HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-04-13, Page 4S a, Crich Suliarri;atioa taws firs 1�S�30a, a Frrt9 a .�t, ver sC3' 1I peYd bt::'.'t) to II9sA-,Ce, emceelso ,rssa. tiCriiSrir, 9.ar Irl +,i3a,g::�, !"4r3 �ti vcrr3 Fo aaaa Liao ^tiles, i qty Cvals rz3a$ Du*1 flitt�stage, $Ub8cl-0 a V12,3 Sag t r rtceiYe The :Sum istralarlY w►tt enter a racer by advlLIog aunt pulnisliera as as- i u r3o :Ills, In re - ?paining to chane er rd1rest s3U1 the old soil new 'addresses ehoUld be elven. Krtaai Advertlitint aaeateli may t.ntract slitplay edit 5.ltift spate •per inch each insertion. Citta Point , Si 11, nths ce.altract, 11 cent* stats' osis month er to I data; olio week 5 w nits Guarante. Positions 1i 10 Z.) per 'L J. tklfa. lira pairs toe per eeut. extra. Aatrous or 'The tar W r4 Star w pieaae nota th all, thirties for the current issue of Vat *ass must be in me hands of the printer no; liter than Tuesday '- nerou of each week ;deist end Met similar advertisement' fa tents tier ,tate ter lira insertion and aapta err line for •cat'1r aub1•eoutnt tut ay� e, aartton, Measured t'Y a nonper.0 sol tweet lines to an theft. Basques* cords of slat )lays and Bader *OM per yeas. Adrer-tl1crecets cru 01041110ns V.etnt Situations wanted, Articles Lost, house for gate or to neat. 1'arins for tale or to Bent Articles Tor ?quit., 'Cnt'.. not exceeding eight rives, 33 crier tarn Insertion; three ince flan for a i1. tarees advcriest tents s Inn proportion. • business reeticee Mews ; ), w!tttl in- Seltion. Nl was per owl line; to tier. elaatlt9 8Ivliti coftrtirl.for 'display- Elver - yang e.. cent' per courted men and to churches and b.netrolkrlt ar$anieetieus, cents pee counted rine. Advertisements without erectile 1D'true tt0A9 will be inSerted until forbid, and chimed accordu1gl. recounts rendered -and reneetece nionthlr. Trall3IVIt aaverthan and job.:tore, cash. beclslenS Respecting 1V.ewsprpera Any 1�ersal)-\ h(, sakes s raper re$utarl,V nom the post eines, whether addressed 1n ate mune or a nother'8 or 'whether he hes ASCribed'or not, is responsible for rap If a Hereon orders lits• Piper diseOAtlnaed ha-irtu-L l,ay an, arrears or tele publlslrer contfnus to send 1L untli payment Is mese, and there Collect Ma Whole atno'ild . whether ins paper is team er not. The cone:Litave decided that refusing 10 time newspapers • or Itertodicals trots the post office. Pr' removing awl sum, there Unpaid, la prima facto evulenee Of in - :tenon of. Trend. ' THURSDAY, APRIL Vette, 2922.lor ARSON CASE Charges of Setting Fire to: His Ow House and Barn Against Blyth Man Dismissed Much interest is taken -in the trial' f y It. on the ofWalsh,Ii t charge Maxof arso.:which. was held on Tuesday and Wednesday before His Honor Judge Dickson. The Crown Attorney conducted the prosecution and Mr, 1,. E. Davey acted far the defeuce c, On August 2Gth, 1922, Welsh's barn was :destroyed and a fire occur- red at the house also, - Owing to the fact that the buildings were separate ed and yet both took fire about the same time, euspiclort was aroused and, fallowing an investigation by I)eputy Fire hiarshaIl Saville, Walsh Was arrested. Hewas released:.o wt. sa dated tln ball. •A, large number of witnesses were called for .the trial this. week. Constable W hitesides gave evi- dence'f 'conditions s a t a condi n n . she found hem. on the occasion of a visit to the pre ntieos of Walsh when he was sent up the Crown Attorney,and the Fire *inhales Department. In the her brought Away frith hint and which Was duced. in co partly rt. court, tl clrn- t, b ed, and with the odor of coal oil upon it. In:the,baarn he found no trace of eny siteor a h and. did notbelieve there head been any before h the 'fi els was Hite positive .a . queue, to 0 Ilo h q i t1n t ofat .sou d riot have yby n bee dun• stinted in the Are so• that no remains would be visible, but he would not say sax to `hay, as': lie had .no eitper. love with the effect'of Are on it. 