The Goderich Star, 1922-04-20, Page 6= -
- - J. • ..
4 atyi aumw
:VOW Mimi 'T‘ititcor vititurs we se.
ierty,ceits gig0.1 lite • fOlingrilf#:
iko r:moo
*titoote: titi :veal" Matti, ail Toronto.
461"44-'1 E"15' e44415 44 4"41 Va :W Ina 44))111iteri Of
gan ,ceCeite star _Nyman lidjam14, Tom,
•. sus Wins ,0,0 6.3E3 ,P•rataie. 0,
,c0411Wlit desire iCr ,44041011401 144 a* bliss Helen Ithompson, a Toronte.
1101 neW Warsaw gain,
Ls Mn Ara iiertha DOWpa,
LIt!iSiihn$111111111 SOU 'Aeser4e.
rental wilt conioc tawr us' sevens t
Yoia74, contract 4,014ag aieseteSiter IS
tiee."aws -Pt& "Casracue7.,X.eaxeis,'43 ITriart
*mitt* 'Mona A orals: oue aniatti
twat; one wean at oats. Aiawanteaa
to W pet cc*, ,eltkot. sirs*,
•) Trc re4IL extra.
en3 nr The scar win 4E* note that
eh -en For the dc tirTital ii kt, 111,
t as la the baton) or me wetter
not hirgerlisati '1 aeslay now or midi lark.
' Logic non Inner sunhat, adiertuntoents,
le cents 6 v 11.0 ror Orst Mariam .a1dean per fine for each subsentulat In.
;asetiOn. _Illariured Ty Matt
twelire 1141414lou
nosiness abtif410 Or slut lines nod manor.
..„StoAd At:0_
Adyerlis Or Sittnitloa
.4•1, Articles Lost. Muses,
,•-tor fish) erFaints for Este or W
Item Articles ,t tide. etc.. uot oteertling
r1l itnes, WS Ezell ;Mullen; three
,eillons tor C. Larger alverttgeluents
ltte0srioWco views typo. eech
aeriton, le tents ere eoimica tine; mer•
'Its. !laying e(unt-Alp for display adver.
.5 trots per stunted line; and to
i:hes and 1eocv014.3 erganitalinlin,
tattle per reit t ,
tentcstsetnents wttilopt sPeetne ifiStroO-
men Ati be mach ,V.Utti fOrbiO. ani
•C•iltriltli: sCeordIngiyo
A041.1105 miasma AO eire(sesa neettay.
TritIV•Antt adveruslug sell 4'3) work, cam
rr. fitreetess-hespecilao NrWitPliPern •
. - Inty--iyerguo -who„,taltes- .6 ;$ 100 .. le egularlY
......._...:„........_ ..........____t_
;ik • , `i - • hors tne pg,f4t eineo. Iv/wilier n tensed. in
eln maor ne soother% or valet r ho has
subscribed or ,Pol, is reEllOttSiTle for pay,
1r 4 Person oriters his paper discontinued
• 0 IOWA TV oll arrears. or this punitaher
‘,. ,.- • , may continue to send it twin PaYment is
. It
, .• .tasee. Slid then colitet iii'whme amount
istietner too paper .to taken or not.
.The gourts have deglded test refusing to
tato pawspspers or ,suoditeals .front Inc
,Pos$ omea, or rernov and having. Meat
. . • unPitia, is iprima (iIinvidene0 et, in-
, • lom oor resod,
„ •
THURSDA , April 2Ob 1022.
Miss 'Mary Pireler, of Termite.,
Mn Keg, Abater, eif
Miss Helen Smith Toronto,
Missies Asolod, 1111.41inie And J*sale,
Foster, 1 Terpnt.
Miss Alscata 'Gin, el Tereut&
Mr. JOit. fiiiantion, of Kitchener.
Misses Feerl mod Mimetic Knox, of
Miss Jos *Ewen. tof Toronto,
. Mies Olive Goldthorpe. of Termite.
Mr. 411. 11.1111ptall, a Windier.
Mr. -A. DOidela of Jarvis
Miss Hazel Hartwell, of Fort Stan
Mies Ivy Bunt, of Toronto.
W..SParr, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schuler, of
New Hamburg.
Idise Eunice Lamb, of Stratford. •
Miss siren ii7,'"`
Perri Humber, of T t
Mrs, Harry Grass and ;two daught-
ers, of Toronto.
Miss Thelma Laithwuite, Toronto,
Mita( SD' e of -Brantford.
Watson Streiton, of Toronto.
Mr. Ted. Johnston, 6f Tironto.
Bert Ward, of Walkerville.
Miss Jean Hawkins, of London.
