The Goderich Star, 1922-04-06, Page 9111011SISID4Y, lithe z.
/brigades) ar:d lkwelaseg Oat Mat
Heazsel Over Nim les.
Innis, Specialist
sea easeg out or skip irritatiatt
, neck or body is overcome
by applying Kentho-5111+
says ,a noted skin spsrianliett,
_use of its erm destroying prop-
ir talo nothing the placce cifrthis sulta 1phur
areperstion that instantly bring; ease
'Irian the itching, burning and brit*.
Mentho-Sulphur heats eczema
right up, leaving the skin clear and
smooth. It saeldo;n faits• to relieve the
torment or disfigurement. A. little
Jar of ¥entho-Sulpbnr may be ob-
tained at any •drug store. It is used
like cold create.
pply. #ihNostelheakelt tom.
Mlir Pessagtrs instantly.,
Cold and ei►tsrrit eieldlike Ms* to
#nothing, healima antiseptic cream tint
penetrates through every air . wage
end relieves, swollen, Whorled memo
branes of nose and throat: Wier clog..
nostrils open right up and you Can
the freely. Haawkingand emu#fling
,aatop. Don't stagy stuffed tett' and misers
• able.
• Get a small bottle of Fiji Crests
Balm from druggist.your.Allay a
tittle in the no.trila and get ipistent re-
Million* egdorse this reined
lit seam for snore• fifty years.
She :e I►t. 'HerLooks Oath and
os , with Sage Ter,
and Sulphur. •
Whetz you darken your hair with Sage
,, Tea and Sulphur,' Ws *We can telt, ba
• sauce it's done so naturally, so: evenly,
Peeparin_g thin mixture, :though, et: homes
ins, musty and•trouelesome. For 50 cents
you tan bun, at any drug titer)) the ready,
to -u o preparation,1i1Mo:te d by tlies adds._
tion of other -ingredients, Called r'Wyetle's
:: Sage awl :Sulphur Compound)? Yoe suet
'dampen a sponge or soft bratsla with it
through your hats,°talrSn
small taking
nno'analZ strandsat time, t tae,. -Bar tnor}aaifrg
all gray bair disappears, -aind, after alt-
other application or two, your.laeeir'.bo.
eoines' bcautifull 'darkened' , 'glossy
luxuriant: l'. g Bey and
,Gray, a faded ha,irr, though no disgrace,
lien sign of old age,. and aeevee all d+•
sire a yoUthhil anti. attractive, -appear •
aance, get busy at once.. with
r ekw
W etfi's
.lnd_Sutpt�r..Cowpouna,cd look years
isee er. ,hlaitea3 tt5rr rNtltt
s adetigltfuloru.stesRnd oat
,� cliffl. 'It Islet Wended**, the cute; or preveatlon ofcdieesee.
e it,gimp of Halts to Audi Zidnhri
fat•sxridtter bothers on—lh ink
Re treat r.•eguiarly eventually 'pray
- duces kidney trouble in roams fore* or
• order, nays a. well kitowa aethotrity,. bet•
• *Oafs thio mitt *cid, int m� Mites the,
die, tbey+"'lie_bunie otarwvgtltrelr ^ice
ehi ; clog iip, `awl three) tel eorita or`
• dam, pert�ieularly leasima imanat_tteia.
gat, .ever.iieads iaeidl -
stipation,. 'torpid liver, sleepleesnes.,
bladder and uriaeryr irritation.
Tee moment our beak hurter or Idd.
Heyes *meet paotiug right, or if bladder
lexteem rb 1y get
t ounce* of
*eke sa,tableepooaful ie.s shot etphone;
before breakfast. fore fear sad- your
kidseyw will the* act doe. fuiltou.
mit* is made frolau, the acid of games
sad, Ienno. juice, 'conpbiaed with
]err been • used for geeierutiosee to
ankle iddneys and ati>duuist* tient
to soaaactivity; pinata Os *outran* Aro
aeida Ire the urine so it aro longrer brie
Woe tbureepditrg bladder alibardei.. •.
