HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-16, Page 34 ••••••••••••••••••1•1•411.....11.••• THURSDAY, ineencieletb. GOC OIL rUsle. MINIX A SEVERE COLO Neighborhood News N 1 ii gets . TME LIU SHE , treenerero setaseers. 1 . Picked From Our Etchanges NEVER IRS , ....,..... ..,,,,.. store Fir% litinse) , sv. 1 nortilern, ii Zi. 1 1,, Idatattelon Oat" *Iv store fit. 11,11119nol, will kale Netticiatei for A eariegie Lam _, ry sainten Boy SCIOlt$ LI' I No2 ew ester Wt at 4:5t aepeere to be bet '''kc. Organize —Blytles Grand ma mut Celebrates 90tk Birthday An. Our edgiee te eau ie, :neer 'weave ./ Lelia keel es-, ie. 4q - told. ,.' Ilinnftelre. Rocky Ono Mere 471. WIIHromt) niversary—New Maaicipal Clerk at Brussels Wilder Fair Prop. You think you ere mope etiougli tO I )insertents Corp etracI6 ureventes e it011illiak owl for Walkerton -Blyth Memorial Hall Anniversary Will Be M, Observed.. Alike it a. but 0544o ere not so e4$11Y* Pro** SIrtsnaratu) No. yellow. i7634c. fought eie M thio uteetbern diteate, and if they are oot ateretlea V ilt once theY '1‘144 wetter er later; develoe. iate some more setioue lune, trouble. IMrs. Edward leineede, 6e. Dryden Ste: St. joie% 11.13., writeseeeee wish to ex - mese my hearty thaulre to youte valuable maelly, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine yup, sod Witxt good it didroe. Lest fall 1 contracted a serious told. Om like I never had. My bead and nose Oita were so clogged' up / could get no vent. and could starrier get nay breath. 1 trietrretnedy after remedy until et last I thought 1 would try "Dr. Vinocra." After tile first dose 1 felt rellea and br the tme tee bottle was fiuisited 1 Woe better. I wish, to extend tuy thanks to 4 'your, vm aluable reedy. Aftero WS X will always keep a bottle la the house' WOOrS NORWAY PINE STRIP P• rice, Mc. and 60c. at en dealemeput op only by The T. Milburn / Toronto, Ont. • OSTEOPATH tr. A. M. HEIST, Osteopathic PhY01,- - elan. Graduate, Des Moines -Still College of Osteopatbee Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards. Special ate elution to elleettees ot women and •• children.Consultation, free.. Mee • corner Nelson and St, Andrew Sts. Soeeetifior to, Dr. Heinemann. In Sea - forth Tuesdays and Fridays. mVSICAL Weasel G. CAMERON 'leacher Piano: Theory. Pupils prepar, ed for exanenations. For terms, apply res. teem omens st.. °AMU° victoria pub- salece or 'phone ?31J. MEO. IENYON. "1,,, Mus. McGill Oblversite legatees Diplom" Plano and -Theory Teacher's Diploma Sirloins Pupils prepared for eXaminationS. FOT WATS apply Studio, Montreal St., opposite Public. ea:eery MUSIC STUDIO. HOderIch SOciety orchestra mesa Stnille, entrance between 5'. H. 1,VoOd's and J. H. Lauder's stores. • - • MO. C. V. HENRY (trIolinist)„ tuition given on violin for begintiers oral those mean- ced. - • , Yor information apply at stildlo, Violins repaired., bridea trued, sound - Pasts set and violin bows reboired, etc, Goderich Society OrcheStra, 5 PI4440 yellow. lC. !Cow' }louses .to Ila fluiftWinger:are turn. The ezeteiene. win tate tiliace W. 4 yellow. ,72!tac. Thoth in the rear future. • - . Ontario Oats. Several new TeSidellet3 will ha Ito, 2 white, nouttnaL Ontartn Wilmott Poilltso Asteordiegta Feetiattene Nominal - *arke (*mor*et tow:mote Clittidde4 No. 3 extra. BT0 to 60e. er, Mr. Thee. WhttZh of Haraston. Ilinekwhent (According to Frelglif Ontelde.) lloWiek Young Man Marries No. e. 