HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-04-13, Page 1=VETE 1100s. NO titr-W42, WHOLE NV —is sew sr& *out the honse. F1re4 theft take place in spite of the utmost care. it Secure absolute protection for your surplus funds in a Stating BankSaying* ACcounte, TQur money-.-Iiste.4 of being Idler; -will be you profit. it can be readily obtained if ueedid, You will have the convenience' of paying accounts by cheque. Ani Sterling. liank Brunch: will be glad to open Art Recount tor you. st E STEM% BANK OF CANADA 9 iii 3 The -Peer Man -To lead biS owing family a helping baud Until they cite support. thenvelves. • The Weritiog Woraan-Te provide in time of steady income foe tee day when there will be rio income,. 5, The Single Man -To provide ter his own old age, e. Tim Vairied Man -To assuee his tanely the benefit ot a paritiallea Ineente. ' Are vim one Ot the above classes e It so 000$140 us today. H. R. LONG, District Ages , on Life Assurance Co. Of Canada. IlDBPS LTFE XNGURANO12 Tbe ofteet inheritattee taxes, thus conserving bis estate, Who Businese etan--ToperpetuatO las tamers interest be bheiness. VE AND am E /*noes—Houses Wn UTATITED.-Dirl to go to Termite. Gen- ' Tr eral housework. No washing, food home and good wages ' Phone 270 or. write All kinds for sale or to rent, at very red- Ix 0, Box an Q000,14h,. • amiable prices. It you require a good,- bonae drop in find see VIVAIITED.--Local. representative at aux VY 00(teriCii to repreSent "The Old Re - Heal Estate sad Insurance," liable ,Fonthill nueseries,/, and cover awsWs/IVeieveRses#40,0%fte'siV40#0100es's"' CrcireattgititZ14,?17'tgeggtiiii,lal eOpening highest cOmmissions pal T rE The WILLOUGHBY FARM wra° oroTon, Toronto. di.s" arto. ,. AGENCY -. • (Largest Vann Agetioo itt Careads) , Otters Pot Sale 100 Antes En W. Wawanosh Tp., comreses. ion 2, 21/z moos from trulagatin00, all goodeitty ieand 0011,- bank baths 48 x 65 and ita zt 55; With geed cement stabling, bog pen 30x set and ben liaise 12 x 28, driving Shed '20 x good traino hour:loot 'S moms, 20 netts Ortbard, 40 SOWS wheat, 50 scree ploegtied ready for crop, balance seeded, two -O74110 and tiering creek. Uhl IS a Al Win, all drained aucl well tole ced, 30 rd, from school. • We Would be pleased to stow tbis tatra to anybody looking for a good farm at any time. . C. C. MtNEIL, • Brace Street' CRAIGIE'S Insurance and. Real Estate BARGAIN -:- Twee seery, frareeeseven room- ed berme. Electric Light lepteee path 000a Furnace Fell Lat ThiS property is in first class oonaition and altdated within three minutes walk Of the Square and eantiOt be duplicated for $2500, Sale price. fee quick turn -over, • $2000 BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLO W. Craigie Tractor Drivers siirldeelisaici Earn Very Big Pay *5415 per dae. iinge &mend every Sprite; and Summer. Learn Gus work or only $25. -300 at the big • • Hntpb*UAuto Gas Traitor • Sohoot 163 kiss St. •IV., Toronto, Oat; Write at konce for particelare. naanna ..ar FOR SALE 011 TO LET TYNDSliAL OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A PIANO,--ilPright piano practically new. Party having' same cannot keep up ayMentS. Can be boUght for mount of niInf-y against it. Apply flo tn. OODE- RICH' STAR: -diouse and tWo good lots with-harn, situated en Britannia Rd. and Eldon St. Immediate possession. Apply on prenitses to MRS. WV. TIGRE, FOE SALE. -Pure Waite Blossom sweet Clover Seed. Price $4.50 per bushel: Apply MO. McCLARTY, i. 11. no. 4, Code - Phone cowrie eittiocipte No. •07. EDB SAL1L-Durham flew, due inSide or a Week. Apply 10IiN 'WEBB, eon - brie TtO„. -- r kat SAI.E.