Mr, Thos. McCarthy, Sandwich. -
Miss Kathleen Ryan'of Toront,o,
Miss Vera Page, of Toronto.-
Miss Beck was up from Toronto
over Easter.
Mites Genevieve Spar ie visiting
friends in London.
Mr. Ted. Pridharn o
SUPREMEf Termite;o, is
GOURT 'henie for &titer week
1 hers. Fred Middleton was la town
non. cheee-ittetiee. of, common moo jfor a tow ottys last Week.
Holds Non -Jury etseises en inr. A. L. NO opteinetriet Was in
Tuesday Toronto over tbe --"-od Mi oward Eider, G Id
CV with ter parents, Mr. and Mu,
Miss Isabelle ,Ahartium and Mr.
ins of the Educatimml Association in
Roy Stonehouse attended
the meet- (Continued from page 1)
Toronto this week. mount up to the larger figure by the
Miss Marion Lee, who is spending allit ,f 141
The Water and Light Commission
at its meeting decided to pay the de-
ficit un the year id 41,000.44.
Mr. E. II. Darling, the engineer
Mt. and Mrs-. Koenig have return- to prepare the pieces and see -
Pori! atter sipeading the Easter c• tion at the alltration plea lafl
sown with their son-in-law and yews, wrote askime for payment of
daughter, Mr. and Mre. J. C. Cerrie. balance of his *count. of $700. It
WA* is visitor to town during Easter nig wrote- thet if the question of the
was decided to WY Me. Mr. Der].
Mr. Harvey Malloy, of Stratford.
week. lfr. Malloy was fornterly a construction were taken up new, he
reeident of the Bertmiller neighbor. believed bide at 10 per cent, off last
hued. , ear's figures -could be got, and be-
ar. Reg. Smith, of Toronto, paid brinelheprrifee si year front now would
visit to his mother, Moe W. The Water and Light Commission
Smith. and Aster* Niro. King, is obtaining an option on, a lot from
(Smith's Art Shore) over Good
dity. Mr, A. S. ,Chrystal adjoining the
standpipe lot, with the idea of sink -
Mr. and Kra. Coulthurstaind little intheproposed test well on it.
granddaughter, of Buffalo, were visi- The superintenddlit was instructed
tors for s few days this week et the to 1IIftk a thorough ezandliation of
home of their son, Mr. W. Coulthuret, the steam pumps and put them all in
Mr. and Mrs. HincheY, Guelph,
gwelsoted liesordemaitr. wou
and Mr. mid Mrs. Mere and little sone too interest is taken mule ollsan.
f Teeswater spent Easter with the
laDodyieles: Penialentl'ehee SMt.r* and cement in a. deepeteh from Newark of
Mrs' 'William the marriage or Mr. M. B. Lloyd as Mr.
__ Mrs. Arthur Shoesmith end son,
Jack, of Galt, are spending the Blist-
er week as guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Kenyon. Mrs. Shoesmith is
etre. Kenyon's sister.
the Easter notion at her home here,
has with ber, es her guest, Min
Miry Thorapsen, of Windsor.
bloyil was tbe promoter oftlie Goderith
Wheel diRiga Co.
Tho spatoh ift as follows:
Newark, N. 3,, April 12. -Marshal
Burns Lloyd, seventy years old, weal-
thy retired manufacturer of A/atom:leo.
-Miss'earrie H. A., of 'For- Miehreini. YesterditY announced be bad
thtruest of Mrs. Walton church in Few York, Urs. Tourlotte
Naftel. Miss McRae ikon. the teach- koklen. of Orange, N. 3'..whoseolurtesy
ing staff of the Humberside Colic- won his attention when she waited
giate. uptm him in 0, novelty shop in Florida
Mrs'. G. AL Elliott has returned this winter. Ur, Lloyd, who Bald he
from New 'York where she has been recently hail sold his basineas for about
10,000,000, told of his struggles against
the guest of her son, Mr. G. R. Et- poverty. First be sold d
e had h andliott, liott, for the pod• ten days. Miss ,soate on the streets of Toronto. Next
Ivy, who accompanied her, is staying be Met carried mail out of Pore Arthur,
in Toronto for a few weeks, •()Atari°, on a dog sleigh. Then be be.
