HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-16, Page 4t• be Oobettch $tar, babscripliau 'Ursa* Vaitap ir,71 ism 0:33 pc;' l'e2r p114suicaq alvailcu: ottceviite Twt, ars wall cmgcli, me altea Etise% tad& C.vits ter ,,sue. ci2brTs ubo ta2 teceive Tn. Eta modetly will czrger a raver by aaviiing a.putastiers as soca' pessibie, In re. Asspaier chose of undress tcni The old 144 nevi andrexses iliould Lie given. f*Coll adveritellie Patel Yeaily contract ilisPlaY 54vediSitit neat+ lier tun. tcseition. fun of Paper:, sig mon1133 ecalrect, 18 cents : Oro Months L9 cents: oat) month 2'4 cols; ono emelt 53 cents. Guarantees memos 25 to 59 rer etat, eXtra 1101 pwireitautpt? ceflt. extra, er ants etar please tete tbst thenires for Me Current issue .1:ir Tiro ear meet tie In Me bands or Uni Printer not later iteuraucsase peon of each weeir. Wei *ad other similar ielvertisetnents. IS rent* Per Mr for ass insertion awl 3 oats per line fOr Roca lidneillient ire sortirsa. Itossured by I nonpareil! sour, twelve lima to an Web. mamas* cares of six lines one under, iittlie per year. - *amusements or situattons vacant, Situations Wonted, Articles Lost, Houses tor lisie on to Rent. nuns for Sine tir ta MM. articles tor hale, -etc.. not exceeding alito Imes. 35 cents awn in3extion; three impartial1 niv berger sfivectisements procortion. ausaata Notices Mews type). eta in. Ortlen. tO ceute per countea une; to mer. owns navies. Connie% tor display saver. tienarr_.* cents per collated line; ond 34) Mumma, and benevolent organizattons, 3 C111$ per cOunted eaversistainne without inieeinc bonne. itens will Pe insoted unto mem, one rMrtId accordingly moots renoerseend ollectea mental'. Irroasient savertinne and lob WOlti. Cup. 00014O4 fellespiapers any person Who Vilmo Mawr regular!, We Poet atnek whether oddressed la 0114 Dame or anntlier'i or whether he bso ouneeralted Or Pot" filponsdile for Wee If a person order/Mt pipet discoataued 1.mustenty au errors. or Macomber Munn* to send it until Minot Is 10411 Oen Onset Ms whole C00% UM patter Is Pion or not. /lap oeurta nolo (Melded not refilling IA Il allors or palest' from p1 oI3)eI or remoter 4 baring Mem prloUl foil Macs or 134- 01 LiRtiO ARC 16th 022. pla Pi;cit.'; he acted as professor of me, eetually did build, and which used Where tlinada leonine W stand erta e D. a 1902 of the mime utile #pltysical nt that the ar. r. C. cheaper native labor titan We on. eliataese, industrial sitaieing and ph ee to aepPlr power to that esuoicipality. when brisk flax auyirig reiUnleel sit sles era instructor in electrical evea It follows tkat had this commission competitive price*? All tax hen. gincering in Cynical laniverhityL he adopted lionse different scheme of tine ii died by hand throughout set the up. was wait Waitaegliouee Climb, Kerr locations, municipalities now pay ! erationa ot harvesting which is done a Company fer eeveral yora until high rates tia ht enjoy low ridge an by pulling so that Oa plant is dela-. vire versa. in other words the 'ate erect with the nets; :424 et thresh - paid by a Municipality is dependent ing eta not alone en its geographicid locatien 'ilie, Perfeetion Flax Pulling Me - 1 relative to Niagara, but upon the de- ehinee Ca. of Toronto and having in ot the 'esthete et lines by ',obi& their works in Goderiele sire the on. the Commismon supplies the Pro- ly concern that have gene exelusively since. As an instance of unfair lute the manufacture of specialized rates, the municaudity of Zurich a- machinery for handling flax from the bout 130 miles In an air line from field to the time it is made into a Niegara Fella paid *WA in 1910, cornmereiel fibre ready for theeapha while the municipality of Dutton, the niug male. Although many people some distance front the Vol% but on II11Ye attempted to produce is Ma - the! mein tranemission line, ipaid!