HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1922-03-16, Page 1bald) 1, SIXTIETH IMAM. RO I -1W, WHOLE Nrellikft 31e4, Alt10, CANADA, THURSDAY. KAM 16. 1922 FARMERS There is not quicker. safer, ,or more cosivenient method of tenotties money than by a Sterling Bank Mowry Order. A receipt is Oren at the time ot purchase, snit when the matey ' °oder le cashed it constitute* 41, pennantat receipt tor tbarooney. Should **Money Order be lost;* new one can be obtained. The Order is payable at par et any Chartered Bonk in Cenadat *wept in the 'Yukon district. Our best Stanch ow slackly Iwo Nroso Orders for You at any thaw THE_STERLINOBANK OF CANADA it un Life Asstirance Go. of Canada • Many people arn being forced to.exercise the most rigid eeone omy, and -demand the highest possible amount a protection it low; est net cost. , • The Sun Life Ilse devised a now Jubilee contract (nort-partieine atinthe which repretlents the mOtit effierierit 10V0.00$t form of protec- tion yet offered to. the Dpielic. Oreenitilt os regarding rates, eto.. of this imlicy. 11 R . LONG , ARaiit l• 4 • NUM 1E138 LAURA. JACKSON, A. V* O. Md• le Asa- Prepared to take implis on tire 'plane. -For terms apply to MISS JACKSON. above Dunlores Drug Store„ ioneston street, Oft Saturdays, 12:30. to•4130 tr. M. ' NOTICE Or ETING r1 WIDE3 GATE ft, B. .1'. NO. Mee Meetti VI first ThUrsday of each ratette, 14 For- esters* Hall, ciederich. aftettinle HO' - Knights Yellieeme.. • MeNEVIN. U..EL*040W. Itegietrar, 'CARD OF THANKS • COFeTHANkieS-W-0- Wieleeee •thelik - our many friends and neighbors in 'Ooderien, and .especially Victoria Se.. Meth, *distteem!), and at Nile, for Mow ern- MIMS?. ancLassiatance eitribli the illness. and subsequent death ot our .daugner and-Siee tee, Mr!. Geo, Curry., alsto for Bore Mee. owe. • e MOTHER..SISTER AND OROTHER. "-ITIISITEANCE AND REAVESTATE 0111100000HOUSCII AUCTION Thers's Pins ii tis sows of oppottsaitiss to wok, tie Nososholii ?roomy Arita to cow tie rottiressoto to the boot avoritago. fad HMI lindleasils it Tio liar • PublIshed eery voirsday-glo 8Veer tt quir tr la. errors. YArtaxIilt it Starlit A UtiTION SALE AMA DESIRABLE BUN. GALOW, 'din t 1.* acre* of laniissel- • nine fare stable Mae belonging te So a sixdwre lot *less the rose, wee * allure the Habit eeer- etiliNaTtes SATURDAY. MARCH rth entreatment at 1 teelocie ids° at Ilea UI UIII ell the /image -end furniture artel effeets wilt be :Reid. Vtat pertiestlers an next week'S Star. T. illUNDRY, Auelleneer. fiI,E1, AUCTION SALE OF FON , sei STOCK, IMII.EMENTS, SEED GRAIN AND FEE). brpMit. ‚IE(). It, WILSON will aell ublie auctiou at ime re eon. 4, tioderieh towed*. ini TUESDAY. MARCH eeth eounneneing at One :Wee& p. to. :Morses.-1 extra rood teneral PlIriXem ;Ming', 8 'Seers old. retinae in eu a general purpose mare, 10 yeare ole, Iu tool to PeOluele's Pereheron; 1 Meek mare. aged; 1 eon, Ming- 1 year ted, "Wed by Perrberon. Catlie.set row 7. years, old. Milking; 1 eVet 3 Yearsobi, dile 'Mir Mtn; 1 better 2 years eld, due April teen e steers rising 2 Yelirs old; 2 beiterS rising 2 rears old; I steer rising 1Yell' old; 1 250a York sow, due April erd, second Inter; e fat hogs; It' hens and puttees. Implements. -1 heavy wagon; t Deering, • binder. 6 Mot tut, neerly new; 1 Massey - Harris fertilized drill. nearly meg, hoe; t-streering mower, -6 toot seit; i Deering 416111,01RATI1 TYR. A. M. HEIST, OeteOpatnie Physielari. 'Graduate nes notnes SflhI caner° or osteopathy, Licentiate Iowa and MIcnigan. State Boards: Special attention to diseases ot women and, children. Consultation free. eanice corner Nelson and, St. Andrew Sts. TSuuecsroesyssoot.• to Dr.mtlellenrann. In Searorth • Alt kinds foreide Or to rent, at 'vety reae Sortable .Prieeri. yoU reteere :a good - woe drop in and See . s. RYAN, • mat Estate. an* laureate. • The WILLOTIGHBY FARM • AcENCY, (Largest ram Agenc Canada) as sold through their ,agent, Mr. c. McNeil, The John Dursb Farm on Maitland Con, Colborne tele Dust , •• of Colborne Togeb possession lst April. We nave:A-tier good farms rang• big fro iri '5O to 100 titid 200tiereafor ageclose to railways and town markets. We would be pleased to show these listings to any one looking tor a farm at any time. C. MeNEIL • Ilreett Street CRAICaleS !swims and Real Estate •Twestory whlte Wick iellyea0O• ern eight roomed house, hot Water loadingsituated on the south aide of Lightboute street. trice /2,6•00 Two story red brick tally modern eight roomed house, full lett don: hie garage, situated on the,corner ,of Elgin Ave. and Stanley Street. ?rite $3.500. Two story frame seven root:dad louse, electric light and bath, ge,r. age, in first Olass condition, east aide ot 'Victoria Street. PACO 82.200. ' BONDS SOUGHT AND SOLD i. w:craigie SPECIALIST 1)PS, F. 4, It. