HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-16, Page 7".,w ,..,Rola • • TAURUUDAY, MAIECH leek. lett DIARRHOEA IN FOALS court Cines Mashy Ames An - nosily Among Young Casts. t yral►totata frivbzti .t$al and Tinsel) " reattateat ituageeted R-.• I,vulal• stem' tool t stow Alii a blind ilfrene:►e-P reparingteettardenit . iC'»ntrleA ri a¢iilr cnNeroton o.►trneUt rti' The occurs nee of t'enurS its foals ifs rereetan halo for a eensideraele part: of the leseet e•mong then& duties,.the • Parlor periods o? their Circa. It often makes it`; appear&nee within 1 ten days atter birth.: without array appar- ent camel. Amon;( the various causes respontsaiale may lie imc'ntieued too long, interval's being' chewed between the suelting pertain. a e. ie often the ea:,e when tete dant is beim corked ,end the teat allowed to elicit only during theenornings, noon, and even* lugs, szttclwhen the Seal to hungry the milk 1„ nw:tllowed:rapidly halt its excessive etiantltles. Another free. quent 'mune is the feet sttektug the THE HORSE AS A MOTOR SEED POTATO STORiNG Old #iinSomething Morel "hl n i Practical Wa Regardiat Their 1 Mere Machine, MMlaide Oysters Shed Okla 1 ►Mrl1I:'•- At the let is shown Tasty* Pei-. rattan. winner of en oyster tstlienher con t held int- Warren, R. 1. Ile op- ened 1,2,78oyster> in WI hour, avaeagiug one every three seconds. John .-Fontes,on the right, finished Woad, and James #}llev (centre) in third ?lace. In .all.-theg three .ussbotbened the rovercoats, of 8,142 bivalves in an *Our. f i .TAT BENEFITS a 'thea to iii eoa a 'acet etre. catch ethe the naumber et ' years a pl%ntattele Will nonfinite in good dbaili► con- dition depends to time :extent upon ittcatton viandboil,: the most import- ant teeter . to the ca a •whieh it re- ceives, uf`prodfCtixeness 'Ceixes. The pe 1 d of 'both currant and. gooseberry plants 114 lunger •in northern regions than tpward the southern• limits of. their culture sell longer on heavy soil thee, on sandy la gardens Where the available land le limited itt extent, eurreets and gooedberries mat' well rte plant- ed among; thea tree. fruits and left therepermanently. The elaede of the trees, pfiotecte the fruits, trent sun scald.._, and, the foliage i usually healthier itt such locations than when ;grown whereit is treely 'ex-. liaised•to'the sun, • P °.A ' lace with good air draiiaage le 1 sero of the Mil situ 5�.� , ti _, Nitrogen -Su Alien. Too Frequent Frequent Crit(n Gi rowin sI; hausts. the Solt i.elftetetlont Wilt - ,` Help to Destroy Weeds, ltnsecte,:' and Fungus • Ferts,-••Currrants and k• Gooseberries, , arta eat of (Contributed by Ontario De D Agrlcultere. Toronto.) o Peri. �......•_ Crol► rotationsi."will, it. lir P ..I Planned and practised,'ntaitatafti the humus: supply in -`the: soi}ri.will •r4-; store the nitrogen supply. 'will ; gine the benefits resulting from alternat-'. ps(eferred for gooseberries. Zit lows b s 'that have differelat: teed damp plane.: mildew attacks both. requirements p .and fo lege more severely than ▪ uirements and leave'difTerent ro 'fruit a xed on,s,lrigher sites where tate air of circa- i hel it residues in the &.oil; .yv 1i'• P "' latioe is better. (Currants, however, weed; ;insect and•fultgus disease Casa- are seldom severely, attacked by ' w i l - ; will male heelless mannaement dew. Therefore,when, the ,siteIs a possible, wilt distribate.tielabor a 0 1 g'one currante may be planted Dit olower:p rt wdnd Soa�e.err e e riakothe IDs in above.Xa both tratsbtosaomsteer • reduce th • orcrop Years: eoriyin the spring, neithe,l, co uld where late o tsrvh ae . 