'louse he found part of a rug which EW PRATE* X till! ilc Used in Anglican -Chi rchr�s en Sunday I la Easter talarelay tee new Heel: of eurat on Prayer will to oslla,ally trodtleed cinder authority of the Gren- era! Synod inti all Anglican churches throughout the Detention, The new edition,• which supplants that issued by tams I. in 3062, is distinctly Can. *dein end tends to make for netion- Aliem inasmuch as it takes cunni• Lance of Carnelian phraseology, and service* peculiar to dais country. As an cxturuple of the manner in whish -the book ims been adapted to rornttons an his country, services for Dominion I)ay and for harvest festive* have been ini'luded. Other services not embodied in the English book whichh aro found in the new edition are; ('hildrenes serrvices, mise siva services, induction of new minis ters, conseerretlon of ehurchyards and graveyards and special :3ervices for family worship. Another improvement whichhas n. Brit g. ng d e- cir hit is. been made, is in the eimplielcatio of arrangement. Whole servicers now put toether instead of been ,put outside ofthe morning or evens prayers, so that. there, is nu necestsi foe constantly turning over to !fin the place. ' The impatience of people today fo long, drawn-out services has been r cognized by the provisions made fo the rubric, Morning PTV er can be_ abridged and there is la tulle in the selection• of the plain The old order required on the aver uge the chanting of three psalms 1 succession, but one psalm may n beselected.'s or' Thu sort of thin been done before, but that which ba become custom has now received ec elesiastle sanction, There has been practically no tam peeing with the credal and other doe trinal fundamentals. The'Apostles Creed is 'there as.before, but there i a footnote explainingthat the clause, "Fie descended •into. hell," means "".Ho descended into the place of depart spirits," The Te Deunt send the Ben, edictus ate broken up :into pope strophe form for the convenience the choirs. The marriage service is substen Bally the same. The opening sen- tencers have bees? slightly •.modified but not to the oxtent of eliminating certain .phrases : that, have at time been criticized. The woman still pro- mises to obey, In the burial service there is also a sllghh lterittion in the Introduction,. through" the well�Icnown sentence; IResur- rection opening s n am the ire ur rection and the Life," still retains its place. The list of persons that "'a man may not . marry" and that "a women may not marry" hats 'been presented in a more modernized form, and it is placed on the page before the marriage service, Instead $ 1 e,ofbeing at the end of the prayer book. with the setting on fire of the pro- perty- And . further Mr. Walsh stood ooe a r a stood, to leo by fie, as the value i twas x t of his proper y in r cess• of the insurance, The„ :frown Attorney presented the auspicious circumstances, in as I -,' •111111"1" --- EW„a„ o. --- AS1"EH IN'THE E i Ulk HES :iperrleI lres>Civet Mak Will Meek t rwieasa ill All the Chinches as Sunday urielay? next, Eater I,.ay. is one of:. the greet festivaals *,t the chureh. and in the varix us ehurchee of the town: epeciat music ep opriate to the !:fester season will be rendered, AT ST.. I'I;.TFatt'S CI1ilRCIT ; Chitdren's: Mass A a, me Easter Anthers - "!buil the Holy flay' of Daya," Offertory -.."Ince Meal by L. hordes Holy Golrtnzunion �swect Sacrament Divine. I Iglu Mess. 10.30 at. tut. '"Lconurd's Mass in B share." with violin obligate. UlYertury----""Regina Coen" by Webb, by