The Goderich Star, 1922-06-01, Page 3THURSDAY, Jww lot, ISM
010i*ji *WUP (4 011011 Wire W
Spot$ A -alt all, f1taiw tv oe what t3et'l ;inl
'2 be, Puftannon failed to
Some' of Gode" 's Attractive wore., FQr U#lf*,T k av-"r got ta se- 4 .1"
cwid Find cameho-alu on lh*hevi bit, i 4
0 0 0 1 1: . 1.
V014119 the winn�vj; run. 'XQ need
of Interest to ummer V , tors and Tourim Ade were only, tw4 casualt!Rs, A
NU StrA rt Ump;re stewart,c� ma.
forck.%l & Wire. agatllslz his %Valple in;
PAUX gum
1Z I -
which b10 for a while. but he was
gaille and as so -,It as blo had tho spot
VZ'tered qT,� put the ma9l., on ag*in
and vQw the, 41112 out, The other
casualty Was lvlralv Irwin who was
hit with a Latl.
Wciitfield Versus Illyth
At Myth Wknq4tield won from Illyth
by " zcore cf 15 to & Tile Iby Pvout
brass band, a now emmuzzation, fur.1
nlohed romo Yeny gocd�-�uis;v.
The Maitland Baseball Leuguo has
been formoil, UN Lacludo the following
Group 1--Dulagannot, Carlow. An.
burn, Uclimiller and Belfast,
G r o u p 1.1 -Blyth, Whitechurch,
�aguo ave as
The officers of the L,,
follows. Ron. preddent, Rev. Mr.
Millsou; president, Dr. Weir, Au. moro ought they
burn; vice president, grom No. GMT gave its six days to do all thla Slott
o or so ; i e pr ( ) Need a Tonle to Nturich the, B106d �AA To' the Editor of Illo Goderleh Star. of work (but I suppose 'wo . hawo a lot
-t t lRestore the Health
N 2, R. R. c men ; se eta Doom Mrs -1 would 114c to draw tho more to do than over he ht4d),,, jiloping
trer, a' nd enry .. eld%,
oj es Attention 01 Out -CItIZOUFA to thO 91`010119 thR4* It there, Is no IMI.V Qg%ju'At SWU
$onto people have a tendency to be.
executive, consist 0 a OVO dcoecration of the Sabbath in our things our Mayo: and thoqo in Authorl%,r,
do thin -blooded, Just as
named officers and one roprcsen�gtivc MID 00101`8 hftvf)� beautiful little town at Godtrleh. Gott will see that them 19 one in the
1UN r an inherited tendency to rheunil:iti�m, tellsustolgeop the SablitlthL daN M
front each club. y Iloly IutuM. (40dSaid"' yr WaldigWit
te to nicrvoua disorders; , The-vondi- 1wit.-M 'Can -to-aj'Vo to overV
Wiiere Stratford Board ot Trade- oM clalsi and other irivited, guests, iont! 09 with the Motor H! -i6mVfr-ov7 em, its been a.- -m%u
ie or I 3111ok-anv- b1W
will be euterWne4, to uncheon, Hotel Sunset opens for the seas4n Juno 12th, �,wblch will mean three' games tIOn In Which the blood becomes so ,¬ion golt and tQbogggulve. on tbo -,jOrIZ $401, be,,
dopt,11110d play off rot- the trophy. thin that the vhole body suffers, Sabbath because. they are not nolf4y A LOW' R OF TUN S&BB,&Tjt
The schedule drawn up 18 'as - ful- cOmeR On so gradually that,anyone p6mes, is tills -not an olwaing, for
with, a natural disposition Sri that dir- otherij to
low$. follow such ais Ilibilla. etc., and The peace of Ireland is always bot;k
A ection should *watch the syviptoms� on the line. of y4ay (Sunday) tie was Ing disturbed b twine Ono who walitts
may 2&-Dungalmon, fit BelfaiA . , I the
i cjilrefully�, .Bloodlessness. or undemia, baseball being played In the show to h t tri
Carlow at Betimiller. p on ili es.