'NM to 90c. A ver e pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, blanch 1st, at the Wit in Winge em the centime, seaeon. Meth Memorial Hall •Annivereary Vinghant Ludy lases loather *ill Be Obeereetl M. Bert Wetitteto oe Wingham, The aenieeneorY (if 0,l be held on 20 eliciting Of rDarth Immortal hall 'dl the Suit news on Wednesdey Sunday awl Monday, !lune .4tle and of laet ogee, of the death of be r filth- • eth, vont a union service on Sunday and a play on Monday eveniug. Ilreeetels Not Enthused Over Iledeo No. 2, life to Ificattelts flour, First patents, nominal. , OfoltrofiS itlevg, Orawrioist fkillraserrta.), 20 per cent. patent, nominal. Ilifillfeed (Oar Loin Instiverred.) )lrnn, per ton, in to0,230. Shorts. $110 to in. reed floor. 21,74) to IitaIo • • .40,4 Extra:No. 222 to 222. MU& 218. .•1•1 '.st 214 to 218. Strew. Car lots, per ton. 212.60 to 413. . -"Unofficial quotations-.Ontarlo No« I comraerciat wheat. vale to eiese, out - •side. , Ontario No, 4 Oats. 404 tO 45e. outside. Ontario corn 630 to 000„ outaide. Manitoba. Flour-dst patents -in cot- ton seekts, 28.70 Per barrel; 2nd oatente, 211.20. . ' onix mitumrs home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Double - dee Bellmore, when their eldest dee:getter, Janet Myretta, was mare rigid to Mr. Norman D. Herding, son of Mr. and Mrs. 4. Harding, of Howe iek. Winghaut Welds Carnegie Library The clerk of the town of Wingham ia writing to the administrators of theestateof the late Andrew Carrie- gie to see if there is any possibility of receiving a grant for a Carnegie library- in leinghate. Will Return to Winglutm • Mr. and Mrs.: Geo. R. Walton, of Wingham, who left' early lest spring for Old England, where they decided to spend the evening of their lives, have now decided to. return to Cane ada and will make Wingbarn their home again. Was Motive of Scotland Mary Grierson, widow of the late gonerego WE. STOOK" * Win S. Anderson. passed away at TOnion SRONTOat , March 13. -tock IteeelPYats the family home of• In Win. • live stocit the Urdoghant on ltoit, night for to -day's market were March 3rd, iii her $5th year. She 134 cars.-eattle. 2.443; ,cafe. 262; Was born in Scotland, coming to Can- h,oge. Vela: sheep, 150: ada in 1855 and settling in Scarboro. nentegeeto own STOCK., On lime 8th, 1855, she was married, ROFIPALO, N.Y.. March es-epatere The young, couple remained in Sear - 22 to 14.60. eeeeipte, 10(); steady bore till 1858, when they came to Colvers 100: 50e lower; # Hoge Moo; eiovr: 10e to 25c lower; Huron eguntY. heavy, Bugs, to $11.26; mixed, 211.00 to 411.76; Yorkers,' 211.15; light do., $11 to $11.60-; pigs, 211; roughs, $0.26 to 22,60i otags, 94 to SO. Sheep and lambs, 2,500; steady, un- changed. • ' • IiriNNIPEO. LIVE STOCK. WINNIPEG, March 13. - Receipt' light; 20 enttle and '95 hogs. There were no aufficient, offerings ozi. the cat- tle market to establish *. price range. The hog market maintained a steady tone at $11 for selents. There was no trading on the sheep and lamb market due to lank of re- celpts. 0100A,00 LIVE ((TOOK. meetly 50c off; stockcri and feeder*. 600; compared with a week ago, beet eters, steady to 154 higher; strictly good and choice grades showing the advance: extreme top for Week. 29.40; she stock, 26e to 400 nigher, with fat cows and heifers up Moot; bulls, steady; light vealers, unevenly lower; CHICAGO, March IL -Cattle receipts, Vic to 16e higher;.coinnutir and medtum grades, slow. , , . • -(Professional) liags, 7,000; g)!, 1a 0 to 16 c Oc lower Thalt ower; • Others, steady to Fri - 10. 