HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-04-13, Page 6• f _ W. PURITY. IP Isit isence of all That is Best in Tea "To Taste is to Believe" AylE19,141f j011itAge R Colt Rhodes and the Cepe.t air° Railway In 1874 "the Beitish press wee devoting that the man had an iincenner insight great spriee to the Kee of extending, into the losidious German spy sYetent David Livinetetele$ work in atrioe, and that watt trying` to wreelf oetuno$ otetouten acro debating on the sawn : more that: a qutteter of a century 'ego. ocheme. Bathe mantle of Ltvingetone Ile took au aotivo part in the relief .4111 tilieldlY neon et Yenng Wart who wets !work itorlog the stege of gimberly, in thee hut twenty.one years of agte and a ; the Boer war. He tiled March. '1002, student at Oriel College. Oxford. Ile %with hitt scheme only started. bee been one to Africa for tett years, lib, foresight has been vindicated made borne money at mining. and re. fully einee. eie lett Much of We gigs". tinned oto gouge an eaucetion. Hie tortune to the emiductieg of the health gave out and be tleterinthed to work. In less than seventeen years return to that land which. Livingetone atter Ms deeth the amp oteefirlee was hail brought so prominently to the pub. . . notice. name was Ceoll John ethotlee. While waiting for sailing ship he walked about the streets or Lou- don, unimown and unnoticed.: unaware that fame and fortune were calling to . to nndertalto the wast colossal • echenie et ,eropire, expansion in the • history of the world. In 1.874 we find him back in South Africa. hie health restored anti extend- , lag his holdings and' induct:et) in the ' pia tad ditutiond ileids ot that country. By 1808 Ithodes had control of the entire ruinlog operations. His artilual income was In the millions, and he decided to tutu hits fortune to the development of Ids dreams and the mete:isle:0 of the lerapire Africa. Ills rens staggered admirers or Livingetone demouneed bin: as mad. Redid not leail the public 04 6tep by etep. ns Livingstone 1:31 done, but cepoutelea hie scheme with a thundering suddenness that attraCted aftentiol frouf all searces, lied he thousand dollars annually for these , • beenan idle dreamer it would not have echolarshipe. In his 'philathroptes and •; been no t bat hero wage mate wide leberitles towards hospitals and other finger en the pulse ot the worliVe min. institutions he was equally open handed tog actiyitlee, a heavy shareholder in .antl :to world aivaite another who eau enuneroee eorporationo, a great, favorite organize the natural rettottrces Of a great , • in Afeica. mill a mare ot broad vision, country end direct theut Into suet: use. who enceipeeed to ealut tile map of Africa .Ltd channele ken ithoties. red and construct way through He lies butted In the Metopoos. Hills, vi fertitory hem Cepe Town to Cairo, Central Atteea, leuelv grave of his The rkitish Gosorninent pointed out MVO, selection. Not tar away ; the the overabehning difficulties, the in. 0%in:e trains go thundering by on tho teenatioael complicationa, the hnpos. Pzetyl rails that ,ho dreamee ot when the nibilite of uniting the divot -soled sec.! world inonin,eil the Otath of David the COlettint Otte. all tunny Ot changed teem top to bottom and 1922 sees the COnanneneetneitt of through trtdile on the Oapettetettero route. seeleeeeee hi very rough tee,velling, to - In. 'What Condition Was Man Create he Here, but eeramunication is open on Of leltat Two Parts -move_ He Con- bit united' Britieh Attica. The dititence slat? ed? ; (1) rn God s Gen, 1:26, 27:' from Cape Town to - Calm is 6,706 milete (1) Body, 1 Cote 15:44, 47: .It is In grate of 1001 the zareeeei wee sown o moral body, mope is And God said. Let us Make man in spanned by a steel bridge, alumet on natural body. The first" mon Is of Our luta„e,, „ `So God created the spot wtheto Livingstone drat viewed the earth earthy'. Gen 2:7: Ana man in Nis own image; in the image Mir • e • Synagogue becomes %gymnasium—Richmond Street synagogue in London, purchaaed by the Salvntiou Army to be, used for physical train- ing. MAN ASKS AND OD ANSWERS THIRD OP A SERIES OE ARTICLES PREPARED EY LAYMEN'S HOME MISSIONARY MOVEMENT, PkilLADEI:411111. QUESTIONS ON MAN ANSWERED FROM THE BIBLE What is Man ? into Quint, and they lived, and stood (1) A living soul, Gen, 2:7; And up upon their feet, Pan exeeedinglY tile Lord God tormed-man of the dust greet army. `. . And ye, shall of the ground, and breathed into his know that I am the Lord, when I have nostrils the breath of life; and man opened „eater graves, 0 My people, became „a living soul. (a), lower mid brought you out of VIII' than the angels, Ride 2:6, 7: 'What grevee, end shall put My Spirit in is mare? . , Thou modest him You, and ye shall live, and I ,shall a little Jeerer than the angels. (3), place you in your own -land; then higher than brutes, Ps. 8:0-9: Thou shall ye kdow that I the Lord have' haat tut all things under hie feet—all spoken anti performed it. _(2) sheep and oXelt, yea, and the beasfs Their separation, Jas. 2;26: The of the field, the toed. of the nir, and bodY without the spirit is awl. Ps. the fish of the sea, and whatsoever 14.6:4.; breath goeth forth; he passeth through , the paths of the returneth to his earth; in that very seas. -day his timughts perish, • the Veils of Nictoritt ie 1866. This Midgo the highest in the world, being 180 feet above need water. The eagle eye of Cecil Ithotles went even beyond this, lie longed to see the day when Great Beitein and the 'Coiled, SIatea would - again bo united as one rvast Euglislatmeaking people. To this end he instituted- the famous Rhodee seholaeships. which were meant to en- chle int oft students from the )3titish Domini s and the United States to study at Oxford and thereby understand British Imperial Ilis estate pro- vides more than two huntired, and tIftv tieue efiAftlea. Captaliste asked ton. IiiringstOoe, cetninglittl fineneing et the Peoieet and • it'opytighted Britteh 4 Colonial Press, v t. v v e ma ntain the line, I fawn; a). motif tee selletne were teetteed. The , '4.'"'"'"'.°4"."'''''"'".* 1)001/10 cr South Afriea showed there' Miller's Worm POwders ,Were devis‘, filth it: him by electing him to the .ed to promptly relieve children who - - " --' - • - - - - - • Iherlhereent at the setae time. that WI suffer from the rale:Res of worms. clients e‘as being se virulently -4.11., It lb a Sint* preparation to destroy tossed% lioroneiand Brent his Bette in stonmehic and intestinal Worms with - the South "Attleen Legishiture he moved out shock or injury to the most sell. up Still taCeupled 'the Pternier's ehair. eitive qystein, They act thoroughly All hiet oet,Itsweredirected tOward rh I' I I ---4 ilnd Palnkselee mid though in some a eases they may enuse vonitee,,that soverely criticirra in his litctIMV: luill is an iedicatioe of their powerful ae- ire blerse him tor the South African War --...---`•'—,----.... 1 has ken ulaCei ter his ninliPtnehs in tion and nut inf. any nauseating po- politic-4.<nal attempts have been made aeefy, c of .1,89e1902. But with twenty emits ot ' Feeding standards shotild he used .,...,.. rrsPecti.ve to illumine his work. wow s guides in formulating rations. I es. . . • the Lord God formed mar: of the dust of the ground. Gen. 3:191 Li the sweat' Of they face shalt thou eat bread; till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou tale. en; for dust thou art, Lind unto duet shalt thou. return. Eccl, 8:;10:‘ Ail go unto one place; nil are of the dust, - and all turn to dust again, L Ice ?Al pa:, Behold My hands and feet. . . A spirit hath not flesh and bones. (2) Life -principle, or •breath of life, spirit of life, Gen, 2:7: TIe Lord God breathed into his nostrils the breth of lite, Gen. 6: 17: I do bring a flood . . to destroy alk flesh, 'wherein is the breath of life. Gen, 7:15: Aead they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. &el, 3:1A 21 (Revis- ed Version): For that 'which befale leth the sons of men befelleth beasts; even one thing befalleth then:: as the one died:, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath, and man hath no pre-eminenee above a beast, Vho knoweth the spirit a man whe- ther it goeth upward, itand the spirit uE the s „. e tergoe own - ward to the earth? tee:. 37:4, 6, 0-, 10: Again He said unto me, Pro- plicsy upon these bones. . I evill ley sinews upon you.. and will bring up (leek upon you. and cover you' with and put: breath in. you, - and and ye shall litre; and ye shall know that Lam the },ord. Then said Ile unto me, Prophesy unto the wind. Come from the foist winds, 0 breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they tufty live. So prophesied as Ile -commanded me, and the breath tune into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an execed- ng great alloy. You can use sweet. .indk, buttermilk or water with What Do the Vegan and the &mire. Don of These Two Parts Produce? (I) Their union. Gen. 2:7: And the Lord God formed -entail of the dust of the ground1 and breathed -.in- to. his noetril,. the breath of life. and man betkune a living mold. Ezek. 13. 