$43. ebinery the awe concerti Is the on - London about 108 milee from the ly ono that has accomplished this Falls in an air Iine, pad ;10.00 end succeeefully, and commercially sues Windsor, 210 toilets, atr line paid $36, cessfully, which is again quite differ - Dutton ties on the same main tows-. ent from prodocing one machine that aviation line as Winder but ie about rimy hold up for a time. laU miles clueer to the Fells by tams- To produee the flax machinery mission line. , they now have ready for the market The tom of Drayton, /8 =flee in it WitS necessary to spetel large sums an air line from the Faith, but :served of money on experimental !work. through Loudon, paid ;Repo, The The great sueceso of this concern is town of Georgetown, served through due to both the courage of tho finans Guelph, paid $36.00. Were hnes ciere and the ability of the firm's en - differently aeld out, Drayton might gtneers who have so successfully de - have been iierved through Guelph, 'Mated the machinery, not to mention rete $19.00, or Kitchener, rate $191 a perfeet organization. k in which case the Drayton rate would The caeltel and the engineers yam probably have epproxitaate4 the Georgetown rate, The town of Ar- thur is 8 tulles from Drayton' and aoid $45 as againet Drayton, ,160. eirayton has lategare power and Ar- thur him not, being on the Eugenie system. Each town iti . about - 00 miles from the Falls. London 108 miles away pad $19. 1:381, when be extelambeti m New York as an erigin-eer and contreetor in indePelident Prectice. He is 4 member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, a member of the American Institute ef Electrical Erigineerio end an author of text books on deetrical machinery.-- Valio's °Who in Ameriesi. `Ito Southern California ediaort Company its the greater Edison. cor- Potation operable comprehensive ;system for the generation, transmiee slim and dietribution of eleetric ener- gy througbout Southern Celifornia and the San Joaquin Valley covering an area of 55,000 *lustre miles, halt- ing a populetion of znore than 1,549,- 000. The company :serves 233 cities and towns with eiectricitY, including Los Angeles, Pasadena San Bernar- dino, ete. It los 17' water power pleas with la eapacity of 219,500 home power and 7 steam stations *With a capacity of 135,200 tone power. The !company has soots of $122,140,000 (end 1020). -Poor's Manual Public 'Utilities, Mr. Wide's report is as follows: HYDRO SACRIFICES SMALL IINOCIPALITIES SAYS EMINENT AMERICAN, ENGINEERS the foliating article by George L. 003000, re$44fell eugineer, rePortiraf for the Seuthene !California HOS= Compeny, .on the Hydro system in - so thoroughly and ernplusti. velly . points .out the drew becks of the prelient system of elmeging for gadre power, situa vemaletela beck, up the .Centention that. the It is evident that, under the pre- sent Hydro system ill Ontario, enor- mous powerlies in the bands of the original designer of a scheme of lines, either to favor, or to destroy, the prospects of industrial develop- ment in whole eonneunities. It• IS also mddent that the system gives cheap. rates to loge towns and towns on the main lines and rates two or three times as high to small towns, elPeelelly served . by branch lines. This not only forces concentration of population but makes it .impOissible to develop industry email towns. The community as a whole, outside decreer; of Toronto dictators ours not of a few large towns, must inevitably istagnate industrially. Since the as- sumption of power, supply by the government puts an economic pro- hibition or new competitive miter - prima such condition mutt be as per. Mama as the rateanalting schema' itself. Under the commtssion's system of allocating charges, the economic lim- it of extension- has already approach- ed; a municipality beyond the end of been sent to the Commission • one of tba relatrveiy short lines be -I ing only servable if it mina* not °That, befeee Fort William will olay its Nepertien ez en toots even consider application of the hy.