11. WESTON, L. ite C.ell. Licentiate London college of tiltrsic. Eng - lead. Organist arid caoir Director t?f Nortti St, Methodist thurcb. • . TEACHER or MIJSIC tapas preparedfor examinations in eon TIOCUOTA with Toronto University, Toronto ConitervatOry, etc. Every PePil, entered, for musical externs has pesSed, meaty with bettors, ror terms apply at residence, West St. (Ant door tvest Of skating rink), 00derien. LEGAL 'CARDS • filIARLES GARROW, serrister•e Solicitor, Etc. corner ,Norte :Meet and Square, GOdericia. Ont. •, • ^HAS. SEAGER ' • . Varrigter, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Lonveyancer . Hines : Court IlOuse, Goderich. R.C. HOS • •?Phone $8.- inwrister, Sidfctior. Nettarz- Ete. • • Oface Hamilton St., Sterling, Bonk Bloat - Goderich Real EState. Leansinsurance • coriVeYAllienice MW wooer On_Oliefee•vtierrvatog3ira,rletevileld, Con* Ft101 4 DROI.:111,00T, ICILLOTIAN 1101.6188. A Canisters. SOlicnorS, Notaries • be. Etc.• • ofnce-on one Square, Ind door trom; gainnton street, 'Whalen. • Private funds to loon ar "lowest rotes. W.•geoureeme, if. ce • 1. L. KILLORAN, DUDLEY moles, I 1 • ADCTIONEERING pones ourmoy. Live Stock and General AiletiOneer, . • Ihunilion street,"*(Goderich. • 'Sales made everywhere and an •efforts • made to give you_satistaiction. •• Farmers, sale notes -discounted. LICEM...:E1) AUCTIONEER., .1/4. Live Stock and Cieneral Am:Comer, Pure- bred Ltve Stoet a specialty. ,Satisfaction anaranterd. Terms lowest. Live stock bought nil sold' on conunission. • " T. A. TRICE, • Ooderich, Ont. ' INSCOANCE - • • =111••• FIRE IN s &Net nays Er Wrtt:tmon 'T0 TiV TOO WirrilAWANOSH MUTUAL DAV INSURANCE Co; EST 10.000,1) 1876 TWENTY CItirs PEN Mitionti DOLLARS Hawn L. nabstin, Agora rod adjustor • VrcKILLOP MUTUAL flitE INSURANCE illy CO. --.- gam ond Isolated Toon Properly manna, value of property insured Nil to Jannarg, MO. 21049405.00. OPFIEERS--Jarnes .Conollys. President( Underfelt ; Jos. Evans, 'vice -President, denchwood T. E. nays, Seceerrease see- 4Orth. • OIREETORS-D. P. McGregor, Seaforth O. Oriove, WinthrOp 'Wm. 'kWh:, Con, atinee Ceorgt McCartney, .Tuckersailtt: ; Inn rerris Ifatiock John Bertnowlse; &nonagon; Malcolm McEWan. Brucefield. AHENTS-4. Teo, Hoderfell .4 Sandy PAitch, Clinton : WM. cnesney, seatortot Hinchley, Seaforth. Polley Holders can Peet meg essetsments It It. 11, Critt's Store. licoderirb, A. J. Mr - :4310B Clotting store, moon, or I. Ilaylleld. NOTARY PUBLIC.. ETC. Wet. Belles. liotrAAV nettle Geheral, COMOSMatiag elshie Good CoMpanie4 11Cpre5cnted Phoie NO. MI, trit):1Q1f•i: leCNEItel. OIRE(eitilte ao• 'day average; better grades, fairly op - tire; heavy ,,mixed, to thippers holfgeht about 1.000; holdover moderate - 17' light: 'bulk, 210.50 to 24; pigs about steady; bulk desirable, 100 to 125 lbs., 0;25 to 22.50, with stronger weights up to 310 and $10,26. • "-Sheep, 0,0110; to -day's receipts prac- tipally all Docket% direct. compared with a week ago, best handyweights, fat iambsand shearing lambs about steady; yearlings and weighty Iambs, steady to 22c nigher; matured sheep moritly Bee, up. • • Old Hernestead Bonier,. OTTAWA, March „ 13. — The old homestead of the. Skeet• family, for allillailleSellall.11000.11111111111111. many years a beauty spot on the AYI- neer road, was inmost totally destroy- Brutseta Poet: According tothe report brought home last week from Toronto, Councillor Walter Rose is not much enthused about what was expected to be a neineby inetallateon of hydro to Brussels. Ile thinks the figuree of the emenaisalon are oracti- eally prohibitive for our town. If - a — they keep boosting theme a telescope leeve for their new home at Menem OT aeroplane will be requieeel to even two, _ ILES Mr. 41, vi/a crtice rt ze t'•.4 V 4 itentraaektraitafbreggit r4 -4 -prow gronmi, T,-estneza I to M and N4ViZ,113"r.te rcree nice"' retied peeved cm:env hemhesi. Ice). eiieetty after my ieschaege teem the .scfv.te a fame sunny mitesed rue le eat Zauelea. .0re' bon of the balas btOught wadi boolit that I determieee V two Voile 'the treatment, In a few. ZLIm-10k caueed the raki, to completely dieeppeer. • An other sue -elite sbuuld Imow of • lila ond Wered lierballiceler." 