HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-06-01, Page 1i7f, V ok�
14h 04 046 whefe, to on.". 410, ft-
Tiw Auur W N@#Qz1�0i la,
404, tie Ai) '.14verfout ooll-i Q1 W40
wo V,a, wiq. �.
y0ii 'rau �$.Awz mik
'itaftis rdvq, 11
's 00 SIR,
NO. 19. M11L_. WHOLE Itit'"VER 31165.
!70 Ik
'FF!!i —Ti
For Busines's staflOner
God an 8017ao 01 sob purulloo Como ci>
G _� eFich star
"Mm HOME (ou" GO(Dg))
Pullitiffinca over Thuorlo�a I W Yet U
moo I, ta AY
AT Zoo.
Carts. I'Mr- ZL NADI
Q ed oil the bijuarc at tile foot of j,0
Lit trucd Is- I t h of Ia, te bu It wo a a round � CA N A 1) 1 A.' , J-.% F I ii- T j M i-T.IkOLE]
, L
litlett, Miss Laivoilin was litf
" .4 of rvund #I- as us"'. witil Friday tourni lithen I
'"Cla 6.00
-square tutliaram tilt' north he %itas tiuhtll loWith I)arolyAlS, tu
and Mr. Hunter Was coniinu down which he muceuiubed early Nlvrida� Guvlph, hAU a In. Isk in
Hablt@ fOrmed AO CbUdheold days Fast sir""et HO , ro-ed the out,.w 11101,11ITIg The doIxt-asitid %loaoi 71, yeavi kit %it G 20 p.m.
W-9de our development in later half of thw,Atlitkd%va� oil tile squary too of atirt. asset had bittert a resident tit a Ill, 14. 15 P fit
"o cars. A thrifty boy utgually round the lent Put'Vell'all am] an ho, Wintihatu for twor IIIII'VIA at (,U"Iph Junk
%%48 doing zu M136 taw.,tokoli'm tar ran it than 40 yeara fil,," ovith through trains for Gait,
a successffil man. into hili, fie, car wa.,, % and held tilt. ptAsitiin of tusi,41111a Ini Wo'nist"ch Chatham, London, L)-.-
�a%etl b) the. ter fill it glrat �oejjj, In Poll -
A Seving-s Account An the Sterll6g 'Your intemst in Your Child's hu"113el' lout the let,, ett hand felider t1un he %va,, I, ,tittunth
allki klile ill" (I( and III It-Iltriol) air Anglitati, al%;,ttvn,
Bank presents Many advznTaiaes to Tature Ao shown v7hen you open M. Huntel's tat wel't? daill4ago.d talking Lill acthe rt irt the ovotli, ('111toal S,hooi alid HOMO Club
the garmelli's wffe who shares In the 7Z\1 a Savings Aecount Tor him while Stratford, Mitchell and it'llinton St. Paul', v1survV", long a:3 tilt sea. 11 4'VILtIto1 So'h00L SatUrla).
Insurance Men Itrijo) Fishing a, fr.111 fou� It, ill'o. F%er)bkW3 %okei.
finances. of the fzrM. he Is In the babit fOrming affe. 11."'lloathet having . .......
I Godolorich health itiltiovoil, I,
Her surplus money will be safe k, One dollar oc7,fia open a Union been tone if tilt. til -it 11111114ters If tilt-
Banh savings accoUnt "ll -'�dtuj0,4\ Nta� 27th, Nil R s huiA IA ,f Erlulaild 'it \\ Ingham, A DIED
and earning her a profit --and her Balbil.l. :kupt-Illitendew of it,, stroll I'l'it on John, kit
transactions are kept strictly confid- ford thiltric, If the Pruderttlai 1. � thlet. 'I.Aughtere. It I'vaht" -1
I"Itonto. I't'd N11,4c., Irelit.
stild U couKle uf hl�, Sittalt, I 'Ittatt . At, Itild Maude tit -0 to
UNION BANK OF CANADA I tips tvtltat;�"' lo., %I, look 11�,_Vh
taff uJoIll: iet it hoille" III,.
