HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-04-13, Page 1051 it • "ACE Teti Alt PAPER PRICES have iron ' LJTI i TWO >I➢r 4•,Coca: is l a;go a3u1. u8 patieri, L1CO MCI Kw, *WM h llsiegrsm Papers BO Papers l'arMr N Wog hoe Pipers 11 Awl Pa Ica tact Wall rapes for ec-e.y '+1om ill he hoarse at prices thou c:efl satirise you at their i earl e,s as well as the real beauty design and colt nett. ur Stoek Ira Priced Cheaper Veit Sore Years Bat 1 r r l-,. EASIER DAY +GODERL.C.ft TOWtimar di At -a7: iftt,:«4°' no regular mcctieg 4s# the i Ga.i3= A dawn In } err .s, ant 1.:ue c.�a„ t� 3omenn Club wild be hetri r� Matti rc,a; triers , the eke ; t e bona° of ilia, An.l► 7.. s1, 1�ayEic�?ii 4 4 hearts that daldespt�iring droop °c oe'h,dhuradag„ April(itb, tit w,�,�1. With l epe e:ato beat high, or this is #isetruaasrenderat nom, `Titre trontiruas mann whereo l Prostrate beneath victorious feet 114th the last foe been thrown, iaisarined is het prone doth be 1ie:- While seed -den from the tomb Comm forth the Son of Men that men No more need dread its gloom. And souls whom fear of death hath held In bondage all their days, 'he great deliverance celebrate %'Pith songs of fervent praise. CARLOW . t bon social vitt be held at Carlow I on Thur.4lrzy, April 2cith, under the Auspices of the Carlow baseball Club and the Colborne Township Farmers' Club. A good musical program is being provided. Ladies killlease bring boxes, which will be sold by auction, All are 'invited, LOYAL Spring SCerrs to be here in earnest -,ow. Our farmers will be starting sake they the Conqueror divine, work on the /end, C)f God and Main the Son, Mrs. Alex, Young is reesverirg lto, t t lost men with, God :niay front her cold, though f l c is not yet able to be around. Ilatli their redemptIan son. We aro very sorry to report .khat Mrs. James melt is quite itt. . We wish her a speedy recovery. 11.111 aSundayDschool niet fora"their. monthly meeting at the hone of Mrs. Jas. Young on Tuesday, afternoon. ifail we tido incomparable dawn trail, bail the day of days ; And to the glorious Prince of Life Our glad hosannas raise. on on the minutes that all organize: tions using the agricultural irobnds should pay 10 per cent. Qf their re. ceipt: to the town :trod was informed' tktat this way correct. Ile wanted to know why this was not carried out, and the Mayor explained that the' Ag• r!cultural Society had paid 60 per cent of its surplus, and theother or- ganizations had no n'ioney, Couneal- for number referred to the park as a �:.,, .�; - -• sink hole and wanted the resolution " of the counci-l c rri d t -I over, bound by that resolution, as its •saib- TOWN COUNT the ieelm r gid ow (C etinued from page 5) reported meeting C, }C, wiaundors of the (:ederich Organ (,onfpan * d the con'rrwant' had promised a paaymmid on bac% i:.terest within 30' days, rand that all interest in s=ears whc►vhi be paid an full, within 00 days. The public works committee re. poed in :the matter •of disposal "of boiler plate, rolls and scrap iron at the National. Shipbuilding Company's 'dent on Maitland road, recommend- ing no smetion as rise conimittec do not think it � . isablo • trt tiny way (to des - mantle the plant. To, Inereale .lathing house' Accent hiodation The Water, fight and Harbor Com- mittee re onaniended that proper 'dry earth hoe closets be constructed at t]ae Inisbee and that' they be cleaned regularly and kept in alanitary condi- Von; era . rea:nested ban the local Board of lIeolthi ietomme rid that the letter of, Mr.. itelela of Kincardine, dealing with the Iaravinei,l Board of Health's action r .' .'dingg the town water sup- ppiy, he forwarded to the Water and Dlght.ConimIssion, and asked for an a� p rop i at.0 nqf $600 for the year a r1aa�p.V1ddefor expenditures, ancludin, rrns• bathing facilities at the beach addition ton to the presont bathing house with sanitary 'eonven- •3Onet i7 , raise re alt s to roofing of . the town .