HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-16, Page 915111 BRAES TROUIRLIEDEP WWI gprWITI CINSTIPATIO11, "a41116r, the nicasuent yee apply to as norierag. burs- btokit mot shin. the itch* 1110014 $ sulylote retrat bit' *a" a Ind* intq "AMICK et% t *eh a quick relief, eve* Oteetia. that Andlinf bat over 1 to,take its place. or its ism% detteovmag pro. Cesioo Vet trtitris:d*-Z« owt mem right up, lowing a .slear, imooth skirt in place of tssly ereP, Sons, rashpimples or non4111- You do not have to wait for inn Prontnnent. It quickly slow*. You MIS get a little.jar of Aleetho.Sel. *Or at my. drug atorree ••••••••••••%•••••••••••.•,•.•••••op.rowe HEALING .CR STOPS CATARRH If you have smeared fru* *zsti- 1 Patios for years. tried sU kinds .of mat - 10100 without settles relief. If yeti have haat 'abject so all the sititeries associa- ted whit coastipetiva„ wookket you earolder ft Westin to be obit to keep the bowel' is a, food healthy coaditicaL sod prevestt disease settles foothold ea l'oer argon? are iodkated jot for this plittiOS0: their sepia use 'relieving the levet Cases Of Corsttien, Ito. T. ThoMlneen, 110enty. $ask., writest-11 have beta troubled for Yeara with constipation. Eel tried variant temedies Which did in no geod. thee tried Aliibutn's Lieta.Liyer Pills sad they have done Me a World of goodi they me indeed a splendkl pill. and I heartily recommend them to all 'who suffer front constipetiou," Price, 25e. a vialet all &eters, or reined direct on receipt of. price The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Clogged Air Paseo* °Want Oce-lloottile Cleared f your nostrils are clogged and your , held stuffed because of catarrh or an • Cold, get,Ely's Crean* Bairo at any drug gore. Apply a little Of this pute, anti- ' septic, germ destroying cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head mul Membranes. Instant relief. • 'n How good it feels. Your clear. Your nostrils are open. rttit breathe freely. No more hawking nn' snuffling: Head colds and catarrh yield 'like magic. Don't stay stoff iip, choked up -and miserable. Relief is sure. SAW IF KIM OR BNB airmlags to fittoh Kidneys and tteatral =i be irritating acids -Splendid ' for MOM. . Kinney and Bladder weetnime remelt iron urns acid, says a noted o.uthoritn. The wanes filter this acid front the ;hired end peen it onto the bladder, when* it often lemains to -irritate and infitiale, enuring a burning, scalding mettetima,ot • setting up an irritation at the neck of ihe blander, obliging you. le stet relief . two or three •times during the night. • The sufferer 13 in constant dread,. the • water passes eometimes 'with a melding •, sensation and is very profuee; again, there in difficulty in avoiding it, Bladder wealmess, most folks„call it, because they cunt control urination. While it is extremely annoying mamma, , • times verr vainful,, this is really one of the Most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of ,Tad Salta • from your pharmacist and take a table- spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three -This...v/111 tieutreljee the aeidtehn the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and. urinary or- * saris which then act normally again. Setts is inexpensive, harmleite, .and is made from the acid of grapes and Union Juice, combined witlalithia, and • is used by thousands of folks wit* aro .sobjeot to urinary disorders caused by trelc,Scid irritation. Jed Salta is elan - did for kidneys and causes Ito bad 4111ere you have e, pleasant, effervescent