from Math I lid ('1111ton. paid it \1, oft (A, olouill 1�1, It,.,, The fulleral
Our local N2anager will gladly open it to the (,I, .It,
lie `k\,-dnvtA,ho from St
an account for you. Goderich Branch, F. Wooflcombe, ManageT hukillet4s %&lilt plea-sule alld after all Paul',, thut,l, ai :I o"io'h to ill*- ON 'IfIli U0511 %ill
t,tithuo;t,tI, I?lo.t.tIlIfl. tilt. ININ itigilai!, I j-po it,,
affellio.-I) Wit, vr)o:Nabl\II wrt IN , It in Clinton. %I,h� \tit lit ( oderich I'.
lishing aoit It Ial; 'tit t 111k, 61"out �r %%ho
%%hith \%,I, tl,.,I,,u , [tit*(, \\
ME ST'RMIN" BANK WANTIM) i the foott- gflf� vtlij'o�k t t,.\ all* iIIIIII h 1 11 at t'llittoll (tit ollic tittiv.
from out if tit. lljt)%tn
TOWN TOPM aIttt(I Ili It's 1111101111#1� to) (iodell'ti ,It 1,
0 F CANADA 11:vaut% If ( ot"" th"ll 1-11— ,1 tht, Mvntfa� and !�a. 1.1,iglog it
)I I lot" tost \1 I IN—,
1 \,
I Flections Hucharlikokil ashing(on tile \% attit and I.ight c.,tojjji,sj,oj tit t III,,
Tht 't'nit allnual t tvt tion of otli 11111-p\ tol(torig 1)44\ Alt. I'd OLI Iltit(Ijig to, et. if I or
SAV IS I=) 0 e (ra iiie I I
L:,. , tit , foi Ituron l.odioze No, Plact- at St,,-jid Iltembo attior Ina\ not itoi ot)tajkkIaI)Ij. fl.,)ID
'I U-114411 I hul, for -Ad 1I Tulso, Awls.
lel "I opo"Illig is I- held qt M"'I'li t 11 Ctll,figo %Vlvi� Mt Ill I - I 11141t --I gall), t" i
� follo�o,[ItK it,tilf N, I'.
It I "u, 11
"Itill of, - lit Janit., I.u,jjjjjojjj,
tilt, exptil 1111rittloll of flo, lakti
N W)
'1110 I(,.-\ I.
art it.; V Mut"I'l
hmfl. \sit,, uj,ij_j III IlittlIllig, It, Nil,,
No, litter. A I'llaut-li I tilt- Iv,olt If tilt.
Is 1AII.Ellik's STAR
A. Rvid: F ,, � \\ li
('III'& to dhUghti-I of NJ I
Iiolok. Item, -)f
\1 I, - NI I ItIlm. P Ah,!I
J%j-gjj;j4. r"I'll
Itidgilikz I,\ (lot. (oll-millsi; kit-IlI (Itilil
fill thil Jul,. - 1111de GIIA% Will (
Goderich Branch of Illoslitiji
I'lle- I tit
Ladir%' Aid
1` It" Ilk -Sible\ Tho.
it, V% 'it it I'll, %% t It,, I
"It.oIll, & I I, hakNt- sollu.
-.111 At tilt. annual illpeting .�r fill.
\Ali, !..( sonli, 111110 %%lih tilt-
114-Viiii ,I' Lit
Ilo, J, It'll I. I ;I, rich Branch of the Ifillsilltal La,lich \141
W he I
hti'lolld -ul" on Pago.
(ILI tilt I(iao; In't tilt- (Ad offlef'r ail
if `kN ("IF N10RE NIEN
Jim it it Tht.
.4141's otIjj,j,,.(j,j I lit,
-11 '11-1114.1 lifs F J I've. 'If %li't-titoll
\''Ident, 4,11. bt.and I., ocuuf,
ANJ) kf ,,,
vit-i-tis(l, is till 0w that
g lo"I :1 \,I� J)"pulal o."MIK D111111,
I'a, d lit, colitta'A IA% tollillig
plott't Soul 1111
1-101 S I.Ela satiltlit %%as appotiltv't ;L"I'tall 11,
illu `kIvIlt(Ur1K
Callot. ('1111,
to% 1.1 tothti \%Ill)
lagp I
11:11" Shartliall (secrt.tal. If 't
.,I,l 'holy. lualullig dri\ mg, repal to, ill I,'-"'
Illilling(.1 If fill-
te-11 11101 4.1i'llig I., (lit, 1- 14,
ol;ikriwi, tilt all tqt, of
ill Is. t fit. I ma(,kl 113
ing, .,it-thailling Motol" Tractor,,,
I i. , Ltd. alld .kit.talv
If Ill., Cod,!i,h Pflkl..I�g 1,1111.
aboot Illit looiAtvii r,,..