Mr. and Mrs. Martha% of Toren- came a waiter. lamely be nought a
to, were Easter visitors , with Mr. piectU
e of lanfor R .0 OO and sold :or
low Mr, A. J. 'AlacKay. • Mr. Mar- eso,00o.
shall has • returned to Toronto but %With this capital he experimented
Mrs.' Marshall is remaining for a with inventions. Diecovery of, a pron
short time. She is a sister of Mrs. cess or making 'wicker machinery
was the result. Then same the baby
carriage business.
o era ,
esaeont, i Eldon and Harold, and augliter,
spending at home. •
- - • - • - Miss Ethel Nairn of AA.. Phyllis, of Tilisonburg. were guest
Easter wees
ee *erg,. Robert Elder, „St. David St.,
1.r.v. 44,
• The non -jury sittinge of the Su -
Pun* Court for this county were
held on Tuesday afternoon, the pre-
iiiding judge being the Honorable
Mr. I.awrenee Reid spent the holi-
day at his home in liruceileld.
Mr. Harold Currie spent the tee.
Chief Juralee of the Common Pleas. .ter vacation at his home here.
:e • FoOt• nOtteg Were on the docket, and
theie were disposed of as follows.Easter
. yr ‘e e
' visitor8: wWitnhl'irWielleittlasern wTaesroannte.a
'Montgomery vs. alontgornery--An,
, s action for specific erformarice. Mr. Miss Mergaret Wilson" spent the
fir G , K. C., counsel for holiday with friends in Brucelield:
defendant; Mr. Dudley Holmes, K. Misses Lydia and Ella _Zeck, of
Go /Welter for defendanti no person Taranto, Were in town for 'Easter.
.. ' plaintiff was duly called Olive times.
: , ,„. , smeared , for the Plaintiff. Tho MissDorothyranii Ilan, Anf .BILiTyailno: is
visiting 10.1
i His Lordship directed that, in -default IT 51isses Verna and Laura ShelgrOve
•, • 1 owithaptpeosatrsrleselayateftoiottr Itodadyissin. isms,ed_ are visiting friends in
perties are liewiek township peopAr 'Alias Olive Tichbourne, of Dungan -
floe, is home for the Easter holidays.
the defendant, being the father of th4
. viatotdr. .
Mrs. . Fred Craigie has returned
Bennet vs. Montgottiery*An ne- from a visit with relatives in Buffalo.
Bennet ve. Montgemery--Ail ties Dr. Egener was up from Port
tion for possession cl lanais and or- Huron to join his family for Easter.
rearm .. of rents Mrs B. Vsost°110 Miss Letitia Durnia, of Uxbridge,
counsel for laintiff. Defendant not Ont., is spending Easter week at her
home in town.
Mr. Mel. Schoenlials, of Clinton,
spent the Easter .holidaye with
friends in town. . -
• .
• .
4. *••
et.... 4
• •
. • •
represented y eounsel. -The defen.
slant in tide :iaction is a see of the de-
tendent in the farmer action and the
atilt was for the dtael of certain
His Lordship directed that
Italgrilent be entered far the plaintiff Miss Rose strong, of the ludo, 01:10 Oeil===:=0=0
for possession of the land in town Collegiate staff, is home for the
the past week.. ...,„!."4"ar-S at present BUY DOMINION REEDS
viditing Mrs. IL Eld'er's Mr.
and 1Virs. Wm. Cunningham, at ,7":"Is And Spili Mg Money •
Dominion Seeds come up. Well
tested them 0.11 and know them to
have high germinating power. We
Ben nothing hat vigorous seeds guar-
a.nteed to produce Misty plant Yea -
It costs just as touch labor, time and
money to plant inferior seeds. If you
want a 100% Arnie sow
• “Tested and Trusted,' •
Free 80 page Garden Annual. Send
.us your name and address and eve
wili limit it to you at enee.
Addtetis Pept. D.
bOrrtirolort Seeds,' L.Iniltesel.d''
• 11.4. •
111 Dumas Strad Market Square
;London. Ont.
Mr. Ernest Lee has been spending
the vaeatlon at his home here and
has with him as his guest, Mr. Gor-
don Sperling, of Trinity College.
Mr. Spaeling is a contributor te
"Goblin," thn comic gotten out by
the college students, his speciality
being art work. . '
Miss Minnie Campbell, B. A., , of
Niagara Falls; Mies Emma Campbell,
of Senator Proudfoot's °nice, Toron-
to,. and Miss Annie Cempbell, of the;
Railway and Municipal Boer.d, opines
-have been Easter visitors at the old.
home. Miss Emma CamPbell return.'
ed Tuesday, her sisters remaining
for the week, •
To prevent aeotdents is vastly bet-;
ter than to conepeneate thent.
Health 'wealth, and good c er
is cash on'''aand.
15% Special Disconn on lloWet and
vegetable seeds during Feb. and Mar.
$5.00 SPECIAL • Sg.00
tion with Costs, with stay of 15 ays. Boater tamales.
