The Goderich Star, 1922-06-01, Page 6a
Coott of X4visWs
81MD 1672 The 0surt of Revision t)f the as-
olestment roll of the Town of Godg-
rich 9pentil on Tuesday evening� Uwj ump
ONIF, 1*0ple have fortillIeS Mr. 4'. A. P41ton's Appeal againq w nite Teet eakhy Gms
S left tbew., &lost People income aswisment was riust*i
Y assexmient struck o4f.
INK have to make theirs. Every- T. X. Davig' appeal against assess -
thing must have a c-oninience- r4ent on lot Aw was sustained And and a Clean, Mouth
the assefsment was. reduced from
Diem. A savings account in t 41('06 to $10ft
the Bank of H4toil ton may be J. Fell I I against assess- people who use Xleilzo Dental Cteme veg-
111wota IN A'
went on A Mis sustained fnd
the commencenient. of your assessment rQueed to $600. ularly tell us that it keers their teeth white
fortune* li is Certain tl4at if The appeal of the 1. 0. 0. P., 4- -their gums firm,_and their moutlis heal.
ssesMent on lot 174 was su- an, and comfortable, with tbatcool,
t, you �Will never 1151tatlinn5eteand the assessment reduced thy, Cleo
you never star from 420W to 41500. clean Kleozo feeling, Au4 Me= is 9
get very fox. Mr. S. Vickers' appeal against as- - I wed by the dental pro.
sessment of lot Vt. Wo at $900 was safe dentrifice, apl)r(
not sustained. S 911 that any deutril
............ .......... Mr. H. McV, ittle's appeal awaitipt fession because it doe
600201CO BA"I'$T�.CHURCHL assessmentcan part lot 12, con. A.. irice ought to do. T ry, it.
BANK OF HAMILTON Which is hoWing Its 16th blith4al next stinday, June' 4th Goldtb6rv&a survey, was sustained
and the assessment reduced froju
COXXIC11 XW4NCR- A. $. McKsy, MOU29M. 0 Pw to V00.
peal a- Stor
_J Mr. Joseph Baechlees ap,
THETUTS, OF THE CASE, PROPOSES SCENIC HIGHWAY gainst ossessment on lot 233, comer
TROM WINDSOR TO GODERICII of Park st. and Cambria road, was Th Rexall, Drug e.
Care Shoullil He Rxerviseiii in Amend-
ing surwilay, Hours Of Rextsurouts #6060ter" Cout-tv Trying 114 Get Oodo�
ODMQ1 h141t= DUNLOPP Phw- B
ilglit for rLefitri odericb, M91,315t, 19=, 'rich to Take the Lead -in Movement
G 1.35 to 1.40
, . S, H �C
mions on milli 8001y
%tal:, have. bad their effivet." ' To the ]Editor of The ar. for Tourist Highway to Connect Wheat ...... 3.15 to 4.00
Already we havt. uad surprising Dear $rr--At a meeting of the With Dixie- Hfglvl�ay, Vlour, perewt., UmIly
excCutivo of the Citizens, Social Ser. Flour, patent'.."#.. 4.50 to 465
TatiRsDAY, June Ist, 1920, - evidence locally,that shows that Atli- vice League on M6nday evening, the Air. IV. 0. Coutts., of Big Stone ran per 0114 30.00 to 31:00
itick XonnedY, asilessed for'
mule which react to the tuberc4lin secretary was asked to. write to the Gap, has been in town the past week S or s, per n. .... 32.00 to, -38. 01 not allowed, Mr. F street, was struck of
ving to arouse enthusiasm in a .. ............. *40 to 45 Mrs. A. Finlayson, Vidow,L vraS OV_ lot 20. Cypte"
test are not an unknown quilutIO local press And correct a. at*tement tr.
E01"RIAL COMMAT I , and was the roll. adjourned to
In fact onw local dairyman on buy- made at the InAt meetipg of'tbe town 00 to U5 erlooked in the assessment
too for 4 -tourist 'highway from arle ...... .......