Paizv I
Last \\ ea " Winner,
tu,$14) dail) to,
Milf4ilt'. IAIJ,l I llhl 111411 ILI Iliv I,A it (o it
iwd lit ill,- lit -d
fol'i JiLlItil,\ "
'atUttill N
Tilt. Novi lllkt't' 'It' tilt' III IzI ' I-0 till-
grad,latt.k. I'varn Vull(h lit
At the Ilarl ... r
th-i0i tit throe hilildicoll letill ftr;y
fut-E Appallittiv all allin'lalit 't1j)JAII,
A quvl�tn t"I allulteu, johoto-
911111v last wi,ek
Aoto Fractut MechRuIc'. ficv,:pvtt \%I.re ko., follo"� Eall Cool"il hil'i V
Thu tlla,hlfvl� for tilt Ill\\
of-vatet olth, %tit hu�tqllahh I� lit'\\
Dfug Stol
I go It lot). ,;Illltlljg tied fill tht- lw,i
lot* Omt.l I, ul,puth"I vall\ ill Ill,
agolloud to tilt, IvitiolrittIt If Clillt"ll Ak%
43' "it -it" 1;4, Vittges. ii;tvad� otiotli. vh(h having look
olth. Till. la) Ilig Ol
-til" ;%t :<h-
(I'vo Mll, It ltit-i
111UP offo-l-oi(I %kit, -1
. �
1-011 Vall t-KI'll -hilt, 1, okk
ill. fall, on I tl�k Iii -to- -idiog Iiiii tilt.
Mr I've IIoVV ,Iltl;t t., I.ollf.
I'm wo \ vi
I kill lilit 1'..
itruiLlg. Vito, R1._ �-ha(lllarj. Thl,, okki., than vd I,
. - I t - \ a t I, 1 1,111. C. 1'. R hot, Mll
a millill.j.1. V%m k f r tilt- \i,ttt.l
- - - - 1, oi, I Kji,,ltjjg for. (11 W -)"k, delmi tincut for that ill" it
i j1hil, of '111,11ers for- vio.h. NIX .1", 1 '1( fing it
A If; IF, NTS I . I k N "I'Eli 111 � NJ I, I I I I, I Bill A["D) GAS "f (Igal- gt\,.Tl h\ NJ Tho mji4ol, f" " I (fic ri%t,t- and I, HIM 9111d knnual Parlide of the Hook Nam'.
tilt- Cameron plopt-It\ t. tilt-
11"ACTm? St Mimi Illki 1111"t "tolvii Ilat"'i. o;%t.1;I I I, I' Socket)
rl I. I: (Nil w S Toronto ll;�; King S t. ( '; t r I , - 11, . purpose if (.111arxifig t 11". loading Oil slinda\ .11111. lift] S,.cwtli., t t, finillilton. A
Transferred to Oslid�oa track froiji I, (lar 11.1)9t)) to i:0� Iola, - Kill, Ingi Pagi
ut Jul" I �t Ikl d l4-1,111- 1, Ilerc
_—NOTICE OIF MEETING %I*( 1,101I ?NAIx" Th( Valtwtjer Illm-led 225.0m, tiuv and Ik%*t,Ij4tjajlj 'Atli at It ('oIrjtj,jd
01 jI'..jjjjj I kill 1. Nir (it"o-go 1: -Svol . who Ila- h(I,t: bu,ho-1, tit' \%hvat atilt outq 41 f t ill p. lit oti tI )lit,
E P, B. P. I - -\I to \ . .N It' Plall'i tit St l'"" er\ I'llice fit
1031. N1-11, Ill, �. 1, .4, 1 1),,]:[ 111) 1 Illanag4.1 If the J_ J?. St'."I I."." TI'lill'it I'!(. k it till. "It Ff IdIk\
':-t 11IIJI'daY tit Pach w,mh lit For It-- . ..... .. the past �t-jjj, \%-jjj ll""'Itilik\ till' li-iltoll d1s,harit'
Go I ., 11. �Stolq ()1' ('11 "It it I -I Pallsh %%Ill livar i I,
Goderich I'allo's, F6.4ok t,l lit le,it