• 00 electric rwer .cOmmission for People an Goderich who think the Hydra -Electric Commistsion an auto - crate body, with which one is expect- ed to deal in blind fatth, accermg the to question why), be interested in the inineencement that the council of the eita of Fott William, has iee sued. an ultima,tunt to the Caramiss Mori, which la eifeet that if Hydro poles are treeted on the city's streets before a deiinite understanding as to eatee ie eeached, they. will be chopped &mit The! following cliallenge has power at tho point v*vhere power noir cOnserit to bui d lino to Consolidated Islcbut atimme also the total cost of elevator, full details of *Proposed a- ta bur the power farther. greement, estimetes of coet and plans Anyone haunter with power bust of proposed route pursuant to pima - nese in the United Staten need only graph seven of this city's agreement to glance at a itaaP of deetric 811PPlY MUSt be submitted anti a uniform oedeach 0004 of Treat aoec Intel in, Ontario to observe that elle area three a Which are interconnected, as * form ROO Associetion, that °we are of very modest extent tied should be , . It from The Financial .Post, This a single und network of lino* all tonnected to Niagata. with hieaewat ter powers feeding into the general system end with some eyistem of rates that shall not penalize cows reunities lying a little way off from existing Imes to such a .point that their, service is impossible. Such a system b its interconnections would /! enormous improve service at many points an by its diversity would re- sult in a considerable. economy of generating capacity. The immediate drawback is the difference in fte- cluency-25 cycles on the Niagara system and mostly 60 cycles else, whereee The improvement in service, however, and particularly introduc- tion of the feasibility of complete service --to all points within reason-. able distance of Niagara, would teem to justify the Provirice in fac- ing obsolescence follicle, changini-. over its smaller plants, building trunk lines and malting such inerease in rates as would meet the proper costa. ,It. is tomitig.to be recognised that good service is tar more in1.0 portant than cheap rates. Ontario 45 a whole is entitlett to good Ser- vice at lowest cost from it greatest natural resource. Niagara does net belong exclusively to Toronto and ms tee along the present relatively abort trunk transmission line, and Toronto is not entitled to benefit so exchesively from its geographical ei- tatition at the expense of the remain- der. Equalization of rates and uni- fication. and extension of the system, while involving heavy inereasee in Toronto and elsewhere, would permit genera development of the province. 1Vhen It le remembered that in Cali- fornia general service its transmitted from 250 to 500 miles from compere etively omen plants and then sold at low rates, Ontario should not be eatislitel to have Niagara powerbene- lit only the restricted district doge to the alalls nor should it be content with anything less than general and reliable 'service over - all territory within at least a 500 mile radius. "Hydro" came into being based up on ilieep Niagara power. Hydro was entibled to buy' a large block of Niagara power for 19.00 per horse power per year. a priers amountitig to $.00187'7 per K. W. H. on 100 per cent. load factoresea price lower taut any. other of which the preema writ- er tote any knowledge, and, ao far all we can now ate, et price which. can never moan even be approximated, even at Niagara. Main trensinission lines We been conetraeted, running *est and west from Toronto to Windsor, being fed by lines from Niagara to Dinette, Chargee Were based hot upon dis- tance, nor upon an average eost of power and trensmiesion-at practi- cally all regulable commissions in the 'hated States now require, .but upon estimated cost to serve tub eommunity from the phyeicel tante- turet Abet actually were Metaled. 'This method mekes cost of power to any town dependent not upon its dia. tame from Niagare, nor upon the av- erage !cost of voter, but upon the leading to the formattoo of tlie I'M -law served hY nine *sterns; only, publishing the report m full, copying served in order to be well served ter • verstra. coming tram an engineer of enhance, and conttaaing the, sys- tem in vogue in Ontario and the sys- tem. in Californie, shows that the ere' of °service .at test," which is the fetish of the Hydro 'Knight of On- torio is not alloWaa to stand in the .Way of common senae industrial de. adopt:vent of a -whole distact ineotlier places like Californitt. lip at this end tit the line many will feel like Warm- ly *Weeding Ma Heide when, he says, "'Niagara does uot belong, ex- clusi'vely 'to Toggle) and cities along the present aelittively short trinsmis. aloe line, -Toronto le not entitled ta benefit so ,meelusively from its , geograpIdeal peasition at The expenee of reinginderat Then again Mr. Mode points out thae. rioter. 