Ad Salta cannot injure anyone;.
aeakes as daliglli#nl r efer cement litIiiaY-
water drftik which minions of men mol
Women take now .m1 then ter ked tote
mid urievery leroldlag iotas kiddt eealo adiy st a, three
Zarb Paint ht out With
�ottle tn£ :old
"St, Jacobs •CtiL"
rlheytnlatism is "pain" only. '
Not one tines in fifty requires inter.
nal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil"
right *into your sore, e'stifia acting
joints, and relief comes. instantly "St.
Jacobs OiI" is s harmless rhewt iisatiaim
liniment which nevet' disappointe and
creanot bairn the akin.Litnp
ngl (let
ao f#t+ albotie�ft olpd,ioi t'r
ateeotm Oil" sit any drug store, egad in
just rk Tanofsuent e/01111'' 'flee 'l'i'ons
rheurmatrc pain, soreness and stiffness.
Nett ;gaffer[ Relief emellt*.ytou, "St.
Jacobs Dil is just as good for sea
Oka, neuralgia, lunobag o, Itaelitaeli+r,
Pereemal-> t young woaamatt to
whom blanch ar, parte:4 %sly hetet/u-
ety u-
ingp oqr health to meet
lP LyI
Nae woman can be attueg anal hranker
uaiesR the kidneys ere reit, Tke reason
is tbet the'neys ere to brae, nitre
tines out cf ten, far ilea weal-, Taus
aid aching boas from wbiclt t'eey7 suf-
ler eawuch.
Whet you Cad 'your kidney* out of
orden alien your ba;k taches stud Paints
and gives you entil_'s matey, ail you
liaave to do cs tetea fear hosee et easel's
Kidney 1'd1' and you will find that all
teems e,endp;inswiltSemit,andmxlee
eau Ittediap read letei jr, strut able to me
joy lire to ibe uttneet.
Mrs, Jahn 1l,elnni;. Newcastle Urklge,
N.B., writaeasaTact spring 1 areas ea
betbeeed pith any 3.ilties; and Paine in
tier back. 1 could not rest ex Sleep 'at
Mahe A friend catling told the
about, she benefit Doau's Kidney Ping
bad aldrin for tier. and advised vie. to try
them. a to y took two belxeg, and t can
tnitt:fnllyr, for my trouLledisappearedstrait bete had r..o'izai
se of tsince."
Price, Scat. a box at ail'deerets der
nailed claret ou receipt of race by The
T. elianttrn Co., Limited, tanto, Ont.
Tlw MS Onion Of the° popular little
Cyclopedia of, the Dominion -5000
Yeete Abant l7atiadrla"--'gef71 be w ermly
welcomed by the innbtio,":whieb regard*
t -all an dIspent &ble:.booklct,,: "ae tuft
of meat: es r4 vgcosatut,;" as wee -wittily
exrresa+ead it. Ite compiler, Prank,;
Ycigb. te'widely known aa an Authority
everything Ca titian, and It 15 e1
marvel Ind model._ sac, condensation,
with a tact In aa..sentenco. The nhw
Issue ie °eulerged end improved, laud its
cantt•Erlpte will prove a. revelation ot the
growth of the country, not only in a
single year, but in tai, tare or ten year
perlad. Over .50 chnptor4--rangwg
asipba rietIcaliyr, from Agriculture ' to
k*nkoii'provide:ta, bird's-eye view of the
DgwfaliOn'rrofo ov ry auggla:olello bettee
advert istttent of the ,country could be
era aldl
tinges* tree 1Q III that ways to
onligt.t,en the ignorantas to the twealth,
Prosperity and aatleantage. • of this
Britten of the West. Copies- may be
ladd from Median newsdeelore or by.
sten tai 30 centaa teethe Ctauadlan Facts
P'ub, Co., 088 Huron street, Toronto.
ENTbiu .
Western 0. ntarib's beet .eommer-
Mai Scholar with Conirrierdinl.
Shorthand. end , Telegrnph7 ' deeoart-
`fnents..• We',give individual instruc-
! f
�tFon. 'hence . Sntt'ance standing' is
not tancessary, iGraduates assisted
to ;,positions. Get --our free catalo-
gut far rates. rind other pettleulers.