iltbitt-vieter drink, which quickly relieves .Idatider trouble. • • Mage tea and Sulphir„Xiggimps' • • , So Naturally that No. -body can tell. • , is •Hitr that leses its color and luetre, or , • ;erten it fades, turns gray, dull and life- line, is caused by a leek of sulphur in Aloe hair. Our g7cdmother made up a ;Mixture of Sage Tea Mid SiilphUr to keep her locks der and beatutifel, end thousands of women and men who value abet even color,. that .leautiful 'lark *bade ol hair which is so attractive, uoe oily this old•ktiine recipe. 2qolvadays we get this \famous 'Mixture .. ani'liproved by the Addition Of other ingredi- ents by asking at any drug store for a eo. cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sege and Sul. phut Compound," which darkens the laair to naturally, so evenly, that uthody ten possibly tell it has been ap liedt You itdampen a sponge or oft null with it end draw this through your hair, tido. ing one small strand at a titue. nty mort- ise the gray bale disappears: but Whet delights the ladies wititiVyeth'S Sage and Ealpitar.CoMpound, is Vial -besides bean: arnilieatione, it also brings batk the gloss tifully darkening the hair after a few and lustre and gives it an appearatee of abundance. OWyeth'e. Sage and Sulphur Compound. is ii delightful toilet requisite to betart i toter and a‘nouthful appeatatne to Inc hair. It is not intended for tte entre, mitigetion ornprevention of diseaee. dOemoreowo•omoorooloodoeoo......... 3000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA • The 1992 editloo of the papillae !little Cyclopedia of't the Dominion -"6000 Facts About Otioadit."--will be warmly weleonted by the Patine, Which regards it eat an larelapernethle booklet, no full of meet as cocoanut," . as one wittily. eapreseed • it. Itet compiler, Frank reigh, us widely WWII as an alithOritv on errefenthirin tarieflian, and It is a marvel and model of condensation, with a fact In a sentence. The new Issue is enlarged and improved, and its 'cotter:dentin prove a • revelation of the growth ot tha countey; not only in a Mugbe year, but 4,11ve or' .ten year !neer 50 .oliaptera-rangibg alpbabetioeily Agtioulture to Yukon-eroyide a bird's-eye view of the Dominion from every angle. No better advertismeat of. the country count be WO. awl =PAY tuts it in that way to enlighten the Ignorant *8 to the wealth, ProsPettly and advantage of this Britain of. the West. Copies may be had trout leading nevradettlers or by, sending cents to tbe Canadian Facts Pub, Co., 580 Huron street, Toronto. . NEWS TOPICS OF WEE I ••••••••m••••••••• mpertant Events Which Have Occurred During the We?,!‘:, Teo Missy World's Ilapierulnge 4'am filly Compiled it44 Put auto Wad" sad Attractive Kamm tor the Itssultre ot our Paper A Solid Ilsor's EskloPorith ' 'kV li4DAY. ?dude.: carnit,11 c..444unva iu Dl - :at city. Genoa Conference will open ou April 10. lgOpt to bare hies vrhcri 'Jot Cennae will hold rantaia• tion in abeyance, Valerate troops are still in pole session et Idnictnela Tel n'tea :zed bee latar-ti lay nave automobiles in Toroate. buck finenciel coneertitua. GOVernttleiltit EuroDe are to, British 'House or Commons •give& force of lew to Irish treat. Theroitt baker has bhe. aloe blown to ateuis by .hitt eenipetitors. 