'powers all through *the region abentila be developed and link- . tit UP with the one systenn We used i'n talk seriously of the developinent nt Meitland river power to eerite Goderkh and this county, built* it Up with the Niagara system. We art not . saying enythinie., as to the• Prettiest possibilities of Maitland River power but had Meitland, River power ate,* developed by the Haar* Cenunisisiort, who On :my, for instano, but that !such Armin Mt we had recently might -net luive venni the tie-up we had at aide end of the line. Letell breaks in the . lines were not eerteus, and with loot Power in iantratiatt, Industries in 430ihriCh and Other 'points this ottente„ntigat not bore had anything worse than :brief Interruption in service, inatead of almost a week of it. We suppose the Chippewa devel. Amount puta Away off haw the fut. yrs development of :etch total powers. LIS mow thou& et one time Mait- land River power would be, but if the Hydro Commission prefers to ten,. Otritfate development at Meyers iri "lore of developing small local sour. tee of power, We chant that pleas in vicinity of these undeveloped sources .of power hey* some claim for equalisation of rates for power fro* the linger development With ell waiter priwera developed and all feeding to the one network of lino, interruption, In service would be witielt hkely to occur end sub develophierit weuld he a strong ar- e gement for equelitation .of rates, we woeld think. L. Miele graduate al triginteer of Cornell Uni. an M. M. ase of 1897, ersi etee 0 0 1.) Don't Leave Off Till Tomorrow Wing You Can Do Today •N by puttingin via, order for your Easter suit. Also this Istss:in , er Hats *ad Neckwear C AS bC Ilifs Ow. loth %Its laheeita price for high tension and all other power deanitely fixedand established for Port Arthur, Fort William and Vicinity,- and notice is hereby given that if an attempt is made to erect. any poles -4012 lines in this city with- out the eity's consent, same will be torn dawn." . • ! Mayor Edmestort points out that if the council allowthe Hydro to construct IMO within the city and to supply power now, it woad le cutting the ground from trotter the feet of the Government in any effort it niay make to relieve the situation, as it would give the Hydro the chance to say that it was now sup- plying power .satisfactorily to the city within Cut citYalimits, by, the consent of the. city, and that the vity and the company aerved Were con- tented. .its one of the aldermen put it the Hydro Was asking the city to give the Hydro a rope with which it could hang the cite. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION motors Miaisteria Associatiost Golerich Adopts Reeelation re Remo* "'Mk. Pik .Agittition for Separate Seam. Aso Schools. The feliewing is a rerolution its dopted by the Ministerial Asadelit- tiOn Of the town of Goderich, Starch 15th, 1922: Moved by Rev. S. S. Hardy, se- conded by Rev. J. F. Reyeraft, that Whereat! an orgsinized effort has beeen carried on for some months past, end is. still being carried on, by the Roman Catholic Bishops of Ontario, with a view .to the amend- ment of the Assessment Act so as legally to compel certain ratepayers to pay taxes m support of Roman Catholic eecterien schools, end, Whereee the Roman Vatholie au- I thorities and organizations have been and are alit conducting a provincial - wide propaganda supporting this view, with att evident intention of impressing the government of On- tario with their voting !strength; and, Whereas these Bishops, authori- ties and organizations are claiming. - for Remelt Catholic sectarian second, ary education the same taratiotyprt. vileges as they time' claim for prim- heve been reeponsible