Wind or to Godorlob or further ue heat ......... 00,to 1.00 t 6n the Toll at anassel
council regarding, an"officer og.ffia isment of The court then June
Tba highwa wreeQntly which a0par- north. -The Dixie highway running Huy 15.100 �500 on, lots, - 6th�.At 89- 24,
from Windsor to ft g now co Ia* who, was, a 0.
15.00 to :no 122
W44 In the. best rei'Ortca'to have tUm' front Florida to Detroit, he 8ayS'h%$ Butter 26 t7o
on 10 the GcorgljmL Bay, ently of 11"Ith, to to Off the ligh 1.1mr--
tX'Jft a restaurant one meant a largo inflow of 'capital' into, Hogs "11.
.... . 1=0 010
1#08ce, add to his herd, was very atile'll slir- Sunday evening and tobave sent out -13,00 to 13.00
which mr. mr, G. Coutts, pr( . the south for Its devo�ll) o,- 26
to, fin4 thg, L urists who wero being I t eTm.elit , Tourr Eggs �r, t
would cvrtalnT$, be something " Which' Priscd t it reacteil to tko a party of to 8 8 who have cleane up fortunva.
woilld be, of groat bvneiW to.Godorleh test, - And,, Of course tb"qlmal was served. during the war are7 anxiquq. , to put Potot000k ger bag ......... 100 to 'I go
r resort. The dmiwbok not -used -*#-4 The facts of the ease are' these; their __lnonoy Ipto, - development- pro- Cattle, 0 OICL e .......... 0.00' to 7.00L
which L provents much greater develop- FZL wbos0 boys' hod been indulging in 3 to 4
kq them, and -now with the. pr Bologiti, BuDs, per lb.
latil the people Vill demand 0, yearling Jambs.'... It to 12 nice -C�
_ 0 On com Cattle, ordinary.....
obably It is only 0 mattej'41 eduw 'Ootsia visit Florida and see 4hances "A d
late hours *no late lunches at the To- an
ment of Godgrich as a tourist resort CatIOA 1� $tftUtant, ii posed Detroit to, Windsor �brldge,.the .... ..... 4 to, 4
tou I od.,milk or milk from ce atifiW the proprietor that She6p',.�.- . 1:9
is just the -lack of better traug&rta. pas r3Z 0 extension of . this highway up into Hi
he wos.4iolating the bylaw -which fix. .. .......... 10 'to 9.00
- 1... .
Canada is sometbink which strikes
.10 ji. lieve, and I)e- tified, hotda. ed the hourb for restaurants front 9 ri
t a facilities betwee RV Nig 6a
also. It Is in� Mr. Co4ts is containing big poser. F rht J e 2ads
.14 this connection, After
Lp. to 9 p. in. on, Sundol.
trolt, so the gateway through which,
from toresting to bote the, piovIsl6ns 01440 found a. party of young boys bilitles for Goderich, not"alone from
Inuc)l of our tourist businoss
thlothhail the po
a it by the�Governmeilt foi tht VvQhIb1- Ili restaurant after hours And int of view of the tourist busi.
_stgs must come. A britic'this way but in
Me Urifted St tr#ffioL be. tion 6 went in and warned the -proprietor noss, it ivould HOTEL iajr.4Dx- CH-
-of th sale o. unpastour* ORDI'GOPER1
Is -there is a large motor f Ized or that he -would lay.. 4 charge - again the WAY of Indtistrial dlevolopulint;
uncortified milk and. the conditions hiin L if he Continued as men. with lots"Of money coming
.11 Detroit $0
4 Goderleb, Land With bylaw. to di4reg the
Oil which - the Go�ernWent Will u _ No toliriXte Vor� there and here as tourists would see the,qppor� I he Be' S' t
*.resilly good 'highway this would be T the officer did not turn off'the, lights tunities for industrial d6velOpmeiit
%ortused many fold. It the Govern. dertAke' ' the inspection of 4411, He � simply did ild invest their money in- 0sim- C -Connon at the -
Ake this herd& These are given in the fol, be big duty aii4 vboul� wo�
AeAt-.,.cQuld be, induced to,m commended for his faithful ada in fact Canada offerell'the best of Anything,
in lowing bulloOn issued by the Doin, Instead of being charged wItbiid$jt�,,fl;TA for investment they could field. with
Provincial Ifighway' everyone Mr. Fleming was interested in this
opartment of Agriculture. courtesy.
