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The Goderich Star, 1922-04-13, Page 3
THURSDAY,- APPAL Ink1 LIKE SEVER MI Our ad torr to yet >p ren rthmt at ntat appears to bebutta add. ,at tlii:tls you *re strong toque* to • Mai:a it off. but gold/tam not so easily faunal off iia this neither* climate, and if ally an; not atteeded to at once they a : , wearer or later, develer, into souls mote serieits lung trout*. af.s. I dwaxd Woody, 60 I3rydett St. St, F abu. N.B., writes: -.."I wish to ea. Press my beartyothenks tabour valuable remsnev, Dr. Wosd's Norway Piae syrups and what good it did sne. I,:EEt fall 7' Contrasted a serious cold„ th Eike # never had. My head and nes. Mt; were so dogged up r could set .t o vent, anti could scarcely get wy breath, is triNI 1emedyafter remedyuntil at 'Last £ thought 1 would try "Dr. 'Wood's." After the first dose I felt relief, awl by the time the bottle was finished I was better. I wish toextend my thanks to your valuable remedy. After tide 1 will always keep's brittle in the house." IN. WO'O'S. NORWAY - PINE.. CROP Price, 3Sc. and 60q, at ellaleaiers; pu. �Mp otity by The T', Mdburtt Co.. I,isntted.• 'T ttor ata, Oat. t1STEOPATiI HEIST., Osteopathic Physician. graduate Iles' Moines ,Still College or Ostet>pathy, •1.#eent#ate tows anti blichiraan: Sudo 8oartl.• Spee.tal attention to diseases or women anrt children. Consultation tree, Otilee•corner Nelson anti St.: put1row RR, Successor to iri', Iietlemann. ; In Seatorni Tern n lova. MUSICAL Z1,rie eel it i .iACKsotN, A. T..'C. .41..• to Prepared to take pupils on the piano. For terms apply to miss JACKSON. above n u uioF • a Drug store, e, flng .etre t, orSaturdays,L�.ao 4:90 p. MIa%. 1, G, CAAIEROly, TcaCher Piano fi h eon , Pupilu s lira e r• 6d for examinations. For >ferm.9. apply idence, Gibbons,st.. opposite victoria .p noells I N 4 a rpo a no c31. G.n o.z,xa. ICE N. "L1 Ifus. Mctlalt Univeraitya' Te.eher s Materna Plass rnld Theon ` • • Teacher's Diploma Sinclag J Puglia prepared for examinations, A&aurbmllc.. examinatiops, Ftapppyaryudto,MSI..posi e 31(18/O STuntet • ` Oodertgk SQctoty Orchestra Music. Studies entrance between F. H..lVoad.% ana d. Ii. Lauder's stores.' .Mit. C. V. IMMIX (violinist t n .given onrl a til # n violin for begtt►nera nn4 those advan. • tett, For ftifortnation•ar,ply"at studio. Violins repaired, .bpi es trued, S Peviolin pests set and i .bridges eta: news romped. eta: Goderleh Sec#ety.Orehest a, 5. pieces (Protessionalr D. 11. VESTON >< • Llcenttate tendon College :o or music. Eng o moil. t Organist and ror nth at. met#odist -thane. Y . TEACHER OF MUSIC, • ',Palette prepared tor' p a exturunt►tlan i .., s noon, neCtian wlta, Toronto university,- Termer - _- conservatory, els.. -,Every pupil .entered for musical exams bas" easstd, Many Mill honors-- Ver terms apply et residence, West st. (first'door west or •ekgting rink), eoderfcii,• LEGAL CARDS X'aHM*LEs IOARROW, 8arr1 (er,. 8oileitnr, Etc. Corner North street and Sphere, 3oderien. out. "Oren :SEAGEn farrister . ColICitor, Notalry 1?aablic ants t;onveyaneor °Mee , court nouns platericli. • Jlr C. ItAY9 • : ' Taboo 83 .i -carr st # er• Batters ar Noterg reline toe ° Olnee.iiainilaon st,„.sterlidnut aloe* Godor#e:h heal nsttte. Lewis, Insurance , ' C6l`+VEYANCiPtG. AND NOTARY' OnoRtia ) d tReete .•ADE, a$ayIIeTt1, Cott. veyaa,cinr and Notary' public ROt bFOOt, SILLOSAN & IteLti s. ' . demisters, :tiolleltors, Notarlea • :barXa- tti ,. ,Rick Altace -oh *he Squire, 2nd llodr O'rorn seranton street, Oodericn. • t'rive.% tunive to lean al lowest. rates. W. PfOCflFOOT, X. T. L. EIhLORAN, DUDLEY II M M1:s, At7CTIONEEB.WNG t tl#O.SiA ouNenr, Live Stock anti emend Aatetioneer, ) Jianaltton street. Uoder)Cf, shales made everywhere and *n efforts made to -dive you-satiefactton, partners sale notes discounted. 