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. Lete House Surgeon New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Hospital, &western at more - fielder Eye 110514111 aed Golden Bemire "111453 Vatie$Pri041° °Qam"..,'_Enettatrord. Tele - hone 267. At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Wednesday, April 106, at 8.00 p. to Thursday, April. 20th, at .1 p. m. BI/APITICH gentleman or lady repro. tentative in GOderiett to handle 'Wat- kilts! Products. All or spare time. rine empOrtnnity. Write for fall par- Tho,j, R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. H. 7, Hamilton. atniOny WANTED.. --Ironed or rough .Le dry. Called tor and delivered. Send Post card or call at MRS. M. WILSON'S; 132 Huron Road, TOwn. • , s— WANTEO-A geed Sect:ad-nand incuba- tor, capacity 400 (Prairie State or euekeye preferre(1). A. 11. CLUTTON. 11. •R. No. 3, Goderich„.Pbone 1411 Benmiller, •AVANTED.-Local representative at T Vedette's to repreSein "The Old Re- 1itble eiureeriesS' and cover ,eUrroututing 'territory. Splendid opening ler the right man. Exclusive territory, highest commiSsions paid. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ontario, 7ANTED,--e00 MORE MEN TO Mrs PO- T T SITIONS IN EARLY SPRING. No experienee necessary, $12$ M emu per Months operating as tractors, driving motor trucks,. Ore and farm power mach - artery, or auto and tractor machinery, city and country garages. Steady W012. We bireea men Whereby you can work in our shops to ter for- part br your 'training: Under this system you can soon be train- ed, ready to Went one of tnese bit paying lobs. This special otter 19 good for a short time Only. Dory and evening seS. stens. Don% delay. Write Or call for full particulars immediately. nemPitILL's MOTOR SCHOOL, 163 West Xing Sts Tor - (.n°, • ^a^ ERIN Go BRAuGH EUCHRE- and DANCE•. ,1,k1e,...1.09.6f the HURON ENCAMPMENT NO. 28 FRIDAY, MARCH17th 000FELLOWS HALL LUNCR IRISH FEATURES iFECIAL MUSIC capda $em thew% • Admission, 50c ' ••••••••• ••• •••.•,/tOr Make ti) For alterations or repairs to old hoeue or foe the new horn° yo e thought of. Prices are ae low a thtey can go or will be. Soon cprieg will bo here, building elseratiene will owl up. Sttick$ throughout tho o:entry are Iew and the elighteet ilemana will tend to increase pricea, " nave yoUe .03,13 Eng() Una be prepered to C0E4113600 when Season °pew. We Will deh fuenieei ane inforrnation deeired. SODERICH PLANING IIIILLS 01111PkNY, Ltd, Iliftlarler 47 1*** 1* 'cultivator, nearly new; 1 dise herroW; 1 set iron berrowsi 1 extra SectiOn ana Mier tree; t root pulpert 1 staelt reek: 1 Deer. Ing rake, 0 toot; 1 nay fork ear, repo end trip; 1 set of slings; i gravel box; I set or llearY Sleighs; 1 Oltver Meng MOW: topebuggy; t cutter; 1 set amble berrieSS; set einele harness; a number Of • extra toilers; 1 genus pruning Entre: 1 Om planter; 1 pea harvester; 1 grindritorler •bolee postai 20 Orals or stove weed; t quantity or tough wood; 15 gal. lime sul- phur; 1 water trough; 1 wire Stretcher; 1 ranntur min; 1 hog reek; 1 of Pare wire) a number et Oen bags; a quantity or sninglest a ellainity or 0, A. C. seed oats, rio, 72; a quantity or Seed barley; 4 quantity of straw and corn stocks: a lone crowbar, shovele, Dirks, VirinletreeS, nerk Yokes. means. and numerous other *rectos. TERMS. --411 .81110S Of MO and 'Under. Cash; over that amount 8 months' credit 011 turnielher approved joint noteS. (Re- count or 4 per cent. etraight ammo for Cash on credit amounts. There will be no reaerve on anything as raprietor bits sold Me rawn and is Jew - 0E0. B. WILSON, THOS. GUNDRY, Proprietor.• Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF ,FARM STOOK, IM- PLEelENTS, ETC. M. REG. FOWLER will sell by pUblie auction on the premis- es. Lot 4, Con. 7, .Colborne Township. halt. Mile east or Carlow,. on ' TUESDAY, MARCH Via. 1022 Commencing at 1,2(0 o'clock p. m. sharp: 1ierses..--4 teem black Matched drivers. rising 7 and 8 years; 1 roan more, 12 slam yoletta;r8laxaged driver; 1 gelding, rising 2 Cattle. -d cow, 0 years due April 1st; 1 cow, 7 years ola, due May Mt: t cow 4 years old, due to carve in Junes coer; 7 Yeare old, 'With' calf at Mot; 0 tall calves; I Polled -Angus bull. 8 months old. P1is.