1 covin %,xhau4ts.the Sail. be planted itt,iow pQke e Ora n G in frosts . may kill, the' flowers. T.R,nds that` are continually used aPr tX . � forgrain crops will in time sgow Gooseberries ordinarily are pr P a• �ated by,�mKuhdla layers. The; ptant exhaustionOf the humus supply, dub from which layers at -tato -be t►t oeured to°annual tillage creating eonditiotlt should be eat back eteavily betore it oxidation. Lands that are hegins to grow in, the spring., By that favorill have wilt out outflerousr 1 I w �'u # Y f ellen o a 'the `: tram u rest ho I lie be given . a efts. t g d# n i nshoots.- 'or us 3 $rig a Plough, disc, avid cultivator, fox mare atter eke hes been Dover -exert- ed,. or while elle ip•in an overheated e e e m ash P udder h_ thei n ilio and condition, filled With milk in ','hiclt• there' may be an excess of • the prodUcttt '.et tis- sue .waste, drained front the system. Arttfetal-•feedirie , hi also •anothe,: cause, as in the ease of foal&: netng' ted cin emelt xnllk.. It May also result from, the India criminate use. of phyc4C medieinel;. The -milk of the, dam is also, Ma- terially affected by the nature of the diet, and sudden .chances' trent one kind of food•to mother•cauee•a ver- Cation lit the intik, which needs tar derange the stomach of the togs... There are also otherpredlsposint /adores -Ruch as exposure to: cold'_ • ratite' and the keeping of the young; anluaal in a damp. unwholesome stat- ble, and especl;tlly where the floors aro filthy' anti �i9et, outing to laett' Ot: drainage. • In - addition to the foregotnt:, to ore are 'Also some infectiounitgents (dis- ease dis- ease;gerins) which cause a very fatal term sof 'scours or dysentery itt foaiat Syniptoins.-t.--iiViheu• the fuel tri aft tected with scours,, 'the symptoms ay be grist Preceded 'by a cons e V a on a er is 'how o r rah , lin kit , . d bond t . Il l ud 6 ot followed by' the; P# satge q - at fir es t P chax edi e matter. ,.. Th ty. g . pear sort andaelimy and have often a 'pecttiter, offensive: odor. The tail. and hips become soaked and cc►vered i re•'. with the ,discharges.,which, n vete cases; become- More r frequent; and ; very.: watery: The foal then • rapidly 'loses condition and becomes very. weak'' and the belly becomsts nd the. condi- tion sed arils t tender.. I# •not tion may prove fatal in froth two to ten days. n.�-• a.a. vno A re a ti P ']'reitnaeixt and means• to prevention, the ;trot eon sideration should be the avoidance of the various•. causes which have been mentioned. ,Tile foss should be protected'from exposure to cold rain storms. The stable should be main- tained in.a good, dry, andclleian cone dition, and plenty of dry bedding pro- vid ed in the stall. occupied by the foal. In cages where the fettle be- ing fed me ctiw's milk, •it aihouid be modi�kd to ovist by the addition of about One -third -•water and 'suniclent sugar to .make''It' sweet to the trite. In cases where. the dam is • being' .worked' and , the foal "having access to ..her= only during monthlies. noon, and evenings, care should be exercis-. ed to prevent it,, when. hungry and the stomach empty, from sucking the milk too rapidly and in Wei - !dye quantities. If the dam bag been, over -exerted and become over -heated, some of t milk .should be with drawn', by hand 1rota the udder be- e ce tore`'aillowiue the foal°:to comm n auekim't;• The- nature Of • the treatment em- ployed in affected foals Ts to some extent governed by the origin of the trouble, so that the esuse should be ascertained Jr possible. With the exception of those cases.' which:.have resulted from the'itnpro- per cruse of piiiesic medicines, it is ue• ually best to begin. 