Wor part of fife country would be oil- lillou D r Orchestra
The road;-bf iC9404 41scussiol
which- took -place- To- - -B --observatioir-1t, is--foun4 ... that. L _vmd the-- fad_lhat_hi�. had &S'"Jnq ......
real tourists seldom, it ever, freguent urc used the Point Farm abowed is
M contly I" th, House of Cow the restaurants after 9 oelock -on at he saw possibilities In develop- always Moit Dancin ock on Lunches it you. Like
t 'of It, It alreadl� * Provinvi, voallit the fact that the. eltion and g ff0M*&'C'Cl
Vounty towns of Canada do not take advant- f0tm L O'ung- boys en� up this w
road. IV, Sunday' evening. But .. T. uttS L AdVoeate4 04111'1)gL a econom
_Colitte enterprise, in' boosting this. 'M and gi a ca4. be Abore and ical, anct we
el, to, the' extent they should or meeting of re=tatiVeS Of. Muill' Admission $L00"ai couple
Will L nave might do, of the opportunity 'offered their pare a complain to, the 'Offi.
anywhere cipalitles that be interested in
Of LAg _._lcarrY the best,mater.,
b the highway at Goderloh during the
the Dominion Dopartmenk core, Is sent bylaw was passed
n 1v . o a 'a half V Silead sing Wake le ot
withct atitotiowi. For a grout ma"$7 r culture, to have the hords supply- Only ears ago, ex. Heir Allan* M Wa he LoVed 4y You��
eeti 0 he county council and
Its" the. Wd of better toltln"lunica� I� -milk or cream -tested lot tu , o i ssly for e convenience -of tour. some action.
'floft Along the lake shore bats Nou c osis by' officlais of the Health of a, aiid t e time allowed by it was ling th got
% Kra i campbell. spoke of the
-in-c4un- considered � ample for all legitimate 8 4
the subject of attention., Before au. Animals Branch, By order rr We have. never heard -of advantag such a highway would be
I - . . JU E
sexed in April, 1917, t is provid- pu pwes. N 3id
Wo Cil r
I and; o it vote of.thafiks to Mr.
-tot, came Into such general Also' eld but, on application 0 the Voter- any. real tourist be inconvenienc.;
Q5 plan- in ry Director General, any city or, ed by the Closirlo I'll, Coutts for the interest lie was t4k. 12.00.
bad Riectrie railwiys schem f he re�tuurants
ink in -Goderich. Mr. Chug.- Garrow Dirmer p"cirij aridCabareff iii'6.30 to
raing comnWideatiow along the lake ta= can secure this service on condi- at 9 V, m., on Sunday.
Wi would suggest that d d till � viotion, Wb1*chL. WjfJ
dairies $up
IVJ Now that the auto isto, such tiOn that, - the eglyin -the council aecon e 0,
11 the 'd Y' amendment to tft carried. The president of Martin
con. in -consi ering an 30.- A MACEwan, SundA C rf-du i ffinfii6r and Suppe
Ali extent supplanting. tho railway milk or cream are license the, Board, He y, once r ng r
I form to the.standard. It is furthor the bylaw should see that the hour
1 BA
a ar
also spoki fit' I what Tailor'
understood -that, two years after the set is not too late, that arty exten.
the Improveroont 'Of the� highway !Vrec, ation of
r. Couttg, huegtne'and was doing �Rours
-seems to be the solution of better -con. first test, the sale of unpasteurized Bion (if time should be limited to the Godericb, and - intimut*d that the
'st season, -and that children
Rin in the app
Ion tilong, milk or cre. lying citV, or tourl in tou6 with, -Mr.
the to Board Was getting
town shall be problibillWil,. unless � the should he iadmitted only When ac -
'L. . - i Ine ng �aud *ith'Sarilia: in th.e mat- 0=0
I. -It _� 4 companled by it parent or guaidi i tor�mflt Vag
has Often been complained ill votorlilary,ins octor can certify that .. an. -
the dairy begh contain no reactors We thanks 17OU, Mr. Ediltor - for probably 'too short no
_publishing L t)
erloh that' tile municipal i are free from tuberculos7i� your cou;tes J; tice to, call the meeting.for nW week
and $Utgestpil bk Mr. Coutts.
