The Goderich Star, 1922-04-20, Page 5, idtl MUAY, Aptl Min YiMt.
A um OF
Dronebitih is suit acute inflamataseticlta of
tn. avenue membrane lining Cite Lair titer
eft As,1 a 7. and begin% with ebille f:4 -
lowed by fever, tightness woes the chests
difficulty iu bteatbinq, hoarseuess, and w
dry, hath. crauplr cough, which is in -
mused in wet weather. and by saver;
I4I$'ic cold. This cough cosies on Wee,
sit ,.ti•"a11y, is generally worse in the Moen
mg, and is oral" relieved by raising freely
The :natter raised is et first Whitish and
skvbut later becomes tw *read*
oryellowish veer end iaaometimco strc*
oil with blood.
On the :Gist sign of bronchiete 3ou
should diet; . it immediately by using
_ DR. WOOD%%a
&Leasypreventing it becoming cbxorde.
and developing^ into soma serious Yuan
}!r. John II. Root. 40 Maple Itve.,
Hamilton, Ont., writes: -"I Was ttonbled
with I ad itest es lied flu,
- ` to get afraid of other developments. L
tried all kinds of eoogh renieddies, but
without relief. I was advised. by at
,_- "1riertd;-to-try: Dr.-Noway.,Phie
;Wine, so I got a bottle. It convinced
me to believe that, I had, at last, gotten
tie right medicine. 1 used several bot-
otties and ant practically ,well. I `ix ve
.:recommended it' to others since, sad
VA results followed. It is certainly at
wonderful "Bronchial-CoughIntently.''
Pee= 33..c. and 40e. a bottle.
Hold atlHNthr aartc. 'fill° t to :thirster
Illichael t'.'1',.r.-..
LONDON, Apti.17. .:la the poi-
slbilitr that Axtbur Gitidite. prelisient
of the 1.101 Ea eanu, ha* beets ettp-
tarei by 1namurgellt forces in the a<tiatt
Republican airanJ, it uetrsa that MI, i b► Rail k& . latah UnIer --1 ssrlef 11i.,
1 C lit s was; bred on Sonata"
laaridaa d3 Cert —
Lundan. 1 --Death lbs. V. -- ,
The Deily Expense, latera mens ilei Lltektlew—Sea1.Mk Tone toan'i1' � Contrast liar Waterw
belief in the yossibllity that Gri>wth,
eaptured by inaurKenia follow -rue 1
IIy kiss t war is beinlg:dis iesw s f' . banned the • CI .ifit:it.elSary sit }bear
Usbonne te�v,aislup, the laroleoenl.beil:i~ marriage jlxei,'liot Mr. and Min Ellis
to ta,p, the line Irene ),Teter. tis. Coes arm ei a*rg gelid lienplth.
trail i llsatla of °Mn .. old,
1 e i
Mr. and in the reword cf 11 t x otic �
Mr. ' Jndari Oltenia, of, Exeter, waos�;�ed pa:uc u b ,T. I'lulwa; She hath 1.
unexpee ea
ed En.Our
than o n Pit
holds to public, Irish >int tit. in Cele dilute.. Dins Mrs. Vt Gists' •
the ire of Inteni2St in t + js lid___
I drip far L'awbm tt4e
his speeech, which they lead i.ttempts
er1. to prevent at Sligo. 'Thi Exlaress
has no proof for lie allegation, but
it is 'kuuwn that armored ears and
troop* were required In order to en-
able Gri ith to make We scheduled
%peach. lie left Dublin ,Saturday
night for' Sligo, in coinpauY with
Acting Chairman Figgis, of the Con
SeanHMilri,on y his Dail Eireann cond
l -
league from Cavin, after orders had
been given by the ne.w executive of
the Irish ReIubiiean army that, he
yam not to be permitted to speak. •
A message received to London at.
midnight Sunday from Btltaat said
Viet Griffith had. delixeiled; his sptechl
in the afternoon, "ninth no' wetawur.d,
CofmmuPtcation is atilt, broken• out,
qts Sago: An fltr as direct mesaugem
ere: concerned, to Loudon hor Dublin...
9' ineesage front Carrlek-on.-Sita
non, however, states. that intotrm a
tion received there was to the -ef-
fect that Griffith. had. delivexed. his
speech under _ the; -proteetitsf ._,of.
armored ;