choir with violins by'hire. J. Young and Mrs, G. Kidd, A chorus of violins before the ehiidren'n Mass will render "A Tone l'oein" by Keiser. Also a violin solo will be given bye]lira, G. Kidd ""Adore Mien," by l; rowski, during Reny Communion. ' - A. chorus of violins before High Mass will render. "In, as Monastery Gardena" by Ketelbey, • Vespers At Vespers the usual psalms, "Dix. it Dominus," "Beaus ir" "Landate Pueri ` and " Magnir'icat"" . will be chanted by the chhoir. also Regina' Coeli, sand at Benediction of the lues.; sed Sacrament m vial) 94010, `"Adora. t€on'" by Borowski, will be .rendered by tem,' G. Kidd,- Also Andantino' for first . €Ind second violin, by Le. n • mare, will. be given by Mrs. J. Young, no and Mrs « G. Kidd. Marche Roe as mainaby Gounod, will be played at s the close of Benediction by violins, • and organ, 1 T. GEORGE'S CHURCH On Easter Day at St. George's r church there Will be a celebration of a Holy Communion at 8. a. m., also at the inorning prayer at 11 a. m. The rector will preach at the morning ed service on a subject of Easter: joy and in the evening on "Life Here and; r Hereafter." There will be a child - of rens service in the church at h p, na. and baptism of infants at 4 p.' m. - j Services will also be held on Good Friday at :10,30 a. m, and at 8 p. ext ,• Following is the ._ program of music for Easter Sunday services: s Morn, Service strong a light as possible, and urged that! the evidence for the defence shot d he given in order . to dear. r. up the mintermost satisfactorrily.a His Honor Judge Dickson, how ever, failed to find : any caro made out egainstMr, Walsh, either on the rs -charge of a on orperjury,iY- requ ng anp defence and hence ilannelled these actions.. He reviewed the case thoroughly and pointed tout that all the' actions' of the defendant up to'. and €neluding the .time of the fire eemed the actions of an honest' man. h barn insuredarnt�nse- for on- e and a evidence y '�ill 4 td nee showed' it waa worth probably' 3500, $400. at Own, to h e#ea and amon e• t contents were rte e ales on whir. there:was no 1n sum c - a rttkt e, wagon, scales; and rubber. 'link, so that it did not look as' if a arae man would burn the barn to get he :insurance. The house lair, Walsh thou ht for 80 d Q an sane t olds for, • $1,0500 and the evidences off Ir. Elliott, � otTa th tenders wathat he had heel a 1 af. Other evidence however% was to the. 'a ,ett fTCc that the ht R in the n orlF•wa b ul y d of 1 1 A lie'totlai y burned in a lire. Claim wee Horde to the fire insurance tom. nI les for los o s n hayando oats, •.'� v fence the . al f . a' uc� o al la evtal+'nce. The vise • e d e nC a#` an ineuranca ag- ent at Blyth was to the effect that 3 Walsh was trying to get an addition. 8 ;1 $600 insurance on his furniture t fronthim but that he (the agent) nevera wrote to. i hie eompany about it, as � he considered the. •i ropertty was M fully insured already. . S The evidence of dos. Thomson, A. Saunders, Jan Donaldson, of town, and °there. Was 'taken as to the a- mount of damage done to furniture, ole.. by the fire. Mr. , .Max Panzer 'was Called to *how that the junk business which erne the business 'followed by the de- fendant, heti become at poor business by the time of the fire.. He stated that there was no profit, and even. went so far tee is say that some of. this junk he- boutghtwhen . prices Were oche had had to seal et half what he paid for it. Junk he had bought Blore res eptly.