D. A. 1IteLACHLAN, PrincipeL )
p- ern Service
t Goderic ani : Toronto
lis. C�irici Ks. 20, 4.00 ne.aa:, lilt rt.SSr.dlay
Lv. Stratf.,j, 7.45 sea.,
Ls.Iiiteheaste " 8.2Seetr., ,. •.
Lv. 'Motple�. " 8.1041s., ' a "
Ar. Tenets. +t ;10.15 a,an.t :."` '•
L aureate. No. 97,. -CIO pate, tea•et. Saeadar .Pl
Lv, Gaattla, " 7.48 • • s' t
f�{, " "
K r
w ft.I ,
tee Sire dsrd," 9.05 jr,aq , " ,,
its.Iltilerwi14.30 p.a.,eff.tparierear.1fint.cia irestiilulecoaim
le eacielirret,,...Eatires tiara ears tarn, meek age.
F. t.AVt'ItE ,a SONS
Cowie Passenger and Motet Aponte
'Falope: tr•
mportant Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week',
'lfh. Hatay World's' Vettpawia. team
trill► Oomplitet sad rot Imo
Heade tarso sietrticldM Rime* icor
the Meader, eel Owe raper . •,, i
leoildl *oar's Wit.
The Orioles ben signed Cate or
Irish 'leaders to bald cuntetcra' iu
Attlee eoneede nczrl8 all Tureinb
Bolivia •concede ueavlp all Turkish
Sultan evtlt•tontbaue to hold ('on-
Health. of tiawiltou abowa great
leiret brush betweeu Veleritt•s anus
Free Staters.
Straits of Derdanelle i to be open
to laviaidlun. • ,
The Learn defecated. Alabama Unto
vereity, lQ to Z.
'li'ar Shaping tap in Siberia betwee
Rees rind Whiter).
Bolivia sends delcgetea to Tatum -
Arica ',conference,
Bobby fiber defeated Mickey De1-
nnont in Hamilton.
Canada, a and. Mexico ,;ere 'reachingteward A trade coanpaet.
'Outside intuit have intudgr ant>n.'
rayl' R. C_aiinistcr ot Lauda. a•
•'Drury Mlnietry 1*otly' aaeeailid- -:tat'
dodging responsibility.'• • ,
Lady member ot Cumulous heard
for the first time is debate.
The Dominion Batik tea ni Won the,
around from •Winnipeg Royals.
Chippewa expenditures lately to
•probed by a repel connmiesion.
,France and Canada are having
trouble over the -Deals. Cup drew.
•Miarahel aortae arrives ill. Canada
10 -start On missive, for peaee'airets.
Supplomentary "treaty to route
power pact adopted by IT. S. Senate.
Qat be c authoijtiea emu) liquor
•etoc e euatpected of belee smugglers'
cache. .
Opposition in Partite:Ment hods up
:'rote of sumer pending explanutton
of estimates. '
Mitchell citizen -dies. two dates, be-
fore big celebration of golden wed-
dltr to
bo• hid.
ne .
1 el).
Sir Arthur Balfour ,la to be made
an 'earl.•
Britieil f'-'A,binet agrees on policy.
at Genoa.
'The United States House aitmis at ave
small navy. •
Greek King's throne is endangered.
:'by armistice'
British engineers fall to make,
tering 'with employers. •
A New York jury eageitted Tex
Rtekaril ort a •Ciaarge- of having. liquor
;in a •tirobil'ited place.
Tor} 'leader bitteety attacks �iib -v-
fnwCiark e r=ettiement..
.St. #'atricks•are the world's prof :,s-
aianal ;hockey cliairipions.
G.W.'V'.A. and organizes,
tions plan anialgaanaatione
Wire) , destroyed the new 'home ot
Went Muaack.;:1C.C., Toronto.
A •eiti en taf .Grinnsby` ;Ives ;intrad
hanging in a barn by a caller.
Walltervilleeitizt'tns lose heavily by
breakdown callousing scheme.