'treatment by giv- ing iC teaspoonful of laudanum, com- bined With two' ounces of castor oil as a drench; In addition, a teaspoon- ful of prep&"red Chalk and powdered :catechtt may be given in a cupful of Nue boded milk or' flour Gruel every P or ,Bre hours, until the' movements of the bowels becoine more regular. Another common remedy Is a table epo'ontul Of : lime water and 'a tea - •spoonful• of laudanum, given in a little boiled milk, repeated every four hours ss required.' When the foal is in a weakened coliddition, its strength 'should be kept up ,� ty means of l:n egg button. up With several ounces of the mother s milk, and poured :Carefully into the mouth, and repeated at intervals of several hours, as may appear necps- sary. 'he:foal should in all calves be kept warm and conttortab'le until better, If the foregoing measures are not effective in checking the con- dition time, x; re.,.,onad e • i a V.. diticu wattle cad veterinary treatment may be necessary. ---•i`. D. bfcOlivre:Y, President Ont. Vet. College, Toronto. le 'no i.Onous ingredient Therepo Ile in Largely * Seit ftaeeler ••,• Does Not Rapt When nesting -M• Has Winter Plats% and Keep. 'the Stored, Tubers ltegelre tit iseu•�-' Itoporestteea ot 'leittilattott-- Hurse Wise s-- lecep au Mutual' Ia lleeere et T.wtpersturo,-Look *mentors -How* to Select th y Over tiecrl at rianttntt*-� miter ltreesttng liana teentribntttd' pit Metres t)epetrttnsat oft *arteusture. Ternoto.t The horst le, and ilii eontintt0 to i The potato Is as living or„anist.t he. the principal farm motor for **land if snot kept under eenditiott$ Indefinite period. There are approxi- favorable to eoutinued Ilea will die. mately 1,400,000 horses an Canada. Seed potatoes frequently fall to pro, ilii ot w hicla are used as to source Of dace plants. Tho rause Mae he data motor power. Ono and a half rail- to the death ot the bads before lion may not seem to be a large planting. unmber, but if we were to pisee the.' Oxygen st N;ecessaty. horses itt the Ilondnton heed and 1 All living plants' require oxygen, vast 1a otO "ItParade line. they ! and Vita the potato in literate) this is w ottld reach f:c:tn 'llanf ur tR Vatneau-• obtained directly troth the. air* euta• ver, SO there is some horse'desh lett t4 1 ht storage take lta oxygen rind 'in Canada. notwithetttndlo state* . asses glve off eat'bon dioxide and heat inenai to the, contrary lay people In. The carbon. dioxtda and heat are terested in the manufacture of meck- harmful, and Will destroy the tubers anieAl tasters. for seed Purposes. Potatoes stored in About the •Fat•m horse. dead air for- IOU day* rarely sprout Tho tarot horse, as a farm motor and .grow •whett planted. Potatoes diftersi- froln tale tuechani4al tarts stored in tri moisture, saturated stir ' el# `n sPettis self teed} r d rot 1 0 la .t,et e u Motor in vital It if generally mold. setten a matntatnlbag. self reproducing, and toes foe' Need purposes should be lira', t}elf eantro}ltaatf. These qualit1e. giro clean and cool 'when ,placed in the this horse a , tramendotie advantage - to doss Its Weediest Soli. (Contributed cbr % Itutnr.t rorontno ►acne et two... f to the mounded with es,rth •hal yvay while grow- of •the.sltoots.. 'By. autumn the • ears out o1 every four toss Years rooted, Those -with ve Ing .a hay or pagtsire Crop wlii,not. shoots will have •then be cutoff and become depleted • of humus .material, . • strong roots' y set in :the -nursery, to be green for roots of the' cloverand' 600 or two. years before' planting in. since thea seer 1i> ` roots are not Veil -er s' will during their p r the field.:.If .the r P, v_ grass op of growth increase the quantity e1 de°veleped, it will .be'better :tq,leaxe vegetable matter or haimus snaking. the shoots ,attached to the .parent material. • plant for a.