The Goderich Star, 1922-04-06, Page 6At I;x•Sersiee MO Tells Bow Hie
Wife Found New Health Fills #rem any medicine dealer or byr
"I wish to testify," soya Mr. R. A.
mai[ sat a4 cents a boa. or ssix boxes
F..Iiugher, of Hamilton Ont. "at; :for .$2.o front The Dr. Weals'
the efldency of your 1)r. Vl�xiliam�t' 1edicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
rink Pelts for the following resorts:
"When returned home in MAY, Produ
I ce yyour own tankage in the
1919, after nearly live years absence :legume ti
on army service,, my wife had chang-
ed from a healthy, robust woman, to Corns cause much suffering, but
one whose life was a burden and oral lI 's Corn Remover,+offers is
dinery duties almost impossible d sand satisfactory relief.
Through war worries, loneliness and
other factors contributed through way
unavoidable; absence, her helalt had
been steadily undergoing what I .
might describe es an: undernuning
process, fors years,.
f was full aware from her letters
that. 1 would not find her the .same
vroinan,.-but,._when: reached home,,,I
was terribly shocked to Anel het- in'
the condition she was in. Her heal-
thy color -had changed. She seemed
she ha hardly ever fiAkin htoved out of'the
house as.she became as :vhort of',
breath and feared she would fall dux-
ing one of her dizzy spells, which she
said were becoming more f uent
"The day I arrived home ,I "totted
our doctor, who is en old"` friend, end,
later through his 'advice; consulted
with another physician of this city.,
Everything was done that could be
done, and Many medicines were pre-
scribed end faithfully tak , . As
these were of no *Vail I"trusts that
time alone would suffice to build up
what had gradually been undone in
the course of .five. years. After.
twelve months, • conditions had be -
Come worse•• 'heir 7 decidded • on
change of air, gave up my poetition in
the city and moved to the Country..
Even this did not do any geed.- I
think it 'added to her depression.
'One day a friend visited us end as
a result of their conversation my
wife Made up her mind to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
°I had not much faith in what. I
did, but procured three boxes. This
happened nine months , ago. I was
(844ap There, Gisepatral---Nair young lady, vs proudly mounted on
her strange steed, is the daughter of the owner of a target alhitator farm
ear Jacksonville, Florida.
ef ti
w r
EUZWAY, APRIL *eh. ltel .
o Warty Eire- Increasin
The Pure D elici+c u eneeso i
by the falls joint is she arca that had
been eruiilard et the eneeeuter anti
a lion at Rabaul tiering hie lint
oa:ney in Afre.a. He was bxri.d',
.tot Westminster Abbey ailed the Km
pre°a great.
The mills ,at lilenty e, Scotland,
where he was born, vibrated te, the
Rock of the looms. The dream of
the boy who sat beside thein fourteen
,hours a day had come true. The
whole of Central Africa .had ;been
opened up to Chriitianity, and the
slave trade, was killed. The map, of
Africa was filled in And the attention
,of millions from all daises, directed
towards the new geography that he
had made.
OUS be surprised, lifolly, if you
knew 1 was`responsible for thi►t1
When she first arrived, 'she asked
me to tell her what `tirero the best
stockings She could buy. -'
"Of course, 1K said Mercury—I've worts
thew for years- ;*nd I told her about theca
being seamless with a. wide tee and fell (ash..,_.
ioacd calf. Sties asked bowi'•they $tted *round -
Ythe ankle --I Lust ratted Slay toot to show het
and that was enoughl .. And you know your. ''
self' how well they wear.
"So she went right downtown end boniiht;
„° So
she's got es trim an ankle as
.I ever•xaW,
w9,tw,iCC •
KQ t10.4
O itis mr> '�dYamiltO%�A���� Cc
Of haatEwY AND WIDER*ieN
One un Sande
ys you saes beer the story of the
• i cotch men who, to save teal,
*WWI $ cook up it week,Wettonly' tit ,aft•
arstd sn(L thus hied to est it polo six
tisyrttst Ona week when the sixth
at - en sold por;rl'ide come round, ..
tris without a nther:1 m s . He
at the kettle with a-. cold and
ete dtheid.y" eye. He tried to Swallow as
dieletwK ,elf the uaa Halog stuff, god
1001101 at it, At lot a hon an laws
pee 'went to the cupboard, took out
DOM Livingstone and Sloth' Afi4ca
The history of the British Empire The sale went into numerous editions
cannot produce one'to. compete with of 12,000 eogiee each, and the author
David vingatone as n publicist euredter exll fortune
tioltsfwerre lm amely
r >I■ tt - 1CeaEs
tgeRits Leta Green Too* is ' '
as the tremendous increase in the de.
mond for It shows.
'�`' it toofl�sr
'YOU win fibs it
Health cannot be Iswked for in the
child that is subject to worms, . be.