• at a low price which he had sold tile° at a< low pikes, of course, there was toile margin on. A number of other -winterises were railed to show the condition. of Mr. Walsh's business, men to . whom he owed mousy, some of then quite email amounts. Apparently the trend of all this evidence wax to chow a motive for a►raon—property? even insured, busi- neas brut, and the proprietor In debt, It its only fair to may that in xnest eases ere litore of 11r. Walsh stroke of him as a ?slap they had coniidcnce i1nn, mid that -they were not worrying", *bout the amounts owing. At the eonelueion of the ease f'nr the praseeutian itfr Ilaaneey moved for n dislnrseel of the actions on the groune thrt a este ball not been made out. The Are, he said, every body admitted, Ovule of illeendiary ori. gin but the cireureetences of the firs were rat such as would obtain in at ease whw•,r„3e x h,.n„ t riresti his own property. A ?Minna innef l not be like. y to tett fine troth to the burn and ,bet ?rouse. And ria rviderare had • Ixelr 'rar►lglit out to e'enneet "`hits i fer for tie house of X26.00, which Me. Wtslsh tefused, which showed that Mr. Walsh would have been a -loser: by the burning of the house. The furniture :seemed the only item which was well insured, but even this, with the liossiblo exception of the piano was " insured. below its value. The fact that Mr, Walsh owed fanny Iiia Ilonor did not consider,as iuiy ground for suspicion, ns be hied iron Junk in his yard nearly. sufficient to pay for this, A eharge--of-perjury which Wes also brought, fells to the ground with the chaste of arson:• Charges of attempting to obtain money under fable pretences, in the making .up of the eltlinn against the insurance colapiinies have .yet to he disposed of. The Crown's evidence ie already in, illi the charms being taken up together, but the Budge de. ceded that evidence for the defence �ca8 accessary on the charge. Deputy Figs Marshall Saville was here watching thus MSC and ae a Wit - flees. Dattetidns to Hospital.. The following donations to the Alexandra General •and Marina Iloss rtaal for the menthe of January, `ebruary end Math are aeknow- lellged with thanks: 8 dare of fruit, Mien' Witte; 1 jar of fruit, 1 dozed eggs and apple% Mrs, R. Bell; d pile i. lows, fresh eggs, Mrs, B. Ssu�Its; 6 jai! of fruit 2 loaves of bread and a cake, C. et #E. Guild; I' jar tndrnta- lade, ;firs!. Dunlop; tin of honey, Mrs. J. Salkeld; eii gal. of mole syrup Mrs, hone, Belgrare• , pickles and i fruit, Miss MICLesn; 32, Mrs. T.eslie; 2, Mrs, W. Craig. Quality is A Blessing The Wisdom of a purchase can only be told through tree. Prelude., "Largo".-..... , .F ... Handel Full Choral: Cotnmunialx , Caleb 'Simper'Kyr,ie "Gloria, Tibi" "Graenas" "Cr ""Sursudo„m Corsa" "Sanctus" "Benedictus" "Agnus Dei" "Gloria en-Excelsas." :• : Anthem, "As it Began to. Dawnr Postlude, . March Militairo .. Merkel Evensong Prelude, e Andenta, ........Lemare e "biagnificat" .............Maunder "Nunn Dimittis" « ......... Maunder. Anthem, "Awake Thou That Sleep, est. F. C. Maker .:." Posatude, overture pampa" VICTORIA ST. METHODIST T '. Victoria St, Methodist church, Sunday,. April 16th, Easter Sunday. Easter subjects and Easter music Sunda April 23rd, will be a evesary udy. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, resident. of London Conference, will be the.,reacher. .. ' C BAPTIST CHUB T1 Baptist chureh, Easter Sunday, special services t the Pastor, $ eY. C. N. Dewey. 11 n.r subject! "The e Resurrections." 7 p. msubect Ba . tiara in Relation t the Resurrection." Baptismal ,services. in ' the evening. Special singing, Bible ' school, 3 Monday,8P p. mm, B.'lz. , ►, 1> topic, "Ilyinnology, Wednesday, 8 p, m., prayer service. Rest. C« N. Dewey will bold. a service at Taylor's Corners on: Sunday afternoon at ;8 Nm. ORT11 ST. METHODIST CHURCIi On Easter Sunda yy evening at North Street Methodist chureh the sstery of the Crucifixion and Resur rection will be told in scripture and sane. Tho choir will give several musical numbers and',the connecting scripture readingswilt be taken by the pastor. The inusical selections are: Anthea! "0 Death Where is Thy' Sting," (Turner); Anthem, "The Paints;' hymn,. "1Children of Jerusa- Iemu;" quartet, "'Tis Midnight and on Olive's Brow;" chorus, "Hallelujah'" MissGA3itkeneand eTsoMo yerIl Rise," North St. Methodist thurreh; 'Rev: If. D. Moyer, pester. Easter. ser- vices; 11 a. m.