MAi i L ND LL 'NEWS May 31—Belfast, at Carlow. as the medical term Isk can be Cot- grovmdi� It the Lord's D%.v -Alltau&
rected were epaily in the varlier sta. thought proj*c to' have sumnionses, Worms feed UI)OnL tile Vitality ot
rn a anpon.
22gbmu t Dung
Be ,,or t Au , burn. thZin-14ter. It begins with a tired Issuml to twoole in L,)adou to hild -en and ondanger-their lives, A
seurailler Gets Big UAW O`ver, Carlow stuck out, doing same fine work on R. McQuillan, ff. Treleaven, Sto. jutle� a .
feeling. that vest does not overcome, tag their little boules because trierywem"* g1j"arle and offectiveovemedy0s Moth-
thet'S" W. Caesar, R. Disher and E. June th I e and Indall 0
and Belfast tind, !Dungannon Have several occasions e L _gami6n, at Carlow complexion beconics pale, tough the A Od 00 thO 1201 or
_B.ejfa8t at Berim gerth QravW Worm- Exterminator.
to Go An Extra � Innings to'Decitle -A few- minor accidents* Seguss, and B. Andersoit and C. Dur, Jun Iller.
the Victor. during the, game,' but. the boys were nin Were left on bases. This made June. 15—Carlow at Belfast.
very plucky znd kept atL the game, the score I to 4 in favor, of Dungan. June 1"eruniller at Dungannon.
The Maitland Baseball League got which,was 'called �at the end of the itoll. June 21—Auburn at Carlow.
Off to a k9od startL' ay IaSt, Seve Account 6fL June 23-* Dun r.
on Frid nth inniW on dark. , Then Belfast went to bat ettgain. qannon at Berimille
with two games PlAybd In Group I ness, thle score being, 25.12 In favor 8, Alton was but, W. CooV out. Roy June 28—Belfist at Auburn.
azi& two in Group 2. It%, Group 1,Bon- of'Benoiller. Irwin got away, was. advanced by June 30 --Carlow at Durigantion.
July 8—Benmiller at Carlow.
July .5 --
Auburn at Belfast.
July 10—Dungannon at Auburn.
July 14—Belf non,
4st at Duligan
July -19--Carlow at Auburn.
Betimiller at Belfast.
july -�-Auburrk at Benmiller.
'Oroup 2
May 2c,. -Westfield at Blyth
V 26-:-V&it!echurch at.'St. Hele
june .1 St. Helens at Westfield
2—Blyth.. at Whitechurch..
lu R&O it
S—Westfield at Whitechurch
r W.
9—BIKth at -,St; Helens
l5w-W ittchurch at Blyth
16-�-St. Helens at Westfield
22�Whitechureh' at St, Helens,
28--Wostfield at Blyth "IN
29-��Blyth at
July 6—Blyth at Whitechumb.
13-.-Wcstflelii At St. Helena
14.: -Whitechurch 'at Blyth breathlessness on slight' exellti
AN C :of 0
20—Whitechurell. at Westfi.eld such as ollig u taim, is noticed.
21—St.: Helens, at Blith' -.Dr. Wi liams' nk Pills are home Pik
11 Vj
25----7BIyth at Westfield - remd been most ine raze ur i ime to., i I Vat
Xu, ,, y that lids succO584
27—St. Helens at W-hitechurch the'treatment of troubles-dae
ith pure air' and
-it Westfield to thin blood. L Wi
Aug� S—Whitechi�vch
4—St Helens at Blyth good food these hipod,--eprichirig pills ally
10_WeStfield -A
at Whiteeburch arelthe correci'treif ent when tile as a MWRV.-,F-..,McF ane--.