�ireia;lat shed, • Theser eto rts we re int pissed. d .Che Mayor itsughtu the request t ' • or the UlHome Week ek for a 6"rank, and this was referred back to the An. once +tet. mittee to. report. on. Councillor Humber cn uired if.i seas PIM: 61) that there was a resole- • se quent •acceptance of a modification of these .terns had tended the other f .no effect. ,'ouncillor Bailie asked if anything ova being doiu to protect people on the Square Theis: matter wait tabbed for infoorniation as to existing regu- lations to be presented at the next meeting, The following 'resolution was car- riot: hfoved by Reeve Gallow, sec- onded ny Deputy Reeve Moser, that $6,000 of our sinking funds be invest- ed in 1034 VictoryBands rind that thesame n r eb be purchased sed thropgh the legal bruneh of the Union Bank, Bylaw No. 9 bf 1922 changing Banta .the rate of interest to be' paid on the sever elebentures. from 6 per cent.. to 515 percent, was read three times and finally . passed, and the .council. adjourned, Easter---, n 'lra'df li $ t ' s the most im rtartt part of your Easter : .costume; makesornr mars the whole effect. We have a number' of new and beautiful models to show you. sailors Off trt`e Zt C h .and la drooping shapes,k in. black, brown and navy' and all the new lead- ing shades and combdn- ations, every one in the newest destgna. • May we have the pleas- ure of showing them. to you? Miss acV icar Kingston Street Our Loyal merchantis having at new cement verandah built to his starting on Ideundda lye tripse with hie travelling •store next week COLBORNE Robert Young, of Goderich. will have charge of the services on the 13otianillor circuit next Sunday. Another Egg -Laying Record • Sheppardton, .April 10, 1{122, o 'the hdater of The Go era,. Sir, -•Ili answer to the challenge in your issue of April Gth by Mr.. Steven Andrews of hen laying contest by Barred Rocks, 70 in . number, my count from 68 hens Barred Ro• cks 22 ai SIAL tjI Stamped Gowns for Embroidery egttiar $2.75for $L«.$O' MISS S. NOBLE • EASTER MONDAY DANCE r llprit `tyth ander aauspleos off St George's Girls O illd tat the MASONIC HALL Music by Landon Orchestra Dancing 0;,to,1 o'clock - Rstreshments Admission 7S0 Evesr�ybo'iy W.loaarla s being Ue ion. u t s is 17eggs from `I� . lith until A rjt 6th. - WM. E. FOSTER, - Sheppordton, ;Ont. The following -4 the report of S. S. No. 5, Colborne, for' the month of March, Those inerlced with an est- erisk missed one or mare tests: V,•.,,• "'Grave Rosie, 222. IV.---Pass-.;John-. ny Tartish, 450; Jessie McCann,,.. 886;; Flora Horton, 371; Grace •Horton 350; 50 sp below pass—Olive Horton, 226; Chisholm, 302, :Jroe °Freeman 200. Jr. Ter.-.-Ifenneth..Morris, 243; Joe Chishohn, 218; Erma' Freeman, 217.- Sr. JT. ---Charlotte Morris, 284; Fred Horton, 246. Jr. 1I.;- Berg Freeman, 292; Mary 'Morris, 262; Al. PEOPLEWEKNOW leen Freeman, 170: L -.-Elim Horton. Primer --Eva Hoxton, Thoset wrIi five or lees mistakes in :veiling for the month ---Grace Bogie,rmna. Free- man. Number" on roll 18, ' Average an Toronto. attendance _ 16. / Miss Esther thine is .. TABITHA •M, KEMPTON, Teacher, Giwlph and Toronto. visiting ii. .w,. waU RMMiss Laurel Bates isspending theMisiPicet and Mrs. Munro i went with relatives in Toronto, 3arerioh this wo ap a isitto rendsars, FR. Thom son and Mina there. Ruby Thompson ps n vera in Toronto last' The Farmers'.rClnb shipped a carload week. . . ot'bogp from the 'Mutton here to Tor. onto this Week. Miss Alice Reid is spending Easter in Toronto, • Dr, Mardenel1tapept tlao n week -e. d Mr. and Mrs.-'b'red Shepherd spent a few Mays in Toronto and Preston last week Mrs. D.,L, Bell , , of Kincardine, c is ' v rariti tat her l>aqts re it 1ti .and Mrs, R. J. Datong'. Mss.. C. K. Saunders was a visite -an Brantford and Toronto last week, returning on laionday • evening. • Miss Cella: Henry, who has been visitiu her twin sister, Mrs, Mathe- son, since August; has returned to her home .' tr.t i.'co r Sero. Miss Gwendolyn Colborne, "Whit -Borne" of Inn Coilsgey street, Toronto, is. apeiudirag :a fortnight at the family home, St. Petrick St. Mr, R: Robertson, late foreman at the Huron . Canning Co.'s plant here, leftfor Oshawa Tuesday to assume •a p4..ition .there.