- anti 7 p. m., public worship. Morning theme, "The Kingdom, the Potter and the Glory in the Light of the Empty Tomb;'" evening—a serviec of Easter song and story by the choir. 10 a. m., Claeses Mission .,Band and Mau'e Clubs The club topic will be: "What recreations should we cultivate? H. R. Long will introduce ,the subject. AT KNOX CI URC1I Easter entente* in In* 'church ;next Sabbath conducted by the min. inter. Owing to the special musket services in the evening the :seventh sermon on ""Things Surely Believed" will be transferred to, the morning service. ` 11 e. m., "Tare .Faith of the itesurrctetion' 7 p to "God's ling' 3` b h :Ichool sand alible eong." Sabbath " elegises at a o'clock. Morning Prelude; 4Adoration".......17ockwell ,holo, "Ifosanna"....:.......Granges Mrs. In Saunders. Offertoiree In G. Major, ..... Wish"• Anthem, "Yee Choke of New Jerusa- lem . .......... Roland Smart Solo, "I Know that -my Redeemer ,ivetil •..t.1«.!..#..4..Ilaandet ,tire. Maehay. Postitide, ;'littliriujnh".,..«...I arelei Evening Prelude, "liereeueef'.........11arrett l"anteta, r°The Resurrection..... •,...,,...Cha . l,. Manning Ss�Mite, Frio Quartette and Choruses Mks. Marl sen Mrs. F. Saunders, Mr.. Dunlop, Mise A. Nein, Mies II. Belcher, Mr. C. Son. dere, Mr. J. Thomann and the choir: C'lffertoire, "Interllrfzxe"... ieet:agnri !diode,""Achieved is the f:lortioua Work" H* dn. At the "Faeta-r evening Retries the Antatt*, "The Re'urrettifn," bt, 'barite Fontesn Mat►rtitrjr, Will be rcmitrcd. Thiel ie a beautiful 'stank, Abounding in digninerl eat rue"s, rein - five otos and qua)tettr Mr. M*!nn;tle has rportrrsed the 'tA Beta+ ersenis With rt trite drrotionet dined' t. fiat!, Which abu,uld mimed to all 10±0 krvr to her the 1tety of the 'letters ration,«' 'I'll. sola and other parts, will be ts14., by Mtn KarWryn efry., P. .14,4%tie+r+.! Kirit. T� t tap. 14 Jae fi Their? aunt iu#±:* 11 Bekker. Mr. Chi^am O'S AIM Kr, F.iHYIt,H BHT POl HU> maoistrate vim .App.iiited /weenie Came leek, e ,Rall 31 Elliott For some considerable time it hes been felt that the bringing iintu„efiect of the Juvenile Delinquent* Act in this county with the establishment of a Juvenile Court end the sappoint merit of a Probation officer, would be .•a great ecIventlage in the laudable • work the Children's Aid Society doing. Na formed r guest was !!fade,; however, until recently. At the iree cemberr meeting of the Children'* Aid Society tit eatnnuttee was appointed to pre nt fl request to the Attorney 'VerteraTs Department, and the lets ter mgkirtc the requestwar signed by -the committee and by urenaber-ss °t the •county council in different parte of the eeunty, including the l,Varden« Thereat advantage of the Juven- ile Delinquents Act is that, instead of a child offender being dealt with . as an ordinary criminal and sent to the penitentiary or jail, it can be left, eves; at he own home, on probation, so that an place of the child going out from the police court, in which are tried the most hardened crimin- als, there • i9 no taint of a criminal court in the proceedings. The child is regarded as' a word of the Pro- vince, to be eared for and guided by €t and not as an enemy to be,puniehe ed by it. A detention home is a nee cessity under the Act and this, of course► the Chridre4i's Aid Society al- ready has in the Children's Home or Shelter. Magistrate Reid hes reedy., ed notice of the passing -ofaan.