--2 pigs, weighing about -75 lbs.; 3 sows, due to litter about April isti $0 hens. Implements, -4 Deering binder; t Deer- ing mower; 1 Deering nay rake; 1 it -bee disc drill; 1 set iron narrows; 1 Steel rol- ler; 1 cultivator; t stock and hay rack, combined: 1 root puiper; 1 wheel barrow; post gmlnder 1 wanting.. plough; t Ham- ilton riding Mourn; 1 grindstone: 2 buggy poles; t ru1iber4ired buggy; 1 Waggon', I set waggon springs; Vset scales. 2,000 111e, capacity; j cutter 1 robe; 1 Imperial Heat- er; 2 lanterns, Items Nearly Ne',_. -1 set Mame sleighs. Darned erearn-Separator; 1 Daisy churn; Tudhope-Anderson manure spreader; 1 Corona range. Marness.-4 set brass -mounted team liar - heirs; 1 sot double driving lioness: 1 set plough harness; 2 Sets single harness; quantity of ,hey and straw; numerous other articles. Everything mist be gold ail Mel:mho- tor has rented the farm. TERMSs-Hay end sttaw, and all sums of *to and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount Of e per cent: allowed for eash on credit amounts. REG. FOWLER, • T. GUMMY, Proprietor. Auctkineer. A tlCTION SALE OF FARM STOCk, IR - 41, PLEMENTS, ETC. MIL 0, E. EillIkkT wilekll by public auction Lot 43, Ora.. vel Road, Millen, on FRIDAY. MARCH 2101; $921 eommencing et I o'clock p. • Calt1e.--.2 cows 6 years old, clue te freer - en in June; row 4 years old, due to freshen 1,1 MarChri cove 7 years old, freeh- oned in February; 1 row 7 years old, due m aprat a heifers, with 'fait at foot. • Borses.-1 general purists° mare, 6 year; old; 1 heavy driving horse; 1 light driver. Sheep. -8 good Caroni ewes. neps.--w 1 so,. due Mareb 13; 1 sone with litter; 4 pigs, just weaned; 2 young 5eW8, bred Starer 1; 7 nogs, 4 months °le; 1 Yorkseire sow, ,and litter, farrowed. Feb. 10. 23 liens I year, old. • Implement/L-1 set teem harness, 1 set plow harness, 4 set single harness, 1 Frost and Wood binder, 0 Mill:. Frost & Wood` mower. 5 foot; 1 steel hay rack, 30 tooth; 1 cultivator; 1 dise harrow; 1 set iron Mir. rOWS; 1 aced drnl: 1 minter; t swore:et- Ile; 1 root pulper: 1 Chatham fanning mill, t two -furrow plow; 1 walking Plow: 1 good wagon 'with box and Spying gen; 1 set wagon springs; 1. truck wagon; 1 set sleighs; 1 cutter; 1 democrat with pole and shafts; 1 grindinone; 1 hay rack. Furniture. -1 dining room table 'and emirs; 1 dresser, 1 kitchen 'table, 1 'Mat- tress, 1 set springs, 3 bedsteads, 1 lounge, organ, 2 'wood heaters, 1 sal) pan with Palls, sidles, 3 reed barrels, forks, hoes, shoves, chairs !ma tools, meal quantity of grain and feed.' TelftelS.-All sums of $10 and Under, cash, tilecount,of 5 per cent. straight on credit amounts. 0 Menthe credit allowed on ap- preveit joint nOtee. IMO/ STALKER, O. E. itrtRATT, Auctioneer. Proprietor. rit.EARING AUCTION SALE sOF FARM STOSK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC, MIL JOHN C. OtHIST will sell by public auction at Lot 10, Mait- land ems, Tu. of Colborne, on WEDNESilAY, MARCH 22 m comencing at one Weigle the following; Jilly rising 3 years, sired by Commodore; Clydesdale stud colt. tieing I year, front Imp. stock, Sire 'Commodore; t Clydesdale stud eel, rising year, sire teinure Cartier 1 Pereneran Miss rising 2 yearn; 2 Clyde cube, rising 2 peat's; 1 good cirCivaitntre.e.rntarittw 7 years; old, due in May; t cow 6 year. dim In June; 2 cows 6 years old, due 111 Ap111 1 eow 5 yeers old, ttie In April; e freer' eowe, t g years old; ,atreet row. in calt; 1 troll NW 4 yeare, 111 4 -air 'again; I cow 4 year, elm in 2day. These cows are all in calf to tlie Due Purpose Shorthorn bull, Tellurion, 120063. 1 purebred Shorthorn bull, about 10 months Old; 12 bead heifers and steers, rising 0 yeare; 10 tall ealves. ,10124.-1 brooti sow, with 0 Diger I reg. 'Yorkshire boar: 1 purebred Bel:shire boar; 2 young inerioldre now*, in Mg to York boar; a ',Umber of Berk Tama, for breeding perpoees. About eir WhILI Leghorn and II. flock Mae, 1 year obi. te's limplerneate. Mazieeysliarris, binder, 7 ft, cut; rieW; lsaltteley-Itarrie hay loader. nearly nese: 4 Mainey-ilarris manure epretieer; Lefaegey-iferris 6-4t, cot moWer; t Sltese,v.diarris cultivator; t M'".513*'. P1fertilizer seeds drill. la-boe; t hay rake; i roller; i testa corn eculner: i Po- tato digger; t Mundtota %venting plow. t wegmi and reek: I set sleiglie: 1 Wagon cOlubinetion reek; t flow weeall het; 1 Mt:Laughlin fellegY; t 5;W8011 ape Mier, nearly neve 2 Grey etntete; 1 feOn punip; tanning mint I auction panne pet Ghat. hant track !Melee; act team hamlet set Single harilese; 1 bag Urfa; t is; tork Mae Cage; 1 trfaseey4istrie grinder, te in. )311te, new; t Fleury realer; e MieintitY of ney and steaw; Weil POO nushels No. 2 G. A. C. MOS; 5 quantity ot Rea Seel Yellow Illemeorn sweet clover seta. Neueehold Etteetweet ettenskin kitchen table. 