000411e90.0. ell. see sop troteloo. 'meow' a view of this utility. Some. week: body blundered. Brunelle Man Burt Farm Moody Rolland, of Brussels, lies bought the 100 -acre farm of IL R. Cunnbighlim, IGth concession of -Grey townehie, aud will get possession this spring. New Municipal Clerk at Brussels At the last meeting of the Brussels menicipal council,- the application of A. He Macdonald, Ethel, was :wept. ed municipal clerk of Brussels at a salary of $150 per 4111111M. Mr, Macdonald has been tovmship clerk end. treasurer of Grey township for years, and is consequently well ac- quainted with the duties thetwill de - Velvet on him. Since the death of Mr. F. S. Scott, Mr. W. H. Kerr, „of after the work* the Brussels Post, had been loeflookingelle'. and hire, Welsh Made their homeBrussels Man Geta Government Pool - in Owen Sound, but they alive been • years. residents of Seaforth for nearly 40 tion Seaforth G. W. Y. A. Will Celebrate '•• Mora 17th - The annual meeting of tho' Sege forth. G. W. V. A. was held at the club rooms on the evening of parch 2nd, when officers forthe e Mame year were elected, with R. S, Hays Hays *8 president. The anniversary of .the opening of the club, March 17th, will be fittingly observed. The Cortese Orchestra has been engaged for the occasion. • Clinton Hospital Annual Meeting The enemal meeting of the Clinten Community Hoe ital Association Practical Work of Seaforth Horticult tura Sudety To help replace some of the dame age to orcharde caused by the tiled storm, the Seaforth Horticultural So. eieter has purehtteedea block of fruit. trees to sell to members at cost. The block• consists of apple. peare plum and eherry trees. • , Resideete of SeefOrth for Half Cen- tury Many friends will elttend tongue tulatione to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Welsh, who celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary on Feb. 28th. They were married in Walton on Feb. 28th, 1866, the bride being a daught- er of the late Jas. Sperling, of Magi - lop. For a tete after their marriage Wingham Lady, PrOminenti in Manyl Mr. F. S. Browne, who ,Itas been Activities, Marries, proprietor of the Brussels Picture eirs. Emma Sperling, WinglianelTheatre for the past year and a half, was presented with a miscellezeoas has disposed of it to Mr. h. Prem. shower by her many friends before tiee, who is now in P04110201011. Mr( her marriage March 1st, to Mr, Ed- Browne lute itettepted a tiosition with ward Browning, of Kincardine. For the Agricultural Department of the a number of years she was president Federal Government and will remove of the W. M. S. in the Winginon in the course of at few weeks to Len - Methodist church and was also or- emenrille, Quebec, where An experi- ganist and choir leader for Ave years, mental fami le located. , For the past two years she had been . lettered In Exeter organist and choir leader in the The rentable of tintlete Mrs, B. W. Presbyterian church...and alleraY4 tee* Grigg wile died in Montteal on the an active part in the week.. 