-s-White -Blossom Sweet Clover seed, free from all weed seeds No I d N ano. 2 duality. Appiy to 1.1.0t0 YOCNG, 11. n. No. 6, Dederich. ,--rioa SALE. -Seed Barley O. A. C. No. 21 4.: and 'White blossom Sweet Clover Seed of 1020 erop and Penner Oats • registered cerl. Witt. P. emesa a sorts: R. I R. jib. 0 00(terleh a TelePh011e 2020, Colborne 6ys- 4m. • Vacant Lots to Rent A few Oneida Company lote in de- eretit mats of the town to rent for garden purposes. Apply to L. L. KNOX. ret 0100I0 AO 0 11:X0 to 6 • s THE PAVILION ft 11 codericti, Ont. Near Sunset Hotel 0 a Open SATURDAY 'EVENING ApPII 22nd First Night Will Be A Blg Night "Meet tile At The Pav" Dancing 8130 to iltittS GO Ewa AMUSEMENT CO.$ 10,TO. 011ierte=010Vene 0111014:0:=10=0:10010011..e..........03100 CF.iriENT LIME .SHINGOS a 'Pine, Fir_ and Hank* .LUMBER r well last week Prices .at rock bottoa Buy Now and $s, Wm"' NOM KIS COPilit Ltd 47 Mae 3* Saving $1,000 Through trilling economise, You MA liecurmillite ons thousand dollars in few yaws. !Z irrikentbr end l'eltdarlY depositing $2.90 Week ith A -With interest at e senkountally-you will have $1,21143 to your aetlit in ten years. Cspy *NW larcielejt0 Thsft c4Mak tog Waokly Deposits," free on request ,09,* UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. W9ollcornhe, Manager EYE. een. NOSE, THROAT. • Late Muse SUrgeon New York Ofelthlit- alantrateine.BlIckleY Bookings • 'ate mn4 108Pito, 1"18140 " Al^pr"' The Bluekstone.Buekley Orchestra Relci's Eye Hospital and Ooldell Siptare t Throat Hospital, Lender), Eng.; have boonixigs at date, April lith, as fa Waterloci St, S.. Stratford Tele- follower, Auburn, Wednesday, April etione At zedrore Rotel, tioderiela, troM Wed- 12th; Areimen'e bale Glecleelen, Moto rieselaY April itith. at 8.00 Ma to Trams. det. nth; '0•• W. V. A., Seaforth, day, Atirli loth, at t p, tn. TuesdaY, 18th; Lndies" Club, BIytie Wednesday, leth; St. Joseph's Dra- matic Club, at Blyth, Friday, 21st; St. Joseph's Convent, Seaforth, Mon- day, 24th, ' At the Harbor The steamer" Matthews is awaiting the clearing ot,,ioe in Geft/Irilln TAW to go to Collingwoml to go into,dre dock' and the Dayton vent go re tort IX William to load grant for the 'Vilest. - ern Canada Flour mills. A Amide. tiori to Ottawa to press for harbor inmrovements necessary to meet the expansion of the grain trede through this port is likely. The Greyhound Excursion Now that spring is here one begins to look forward to ,the "good old summer time," and to think about his sunorieretelpelenre and there. Be sure, when you are debug your plan- ning; to reserve the week of Ione 32th for the Greyhound trip, The steern- er will arteve • at Godetieh Monday leovwelinging,rneouniniens120Inits tlhetvitrngv thtoe, Inot troit. • NOTICE OF MEETING rA. MEN HATE51. IL P. NO, tot memo Orst Thursday or each Matti M For- •esteee BalI, (..oderieli. Visiting sir knights velour% 4. MeNEVIN, It. Ft. MEW. Registrar. • W. P. • AVeTION -SALES A see01 cosroper 018E. , 40S. BAECHLER by public auction on PRIDAy, APRIL 1.211 ceeareenting at g o'cloe.k sharp , A comfortable nrick house, celitaining rooms., electrie light and town water, The lot Is -over 14 acre anti there is le regale stable and chicken pens. The garden is goon and there are a Mitoder or fruit trees. This property is situated on the corner ot Park street and Ctunbria road and Will be sold by auction without reserve, . TERMS. -Ten per cent. or purchase price to behold at lime or sale, balance in 30 days, or half purchase money may remain on moripige at 0 per cent 309, DiECRLEtt. • T. UrIORY,' Prepr efor. Auptioneer. , A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE OP RESIDENCE, XX PROPERTY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND' at thremises' of e pthe late Mrs, Margaret %Mart, Arthur street, Goderich,. on • SATURDAY, APRIL 10th. 1022 commencing ProiniulY at 1.30 o'clock P. in. P110 property 00,181815 of the east hair ot lot 661 and