Menzies et al vs Iliestiuge et ale-- Mr. R. MiieLeare of Toe Ante
An itction for damages. Mr. R. Van- spent Easter with bis family
atom counsel for plaintiffs. Mr. C. home on North St. e et:ibeir • s •
'for Friday and Saturday Only o
seater, x, g„ counsel for defendantsn. Mr. Wm. Johnston.
The defendants are lumbermen i snout the holiday of Toronto.
!Atli his lirother,
the northwest and the plaintiffs took Ale. Geo. jbh„st,..u.
up horses for them. The action was 7hliss S. J., Wallis was up from Tor,
for dameges in connection with thei
t ti i ant° 10* Easter, visiting her broth-
-dweller". Ills Lordship di
that judgmerit be entered for iieletilere I et'• Yee. T. R. Wais.
tiffs for $400 tIonthiros, with 'enst..8 "'-'0 Mrii. 11. C. Eidei and children, of
i covinty scale, without 114.0: Tilisonburg, are visiting Mrs, R. ,
Holt vs, Mason*Aie "on on - o Eider. St. David et,
promiseory note. sato.. Charles Gar- Miss Jaffray, of Galt, Was an Ease
raw. K. C' :istege for plaintiff. Mr. ter visitor at the residence of Mr,
.ampeon, K. C * , and Mr. J. and Mrs. C. A. Nairn. o
erlititie, touted for defendant. Mr. Maitland Pridham, of Toronto, fl
atr:' Ihdley Mimes. 'solicitor. fir spent Easter with his parents, Mr. 0
Plaintift In this ease the 'Phdritux and Mrs. F. I. Pridham.
was suing the executor of his filth, Miss Gweraloline Colborne, of
'et"'s POOL The Partitass -"side 111 Toronto, anent Easter at her moth-
Ilowiche Ina Lordship directed that orsis home, .st. Patrick St.
judgment be entered dismissing' this
Mrs. John Wyld and family ef
stet on by eentient 'without costa.
. Ripley, 'are visiting her mother, Ire.
TEA GOING UP John lifeDonald, Park St. •
'The unrest in: India has caused Mrs. Jack Johnston spent the Eas.
more or leas serious labor troubles on ter vacation at Windsor with her
the tea plantations, and less resulted daughter, Mrs, Geo. Lyttle. ,
in the Price of tee rising consistently Mr. Leonard Macklin, of Toronto,
for the paid year. Between October is spending Exeter week with,hie par-
ents, Dr.- and Mrs. Mechlin. •
Mr. Ronson Thornton, of Toronto,
sperit Easter with his gratiapatents,
Mr. eild Mrs. Hall Rutledge. .
Miss Isabel% G. MeNevine of Tor..
ante, visited with her mother, Mrs.
A. MeNevin, over the holiday.
1920, and today, costs have advane
between 11 and 15 cents pound.
As the crop tench less than esti.
mated consumption this year, it is
probable that the price will go still
The Old and New
Ethelbett--"Who was that new 'Mr. and Mrs. • Rob Clerk, South.
girl I sew you with last night"' *mitten, were holiday visitors with
Jack --"That wasn't a new girl Mr. Clark's parents, Dr. and Mr6.
That was ray old girl, painted over. Clark.
Englishman, fearing to be bur.
ied alive, had his body consigned to
the treaty deep. If ho should wake
up, he will , have plenty of room to
turn over. .
Rai monotony is what comes to
the wife who finally Queeccds in re-
forming her huAbend.
Miss Ethel Parrew.luie returned to
town atter spendin_g_, the winter with
her sister, Mrs. R. W. Reid, at Brook.
lyn, N. 'Y. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Curren, of Tor-
onto have moved to Clinton, where
they' have recently opened up a gre.
'eery store.
.Mre, D. (. Reid, ot Detroit, spent
Rah it ia fet Lime Bitekea-A briek the' East" "aaan "'the hnete °f hee
ra with pr. Thomas. peieetrie rarents. Mr. and Mt% John S. Platt,
Oil writ relieve lame back. The Akin
will immediately abtorb the oil and Mrs. Helen Burrewe and Mrs. Jos.
it will penetrate the tissues and beset D. Wilson *pent the klister holidays
relief. Try it and be eon. at the borne of Mr. and Mre. W. G.
As the liniment sinks in, the Burrows, 404 °Wave) street,. Stret.
pain comes euteand there arttple 'fent,
grounds for eaYlag that it is an ex. Miss Jessie Wilsou, of the Echo
eellent article. • rtg. Co., London, was home for East -
Hand Telkwing and Latirat Smart Wiwi
Phone 219
• .,,
1 .