•eecond .year. The common food Plants 'have , Deer to. ido8s I1 1!•eedisrSg t3alt. afferent 'root •systems.. ie- h guile d root.Drops go deep, the .. Salt is-'dangerous.to hogs. Thous � genies s andfibrous roots like :other animals, swine crave slat and to - and. �grainsnearer the' have The theV. ,are more ekeily :poisoned even gra teed. nearer surface.tmall quantities of it. It they grains ao st a their.during the piing, receive small amounts.regularly at anand are most active during (corn spring .Bret they seem to : develop a toter- thdearly ops r, while Corn air alt but care .anust be oxer- o s draw the greater pert ;saes for•Solt, the .heir food dduring tee late cased in giving it to theme. sti p1 du ng • of their supply Certain pigs were allowed to graze in pastures with cattle where tbpy had access to a salt lick or trough, licked • the salt ravenousle,:and 411. but three of the :Herd died. U: an- other ease Where -salt brine was tots - summer. Dee the Softas.* Feeding Ground. The point is to ode the soil ns .a feeding ground for the various food; Plants in Such a way as to employ all its resources during the rotation taken for sugar -water and fed to period, but not to -overwork "or ex- •hogs 'with.garbage,; the pigs were phours: haus( any .particular Bart of what ipoisont!d and died sit the soil zany 'offer. .ti soli Hiatt • as $objected ,to the task of nour'ietting, type a surface feeding f plane' over a long .period' of: years will become • et wt h- ' element!" i a0 e exhausted of the d int die° ors. • in the range of the feeding To The same is true when a soil is else jetted to supplying the same food elements in, excess to. Classes ot plants requiring thetsatd0 • elements.: Alternate Shallow and Deep Eteldieg Crops.,•.. storage bin or celiace-a dry earth arth over the+ecitt►;nieaf devices used for floor is to he preferre&.� tleld, work oa the farina, end tor fiatilage on. the "roads. n 'Ventilation. Intportaint, Tile gorse :t sr$ely at Salt i?eeder. The ventilation Nhouldbe arrang-1 Self• feeding means a lot, Thera ed eo that air is admitted at the hot• is no carburetor on the }torso; AQr. tom of the bins, shove upwards Very a e s ark 'lug required. Gireen grass, slowly and out at rho ceiling. 0)' root r p p ga od clean hay and oats. tato ` ro- :through v ntllators designed to carry Aught Ot,tha'1lelds in which the arse away water vapor ana heat, €small tX letters, produce (1119' energy that steeps ' bins separated by au air space or up the horse's body, 'and ; keeps . him rams .arrangement leech ata stn air going as 'a motor while :labor is be' Puke or double slatted gate that will Ing performed. Prevent deed or warm air aecumtila 'tie• Anima Meteor a liellabta One. tions are to be referred to, largo'. -Withinthe' ,ltorse'e body cavity bin storage where the temperatures, there is a wonderrel self'matntain- may run too high or the air become• jog rmotor. Tho heart, the Ringsh and uaolst and dead, , . dt alive rgane wake sit engine " Salt -poisoned pig&'usutilly ,shote no symptoms until from 12 to 24 bears or more, They then show increased thirst, dizziness, or a deep Stupor, frothingat the mouth, refusing feed,' ttnd sometimes being afsiicted with vomiting or diarrhoea. Death usually, follows after 24 hours. • Treatment in such eastes may coat gist: 'of a dose of two teaspoons of cornstatch boiled in two ounces of water (until transparent and then di- luted with water enough td make one pint; or a tablespoon of unground linseed mixed with water until it makesa mucilaginous masa. When salt Is given to pigs it should be included as' an ingredient sit a mixture containing three parte each of sodium sulphate, sodium dhloridc (salt), sodium