lot 562, on 'which there is well-bUilt storey-toul-a-balt frame house on store' .fouridation, containing Parlor: - living room, oltung room, kitchen, slimmer kitchen, pantry and cellar; three bedrooms and bath 1•001)1 upstairs; with a falr-sized work shop or Store room on rear or lots. The property has a !Tentage ot amen. to reet on Arthur street, 111111a depth ot about 138 foot. The house is in goon repair, has storm windows, doors, porches and other ImProvements: is Or the best rese, dented Darts or towri; and win be bold sharp at 1:30 o'clock. TERAIR•t-Teoper Cent or purehase price to be paid at tittle ot sale; balance in bar - Wits, Are You Going to Bowl ? meeting of all ladies of the town who would care to bowl this summer willobe held in the Board of Trade rooms next 'Tuesday evening at 8 on clock, for the,purpose of organizing a' ladies' elub. The privileges of the' Pteton street greens have .been ex- tended to. the ladies for every after- noon and evening ef the week during the season, With the exception of d Wednesday, when it lute been eustonoary for the mai to have a weekly ear,rwhile reli on bicycle, 0 I ell nd quite* number it people Assam, led to hear the ergument of the twee on Kahane)* storming lest. They were dieappointath however, for the, argument was held in the judgeei I chembere and the janitor cif the teurt houee stopped enyone from geing in. At the conelualen of the ergument Hie Honor Judge )ikon reserved eudament. ' For %Mai** We The follewinir contributions have been received for the Ruseion child. reins Famine Fund, through the on branch of the Petriotie Fund comr mitteet Previously • acknowheiged$307.08 Auburn Briptiat Sunday Sehool 20.00 Fordwielt Methodist S. 27.75 W. R. Robinsone Goderich1.00 C'ermel Prete church, Hensall (0.84. Prea. ehurch, 120.00 Duff's church, MoRillop 34.76 Meth, ehurch Seeforth. (part) IX•00 A eleleuarrie • • * • • • • • • ..00 To Make Permanent Roadway on Part of Victoria St. At the meeting of the pubiloworke eammittee of the town council held on Monday evening, plans for the work to be done on Victoria street. connecting the Provincial Hightvay to the north and south of the town were discussed at length, and the re. commendatiou to the touneil Will be that the relidWay from the top of the hill along Gloucester Terrace to 'Vic- toria street be torn up, levelled up and made into it good gravel i•oadi and that it portion of Victoela street from Gloucester Terrace to Newgate street or Best street or SO tar an the funds available will provide for, be torn up, a 4.incli layer of gravel put down and on top of this n 8.inch lay- er of Taryitt material and sand. This wawa' make a real road. . Don't Count Your Chickens Before 00 Are Hitched 44E041 ,count your chickens before they are hatched" is usually coneld- ered pretty goad advice, and it wouldn't do to every ogg it chicken even in the beat regulated families, but 'When conditions aro ar- ranged up to a standard, and that a high one, you come as neer to being able to count our chickens in ad- vance as you cen get. That is why the poultry man who is looking for results has his. thought directed at once to Ridgcreat Farm for hie hat- ching eggs. Or if you don't want to count your thiekens before they are hatched, you can count them after they are hatched -day old chicks, from the Ridgerest Poultry Farm, White Leghorn chicks 25 cents each; Darted Rocke, 30 cents each. White Leghorn hatching eggs, $0.25 per hundred; Barred Rock eggs, Kee. The Hydro Bleetrie Demonstration Next Week For the demonstration at the Hy- ro Electric Store next 'week, there will be three men here, eine from the ithYear(41VIScSeclattry.b CCo°mMpulainssyunit'oundeemItin- trate electric lenges, and a man rom the Ingersoll Machine end Tool mummy to demonstrote