The Goderich Star, 1922-04-06, Page 5STA ?v.'. rills TWURADAY. APRIL $I1*$. Meme Exhalation Is Tao most of the Age Britton at UAW Or for the Empire Netters. lei fact. that la then emote, +�*•-Me woutil tw *Wise by the retrials Lag-, +� n ` t�+� ��+ • irlatui"wa, ixitiintac rosy, reference 1 M � 44 S I II I +�„tl`l� varatever tit the llotainlwi Perlia. meat, The Welsh lemur rule bill Ire. fared to provide* few the ostslblisie went of ail dauber of thirty. ata sraerlxbeani�iosi! are to be elect,. til the � rephitel counties and they UaiveraityF of. Weave. The lower Bassets is t4 eunaist et seventy;tiefo members, , elec;teit by the present veil- 8titirena'leI. Neaarlyr everyone wilts rioin it today. to a, ora..ter or toss ex- tent, in COniequonce of the care, armlets' 0.nd grief reinl'ing from the war. ani the epidemics of influenza, as well as from the strain a)f living flan these troubled after -War times. Nervous Pease arttiol result of the destruotion of tiro nerve calla faster than they :fro rebuilt by food an'l rest. The only successful (remedy for this condition is more rest, sleeted diet mid temporary extra feeding of the enfeebled, 'nerve tissues with the elements required for nerve repair. t is the As uya-Neuritlt contains the eleriientsnecessary for • rebuilding impoverished nerve cells, Campbell's Drug Store Phuno 90 Tile %+tu#re 1 iNtitiOnnonk.C. Sir Jake Vales Will Low Be Re- of the Yeneaelists, sire nilly ins to the seeeelemed foe Ilia Princelyside of the Ming. This, it is explain- Piellanthropiee led, is an evidence of thee desire of the Sir John Croat Eaton of Toronto. Greeks to retain ii nionsrchral form head of the T. Eatonfuoinpanwr the : of governmrnt.e • * islargest retailing establishment In the Rea tl,llolirhe+l i' Its 40 British Empire, is dead after an ill. The ialiericetl' Rack of Allied Prealriemislaiel nes* of sevenweeks. He was only . Weals for Settlement of Near o Chamber ddyears of asci. For fifteen years RutPr8ees White Welsh home veleta went an he had been at the head of an inti While in this country it will be dif- upper chamber it is interelltrfig to moose establishment, employing in ficult to reconcile the previously ex: .learn that the people of Queensland,At alt 20,000 people. Prior to his ill- }tressed a ,in"ions of the allies in re= one of the states of the t orbs with their neve pro- Conamonwcalth, have abolished neer it had seemed that he was des- Sar- a Y theist. Ellik of utility and reactionsd tined, barring accident, to reasonably : sols fora settlement of the Naar, long life. Ktlown to thousands out- Fastroblems,• it is interesting to ary tendcnciee are given as the *ve- sicle of his business by reason of his note that in Britain they seem to be son. Time was when such :a pro" princely philanthropies, his love of 1 well see but stOne te men theret re he ceedin would have very greatly 441 - tent encouragement of ell healthy awl opiniontate- many folks in the Britrpli Ent - manly sports, and as -variety of acts- most part believe that this plans will pine. .Some alarm 'boa indeed been vities he will be tong remembered have a good effect in Della. The' expressed in London over the step,for his . advocacy and practical illus. majority of the people there. the Mos- chiefly on the ground that it may tration of the rl bt of the worker to .lents, are represented as haunt de. militate against Queensleed hi the hours of recreation somewhat longer mended concessions to Turkey as; the world's anittleiat markets. Former - than was formerly the case. He rice of their loyalty to the, 1hitish h been knew personally many thousands of 'raj, lite King. is this those in his own establishments and feeling perhaps, io the desire to be on his free democratic manner and friendly terms with Prance. That warn -heartedness endeared thein to country+ has all along been opposed. MM. Itis wife, four sons and One to a settlement that would fulhllthe desires of Greece;. Italy. wh t f other and sl t well h m daughter dug er, as we as $ to lbratlier survive, The . immense. ususalluyt a the dein guided by esde stores in Tomato sed Winnipe8; the factories, distributing warehouses sire to se[s Greece lessen her arnbi- f tl Th fee r the British ' 'order, business.