Recall'malor•ity piled up for Gov
erament .against Opposition motion..,
The Rosedale :Govt Club, Toronto,
has spent 4100,000 on improvements
The provincial soccer gatescontifet
with those of the H, and D.' League,.
A'.oung girl
was. badly Injured,
hon hit by' an automobile at
oriento. - • • • a
Progressive leader at Ottawa come
aims of Inc%ease n civil i e vi government
- x ern cat
C..P. R. must earn dividend or the
(Government will have to take over
the road, says. Carvell.
'Lade Astor'was called to order by
;S,keiaker zifeffotiee-tor constantly In -
tempting rrnpting Home Secrete -ay. '
Rev. Jahn Anderson, the father pt
the 'Church of Seittend' Act, dies at
Idciubuygb, a aged 100 'reeve ,
A,Labor paper, the Industrial.Ban-
ner, tainted at. Toronto; °fes reported
in •serious ilnartcial Conditions:
Sir Robe Smith and Sir Keith
Smith, -brother$, will attempt an aer-
ial circumnavigation of the world.
Ben. Swimm le held at Woodstock
tor the murder of. Mr.. and Mair, Har
Vey' Trenholln. Ile claims the Kiri left
him to marry Trenhoint.
A snowslide has ler:dated than Queen
Bess mine, in British Columbia. Slz
men and the housekeeper are fin-
prisoned, but are not in danger.
st a reel*
alepairth-taaa up your wattage
W *freta f'
bt goo >iMt1 t til.IM
bosun areentan wee rattled by
Irish Reepublicatins
The Le,glslgture masses. Shilnrin•.
Clarke. Bill, 59 to 20.
Presbyters n oiapnnetzta of C1tul? 13
ttnlott seek new Att.
Tiat) ° Oxford.Cernbridge • taorosee
lea `int an'treNev: York.. -- .
albs taedys > Robinson, eham.plou
lady skater, .arrive* Motile»- ,
The 'reroute beseball teem beat
Alabama 1h dversity , 4 to 2.
Sudbury tuns create caused by ire
relation of 1iat'ngrg luniberlaelea.
Toronto Dominion. Bank detcided
the Montreal challengers, .'9 to 5.
Argeritiu.e exprditiot to gaaptuee
Plesiosaur nearing aaattnaas hennts.
-Trouble teased by factional eaters
(glees among Niagaraa fruit gt'otverrr.
Government mmne ;to q ai o t •
pp ,a
royal eomnliseton on trainers' troo
Pura n sant ragmen soap titat'I�relriti.r
Martin of Saskatehewan will go • to
The editor or .rant Ca nateI , Tornay
to, acquitted by H'.amilton jury on a
Otero of nr$minal libel, t ,,
Amendments to Election filet pre-'
ant C t•
melded owlnson:� will eni'ranchis
thousands, auaong tbetu the foveae. `,
born' ;dives of Qariadians.
l�'f;;1i AY. {
• neuter reatse.e. latel as .ser1aualy
" Margot' Am,quitll a tour netted
;;pear er Ltnnieux*a father died• at
ale) a Y >1
a t Sr). eau .
:a ,'Reid, bt ^r•, took . his lite
by h;tnt tag himself:
King eco. ge.eaerlilces hisyaelit fan
an a .a o iz}Ioatsu er.
r n nz c
Xing George will receive the High
•Commissioner for Canada.
"Inastel Q'Conttvll, K.C., appointed
dello of 'Tori. County Court.
A Toronto men wee found „dead .in
a xe'trigerator ear at;Trenton, N„1:.
India will -renitaJ 1 'attain the lam -
Vire, says Itigbt Don. S''. S. Srinivass
Two Portuguese :aviators started
Thursday In an attempt. to reach
le • S. Senate stales nitre -power
treaty arid• tariff agreement for
Mina, • .
Sir Jahn 0, Katon, Canada's great-
est mneelbant, died .'At•his, henna+ fn
Prot. Morin,. of Mcctif Unteeteity,
was °elf}erect of the eharge ot attempt-
ed murder. . ' ,
A' man was rescued from e. rock,
les than s h n 200 feet trona the b}•inlc ot,
• Niagara Falls..