These conditions being agreed to, ERT$ON,
tAn. Inopportune. time of thi "Ji � '#t_
F CA , rm
IW, the time whon people tire too -inspector or Inspee oa. vy a P . O�t' ur�
test all the coValurniabing mlllk�*nd League, Tbo� following from thi
�luch taken up witblho business, rush cream to this 'city, Ot town, concerned. on Times Heralo is, Interesting �in HYDROAMIR
of the holiday season., and with the Issued by the Director of PublioitYp WHERE ARE T119"SEATS this' cofinectiow, 'a stove
I . NT. 0. 001ditA, of, b0deriCb, , Ont., A nil raber of electri
11OWNY 001rit to give the WAtt0V Of DOW, Depart, of' A foulturep circuits, are I now holog con.
-of the boat candidates for 04m4i May FOR THE'SQUARE? is,in the city tdday, solicitinK Port
Huroh's cooperation In . a special
r4iinkip*1 I olft thq Attention it do. From the above it wilt M seen that Iro the 9ditor strootea at c6ilaiderible cost, so
-have'un smeWmellt a condition oil whiell'the. Government tourists science bighway to Gode- t.hd tbe.'demw�d Tor eldotric-
atTvis. 0W,w_0 of The 'Star, rich, which fie sals is tho �most_ beau-. . - _1� 1. - -
1 chge. will agree to Inspect hords is. that $111 Dear'Sir, *vco upon a time (and tiful town in Cai , iida.. Tangesorvice, may. I uppliba.
Utclpxl Act, to WhI
"ioak '1110 ilroady been xIv#n,.'w'hIoh dairies $hall coliforrn to the stand- not very long ago eltber), out court Mr., Coutts states that Goderiob, W, T1
g1vts - es of Out rio ard. So far, In Goderleb, the move house park boasted quite a number bus her hat in the ring as the cora� No Is Thi, me
the Mlllnlgipglltl� a of respectable looking seats.- Today Ing, playground of Canada and a
is a voluntary 0110, fostered by: the 0 Secure a stove s9rVice When'
the privilege, of holding their aumial there is nothing in tight but a few highway following the shore of tAke
and is a roatter of
elections 04 -the tirst Monday in Do- DOard of 'Ifealth Old-time seats, some of which are in Huron would be second to nothing in theso fines'. are being 6rectea,
after Now year;, agreement,b . otw I een the'dairyman And, such a dilapidated4ondition that they Xorth America as a scepid attraction 'XQ'4 may be disappointed later.
feember. instead of rillary W whidli * the former are practically ',Out of. commission, for the tourists. from the middle
In 6rder to lake advantage Of the the veto 'Mrhy theg shoula -have 'been plawd:-West and south. Mr. Coiitts, has
new provision coutiells desirous of 1VeQ$ to PAY 60 per cent. of the cost g put 1p proper ro- made u close stud :of the Mile high- Cook by �fledtrleity-
of the tesk.the Board of Health Pai- jt lie a, mystery. Whoi*,. Are the way and thinks The fact that "Port
thai*injr the, election date must do to see U000tv, and "The.
by, bylaW 15iteed pot later than the Ing th4 Other .60 Per c0oL If tht: Mtet s6ata? They do not Appear to Huron is near the northern terminus
he Poo. town was prepared to confirm �to, the be in usq* about town, and -to - keep of the Dixig' highway places Port 1,4001avy" Electric Ranges. at
first of November. What do t] 4 In the, bulletin them'packed a aY I 4it'a time whon ffuron� under serious obligation,
'PlIe of aod�rjch think of, making the conditions mentlon� people can enjo I them Is a m�stery This roposed 60 wileaddition. to 'Thb Hydro Store
chat above we could have inspection br Sure they will be In. evidende Goderic'? In Canada -would Tosult in
Xet We *111 be p0b- 41110' We are exclusive represen t.
lith * any exprostiont of opiplon. on the 0overmliqlit. this 0 en we wift likely have a. much publicity for Port Huron.