-i'rtrm• Mone- tions, rid realizations, •Italian inter- system of government is front any. and nasieste- the A riatre' °and in Albania f interference by- .appoint d persons, turf to Saskatoon -in -h neat a'thr ugh- e, a he 1a d other Eaton establishments through-- gsmoothly - ; P �r� �herishecl to the extent (if'-.witk�tna __ the _ 'tvitl< it work I` out the world, were: all, closed from the t aruitry . suaipicious of anything' .history la a gtt*de.o the day of his death until the day af- that might even fn. the remotest : ter his funeral. e. gree aged thein. Such newspu est; British Government Retains Another , a. as the London Times Daily Nail,.. Seat But Personal Equation Was The Destracltltit n of Ste, Mute De Daily Telegraph, Daily 'News. and Large Factor Beaupre Lamented by All Westminster Gazette are quoted in The British governmettt bas rhe- e. bltaiiica of the famous shrine cable despatches as approving of the tabled another seat,• this time as. the Th Proposals. So also is• Premier Lloyd result of the byeelection in the Chert of Ste. Anne De 13eaepre, on the George., The. London Chronicle .pro- sey division of Su�,�r_ey. General. Sir shores of the St. Lawrence Riverea bable hits the nail on the.head in its P. Richardson, the ;Unionist, was re - few miles below thecity of Q M , opposition to the suggested settle turned- by a vote of 11,811 a ains has been destroyed by fire. Regard- ments when it says that there is o General Sir Herbert Gough, Liberal, less • of religiouui; beliefs thepeople of . atrstifleation for the concessions � who polled 9,490. Tho latter is the Canada and the world will sY uPC - Turkey, made only£ because France . General Gough who commanded the thi,,ze With the Roman Catholic church h insisted upon thein. France, it will British Fifth. Army -which was over - in . the great loss. The miraculous be remembered, made a. secret ,agree-' whelined in, the drive of the Germans statue. of Ste. Anne, known as the ,ment with the Turkish nationalists - in the spring, of 1918.. • Naturally shrine, was Saved' as were also a num- the rebel Turks who have been hold- that disaster played a: part in the Per o,. other precious.relics, though ing Angora. It is likely: that Oda.'campign. Gough of couse used the some .rraee'fess ,objects were devour-. ,,ill also be respected til the new ars opportunity to defend bimeelf and his ed by the -lames. It was of the foot xangement. dispositions at the time of- the great of the" statue that. pilgrims knelt and * • # Ct attack. Iia himself and those who venerated' the relic and when cured French People Favor Di,ploma-ey supported hint, includingthe Liberal of their illnesses left their :crutches' the' Unite States Senate ra- newspapers, asserted tat although there. The'' building it is expected Whend The moose less: tieed the four -pow er. agreement re. he gave .ample warning of the• -#ens- will be Towed, in t e. Pacific, it- paved the wa ' ive he was left with only eleven di- garding h IP pa y* is placed 'tzt a 'iiAt . s.. 0. • . ; r speedy adoptionpof other agr"eee visions to meet the forty -live used.by ' Sov.' meetreached t the armament con the'Germans. The most significant: Allied Atte 'Ors Restore'!- rklah ference in Washington. The French point in the contest' is held to be the ereigaity' 'Over Armcnta But Ar, Parliament is beginning to discuss:shrinkage in the Coalition majority, menisea; are Assuared Protection -of these �.rnatters also. Like the D.S. At the last election' Donald' MacMas -League of Nations. iipuse, it is inclined to insist upon, ter, a Canadian Coalition Unionist, is,'; int nssible to follow alt.the modifications ,or reservations to .some Atari a majority of nearly eleven thou - rt of thin, But nothing done at Wash-' sunt over the Labor candidate. This e faraltered the sin- t time it was 'a straight battle between ti$'ton so .alas p, , ciples.of• the pacts. It is not unlike 'a. Liberal and a Coalitionist. Per ly that France;. pow that her own haps under the circumstances; ' too Ideas m to prevail : in respect . to . much stress hall been laid upon the Near ,t settlements, will be more political. side. It.is .possible that in complaisant on. these ocher matters. a contest such'as this between two The Freie people as a whole are in-generals,the_ personal equation would l . of be an mmense factor. There has dined, rather to.favor.tho ideals diplomacy which the:world thought been a good deal of sympathy for asa result of the General Gough in Britain said thatVictoria.