Fourteen. men were burled in the
.rating bf tobacco factory nt Iiowitng
'Green, leentucky. '
-The crew of the sealing steamer
Viking mtaletied-on Thursday and de-
' mended. "to be taken batt to News*
tonndlttwl;d. • • •
Members in . the 0otreners ,allege
that'statvatlon wages are the causerie
ot the aPPalfing situation In 'Nova
Scotian mines.
Irish delegates 1•Omit agreement
for peace and order' in strife•toln-
areas of diatr esful Isle, Half or
the 'Ulster police are ton be Roman,
Catholic, '
taster Is putting .peace Agreement
into . praetlee. •
Irish Fee State Bill is girt# the
royal assent
• Sngoslave sett Cntetlte to bring Or:-
der- in 1 tame
Soviet invites . F'raiwb to peat
against Br•Itafn. •
The Roston Westtninsters beet the
Toronto;, « to 1, •
avustome receipts nhow huge 111-
ereaae for.11tarch. .
Prittteerst strike, was under discus-
sion in the. Senate. -
Germane Bend fowl affileted with
cholera to France. '
Last day of March wreaks fury ail
over Western, Ontariq, •
Western Labor members speak in
eirrssey Hail, Toronto,
Dublin ' Government takes over
administration services;.
'Leader of Cepe.protor, miners wvn1='
Mole delegates hold confeeence itn
• Experts working on Genoa agenda,
submit report.
New York engineer lauds St. Law-
rence sera proeebt.
• U./ S. Sepate ratifies •naval treaty
to limit building.
Trade mission to West Indies given
warm reception.
provincial rally of Tions' Clubs
held at Toronto.
The 1824 Olympiad will be held at
Pershing Stadium.
Trains were held up in Northern
Ireland by L R. A.
Bus, Livery d
Hack- tables
fillOsstveml litrosit
j'itst off the Square
'I agate+ Meet tell Trellis aid
Paiatteli*elf 1t"itttttt
Pass agerada fel tit laany
part est the td** ter *0
teems at tL1. Q. or C. P. L
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
Dar Livery t►taad flack Service
*111 be fouled arkte-dat.
la *very rweiteet.i
Veal! *ttre a eg 5elitittrf
Fhesai 101' Mao treit Ste t
The i'rxrrrr Defiled the Austria Cabinet >fine. Grunberyeer, the'
L.nglish weft; of Dr. Alfred Gronberger, .•%n titan rztitnioter of food, is de
ecr''ibed by as Vienna paper as "the real power F>eIIIISl tire pr ec nt cal;' tyft”
nasi tory roller.
0 etas°i`eireitialiof ileihr,I,
415,004 coal titlnera,. ga on rtrilct,
in rutted States and t;anada,
Govetement tamed tenth
trailure to supply information.
Alberta end British Coiutnbta tnztue
ere prepare to leave the mines.
The Dontiniun Bank team retained
potnaesaton ot the Bogert Trophy.
A. Wrench tolenut at 700 teen were
wiped out by Moorish tribesmen.
house of Commons etas 416,000
oat Labor Department estinaateee.
$toren trirplea light, street ear.
telegraph *i$ telephone aerviees.
Two a Riahprniee . were drowned in
tiro 4n r Water neer rt `Dater....'
Orangeville end Brauutptou ilre.
mate to the Q. A. L. A. Rentor aeries.
Jock ifutchlson led At the end of
the first round of the 1;'lnehurat,gold INF chiNamot�
tourney. Rom* .ttai
Coniinls.touor A, I3, Perry, Cad.«., t}lenatuer•
heta+i ot the Canadian Mounted 1'o• . kt
,ileo, retiree.
Another temperance delegation:
visited Ottawas and "Slaked nor leges
lation to make it a crime,to make
King George and Queen Mary avid
pay a state visit to the Kinn and
Queen of BelBtun>
May S. They will
visit war cemeteries. while there.
Sir Arthur Balton*, accepts an earl'
Vincent. IRioha: ds defeated Walter
Tilden 11.
}Week* heat Aethatee Aetthiva
is one. of the most dietraasairttt tante
bleat, midden in its attacks and pre,.