-readers, tiumizz, of visitors to out to" who He states that the Dixie highwa in . "briah for the.
this subject from 0 0
Is bom- booked u , iabft at -
we hgv�'AO heard Any Intimation would gladly, make"live of them If I t, moclary Electric Range.
In connection with the move fcslt,�r_ that daylight saving'will be adopted onls for a short time.'. We who ari prose me Ana Z. -in the near to- I . , .
here always canput up with any old ture flood P6rt Huron with tolarlsts, WITER AND 110HI 4ON11188p
ed by the local 'Board of U.ealtb -in 0oaerich this year. It is inter- thing the "powers that bell like to, on a basis'never dreamed of. pq �TM OF 06MM.
_ �4 .. ti looking tow4ta the n4option of the estifig to note that in the opitlion-of put out fori u A'. We are 1*nning this George P. France, manager of gar- 4 1
lAftulin test1tv a local - dairy Justice lAtchford tb6-'Municipal Act si - ly to csk#,,xttentIo:f to. the fact n14 Chamber of Commerce,. . states looth'sw of squ"s "loft[ stwo
spot up. town, that Sarnia, 11iss already taken action
lje�rds, it Js of Inter0st to�'vead the does not give InuiticiPauties tho'pow. this our finest WaV
ot being looked tar an it should in an effort to get, thle sta6a hfghway�
following Want ehQwing how the son- or to pasi � daylight - saving, bylAwtt �11e.n Thaillef"hp -ou MiK- rditor I am authorities to ke ovor'thii niece of
-so-much more rao lye
Dainty sumimer' frocks are
when set off by lsmarb. shoes., Oar linis are far
fnore aistinotiveaud better qudity tho n4ry,
able that ev ry�
shoes. Their 'Prices ire so roapon
woman should have more than one � StYIOor snm�
m. e r. Outing shoes.of the,bast q4Ality,for eVeq
avocation axe now, it) sfodk�
.-North,SiAe of Square
ill In Kitchener such a -bylaw *as Vag- -include the
timeiit has: grown In Brantford Tours very trul highway, and probably,
the city iftsdo
avor of the prohibition of. the sale std, and a merchant of !US." one on -to Owen Sound and Georgian
U. will hold th BATM.
.6f, milk unless it 'comes fmm tl�sted applicatiob to have the bylaw quaish- The W. C. T.' eir all. -belfig 'held in Sarnia sum
eeting Is
heras at i's postturized: ed as boing ultra vires, and this was mial meeting for the election of ofil. today which, may suit in in
e sq, e de
done by 4u8flce. rAtchford, e$- finite *01tion.
tdacatioti works wondcrs"X�u 11 cers at the ChQdveiftla Honlie on'. "I I � — .
day, the 6th, ot. Junei at .2,16, ble'llorb N s.
Imes 'Where, to say the lVa'O't It was Thedud J AND, ME41%
:iment stated that Section uk
unexpected, When Brantford passed No. 2 , o the Municipal Act, given ther lthildren's Aid meeting. which Is, The Austrian krone has t . ou A
* pure milk bylaw'some three leave as authority for the bylaw is reatfict- at 4,.15. Try to come,, aud:note the I now dilp--Doos this. action put. it
agogiroviding tbxt all milk not pro- ed to liglaWs and regulations for ebaligo. the ruiA-rututtr class.?
do from �OiUrcular-tcstc4 cows "health, ftfety. lviorality and Vol- .......