•street : Methodist ` church= it was to get ri of i ' dowith the 1Mee- r war. They are- shrevfd. s diplorraatic [may lrai've had_a lottci wiScxmon subjeots,,y�uornirig, "A re - bargainers. : duction of the Government majority, srige for Spring, evening", (in the : 'r This..* eduction, however, follows re- 'series an the Ten Commandments) Azlhur Balfour to Re Raised to Earl- duetions- in other by-elections . that'' Than. shalt not covet,' n nt dont and Retires from Politics roust be giving the governs e a 1 Tho gum of 17G.$a hnA been paid to twirlretirement fromthe field, good deal of conceeep!_ emit 'Hail.Pondagat St; ueor"a'ofi' church, 1y* the argument wouldavei ars s= that it was a sign of the breaking up eyed. Mies Mattel Belcher is a sweet of the Empire. The galaxy of na- voiced ginger who is always a delight tions constituting that Empire are to hear and her solo. "The'o ('carnival not going to be , torn asunder and was given 11....good voice, Master i Weston, bas good d nen a* n any Had that x decision astla s cli der i li rea he d ibyn a for a muaiaiitf, and he rendered n dna reached of Queensland. the e nd. It is eat he tlicult piece with reninrkablestenhility step to follow efroa ration that the for one of his years. lairs. F. Saun- terthe aethe floatation of leans tiers was its fine. vola° and her select- or le state. e etion, "`alaeushla, " was touch enjoyed. vocUl quartet byMiss Aitken, alias 11. Meier, and Meseta. , Moyer and I;elcher- eta -hu uorote' selection). wes a rood number. After ati, interlude by the orches- tra, a very pteasi og number, ""The Singing Master," woe given by Misr Aitken and Mr. Moyer. Mr. Weston, the organist of the churela, tinier whose clever direction the entertain. seem "was givens .played a fantasia from I1 'rrovetoro in very artistic style. Mrs. MaelKay is a soloist of exceptional abilities and her selec- tion, the Mad Scene from. Luela, with 'auto obligate by Mr. IT, Blackstone, was one of tire really fine numbers on the program. Readings by lairs, (lar.) Campbell, of Dungannon,. made very pleasing variations in the pro. gram and • thy lady . showed herself possessed of no mean ability. • Encores 'here very ' frequent throe shout the program and showed how •thoroughly the offerings were enjoyed. The final number was a concert se- lection from Il Trovatore" which matte a rand .climax to a fine sp e- gram. Mr. Charles Iluekley a the accompanist and played with taste and good effect. • AMONG THE CHURCHES h v '.Che sum ot i!l;9,60 was contributed St. George's church for the Russian Fa- mine Benet Snve the Children Lund.. The revised noels of Common. Pretest becomes the only legally authorized rayor book of the Church of Englaua in Canada on Easter. Day.. - . St. -George's Church Women's Guild has paid tate final $200 ot the 111000 pro-misnd.byr:.the Guild towards the heiting•system of the church. IL T$OVATORE. ttete°oltt is : Notrth St. Methodist tint reit Wee met er alis Ictally Jtt'u `" ."r lr, ii►•, *title a, ir.io'l. Mon , des, i;,p. n.., It, a. k',, P. Rev. Ca N. tiewry will conduct a eeretee aat 'ia for i► t'.iniere et_ it> lir• neurally.the eclas;eii in kna� shorth ultra, htaeleal )acarida rr the Ware % Sebbath will be k-41'du:tract I, the enema given in Borth serest minister, Subje;tia ".t sFrmcniv. 