The Goderich Star, 1922-04-06, Page 2wairensiwo
or Twenty Years Ago
Forty Yam Ago Dr. Wli r IIS Jost Weis His E. N. --Mr. JokeDim) Rio* .f K..away Mt—Cliarlie Bawer&
was looviag for TM'..I. -Dr. . MooA Sholoat at Kass
CA*. Curia .ff 34414ralit is Systematic Thy'' Nle
tt�r Alen PirislNA i. Moto Nista* —Mr, Gorge Mhos
Was lick From Dakota awl MIlrritok.
Y+ aril Ago Mr. O. Calash* I otireJ Prom I'Irtkerlr R a
Mr. as/ Mrs *Uri Mho Hai Msv.J to Towns friss Ashfieli.-
a North. Streit .$utbwl#sts .. Ereefiag Now Church---�Mr.
Patflak GSA# sirs MMr.• ";files. Hawkua, Port All'erlt,
Diol—Mr. L. C. Flestialt Was Appei*t.J to G. C. I. Staff.
(From The Star of. April 4th, 1002).
On Wednesday, A. V._Warren, who
work" et I)owning's, aecidentally fell
downy the :t eller stairs, breaking his.
right leg. The fracture btu set And.
the old gentleman is doing remark-
atblyr aleft, *.
Tuesday slid Wedneiday Mat or*
a see and Bowhill were selecting hoe,
for the war department, front
Mcl,ean's loge stud at the
Agricultural Park. Ail is usuai,
massy excellent animas were not a►e-
•arepted, a quarter of an inch one way
or the other barring the best pieee of
torso flesh on the ground, Quite a
,number were selected and they will
be sent forward at once for Shipment
'to Africa. e . w w •
On Wedne"dey et noon, Miss Mary
Adelaide Kush and William E. Rall,'
of Gault, were joined in =weds
bond* by Itev. J. W. Rabininttl, Pester
Of Victariaa •-sere *t Methodist church.
At the annual Meeting of the Gun
Club 'Akers were elected as follower:
Pret., Thos. MacDermottt vice peesi-
dent, R. B. Walker; sec. -tress., A.
Rouge's; field. officer, E. R. Wetteion;
executive committee. Wm. Butson
and the elective. officers.
* s *es* .
The schooner Katadhdin Ca in
litlooks aall though ante w i be
ready the lake in two or three
On the evening of March 19th, a
very modest Wedding was celebrated
at theferrety residence, when Rev.
Mr. Wilson pronounced the sacred
words that, made Mr. Richard Cous-
ins, of Ashfield, and 'Mise Mary d.,
daughter of Mr. Samuel Johnston, of
Colborne, one..
(Froin our Ales of _April 14th, 1882)
Mr. J. B. Whitely, son of ;Deputy
Reeve Whitely, of Goderich town-
alrip, vaned his final examination at
Victoria College, and obtained the
degree. of M. A. * a ..a
Miss Nettie Seeglnille�r has re-
turned,iIrom London, where she hes
been finishing her studies hi music
and drawing, Some specimens of
the latter recently on.view yin Seen -
dere window, show :a wonderful tat.
4 * $
Mr. Gralmen . Moorhouse bas pur-
ehated Mrs. Maelt's stand and intends
running a first-class fruit' store and
restaurant. He is already making
impo tant ehanges hi the front o.
the soap.
htr. Me C. Cameron, M. P., spent
Easter at his home in Goderich.
The Maitland B'otol, Goderich, was
!Told last week to Mr. Brahman, of
6 0.
e for00
* >r
sa Considerable time and money ` : The furniture for the north wing of
itaa*when she aBell.
been lent on the schooner► and the •Albion arrived. on Good Pride,/
eaves. tr for Thessalon she from the magnet
Will be a welt etluippedship.
W. ii. Thom son, of the Collegiate
staff', tendered his resignation the
and r
• ; •Fleming, . -principal ofthe 3rublie
factory of", Scott
Mr. Andrew Mel. urn, of Goderich,
carri off' the sehoiarship in spite -
*tic Theologyid the recent exam
a ori innoCollege,
sprees or Brlttlls as she appeared on her melted at New 'York recently, after her first West Indian
cruIae.... Three. does _before she arrived with this coating' of we she moved through balmy breezes and under
sunnyskies, while the paassengers sat about in summer clothing or bathed in the open aur swinamixg pool .on
her eck. N.
then spinal column waas: broken and
the lower portion- of the body was
completely *ralyzed, Mr. Pasnmre
being a robust Man, lingered 'until
Saturday morning, when death dos-
ed sufferings. * •#,
Last week Mr., I . liicCaun, of Dor.
cheater Station,, 5liddleeex, removed,
to thfas place, bringing with him "eev
era' carloads of machinery for his
Proposed ' woollen mill on the site of
the old . Piper * mills.
