .11 the our P�q?
strongly anti_nolsllcvist� The hope to tWo� rill route. They ho e the Ma- �spvd is not sold to f Peerless Lawn Pence makes arty attractive as!
108 Portug I ad -da
mith this project. chine in Which they starteg will carry its hik4doome APPeatAh"
i share of MarAti011s in connection , condition that It e0lut's I", I)' I' "'-c grounds you have to oftsn'a milred
of oseaOltig ift Ian will have to 'a value to your land and gives your haws iho TePutatiOn Of being one
due as a result of the warld war and felt that any inch 1( 1 lia, where a new one will seed-bousea kno;v It-la-'inf, rior vud 04
e�fljj to b,- of great magnitude or it will be them to It � I a third Machine will lint prodIlep-good croptL Thf,i the firlost on your street.
of recovering lost territory. so aetory be in Waiting, ani
I B I ariang nTpoAsible to give a satisf radof run.
have Won instilled into n 9 6 process 'Of settlement ae- will be. used for the I,* f0fe It J18, mlxpd wit'-, n4t j,� e etfyv(,r With Peerless Fence your dower# and ahrubt are - PtOtOcted from
representing their country 4t the GO. I sta . rt to need and - undoulitirdlY I" th` pa"re intruders and'recelve Plenty Of air and light- Its long life makes
to a considerable ('xt')Ilt of 01(i ull--,
ghts, stylto and fisOhos ii -I wt
Peerless the most economical fence you can buy -
satisfactory (,Iovf,r erom. Ask a Peerlei* 41001#r k6 thOw yOu the differeett Ii
.7 The only wa:r to br, fm.�V is t,,,.buv got our illustratild fpIder,
Out follable firtus whiell Will COMPANY, Limited
antpe tbe sollrep, of t
A1r,r . wt,rg 115 t1w ly.31mi'li..
chaw from gro "Amiltom ont. q
:ate vicinitY.
Wben, . Voreliftsint!
)Ldd'oe 00'10�u-sl to' J& 01ir
Olt" growpm -earQ 0114�
frc( frorXI Protcetion
ootherwhie troublosomP vrrd t;Ps-d.q-
0 Arnv UnivCMity of �,linnt sofp.,
litep lt4?cords-
cen"Iry to
qnW, 7(-eords are n(-
liprit of aty bisaf-
tho sZO,nt manat,"
Tito farmer, 10 bo rJu""Of""
Mucat lip a bliallif-03 I
Droduc�r of
a t,,rowc-r of erOPI aud 'as man Tie
Wve ntfiek. buoillf
gliculd havOl tultable buf3luf sa t",
�j an, Urdc(?jdcd atout
1)�ARK, DETROIT V",wa will L -P undcCidrd nuout "Alat y(yu
0 re getting,
to W ncm LY 0,eUfr,^0"i6t5; M1 the Greyhoutut
Otte ef the bntit�,