'Sheeveas - president of the Red Cross Society of Whitechiftelfe- a`e Interred in East Wawanosh The remains of the late Margaret E. Harrison, who died in Toronto on Thursday, Mareli ^2nd ; were brought to the hpme of Mrs. R. G. McGowan, lot 40, on: 21 East Woman:Mho on Friday, March 3rd, and. on Saturday 1nterroent. took Place in the Union! in Exeter and vicinitY, died at the cemetery, the service being conduct- honie of her daughter, Mrs. George ed at the .house and grave by Rev. Anderson, on Wednesday morning, Mr. ,Jones,. of Delgreve. May, 8th, aged 06 years, three months Death of Hey Township Pioneer-. and fifteen days. She had been con- the home of her daughtero Nirs. Jas. Smart n Ree. fined to her lee& toe abdut three Feat* Hovey, Clinton on Fridllee bl ildi und of March were brietiE ate - ter on Satteratat, 4th, and the Wars held on Ftidase. March ard. lel funeral the sante- Ana/was-held from patients were admitted .durieg the the home of Men. Gregg. The de- year, and the collective aye stay of ceased had been about nine patients was 1831. 65 patients were months. Her maiden- name was Susie from Clinton, 91 from the county and McGuire. Mr. and here. Gregg were 25. from outside places. Total re- former residents of Exeter. • emote were $8,471.21, including pa- Oldesttients' fees, 95230.52; county grant, Blotter Resident Passee Ontario Government grant, Mrs. Ester Corea, the oldest woman $743.20; , town graut, $15; proCeeds of bazaar $806,06, ete. . Mrs. Billings, Clinton, Dies Mrs. George W. Billings, died at lee a DOUBLE treat Pepperritint Picket tr4r .rep petraintAltan t • 4+ IQ for 5c Candy jacket just "melts in your mouth" then you get the delectable gum center. And with Wrigiey's three old ataddbyaialao affording friendly aid to teeth, throat, breath, appetite and digestion, Soothing, thirst. quenching. Making the next cigar talite better. Proposal for • Winter Valtalit---Wilk- erten • • Bruce County breeders are consid- ering the advisability of starting a winter fair at Walkerton. Over six- ty men were present at it meeting calleento go into the project and all the speakers favored the .formation of a winter /air, but it was decided the first thing to do was to and out the prospects of obtaning' a building to hold the show in. The breeders were unanireolis in the opinion that W nud dollars -wee orentiotu, as - figure for skating rink. One suggestion regarding the stabling of show Animals was that if the rink be erected in arena style, stabling might. be provided ender the side platforms. This style of rink might however be beyond the town's Ability to finance. Mother speaker Suggested that .the • Winter Fairsociation, build stab- ling outoi eltonfftbo ewesel. rink. Wanted --A room for an invalid with stained glass „panes. -Apply til Joe Itaybould. • townshile died March 6th, 1922, while weeks, the breaking of a once robust Marcie 8rd, at the age of eighty to provide a suite e bu eg, They •, Mrs. , a p o eer , living 'with her son, Thos. G. SMart, r Constitution being the. cause of the years. Mrs. Billing13 had been in recognized that this Was 110 small unit, --- .