a medium- ized electrical ironing • machine, utte-ra uantity of electrical ap. tinotteetahme egn4tineComee 'Sidles Ma/ get t s given. -Judgment Reserved In .11eycraft vs. f ty days,-When-deed..wilI be given. Matheson C At the same time all the contents of the - house win be soul, consistint or Ponta% I Considerable interest hav been--ae 8 noes. moire divine. room, bedroom and kitchen rurioture, carpets, rugs, linoleinng roused in the actiott for dmnages .11 , a , na crockery glassware, cutlery, silverware, pictures bedding, labia linen, garden mina, kitchen Utensils, includIng a good eionee range and a 0 -burner perfection -on /stove, etc. TERMS. -(lash. EGGS FOR SALE everytrieur must be settled for beton:, -,-.,..‘ - ,.." .- , -.-• . e... being removed. DR' sete.-e.- e. white Leghorn eggs PROUDFOOT, EILLORAN 4... HOLMES, F tor handling, Barron 200 eggs strain, SO/letters for tbe AdministratOr. 5 (it. P01- etg ill home and te ete•er stee- 1,. oulereir, Anetionter. pea. Speela price tor incubator lots. ...,-... come ant see ntts seicrtea Pea, X•tv.Us PLEARIND. AticTION . SALL* or • PARM BOTZ, South St. la , STOCk, . • brought against Mr. R. Matheson, due to the injuries John Reyeraft re- ceived in collision with Mr. Mahe» MR. WM, $. mosoTr wet sett by public auction at W. Mir to II), ronaTtglsur).43,y,P,„41)Dr.altisahtiltte,Ido,woli tottuneurtnif at 1.00 0V10* sharp, she' 104. ItorSe rISIn 0 years ,• hfavy mare. rising 7 years; heavy gelding, Ns - Mg a years; Percheron tiny, riiiing 3 years; 1 COW 0 years old. calf at foot; I, cow, 5 years old, mil' at foot; I cow 7 years old....due tit rievember; cow G years oid, due in Nov.; cow 5 years old. Ale In Nov.; I cow 4 years old, Om in i cow, ilry,• 3. steers, rising. a years; I heifer, rising 3 years; 4 illserS; rising 2 years; heifers, rising 2 yeifs; I Pelted Angus hull, 17 Months; 4 good calveS; I broOn sow. April 27111. Everything. .advertised must be Sold ao proprietor has sold one of hit, Wins snit Is giving. possession at Once. TERMS.-Tweive months' credit will be K'IvaelnsrolinttuortnaisliplenleeaPnEirValleedwejittlintdri notes. WM. J. ELLIOTT. • T. (IUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. TtiSPEC'tint'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE ANTI CHATTEL PROPERTY, RE JNO, lieT•CHESON, . • ey instructIona DMA Jahn Torranee, Esq., Inspector, Mere will be sold by Pub - 110 an -tion at Me _prendser, e. corner of Lot 0, ron. W. D. Colborne. on MONDAY, APRIL 17th. 102* romMencing at 2 teeiork The property' consisting' or a mires of iand imore or less) whieh te ralrie well retired, and en whteti there Is a condon- able frame Pottage, frame stable, good wen and several fruit trees. it is situated mile north or Loyal on a gOod road, and win be ogered for sale first, when terms ar sale Will be announced, otter which the following* (roods and chattels will he Sold: I Work horse, 14..Ye3r3 Ohl" be 1000 Ins,: i good cow, supposed to tie in calt; bugg,v; single heavy harness; I i- nane Wagon; t single sicigni 1 washing nitichlrie; tenter; household furniture, stoves, bedding., etc.: moving outat con. Mang en raPstain. pulleys, mono. a long rheins, bars, 7 lor more jacks, and a toe leetton of mole and tinier articles. Tialms.-on chattels. eits11. JOON 'TORRANCE, OVNDRY, Inspeetor,• Auctioneer. A CCT1ON mix or Verifies, OCedit LTI- ETC. 0 T. NI. DrilNIN will sell by public' auetion at T. 84„ Pavia, liVery stable. South street. on HATtRDAY, APRIL C.i.`nd rommeneIng at toe cecioce Itors#1.