Last year the London, Huron and
Bruce carried 62,186 passengers and
handled 06,601 tons of freight of
which 16,825 tons were fire wood.
Sheppardton The first sowing of
spring wheat .in this section was
done by Mr. Jas.. Kirkpatrick, on
Saturdaylast, Mr. Michael Healy
leads ths section in the early plant -
log of potatoees,.* * s
On Wednesday+ event g the em-
pioyi'ee of the Signal office called at
the home of Charlie Edward, who
for three years had •'leen learning
the "art preservative,' and present-
ed him with a handsome photograph
n re
Cole :who o
Mie , Geo:
1e. M.G
than 80 years has been 'eonnected
with The Signal, spoke in high terms
of Charlie's geed gtuelities, and Mr.
Vanaatter, foreman' of the . job room,
seconded his venerable coadjutor.
Charlie goes to Toronto, where he
Will be . employed in the Monetary
e office,
or desiring /His elligent Titoism s �r
beings to do right taf their own 1F.i�Fr
"°Alt dominion rightly belongs to
Jehovah., I°le had given. man domin- ' IAD BILIt S ATTACKS
ion over the earth, Lucifer, conceived • °
the, idea of having a dominion of. his If peie ' e la coined,
our bresth
awn by gaining control of the human fool, your eyes yellow, yourcomplexion
race by alienating them from Jeho- 1 U you have sick or bilious bead'.
vah and thus he succeeded in sseduc-ohm, ole appetite, pain under the
into. sur first parents;
The Apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 4:4 in- 'right shoulder, anoatinr *peeks before
forms us that Satan is the God of flee eyd , then your liver is not ht order.
this world wire* has blinded the minds Aa the enables 'lthl£It cease hi the
of the people to the true�'charueter of . trek of. a
Jehovah and to His plan of salve-
tilsordeted liver mai be
tion, To blind mankind Satan estab- +gu1�y snlleiled by ,
lished a false Pagan religion, the
doctrines of which Paul .designates
doctrines of devils, The Pagan ido.-
lators built an altar in the Valley of
I3innom for the purpose of offering
sacrifices 'to their gods. In practie-
ing Baal worship they offered their
children as sacrifices, concerning
which Jehovah says; ' ,"They have.
built also . the• high places of Baal,
which are hi the .Valley of the Son of
llinnom, to burn their sons with fire
for burnt offerings_ unto Baal, which
I commanded not nor spake, neither
came it into my mind. Jorehemiah
19:6. The worship of the eternal
National WESTERN
THU, NEW ntolrras
S YOor ram RT
.CHOICE OF ROUTES car Toronto to
Lave Tomato MS p.m. daily. Stand r�'t*r Toronto t
Whittling via North Bay 'and. Cochrane. Saturdays and
ear Toronto to Winnipeg on Tuesdays. Thar 3'a.
Sundays. "The1VationRl"' 1Vlonala,ysa.. IK%ednesdayan
%.Rue Toronto 10.35•
etre Frkleee via Sodbury and Port nr. hurrtaSolid Uuouthrtrain
with gStandard erS and Taoist.Cn SleConnection
o a Winnipeg far all point" West.
' Dining Ga><R Service, Goasntaci'�
Town Agents'PhoneNo. Goderich, Ont.
Canadian National RaiIwags
Miss pro X11. Croke, Ennismore. i
Ont, writes, 'Last falx I was ,troubled
Severely' with my liver, and occasionally'
I baud bad bilious attacks. I tried sever:
a1: niedicines..but until I began to use
s Gr
M bum
lib relief.. .,
torment god is a modern version of Price, 25c, es vim at all deateri, dlr
Baal worship. • The doctrine of eter-.Mailed direct on receipt 'of price by The
T. Milbtirn, Co.. limited. Toronto. Oast.
nal torment is a tlefatnatfori of Jai}; ': ' ,._... .,
.vara s character. It is a foul stain.