'Ulster mentbeee quit House when .elostste adopted. N.11.L. layoff dates are tierce 11 at Toronto and 1nth at Ottawa. "BabO Ruth's. eatery is amid to be sin excess of $76.000 per year, Aura 'Lee beet St. briery's. 4 to 2, in brat QUO. H. ,A. limier finals. Coach .Io� Wrnent of PennsAvania Will bane eight el•eWa eorapetitioa. ..,Impreatatve Iributes from citizens' mark the obnequies q,..1)rantrerd'a, nampor. Hon. Hr. Fielding Wanes atato. • intent ea. remits. ot visit to Waah. ington. • A, pool ot blood found Ilea the scene, of the meaterious tratedn et ltringeburg, . • Orengenten of Ontario gather at Stmcoe for Grand Clutpternef Royal Black Knights. - \ Conservative eatecne. at -Qttawa ace elatime Ate. Hein -lien and adjourns die. cession of party mane. • An inquest:opened into the heath •iof nine-year-old -Dorothy who was hit and Atilled by au maw:nob:le rnoronto. • 'The joint teasecutivos of the Indus. trial Federation of Trade Unions O ;South Africa. bane called a geaer4 4.1ymnathotie kltriik,e stipport of the •eoal ininkne. • WEDNESDAY., •insargeete hold Limerick still. . . Britatnn gloat •alrehips lat. tend. Canadiens defeated. it. Itatrleine, $ to .7, ,s dratlis'•result front tornano in Georgia. - Balfour speaks for eaalltiou Gov- et:mania. • • • tiarnia, will like -W. -Me arena O next winter. - ImPOSition of martial Jaw:Jun.1i- WINTERTERM from JAN. 3 CENTRAL /2/ %gin wilhdrltilt 1' wrnATOORp.' ()err. 'Western- Gatario's bet School With . Commereiall, Snorthand. and,,TelegraltittdePart-' 1. moots.. We gine •Iwtneidealeinstrue- Herta hence "nntraiiee" -standing N not necesiary. kGrattuates assisted 'to positions. .Get our•-frea. eatalo. ,gue for rate* and, other par tiouNrs. 7 0 A litcLetatetal Principal GRAND TRUNK Rs'VsTa Improved Train' Service • MT:Si/DEN- 'Oodeirich and Toronto Lv.doderich, No. 28, 6.00ania 'Dlr. ex. Sunday I.Y. Stratford, "•7-45 a.m. " Ix. Kitchener? " 8.2.5 O Lin Gettelt LSO ttr. Terontos 10.1$ ' Lv.Toronto. No. 37. 6.10p,is , Sunday " Lc., " , 7.42 pan:. Lv. "a 8.11 " " Stralfotd,, 9.118 p.m " Ar. dederlds, " (0.30 " " • JleffetIparlet ter mullion -clots vettiblule touches each direction. Entireirain nun t .ru, no ehangso, • F. F. 1.,AVVIIENCE A- SONS non PtisSenger and Ticket *ens • '1111000 •-,% it 00001. MY. DAGO Mil O LUMBAGO MilAWAY °Rub Backache away with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacobs OM° When your back is tore and lame or lumbago, sciatica "or Thetelnatittiri Ise you stiffened up, don't-sufferl Get it *nail trial bottle of old, honest "St., vstrobit Oil" at any drug ateret pour a little in your band aild,rtib it right oit your aching back, end by the time yeta centit fifty, the seances end lame - bars I* gone. Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating Oil needs tat be treed only owe. It takes the pa'ar right out and rade the triietty. It is magieal,, yet abechitely bArinleS5 end doesn't bUtti the skin. ' Nothing *lee &tope Inokbage, seiajipa, hostg.e er rheumatism se sitesuptly„ It slieesitofitte! The .Censdien Weekly Nnitepaper Awleniation bold their tienutt ttint:cat'V.4 Ottz,va Junc. E.FIRTIM AT ISM litoitosorNetztlegt,er any °dist ran: oz;ly Minster* latt000tit to 64 adds* Jr -Aoki at Qui* Mier, !Word's id !pa etme4 'out vanduatbst used, ; here it *alum to equal it. • On aiteeyorysdose "Kit OF PAW:.LLNifrit YorriOutili NA. SINARTS' 'Bus, Livery ana Hack Stables Pelentsaer Ittpeet just oft theSqiiiire „ • BWASOS Meet all.'