for the devel. ary schoolseand opment and vonunekcialization of the Whereas we believe separate, see - machinery together with the organ- tariart education for the youth of this izers are all Canadians. province is subversive of the unity, Practically the 'whole of the com.1 harmony, loyalty -arid stability of our patty's work has been carried on at citizenship; their Goderich plant. Therefore be et resolved that we, Beside the present machinery they the members of the Ministerial Aso-. now, bove on the market in the way elation of Goderieb hereby record our of Flax Panora. and Thrashers, they enipbatie, protest against the grant - are earrY1 MI exemaine.ntal work big to the Roman Catholic Bishops and authorities any of the eoncese sions now being sought by them; and be it further resolved ' _ That, since they claim under the conetitution these rights which they Maintain are being denied them, we :would recommend that they be dir- ected to lay 'their case before the courts whose fiinction it is t� define legal rights and not before the Cab- inet or. Legislatilre. And be it also Resolved that copies of this reso- lution be imp to the Ilenorable E. C, Drury, Premier of Ontario, and Hons orable Grant, Minister of Edu- cation, and to the lo9221 press. , Signed. . JAMES HAMILTON, President. H. D. MOYER, Secretary. PEOPLE WE KNOW THE. FLAX INDUSTRY • IN CANADA Prospects are that High Priced Stocks Will Soon Be Exhausted and Canadian. Raw Material Will Be in Demand. In the course of a review of in- dustrial conditions in Goderich writ- ten from the ,point of view of the prospects of Increased employment in Our local factories with the open- ing of the :spring season, Which was published in our issue of March and, reference was made to the Perfection Flax Pulling Machine Co., Ltd., which, while it was intended only as referring to the iraniediate condition and in no way as to the propecte of the company in general, has been taken in the latter light by some. The largo/ possibilities for such mai chino as this company manufactures have several times been het out in our columns, and a statement by Mr. Van Allen, which was promised in tinto for insertion in our last issue but which was not received, gates the following summaryof prospects in the Canadian Flex industry and for flax machines t The Canadian Flax Industry pros- pered greatly until 1020, but Intfor- tunattly as excelletit prices Vereepaid for. the fibre (as high as $1.00 per lb.) the cost otproduction was proper- tionately high, as much as $30 being pad per acre for pulling. Casual labor for hitudling the flax was aleo at a premium and teaming was pro. hibitive. . It thus resulted that in the fall of 1920, when a general depression started and flex buying by the linen mills steeped, the grower* found themselves withlarge decks of fibre on their hands which had cost them peak prices to produce. And up to the present date conditions have re- mained. welch the Mae. Flax production in 1913 vtae 311- 4 004) emote. In 1920-25000 acres. In 1921-6000 Acres. •on machinery for further treating the fax after threshinghas taken place. . . It thus results that when buying fibre* is resumed this firm will be ready to equip the fitix growing in- dustry of this country with machin- ery that will so reduce the cost of production to such a low figure that competition will be easy on .the world's fax market; and will enable Canada to take the place in fax pro- duction of Russia prier to the war. The Perfection alits Company will do for Canada in the Flax Industry, what the development of grain ma. chewy has done to open up the Weft. lt Will be seen, that the future of this concern is unlimited. • • • MISS HELEN MURNEY 424 Lanedownee Toronto, winner of the Royal Templars' elocution con: test held in the Templars' Auditor- ium, Feb, 28th. Miss Muleteer is a niece of Messrs, W. T. and Fred Mur- ney and of Miss aturney, ited a grand daughter Of Mrs. W. IL. afirrneire Those who attended the, Grand Dia - mood elocution contest, an ' annual feature of the Royal Tempiats' con- vention, which took place in the Ten -gears! auditorium, Queen