carbonate, iron sulphate, and one Part of floe • erg of sulphur, This may be placed in some kind of 'a self -feeder where hogs may have tree access to it, or, ft •May"_be giving by mixing from three to five tablespoons to 'a bbrrei of 'slop-teetl, or from two to three tablestloone to the bushel of dry teed, raiz. thoroughly. It Is not advisable to have salt alone in any kind ot container at the free dispoNal of hogs. By planting ii rotation thin; will call for a surface feeding crop .one year, a•deep feeding crop the ,next Veer, and a rest froim -ttillage for•two °years the soil is not Aubj Cted to the same everlasting drain oh' lts fertile sty that the one crop or no systole imposes. The work that the soil is required to do is dilitrlbilted over a longer period, the soil le given time to rest up" while certain food ole - meats are reachittr A cofadittoit east • able for plant food in quantity large enough to be Whenof use. to crept *re alternated, crop. weeds, insects and fungus pests, all of which like the sameness ed con- ditions Characteristics of the oust crop system, are not given a chance to increase, but are rooted out and de- stroyed annually'throug1t the break- ing up of conditions suitable to sch W Peat,byemploying a aiftbxsta-lilerarm Powders d es troy utars aith0ut a YlieoaveniencttoOen systern.-11. grjCu tU*'d,on, #SCere- she chile}, and so Cfteetual}y that they ,teary Dept. of.Agrleutture, Toronto. rsa from the body unperceived. They* thoroughly cleanse t dit}oo not favorable" to worms, sand Sarah Rerttbardt 1lsnvite'd 'to America -4311m Glyn and Rudolph, Val- entino, movie actor, are stere seen. signing a cable to Sarah llernhordt, in. tilting the famous 1''reneh actress to he the guest of bettor at the decennial celebration of the birth of the feature picture.FI.a .. attowea torzraty' tttt'tes tin.i; 'ptiitt't!'o► 8 q. trot ht the Barden ubbut th odeod FROM R nnIRi� S rbc na o ie This Intlueilee et Teittlterature. • cAilabinutiott. of great efficiency. hidden ll d e luster tirade of IIesh, blood, ,: Potatoes stored 1e, ce ar i a when, and tissue. keepstight, and makes the temtterature is kept. its 65 do* t ,Own repairs, Furthermore. the green will sprout in about 75 days, is t o horse ittotor deYelop+t Irap, or placer It the temperature is k pt a 46 its repe e ry energizing izing �subrtteACea that degrees the sprouting will be a ewer. 8 r e- d re. a be tided on ,doinand.: _ •✓!'he•. inech- usually about 125 day's. A 40 `. ray i u sr i not dot the 0 t: doese 1 a p d e t will trustto 'era ur Y e a m 0 • h n p of 'w i al. alt r an C a improve ilei .grorv�� stronger as . dee* slily further. holding up .the ma ur,i the.horse, but,freq.uently wastes or big process'so that the buds do not rusts. The high cost of gasoline, oil' start while in storage until about 200 a n t ltd.:ttto%x ixiectCaitta !Orme, together' trout the tittle of enters 1C the with thee too, frequent neglect that. storage. Temperatures of C(1 degrees Is accorded tractors • on many farms, and upward, together WW1! light gen - • •has reacted' to the'.advantage of elle orally give ''considerable, trouble' fthfttl •h ise. through. hinchetn sprouting, rootiaB. Ce Cors week In Junky All- of the ueedlln$' • plants &started--e�arly� . to suggested: should `be tranaplented when from four to six leaves have de eloped in- to good soil atuglY into 21.