bad to bo, pasttur!20, there wag a fare" of the MulliclPalitY. 110-hOlds
*veat outcry raised against it and It that daylight savilw does not come
*At * vivie ioltction !Ague, Lr two under Any of these htads. 0
For, ery
-years. Then it went Into effect, a- "In MY 00inion," Justice Latch. ritY. ut
x4inst the dairymon"m protssts. Now ford stated, "the advancement of We C4 ou 0' Ev' Occasion
the leadim opponent of tho bylaw standard OM6 one hour cannot be
garded as fallyin
features t e.epile of milk from tuber. vc -9 within any of tk6
ties xpeei&4. However this A Clothes that will make You feet comfortable in hot weather. Clothes flot all iorts
tular-teAcd cows, and.Dr. A. D. Cut. cates.01 1 .11
euff#, city dairl Ins lector, reports may 1*, the modifleation L It -sWdard
Allk. e * I t *etions Unit alit fixtd1i)"The defthiltion of -the Come and see our goods And
ftt,t, e stri 1 1, of outing occasions. And our values can't be beat.
a Jn t le 1)y -law upon conditions Thni Atti is 'not within the power'
tt leg ni which milk came tf, 1he defendwit municipaUty. 'T
Bilak . were considered Irksome amendment of 1918 authorixes t
Ara anj uline�esiary additional ex. lituttyAnt-governo�-In-couneiI fr(
rengle borderiot on *fa04m,1 thoge time to time to make regulations a
IV aMosed tbom to amend, modify. suspend, reP
who most strtnuous
are. tow the keenogt jAvocates of the and enach such regulations var
:it* ora of milit VWuetion and would thextekoning ot standard time. C
not urAer aik tondition ritvert,to the t*wer wts exerelsed for 1918, but
lotinet met�us. , The eivi &Id- far IRS ap arso It hat not been *x,
10d4111rr11t1ils:: ro
of *ducation us the *A-- cised foi 922. , The mottim iax the
campgigns of ose who led the tote. granted Witb Costs."
WV*#%0%0%0%0 No WN04040w,
6 U 0 C Ew S:d 0*6
oil*, of our 14irind Tall000d Suit* Will
W01to asucallew 10 ovar yow
evory time you Wear it*
L*t"t thl"d* in straw "Sass outing
Shirtl$0 Cummlalr UndOPWORPs In fa*t
44V*Pythind. YOU Waft 10V VOUP
SUM$~ Outfit
The NIOW4 sto"
In"" ski 9
m ,
�� 1".
* %ow. F
The New Stoft
a Wag bitte of Square (;ODMCH
9T. QftRGX78 01URCS, 601)XIOCK
%hfre 1*r%iltea of the cameeratlewhill he *Wmd oft%
Ginghat0rems Ladies CoatS
A limited number of,bhose LadiW- oll-wool
.k. now ghipmont of Ladies ngh
Gi am Dresses -Velour Coats. Dg4lanco Oj the lot to be cleared,
for wear, come, and seeOUTVAH1011.
strftt at $13-50.
Ladie Summer ats Uaderwear and nostery
Don't forget that we have everything int
,k new ghiprft6nt of Udiet? 'Sumnier Hats, L�dieg! and Childrbil's'Undorwear and Iroalery
in white Mflstlstrmv, pwnt and fine IfAlipn for Summer.
quality, st priceg that U6 sum to pletse, You% L tfie , V
',]a Men s, Npartment
WlatS WO hSVe 16 nice range of Man's and Young
I gen6 Suits in navy blue, bro*n. gfey mid all
A. now "BoTtment of Nvaists in Crepey Silk the populplr shades, at pricea that vrill interest
EvtWhing in Men'sand Boye Purnishinis. Strawand Felt Hats, Caps, Top §hirils
Ties, Collars, Belts, tte,
ny ortl y Silks,'Stfins, Gin'
x IR ARD ghtm Voiles �Prim,
* %ow. F
The New Stoft
a Wag bitte of Square (;ODMCH
9T. QftRGX78 01URCS, 601)XIOCK
%hfre 1*r%iltea of the cameeratlewhill he *Wmd oft%