.'nese worms destroy health by creat-
ing (internal disturbenees that retard
develorament Viand cause serious weak-
wornisMand are` sox benm eficial in etlxterl
action these, the systems of the 'little
sufferers are restored to healthful-
ness, all the discomforts and dangers •
>Io oway of wort. infection #tee removed, and
speedy sure, ttatietfactory growth is atasured.
the cause for whi+, 3t he had oven is a surprised to hear my wife say, alter
g with same aid
heart. In a (hash he turned the at- financed by himself, je ..about the tenth day, "I believe these
tesntion of the early Victorian vkorld;from the Bovril Journey he rav ty pills are doing me good.' A week or
to the posldibilities of Africa. With ilia-% his n Air:.... Journey
discov red so after ; that P certainly believed
s. ^nr caDa eraitteeS..,...f•A••••'•..••• ,A.,.,11i..kl .A*4 for 25Rc
2 lbs. Cocoa for , „ ...................... ry
Corn�Q for ... ,... ...... .....s ...11Oc
'Good canned ' far..•.♦ •r•. •W . ,...s, . ......16c
Package Paten...*
............,.. •..... F.., 10(e
A nice assortnwent of Caketa, Ib...,, ... .•,..f
A nice line of Plain t.+ie�+ es, .. N•.Wrl4..••e/... A1', 4...!
Special in Custard Powder. S tins fur,... ., 25c '
Sitiders Marie bottle fors r..,..... . .•Wrr
1Oc'Aepmonia, 3pkge. for"; ......... ........ .25i
21 bars, good Washing Sbap.:foe...-....•...,......., OO
46 lend we 'send them 'to ?deur' +
,.,rr_At ,:,,
bottle. pottreel out :a, small :glass of
whiskey, Net it, beside: the porridge and
ineteucted himself thus: •
"(Too, Bandy, an' y,,ee eeaat the parriteh,
ye bee sa deistic ii" *huakey'."
mous to swith wat te he lostoof the on thed ed a d
s Then he' went to the
p bo rd4116 d, eked the bottle, p ounrd
the whiskey beck iota it , and rreplaoed
the eons. And be further inettuoted
heraselt with a. triun'tpbabt gain
a "That's the time I fooled see, Sandy. "
a stroke he converted Africa from a i��. 7n
land of deep, dark mystery to a,po. ke hignmi R which a nam-
tential field or imppeerial expansion..on the
ZamberlWhatever' he'accompliehed as, a cour • • ed in honor of his sovereign, turneoria.
ler of the ga:fpee or in
skin,sno 'ng1 December
During f the6 n ixteeen yearsyrs
feting, with hi
clamping the arteries of the slave he had sent home numerous reports nth. At
i xde-must- take second --glace to -his.. and-asketrhes• :-Thvoefehout tous fears
ser all creator of their pubticatitin fri.tibe'famnttsjohi seemed "tYuite "a""'di%!•eieiat'vvowailn;
they were, for 1: saw color returns$
to- her 'cheeks -and the sallow; . unheal-.
thy color disappearing. 'The ls'1
were certainly A doing *hat. you c aim
'`they� wall do,.and of her own free "will
she continued them for about threes
o the one of this time slhe
work as ran explo teals of the day were building up Life was worth living. 'rhe listless
em ire: 4 nese_ bed gone rind alio could walk up
The Mu�eum of the Royal Geogra- record; sb much ao :that when a the .teen hill, which half a thmille
pitied Society, :._lirog+irvas is rs stepped °•#rain tlae ship • at I�x�e 1
companions to the f
In fi t
reps and charts att p
elentenfary astronomical. instruments
that gave him tie bearings and lace-
tions. The dining of the man is bold-
ly set forth, and distinctly shows his ed ea - he converted the blank
Chambers a commerce listen g
waster of Central Africa, on the maps
of 1860 into lakes, streams, water- fly" to his schemes
a da came oP hear hint
falls and nbundaiat forests.
1841 and his death in lecture. ;it wl
18'1 of adding his e . y
t The thought a
jour 1s in he made three Mete
one the
journeys . t Afriac - and of t issionary' not o eriioonelyuoc ur to DavidvipLiving-
Bet first was backed b missionary
re from the London.t African Following
thhe of d ng the he
eppubiice conceive
n he
publ " head created towards the suppression
he *es • not encouraged by. the Ws
he oand himself famous. ...:_ en -long, -•leading -to ,'wa o
Victoria. commanded him to appear the slightest inconvenience! At -this
before her. The Most exclusiVQ stage she discontinued the 'pills and'
drawing rooms in Loudon opened to .she is just as Well n:ow es ever she
hint and received him with rapture. was.
C vrda cheered him fom the'streets,"Now sir, I want lto say I have.. ev-i
ery faith in Dr. Williams' Pink
es I have had proof, and • I believe
that what this medicine did for my
wife, it can do for others"
You. can 'get Dr.. Williams' Pink;
lobed his "Missionary Travels. of te A,fricenslave trade. In this
Newt -100k
or timid Knit
lii ' 51 iiiii\
ii,„ ....,0
Here's.* book that is full of the
very newest and most stunning
styles in band -knit garments .
all especially designed -by our
own detigners in accordance with
the latest tendencies of Fashiofl,
and introducing many novel ef-
fects fects by e use of novelty yarns.
ike i every style you get complete, detailed . instr1ueetions for knitting—the exact
*umber and kind of stltehes; the precise kind auul color of yarn to use—all stated
iu clear, coneiSe language, so that-ou are bound to: be successful if you follow the
rl> *ructions, If you want Dante Fashion's `last word" in .knit styles you need
0'4 Monarch Bot lr, No. .