-order-. in -Council naming him as. Juvenile Court Judge for the county,. And Mr. G,. M. Elliott has been appointed Pro - batten Ofilcer and both these gentle. men have agreed to 'act without sal- ary. The Act wilt conie into elTect in the county just as soon as the ar- rangement is approved at. Ottawa. Our adjoining county of Perth carne under the act in 3917 and most of the Bounties now havo their • Juv- enile Court. Winghem Men in 'Accident at London C. H. Hopper, of Wingham, says The London Free Press, and another man, .also of _Wingham, but whose. name could not be ascertained, nar- rowly escaped death or serious injury on. Saturday night. about. 9 o'clock, when an automobile in which they were riding ran into the north side column of York street.bridge at the west entrance. Hopper escaped with a slight scalp wound,: and was taken to Victoria hospital in the police am- bulanee, where"his injuries were at- tended. Reper's. com rano e ed p i.n eseap. oft sp'h. h a Ii t shake up.,T ghe n$' auto was proceeding north on :the Wortley road, and .when the driver attempted to make the turn. into the ridge he struck the. 'iron upright ear the car tracks. Both men were thro out wn and only by inches did hey escape from falling into the Mimes river;., The car was badly wrecked:. When. the police . embus •G ©I3 ERiC lK i� t Th Wheat.,... , . .... } .$ 1.15 to 4 1,2s Flour, per emit., feaurly 3:75 to ;'40 Flour, patent;:,..;. 4.50 to . 4.65 Bran, per ton... .... 30,00 to . 31.00 Shorts, 'per ton..... 32.00 to 83,00 Oats.. t 40 to, 45 Barley... .... Buckwwhnt', . , .1...., 70 to 0180. Ra. «. , . . y ... , 15;00 to 15.00 Butter per lb—wiry 3'7 to 38 Eggs, per ,dozen 26 to 80 hogs . t...! :.. 12.75. to 12.75 Cattle, butches+"s choice 4.75 to • :5025 Cattle, butcher's ordin- ary . ... .. . 4.25 to 4.711 Bologna, Bulls,.per Iib. 3 to 4 Lambs,: per lb.. • 10 to 10 Hogs , . ....... .. 12 to 12.00, Stacey... "•i • �} ta. 111es•. r 8.00 to }nj.Ni, V Theµpring' is a peculiarly ap- propriate time for having Phe. tog taken. Sallows' Studio is et very good place to go, when yoou want a good looking Pictures ' Spring Overcoats at Low Pic Just received, a shin- ment of Men's Spring Coats, . Made of a soft finished all wool dark grey oxford cheviot. This overeoatloin light weight !roes for spring and fall. Sizes 34 to 42 While they last $14.4$ �.l M. ROBINS lance arrived members of the force believed that the accident was due to• Itquor, but after investigating° the tar: found 110 trace of any. The police then searched under the bridge.•and A GRAND REMEDY RS. C. Hanson,. of: the Com— mercial ora-. cerci i Hotel, 'fit „ Poplar' stays: 1' foundZatn-l;nkagrand remedy forpiles. 1 had suffered for years. and the •. burning, smarting pains were so intense that at times 1 could scarcely walk,anilx was severely wcakeued,byIpssof blood. T underwent',;a surgical operation in The Sacred 'Heart Hospital, Spokane', but within twattet-.,nonfhs tSr J?ffes• gretvsasgain, as filth:fist as, ever. • Liniments. haat poultiaitrg.and so- called ':pita: cures, did no good, but I 'found Zarn:Bak immediately soothing, It gave wonderful relief l When,•as l,' kept, on the treatment, the piles began to des- dppear. T became happier and different woman. .1 used six boxesof this herbal tam-l3uk.,n all, but the obstinate and painful disease was thorou til overcome. thoroughly MY PILES WENT 3_YEARS AGO - and 1 haven't had the trouble since' .. Use 7.am•Buk for soothing away any irritation, b soreness, a am r smarting 111. 1� •t is instant effective. 2 instantly ell' a e. 