.Dritiato tad Passenger Beats • Passe agent called far Weir nert of the town -ter. ail teak** at Oe T. R. or Ce Pe Re Rookie Prompt. Service and Careftti Attend:Mee After Men fra INSW iltrenth Ana tit dk YOu need fooiwith vitausisielgootleoak- log sleraiats. Take Wiacarete. ta .e. Ibilass. WINAMY151 lit AI bolsi* tvoloristemi OCila3kA14 CO* Unita, lieredidt, Oweatitede Oiacer el Portland et. Torsete., biota O. escheat Dims, tea ,•es •cation et 'Peut-Pnwer• 'ineatn. • Irish Free State bill receivee third reading In Britten COMM008. Williapa WOo trope Brandon, 8 to 6, in tbo Cup eerie* Hamilton beat Ottawo., 7 to 2tthz the last scheduled game. Owen Sound retarder trial sudtlenin ends owing to -jurors Indiscretion. • •Coneervenites Will form the official OPPosition in the hew Parliament. O British Cabinet decides egainst di- rect contribution to Attsstan A‘ellvf. goo. itodointte I.,nntleux le tate aew Speaker of the Musa ot Commons. Premier aeCialmen by hew goose Of ColunionS at oPenn; torottionlos. Dominion. Alliance la temenation plane to go 'after nmenter boot.- legge,a," The NOrwegiatt enemata iGiontoft went down, with ntl sinintle an elle. Atlantic. Gonsrution of °tiaras lltunehnol the Dominion maitazwz.. tarot:, In Mos any Toronto. A battle kleval vaa.hk Id In stroot of Genoa bei'vnyiku 11,k- ‘1,1 A 13 14vidg: 11, 131+!1,Y1(1.3 O :Pt rOgreatiPVC; laS %Tali 401ottet.1 a seat .on the Goverument side ot the Douse. • •• Russians )Breetier makes it new :statement. ' Stnibury Wolves beat the Grimsby Ali Stara, to 11. • • Three boyii SeaDo from Manton Industrial Settool, O The Dotted Staten Senate will op- pose. naval reductions. *Mat', Airitaa. .Clovernt.,. will mobilize. troops for Rand. The new Britisb budget show 6aving of 4.10,01/6,090. ' ship ler barite" it a'arieir al,a a et- r SAT.:MAY. More Natioeldiet lenigues in ladle! 4114tirritrade itopper reeigti* frert ter )sit Board, Indigo Rotermneut streets tla- hatlas Lloydtwg wee ter a loin boliday n Wane*, Leekout in the Ihntlin engineer- ing laduetry 1 inewitetle. Railway Okla!' v. era neat eel i - Maul la freight trarie. Itetroaelitan 4w,li.isf elect at net:nide*. Mar 3 to 34. Allied Itinisterat eare7e e - Feria on (termini rryt,rotitcr.3. The •Outerio bran, lautienm Seger!). for Greve Linn net at tfl cupsful la.• locating inieeinn Edwin Inoutaget. 'Levine: " will hold eatepainie Work live -num -tk.';.al Iscv:11•3'• 1:441:4 of 1,n4n 'rant Ormites, Vormite. lean Leven, rata1. hi Mien Volt tliteirannin. flbCE 8 naillen. matted out noel; Uwe. Tarot:to, tri .the elan Presbrterlen Mead'. -oven te in for talesione needen le North Ronan, •Ohitte, Jimmy, teneludes its ° ewes crar Wenner Mug in told tenet vat. of Canada need tor re -4V ali- lishmentk Lieut. Brece of tho Seaforth Janders wan murdored in the strveta et Dublin. O Fort Walla% elintincted Brandon Allan Cli)) round. Brandon •won, last night by 2 10 I. The Levant Day Aliialleo refuseS to detnand ' ititintry into "that party" in queen's ;Park, Toronto. A worn an et Peterberough, Bono • nouglit totristate beeatose he lilted Me frame. It turned out to be Rem - O brandt, Prouder fratelierAan =Ye Ontario. and even the 'United Stave, eltl- O nattelyn fallow Quebec.' Temperance Adage It line been. a huge nueeces. itIONDAY, O Candhl, Indiatt rebel leader, is lea- der- arreat. Aura Leo ettniws eliminated Ire - quote Falla - Six hundred «novelties te. South African mine . • United Stance Got erameat atminst Fornney Ileum, Dill. •A. clonal at Vern. iteelnnd, howl dowthinienael Collins Professor of popc.itc rt „waren has lald „Nave Scotia 811.01-3f. Titehio Thomson's body found. ou the beach near Oaltville. Roxborongit Ivan aeleeted 00 i, prruldent o1 the T,A.11.A. President Harding will kecn. nee el O tempi= in bituminoue area. ntneGill egymneste defeated the O H. of T. team by' four points. DishoP Fallon. explains the zehoul • uncGLion