11. at churck flu Tuenlay seen- • ii, m:► sixth and last In rii•iei an P,xuli the chair of the ebur' h aura the elan tool his wortca "Patil'a Last trot by members of the other; Words." T nt", „rxth in series oral, ehoir-i of the town WWI vet i Things surety believed, "The ilotyr I' one of Ike beet Inositol treats„Cethcdie Church;' Ssbbsth eehoel • in God,rieh for :eine time, and and bible chases at 3 ti"cteck. �ge aluliertee which a mN . North St, Methodist church, R. rhurek lltled it a$ tit is se1JUb1 1t, 1►. Mi yes. parlor. :monis)'. Apr.1 'r pe rani wsrR pabhsihed i;tk. 7u' a. ret., 1'IaaseP-, Miasi'ir The Star tas�t week tend the latent Intigitnetndholtimit.uerdh,by Menai Club. Club topic-. "Shouldruindiaplsyed waitii sliuraneteel of tancert►Lardthe IiiiCheatex M . Roy Manta* tiogrt rrat 'not diaaip.'intud. hotaK. Sunday school, fl p, in. Pub The Bli►eicataneyilockley t &hesfra lac rhorsh p► 11 a, m. sand 7 p. its The d betu). the mala laortio t of ator'a morning theme will be, "1)e- rtyxram, The °Pelting .chorus iverance from they Evil One,” Ev- ening, "The' Church with an Opi>nrs cred. Mian M. Aitken'g . Solo. *unity " The Epworth Lassoo will Fiddle anti 1.' with vzuhf oh1'P anitt nn Tiicsday evening. `Che to ie hayed by Mrs.. tlaklev _ wee * et`anarda's $hare in the *World Tank" sweet iru>iubcr. 11Tr. "V hton s avid tae tak.•ri by Miss Robertson; ant number, "A Military 1 *tluL Miss z nyder wilt eonctaet the; mee a descriptive piece, w'hleh very • mg. Hew The ifetiwih ing by Glen church be iii the lilted. tine as good p.Th ploy e the P num rend "`fly gat.) very organ was elosel Mug yt, portrayed the approach; Hasp .� by and iuitarthing away of ax mrli- trol, and was very well rend - PEOPLE WE KNOW • ` Mrs: (Capt.) Frank Johnson left' on` Saturday for Boston, Mem. • ' Mr.' and Mrs.: Henry' 'Homey,wn `, Blh, are visiting relatives in this week. - - Mrs. Robert Carrick, Kingston St., was called• to Blyth last week owing to.. the death of her youngest brother, Mr. Anthony ILiggit. Major 'Byers, of Stratford, will speak in the Salvation Army hall on Sunday, April 9th, at 1.1 a. m. and 7 p:! un. You; -are invited to **rel. • Mrs, jet; :Str engb, East St.,,Pisan been confined to her bed Mittal an :at- rtack of influenza since returning home from"Leamington last week. ' Mrs. Frank Hastings, of Dettoitt,,w Mrs. : Eugene . McDonald arae •sand Mr . , daughter, ' Gertrude, of Wingham, spp� slat the week -end with their sister, Mics. Jas. McDonald, St. Patrick St. ' Chaperon: `"Young . roan, the lights in this house go out at ten o"cleck- Lounge Sound:. That suits me, don't • delay on .try accditnt.". _ tr WEEK of. APRIL Into 15 1�11a8t�r' andTuesday ** KE - GA. - fN tr Lad" Ala Old Country LLOYD IAMILT'ON, in one Vagrant Wednesday mid Thursday of the Dardanelles, It Is expected. that- "Turkey will put forward some Counter claims, but that she will pro- bably be glad. to accept the proposals come theyears to m ethat in in the flop the jealousies of 'the powers will re- sult in her making further gains "of. territories over which she formerly held ifwa . For Greece the decision of the allied representatives is a bit- ter 'blow. It may result in'serious trouble for King Constantine who had hoped 'for much in the campaign of. his armies against the Turks. That campaign has, lately been brought to s' standstill chiefly through lack of money which• none of the nilies would supply in quantity sutiiiicient• for war ramifications of.European diplomacy which have led to the decision of the allied foreign'minister:a conferring in Paris, to ,give' back a . great deal_ of her former *, territory .tea Turkey. Most inexplieablei is the decision which, restores ..Turkish sovereignty over Armenia. The memorandum. on that point' assures. the , Armenians of the protection of :the. League ,of Na- tions, and talks of finding themea na- tional home.. Unless -there is be more material support, of the League in the way of armed: forces,• than. there has ,been in , the past, these prornisses 'are not likely to save the mutnan o e Armenian Hollinger McIntyre Dome For these who avian tet buy or aril the hish-eradc Mina ma . sioelae. �t+n have race*- lent taeUitrtrs fur _banditti _.weer_iimrineos. _ Aa membere of the