'ens l it AUCTIONEER. Slosh and' General Auctioneer, Pure. iced Live Stack a specialty. satlstactton aranteed. Terms lowest. tive etoek; ought and cold on contmissian. • T. A. TR1CG`. ' Codertcit, Ont. ▪ IESVHANCB 1E'IRr INSURANCE HALL; IT ATr1 %r ro TA` nv Ter EAT VIAIVANO*N MUTUAL, FiRE INSURANCE CO, ser nr.tsneo ism rice mere 00170 lyra iesmrtlk1 SOUR* A00Y 8. PALKItr, Agaat and Mitigator tr ll r.OP el TCAT. F1I1 Instant: Warm sad • belatedT w iParopeely poured.'. valise Or property insured up to Januarys, R`aOiICEAnes Conony. President. tloderteh ; Ias. Evans, ite•Presideat, Beerbwood ; T. E. 1110. nee-Treas., &est sartai. DIRECTORS --D. F. Ufcr,regor. Sesforeh : e. ©. wave, 'tv#nthrbp t '.arm.. t8 cin, Cate etta►ire : (Jeorge McCartnesy, Tu�ekerstuith , Man i•'erms, Amex ,• so7in neanewist, droadhatten : Beacomniceav1n. BruCPReld. A:IiEitTs-,l. tv. Yeo, oedema t Sandy t.eltCU, Oaten ; Wm. enema. Seate&ttr L. Humbler. Sestorth. Pettey flouters eon Pay their asseetmeree at R. r. Can's Store, Goderletl, A. t. a(*,r. rlbh'rl CtnthlnK store, canton, or S. L Ptetre, Radek,. -. NOTARY PUBLIC. ET(. a. ll33A,it1E, . NetrARI' Pentad a eaerat conveyeeting looser good 1 mpanita Sepreset.ted ]Phone aro. tett, Goderieh, dal. Broiheu Brt» GODEittCH Tat Waft funeral Ottawa ' and orders cit alio etttsndX4 #as at tilt ho *- ill rt air day. MAY UFT t fl8ARUM t`awtaatl1ate Cattle ll►eate v t Benefit Wawa P'ottlit-el i1a ;Ain. LONDON, April 10,- That rho BMW* Gurrerament'r• reiniirleeble disuse or front on the question of tbe embargo ou t'anadiaar cattle is the moult of a bargain between Load BeM!erbrook and Winaton t'liureitiU, in 'which the Daily ESPreaa. sujPost of the t:',oention elo ernmeut is guar- • *teed by its owner is the well an- benticated statement tirade in eat• plsnetlon of recent developmeuts. Further inqulriea eeem to rano- C batiste this, while eetor bee heeu int to it by Ur • t'titlre st1l's emphatle de- elarattou ou Friday thaa be was en- - ttrely in favor of lifting the cmbarEe i and would vote for it. The Daily Express was a vigorous eritio of the • Coalition Gever*meat during. the dark days, when it could lewd stand cratteieln. A sudden change was seen f s. in the newspaper'policy ti, fortnight Ago. This preoetted the Goverunaent's surprise aannoubcerent that the question of lilting the embargo would be put to a free vote. Here we have e8uae and efCeet--- titatfor this trauceeeion un the part of the Government•the Coalition will now receive whenit needs tt moat; the e;tpport eat Lord •-BeaverbrnOit:'b daily said Sunday neurspaPers:. Col, Sir Alexander Sprout, Coalt tion lJniontst, who defeated Mr. Asquith in East•1'ife, is to move the reaolutign on which elle vote will tape piece. T#tere see= to b0 little doubt about its pasaiug in the House of Contemn/3. but there is -likely to be: Ifo n_ 8tronetgpposition •ata tate Roues of • 7' ds, -It-ie-itaterestiug.•#,n: trots that tbe Times, which has hitherto been • non -committal ou the subjebt, now advocates , removal de the ,erbara;ioe. DAM WAS SWEPT AWAY. Two Deattlta In Traglc Occurrence m Paarry Sound. TARRY SOUND, April 10, »• Two lost their lives tote several others had narrow escapee 8 alley trope drowning when the dam at the Parry Sound lumber Intal went out Sunday after- noon. Cecil N, Stalker, the young and popular principal 'of the Victor School, and Donald Bruce, a boy et nine years, were washed away intbe in at re ing flood at the t e seams nit e b f barrier on 'which they were stand eras burst by. the -torte` of the eys lea river. Rathle • u t eu 13r