'Whether° the trouble be piles, itching eczema, -o1 an obstinate wound, sora, ulcer, burn or staid, Zam-'Buk kills disease. ge r,ns.. and grows new healthy akin in 'a wonderful way. • Zane -Bite's refried herbal essences act oMeissner sw lI ua E uStitaorttGrtiBdllCS son purifyi Theyh u andhiss ask b .and learawar away le les.blotchts and sires .as y gp p 1 by magic.' siDc.'.box. 3 for d1.96.all chemistsand slares.arZam-sale Co Toronto. TRIAL o. tt Ai. Ild %r lc, stamp if this paper is mentioned. �Er m431Ik xo•oRY • PEPTONA Will Give You Vim and Vigor A Reconstructive Tonic Aid for enriching the blood, building the strength and im- proving the health generally. $L25 a Bottle At the The _._ x. t Drug Store B. C. DUNLOP, Plum . B. found a suit ease with one full bottle his suit case and his Or. 'Ile wag and one part of a bottle of whisky. arrested and taken to the police sta. The police stated last night that Hop- tion, where he was eharged with viva per's companion admitted that it was lating section 41 _of` the 0. T. A. 01410 4 0140 o 0 BUSIAIESS oOPPORTUNITY . Reliable and hard workingto • man represent a high class line ' of Pianos and Phonographs in Coil- eriich'and district. Can be work- ed at full time or : as a side line, as desired. :.Will make a real live oslftxnto the ro . o . right man Itf i,. a .. Write to Box 10 , Gfocterx,ch Star, 1drr3o Ilonso +collie 1=0> (01CiiO) tozai0 0=0 aster We preparedar e d for the Easter season with: an excellnet assort- ment of Fine e ,f ooEwear at re- duced prices. Wes vii u tootr to - do your xFoot- wear shopping at •Herres r Shop torzo) do.) ,. 1 I. *mop cr :O=0onni o• O. "Say It With Flowers' for Your Laster Greetlings. Easter Lilies, Roses, Caranations and Daffodils Flowers call ddl►V1Y_ - tty iiti1of'Coatis orIleitedStato C O CE $ mWRT ldoehr florists Telegrsplr Velvety? A,lltlot altiost TO LOOK HER SMARTEST AT EAST) Distinctive Gowns Smart. Suits CracefuiWrips Raster tituee once again! And once again,thc pretty custom of donning one's smartest and newest torr this occasion is demanding attention, Parks, Saito, Coati 44 Wrsirs Were Never Lovelier TIME Gowns and Frocks Nine t`ange of rioeks for after- noon co street wear in Canton Crepe, Crepe da Chine, %Bates or ?ilk, haand rnely de igue& $17.50 up Easter Coats Slender lklt-ed Coats With f!OW- itng itlgmei. Toys Coats with etveigger Erftlish air In feet every type int veneer isr ?sures= enter hem $11.50 Thread Silk Hosiery Select Ladies ladies'and Misses' Sults Tweetl, Trientine or Serge Suits. Ilesutifulh' made in the latest styles, $21.50 ftp. Easter Sale of Georgette and Crepe de Chine glosses UI`attlly two alike. Overblouses or Tucked in. N irly every slntade to chow from, $2.49 op New Skirts in Triestine Mein or Box PIect,#od. dyoto*Wear Co. Ldies h. Wh�Have.Not Their EasterSuit1 .orCoat 'dill Be Well Repaid If They 116 Inspect ecte Cornfield's Display In the assortment of Smits ou• y' will find All Wool Tricotine and Ail Woo Botany Serges Ibroidetetd and Braided, Tailored in the Latest Styles, and ALL EXCLUSIVE MODELS oar display of Coats it equally attractive in , I ool`Velour a and Dutiretys Embroidered Trimmings, all Latest and Exclusive Designs Gloves for Spring Wear , Special for Saturday "Silk Gloves in shades of sand,- gray, black and na*y. Special for Saturday only, 98e and $t.z5 pair. Spring'Millinery 12eady.triinnied Hats for ladies and misses in an attractive display of smart styles and the prices are right Sults for Men and Young Men "Wear Cornfield`s wear and save matsey." Our snits include the very best of all wool English Blue Serge, guaranteed indigo dye, also in gray serrgcs and worsteds in the shades that are most popular today. Spring fiats and Caps Spring hats and caps for ellen at moderate prices. Mao underwear, , shirts, gloves, caps and ties. A. CORNFIELD