1 bed sea sPringS, t lounge, t miming Merline, a number or kitchen theirs and nurnersus oilier artietet Everything* advertieed will be eold With, eel reserve 58 preonetor lite diepoled law retrin end II !eating at met. TERSP4.,-.„Alt aline of *10 end tinder, t`leti; ever tett ;Meer% Mint Menthe' rte. set Will be Meets tUrritehinit spergeta eeeri t_ea a 4 141 rent, straight *Mowed ler ciet eredit a - renal. Jeflee C. lerilq?„ T. inUNDflY, letsprielsr. itceMteer. !Murdoch,. of Homival; Mr. McGee ols4i mama owKam ls Stalker. of Auburn, all being! ...-,..... t WEI* or !toPhowo. with the exeePtien Two Hams Ganda la North wallop i of Mrs. Teolline, a sister. At the I tea Loses. a Week --Town ail , mineral lierviee hlr. McGee gave it Townskip Leese. Ales Orgsaised. I Very appropriate solo. DOlettlieni reet IMO* pnniss140, Ontetithstalteling ELLISee.Word has, been reeved small oda*, have more **Wen*" awivg. than by Goderich friettels of the death at YOU. cthe family residence in Feist Jeffer. o SOU avenue, Datreit, of leIrs. Guy. 11 " oil it getting the stales habit. Peraistently 'Worthington Ellis, formerly of $5 Roe rat theater. She was it woMot rare in wines account week tor ein five years, aad with Wow* at 3% samkaromay, yam balsam will Mel $1401.74 sot UNION BANK OF CANADA Cosierich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager TOWN TOPICS Vegetal( TOnnianient in' June 7th ° Wingbam baseball club is plan- ning for a baseball tournament for Julie 7th, wit •Coderich, Zurich, neerly ell elaesee. And the hoard beetles pUeectildieet.,4gtoiiienmtte9ri. ithheiail7evirld !rein New • Librarian and Aisoistant 414114nint:deting' of the • pulefic library board as • held. on Saturday night Teeswater MI Iffinkhant Itie the tbas: to Consider the a plications for position of librar en and care. competing teams. - taker, bliss ROSO eAitken, sister of the present librolineat present in London, was appointed to 'the posie trial For have been *et for Netednes. Hon of librarian, and it WAS decided to gore her an assistant for one eve. day, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 6th, ening and on Saturday, Mee* Pl'iddie rith and 8th, the same dates as -last .being appointed assistant, Mr. Att. pear, The committee de now Work..-Icen was reappointed caretaker. • . ang on revising the prize list, which IS . being eonsiderehltit, InereaSeti GOT:WHICH SOLDIERS' 141111041410. „,..„.„.... ........,... oseese-se . TENHilti wAirrea l". ' A comniunication, has been receive . e • • etetoreyeaceredisasonendc-onoritees. kociaearaesnqlouraireei., committeelTvoLeIntx0;.40e_n. Saturday,•;.._April ,..8thi 1022. to commemorate the mottle or coderreit Soldiers* Nerrairial Price between 11,000 and .117,000. Lowest 'elite .Exceuency, Atte Governor Gen - nor any tenger not fleece's/11y iccepted.' Fr, narrenetto. • • . oral eend Sir Arthur Currie are at. For further particulate Write . ' - Sects,. Deeign.'committee. Itetlinadtingeom4e3 5g0110eglet;' ilaOlir 0181 elefIrtsexyPrIltedbe present. . AUCTION . SALES Lieut. -Colonel W. IL Robinson of .e7.-..-----------------ligrloei eeet 12,eeni. STOCK "A-N^Te Wolseley Barracks.. Londonis he .4. IMPLEMENTS. • i„nner committee s representative ma. win. E. irox . for Military gyalalitatoryfoDrivitstarrdiet ;lye.. 1140arnInditwitolul will sell by Plante aurtiort at lot 31, con, .,,,,, ,.., 2 tneyneid hroadkist ooderten township, to 1 kV omeere who desire to attend. • commetigglirAilP t•Vgleneltitilowingt: Medals and Cup .Will Be Presented merees.-t horse rising / years old; t at. Public Gathering ' horse, rising 10 years old: t marc, rising . ., , „ „,. . ,„ , .. 13 years old,• I 'tiding, rising 3 emirs 11. meettng 41 ene execuetve of the old; 1 colt,. risioir a moues. . • Goderich Heckey Aosociation- was. :tQcweltuieeedoisctoewin, .engeww.eyi urp 0V ::- 4 SI 0 r tire' lAriwia: bold. on aur ay night .as., to stairialeleor hdeuifetreforemiribenwn sabyoeuatrstheouttiret i :tel:Isigten Ausp 'athreetsiluintanbefesthfeortotvinhe heifer,. coming 2' years old; 3 yearunss..1 le to ague games, the deficit on the O. „Arldir.ereseire tiow, soppestet. •. R. .. ,.,, . , lit,teP n . II A games was made up. a eirfor - s wane 'Wyandotte coeterels,- and a yearly competition was pure need brim* gobbler it not previously solo, • d 1 ed 1 ' to the In sinalements.