• lie was _src-_ Compani'ed by Mr's. Robertson and emieir two children.' • tMr. V. Chapman, late manager of he Huron -Canning Co., with' Mrs. Aprrl at the home !layman and family of four child Mathews, 4 former manager David one of ren, removed to Oshawa this nn act ofBrindley, DIr John 13r h s tiveek, the Storlini, bank.`ka here, spent mfew- i di where., Mr. Chapman assumes a sinus days tho beginning oftthls Week renow- lar position it ion to pte h one, he held Here. trap old acquaintances. Mrs. Hunter, Toronto, has been Tho nblldren of the Baptist church visitingher daughter, Mre.,R. C. Me- are turas making preparations ot, the Dermid, tho past week end leaves on sacred Cintata which her' return tonmorrovv, accompanied, ich Oil t o .given by her in the nhnmh )Friday evening of this •grandson, jock litvDerrnid, Week. Who will spend the holiday week in Toronto. ° Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher, with Mrs. Wer. Mair Mn,sJonathan Milner, srf Bennmillor, village. a is. visiting in the, have taken Up their residence in Mr. Chester Durnin has town, and are raiding on Trsfet ar Toronto to obtain a gone to street. The Star jaine in welcoming. position. Mr. J. A. Johnston. is u and a- roun p d again, ♦sal are pleradod to hear. Several' young people from Toren• to and other points are home for Eas- ter. Mr..Scavage, who has been ill for some time with the seasons unwel- come gift, is about again. Thecae will be three services on Raster Day in St. Paul's, 8 a. in., 11 a. in., Choral Eucharist; and 7.301 F r,E•rs were Mr. Wtu. Bogie, formerly of the village, e fl , calle4 on I ad a i aqua utataaes the former part of this week. Union Young People's Eaaster`mceting Presbytertrn church •Saudate April 10th Charles Scott, Secretary.ti, • • MrS 9Villiatim Neaves •and Mr. John Johnston, of • Goderiebi, spent a few, hours in the village last wee Blowi;ig started the beginning of this weekbu but came suddenetoa stop owlog wtn to the henry t? g � .ra Y era ra �" n Baa u a Y. Most of those engaged in the.mann.. facture of maple syrup have quit for the season ; on the whole it has been a veryood run: goon George, spent th4e latter part rC ot` last Mrs. Charles Strangh.ui . and son • NIL . Miss L. Feagan hoe returned to her. home.at Zion North, Mrs. James 'Snell is very ill at her home ,Sn' the 10th con, Mrs. Wright is'vis4ting her delight or, Mrs, T. G. Sheppard. Miss Mary Sheppard recentlyvisit- ed at Dungannon for a few days.. Mrs, Duncan McNee is slowly re- covering from a serious illness. We are ,glad to report that Mrs; William Roup is improving in health. This is/ Passion Week, andcervi es are being held each night in the base ment,of the church., Miss Louise Snell came home from. -Toronto-for a few days; she hopes to return after Easter. Mrs. Wm. Graham was called to help her sister, Mrs. Ran of Dun- gannon, who is very ill, Ryan, "Silence is golden," as the man said who couldn't speak, becauseof the sovereigns ns i n his mouth, Thi s . Irish Buil.° �_� To have v an oopinion and o p to want to express it, and then not express it, so as to permit someone else, to speak, that is wisdom. • Mr. Isaac Hetherington . is contin-` u t �1 on ythe road in the interest t'of the. Masonic o is Socaety. ,Any So4iety would be honored with such a repre- sentative. To be right end know that .oar are right, is justification for trying to make everybody else do as you do, but you ought to be: sure that you' are right first of all, Out of is visitation of twenty-six 0 h e Ms. st' a week, l vv etc,. it was observed that in tweiit .ono l{omes, there was siel;- S"'SV*aoAY, APRIL pita. 1142. COLBOJ?NJj'S ,.rr11E ROUSE OF MUMMY" t r 4 e .;. 