Lik Joke' ai,
—B yth atq tt He ens symptoms dese4bed above are notic-
GOLF P-OURSE . ea. The value of Dr. Williams' Pink
'Look from North -Bost. Tied—If you passed old'Roc6ey's Pills:' s of this kind is show i
abl_ Folly f aSt Betoin'ng Fashion, -with, "LiAtimess of Char -
efficiency -expert he'll prQb �*. (!on. by the statement,of Mrs. AT. chase, a
sent . b; Nour marriage wi6i his of Trcntbn.'0nt.,,who can
Mille Mr. J. � McBride, of. Carlow, made 'Palmer IrwItes hit : ' L L L acter and LaXness of Morils-4he Cry is fortight
.r defeated Carlow by�a score of stid both, -again daughter; highly recommend fir, Williams' Pink
25 to 12 in seven innings. At Bel* all excelb�nt umpire, and, a, fine line- Inoved on when L. Favriih, got to Ned—I'm not so sure about that. Pills to all.who suffer from an4entia, Nusicj Light Literature, Li ht. Dramasp
fast. Dungannon and BbIfast were opL of spectators viewed the game. first. Roy- Irwin had. scored another Next week 1: have- JV' jepor" t to and nervous exhaustion. .-For three 9
-were first class, run, �Palmeil wasat third and L� Par- ipqychologie 1.�researc. -board, years't wag'n
tied- 10 to 10, at the end of the nintli The gate 'receipts JIL 1 a, h early always troubltd, Comedies. and Pi'dures
play an extra in- and the Western Maitland Baseba
Innings and had to
the -for the�
11 :1 ito decide victors, Belfast League is -off to a good st4rt
929ing one more run across and win- season.
Ing by 11 to 10.
Followinqp �vas the line-up,
R. Me_
'W. Johnstone,� P.
Qarlowt- We Clain
Carlow vii Berimiller -M1 ednem and
'and, at Aee. c.; G, Young, 1b.; Pentland., What as Broat indediaw is 'Really 'Hazy I IJ
A very interesting mee, 2b.; Benjamin, 3b.; H. Allen. go., H
exciting ball game was stagedL at
Laz IN
Walters, cf.; W, MeDermid, ii.;,.
Beniniller Fridak evening on the field
WPhee, 'rf. lit a s0rninn vivi �)ur tim . iv'us to treat life as a Joke
thai set out. 'In. d o
of Mr..R. M. Youngt which. was used Bqnmillev�-H. Uvis. p.; E. Little, ind to t*y to' I've '()it the Surface
for that pOrpose. The - boys fi0in e - D. Gliddon, 1b.; L. Rogers. 2b.; colors the tende4deq of the age to t
Carlow were bent on showing Ben -
things, dmilrint, something new and.
lightne.'i .'and lack of a( lousness so nething that will give Us.
miller a pointer or two about the H. Maedel. 3b.; K. Bjeckow s$,; E..
Fisher, cf.; P. Fisher, If.; Sian. Sny.
gars e, and on several occasions they der, rf. Rev, of Dayfield, last -wht we, -c I 11having a good time."
did o in first-class style. Sunday. night in Knox church pulpit. We were ecoming lighter In our
1avis, 6f Benmiller, opbned the Dungannon va J�elfaat made gin , -al'to greater serious-;'j,haracter, I xer itiLour inainicro and
gaw tW4 del t4ere was a large turn�. JIM,.. n I and to give 6u 're -overinr,, our-wanV.
.2 with a D -bagger, Mae At Belfast ifp", r souls a'morals, W w�e
.making first by a fine hit. followed b� out of spectators,' over t�vo dozeh chance. Ift, was vxchar�gffig Work of, character , by' prett'llding to) . be
Litt. -e making a three -bagger, bring- autos and'some other conveyances. with Rev. Xr-McDormid for the day broa("findtid, Aen in zealitv -%ve had
It he batter and an(I his evening theine Was I'llaving becillnQ hil-jy.mifIlled and
Ing the first two men home. , T cri W. Stewart behind t We were ft,
',a warilied ujj itings R. Robertson, on basips, um a Good Time."
thin, and, the in pired the i oil, Ist losing th( ense of
endod by 4 runs being chalked up. game satisfactorily,' and the teams Taking as his bubject i1he pa'rable the dignity of human life. and we did
Carlow opened their innings by Ben- lined JUPL as follows: of the wedding feast and the frivol- and said thinis today that we would,
'n being st-Ducic Out, dittoed by Dungannon—Treleaven, c. E.'Se- 4.cxcuse�-giverx by the invited have repudiate nd been ashamod.