AIW she yarns a�llierided
s in
2e the
iq ,t.11ity, Canadial -.lade,
sionary Society or the Foreign Office,.
who feared a rupture With Portugal
Thus it was that the, second African
i journey' was largely a . private ven-
With. Sir John Kirk, and his bro.
Mre1ilA mulaadn
ech868 paddle
was procured for navigation on
the ;Zambesi; but after four years of
work, disaster fell over the expedi.
tion. The British Government 're-
called ;the explorers, the, mttissions
that they had established broke down,
and . heaviest .of all, Mrs. Livingstone.
died. But in this heard four years?
David Livingstone had explored the
Shire River, discovered tato Shirwa
end Nyaasa, and had laid the founda-
tions for the. Nyassslerid• Proctorate..
He had obtained new and terrible ma -
aid in hie ht against the,
Islave trade.
His popularity with the general
public did not waste, despite the re-
verses that had fallen over him and
within a year of his return. to 'Eng-
land he had clotted -hi� sid against
charges that had been
him. So much so that the Foreign
OMee contributed $2,600- to meet the
Mose ase of his return for a third ex
penton. The Geographical Society
garret a like ttnfount, and in 1845 Ire
set forth on his third 'ilia last joule
neyto the great unknown. The ole-
jective of this was to discover, the
mune she wa the Nile
a over huFor
e tracts
of territory in !central Africa, from
Lake Nyassa to Lake Tanganyiike.
No word came~ from him during this
epee of time, end apprehension seix-
ed his admirers itt home andabroad.
The Royal +Geogrrsphical Society co-
oened up a subscription list to sad they
undaunted pioneer, and'Mr. Gordon
Bennett, of the New York.Herald,
o eiled the columns of his paper to
aid fin the work. IL M. Stanley was
entrusted with the *work. The Bel -
glen Government has reycentl en'eet
tel a stone nillerr, at ltjiji in the Con-
go, to stark the slot where Ltying.
*tote and Stanley yMet, in tietober of
1871. They joined forces and explori
ed the northern end of Lake Tailgate,
Ake, bot David Livingstone refused
to return and Stanley Uvulae out
inc correspondent* and gavel it to the
prams of Eriglend. This included then
story of . an encounter with Ti
Tilib, the fire s Arab slave deta
It WAS this cortespendesee which ate.
ntuiatsd the sleigh& but poral
arm of the British Foreign Mee to
ciuteh the slave trade by the throat
and etreseele it.
David tone cameeoathwird
and died of erlteeanation and twee on
May lat, I87$. Hie two Attlee%
tsetrienti realtialti iftiaa 'haat and Wet -
led it beneath it tree at Chitaitibo.
'Befit ties wase mired and lose elate
been rest down and as pnrtiaet +d+eliowi
ed with they Royal tleogreedden Se.+
Baty in tendon. Liviegstemes
-rate than tarried to lienxibar a
shipped. to England, It was cut in.
ed ivy the, resp reeve of the aiee`"•`e.trW' -
c al Steti!•ta. anei attiv eseh
worn and tentettitcd. at weer Klett
Iwo !..s esus, well. sorra .Monarch floe,. (barn,
Wes sad Butterfly Yarns, this book iltusttatte
saws, ",taut•tul new ;ravel we hate recertly
lefened. including Mensrc?h Steslite, Kurty�, giber-
hoe, in*. Molt e 4 A .1c
5, lbws ,ern pile* swe.
aim y,,. teat 10,111,:'e ate era the eves reHeirat.
loll'/ es wavelike et+tab $4{ res,ata;
Awl a'r at tat este . tebtlits it with 1t3 eerie ie steserry
ePsetssl Nero, ere seal it re es, so* we war a,alt sae
sees ire ewe style best ler semi rMe1,
11' 1
111111111111111111111 1111 t 1IIIIIIIIIIII
Aig('11 k' 4TTT1Yf: CO. 1.1141TXD
von %Ps *vis fil. YIO1414 ONT.,
A!a.'tla'.]"st '4+r•'7 of
Telt Knitting Co;, Limited.
Dunnville, Oht.
1 I enclele 25 tents-(, for *hid: please send nee 1
1' lls d *tilting" (Monarch ROI, Dank Ne. 2). 11
tr -was
L011016 9&Y.d, M„+ - *NAM WWI OW AMA Www AIWA .w, .AW r.k. ..WW WK VM r.A.�
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The .t , perfect
Product' of .thy.
irotldy>aBestlF eat
tat '40
i l#E'poitnaan and eitprresti+aan will
bring Parker.. service right to
Your home. 'We pay carriage.
one way. Whatevere. you send •-••
whether it be household draperies or
-the most delicate fabrics �•—'will, be
speedily returned to their original
freshness. When you think of oleo -
tug or dyeing- think of
'�r r
Every time ,. you buy "SURPRISE"
-you get.a big, bright, - solid bar of
the highest grade household sap.