T'©roniu Steel's Rxeteinge, we `urs to tioettiou to e•xreete Your orders in the beat niartiet. ►Writs ue• jus, more particulars f regard is divi leeda, ctc. Lrr M. -Green & Cay . ✓ire Nrmsere Tomato Stork Exohoolite ' Vetere Bank Ware Remote Men's Spring Overcoats at Low Pr, jnst received,Ltta anent of Men's Siniug Coat*. Made of : soft finished all wool dark grey oxford cheviot. This overcoat' isan light weight. coed for spring and boll. Sizes 34 to i 42 While they last $14.45 Ni. ROBINS r _ r ., EASTER 11 t f til Arm i n race, from .extermination - Of._cr,urse•• Palestine tivehe retof is not to: go back to Turkise,aele, nor: hetive tionscs-of Wo man ;t severur is ,Mesopotamia or Arabia. • But a generations have lawn .as .�i.stut rr deal 'of Thrace jot so' Also is Balfour, is foreshadowed in the state= e •to an groutibe tars d , nt that he is to Smyrna, while; Constazatanolrle is to a rldom Te question of a title, it The •bard n- cft ,. he a remain a Turkish y is stated is the only point remaining silos •are to be perpetually free to UP- a vigation, gas is also. the Bosphorous. tof be .settled: ° The recent elevation un- Fortifcation or obstruction of these of Mr. Balfour to knighthood was de- waterwaysunis to be'prevented by al... expected. Not that he has not lied control bodies. Greece. is to get served the honor in view of his many 'Gallipoli, a mere. flea bite compared aervicds to the hough ,haft eauae it -With her former•• asprrations. That was generally thought that he would will 'help, however, m enforcing the prefer to end•his yrs entitled in the regulations s to the non eortificatfoe hearts of his countrymen rather than a by Royal lettere patent. •A William Destrioad Taylor Produce ."The Witching Hour" -capital cameo., "$YI's Predicament" sand Saturday Y � • PRANK MAYO ' •, IN "Go.. J trait ht" -- . g Century Comedy "A Week Off" ' needs. As a• commentary upon the Matinee -Mon. and Wed. at d x5 p 811: �; feeling that has been produced by Saturday at 3.00 p. ni. of the proposed settle- Coming May 1 and 2 (announcement mem it is stated. that all the political -MABEL NORMAND in ""moldy 0" factions in Greece, with the exception .a *. Welsh and Scotch Home Rule Next likely . to entertain any suggestion e very day"that the Irish that they pay anything in the away Free the te- bill passed its third and °f damages • The cost of Russia to Free p them in the way of aniiitary supplies ou of Lords, the H se 'final readingin a measure Conferring self govern menu on Wales was introduced in the Commons. A similar ' bill applying to Scotland is almost ready.' , It is not yet known what, progress these meas ures will make during the present session, but _they may be advanced considerably in a very short time. The underlying Motive of these meas.' urea is the control of purely • Welsh Or Scottish affairs within the limits of those countries. Those familiar with the British. Souse of,'Commons and its work, know that under exist- ing conditions it is often engaged for r• a the proceeds of an reit con• nt at :Ge a oasis Will Be iiepreiso ed 'GeneDfi dl ton s and Conference , test .eonductetl lav Miss d e Misa Naftel's Sunday'sohool clasaos' It now appears certain Genoattt Russia 1' if a - Tiiocesan synod will aa= will. be represented at the ' Eco- � The Arig o n riomic Conference by a strong dele semble in London' on Mond&y, April gation. The recognition of the • So -124th. flea, Dr:• Westgate. will preach viet government, reparation'by the; the Synod• serer= that evening,in St. allied powers fora damages arising , Paul s 'Cathedral,- and the .Bishop will from blockades and. assistance given deliver his charge the following morn - to anti-Soviet forces, and a big loan, l ing. n the: demands the Rus. Baptist 'church April 0th,. services are among sions are reported to have agreed to I as usual 'Will be' taken by.the paster, press. France is thought to be still Rev. C. 'N. Dewey. • 11 a. me subject, opposed to any recognition of'the "The Orderly Effec of *the Gospel;" Red government. .The Allies are not 7 p. m., subject, "