Your choice of any pair of Boots ; Oxfoids or Strap
Slippers shown in our Men's and Women'a Window
for $5.00 Cash
.Thia Is Your Opportunity
Hern's Boot Shop * 0
=or (onatn=ionsco===to=ozonuoi
01$341====0=10) •401:20e (0nao===orao
iniLith, I. I .,.ii ,------------ /
Special Top with Gipsy Curtains
Gas Tank on Rear and Vacuum Feed
Comptete New Rear Axleand Drive Shaft with Spiral
Bevel Gears
Motor Great)y Improved
Hand Controlled Emergency Brake Lever
• Tapered Roller:Bearings 4u. Ikon' Wheels
• Improved ittOnt Axle
(lord Tires rrtnt and Rear
Bumper ou front of Car Nickle Plated Radiator
Painted black with .Gold Stripe Extreme Lint Body
Several .other improvements over ziort model
490 Special, Price $950.00 •
490 Retulatr, Price S840.00
No Extra Charges and No Extras Needed
‘1,) 10.1 roma ie oital ece tttlisp!ey 011 rt".e fiZeeoat, tele!
IH {let '.!titl zit ti 0,fos ttt,
11100.171% 131181INIT
0100 01101013=10111301011111011=10=t
1,16 to $t 1,26
mem per ce4., tinily 3.76 to 4.01
Flour, patent-. 4.50 to 016
Bran, per ton.- ... 30.00 to 31.00
Shorts, per ton..... 32.00 to 33.00
Oats.. ........ ..40 to 46
......, 60 to 0.66
Buckwheat,'10 to iit0
1-raY ILO° to 15.00
Butter per lbeel)iiiry 37 to ,38
12 25 to 12 25
Eggs 25 to 25
Potatoes, per bag 1 00 to 1 25
Cattle, butt:bees choice4.75 to 5.25
Cattle,' buteher'e rutin.
ary.... 4.25 Se 4.75
Bologna, idle, per IV3 to 4
Lambs, per lb 10 to 10
Sheep.... .4,401 MI.* 4 to- 4
Hides.... . 3.00 to 3.00
Ito (passionately) -Don't you feel
the call of the irristible?
Shea -Sure, let'a eat.
The Allies are constrained to re.
gash the German denial of ability to
pay up as all boa*.
Speakingof a sense of humor, how
about that 'of the man who called
them .the building trades?
If you, desire to show to
Advantage in a nice spring
costume don't forget to
call at Sallowls-Studio and
have an excellent photo
You Are You --
There is not another
• mail just like you.
Therefore do pot clothe
Yourself in a suit that
looks fine on a 'dum-
Have your clothes cut
to measure..
.Ff H. Martin
Will Give You Vim and Vigor
A Reconstructive Tonic Aid for enriching
the blood, building the strength and im-
proving the health generally.
$1.25a Bottle
At the
The gexall Drug Store
H. C. DUNLOP, Phm. B.
1=0) 40 0 • 40=
.11 • =1
i01 0=01-
0=003i=00 ei01$ 0 •
Reliable and hard working man to
represent a high class line of
Pianos and Phonographs in God-
erich and district. - Can be work-
ed at full time or as a side line,
as' desired. Will make a real
live proposition to the right mart
Trite to
Box 10 Godertch Star
Although our number of Suits are limited, E.
the styles are varied.
. rea a -..-
They are developed In Tcotenes, Tweeds --•
1 ,, _. and Serge& =
Regular Prices $17.00 to $47.00
Special Offering 25%
Coats for. Sport or Formai wear
Ladies who favor the Top Coat will filid. them here- shown in rich Velours,
Polo Cloth and Coating Serges. Regular prices SI2.5o to $28.5o. Special offer-
ing 2596 off.
1 Modish Crepe Frocks, Fashion's Spring Favorites
At less than the cost of materials. Lovely styles in Taffetas, Satins aud
Canton Crepe. Many of the most delightful ideas shown here.
Flannel Guimps in fltown Henna and,Seegv. Also Trieotines in various
styles beautifully beaded and braid or button trimmed. Sizes from 32. to 42.
Roguiar prites $ f33.95. Specia.l offering 23/6 off. . . ,
Balms of Our New Spring Skirts .....
IPashioned from those lovely plaid or striped materials. Tricotines and 3
Serges, mostly pleated. Regular $4.95 to po.,5o. Special offering 2554 off. a
Waists of Tricotineso Crepes and Silk .'
Various shades and styles. Regular $3.95 to $r3.5o. '
All Hosiery 25 perk cent Off regular prices
SiIeci Ladias:' 'Ready4i104:r Co.