-i or S -inch pots or be set about 1'a inches ;part In • shallow, well 'drained boxes titled with good soil, • Some Annuals Suggested, A Lewy variettee at aunualsi' uch ea Asters. Chastest, Pines, Drutnmondt,,;'tants, falsantle Marl gold,. Compile r►rablosa. Calendula (pot elarit old), btiguouette. Schia;rt- thus (Butterfly power) and other varieties at ueeded, mei be sown in- doors early' its April tor early slower- 'lug or they may be sown out ie the . . border .tilout the Second week �n hiss' for later flowering, A gree anon. aunuats seek , a'.; PetteIi tt, Nestur Donis, 't''en Week ittoek, Slime Ar-. uteric (C`atchfly). uysophllie elegans. Ni ells. (Lave alta Hirst), Annual ' i arks ur,: and Other stingier annuals P do not transplant or succeed As well Beautyand Fragrance tar Mint Very Small Cot. -i uels MayIle Solve fadooi'* most Ain For an Enr)y Start—.t blew Sim* pie Remedies Suggested for Iva wet and ()thee )rests *-- Aunnide dill a TrAntPianted. - i0oatributed Or Ontario DeDeartatsnt'ot s - *deguttur Toronto.) , t he'rartotles thatehould he • Aritot it t started early indoors .are retuntass, r'ertienes, Antirrhinum (Snap/ dragon). . Ventatemott lonlniotdelt. F►l"> Salvia; 4geratutln, eentaltrea gym-. Dust tiller). Pyrethrum. itocrttri►a 'Musty � ((:•olden.pcather), and Lobelia the s tour kinds last totaled being of ,a dwarf habit of growth are very use - Old Dobbin Hats Sot de ; $once, that Can be kept under lits •degrees es ed• of ventilation t Is tt s 0 oA n i a P ' obi • Old D b horse. •sense.: No mechanical motor .yet' devised has possessed tele tune- ,tion.• • Fuel for the hoitse..motor ds grown; on the sarin, and. all profits -reinaln. on She farm; Theft Is 'no, tax on It either,- .Lionel ;Stevenson, Secretary Dept, 'et Agriculture. Toronto. ANNUMI INVE$TOJfl . w Record Of What S.UII O h Keep # lite d and 'What It Is.Worth. The . man an • the land can learn, much about. his own rarmtng opera- tions by taking an. inventory • each year. No form of record: will glee sti much intormatlon about the year N 'Work's,* will : an inventory properly taken at a definitely Seed dater each year. The usual time for ''taki g inventory et the farm business is in Marek, when there is 'least teed and; , he stomach Currants and Gooseberries. and bowels and leave chem in a eon- it a currant or gooseberry planta - flail is properly •cared for, at least eight to tea crepe may be expected 'before it becomes unprofitable be- cause of its age. ,,Ptoductive Melds! over twenty sears old are not ut'- there will be no netted of the 1)edtn. Patient: "Doctor, i we you my life." Doctor: "Yes, and that isn't all." ,till: fog planting arOttnd•the edge, ot when sown indoors, It its boat ti, 4(I r named out Pt doorsy crest c a ills 1 i dors The Labelle a •borders, p e t. tower es in light sail tad where it doer best B The, rti not get too moots adult. ihA,p e b ed variettea being of a teller, haat• of growth (one or two feet) are bet• t'ao flower S` b itt Noy where they arcs: to grew. , ": Tornio and I'r. ► i " nd the p Bal n ; to 'Aly w ii White t'andittttts'. eke Ngm neh the butt dwat'f edging enneals ts t of doors end 'should (:leo be sown nut a ter suited or the centre early_• in May. Early sar4rt 14Weat r borders. There are iso xttnt d. ttta beds o 1 to that can be Alyusum its often attacks. b)' t mer decorative pan small Malek ilea: `betotlee. *hat cotta- raised from seed that will make a ( t to Cants. plants A e and inora eonttnuatts' display In pletEly dez!lroys i P n r s i 'thee iratrt heed sawn later (end 01 May). aide' durin>a tut • e oat. IIawei g Clod, T'lte b .st r mike t attar a u as e taeido u - h0' seed I i t s led f �r n e ra those n t O t1 t r t e its i s thee ea b t e ':•frthisil. vii Y. a alt solution of Parts tate sante wt a P. xl' a 1 i a r t well usi avis b via tS Green, made- l atuall teaspoonful of Paris Green, (or Arsenate of Lead) an u tabicrPooni%II or two of Bold water, then,add vrater to make one gallon. •, - ']Justine the ltd given. a