-t • .Massey -Harris fertilizer an a so in a s r . . . dividena disc drill, -nearly new; 1 -Deering cum, players of the winning team. The vetor. nearly neW; 1 set of bone:ages Association has also cleared up 4 gasoline nearly new; a set of seales, 23o0iba.; S nuniber of old account* against the , engine, nearlir hesT. .,. . _ - ., , a Goma, Shapley arid Muir; .1 woodrack; rum,my nesocutwon ill tormer years. i light wagon; t eang IOW”- 1 .garden ,_ Wbott 'the medal& are e wowed and. 4,1- - ,"--- received general meeting of those elem. nearly ewer; teweieleg ea ree. ilea n nutnber of other artieles. . .a .. Aleo 20 cords Of nerdwood, le inches Vehii have been • most interested In . . long • hoekey the past season will be cal. eitteiseaan snag or too atm under, led as.* ets ......,,,,,,tatio.....41 1 vs.. h. cash• -.over. that amount seven months •• es the P''''. . M,..".. P!'o ., ereeh nri reentering approved joint notes. made and. 5111 eneentwe lot next year A aleeotint of 4 per cent, straight allow- elected. . . - • ed tor cash on emelt amounts'. COnsiderable equipnient in the way W51. E. liALL, THOS. GUMMY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. of . Mits,,gloves,, sticks, and pads has .- . \ ' been purchased this sett$011. .. . Proudfoot Not •With Liberals • eregonse Fell SALE -7 -roomed Verne iTorontl, March 12, -(Canadian Jes. house, all Modern conveniences, ear- er o e an i r a Roa ADP'S Press Dumatelt).--Senator William premise*. • ' . • • • ta proprietor, eJallis STURDY. 'On the s DOR SALE. -Square piano. -Apply . at ine. .32 OCEAN HOUSE .' . . . . FOR SAI,E.--Annual• sweet glover seed,' biennial sweet 'clover seed 'White Illossom), . Banner ,Oats. from OovertiMent registered seed No. 72 Oates No, 21 Barley, feed corn. A. H. CLUTTON, R. It. No. ' e. Goderieh, libone 1411 Bentatiter. • . Fon SALE.-Mitr Orpington. Eggs for hatehing. Good laying strain. W. BERN, Shoe Merchant • Godelich Industrial, Exhibition Sent. 6, and 8 eThe ditto: for the thedevich Indus - Reunion Dinner of Overseas pinch!, ed from Toronto to the effect that a reunion dinner of overseas officers -la to be held at the Kinc Edward Hotel, Fon ,SALE OR TO LET FOR SALE. -Thoroughbred chickens -4 Orpington Irens, 28 1.e5110r11 pellete, flow laying: a number of fine White Wpm- - done cockerels, several pairs or Russian Orloirs--great winter birds. Also me le - dies' bicyele. at; gond as tieW, Address Box 15. STARserFICE. A UTOMOBILE Felt SALEsseiteLartgleln seven-passeeger, meehanicelly per- fect. Real tan leather upholstering. Spare Mee and tubes. no- •ptunp, chains and, other extra equipMent Bargein tor quick sale. G. L.•PARSONS, GOderich. EtiOS• FOR - ItATCHING,--Ithode blend Red, Iniered ItOekS and White' S. Leghorn eggs. 11.00 115), Men a few Red Cockerels. B. 11. TOWaSSND, Market Clerk, Ooderich. IOR •SALE.-e8Weet Clover 'seed, White Wesson', 1620 crop, also fled,. Clever seed. tioth re-eleanoo. Apply to WM. STEVENS, Mankind Con., ColDerne It. No. Clinton, or 'phone Colborne hlun. 16 r e0, tir EMSTITCHINO 150 PICOTINO AT- TAelleIENT, fits any riewing machine, priee 82.110. Personal chool‘s 104', extra. BRIIMMAN'S SALES AGENCY, Box 42, St, Catharines. Ont. Two baseball league games at hotae it week and two sway is what Secretary Bill Barlow is looking for- ward to for tho coming summer fee Goderich. Goderich is already in the North Wellington Baseball League beauty and WWI known to many itt and it meeting will be held some time ' Goderich. In 1900, as Florence Oil: month at Palmerston to draw up 1 Bluett Filth, she spent the year a. the schedule of games for the sea- lwoeel in mulkal study. She had 11011. Then * meeting is to bo held ' been 111 only it few days and her at Clintell OD Saturday with the idea deittit was the result of double pneu. of forming a league consisting of monis. Besides her husband, °atm is Gotlerich, Zurich,. Vi iegharlt and Time president of the Guy W. Ellis Real water. And, ii . addition to *II tithe Estate VerapetlyA She leaves three a town league was organized last small daughters, Marjorie Bluett, night, Ito this little old town will get Virginia Worthington and Elisebeth * chance to get pretty' well innOcu- Preekard Ellie. Mrs. Ellie was the lated with the bell bug. , And those daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. who know say the Goderlch team in Pied, of Rochester, where 14 years the North Wellington league will be ago she Wan married, going with her a "good" one. humbend to Detrolt 10.1915. She was The officers of the Iiii3odatiern are prominent in society there and active as follows: non. president, Ce, Le . in minty charity eircles, he welt 48 a•ltIoeret Peettidertt. er, We Frailerl vice telented musician. Before going to president, Reg. W. Sharmsn; seat - Detroit with her hueboul, Mrs. Ellie tary, W. W. Barlow; treasurer, F. W. . was well known in social anti musical Woolvombe, et manager._ Item liars; re a oe er. . . was executiveee-etessrs. Wiggins, Pere formerly seeretary of the Rothester 80138, Black. Thompson, Dr. Hunter, Evening Times Company. ' W. Bisset, IL H. Taylor, Roy Lloyd, A. MeQuarrie, T. Woods, U. a. s. AMONG Tim caujkoss /mites, T. II. Mitchell, AS. Buchan. an and W. Somerville. Salvation Array entertaininent At the meeting held in the Board ATu.e Velar.' 