--1 brown driving mare, rime e years ohe quiet tor any ono te drive, sir- ed by Mac Thistle; brown driving mart., 'Mini? 7 vesee old? ,eoleietki ereia mare, sired by Moen Light; 1 gfneral Pill140D mare, rising 8 yearA anitable for infra barge, known as the TwaMley mare; 1 freneraPpunmse dappin grey horse, riSing years; 1 t-heatnot driving mire, thing 4 years, sired bsr -cherry Worthy; chest- nut griaing, 'arta by Manor Xing Mils lickst hts a Melt 2.201A, and hits pieed Inile in El% being OSIY Wee 10 IMP"11 mesi rialiig Pears. ISWIS tioNTrgs al11 - rite; black gelding, aired by Toney B., known as Tone,/ * pod green pacer. /ovine psred Miles in 1120 and hoing ne Mark finis is an ati retind ItOrSe, good rOildster, street sae flee tersei pis.; ene s yCirti ° 1 misname Raemie. etroet plleitingile tired buggy. nearly fieW, * feet fancy outfit; meet tired tsp butete nearly new: s run - *boat buggy, ated fired; i get 14tbt don - hie driving einem: e Fitts light single drivine hartleas: 1 hero' set of double harriet3r I mere oret or inn harrows; t house peones, f one boro Wag - gen' I sorry r 9tr„ etc. TiftSt's_511 ABMS of ei0 see ender. 40: OVAP that attiqtntt tWeii-O menthe redit edit be givert ofi aperovee owe notes; *itistelint CI' 4 per tent. atfingtt *11011e4 Pr Cash. T. PC lit Wert Proprietor. Ptt IC NOTICE bronco , • Will the party taking the 1)05"s. wile01 trom the trent of Parsons' Fair stt re on Monday of thts week kindly return same te Parsons' Fair and thus save Nether trou- ble. ENGINES ANDLAUNCHES •FREE THIAL,'Johnsen light speedy, out- board motors. Hyde propehers, accessor- ies, rut priees, tree aeuveries. Large variety engines -new, rebuilt. Canoes, Bieycle ;motors. Free Catalogues. Cana- dian Boat and Engine Exchange, Toronto. 3,0 0 e 0 0 WARNING. to 0 o BICYCLISTS ° a Chief of Pollee 2 1 Any pereoo 'dr Demons feind riding on any 01 the town Side. walks Will be prosecuted. • R. C. Poiitlethwaite. . 0 Goderich, Apro lath it 9 BM 0=10 OE nawanaanan rusuo Soils* 0 TOWN OF WENN BUILDING PERMIT According to the ToN641 By- laws it ia notOasary to obtain a permit before erecting, repair- ing or altering any building anywhere within the limits of the Town of Goderich. By order of the Town Council, L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. #441,0~~4.0.0*~,A•voilow.... , TOOK OF MEM K. reetiote, *veneerer, ,P,00110 NOTICE The Board et IlooAtIt of the 'Town. 'of' Goderich • hereby. UOLfli0all househohlera and oeetiplore of piece; of busines3 to clean up their yardo. cellans any °thee ore iCe3 over Molt tbeY men "lane etratrol tait later than OM tiav 131 fay, 304 Ee cralee of the Beaed F. 'G. Weile • Aee't Inepectele 01~1~tookolowW*Wito4~40t MR. F. G. WILKINSON The 33rd Regimental Bend Arm. elation hue secured a new bandmas. ter for the elodetich bend in the per- son of 'Mr. F. G. Wilkinson, of Pe. trolea, Oat, Mr. Wilkinson took theme of the band potence last Fel. &et, night and hes made a good be. ginning with the men. Mr. Wain. son was leandmastee of the 25th Ite•• !Omelette Band, St. Thomas, for eight years. He le a professional piano tuner, teacher of violin and all band instrnmentee and for the preeent any ordera left at Mr. E. R. Wigle's drug store will be attended to. Mr, Wilk., Won is a -married man and expects to move his Islay here later, start the blaze. From the • appear - am of the piano it Is believed that they lifted the lid and poured goal oil into it, but it only burned the tool oil, Mrs. Purvis is reported to have left the house titter 3 o'clock and ev- erything was all right. Strange footnuirks were discovered around the back door through winch the per- petrator gained entrance by forging the lock. It ie believed that the act was a direct attempt at incendiarism. This ease WAS quoted at the Wel of Mt'. Welsh, of Myth, Wednesdey by Mr. Daneey, ue being a somewhat parallel Mae to the Illyth lire. Sailors' Banquet . There were seated around thine decorated Ivith flowers and mango In t basement of the public libraq on Tuesday • night, thirty.tbree sailors and engiimers, with the ministers of the town and their wive.