to Labe: alidieueo. Will of Grace Link's •sibter pro- vides i. state fdr missing girl. ' Five Toronto persons laull3- ,ininr- r4 IA umillent rtat. Hamilton. ' .... nett In Ulster. • eldefin ItIontegu, ttectetary of State ' Intercity 00 and Provincial •Seceor Leagues may Unite. Ford's :factory 0311 Conk, 4relant.1„ laid off 500 mon. Connuissione‘ 'throwo blockade about Flume.O , St. Christopher`e won the '.Torouto midget basketball title. Conservative caucus dreides ito drop portion of laplienated nom. Floodscaused by ,sprin-., freshot. do dartiage (Irand River Valley. Dr. Hubert Work succeeds W. Hans as 13. S. PostmasteaGeneral. An inquest is ordered on•the death by shooting Of Horace King at Ines - for India; 33516043 to resign. Hon.. Hr. 'tenetdefends his ection• regardieg name alght" partn. .Sepond Mysterious Sre occurs in .1)ominion Arsenal az t• Quebec. • Aaron Saeiro tains oil 03) 0344331t43' marketing to Toronto audienee. . Investigratona,'• 'of 'an,Seetime. •gbost will try new, bait for. spooki: dates are ennouneed for IritrimiS Canadian titular „Off ktoareaments. ''Strroiner 'Hew" will be efi'f•etive in irranet. front ;Mona L'46 to thornier7, Two ebec farmers 1)356' banns aQum nd other bundingo by a anowencie. Hamilton paanais acquitted o "on: koka.. charge robbing Catholic ileribter nienthers .03 Stefauseon'e nartn The Irish V': et State bill at; read charge • that manorer has Itheiled for the first time, in the 113)3 3 of - thorn. 0 00 erious „charges against Ham iton , . t .storekeep.el• 144540 la his 'wire ata lint' isation it fultilinent of Inheral •O I Speech , from. thi forecasts 1a- 000 . oleages. ',Rank and Mile of Conservatives in Aura Lsoe tlie O.ILA. junior the Old,Country tall inline u ith Air. palfour. .lie round. title; heating St. itteryn. 6 to 4, on O Spectators at Owen Sound tnurdee 'Totterilmai Hotepur won the post-. eae rouse ire of .judge, alio orders potted 'English Cup game from Gar- ai arrest. - diff, 2 to 1, • • Hon. Howaid Pcrgusou tells Gov -Sir Hamar Greenwood. Chief et ernment he objects to Slievrenalfee Ireland, MaY be merle iblANarke 1 ( e- eettlement. '' /. liomo Secretarla Dr. „T. .B. Turoor, principal! of the A , Tm Toronto woan a a eapantrae.e. * •Ilainilton Collegian1UStitttiL*.dr.0P. , tion that Grace, the missing dough - ped dead on Tuesday.' 0 William Link. of London., ie THBUSDAne, ' I in Hamilton. convent. . . • Cheboygan, glen., was swept by A two -year -Old Holstein ,, heifer, fire. owned by W. 1) 'Wright, of -Bradt.- Rngland swept .hy an .108-mile334erl' *enle• won the 'Clatitldiue' Cil"alalit hour wind. A strike In Copenheagell atone -Danei ""'"' • - - slr sailthgs.• Iroquois Fells deftlited Kiteliener interreedIatets, 9 to ne • Lord Rawlinson rerueer, to reduce British army 1)1. India. Fire lesses in Canada amountel .to $.5.22 per capita 1921. - United States refuses Invitation to to restore normal breathimnittop mucus attend GC7100.- Conference. - long night* of quiet skein mindful OW to restore Islamic Firapire. , habinforming drug. $1.00etyorir dreg. •tikr verdict returned be. tory gist% Trial free at ourageacies orwrite IU the Itridgeburg mystery. • Templeton*, 142 Zing W., Toreena Senator Lodge appeets, for ratIll- Local Anent 11. C. DUNLOP THMARATPLH IIS smskial-as faatt Just Swamies Cm* RAZ -MAH /a Gaarardand deoe4e., Our Livery and Hark Service O *DI be Mese ap-taellate I* every respect. Yost PatressagaSelicitalli SWARTS 00 107 identteteldltreet COUNTER CHECK BOOKS EVERY SIZE:, STYLE AND SHAPE MADE CARBON LEAFIOR AUTOMATIC REDUCED PRICES AT "THE STAR" OFFICE O THE HOME OF GOOD PRINTING ALL ORDERS ATTENDV,D TO PROMPTLY 000040 ..0 Alrlea, tient ant.4 ree t et • 'Many )1,-; k, 1k.