ae the stet s 01` the de boy, leaped b e to . ea da y pazar y the dam went, 'while a boy named.' Fleming slung to a. nortign of the broken dam and was rescued. Mr. Stalker and. :a number of o hers had gone to watch the raging w ter a t e it surged over the dam. Srw, Ilen with' the ltfett ng anotr and fed by thouaands.of tributary tor.' rents as it anade its wap to the -lake, • the ri' ee was a magnificent sight at. #ills po txt. ' Suddenly without wawa- -ng, the t'ieni, Which seemed tuacsiva_ e augh, 'ut .which was,unable to cope with the. force of.the::torreint, gave; way. Mr. Stalker and Donald 'primewere wept=dowp tit the mase of entangle. debris and the great .flood c►t ovate that surged' -•over the ruin of the da » . Their. bodies have not yet. been to, nd,• although seareh Parties have bee Working contini- l lir us a •h (Moly s r the ea :strophe.._.. Prineltinl ' Staaike eatne tp. Parry Sound last-Jutly.' II wee very pop- lar- with -tris iitiplla::;a' d the people oC the town; and'was considered a young n h. n man ofgreet et a promise, se. r His lather is an Invalid an titers also 'eltrviyes ode -brother lint . in Tonne to and two others hiving i Durham;. It is a little over a year go since the power dam gave away i re and caused so mueii damage.a dis- ruptien. ,. + . Not on the Program Croppers are the innards of 8teeplcehasing, mid here is an excellent snapshot t�:� pile during the sunning of the Woldingiuun ilandienn in England, aIr, t'. Bunter is the ,jockey and Ounyab the horse. The only -casualty was the loss of the rnee. 0 +r Urn. Rot, Gco. Telford, of Blyth, I?! oroo New N .°, to Myth Public School Pro-. neked _ . vi ' . 4 . Iced Myth ratepayers are holding . a public meeting un April '.'Uta, tel dais - cars rho ma la of the erection of an addition to, Blyth public school which is necessitated to meet the demand. for more school room taccomntodae tiara. High School Inspector C. K. Mills and Public School Inspector Dr. Field will .address the meeting.. Seuforth Spring Fair Struck Earl Day was �unfortunete fn itsuaelectia i oft* date for the annual spring fair, when it oboe the last day of the month, for March went out like a lion with a vengeance this year, and Friday last was s Exythitng but a Fair Day, says He 1 rasa I Spring N Fair Iliad Good Wes. ther The South Huron Agricultural Se= ciety was favored..with an exception- ally fine day for its Mittel spring f i' as held in Hence 1 1 on Tuesday of lastY wee. k A feature of : the fair Winch h t proved very popular was- a boys . judging eutapetition. Mr. and Mrs, W . lM�rs e, of Gerrie, Celebrate Golden Wedding .Councillor of Clinton en Mrs. - Nediger .Celebrate A addle njversaty'--- Seeforth Spring Fair Hid Bat 1. Weather, Henna Good,;.-. ► Public School )Ire • Enlar ment-Winghaans rue, Coma anygee Winking Sb�l?maerab to: the West '-�Cll tons Boardof Trade Heat* New ( dent. Football in Brussels atPort Huron, Mich., after a short Brussels Football Club- has reox•' illness• of pnetamonia. The wife, who gianized, was formerly Miss Rummell, sinter Mitchell Rea rttii • ; of Mr. Geo, Hutnitiell, of Clinton, died ri£ zea Laeroste Club • -twelve ears ago, - Mitchell has reorganized its once y aC Unum EKcelsioi lacrosse club. L, John ManDies in Landon, Clinton's Tax RateMr, John seriously ill i lVict ria who w s so ill in Victoria _The 'Clinton tax rate for the year hospital, London, passed away Mott - has been struck, at 41 mills. day, March 27th. - Fortner .Clintontan Mies at `Brantford Witt hour Company it ShipPlug to West Ml's, J. J. Fisher, whe, With her Anna Cushion Inner - Tiro and i us d an MrFisher, , W ` us a wellRubber 1t r1rCa a tCo.,, of Winghiam, has recefv- ince known citizen -of Clinton for many ed an order for a carload of tires to ot,, years, leav'in ; ' about fifteen years go to the:West. Mer ago, died in Brantford Marsh 20th. Mrie. Neil Brown, m E ort i , dv Ile Dies B , F msec o I Y, y sued t a Sant e ' as u tit r ill h S ra : a h IIs de n neon, relict. ot: the Sato ed' Mrs. G. J, Stewart, 'of Vancouver, Mr. Neil; - Brown, of Egmondville, B. C., formerly Miss Sarah Lovett, of died at the home of her daughter, Summerhill, passed away Match 24th, Mrs Herbert Fowler, Huron road, on aged 61 years. She is survived by Tuesday, April eta, at the age of 87. twosons and a daughter, also by her Sears. Deceased was born in Nova husband, . Scotia and 'about 60 years ago, Mr. 1,i ti Fere in :G, t I, GYtnnaaium 'end Mr$, Brown took up their home •Fire broke opt in a corner of the C. In Tuckey:smith, and laatetnxoved to. C. I. gyinnasiutn recently but was put FA;Mpr7S GENERAL DEED. Van FaU;eiahayit 3%'tas the (:erns ' Chief of Staff. )3ERLIN, April 10.••• --Gen. E"ric Von Falkenbayn, .former Mintster. War, and abe time Chief of Staff .o the German army, died nn'Saturd at Wile Park, near Pgtsdatn. • Gen. Von Iraikenbayn was appoint ed War Minister: of Germany ln•1913 succeeding Get. Voir Heeringen, Shortly after rile outbreak of the world war he was.appointed Chief o the General Stair, succeeding Gen Von Moltke, who, at the time, wags declared to be ill. In August, 1916,, Gen. Von I'alkenhayi> was relieved by Gen. Von Hindenburg, and was shortly afterwards put on tate held in 'Transylvania against the Rou- manians. Falkenhayn defeated the Roumanians in the campaign of 1916,... Later • he went to Asiatic, Turkey, Where he commanded the Tulle. Von Falkenhayn was born in 1861 and was considered one of Germany's desiring commanders. .. Miners Plan -to l npress Board, ' SYDNEY: 14.S., Ap• ril 10•. ". A pro- Aosal to parade the starving women and naked •children” or the minilrr. districts :before the 'then Board when it meats at Giaee Ear next week tvas one or the features ore sneethig held by the United Mine Workers on ' Sunday afternoon. • J. • 1) MacLachlan, district ne re- tary-treasurer, was the p:lnekpal speaker. and he denounced the judges, lawyers and politicians: 11faeLachlan Claimed the British Ethpire Steel Comot'ation had stunt - Red itself during the .present dlopute several times, by netting wage rates, declaring them to 'be thin bigheet it Could lioselbly pay, and then rrautlng a higher rate. Egniondviile, out:,before much damage wan done, ;Body of. Mrs, Wilhide Brought to E Clinton Couple Celebrated 25th Anna. mondvitie, for Interment tT ` versaxy .., The funeral took place at Egmond= villc on MondayApril 4th, On Friday evening' Councillor and pdwife ofo Rev, Mrs Nediger of Clinton beth Atkinalon fide, de, o Tet'. the ' 25thg non .celebrated J- Thomas Wilhide,. who died in To anniversary of• their- mar- onto, hospital . March 80th. aged 48 riage, and. the second anniversary. of. years, The deceased was a 'dauhter themarriage of their daughter, Leo- of;Mr. Joseph Atkinson, of E mon na,. and her: husband, Mr. Clifford vibe. es . . E d Holland, by entertaining: to' dinner at their home, Mr. andalirs. A; )Eta ftt Lgl t Son from Pne , ii h, Lose t3owdy-Isietcalf amenia Mr, and Mrs. AnthonyII i a tt sr., A pretty wedding was solemnized] gg a on Wednesday, March 15th .at "The - in t ehd, nth o t sir son,the community ,. , Th , in the death t of their . Maples, . the home of 31r.. and Mrs. 'heat family r si- which took - piece at the. cess- Ralph Metcalf, when11 p.t .t nerd se*ond.i.clonce;-Blyth,' on Wednesday evening,' , daughter, he Laura sera M., w,as united- in f March 29th,. after an illness of.only,: a the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. , few' days. The deceased Nelson G. Gowdy, by Rev. ►1r.. Laing',1 ployed hel lir . Mr, Meehan, East ern. We - of Fordwiche helplog an, nett 1 wanash, when he : took ill. Pneu=.. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. blcISersie, Gorrie, i tnonia developed., Celebrate Golden Wedding.A .Blyth wedding The home of 14Ir. and .Mss, W m. , A •pretty wedding took place at Moi er fe of Gorrie, was the scene of " Woodslea Farm," the home of marl an unusually happy event on Monday, f and Mrs. R.C. McGowan, Blyth, at April 3rd, when this .highly respected•:noon an Friday, March 31st, .when couple celebrated their Qolden Wed- i their second daughter, Dixon, was un. Vermin *1 , ' , lied an marriage with T . ' la J. A. Ford New President Clintong D r. Tred Reid, Board of Trade a son,, itf Saar, Jas. l;ei,i, of Varna. The h ceremony was performed':, by Rev. of The Clinton Board of Trade reor-'Geo, Telford,. M. A., :B : IJs fianiaed on Tuesday of last week. A Mr. J. A. Ford is the new president, .hlr. Chis, Lockhart Wedsto ay succeeding Mr. H. 1Viltse. z A very pretty weddingtools place Brartlt of Clinton Peopler Dien at at_ the home of the bries parents, Mr. i� and Mrs. ZV m Phillips, Bl th• P, Y I' t,. • or Huron When their dau youngest hter 'E g $ . ,Emma Mr .• rowes Brown, brother of Susan, was united in marriage to Mr. Mrs. Wm. -est and DIr,. John Browne! Chas, A. •Lockhart, youngest .sort of f Clinton, die, on Friday, March 31st, • the late Matthew Lockhart, of Aub• - Sir 1*atria'kr Mans Dies. LONDON, Al)rii Io.-Tlindeatit of Sir Patrick :mantas on Satutdny is announced. Thr. Tinges refefo to Stir Patrick an "tlxe fattier of -tropical mediottin." and ears the eomptetiott of the Pauama Canal was made eros, elblc by the application by'3SajeGen. W. C. Gorges of Sir Patrielt•e die - moles. Sir Patrick was born in 3844. Ile was distinsuislapd as a parasitologist. , Agent; for 11Iue Bird Washing Ars.rhine'S, Choice lin of Metrical ' $ixtuaes cetrried ill stock AB Brussels Wedding g• •' Wednesday of iast eek a happy was On the program at,Sprueedale; the home of the bride's r»•�„MR•Mr,, and Mrs. I. Robb, Bras sell wheel Rev. J. P. McLeod tied th knot between Miss Jean Beatrice their eldest daughter, and Albert Ed ward Jackson, a well-to-do youn gentleman of Harriston locality. Former Exeter Resident Dies a • Brantford The death occurred on Monday last week at the Brantford rad y of of a former Exetertent, MNIrrs feat. Wr resident, i1- . bort Gordon • Menne. Ile was 'atin- smith with Messrs, I•Iawkins dt. Son some years agobut for several years had been residing in Brantford. 'Iso leaves his widow and • three sons, Fred, of London; John and Wilbert, at home; also two brothersCharles, of Sasktatchewa t, and Fred,, of Hen - sail, and a mater, Mrs, John Watson, of Bayfield. • Mrs. C. H Mete Horney y leas:; sit' Exeter Mary' Jane Balsden, beloved wife of Mr. Chas, H. Horner, Passed away at her h home i n Exeter an Tuesday morning, April 4th, at _the, ago of 6S years and five months. Mrs. had been in her usual healthHeresy a up to at - bout five days 'previous. to her de - muse, when she was stricken down Ptwt., r, A Coal Strike 'Jody a positiIdity ht wit or* wiry to soy as aliirlt**ts probability You Cart h.1, to ovoid it by carrying null coal' bine. So now is eh brat to FW up with MUSTARD'S COAL it answers tiffs burning Sterttal#icaatl W. Scrantop C�aI . The Standard Anthracite Let us bear from you, 'cm ere jt*St ale tiros sullen` VA of S0*•tI telephone semi`; our setvicct is two. JOHN Be MUSTARD 0 14 Kt Isaac, of Anagletivare $%rut snout 9$ 110/411$11100411111.11111111.1100 4/0/11/1/11. with 'acute