% exeept Rev. Mr. Moyer, who was absent through illness. Rev. Mr. Reyereft was chairman. Bele. Mr. Dewey gave an adress, also Rev. Me. MeDermid, who expressed the hope thot there would be a banquet agent next year. Read. ings were given by MiS8 Mooney and Miss Howell, Intl:repented by pinging, in which the men all joined.' Then eame the .bligs, well tilled with cern- -forta for the boys, resented to tile "glances, including the most • recent °see that representet each boat, 5 in and popular articles, will be sent up alt, the Calle:wood the Matthews, r by the Hydro for the demonstration. the Yeekten, the Martian,- and th The Hydro dernoestratowill be ree- e Dayton, by Mrs. M, 1fowlI, pawl- dy to open on Tuesday InOrning, con. debt of the W. C. T, IL, and telt.% A. tinning until Friday, and the other •Davidsbe, ecting euperinterident of e i men will be here part of the week. saloerasn' ,waOrfkatitinhf utbiewoobadtetnreeforoentrnay. The publiare nvited to elan the m InotOUs appliancea for their own infor. cYree4a% andNee4tOffe:eln, °andig.least . e,but ei tee store and see the utility of the var- tplite regardiesS of Whether least, came-11)0es from lievefol Of they are contemplating any purchase the mere expressing their apprecla. menet. - irttio, ori debyththm ewworoe work ate onfothrothwet,r ccomi Baseball Club Will Have 'dee of - T. Agricultural Grounds Ex:Alderman Charles T. Hawkins of A meeting of the public works committee of the town council was Windsor Passes Away held on Monday evening to Arrange The following item, eoPied from n for the use by the baseball club of Windeor paper, refers to a brother of the agricultural grounds, •ancl their Air. Bawitins, of SheoPard- report will recommend to the town ton. Mr. Vomit Hawkins, of Sea - council that the Club be given the grove, h; another brother and Mrs, use of the grounds, the use of the D. M. 1Valdon, of Colorado Springs keigtheol f:rectrsihnreagrandril'alid sthtnendpand e8111111'. Dr. A, J. Chrlstalaw, o I Trehern, Man., la a hall brother. screen, and the privilege of the eon- The item io " foiloW5: cessions in connection. Aa however, (lit leers Tan nnoiallwneksis,64var oftwyostiveeolita,ill the. park is a public park and is not infrequently used for other town cur- forMer Windsor alderman, died . of pleuro-pneurnonla Saturday night at poses,toe8t cU egh a 04 da -4,vViiret the°wn jirurbloYet t wanted e sociation •organiz For 28 yeaps the decetuied 'was pro. hie home, 320 Janette. avenue. ' for theforace meet, the committee is perinertw toriof paubleiricocetnrynaktoeti.Ile e toP111St.Set. reseteing the control of the grounds a to the council to the .extent that the from the groeery Intainesa about two etwoll tiooCirl uhsnevseoithtehoriityarisv: phiinehmepdf ryiecahr,soaigito.. tNde had aade baeonnatai„vizevsoifdettid:r- fllOrdvilege of the pounds. Also the cone, yearn. for the same day, shall ave the pre. the Border Citice for mote than 30 mittee recommends that the council &alder; his widow, elo• Hew have the privileges of the grand survived by one von, Wililat Akron, • Ohio and stand, etc., for the &lye on which Itawkine. 18 some public deinonstration or the like daughter Mose Mabel If: Dwge Ne‘. PraPtietar at 11"Per'" Store day afternoon, and will be folloeved Has Had Good Experience A. announced in The Stn Iast tery. Rev, Dr, tt, oeetee is going on. • home, I, uncoil serviees will fiehe from the late residence at 2.30 Tuea. • by interment in AVindeor Grave cone. week Mr, Chas, J.hie; solci have charite of the service. lie wili out his business to Me- • B. X. Tide* be anointed, iv Rev.et). C. Grey, pas- bdrne, who has been in his emploY tor of Bruce avenue Baptist church, for. the peat three yearie During