Longed ,in its *genie&. Frequently
many tharts are tried, but 'nothin
Ascents tar gave hope of relief. Dr. J.
D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy to the
one help which eon be depended upon. ll
you have tried Other' . rrrrnedies
without stses, do not fail to get at,
owe .a age of this uniformly
successful preperatlttl.
U es pretty girl were as clever as
she is told the is, she'd be able to
ace that, it warn* true.
4 Clothes -don't alwaYa -make tbu
amen, but padding in the' shoulders
help some.
Murders continue to keep Behest
to dlaordor..
Westuainster beet the Toronto 411
stars, 2 to. ,1. '
Nashville bent the Toronto Maapitt
Leafs, 8 to 3.
Quiet reignsin mining districts of
United pontes,
A parade ot revolting Irish soldiers
was.lteld in DeWitt,': ,
Jockey Uuntamer .wan severely ani
turee, at Baltimore.
Western Canada Ininern in heron
'feeds al obey t
Ia ay srtk it
0 ca
Three thowtnnd Sinn Fein troops
cwear oath to republic,
Former Kaiser Karl of Austria-
Hungary dies in Madeira. .
Canadian week at Chicago to mark.
,completion of .peace period.
Sir Auckland Geddes awakes unit
speech. in Canada as Ambassador.
The English lacrosse team won.'
trom tehigh••Uatverstty, 9 to 2.
"Pat" Kennedy of Toronto ,wad•
elected. eresidett .of the .O.II.A,A.
Lobby in. 'Ottawa Inn' oppQ,aing re
copetitution oۥ the Donilntan Wheat
Methodists fil Tortouto • celebrate
56th ,r'
Churctt,niflv esary of Metropolitan
An appeal for Russian sufferers
s feta b ha Tory t
at q clipfichee Ain•.
Colors of the Floynl Canadian Dra-
goons depobitcd'inGasr boeChuro
Ail inquest :lies' been ordered iota
the death Of Mrs. Gertrude Sii1livaat,
of .Toronto, •
The Cabinet end the heads of rail-.
rrtaya are ih conference on freight
Video queetien,
,' Sixteen hundred -quarts of "haute -
brew" were seized by revenue officers
at Saskatoon,
Fee teetetrit,�-1t is vac of tlabu trltiatg'
rrcotetn►t'naiatt,;ns of Pr. Tltatrisa!'fiat+
leetrie tail that it earl be used lakesser
ally with as iuueh bueces* as it assent
outwardly. Sufferers from #Ata t
Will Lind that the till when herd fee.YE
cording to directtvna will gist~
relief. 'Natty sufferers front 1
Menet heave found relief in the thl ago
have went teatinwniaie.
To ac' -squarely titcaina to ea faker»
tdaa ar
L .
ire' a
_The thing for the merchants of this emu-
, mut 1ty to do in their own interests '►s (Q_ ,ttv.erµ. •
Use •faith fu y
1 ,, and . to make their printed an.
nouncements interesting and_ belpfut to those
whose trade and favor are desired.. .
Ttuf rt
h serious competitors of that rvtaflt:rtr of this .
eolrnmunita .are the big stores, of the big' Pities—
those that send Gut cataloguess
departments: and have matt»order- -
The sorest eves to tttl?set thin competition is for
, our :focal merchants to remain anent. t Por '. thorn
not to "sjieek up". t5 to give the nfaiaorder balsas!)
a better chance, to get business from, this eommure-
ity. •
'When yo
« sendyour
a out of this community
you enrich the great shops and iunppverish .thi}i
commutate'. Strenitthen-=taut weaken --the Mer.n a of this community.
chs f '
.lt will all ho returned..
So you'ln the form of better service sod' better yeti.
Be Loyal To Your Own Community
issued by Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assoclotions
Head 'Office, Toronto, Canada.
Two plugs for 25 cts! 'labs setting thea Data: u,
Without a doubt . the greatest chewing tobacco
value 4n the market! And for real quality—King
George's got the world beaat:,! Just try k—for the
trear of your life!
Kd w