upen His loveable name, and it as our Ctttubal R' t De m
duty and privilege to remove from ,by local ar�r�lications, as they cannot
the minds :of+, others•this' rmisconoept 'reach the ssased portion _of • ilia •ear,
....atarrhal' Deafness: requires. conatitu•
week, It was sicca ted a "`"' ti K Coll T" Eli
past * w * tion of .,Jehovah and enablo thele to
W * understand; that God le indeed. love.
o has salary
lS it o kannounced
. at t r� ane u
1 ,came e He
schtroJesus . c
s a
When. e s
tore lace him, at a of $600. Mr: W. X. ROSS' son of Cos, Ross, - VIEI,L Wh
p a -,s * * who has been attending McGill Medi,- the panacea far earths Ells to be alit
3 ,ton of cal College for'the past two years, THE SPRING 'Kingdom which .soled bo established
SKr, andehire» II. Herten.very successful exam- ..:..:..-.., at Ilia second coming.. Thus« �e.
rich, recently .blotch, formerly of Goon- has passed a ve
d o 25th` ah- ; ination in all the 'subjects of the Mothers who Have lrtttle:ant5s in the taught Hi#�' disci lee to pray, "Thy
rich, celebrate the
adversary o their marriage, in their cos
110Me-find the aipming a tiara of .great kingdom cense, y wilt be dye' -in
Al tills ° season candrtions as ft is dodo tri heaven,'` .and
Our se.
t'' * * anxiety. _ _ earth _..._
- r i ma "i it riecessar to kee the baby' Colllhaissioned them .to go• forth Into .
w , ,r Ri. •Wile of Cla_ton, annMheltioof D.
indoors. He es often cont ed. to ov. the world and preach this. gospel £ FOS sit a Waters. retoring ducing thee+
Canteen, bolter, 1V,ist street, . Watson,n, of Clinton, nephew bars Mired after at 8tt eRsful buss. Holrnse a, conductor G. T. lt., who 'rad erheated stud badly;ventilated�r his the Kingdomspeaker concluded b • pointing airculera free. • .silt Inugdst4.
nem career of over ss years, M"r, been employed at Hutchison's- mill, and catches colds. which The n Y F« 1. ora 8, co.. �Coxeda, otrfo.
Centeien, in 'leaving' the bakery, fell through, the hold of one of the whole- system. To guard against out how world events of recent years
�' 1 t th dock Mid Wes- eri sl this a box of Baby's Own Tablets were in fulfillment of prophecies mile-
efEDo t treatment ALL 8 C'A ARltii
ICINffi is a constitutions! remedy.
Catarrhs"! Deafness is caubeed by an M.
Rained condition of the' mucous linintrnot
Euetacbhui Tube.. When this tube tot
an ed. yyo�utt, boos s surablint sound or
imperfect nearing. and when ft iR entire.
l 'closed. Doafn.Ra le the result.. Unlet*
tis tafiamtmataon Fan be reduced, your
eating may be .:destroyed : f rover.
LI,'ti .-CATAIi�. MEDICINtQ Acts
leave's * geed arias* has a her. ssor, D. vessels a a . n ass au Y should be kept. the house and an
e i her a man, misled, having his: shoulder dislocate slicativo of the;a?sli ediate establishment
nc�ti a las
J: 'G'urrie,'ai p * ed a receiving`a severe contusion- occasional' dose given the baby .tri of tlrat�Ki�dor� . ,
the reputationesays, the will lee upt 1►d k his stomach and !swell; work-
tltcs of the West Street in rho brad,' . a *" 4' .
bakery far bread and poetry dainties.
e*, absence iri"Da hal and Manitoba is
Thai Gnderich`• Organ 'Co. ship�rtis again in our afloat. He has had to
cell 's
log regularly. , This will prevent INTERESTING NEW VARIETIES
colds; conedpation or toile, and.•' keep _ .,, -. ,
baby. well. `The' Tablets, are sold by `ants with Perm
Medicine dealers or b mail at .250 a Co -Operative Experiments e ' Crops for Spring of 1922 Num- •
bale from The Dr. Williams' Diedfcino 1 p her .85 ' o
Co., Brockville. Ont.