mt.. trawl:ins was a member 01/ that time Mr. Tichborne him done Great Western Lodge, A. te & A. Me t5r7lietc, ilfeltuldlitigbigtghee3Lit°abiltiltnionthoef litilii; Imiependent Order of Oddfellown and team heating system in St. George's the Ancient Order of Workmen. ,,—......... churele the recooatriletion of the P steam heating in the Bedford TEA RICES RISING .11otel, Rumor hal it that the labor unrest the plumbing and heating in the Du. 111)41 general dissatisfaction in India, amen apartments, and various oth. the Inmost tea producing country in r. Tiehborne er ' jobs. This, of itnelf, testifica to the world, have made production ::netei ability to serve the biefnhee.,..H,.,..H.,..H,.:4,. hare Iezrpgeenni1v4e owl hazardouvs thaltulead iasoftheir y e':a gen,erariac in pricema4evpeettdatrokre. . the utur. 'Ilte eetimated!qr.iarper1-1(19ednyier,fied it"191111"1111191-111 fl('muchwods to xprss higratitude to the tlbcitizens of Goderich and surrounding eha“ia. country for the 1iberl alvere of their bueinees they have given him during' HAIR SPECIALIST C4MING • the 27 yeah he hair been M Inisineeo, Mesa Glom of GlenroCharlea, Tor. speaks for his suceessor a continue succesefully, in Goilericle and he be. ale beeeinnacicaorrifieeeriacihr 511tionnlailz. ‘1)Atoprred one° of this liberal patronage. 17tle at the Bedford Hotel with a full mi., /flavor hi, net eettoo en eta line of Lidice' and Gentlemen's Hair teems for the futoro but will remain f Gthe telhoomaleir Itifraiyoteueesorte .irivoutrealitailarfierdonwcinitlIti 12 oderielt or pretierit. (Acme who is an autbority on LookoLike Attempted Incettilierism hair goods and iodividual flair atylee. Last Thuile/4y afternoon eotao per. Free denionstration. on or peraotes ettempted to burn the esidence of Mr. T. it. Wants on SAY IT WITH DAFFODILS Fast greet, oecupied by Mr. arid A sweet out In prices tor Raster. Mrs. John Pavia, Mrs. PlirVie had 1000 daftodile, home grown, wilt be been up town shopping and upon ter offerc4 at the /ow price of $1.20 per arrival home between 5 av.d J foued dozen. Weather tonditions tho pint he piece full of smoke. On gettine, few dap 1 eve inereeeed the eut mileh eesistance from the fitighbors, sho more than expected GEO. OTEW. found * chee' etid the rag burnieg ALIT, Florist. lowly. This was easily extitiguish. ed although eeentleation found en' Philirephere etty "net atiuttes tee elleen ln Ot26 of the front mom, tool 01/C.1 makea the hewing Mae iteoth it i3 /X111161'01 that the pertiee had 'hi" May aceetort fee co many etex4 aro tees to en th NO CONININII -sow W. Smith 401.1101.111CPS that he is selling brood at 8 cents a lad at hii. stare, if people will 4: an for their tinO. `ply. ter dehvertil for tt cents loaf. analaanaanglaannannalataa NOT PENITENUARY te1.0111118 Our clothee are not like penitmee timer elothese the wearer has to At the clothes. OM' elothee ere nuide eo tit the weerer, e -our tueirsuro only. Pridham, the tailor, ground tho cote nee, North St. T. tile110008 SALE itiEGISTER SATURDAY, Apeil 15th---Admin- istratore vale of residence property, household furniture end futnishinge at the P550811503 of the late Mrs. Mar. g re Stewert. Arthur et., et 1.30 . THOS. GUNDRY, Auetioneer. The best home tteatment for Rheue Pietism, Seiatica or Neuralgia b It. Cs., and for Asthma am) Bronchi. tis is RAYeeTAII. Guaratiteed. Sold hy c. DUNLOP,: MONDAY. APril 17threluspcctor's sale of reel mete and eliettel pro. (Tier premisee Jee. flutehesone • corner of lot 0, 1071.1 'olhorne, cotomencing at 2 '6 eloek harp. ,roTiN TORRANTROIteepeet; r. TIIOS. GUNDIIY, euctioncers SATURDAY, April =tide -Auction eale of horses, buggies, hareees, ete., at 'T. M. Ittivis' livery stables, South street, commencing 1.1 1.30 o'clock.. T. M. DURNIN, proprietor. THOS. ' OUNIMY, auctioneer. TUESDAY, April '18th -Clear auction 1-1110 of farm stock, w. hall lot 10, eon. 3, E. I)„ commencing at 1;30 o'clock 8111151). WM. J. EL- LioTT, Proprietor, THOS. GUN - DRY, auctioneer. r FRIDAY, ApriL 1401-AuctIon sale of Comfortable brick house on tbe premises, corner Cirionria road end " Perk street, commencing at o'elock. shorp. JOS 11AEOIILER, "Proprie. tore THOS.' GlINDItY, Aoctionter. WATCH FOR "JUNGLELAND" NEXT WEEK The date of, the, Rellogg "Juugle. 