1%.Alargeohod8ipstrotti utriellt er 111. 111 the question of a town league, or a of Trade rooms lest night to tette UP gues_, drills, etd. • town and township league, as it is The regular monthly meeting of likely to be, Dr, Cole wasappointed the Arthur Circle will be held in the ehairman, and Lorne Young ilecre. lecture room of Knox elturch on Mon- toy. The meeting went on record day evening, March 20th, at 8 p. tn. tut approving the formation of a town The evening will be in thane of letiss league organization and the follow. E. Wiggins and Mra. eh Johnston. ing Odieleris 'Were elected: Hon, Pre. All young women of the congrege.- sident, Mayor Wigle; president, Dr. tion are eordielly invited. Cole; viceeepresident, 0. ' Ginn; entree Vintoria St. Methodist chunde tarY, W. W. Barlow; treasurer, Geo,. i°v' T" P'ift' lI4•gir;tae Evaetetriv7Ptbel:rn vices -for :7March iiofonerelreintiveeectedbyeatimorningeri01Fi4.m.:sunyciubentmvhiieru.itn_ School and bible clams at 3 p, rag l'ind104GelodY :heal wn bothColbornewotileinhave a toWriisip evening' worallip at 7 v. me subject, an n"Toollsof, Shalt Not Bear False Wit e tesAmnienntthrseniceesgfueee. of $5 .tro;n, tacit The servinee in rannc ChUreh itl)Xt teamht they w il decidedlera pa nl e tiel tha eg useshreda nat. el ep Sabbath will be conducted by the this awn to be returned at the end 7:OW rin11, the Matt and, `his vrork: to the condition. 415:10;holittal.38:1a:::r.thirl.n.13:trroie: ot the season if the dug gee geed up The gate receipts are to be diveded fourth in series on Things truly be. in third*, one third to each teem par. Raved, "Waa Christ Truly 111.1Matte" i Sabbath and Iible Mimeos at ticipetand one th• rd to„ the me ugoefuna ocoo.• , Arrangements for the distributheie ' Baptist church, Sunday, March 10: of the Purity Flour player] among Both services will be conducted b/ the town league teams, decision SS to ttihpeeakP4Oafthi:C'hIrti:tV'S. °tie'CONn'd Deo7niengY.,.*"1.:r teams wishing sh in, subjeeti 14Three classes wk .° theropheex, ecanudtivoothertcoomdeetnntatietlitseetahreeanlideeaftimatolle.. p. 1i,., 3"1:p°.urtn3.,teliBisblie°_Stehheooel-hrihisuenene' torote.tGnont6traYterthetbaavncreAtalpritrii 1115rthlts, ore. day, 8 p. m., 13. Y. P. U..Top.le will them intention. be taken by Mre. Johnson. Wednes- day, day, 8 p. ree prayer :service. , • The annual 'meeting of the Eureka Bible Class of Victoria street church, was held et the home of Miss (;. Worthy, Hineks street, on Monday evening,- March Oth, and the follow - Ing officers were elected: Hon. pre- sident, the pester and Mr. G. M. El- liott; pres. ,Mrs. .1. Muteh; vite pro.. Miss Elsa Oke; see., Miss Gertrude .Worthy; treas.. Miss Ruby Knight; pianist, Mrs. Thos. Iloggarth; teach- GUNDRY'S SALE REGISTER er, Mimi b.I. Bentley; convenor of de- votional committee, Mrs. W. Ticle: bourne; conveitor of flower commit. tee, Miss Mamie Warrener; convenor of look -out committee, Mrs. Robte Bere; convenor of social coramittee, Mrs. James johnaton. . North Ste Methodist chutes, Rev. H. D. Moyer, pastor. Next Sunday will be Anniversary Day in this church, when special sermon:: will be preached by n former pastor, Rev. Dr. Itoutledge'of Hamilt,on. •Ilia 'morning themewill be, "Memories of the Way;” evening, "Filling the New Mold." The Doctor's many friend': will be delighted to have this oppor- tunity of hearing hint again. The Mission Bend; Classes and Mane! Club will meet at 10. The club to - pie, Palm should wo• select our read- ing?" will be taken by Mr. Harold Cooper. The Sunday tichool will meet at 3 p. In. The League topic for Tuesday night will be "Great Ar- tists and their paintings," and will be taken by Miss Marjorie Aitken. The meeting will be led by Mien Florence Doherty. The choir under the dir. cotton of Mr. I), 11. Weston are male-. ing splendid pro're:;:; in their re- heareals for t grand COrkeert to he iriVell, Tiler:day evening, eApril 4th. There will be an augmented choir of fifty voices, unstated by Mr. Buckley and the Biaciattone Orchestra. There will be a mixed Mot:rain, An oute rganding feature of which will be a IN MEMORIAM concert excerpt from Verdes 11 Teo- huefilbt•Lel„. 