street West, were treated to an mautp,tally brilliant display of Went, mart The Toronto Globe. The success of the event was due largely to the untiring efforts of Mrs. If. Grey, Dominion Superintendent of elocution for the organization. The contestants for the Grand Diamond medal, *II of whom were young ladies, hadpreviously wonthe silver,gold and diamond medals for elocution, and the standard of their performance Was very hr. The chair was oceupi by 1 Bu- chinuirt, grand councillor, who deliv- ered a short addreas. The first contesthnt was Mitts Hel- en ilitliney. Iler subject was entit- led "What the Fiddle Told." ,The theme was a touching • one, to which Miss Murney did full - justice. Her articulation was clear, her emphasis well-placed, and ,the genera effect was most impressive. The prize, a gond diamond medal, was awarded to Miss Nuttier by the grand secretary, W. M. McMillan, with an appropriate -speech. The judges a the ontest were Rev. C. T. Scott, J. J. Evans and Miss Grace Murray, elocutionist, of Toronto. The contestants were also of Toron- to. Selections wan rendered by the Salvation Army Bend, winch was in attendance. Solos by .A. Q. Chap - men and Miss Minnie Pearce were alece appreeiated. Geography 'teacher -Mat separ- ates the British Isles from Europe? Mies Knowles Why, water of course., CASTOR IA For Wants and Children IrOWeVer it ill expeetea that soon, perhaps this year, the large linen In Ils*ForOver30Yoarsi doth menutheturers will have got rid of their high priced Stocks of more extravegant days and that gra- &telly buying of raw matetial, of whieh Canada had been an important producer, v4I1 be reSUMed. The areseet day .problem le Thiel -- When the linen cloth and thread mills teem* buying, it will be at low prices again, resembling more pre- war prices than those of *few years *go. The manufactured goods will conseviently tell at a reasonable fig - are, and the ninny aumseveives that have been waiting so laig for linen' to eon* down will mut once Mere to 1111 the badly depleted linen elosets, -Miamr buying in raw material will follow but at the loweet possible flgureat then who is going to supply it Rooth, who need to aupply per cent of the 'icorldts supply isno le) longer e 0 ying, Met leaves 80 per cent. to made up among the other ilex fer ing coo/Witte Northern Frew eel Belgium are right bark, into the genie sigein am* the relent labor there it Whitely eloper now than We Notelet boo to have it betel or what it. Mt MIkit whleit has &town te lie a riirsil'irith Comida in flat production tap sUslonaphy rewit , Alwarthears the Signatute ot Mrs. G. M. Elliott is visiting in London this week, • Mrs. G. W. Martin, of Toronto, is the guest of Mts. A. J. MacKay. Senforth Expositor: Mrs. Robert Hawthorne was visiting her son in Caelerich this week. „, -Mrs, Jas. Connolly is in Amherst - burg visiting her daughter, Mese Rey.) H, A. Wright. Mrs. W.-0. Cole of town: is ir Toronto* visitingher brother, Mr. Harry J. 13rhincombe. , , Mrs. joules Smith, . who Was here attending the funeral of her sister, Misn Florence Graham, left for her home in Port Arthur on Tuesday; Mr. F. Copus, of Stratford, district representative of the Mutual Life Assurance- Co. of Canada was in town on Tuesday. Miss Rutledge, of the L. R. Steel Co.'s store here, has gone to Brant- ford to assist In the opening of a branch of the Company's store there. Friends of Mrs. Emerson Evans will be pleased to know she was able to return to Goderich Friday even- ing after undergoing a serious oper- ation in the Stratford general hospi., till an the igth of January. Irer uncle, Mr. W. W. Yeandlee of High- more, South Dakota, aceompented her home. BRIEF TOWN TOPICS - 61..1•••••••••16 The G. C. r. tennis courts have got into early use this season, the game being in full swing. this week. The regular moodily meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, 1. O. D. E, will be held in the Board of Trade rooms, West St., ,on Monday, March 20th. at 4.15 &lock. If you are troubled with Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuritis, etc., T. R. C.'s will positively relieve you likewise RAZ -MAH for Asthma and Bron- chitis. H. C DUNLOP.ase' Remember the meeting of the ‘So. Mau Service League at the temper- ance hali this. (Thursday) evening, Rev. T. D. McCullough, district sec- retary of the Social Service Council of ,Canada Will speak. Mr. Fletcher Gilder's farm, Col- borne townehip, was ,sold recently through Mr. C. C. Witten, of the Willoughby Farm Ageney, to Mr. Archibald Nockolde, of Newton - brook, Ont. For White ,Teeth Healthy Gums :and Clean Meath use - Kiwi°, Dental creme Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic for conabat, ng .germs.