11111(1"Nom/alga advertielee has been , set forward one week, April 18th to May 3rd, inetead of April llth to 25th. • The deinand for Kellogg's WAX. TITE Corn Flakee with the "Jungle - land" book for ehildren has rilreadY been so great and so ear exceeded expectations, that the Kellogg Toed, et] Corn Flake Co. of Toronto And it impoesible to take care of the titters reeelved to date and at the same time ce produ"sufficient goods to get proper distributiou in this loetility. The first advertiaernent will ' appear in this teepee next week. TUE UST AND THE GIST OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS 'WEEK'S STAIR • r -Mid Cartwright announce w !ince on dIsplay tor the F e neasoti. • Mall Paper Prices Have Been Cut in TWo, at Porteree ,10 There is Not a Meiii Just Like You, oays F. 0, Martin. Page.....4 • J. AV. Creiele Announcer,: a Real Estate Sargent. Page, Free Demonstration. at the Ily- dro Store Next Week. Page..... ,4 A Busineaa Opportunity--Ifor • 10, Star Clete, Page.......... ... Dietinctive Gowns, Suits. Wraps . at Select Ladies' lleadeeto•Wear. Iage 4.• .. . Cloven for Easter YoureEaster Suit, Cont, 0. col. bore le nCo. Page..• • ...lie Easter Monday Danece-St, Geor- ge's Church Guild. Pege.• • • • • • • AO • Good Picturea ore Windowo for the Home. &ranee Art Store. Page al. kiarn. an. agas,nraaa. .. a-40 The Goderich Amusement Co. Annouuce that the Pavilion Will Be Open Saturetty Evening, April 22nd. Page ...... ... .. .44.1 Some Special Attractione for Easter Week at the Model. Pelee, -5 C. C. McNeil', Willoughby ruin Agency offera 100 neree in W. We- wanotth for dale, Page 1 .• Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stoat -Win, Elliott, ' Page1, Wanted Girl to Go to Toronto. Page .aref 04,1.11.1.•••.•••Jo.f.•.•4:4•••/ , Durlibm COW for Salo -John Webb, Page....,., • 1 - Hauge andae Lfor Sale -Mrs. Wm, Tighe. Page. - 1 Cienti, (I Weir, 'Amt. 'Sanitary Inepector, Page ...1 Spring* a Good Time fora Photo nd Sallews' Studio . tee 'Place. ago .. • ........... ... .• • ...rWN.10' Public Notice, re Iruildine Per. ari-4. lenoe, Tol,vn Clerk. k. Mich, Kingetier Ste an. licee he in .in the eo Bummer. OUP .4 We nine to Bieyeliets. le C. Poe- tlethw ite, Chief of Pollee, Page...1 Hair epecialist Coming -Glenn. Chariot oronto. Page ..... Not Lilt Penitentiary clothes titeti 414 ',Adhere. Page. 1 • Bread at 8 center -J. W. Smith,Page 1 Box Sochi at Catiott-par:e....10 You Ilon't 113v More -Harold BI ture Exchange. A Nev Ilat fore -Miss Maelliear. Page 10 What Bargain Hunter, Mean Fo the hierchente-Shop WI ere You Are Invited. Page....,... . 8 1.1).M -the Minute Styere at 'Intr. menet, Shoe, Store, .Pege. • • • • • 1••10 Now for Fottitaidelledde-Ca bell's Drug StOre, Page Spring Is Comin.g; Day a Ford P. J Mace:wan, F4;a ord rage. Pag A. Cornfield unr, Gtma Newer for ho Ladies Who liteve Not, Beught eir Esetee Toga yo, Page......4 Auction Palo of Horse% Buggiee, Hornell, Implements -en M. Litor- inin, Page 1 • In Buying a Motor Car Iltiv Sat.- aetioe. T. F. Holland, Stu4e. ?Aker Agent. •Page-- .. .. Free Trieleeettoadian Beat and Engine Exchange, Toronto, Page. .1 Wye' Wheel TaktiteePatsons. Fair. V.W.8.4.•00av•al 6.0•••*1.1•0.4 fie WorryMw atomes Pun*, 16 p yes -C tart et. 1'3 450,000 Bell Teleplieete Compeny tock for 5see---0. CereY rige