-nr „ 'n ktt: thrtnatilt) lkirsiNak Pardo, tool,. ; polurd tato DOon;.'. 04' i"14. AlegrartAV:3 r Ct'A t taud tieettpatet, 3•34334 A' 1,14 If ti 44 ttnit re -:a 1 tine lInclheta layeav I... NI. OVIY t.;421iitAtia/ VtiVt era woo friiri rho t'. 64. I 4411, O Sta Pearielne woe the 110 ever -oil game for• My, Nam,. Otto„wa. '" „ Saakate•tioWiti, Pr rllur r utitAit al. rroottrees in,. alit „lat. leo O Afr end lire. itoti Lents of Port getelnated their cliaIliond wed. O dine on Saturday. O Forgetting Ide ear 'wan -in gear, bottle• Shanlameu. Toronto. cranial 'hie ear, which rap tato poet, O 1410Win S. Montagu defentln tion tlf velem:ire deepetch, in •nweeh. before Inbeeal Club at tlant. Little drops of add, 00 Little grains of ante, • Make a heap of bubbles, And a lot of-04°er. 11141r a„sh, .30,1? I r fen Yews • nowithe Stamen,. • • 003 O Writs farrow cant .jOfteastaraleastxteeei Paatetaesoe 0000 0 The miracle of tint loaves and liski 113 la a siMple- trick in convulse* to an ent'rgetie woman equipped with as good, live bit otn'eatidal. AS vermicide an eXcelleitt2LVIV- partitiOn is Mother Graver Warty Rxterminator. It has naVed the line* of countless children. Caturfud Deafness Cannot Retired recut the. loaned portion of lb* dial% . by iocsI orations, as the), teemet 'Jetarrinil &Min refilling' colons., Lionel treatment. 11A1418 eatirs./1.11.1t_ MEDICINE is 0, constitutional tioneer* vatarrhal llearnese as caused by me lamed condition or the mucous Winne se the Eustachian Tubs. 'When this tabs It Inflamed you have a rumbues soma egi =Perfect hearing'. end when 4i wears., ty closed, Deafnede lam result. Melee* tlie InflemniatiOli can be ridiMnd. vier heartng tnae he destroyed leareest, HALL'S CATA111111 hitune114111 through the blotfil on tho mucous sus% races ot the syeteni, thee redueinettike flannuadon Atte reatorinu normal cowls (vague free All Brueniste. ChOnflY Co., Toicdo. Obis. „ • nomoomommotommtiontominnommounmoommomomiumuiptiiiiiiiiiiiiiimoimommomg, „ • THE GREATEST CAR VALUE ON THE MARKET - • • -- I Reduction in.Ford Prwes Prineesa .Fellows HooPrincose Murot,Vra,14,d's leaditne fzootty truly, snapped as ehe was abent to enter the seta ofa t0613‘ce.t433try ere hurt, The Vrnc&t i931 grtnt T-Acr gac out o 010•10 011.11.0 I••••• 1.0•11.41 MM. MM. IMMO amou0O 81.111M MM. 01=01 Mao. •••••• a. 111•••• -O The new prices for Ford Cars, effective Januar'y 16th, puts this famous at down in, price below pre-war prices,' and con., „ siderint the improvements on the Ford Car of today -over the Ford, Car of pre-war days purchasers are given even greater values than ever before. f THE NEW PRICES WITHOUT STARTER WITH STARTER F.O.B. DELIVERED it FALB, DELIVERED AT FORD GODERICH FORD CODERICH Touring Car - - $535.00 $575.00 $620.00 $660,09 Runabout - - -' 495.00 530.00 ' 580.90 620.85 Coupe - . - - 840.00 889.00 1 Sedan - - - - . 930.00 985.00 Truck - - - - 575.00 612.00 . 665.00 700.00 CARS DELIVERED IN GODERICH HAVE FREIGHT AND SALES TAX PMD Considering thje'high quality of the Ford Carand its many ea. advantages, such as service, low running cost, etc., the Ford offers values equalled by none. * Call and talk it over with 4.1 MAGEWAN GARAGE - 14A111113 -TON GODERICH QUALITY - SERVICE PRICE THEY'RE ALL RIGHT OINNIIMINM-iiiiMifilINIRMIIIIIIIMMUNINNIM1011111114111111111410111011111111MMINNIS dee let • All 453. Or- tle 13 s ' • 0 • _ „ 0 10