ioent ren la cn O started early in- a window. bot bed, a+~eumu- oro en a air or moist iv .vet deedttns re n d t sI PP ' n 1 e oua a tie? P Cations are- generally ts_ s ° even ordinary: Care anatieut oil. e C ire ail ti t ltl Y Dao y or Y ._ nt out fd Thu,a '1'at l n sown at ;n l e Seed I' t xR aitiiln. E. 1 All 1 the o ei o, mo' ho shed may fie s are very* late In ti w it b At' plantting it , t plants . before named will also.... e c r• ' 0 t g re ,nh d 11 aii f tf tt yi t unsd+;1 i►rodube • on hand. The.in- ventory of .any ordinary farm can be take()' -Ina a. hilt day, so thereits of no: excuse ion account of shortage time. The information gleaned about' the farm business through the Study made possible by Inventory taking is worth many times the, of .time and effort. 0e in the For . yoenntory any blank record farm in• Y book with pages wide enough. to per- mit aipacing for a number of columns can be used, and if ruled to a o ,can the entries' for a number of' non Secretaryears so much , Dehe pt. 0f Agriculture, l Toronto, firm' -and -look -alt xight. if It falls t.g u d ver useful' for helritnit to till f . Powder, to .send up good strong sprouts In a rni dew land. ul. t" t,1 boxers, ills- C►Tanta with Pyrethrum' l ou p v n - Brood ashes, at' soot area alcao: good e odvi tim after •Plante y & r es a e,. In baskets, d ltau Ft . ti ! t.s• au s an B inn c Ic st d , A ter .•sad , t �• e o n h , are advised to investigate the condi-potatoes :lug of a perennial or .atstattg pathic, Lena dt n o i tions under' which the seed potatoes Dan is pecielly fora hot. sunny merlon Is hadbeen stored as one of the pod- many ofthem i `Ivo sible causes _gf failure, Pant . 1 seed and get a One hundred per cent. stand of vigorous plautn, he buying seed potatoes get them early, exam- Ine the buds and if in doubt about their:. vltality_.plant a few •early and , watch developments before identing the maid, crop. -I,. Stevenson, Secre- tary Dept. of Agrldtilture, Toronto. also be `ttueei'ss- full. dug up in the "entente before fronts endplaced tit pots et boxes r1 early_ for indoor /decoration during '. winter. '1`ltoze lath in flowering, each as'Ageretunt. i nal►dragoit and' Pete - stenions are espeelaily useful for this Purpose. Seed should- be,isaved. front the bent types of ail of the pianta :named during .that summer t,ioirths • How to Select the 'Breeding Clam. Select a ram that posseaBEH scale, but stet to the extent that be is lack- ing in quality. A -well-developed ram as a rule ttijantwmltg these ebaraeterla- ties to hie offspring. Ho should be masculilae in appearance,' which In in - (heated by the carriage -and boldness of head, short taco, good width be - tweets( the eyes, large opera noatri and au abde0ee. of feminine ch ac - tern 9n general. A ram dhottli show good strength of back and depth of body, especially through the cheat, with good' width between fore legit and well sprung ribs. Ile should be elorrylw made, that in, good depth. vedth of bodt,'and abort ort legs. Bs. t rt The fleece should aloe be csider- ed as to dentate, finenean and free- dom ,from black fibred, with a !}kde that as pink le color, indicating that he' its in Good condition. to oilotild tib ;t: tones. Breed clt.ataC,,. considered as it is very' itnito tatttt, more espeolaily' in pure-bred hocks. Prices are relatively low and,lt pays to buy the best. Head lettuce requires cool moist weather to head well. `The loose leaf sorts are best - for 'w arm, weather, Prepare orchards for spraying for San Jose Seale and other seats by pruning and scraping off loose bark. Be sure that all seed corn and root` seeds are seoured -front the best sources' available, and aro in amp