jara, Qw, d a
Pentland and also'by H. Allen. The guss, 3b.; C. Durbin, tf.; R. McQuil- guests for refusing tile * King'si inVi. L of twenty-five year.i ago. The cry,
Bon-niller battery' showed up to per- Ian. cf.; H. Treleaven,.2b. W. Stoth- tation, Mr. Maefarlalie. pointed out., "Have a good time," tilo often meant
fect..on at this stage of. the game, ers, lb.; W. Caesar, M; B. Ander- that t,�'j same poor excuses were of. do as little %�Vrk a,4 vou vnn. live as'
Lavis doing splendid pitching, which son, p.; R. Disher, ss. fered -for L refusing God's invitation ! luxurlousl� as you ivlty, qail " near
7ould have. done credit to a profes-L " EeIja3t__Roy Irwin. p.; -Palmer Ir- MX today. The Christian religion won; tobreaking the'moral Nw as. wju can.
s n -rutis were made win, 2b.; L. Farrisli, ss.; W. Alton. riot the dull dreary thing that some' JVQ Were too for
io al pitcher, Two d of dre.4,i, U sport.
in this innings. � I � . . If.; Sam.. Henry, cf.; E. Fairish, 3b.L; people represerited It to be, It waq, of pleasure. Our homes were in dan-
Carlow battery sTrang into 'the 1. Nixon, rf.; S. Alton, lb.; W. kill-joy, 'The Invitation wan not ger, of';becoming mere "boardinr
limelight and.showe that they couldlCook. c. to a fast but to-A.feast. Men were houses".. without any. flavor of 1)10ty
do some grandstand playing also, andl. Dungannon Was first at bat, but VIEW NG THE NORTH WESTEIRN SECTION OF If ATTLAND afraid that If they became Christians of r0igion or real. affection. W�
along with their fieldssrs-put Benmil-I scored no runs in the first, and Bel- SHOA they woj3ld be cheated of, mirth, of were too frivolous about tile. Lord's
ier out in short orden',both teams fast did the same. In the second oy. of happiness, whereas it was on* Day, and made of the church
r e! ner
doing splendid, work, Donmilled by Dungannon again failed to. score, bnt In Christ that the highel5t 4nd fyl-. incident in the� weele. We w( I
ly t joy.and happinesi'of - could log that Purilanism that put It
hitting and Carlow bi fielding. This.; E. Farrish (Belfast) had a run scor- rish at second when Alton Went out. with headaches, and until I began es Aife le irott
innings also ended a blank., Carlow ed up to,his credit. In the third -B. In -thb seventh Inning Dungannon, (keYhound ]EACursion taking these pills no treatment seem- be found. into our blood. The ourae of the tint�/
boys coming to the bat w6re again Anderson got the first ruji-Tor Dun- failed to score but Be fast got four ed to do more than give me temper- Religion today was at m -discount. was almlearniess, neffiPhnesq, driftin
blanked in their innirigs,.- galmoil, and P. Irwin, L. Fatrish men acros's -the borne. plaid. 9. Far- ary relief. I had: read of wbat Dr. The fear and the love of God was -and havinLo it good time.
Nixofi, S. Alton and W. Cook. to Detroit Mr. McFarlane closed With a
Williams' Pink Pills were doing for departing from' -before &men'n eyes..
But BenrViller let outin the next and V. Fattish scored for Belfast, ril I I 11be -elghth no runs were scored. others and finally decided to try them. -We wero in danger of, making -light peal for greater seriou �,i
and scored five rans, and when Car� rfi the fourth innings rileither side s1nI �ness *
were scored., and again in the fifth th6re In the ninth Dungannon went to bat —muhjng light of God's In- "God means us to have a
low came tp bat again they The White Star Line Again 111111011112ceS, myself. I further decided to �give of religion d titoo
forded to retire once tnove without were no tallies. Some of the Dun- with an adverse score of 9 to I a- the big Annual egouralon, Goderiell to them a fair trial and, kept on taking vitation to men. Indeed we were in I but In 1119,own vvay. not in inro. -Jo-
runs to their credit. , !n got on bases in this in- gainst thern.* and excitment ils- light Of eVerytijing [';lit; Christ L is tile
gannon iA( waked Detroit, on the Steainer Greyh4undi, This them regularly for several months dangrer (if mahir , I- %va .. We must
ab�Netl Betimiller followed by a spurt nihga but the Belfast then went out intense wheil they scored three runs, splendid ship will leave Detroit Monday, and'! am 'glad to say have derived —of art, of literature, 6f. niusic. of square our livei with 1�1. Only in
Him can be found ti cur,� for the
Belfast m I feel that I can politics. The cry war; for light mu -
of 6 run�. but the Carlow boys *ere in one, two, three, order. giving thqm'a lead of one. June 12th, S. suil orrivo lit permanent relief.