- Unuctren Ory • 1 d P 1 Mt 1.1 a d ee : death. About three naonths ago she failing heolth for some time and for dertaking but horethet, as the town confined to bed. • Mae Billings is the one bundeng wou 4 serve the ewe Dunnville, and two daughters, Mrs. C A S T 0 R I Aix survived by one son, Dr. Billings, of inirlioses.e Twelve to fifteen thous- _ _ — Canway, of Riverside, Cal., and Mrs. Hovey. Mrs. Billings came to Clin- ton with her daughter about, two years ago but she had formerly been it resident of Clinton for a year, leav- ing about twenty years eget, and :inertly after, that her husband aied. Since she hod speht most of tee time i wa a M thodi$t a month before her death had been Is talking of but di a skating rink FOR FLETCHER'S 03. years, one motith and 27 .4ays. , She' came to Exeter from Fingal and, since was the mother of twelve children, that time had resided with her dau- ot whom eleven were born at Brtis. ghter. Her husband died about 37 eels. Mrs. Smart MS a resident of years ago. Brussels for eighteen years, tad Clinton Boy Scouts Reorganize which the family moved near the Star mill on the 16th concession of The Eoy Semite have reorganized M Clinton, with Mr. A. F. Johns, Grey township, / , principal of the public school, as Dies as Result of Stroke scoutmaster. Provincial Field -See - Jane Millar, Wife of Mr. Jas. Dar. rotary Davis, of Termite, was present bour, passed away at her home on to give Mar:Idiot's, advice fled. as - High %street, Seafottle on Wednes. sist in the organizetion. • ea by fire, ettieh brolte but early Sunday morning and caused a lose estxmated at between $25,000. and $30,000. The property had reeently . •• been purchased. by n: syedicate of Ot- • Wei reesidents, and had been incor- Coal rike II nCalifornia. She s and since comingao Clinton. had been connected. evith Wesley church. • porated into a company known as which she never recovered. eShe wa4 ference Which is to be holdeen Wilk mee Joseph aria Townsend, an Is not:only a possibility but we are sorry to say an uttituate probability You can help to 4void it by • carrying full coal bins. So now it the time to fill ap with day morning, Merck She suffer -1 neve 1Vork Conference in Walkerton ed a stroke several' Weeks ago, from the Homestead Inn Company, Ltd,, a daughter of the late John Millerd arranged for the Boys' Mirk" Coi- Death of Je C. Towsend, Clinton military -club, which was to have no4m.,bereit husband 47 years ago and erton on Friday, Saturday and Sun. esteernee resident of Clinton, died at, Antt ti program.bas •been and was to have been Used as msemi- of Staffa and was. married to her opened about the end of the month. day, Margit 24th, 25th and 26th. resided on the homestead a mile west his residence on Seturday morning, • of Stage and moved to Seaforth New Proprietors of Seaforte Com- March 4th, in his 71st tear. The dee • , • Skyscraper in Berlin. • nearly • eix years ago. mereial ceased was born at t e bomeatead, • • Celebrates .90th Anniversary. Mr. and, Mrs. Diengey, . who have Tuekerstnith, and was 'reared by en . • •• . . . eLeekeiDONe itfarch 13.—The first • akerseeaper, twenty stories • high, io uncle atid aunt. Mr. and elite. Thee, • MI George King Blyth's grtand moved title •week from lefitchell to • Omit to be erected iii 13erlin. The ' • bundieve permit for It has beenegraut. ed • The strntture will stated on the Friedrich Strasee, near where that street Crosses the Spree. Theetallest building in Berlin was originally IVO atorlea bigh. Thlois the first moderit building of this style of the Gerinan • capital. • Brophot Bros • e • GODEeliCet - MG Mew • fanarai DireGtors, • and Ealkaimere6 Mem 4'.t:t:xfulty attezicd •o t boura er dm.y. Twelve Seita to Prison. SYDNEY', N.S., Mame 13.