,ti R Mr. Geo. Acheson, after a month's
large bildsatof ba�tirhari furniture
bill ae `"rough it" considerain his ram -
week p e?cf big h f the blas, but he has stood`' it nobly* and
omens r e . looks, plump, lively and hearty.
n The beim;relations wrtrirh mark .The Annual vestry meeting of St.
the their or Vietoria street . Meths- George s Episcopal church was held
1 ass 1 demon- ani Monday, April loth, Ven. Arch.
dirt `church wehe pee lair y deacon Elwood' in the chair. The
istret. eel. by a gathering heft week at M R. E d 111Cc o
the residem'i' of- Ur. Jahn Shannon, rector appointed r. a e
be his church warden and'Mr. R. S.
�w wee.presented with hat
m Bible atrnlr, the c toirmas r Willis** was appointed the
• o „ „ 'rind Deacon were appointed lay delis-
well attended meeting of *the rates to the Diocesan 'Synod. Meas.
A srs. ;las. Williams and R. Radcliffe
dist eatatlots of North Street Meting were appointed auditors,
dust rhrarels last Wednesday evening
considered plans for the erection of a' ' ,she very difficult task o eating no
new church edifice here,•to.xeplery fears a vete eggs in seven hinnies
thepro present belittling.that There is every was ��performeed in Watson and Mur-
err iseturey this enclonu i tithe docks 'store. Blyth. The eggs were
ntxacfut *Ill be,commenced ni mous eaten on:a wager of el.40. me. John
_faeli futnlf, al there 'ts a unanimous Iteffron being *the luueky:men.
tetrlirrlg in favor «t,*heawark.
On 'Wednetdav morning sleet Mr..
e , . , ' church. warden. Wears.
E. Belcher, 'with a leaders` baton
Patti* Lenn passed away, aged 83
Dhan>Iannont J:oiin ll. Gay. 1
- here on. Monday en route for Indian
Hoed, Aseinilioia, to look after his
interests in a large factory . situated
in that `town. A. E. Treleaven and
wire left beet week for�Alberta,'. where.
A. R. intends agoing einto business.
Port Albert` :On. Monday evening,
blare► 3ist, Thomas Hawkins, P. M.
of this village, nosed to that. boarhe
front which .no traveller returnee et
the age of '7f tars. a .
The Star woleames Mr. and Mrs.
Riekaxd Phalen es residents of God
rrieb, they having• ie moved here fro*,
their farm at St. A ustine. "Dick":
end his estimable family Ord well
•thought of by those who know them,
end we trust that they may find their
town residencee agreeable,
The Star was pleased to meet Mr.
J. J. Johnston, of New Weenninster,
B. C., who spent a fete clays in town
the )asst of Es cousin, Mt. %Villiern
Among the twiny unfortunate who
Practically all of the farm crops
WHY GOD PERMITS EVIG' . which some Ontario farmers are now
growing. were obtained originally
% t ti "b of Shite Students' from the 'Ontario Agricultural Col
nn a e•
sec xLon Quesaion operative tests of the Experimesttal
.e—,. s Union.. Individual farmers have .ob-
Tuesday evening, March 28,: at the twined hundreds and even thousands
Temperances Ball, North Street, an of dollars' benefit from thee tests,
interested audience .gathered to hear As the result of this work, it: is
Mr. Clifford Roberts of•, Toronto a mated ',that the increase "'in" the value
travelling representative of the Inter- per
l raad r of ba n rm crops in"Opay, he. a
nattered .Bibles Students' Association, Ontario c -
diacuss the subject 'Why God Pet- tire average oast of the
mit* Evil,' • etiitural 'College for the next five
The speaker said in part: 'It is hundred years or more. ° • .
only when with the telescopes of God's The co-operative expperiments for
word we see the ultimate outcome of, the spring of number in all thin-'
evil that we can recognize its permis ty-five, and include not only the well
sion has been in the nature of a tree- known introductions which ope, b tbeeo
titre process. It is then that. we un- new
derstand that man hat been under, the tested at the; College but which are
severe school master of a rience as.yet but little known' throughout
have .been .frozen or lost ill the recent learning the excetditig sial Hess of Ontario such as Sudan Grass, Iluba%
Fi ld Cow Cabbage)
presen a v lege through the medium of the co -
blizzards« in Dakota are reported ,antesin and its direful rresulta., at this Sweet Clover, a or
De*con; late of; E. Wawai*ish, and experience will be of listing benefit �y Beans, Merry Vetches,. Grimm
two young m sons of Wm Thump- allwhenrit sash' Hi dlo ie. a t- Alfalfa, Rough Buckwheat, .Sugar
aloe ` Jarlte of Turnberry� abiished on earth. '
en, o u to ass a ng m s
Mangel's Gold Nugget Corn, and
" `� w +'" While,. he said ome, modern teieh- Fodder Sunflowers.