-. A. valuable aid .in the treatment of pyorrhea and .an.excellent • mouth waSli and throat .gargle. The kaall Drug Store H. C. DUNLOP, Phnx. B. AilmilmmiNinniumme CHILDHOOD, CONSTIPATION 1 GODERICH mARKEis . Constipation -that disordered state of the digestive tract which is near- * always -canoed by improper feed- ing -teen he readily regulated by the use of ,Baby's Own Tablets. These Tsiblets are a mild but thorough lax- etive. They are easyto take and are absolutely free from injurious thUga. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Dion, Ste. Ferpetue, Qua: writes: - "I, have nothing but praise for Ba- by's Own Tablets. When my baby was three months old he Was terribly Constipated but the Tablets soon set him right and now at the age ofe4r teen months be is a big heathy y and that good health 1 attribute en- tirely to tae , use of the Tablets." They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail nt 25 eents a box from The Dr. Williams ,Medieine Co., Brock. ville, Ont. . 1. The coal dealers can't fuel all th$ , people at once. Don't 'wait till von want vour ear to have it overhauled. tiees ue about it at oticeattna be reedy for the fird good Weather. 111 FIEG4WILLIMAS noutt serest nowinas Phon*4210,i70010"" . .... ..$ 12.1.1stetoa 4.001. routt.p.er c wt., ....... Bran, per ton....... 80.04 to 31.00 ShortsFloury, ppatentt....... 842,4000 tote 343:6005 BOaartfe.y... ......... a 40 to 45 . . . 60 to 0.66 Buckwheat - ..... . 70' to 70 Ray . . ......... 15.00 to 16.00 : EBraguotgetc .perper*... . ......................... li . 263045 ttt e t: .121 i5)5 1 Cattle, butcher's choice5.00 to aeo Cria.tlear,ybute. livr's.71;t1.M. - 4,50 ;(-). ,0,00. Bologna, 'Bu.1.1s,. per /b. 8 to i 4 Lambe, per lb.. ..... 10 to 10 Hides....sheep„.. . .. ............ ... .... .. 8.004 ro 301 . A dash of winter now and then is relished by the coal yard men, 500 Men Wanted to wear Regal Fine Shoes They are good quality They are good appear- ance They are moderate in price They are made in differ- ent widths to fit the r'foot- Herns Boot Shop ‘10110 OPPITAIMINPOik 11YORP. El4FCTRIC Get ready for your spring house Cleaning be, ordering a liadro Vacuum Oleallero See .our display of'elecErie Mashing Machines at ' THE HYDRO STORE Sart!) Side Square Goderich Suits and Spring Thoughts of spring instantly arouse visions IA charming new suits, for what is spring without the glorious freshness of new apparel and right price and have been favoredi,by :x5.elAwes.wshinipintah:IPsaasn't ivwienghwaveee IdsYetgiititee wide e you in so doing. So we expect to continue. handsome styles, braided and stlfitrim styles.10$35.00 to $41100. auNtiofonleflittingehyers.orge suits, st7.50 to $25.50. Latest productions in spring model:Coats, $14.50 rinest French tricotine satin and silk -lined suits, to scope foryourindividual choice. ent of,canton crepe, taffeta and Satin dresses. No two alike, all latest stylks and trimmings. Beautiful range of plaid pleated skirts, $6.5o to $to.5o. Clearance of all hosiery at cost price. Select Ladies Ready -to -Wear Co. rmCIPIIIHr.nmmnklli.rjjl. Ill° THE IVAL OF SPRING at CORNFIELD ThoPiew Store Cate mit .T.grrirnkrInnrinim, ”T"Sur" is marked by a alrY attractive display of 0 Ladies' Suits, Coats, .Dresses, Semi -Trim- med Millinery and Ready -to -Wear Hats Men, Get Your Spring Outfit Here. Snits et niedsrate prices in Navy Blue, Brawn, Grey, and all the popular shades., Hats *ad Caps in the roost up.toste shapes and *bits at new prices. New Spring Goods Arriving Daily In All Departments eseareass