--Tettelye men convicted on vizrious charges in connection with the January Note at • New Aberdeenh 'were sentenced ;to terms in Dorcliettsr Penitentiary, at the conclusion of the criminal- term • of the Supreme Court here, Saturday. The court has •been sitting for about three -Weeks hearing the cases which arone •from t'n9„ lonting or a Dominion Coal Company store ton: Whin goods Val it eti eat $ , 0 0 0 wo re earr led of. Premier clout net:moo . ATHENS, March 13. ---The Cabinet of Premier Gounaris has resigtied as reresult of a vote of want of eonfi- dence. The voteewas.161 to 156. Pre- mier Gounarie, prior to tile vote. ex- elained in the Aosembly the outcome or hieeuegotiations during Ids recent trlp to London. • •. • King Constaittiee bus eitarged Nicholas Strafes, former ,Minister of Marine, with the formation of a new Cabinet. de • Bacon Trade elltimpe. OTTAWA, March 13.-- According to the Dominion Live Stock Commis- sioner. Canada's ceports of bacon to Greet Britain declined from 1,498,- 00i) Iong hundredweighe iti 1e20 to ee4.000 In 1931 Daniell eeports dur- leg the =MP period increased from 145,0'i0 to 1,849,600 lore; hundred. *Meet. tune Crich. from early infancy. Ile eery - old man, eelebrate the 90th anti- Seaforth, where • they will tt answers the burning question was solemmZed at the Blyth &Wise friends. • ' Deceased was twice married, his first rgiejltgienitoine VratXse,veti Yrtert • Theo. gKenzie of - w White-Glousher ished towels by the ladies of Trinity steers for A' very quiet but pretty vredding church with eeighbors and other Stanley Girl Weds; Goee tie Alberta wile being Milk; Charlotte Gletv, and ' • & • Scranton Coal versary his birth on March charge of the Commercial Hotel, ed an apprenticeship as carpenter at i Blyth and 'worked ;for a number of were presented with a shower of fin- 11, M MUSTARD S COAL by Rev. G. Telford, on blarch 1st, when Miss Lizzie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mt'. John. Glousher, of fluliett, Was married to Mr. Wm. J. Whyte, of Blyth. Charles Lockhart to Be Married Soon Air. and Mrs. William Knipe, of marriage. to Mr. Ernest Vedder:, of Myth, aitnounce the engagement of Mellone Alta. The couple were _un - their daughter, Emma Susa, to Mr. ited in marriage by Rev. (Capt.) Ede Charles lee Logichart, youngest son of everds, of 8eaforth, assisted by Rev. the late Matthew Lockhart, of Au. Mr. Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. Vodden 1• A very' Otter wedding, was solein- in March of 1912 he merried his pre. . the home of Mr. and Airs. W. IL a - of Bournemouth, Itinghand. • The —IS unclard Anthracite bet, Sauble Line, Stanley, when their nized on ednesday, March ist, at aent widow, Mrs. Annie L. Grendon, T 1 • Mouse of Refuge ,CoMinittee Meets daughter, Minnie Mae, vette united in Tee us hoer °from you, we aro ;414 itt the .4110 eidi ,,,,...011.1”/.1.11all.i;:.•114141;410101•10.4"bil/Oilsiao, A. 3. LAITHWAITE Electrical Contractor eteeet foe Blue Died Wooletie hoice hre of leetrieel Fisteaee tat:Tie:1 it: • reoell Oki Colborne Hotel Corner • moor Zed ).‘ The county home committee of ate . county council, eonaioting of Reeve: youv leleplutne and our ienvicule ftee. Elope of Hay, Tiplinge . Winghame , . Spotton, Ilowiek; Envin, Ilayfield, luesday, March7thThe JOHN B. MUSTARD and Warden Trewartha, met in Olin- ton on .. tenders foe the year'.-: ouppIieo were let, some matters relating to the OPPICE'Phone 96: Foot of Angieree Street • winding up of several estates were gone into and utile*: business Attend- gamompumpamiammi ed to. lerincests Injure -el When Camera Explodeaae et• Pru : legeolotte Idtefittril reneielen. wire ecoreeiv injured recently ween a fiatioltete, tem ! 1 lei et - t..ttp •!7,1 p tire:I WCTe (44 moo 0 WE' 17, cee eye oczieee • zettt ad, . • o 0.0.11.•••••11PM.11101/1•1111011111MONNIIIMIMPOP 433e,`J. • • 1 0 Preerecealli • • s • t 1 ..• • 10 1.• 0