Mr. Vit, J. Cox, of Goderieh town- eros ridicule . the simple and truth- Any Ontario farmer wishing in
ship purchased trent the executors ful story of the 'creation of Man in the conduct at eo-operativo experiment
of the estate thio property, known as Garden of Eden' and his fall frons, 1922 should a- pl�yy to 'C. A. ,
the Tichbourne arm, lot 18. eon. 6, perfection to Ilia present unhappy .Agricultural coliege, Guelph, (M-
ille Goderich towtssbip► for +5,e00. condition the speaker found nothing to tario, for a. circular , l explaining Ott the
* « + " ridicule and s sserted that aeeordittg to nature of the work, gi pg
We ebronicle With deep regret thin ;;the Genesis account of creation it wasxperiments, and'furnishing a blank
week the death of Mr. John Peemort, God's purpose to have this planet :form on which to apply for the n�a-
who was for the past 30 years a well. peopled with a race of fres-will 'age tet?al of the particularexperiment
known and hlghly respected resident enta enjoying everlasting life. Here- selected,
of Goderich. On Thursday night tofore the first tnan was meet with etoDeR CIi !e�r�. ifeneeleY
last deceased was returning home the wonderful prospect oflife before
from the prosecution of his beisfn+ess him. Death was passed upolt hint as
of . travelling machine agent,: when a sentence of violating (l 'at law and Briliinirs- With Over
the horse *which he drove was start thus by the lev etheredityt death with It,00. $quare Ft. Floor Space and
lid by' a d which ravished out on to its concomitants has passed upon ` Thousands of Operatives.
the road. The holies shied throwinst the whole races. Romans 5:12«�� Boards house of Trade are very arta
vr`hi le wad titian tads question is asked' Why the c
thin ran towards home. The injur-
ed man called for assietentc, and ' answer is, lie was not alwayas the
was taken up by a Mr, McEwen, who Devil car Satan.. Ile was created a
lives dote to the glare where the acs f perfect and beautiful creature. His
eident occurred. He, wai at once original name wares Lucifer. Like
conveyed home. are medie*l aid sura- k man, the angels, ineluding Lucifer
nioned, when it was diseovereil that were created free moral *gents, their
the driver out of the iele,ions
did God erode S*taan'' Thea eorreet to secure new industries for en-
tie in which theyare 'located, and.
statistics of factories are always in-
teresting. It is altota;ether likely,
however, that the Goderich Board of
Trade and many people in Goderieh
would be surprised it they were; told
that there is a large up-to-date foe.
tory, -electrically lighted build`nge,
with thautends of operatives, in .o -
er=ation in Goderich township«. If
you don't believe it we would suggest
you take a trip out to Ridgerest farm
Song of thole date. The operatives
are of two clames. White I,eghorns
and Betted Rocks. ,They , have no
union and don't strikes for shorter
hour% in fact the buildings ere slew
tricatly ligated in order to lengthen
the day for the* energetic workers.,
However, part of their daily work, *
very, important part, is tkadt of feed=
ing, to perhaps there r rotten why
they' do not go on strike. A . ireth
l heandothemmayb'redue
to Arrive next week, and Mr, Revell,
the proprietor of auto -rest poultry
Sarre, is willing to part with Any, ox
ball oat Hilae for a fair eonaideration.'
Dave old ehieks *re quested as follows:
ii%hite Leghurns, 25' cents each;
Barras Rock!, 30 tents mesh: or it
eon. ;prefer you min �buy'White lege''.
item tette for hatching at $425 per
tatandred: and Rained Rock * at
ales«. Them are *11 from purebred
1o _k, mired in the ideal conditions
,at the most np=to=date" poultre bands
i:r:gs, with fertility and pvndwtetivi'i
Teem& behind theist that nlekas it
words your while to boy *ore the
fastness#• potlltr•y torte.
as Heait Boy,
IsNoir X S►
"Fame a puny, delicate child, My.
little Johnny has become
a strong stwfdy boy.' ,
One mother w .rites:—"If yon had
seen My'lit;ic.Johnity four months ago
and you were to ,see ,pith today, yon
would never believe, that lie is the sante
boy. Then he weigheed only 49 pounds.