pleura.pneumaniat, leo. sides her husband she is survived by four daul"hters and two sons, Mrs. Joe. Collingwood, Hamilton; Mrs. Deo. Colwill, Cargill; Mr's. W. Wil. eon, Palro_ tee; Mrs. Wm. Mote, Crm- diton; M. J. IIornoy, Kippelt,. and E: J., Metes -• •• UNSIGHTLY PIMPLES AND FACE ERUPTIONS In the Spring Moat �Peopl'e Need a 1 Table Medicine One f the 4 surest rs Opts that th t he blood is out of order ' 1s the pimples, unoightly eruptions and eczema that conte frequently with the change front Winter in er to ;goring, a , These . r is prove that 'the longindoor rad o x ;life of winter has had it u aeffect o 'ta pen the blood, land that a tonic medicine is deeded to put. it right. Indeed there are few • peal le who do not need as tonic at this 4 se s a on Bad1 blood does not merely show itself in disfgurl - eruptions. >tg p , To i this same s n condition o d fon:.i s due: atttackri Notion -wide .Eurno, -Ther.• to rear-ctaly n corer of this 'great De - minion where the merits of Dr. Thong - ed' Eelectrie Gil have not been tried' and proved. It is otto o the •world's Most efficient remedies for sore !treat, lame back chid maatwY ether a<il- tnents arising from . inflammation. Rubbed on the skin itshealing power Is readily absorbed* sand it raid also • be taken internally. t Womrn' pint' unsatisfactory, tally speaking,. and they tiro generally specking, of rheumatism and lumbago; the e sharp stabbing pains of sciatica and neuralgia; poor appetite and it desire - to avoid exertion. 'You Cannot get g rid of these troubles by the •iso of purgative etedi *i rsa-yo u need a ton - t ic,,and tonic only, and among ail medicines there is Montt can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their tont* b 10 o d -i rat proving, nerve.restorinir powers, Every dose of this medicine helps make new, rich blood which drives. Out .impurities, stimulates ev- ery organ and brings u feeling of new health and energy to •weak ,tired, ail ing hien, women and: children; • If, you are out of sorts give this: laedii- eine. u trial and see how quickly it will restore . the appetite, revive drooping spirits, and tilt your veins with w new, , ht',ti lthgiving bleed You can get these Phis from'any medicine dealer or . by . mail at 5p Rentsa box or nix boxes for. $2.50 ane. The Dr..•Williama Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, If you expect a: tired business man to do any digging you will. have to give him A golf club, --New Yorrc Tris bine. ELECTRIC .RING We .specialize in Wiling, of all kinds* salt us give you an eiltiniete for wiring your house or garage, PRIVATE �A E ELEF'NONES, MOTORS, DYNAMOS. ELECTRIC BELLS sod OVULAR ALARM SYSTEMS ALL WORK GUARANTEED COOK ,:IRON sad TOAST b. °.. 'ELECTRICITY 3 , tag titttlt ant a f tho best i'•,leotrio • Irons i1tld Toasters made in Canada,. - O Electriciaa Wort St, Mine 82'ar.193 Peerless oraw?'.1 ,44 111 MI! se �ir...' aa► e Ging When putting up Peerless Pou try_ once ou'dd 't need to fuss with beards or top The he stiff stays save you the expense and trouble of izstng lumber. Pccrlea Poultry Fence unrolls perfectly flat—much. easier 't . handle than netting, much heavier, less costly sand better service too. ;IJo-4 lionstimaasins. otopeotrisof toottool000igo st, �.,i p00010- #Rile•!” , Ili of pi — 441111 , 44q`' 1111 larj#11 nogilef r r 'G�'M•; ;- .alts' ,r71: •r Peerless dealers . can show • You heights from 3 to 8 feet in etyles to suit your requirements.' P•rrfesv Forme 43 b..;I of sdl, be the ehithens d en se or sr: r.tlB. BANWELL-HOXIE WIRE FENCE CO., Litnited ' ` •11. 1LTo1V,owr, _WINNE'E, I,'.A3t~.. . 1' Write for otic - 1l ustrated Rootlet on Poultry Protection tx rush ite*ut ' tdalt p itcp(Io iC c a# roti it