staantitiesd . for aDriarr seeding.. a Preparing for Gardening. iti•i1olloway's Corn Remover, and it tittle, r ase blood pure-bred ni andait pea- Can be 'used' without danger or in. d• results vvi1I_be Ile :$ -41 ingirp vu ltt keine Portulacca.. The need is beet sown broadcast on finely raked.soil, .and the seed relied, • iii very lightly, Than. the plants later on front tier to six inches apart. If you have ado'. hot, sttu:uy position where very few plants illi grow, try some I'ortulaCca, If a few early tettattirtittin• plants, tali -et - Annual- are wanted for aptj'. climbing t► wo window or �erandah. boxes, put two tot' the next ageing sowing. l lie 'or three seeds in soil in. three-inch .Dunty "\'tiller 40421 net need tate 'tirnt pots in April,. they will tra►n8piant vii t I a 1 if the Did t►Tt net& p The, era kept n a roe ry rte t - seed .may also be sown ratherthick- If avintar; Indow boxed out of&cors ear- alt i'lantp foto ('entre. - Iy in biay, clad 'alto plaltts't lane to n fete tall plants forthe ectatic, . about six inches *paid tater an. Ali Tide month begins the activc or. deninie work. . Clot -beds should be made, and the seed of the ,9arly plants like cabbages, eaulIdower, early celery, early becte, and Oolong season planta like toniatoCs, esti Plante and peppers; should be started. Many of these seeds for emn'elt. lar- dealing work may be started Inside which will relieve tbo necessity of making hot -beds until the first part of next month. Manure for top dressing the ground inay be hauled out the latter part ot this month. year, exp n rale: A supply mt Cu nt4, mus better from: pots than from ' may also bo obtained from most of boxes. Nasturtiums re one Ot, the the planta names beat guttuate tor. window elves,:. [ I t tut deli)) ala tyInw h d ,I• i or at the bahlt of 'a large border are annuals may be tranapianted to ad- required, d- re. uired, plant n few seeds ot the 'vantage singly into smell pots. . iticlnte' (Castor Ott watt). 'tit, veer i , Thi list 01 annudlt given may be inay be planted about an Melt d.••p extended, considerably, those mene lit 's)tailovv boxes 'early ,indoo•s in tioned are among the moat satiafite; April, and transplanted singly into tory for the .average Clower grower, 3 or 2'>,,teItictt firtvt'r petal when .three :-.The late Wm. Mint, O. A. raO1Te,^er,, or four'leaven are started; "t muttf:.ue'iph. bean may be put lit ,the same shied _ i_lli, SIAh. Beam, pot tnentl9nNf},, and the ni ,ret . ADVEltriSet I:�i 11 Put tsprayint; .machine into good condition, and tent It. -• Kee,l� nt apttiat in cheek by using I la p t genie tt.e, ren T't•t•paretioli. • 'I'}te Oil of Power. --It it; riot claim- ed for laim-eed:for Dr. Thontua' Releptrit: Oil that ill � c 1 it will remedy every , not its sen! are co various; that it !navy be looked upon as a genera} pain killer, It hen achieved that greatness for itself and itis excellence la known to ell who have tested its virttates atnd learned by e:rperience, ADVEIVIISH IN THE STAIR oI s �r 1t xe ecu �eL 14 rev e S� ARE ' CHEAP EAP Tial$ is a good time to buy cettattt selected stocks.. - e can recommend ,!hart's which have paid from 6%, to 8;v in dividends' regularly ttvery• three months for a period covering not less than 15e years. Among the present shareholders are some of the, most cop rervative investors in Canada. Write for Full Particulars. L. co. Green Members Toronto Stock 13aeh*nS 'r•r•ntt► Union Bank Building LUJ%ICEMENT for �: Neact Week DISPLAY �� ��l �VTNUR D�►Y ANQ RID�1���IA�. You are invited to attend our DRESS OPENING on Thu sday and. Friday, March `23rd and 24th,�y when all the latest models in Dresses and Evening G; tons wall be shown A GRAY az, C