Today he weighs '90 pounds, almost
double: who* he. weighed
ago. His trouble' first started,with
cold, which we never noticed beiEu,e
he was strong and like all bossed lis
age .occasionally caught cold. After s1
wltilewwe began to notice thethiseo'u111•
instead of getting better. want getting
worse', that he was looking pale and
losing Weight, , .lie seemed to be tired
all the lime, hail no energy to do any-
thing. Before he caught this cold be
bad no trouble with Itis. lessons and
remained at the head of bis Class without
mucic study. lint we began to notice a
changee. 'ileaide 'tseem to care whether
he knew his lessons or not end nothing
smirked to interest him. lit Coughe.,
SO much and so hard at times: tliat his
facewouldbec ontepurpleand wethought
he would timely buret a bloOd 'vessel.
Medicines and cough mixtures didn't
do hint any toed. Finally. in despera-
tion And as a last resort,'We tried,Carttol.
In a short time 'bis cough had almost
disappeared. His appetite was return-
ing and lie wras.beginning to take an
interest in hie studies, And, thatikti io
C*ruol, helms become as strong mid
healthy as he leas ever been."
Carnot is sold by your druggist and if
htui can conscientiously pay, after yott
ave tried it, that it has`nt done you
any good. return the empty bottle and
he a fund your money. 1-122
.tunes Industry
Kent to growing the grsiin,'Cour:.. li S
is the most natural: of ail` in-
dustries - ,Yet,#,st y simnel, ' this
industry has nee; had the growth in
Canada that its merits deserte,,. a tits
the amazing profits;. in it• should haves.
' stimulated.. For example:
you will write to us we will send
of -
of the five leading Canadian Flourill-
ing Companies for the past. four years.
This record. stimulates keen interest in
the prospectus of a Flour Milling Coln
panyr whose shares we are now offering
for public .subscription. Write imme-
diately and get a copy.
»'Iinsirr .:
es =Us
\\�+ //j�.'.^.�/- n�r+rSSO /.m \w. Irv... w Ir
\v, � •r..a w\.//�/ /M�w./ rn. .�Mvr/r /n."y[�_\rte\\'\VrI n �\Vf �N
n ��J—�/���Vr r Ina\\,YIi �j•.M� • V I .�
as• 7-.N."7' 74W"7 `' f "' ...,,,,,,,,,....,./j 7 7
� . r ri
Your flock is soli behind Greening's Lay Flat
Poul Fence. The openings are amenL; 'iso
on. climb the fence and little animals •
can't, get through. The fence is clone and.
.even from top to bottom :. it turns even high `` .
flyers like Minorca'', and Leghorn*. Don't
worry about your flock—use Greening's.
Aisle d 12 to .12 inches. Sorel is) good Acsitraaare
Boy to cotut it -•-lays fiat when eon enroll it.
Tarry .people have discovereed that 2 in 1 Shoe Polishes are
good for "other things than for shining shoes. For example=.�-
2 in 1 ttACIC- Ootid' for polishing Doter cars; refinishing suit room'
kodats, blaxck, glove' Lubbers hats, etc.
to I WHITE -cake or liquid—Good for cleaning hitt, stains in Withal
skit%, white kid glories, slGto tires, etc. -
2 in 1 TA14. PdisTE—oatxtforrysid,as furniture, hardwood facts, etils,
rot, the t kt t Liss of Now 11'sc fore x 1st 1, We al's Awaraina Cash Prieto alar Potions
1st ssrwat4 $500.00 for the most acceptable1ist 20 it'll out Kf $15.00 far the nexttwenty
' 2nd.., 300.00 -..for next best list - . 50 t1 ° 4 3.00-fot the next fifty L'rucs a 25.00—for the anent ten 100 il� t>
e 0 t Usti
Txt'to fmd new Mies for any of the.2 In I Shoe raiishes„tithejr bl , ttgn, oxblood, or bin
haste, white cake or tet sic tid, black or esti .4a rin*dO1
Write Oft a3tet saltie'pit t only,. List uses *tomb* to
Awards will be made *tom t o decision of i1s1 n
moos mans* made e slit or October 1922. AI
tri ad to become our "mart.. t
Prim Editor -
3rd «r' 200 00. -for third best'*t " 50 . 404or the nett iti`ft
air flrtlJaMLr *., CA ma,