Hills Ooderich. to LMIlhili 7411 V "I 2t',O Itailtivi . ants tilt, thilti 00%t 16'o,44i La
11 1;1 1,1W I I I it, Cl I. - 4toit, lit 0sh- 000 butith,-1, whent ali,j olit,' lit Ill.. litidul III, tio" if I f1jur Mar'llal
Waming to Iklo.ttt., 'J':kj,ej, \I, it
I N. R. ff. M E W a"a 11"41 Nvovlt� The nanit. Af tilt. liew Westp , Itt,116
114! " I, - I'll Flour )1,11ii. and .it Fa i r
".. i io:, 1,11, 111 , I " ',I , I �
Refri-t P I I " - . fliallugf-I llaI. Itot been announceil N (it Tueidnv 111'. Glerilmit j'_1 flvatl(d tit ill(- Goil"riell B,ttjil t1W onoll"'I"ll, Pax., I
I. I.P.j, 11, .111\ 1". Ij I"
MEETING OF 111-110N COUNTY I \o,'. I I a, !I I., 11'a'I \ I ill ("'. -(-A h&I i)ut it Is -xi,ected hii Nvill be hert, flur- (100 bulihe), of wilvitt riod oat, 1,111atil. will itif-ut
ilg" \,.III "W' I.Ix J,aomiof I",- lid. 1.0." Itliz tho.- coming wtitik. jjUtjj.ojkr(. floil-, I Loiter
11,-1 Wtllki. 61aw, r'' , ." �I'. lfoA 1)()4-1 It Look No%% Mer 'I It; it alkillud !arkt. and 1,tilill op N+orth
\o, I i� lift (.11ficlent nialutgri alld 11 if tilt- MIN of .11"o, %%Ill be
hal-Kc . 1
The Cuuncil of th(,I (,,urporationtf)f Depi I I. I, I Ill the Illuti lit I tile, Nl r. 6arne on the 21th ititit-1, to tilt- wheve tit.. Lltal)� '11-4 it, ill,- Pngt. T
the County tof Jjuly)n will ineet 'r. /111.101 Herald Tfiv ( ... del I, It -V111 Auto I"Jo.Az joi,vt&
in hk hnol, luljllt-.Sk� If thu L. R. stpi-I (,,,. I- itq.l af�d it flitilik
Coun(il Chambers, Goderich, at 3 1" . ..... , IN Flom[" tvaill clitiolA, (.I ill, -it 11 , I I
lll� Still# I\ Iii N..'I I"" " H VI (;tit
li%als hvill fr-.10 If Pilgo
Tu L . (Iftlitlol i,tql till it ,
in -, da� . -June 6th, R�22 FMI SUE 0114 To 1. F. I CotitjtN To%NII 11111t. tall claillif till.. \%)ion fit it I lit At. il, If 1, 11, -11 Legal 4
All accounts should be in the hand., I __ __ _ - , . 1 1 , I.- i a"i I; I; "wo, \Utios I collide fill the 9quare tilk, Ilast t", \ual. l'all )'I'm
of till- Cierk on or Im-fort, ih(, Mon I'll -I -\I I- J%kg,
da� reteding, thf met A to,j� k% V
1, �'Itturlia aftervow, Mi- heull Illa\ (,,I. t lit. z I it is tit-alo lit ;A.( It
:,nd M, djtAg,l 113 till- kit 11 lot it, t
ed' - -t!rw of Cr S,,-Itl\ lit,
GFO W. HOLMAN (,-Ji -t ri.f. %% till till I look ITI
I til I I I litit'llf-d lit tit it, I
tit 11 1.111, N ..it I
i Ili I f,t In Aj11A I gl.V. -1.11, % IA u" Ilk it I it I
TNIIURME AND RIE%I. ES14TE "hollo-lito, - it tit, No, Iligh Ili :I, / 't t
o -h gaill'. 11 NNI, I ,It I'll \, , " 1 1, 1 q Ilak,
lit c,milt All. Itil-I jkli'l l." I
Houses—Houzes lit I, \1 1. 1 1., , .