1:411kestene(-mtn..elititoirrdictulecett %is; Vatoro. . toe en March nue JON, so 0-11111' and kind hie morrows' We eherish. nut %mad not room! 111111 tIr ,ttlfirtli" Olen; ThOuati parted on earth, 144. shall meet him Proudfoot has ,Writter: to the editor, of the Toronto Globe; the following letter: • • "On my return to Toronto my at - tendon was drewn to it photograph of myself (Friday issues) and below it it statement 'that 1 had given my ;allegiance to the Liberal party, ate "This statement is not correct. I have not given my allegiance to the Liberia party andhave no intention' of doing so. In the hart election fon the local House I ran as an Indepen- dent. I was appointed to the Senate by the Union Government. I gave that Government an independent support. I have always felt that the Senate should be an independent body and intend to continue that la- titude, "When the Senate reeumes on Tuesday ,next I will fully define my position." OBITUARY HALE. -An old resident of Gode- rielt in the Denson of Mrs, H. Hale, died at .the home of her daughter, Aire. W. Morrow, at Seattle, Wash., tie Illarch 11th. litre. Hale had been in failing health for the poet two years and had been gotifined to her bed only two weeks previous to her deathler, Hale predeceased her a- bout eleven years ago. They were residents of Goderich for about 50 Years and were members of Victoria St. church" living Chrietian !Ivo and always being witting to take On art- to hear Rev. T. .11. McCullough, ile 'MUSE eon AlSE. -Frame cOitaffil, tom of orthside, Snok t Frank, of Ed- , THE LIST AND THE GIST (1 LS'. ADVERTISEMUNTS ...............................................,......4. -1111.....-1,r,:,..,-..-.., .. s'-' 0",,... P.,— , .-,.....,phra••,,-..ka• DOR SALE ,, --Pure White 110 0111 Clever ive part in chureh work. Mrte 'fele A„ of London, At the temPeronee Mil }leen Y la ed foal all eosrew w.,10iiriti.lit. Txy, ae,,e.ild. Re. 4s.eri je6LieAreilepposniNoOn.0 toe rbittiltie- left a fantile of four sons and two thie (Thuraday) evening at 8 o'cloCk.. Municipal No. _ daughters, Vit. J., of Toronto; T. R., monton; Bert, of iiindeor,- Thee Mc - Doe, of Yuearpa, Cal., end Mrs. W. . IN TIIIS WEEK'S STAlt Asa WOK water and bath room. Apply ton St MerroW, of Seattle, Weals ULM /AacVicar has another in. The New Seasonei Gee& are on to 0E0. WILLIAMS. on the promises, Plc- ,,, J.: er; i iterit's wheel; i coal oll shwa Santutirilda tereoting tall: on eprine millinery exhibition at 'W. Ilett. Sluirraan'o, y.-Johtentdethatehrettiolt plaeo On styles. Iler opening is the three and he invites the ladle : of Gede. von SALE.-Bronn Legliorns and COORt- and oven; i eoal oll heater. Apply STAR eoriein,inee, mr, IL 11. rtiteetntrti.eooff !flits, I heleo:iangli. odlatypeatig tine went:. Read rich to nee them. Page..........10 OFFICE for addreSS. , 10 A word of WNe Advice Lo it Br SINEsiliatnerl NITIEse soMe durritiOn. Mr. Butt Wo3 horn lo x, the Titinge for Spring -Gray ,Page .. ' Stephen Butt, after an Mums of Still They Come, More Mid Love- your Hoster Suit from Chae. Black. 4, mariemite snen-inereontente at Porter'S 7 Read tvhat M. Robine bee to nay in Dorcetshire Eng., but was brought and Cartwright. Page building Nee% eenient foundation, In gond testes to this country' as a young child, set- Al ment for nett about hie Great Threo-Weeks* fui sec announce MIL near Goderrelo I les etorey tling at Darlington. FOr many yearn weelt. Note page 5 Slaughter Sale. Page- '11 0 e P"naitioll, eeee ee gnome; ate" I t•el ereeeee he had resided at P.enntiller and he What the Coal Man Says. -The The arrival of Snt: pri!Ade Corn - frame nOUcle, (IMII "wing ' wwdifIK' ' Wrla prominently cotmected with Be- ;exults Coal Co. Page ' stone foundries'', reeler, 1.4 acre Of land 10 field% with a very attrrtetiVe din., Winter is just one ton of coal rater :mother. SALE REGISTER FRIDAY, March 24th -,Auction sale of„.•Sarne stock and implements at lot 43, Gravel Road, Hullett, come xnencing at 1 o'clock. O. E. Elte RATT. proprietor. JOHN STALK - auctioneer. e FRIDAY, March 24th -Auction sale of faint stock and IMPlentelete at lot 31, concession 2 (11syliele reed), Goderielt tovntelap, commencing at 1 o'clock. WM. E. HALL, proprietor. TIIOS. GUNDRY, auctioneer. TUESDAY, March ilisteeettuction sale of faint stock, implement:4 etc., property of REG. FOWLER, lot 4, COIL el, Colborne Tp. (1 1$6 135i1e8 east • of ('arlow).. • TUESDAY, March lathe -Clearing auction sale of fornt dock, lunge. ments, seed, grain and feed, at lot 15, eon, 4, Goderich totenship, come inellchlie at 1 o'clock Otero. GEO. B. WILSON, proprietor. 