14: So 1 prophesied as -Ile eou'Ints„nded me, !OW the breath cave ofGodc ea ed, male and te. mule efeated Ile them. Gen. 0:6: De the image of God made Ile man. 1 Cox. 11:7: He is the image and glory of God. • Jos, 3 ele: Therewith bless Ave God, even the Father; and therewith en -'c we men which are wade after the similitude of God. (2) in God's likeness, Gen, 1:261 And God. said, Let Us make man 'Atte!. pur likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over the earth, and over every creeping. thing that creepeth Upon the earth. Gen; 5:1: In -the .dny that Pod ereated man, in the likeness of God made him. What Was the linagi-Or God, Gen, 1,:e1 f Ara God saw every- thing that He had mede, and, behold, it WAS very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Deute 82:4: Ills Work is perfect: for elf Rh ways are judgment: a. God of truth and without iniquity, just and rittht is He. EeeL 7.29- God hath made man upright, Rom. 8:29: For whom He did foreknow lie also did predeetinate. to be conformed to the image of His Son, 2 CAP'. 3:18: But We all with °nen face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from Iglory to glory,,OR by the Spirit'of the Lord, Eph, 4:24: Put on- 'nee( man. .which after God is created in righteowness and true holiness. eol. 3:10: Put on the new man. .vleich is 'renewed in knotvIedge nfter the image of Him that created him, What Was the Likeness of God? Gen. 1;26: ,ted God said, Let Us Mae man . after Our like - 11033, and let them have dominion over the fish- of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over- the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every, creeping thing that creepeth Upon the earth. Ps. 8:5-S: Thou . hast crowned hint with . hon- or. Thou modest him to haye domin., ion over the works of Thy hands; Then has put all things under Ids feet; all sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field, the fowl tif the • a.nd the fiat of the ,lifeit and tollat, seever passeth through 'tle paths t,f y the yeas. Mb, `Jai: In that He pee , ell in subjection under him, 'Ito leee , nothirg that ie nut put under hien. What Were Man's Chief Physical Qualities, (1) Materiality, I Car. 15:47: The first man is of the earth, earthy. liele 2:14: As the children are par- takere of flesh and blood, He alse Himself likeiviie took part of the eame. Luke 2439: Behold My hands and My feet, that it ia 1 Myeelf; bane elle Me sand sin; for * spirit hath not flesh mid bone, us ye see Me home. (2) MOrtalitY, Job 4:1: Shell more „ tar an be more just then God? (3) Dependence. 2 Car. 3:6: Not that we are eufficient of ourselves, to think anything as of ourselves; but our eutilmeney le of God. (-1) Fin- iteness, Ifeb. 2:6,7:- What is fatal that Thou are :Mindful of hint? or the ;on of man, that Thou visRest him? ' Thou made -it him a little lower than the angels, , What Were Men's Chief Moral Q44. iiiice ' - 2 Pet., 1; neli Add to :your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and knoiwledge temperance, and to tem- perance patience, and to patience godliness„ and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness e'WhharlattY'Wee Alan's Origin*1 Abode? Gen. 2:8, 9, 10, 16: And the Lord Gad planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there Ile ;put the man whom Re had fornied, And, out of the ground. made the .Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, end good for food; the tree of lifevalso in the midst of the gar- den, and the tree of knowledge of good 044 evil, And a river went out of .Eden to water the garden. And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and 'to keep it. What.Was the Lew of His Trial? Gen, 2: 16, 17: And. the Lord God commanded the eoan, selYilig, Of ev- ery tree of the garden thou Mayes freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the deo that thou eatest herha thou shalt surely die. Dent, 80:15, 10: See, I have set before thee this da life and good-,' and death and evil. I have set before you life and death, blessing and eursnig; therefore choose life, that both thou arid thy seed eilaer live, How Was Re Tried ?. John 8:44: " The ' devil was a murderer from the beginning, and abode mot in the truth, Because there is no etruth in him, when he speaketh He he speaketh of his own, for lie is a liar and the ,father of it. Gen. 3:1,4A IS; Now the serpent evaTinore subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he Said unto the woman Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree' of the garden? And othlefiLserpent said untc, k the woman, Ye ehell epee Siirely die, . '.-- Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and And wheu the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat„ and gave also tint() her husband with her: and he did eat. And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said. The serpent beguiled me FRIGHTENED! "Every .morning I woke up, I felt that gernething terrible was , going to happoxl." writes and she goes on to ear, "t wonder if any other wontin ever had* such fits of depression as I had for over year. I was so utterly despondent that if it had not been for my children, believe [would have put MI end to my Uvery day and every night was a rughttuare.I dreadedng goito bed ' ht.:cause 1 10. awake most of the night. When 1 tied sleep, I had the most dreadful dreams. Icouldn't eat. 1 was completely run down*--notlung utter- ested mis, 310tIlinA" appealed to me. I • cousttlted several doctors. They pies - crawl different remedies to hiijtd me up but these preparations didn't do me any. good. Doctors told rue 1 had nervous brealzdowm 1 was tired alt the time. I feltevery day thatlay strength was gradually leaving tue. The least little exertion left me thoroughly tired ont. 1 knew Iwasg tactually Wastingaway. 1 felt I was going to <lie and 1 was 'so tburoligidy tutserable that r did net ore whether 1 lived or not. And then heaelt about Carnal and what a fine toluic it was. At Arst-I refused totake it Li I was sure it we:lid:et do inc AO good. Vinally I did try ft with the most won- derful reaulte. X tun well end happy every minute of the day now. 1 eat, heartily a :Id sleep soundly. lety friends won 't believe that Crullot alone boa done this for m.o. 1 um, never devon. dolt now and ever day is a day of joy. M hat Carnot Las diie for me it will uin for you." Cartiol is sold by your druggist ma if you eau tonscientiousiv say, niter you have tried it, that it hasn't done you any gOod, return the empty bottle and lie will 'refund yoer Money': 2.122 For eale at CAMPBELL'S ORM STOIIR The Real Cost of A Garden isn't &donor n Dollars and Cents pay money Ear a med. That's Meilen emt. 'Vet pleat it Ali the • •• geeene and intend your work on it. That's the second east. It bast ttto stele are at toult. Tilikt*0 why see ahold 'be • earefol Rattily DOMINION SEEDS **Zola ,and riastest" ° ILZPA' ogee eye -et -tee. elle et teem. 'We heve, teetetithem all, Bifid kites. them to NM high gerietieeting power.. before they are *let PIM -*EiRliteenalte Garden elesaust &MI ueeeteer nerateantleddreee, end you will Teethe 11 by retutit tn�.; SPECIAL Is pow coot diftowort Vqt r'eaer sad Vegetable Waage enitt Demttnevit Dominion Seeds Ltd Reiteaktielbei 1114 113 Denias t 3 Ilintist 31eran Letnine Caftan --Simple hist effeettlet wee* the elVf411%44101 1111141 .. were Oared it tiwt twritlitlett to bo greeetved fee flier. Pk,.tt , tt4t. the eoler btr marching to theft Pleein the proteleion, 1-. THVItSDAte AMU. 42th, 1921 1 cCORMICKS d;t1LwEJL\PL\utscurrs •-•• •••,•A••••••AWRIEl Mgr and 1 did eat, 2 or, 11:3: The The modern debutante's evening serpent beguiled Ever through, his gown is usually of the "love and be- euhtlety, 1 Tiro. 2:14: And Adam hold" style. was not deceived:, but the eworean • biting deceived was an the transgrea. . mon. In What Did His Trial Hesult7 Rom. 6:12: Wherefore, as by one inan in entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed up, oneall, men, fore that all have sinned, Laymen's Rome Missionary Move- nient, 1327 Synder •Ave„ Phihtdei- phia, Pa, . I ez MI RION EXPRESS MONEY ORDER h Cr,'ECWN fccumts de • ..• • lb let; FDA SAO. VT E PP STATIChS AND DOM1,110'N EXPRESS OFFICES Att•Aptelr 2 Calla Tomatoes, 2s.., ' .2 for 26a ' 2 lbe. 0000a kr.... 4 • • • • • • • • • • h . Good eanned, Oornjorft....AM., • ;* * • 100 .• Good estmea Peas for • Peekage Dtttes ' • 10e. •A ntoo assortment of Ca40S, Ib200 nice line of Plain Cakes. lb, . . Special in Custard Powder. 3 tine, foie. - Solders Catsup, 35e hottiti, fpr 10a Amolonne 3 pltge. for.. . .... ... ... 21 here good Washing Soap for .. . ... . ... J.J.MCEWEN Phone 46 and we send there to you hone Pumar FLEI •• -More eti'vdd ifiee fecee,ed - ii=etfeer i•a‘tr, too U.S(:' it in A174 Your B,..ikulti Cw't '---------7'.....""•••••••••••,•••••••••••••m•L. Choice Gr�ceries Freshest and Best Brands of tanne4 G Fruits of All Kinds Tea Biscuits Choice Teas and Coffees Always the Best and Cheapest at Leavy it LEACH Phone 180 CotAtontreal St, and quare A 13.g Bar A fullosize, full.weight, solid bar of good soap is "SURPRISE." .Bestforanyanda ouse ou aiswiameisismosimmomemilawamiwiralimmaraummissomemammomaft »ease , AI ••.