r., ald 111tol. -It taf l,r. tilt- -:lit t,o I rt ft,Lio ri..io
11, 1 �1, : 1:1 �
Its I Ilot
: " lilt
;,A! a %I la.Loni.j
. ..... did t (-A OLI If
arid '. : f. ''. - I; , I %lit- 't"I 1,11. 1 1 111' 11 t 1, Al 1, it. 1, 1 liv r �i-! Itlj, till tillill
tool 1, ff , - I � f .1 11 . 1,
Real E%taskis and la%tirarier. 11\ . ;I* rat, 111 1. -11,
t I \, 1, !� ; . .1 1 it it in fill., I'll
hill". It IA 1, it' It. I I I,
It d.."I't is it 1 11.1%4 "
)I, I t kk I I I ;ttld
The WILLOUGHBY FARPVI rlh %J�j , t.. I I,-. it I r - I .... .. is I 11i'lit.. lilt All
AGENCYIf,),% It it V It, lit I I
ii,x .([I
-f - Al'irl Agcrit 111 1 't 1714(111) 1, 1 1;, -
I jr
il(" Irld good Ill'o Ili" ',III I' i,
, I-
C. C. McNEIL ,4
Bruce St BUY VOUR k v.
r or
Tof. A ollrvf :,.!, I ( , ., I, ve V11 kit it Vw I I( V
it,,- dirocti.
"I t; A 1",
lip( ''. I .
fil"I %NI 1.4.
A,% :jITA Lit F R 0 1\10 I
tilt- f".. lit
fl- ; -1 4 . GRAIGIE
vli�ikol;�Q CJ7 0,MQ 10
l0loAl-li, llthr.rot,fii I r., m
It, lo, no r
V, if
it, L - - - - - -
......... — --- -
A comp�e�e
,SM,211 trz,Jrrq and gtc.It Ifjj,,qtrI,aj k0rpc,
(D muorks; orhmeri witi, ,zvino3
Qr)d farmeri t�irh t1lell,
find In tile Rzn6 of
dl,3 6zaLing oervLie They rNiAtre eywrl"
M &1em with courteouis arminrion.
'M-0 Efil]E�11 t-� ehu BailL ar,3 Cale
&0 C27vlre 4 every dzAlQ in the C-anmuniey
(l01)1`R1( it BRANCH
I. IV 11. SM. I E,
hato MUG fpona StpatfolId
3?d Riug'g DiPthday and Poplap gatupdq tlight Dance
7th gall Ganu a jR tho 8ftopneou (WIj3prul of g0jorich
oth Ball 8=0 IR tho Aftoge,00 (81raffoed at 6Gdapich,
10th 200HIII? 58tupday flight Dam
to i.. 1. 1
I I "
17, , .
I-r?"Irk ten 4 1., f.
POM Cop. of t
'Vogt g. UHd SqUapo ?POM G. 30
VOU I20 -G OnvKed To UGG Ot
ki-IlloPq and that f, t ,
ol Idiot irn foci, I I �,t , , I,
MI nod %fr,, R,j. t A ..fi
6,1,4\ottsit mv Q at The pelv"
Is— eark trait, n trip t, %J1k.md
GOd-OP80h i2mucl:Dment Co., Ltd.
JIM— It"k-roahil-
. 1 1, q.
OEM$ 0
%1. Is-' Ili L."
......... — --- -
A comp�e�e
,SM,211 trz,Jrrq and gtc.It Ifjj,,qtrI,aj k0rpc,
(D muorks; orhmeri witi, ,zvino3
Qr)d farmeri t�irh t1lell,
find In tile Rzn6 of
dl,3 6zaLing oervLie They rNiAtre eywrl"
M &1em with courteouis arminrion.
'M-0 Efil]E�11 t-� ehu BailL ar,3 Cale
&0 C27vlre 4 every dzAlQ in the C-anmuniey
(l01)1`R1( it BRANCH
I. IV 11. SM. I E,