4. Glove* for Easter A wonderful range of silk gloves in taupe, white, grey, block and sand. They come iu all sizes and moderately priced from $1.4o to #x.55 a pair, Your Easter Sett Evei'yo#ie wants new togs for Easter. Our stock is comprised of the newest styles of suits` in tricotiue, gabardine and serge in nave blue, 'black and fawn shades, 'You are sure to be fitted for we have every size frofu x6140 44, Nortbway garments are leaders. We have them. Coats A large range of .coats in the newest cloths and styles. raw" and sand shades are leaders. They come either" halt of fulllined, 111 ery with a variety of styles of sleeve and either shod, or three quart with etl6roid- ft is a pleasure to show -these garments. a tarter length. Blouses • A large range of ,voile from the west quality of voile A very special range at Silk blouses made froze‘ .tailored of Teets at $4:25. PhQrte°s ,- S�torr 86 e• test � Residence' 3(1 • _- OCR NEW CQAT.Db'*.xlthl'S `'IDE rCE . tittle t t e attention�' has :been paid in y The 'season is,now on when ice will Canada to the neve 'coat -of -arms blouses' in sizes -up to sr at $3.98. 'f'hey are g lade and the styles are the newest. $?.48 in voile. the heaviest Actuality babut.aj sill � Y c to all sizes and £.bThO1e' «. Tt HOUSE . OP QUALITY" which has recently been authorized by royal patent. The New York Times, in an editorial, makes the fel- lowing interesting. eotnm'enx t.: "Canada starts the new year not only with a new Government in con- trol, but with a brand n new coat-ofa arms' .for that Government's official seal. A Royal -Proclamation has de- clared • obsolete the former - crest, .a composite arrangement of the differ- ent Provincial coats -of -arms, ,which, with the creation. of each additional Province, +came to have something of the aspect a f` a „ ata hwr p oris quilt, I Ce $ a! t$ sea s or authorized ' b the " am s e al t y a en F t emblazons laze > vas the th eristic c 'v arav- Iu aI ' ri symbols bl . 0 yon s of the r h tie great nations from which the present Dominion sprang, England, Scotland, eland end France, and unites thein with the native emblem,' the maple oaf. The design u thus link' thes an- lent memories • of twelfth lfth c t Brr ury lantagenet battlefields, with the bit - _glory of 'many Ridge, REINDEER FOR CANADA'S NORTHLAND The." value of the reindeer to the native inhabitants of Labrador and Northern Canticle a " lid e net IT $ a has y led to or tF to again cin S b made to � build .yy up herds of these animals in' the ire ness, Sptin .vitt help at: ipro ►e gaonS referred to. The Hudson's Bay things rand hooks tadaiy.as if— spring Company has.: taken hold of, the en••' has come. terprise and recently landed 628 Vein - We de r m tion e would like to' draw the atten oe , est of them ee . ser Land ao of the Colborne and:.Ashfield s n'o motatt►s •ago._ Because resndeer councils to the bad state of the bo 'n common -*nth other animals :ares. ,liable to certain diseases and parasi tical infestations, the. Department :of Agriculture at Ottawa, through the Health of Aniritals Brooch; has .seen to it that the imported stock included only healthy* specin..'us. The inspec tion of the animals was made try« Dr: asset. and the former of this visiting Bary lane between Nile and Sheppartl7. blends in CxoderlL•ia, .. ton. It needs attention - iniinediatel bones' ,monument placed for a cateh• and during the summer it should:y basin on the Sturdy drain e" the Blyth :ofly.gravelled, he gravel road. is lying high and dry out of There passed w the tlra;in altogether, p s away. on the ,1st 'of Mia. Math Mr. andMrs. ai # 84 ma ey E. A. Watson, Chief Ani lr years Deceased was well .Iogist, who was sent' Nor ?litho- aged favto 0 rN favorably Norway to known own at aaer'pch, examine the shipment before ember - where he resided for the gre�ter'part icatfon. of