'I'. GUN. - DRY, auctioneer. DIED lon1191.1.:Y...in Toronto, on Tuesday, %wee UM. or, Catherine Dean, .widow te the la11101131,1 leriteley. LAWSOsi. -In Maeldin. 63t13., On ElUndaY, March letir, Mary Straughan relict of Me late ;Millar Lawton, area es.yeare. LAWIIENCE. eta Coderielt, on. TireadaY, Moron 1411t.-1422. Mully Dalt, beloved Wire or Mr. Fralak IS.Lowronee, .CoderielLFaturdaY, Mareli 1111), 104..'2, Ent/Meth Jane Allen, be• loved wire of Mr, George .o. carry. seta 15 years. bUTT. .11 Gerierieb. on Saturtiay, March ttni, stophen Hutt. In hia 111.111 year. 411 floderteh, on Thurthlay, Moron oth, Innieriett• megenne, hOit of toe tate teelata etexenzie. 91 1118 920(1 year. * , YOU ARE INVITED ,•••••••••••••• more op legg, 4 Ditiny in property and thel church, taking an active part ae .T. W. ("oleic Announces Three plaee Page pettlyagregielInejeletAait. eliatiers.n*lecionsixptiAgrierl; choir leader,. as Bible Chien teacher fntereetinre Offeringe . in ReeL Eq" ' J. 11. Colborne * C°'' eeneueee SIAIADA15 Itielltienid StWe3tToromo, and on the boards of the churchlb ,tat'Pagae a . 1 the arrival of a evonderful ragof Main . »artncr-i1:-1if0 d'd abcnit 8 etweByoand e;hild. Northway butte and Coat e Page 19 ,.-f-ty.„., .,Q t r ,.,„ hp, A 4..„ ,: geo, and fur the past eottple a Y4.M.0; ij()C11,111,4 .1,ir ay to :Kee!, Then) ODOM Snecialg for the Thtifty x -..vale 1-0-1 4.--,,In"-iWe's-rierik:'•or,4106e-ii: be had lived in Godericli. Ile vene There ----A Photograph, frOM J. T. Housewife et J. J. Met work'n. Page 8 ' A tv.o.atory brick bocce, aim' cement kit. a member of Bentniller Ledge of For- I Fell. Page ..... 10 Thought] of Spring and the erten, cellar under house. -tr barn GLIM, eaten and the pall -bearers at hie fan- What Does Wall Paper Mean to Glorioue Frohnoll of NoW Aptiar- straw- ene*" r'et'e4. stew . ing i' noP " he ee ral which was held Oil Ttle3dttSr to You?sesPorter'e. Page ... , 10 rel. tielce.t. Ladies' Ready.to-Wear cantina* root Donee, lien Lories gee pieag lien. ;Wee 110illiei artesian well wife? jine C,OWOrile cemetery, were 3lestire. Mi.' gee What Smithee Art Store eigee,, are Showing the ' New Models. st es. 511weter„ie 1111 (Y, also a chael Ohler, Peter Fisher Clarence to :Jay about smite eindee English 'e Page 4 *eel 'e'en *g the i•Ctn44s* ° arrcl Walters and Mr. Chamblere. The ' dinner ecte just in, and see the nett chard, tut leo 19 all WW1 *Twig but a• Aeetion Nate of Facet titOek and two mites from maven ,alta goo., mug. Itcycraft. Of a family of six ail - I Martin the a or ae zome i 10 Lupien:cute. O. E. Ferrate, page1 Clearing Auction Sale of Farm bout tea scree ne mile front ser.oeL services were eondueted by ROV. Mr." at the store. Page- • • Pareten. Pekno 23 I' 7,- biurgateMer.• ren, only one, !Hrs. Fisher, of town, to say on What. Inert agree onStock, Implement% Seed Grain and MARIA MeWitiNNEY,_ R. n. leo. le seep. - now survives. Two half brothere, page ' . 4 Fecd-Geo. B. Wilson, page 1 it ',ALE to ass lel In- rine bstilliS4. Mark, of Windsor, and Chao., of Bay I Read Whet Saturday Night 'iloyc item° for Salceaelohn Study. borsesh pouitry, s cowe, sheep. Ve• City, and four 'half misters, Mre. about (4,1 14111 Fleur Mille. Ltd. Page ..... .... . ....... 1 meet, b ti 41 i e 4 eat4, etee 1'4 -Slatted: In ... 0 1., tir ' Pitum for State -Ocean 'louse. ..••.•.•.1 twos state euitivettea convenient te vie teolline, of ',Judson Mr& Farough, oubscription for stock. Page.- • .10 Page • • . • . . h""' gle Y' "I' Beteteen (et IlaY Cite' Mr GeOrge v. it. inn & co. win take your lerneeo Ilfl'es remit. tome: *mass ctIlime of Essex, and Mrs. A. Mittel:, of Al- Alice Lake, Anterao Memo and For Oale,-.A. II. Outten. raga 1 pnaltereetaillseurreiaenacerel; ralireeleggel, Delta; survive. Among Oven who Constattee Talmadge, at no Model eteer :mit, *15*' 1' element a•reete cc were bore for the funeral were Mr. next week. Page 5 1 Laur.dry lierantedgeMre. It. Wile melt !lenge. ,latra. rive? view; tape i'.1 anti elw 151,,ernitt barn, luditra.ng role, sim. Mrs. 'Weeteott, of liamilton; Ctunerte Price:: ate Away Down cmlieffPOrtgr;rerten Eggs fer Salt - Mrs. Collitte, of Wintiter; Mre. at eArnpbelll'el Dree Store. Page- e ttnEttne azil tAmitr.v tic.ue4, Owner un W. Here. Page ..... ...... 1 e to Operate, sexo tekes ell. pan eel% Sinoth, Of 11 "0.1', Mr. arid Mrs. Butt, Waated--eA, II. iilattom. ttim...1 leaStealitn. Oat., Caned*, 1 VC C15. Page . ...... ,,...,,,,.. ..... e. Clever ECM for Salc - etVra, Fete I egal term mrsze c&vg• 731 teliw ro? of tetaforth; Meo. Petty end family, eleiehl Inn, for lealce---Boa 15, l;tat' ri4-7"' cenr•cea° f"4`• V''' l'• 'tag -I -ELL 'of ileneall; Mee. Boned,* UM! Mee. Oteee. Page 0