not discouragedl, and followed in the It was in the sixth innings Dun- had only succeeded in getting the run Goilerich. 5:30 p. int - safely and honestly recommend this sic - light literature, light dramas. restloasnesq 6f our t' ov. We &ro net
next with 6 runs to, their ereft Af- gannon started the merry-go-round that tied the -game'in their half 6f - On that evening at 8:13, a moottlight wonderful medicine." comedies and pictures. Folly was here primarily to ave a good time
ter thid the game Wag exciting for and every man On the line up was at the ninth innings. It wa's gettilig a party will be taken ou6 for a three You can geet or Williams, Pink fast be
.coming a fashion aniong, un. but to do the v of 66d to so - arI;
some time till Betimiller bokan to bat at least -once and in fact the scor- �a but' -after sortie consulta-' hours' delightful,sail on. Lake Huron WPills through an� &ler in medi6ne. We;were not serious abotit. anything. range our lif0l,' our time. our talents,
v veriou o r money. viif all, A.4 it) please God.
shower rans upon their oppoftents� ern had to start a siecond column for little ayers decided to play an-* en)oy dancing to good music.. Don't or by-inail. at 50c a box or six boxes Unlep we becanie more "1 13 a
tion t r)v (.t us be soflous in, thi,4 inatter, and
who, however, would not giie up and thin Innings. )ttnis were credited to other inplings, and the, spectators, wrom. this. for 62,50 front The. Dr. Williams peoj6t God'%vould paps 1111,4 er %tai L
On: Tuesday morning, Tqne 13th, at Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont� give our place to others. Tile craze give our soulq akhance."
rue UreynoUnd W11 At XTE, tor Am,
b.... crowd
N troib - with the usual
Soar& As the fare is only $2.00 one
way and $3.00 round trip, a largo nunt.
ber of passengers will, as usual, unt
doubtodly make the trip.
Those going will litivii all day Wed-
n6day , and Thursday morning' in, Dp-
Returning, the Groyhound will leaio.
Detroit Thursday, the 1,3th, at ItIM
p. in., reaching (Werielt 9:00 p. m. that
m,eningl Oil Fri y morning ab'9411
nhe will Aleim& for Pett-vit ov. Via jawy.l
According to newepap I reports, Dp-'
troat is resuming its usual prolperity b�v
leaps and bounds. Headline,; of reccat
iq5ties inMeate that the emplo�vrci -of
thst, city are finding it almoat iniptli.
ure, aufficient skillrd libor to
to sce
meet the requirementq -of the flotory
oufput� Very vicetillv the packai!l
Automobilo Company i�ddod one thou�-
and men, "a the Forl Company Ili ono
week d4dc4 fc-It, fliolanand now men to
it force,
thei ,k It is, eafil that Dotrolt iq
practicaltr free of uneutployr-d met, ara
thip Mich gin Stst(� Telephone Couipany
and tho Detroit Eklieft c4rapany itn�
noulice they are lapitir
--- 1-- U�A�&C4, 1 .1
mn.4 view showit 7th hole at the tov �of theltill, 06at #Age of cut ou� right. making it listanco of 300 yarda bet fako tarp of 0, city of two rnilP= AN(YTHEIR I IRW OF N1 %ITLAND (j(iLF ('Ll*jj (*0jrR8j"4L
Wet" Ith, atul oth greens %�C-6plo within the next tren y"Ara, Taken from the "Oth Green, showill-N 11110 20rdlora boundar� of Me cqur,)e, 4nj 14"