tach year, :Cor many years ppast. Some years ago importations. r were e Of .late, yearn he has spent the winter made' by Dr. Grenfell in ,conneetian months at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. with his mission. work in the 'sabre - David Brindley*. Death came unex- dor. The herd prospered` well while pettedly, The funeral took place on under the care of Lapp herders, but Tuesday, the 4th inst., a large muni after, the Lappa -returned to. their na ber of friends being present both at tine' land the animals became scatter - the home and at the cemetery. The ed and lost. Most, of the 028 rein- service in the home was conducted by deer comprising the present shipment Rev. If. 1loyle►�rastor for the family, have been landed in good conditionwho ; Wm was assisted by Commandant and it is hoped' that a beginning A. Brindley, S. A„ who had been made in establishina redeeor come from Clarksburg, West Vita industry which may prove of great: ginia, to pay loving respect to his un-: value.to Canada. ^ M cle. .The commandant spoke very; , feelingly and hopefully as he enjoin-: The weaker« sex • is the ' or i p tan of ed upon all pr�aeat, the privileges of the human. race that gime down°tokvn the Christian•lifee. Ba also conduct - "in zero weather, in a half -masted fare ed the service at.the graveside. The waist and pumps, . to buy a. niuflner immediate mourners are the nephews and woollen socks for her husband, Messrs, Hira ra,.. David,' William and so he can go to work. Jahn Brindle?. and Commandant v , ALWAYS IN THE DUNGANNON these p�ieo le to 'our mrdst. They tare alt well k was to most of us, and Mrs. hillier er is a former mer re aidcnt of town, she, with the. late der. hillier, having had ehargt�"of,the Albion Ile - tel (no* Hotel Bedford) for several years. She --"I have so much correspond. sere. The lettere are just rollint, n in�Ir� Ile-4-"Huh, must be Circular let.� - cera. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Now la the time to arrange for Automobiles Insarirlec foo th3 gnat` 1921. '4 'et eau give you i*<otecfion aigailxst Tiro from anycause,- ' fa � t3i, i: -.-your liability 5 tint to the loo table. p in event cat ti �. t tt. t i sec d ni; Ilitni . b ..,ct to ilia property of others.and Collision Covet/to. , The raters one low levity() risk entailed. Guard against the results of an areiidont .of a. . ki r one of our polieies now. (my ucl 1t r MYk torrCO. Investment Securities sic NW West Street erilrieelat, Mesicipal ,Irl C.rperreittr et ,> Ezcaa 0 trod itr+ the Market daily. ,,,, . ;. Wm.,A. wind Brindle?. to whom we extend :sa sY'.S OWN TABLETS our sympathy The paillrea OWE pt, n. • iesers, J The Good Friday cervico will her at#'Benj. .Hoggarth and oBenjatmine Peak. • eau vvaod. Rpm in St. Pauli; church. The of.- Tering for the "Save the Children Fund" In St, Paul's parish was about $2f,. • We aro sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Curtain are preparing to Ieave the village. We shall he sorry to lose thein, but trust they will halve the best of success in the Iocality to whieh they are going. Any person who has any shoes to repair. should try our new cobbler. the barber, who ho • h asst taken t u that p t line at business too,and dao.. re makes a good job. He says he has pared r people's heads for quite a1 white. Ile going to pare 'their �now. Asthma Daeaii't Wear Or Aimee. Do not make the Mistake of waiting for asthma to. wear *way by itself. While you are waiting the disease is shrely gathering as stronger foothold and ,you live in danger of stronger and yet strongly :Weeks, Dr.. 4. 1).. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy taken ear - 11', Will prevent incipient condition from become chronic' and eaves hours of awful :suffering �_. • Speaking of a sense of humor, how if you must try to kiss` her make *bout that of the man who tidied sure you succeed; ahe'lt'neLer forgive tldemtt the INiittir k txaad.rr t Lite. you if you don'!, A historian say* Banat women AMONG THE CHURCH, Tlae regular meeting of the Arthur Circle of IKnox iehurch has been post - tied from Monday, April 17th, to lrlonday, April 24th. BRIEF TOWN TOPICS tion The regular monthly meeting of the .A ante tet � • ('tats ter, I. 3i , 6.D D. E. will be held on 17th. at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Trade rooms,. West St. been ditributeut telephone It to has derich subsercibers, Manager `Griffin would use s1M who hear ve from tt received their copy of Same. Mr. Jas. Meintyrc has sold his farm on the 3frd concession of West Waawanoslt Ur Mr. Henry* Leishman of #Crave, .poaeaasion to he given , A- ril 28th. This has been sold through the Willoughby. Farm Ageney. Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand, for the first trial convinces her there is nothing to equal there in keeping �sildren well. The Tablets are, a :fnild but thorough laxative which re- gulate the bowels and sweeten" the stonratli, thus driving out eonstipa- and indigestion, colds and mottle fevers :end snaking teething easier. Ooneernirrg them, Mrs. Salusto PcI- Iet,tunas,a .. nor a5tr I) ate have used used .Baby's Own :Tablets for the pest tett years and am' never without them in the house: They have al- ways given the greatest satisfaction.; and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of little ones." The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers •or direct by mail at 2G tents a box fr'onm The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., I3rockville�, Ont. J. T. FELL the .works =b08 yore before the bits of Christ. They also have ruled iti t 17P*ras sinews. Na At muto81 , ran root.gro* ate eIhetrie light _ nt just by atkking as *Wilch,in the ground, their mot ba Banns from the attw An optimist M a roan wino takes his best girl to a► show with efmlyr twe dollars in his p.cket. A pessimist is the. girl who always takes s dollar a.. long with bor. 1 children, -Ox'i psairmitann A *iT R I itOila`1 ".. D You Don't Have. • To W� Any Ito dust chit at H� �TlME'_ mow a scaume wzsrst. > I,et b yam can !flee" t h n aw be required in many homes, and de- liveries win be made promptly and regularly as ,required. All orders will receive prompt attention.. 'Phone or address, Li,SL1E FLICK, PKingston St, How Many Windows Ras Your florae? Good &tures are windows, looking. out on a•brighter world' of bea- uty, ea ut adventure ttir 'and d roar once. Therefore a;dd e, new picture or two fon .,your borne this Webavo - an artistic line, reasonably nric4ed. Easter Cards and Novelties i n ro a,t variety .� w a ty �l Store • haat St. Phone: 'lob i ."47A Corstk`s . At TQ MMOBJ L . OWNED ger; your 922 Permjts and;. Markers from J W. Mac i • Vater, at Ceo. M. V , ae scat• s Shoe Store Noah saeof $gsi.r, • Ga stitch lar. Box 414' W e YOU 'Think of • y COAL Tik ofs • Anel witori your coal bin is empty call ! j, 1!6 Goad "I k,var4 of Servky'. Phact a �6 itiodeaa'1oMt Rxelustve a nt i':� s zu Goelerioh for.,. :The Lehigh trails en ties FREE DEMONSTRATION at The Hidro 'store. Come and See What Can Bei fflleby Hydro Electric Tuesday, Wednesday T hursda -• e >� � d Friday April 18th, `18th, 2Oth and 21 at Every Mak Wools Chiiid,Should hit �d �` Mit ei ra it la for Your B.: Kl> Retnatit .4 y*prerati�t;ttivt of the OntarioKydra tl i trir Cam w be ahead to give a hiietarnlatdot�- m pat will it is Purely Edecationaf, Soul `Miss This WATER AND LIGHT' .COM M$SSION nossamon HP TO THE MINUTE STYLES ARE 'WHA' W AFTER -and We Get Thelia, Roo And when we have them, and have marked on them our smallest price, knowing shoes and their worth as we do know them, we've as much to offer as any shoe dealer ever offer- ed anybody. We would be glad to have you call some day and our lines. �r1r a know we have something in our immense stock which will please you, (IRE 3• -k 4. 4- 4. 4. 4, 4. 4 4, 4. 4. I•- 4. 4, ,